My Street Wisdom Adventure on 24th May, by Nick Hammond (

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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What I learnt from the Street

Central London24th May 2014

Nick Hammond @digital_filter ;

What is Street Wisdom?

The Street is a place we usually hurry though on our way from here to there, dodging other pedestrians and those charity collectors, screening

out the noise, lost in thought and grabbing food on the go. Street Wisdom sees it differently. The street is an amazing place to learn – an invisible

university – if you know how to look.

The Question I wanted an answer to –

‘How do I find the courage do what I love , all of the time? ‘

(or….increase the time I spend running Creative Thinking workshops, so that this becomes the thing

that I do)

As we began, we saw the start of the Walking for Homeless People– Annual Pilgrimage, on the steps of St Martin in the Field. A pretty

inspirational start to the day !!

I spoke with Pascal, busking in Trafalgar Square

I spoke to him because he looked like he had the conviction to follow his dreams.

He was inspirational - he talked about the positive power you create for yourself ( and for other people ) when you follow

your dream

I paused in St James’s Square

Despite having worked in London for 26 years , I was last in this garden 24 years ago

I saw that some parts of the garden were carefully tended and others left to grow wild. This meant to me that some plans need to considered carefully and other

times, you just have ‘to go for it’

Inspiration from the White Van Man

Working on their own and without a company structure to support them. They just get on and do , what they do.

Inspired by Napoleon III

Who lived off St James’s Square prior to the 1848 Revolution and his return to Paris in that year. I imagine he must have felt a fair bit of excitement, energy

(and some trepidation) in this house !!

Looking down, instead of Looking up

I have always sought a fresh perspective by ‘looking up’ in cities (this thought inspired my website – ) but this time I looked down. I found it

helped focus my thoughts really well

Using Different Senses

Instead of looking and listening, I tried touching things. Perhaps the most under used Sense? This made me more sensitive to, and more aware of, my

surroundings and my thoughts

Stephen Wiltshire MBE

Walking in a quiet arcade off Piccadilly, I found the gallery of Stephen Wiltshire. He paints marvelous, detailed pictures after seeing a location for a brief period of

time only

On the video running in the window was the wonderful quote –

‘Find what you are best at… and do it all the time’

Stephen Wiltshire MBE

First World Problems

Passing an art gallery focusing on Art from Afghanistan, I was reminded of wider problems in the world and how lucky we are - to express ourselves and pursue

our dreams

Finding Space in the City

I learnt I could do this on a busy street or in an open place – It’s all about finding space in one’s mind

Finding Time in the City

It is possible to take time out of the hurly burly , get some peace and be creative. Street Wisdom only lasted 2 hours but I felt I had been away for ages

What else did I learn?

( some of these from the fab post session in Grace Restaurant on Great Windmill St

• Cities are not about buildings, but about the people who move between them • Everyone is on the move in cities. By standing still, even for a short while, you

notice so much more• I started by looking at the buildings but ended up looking at the people – they

are so much more interesting !!• Back streets are much more interesting than main streets• The initial simple ‘street sensitisation’ excercises really worked. By the time

we addressed our individual questions, I felt relaxed and confident about asking the Street for answers.

• I can really see how the process boosts sensitivity, awareness and our ability to solve problems

Go on a Street Wisdom session!!

I really can’t recommend it enough.

Something pretty special happened to me out there.

Nick Hammond @digital_filter ;