My Two Cents · 6/12/2016  · Gina Mykleseth 441-4940 Sister Parish St. Charles Pennington...

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Your Parish Representatives:

Parish Council Members: Ben Baird, Sarah Bofferding, Kevin Erpelding, Anita Froelich, Jim Gorham, Cynthia Haskin, Brent Rud, Mary Scofield, Drew Weaver

Finance Council Members: Jeff Cwikla, Amy Haskell, Claude Sand

School Council Members: Jaclyn Bergerson, Tiffany Fankhanel, Christine Louvar, James Marcotte, Trudy Peterson, Laura Schwindt

Trustees: Joann Gardner, Hank Krigbaum

St. Philip’s Church


Parish Staff

Pastor: Fr. Chuck Huck 441-4901

Parochial Vicar: Fr. Don Braukmann 441-4902

Deacon/Bookkeeper: Deacon Kermit Erickson 441-4903

Director of Stewardship & Development: Maggie McCalip 441-4906

Director of Music & Liturgy: Aana Freihammer 441-4905

Director of Preschool & Elementary Faith Formation/Safe Environ. Coordinator: Kris Jensen 441-4944

Parish Administrative Assistant: Robb Naylor 441-4904

Director of Youth Ministry/Middle & High School Faith Formation: Luke Alexander 441-4908

Campus Ministry/Adult Faith Formation: Blake Quick 441-4907

Parish Office Coordinator: Tammy Johnson 441-4900

Facility Maintenance Supervisor: Larry Mack

Maintenance Support Staff: Greg Allen Jim Shaw


St. Philip’s School Staff 218-444-4938

Principal: Carol Rettinger ext. 4941

School Office Staff: Jean Patnode 441-4940 Kerry Frauenholtz 441-4942 Denise Kern 441-4943 Gina Mykleseth 441-4940

Sister Parish St. Charles Pennington

Saturday at 4:00 PM (Fishing Opener to Labor Day)

Holy Spirit Newman Center BSU/NWTC

Events held at various locations on BSU campus. All sacramental events take place at

St. Philip’s Church.

St. Philip’s Clothing Depot

218-444-3835 Tuesday through Sat.urday

9:30 AM to 3:00 PM Manager: Norma Himmelright

Diocese of Crookston Victim Assistance Coordinator: Louann McGlynn 218-281-7895

My Two Cents by Fr. Don Braukmann June 12, 2016

Our year round Sunday night 6:30 PM Mass made its debut last Sunday. We are in need of folks to take on the various ministries at the Mass from altar servers to ushers and from song-leaders to sacristans. If you can help out with these ministries please let Aana know by calling her at the parish office (444-4262) or email:

Be sure to turn in your baby bottles which are part of the annual fundraiser for Northwoods Pregnancy Center. Fill them with loose change, checks, etc. to help support the service provided by the Center. Your donations help those on the front lines in the struggle to defend human life in the womb.

Congratulations to our local Knights of Columbus council for being awarded the Star Council award. To achieve this honor the council met required new membership levels, new insurance quotas, submitted all required paperwork on time and achieved goals in providing activities to the community for families and youth. The last time the Star Council was given to our local KC’s was 1999. Thank you for all you have done to serve our parish, community and diocese!

We welcome Luke Alexander to St. Philip’s as he begins his ministry to the youth among us! I have known Luke for the past few years as he has been a student at BSU and has been very involved in campus ministry there. This past year Luke participated in NET (National Evangelization Team) ministry by traveling around the country with a dozen or so young adults giving retreats to young Catholics. He is a good young man who loves the Lord and will serve our youth well.

I attended the recent board meeting of Churches United, the organization which depends upon the churches of the community to help those in need. It was an impressive meeting in that so much is being done to help the less fortunate and St. Philip’s is a key component to its success. Churches United is in critical need of volunteers to help staff the office which is located at Mount Zion Church (the old Lincoln School at 414 Lincoln Ave. SE). Typically, a volunteer works two 4-hour shifts a month. There is training, etc. and you are not alone in the office. For more information give Jennifer (a parishioner of St. Philip’s and director of Churches United) a call at 444-1380. Presently the office is open to serve from Noon to 4 PM Monday through Thursday. There is hope, with additional volunteers, to expand to Friday as well. Thank you to Dan Walter who serves on the board as our parish representative. Churches United is a great ministry and ecumenical effort to meet the needs of people who need help.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: With every decision we must ask ourselves, “Is this getting me closer to heaven?”

Monday, June 13 8:30 AM Mass: +Leo Kueber

Tuesday, June 14 6:30 PM Mass: +Lucille Hendricks

Wednesday, June 15 8:30 AM Mass: +Alma Lucas

Thursday, June 16 7:00 AM Mass: Special Intentions for Fr. Don Braukmann 10:30 AM Mass (Baker Park): +Clara Klasen-Glass 10:30 AM Communion Service (Havenwood)

Friday, June 17 8:30 AM Mass: +Msgr. Wm Mehrkens

Saturday, June 18 4:00 PM Mass (Pennington): +John Schuiling 5:30 PM Mass: +Joe Neumann

Sunday, June 19 7:30 AM Mass: +Con Beaulieu 9:00 AM Mass: For the People 11:00 AM Mass: +Wally Ethen 6:30 PM Mass: +Marge Seitz

MASS INTENTIONS For June 13 to 19


DAILY READINGS For the Week of June 13 to 19

Monday, June 13 8:05 AM Morning Prayer 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Adoration (Chapel) 6:30 PM Pastoral Council Mtg (St. Kateri Rm)

Tuesday, June 14 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM Adoration (Chapel) 6:30 PM School Council Mtg (St. Kateri Rm) 7:00 PM Mary, A Biblical Walk With the Blessed Mother (Soc Hall) 7:30 PM Marian Devotions (Chapel)

Wednesday, June 15 8:05 AM Morning Prayer (Chapel) 9:00 AM Rosary (Chapel) 12:00 PM Finance Council Mtg. (St. Kateri Rm) 4:00 PM Teen Choir (Church) 5:30 PM ABC Event (Rectory)

Thursday, June 16 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM Adoration (Chapel) 1:30 PM St. Jude’s Circle (Bemidji Town & Country Club) 5:30 PM ABC Event (Rectory) 6:30 PM Society of St. Vincent de Paul (St. Kateri Rm) 7:00 PM Blessed Sacrament Prayer Group (Chapel)

Friday, June 17 8:05 AM Morning Prayer (Chapel) 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM Adoration (Chapel)

Saturday, June 18 8:30 AM Bridges Out of Poverty Training. (Sch Cafeteria) 3:00 PM Luke Dockendorf/Sara Messner Wedding 4:30 PM Reconciliation (Chapel)

Sunday, June 19 8:35 AM Rosary (Chapel) 10:15 AM Rosary (Chapel) 3:00 PM Holy Hour (Chapel)

Monday, June 13 ● 1 Kgs 21:1-16 ● Ps 5:2-3b,4b-7 ● Mt 5:38-42

Tuesday, June 14 ● 1 Kgs 21:17-29 ● Ps 51:3-6b,11,16 ● Mt 5:43-48

Wednesday, June 15 ● 2 Kgs 2:1,6-14 ● Ps 31:20-21,24 ● Mt 6:1-6,16-18

Thursday, June 16 ● Sir 48:1-14 ● Ps 97:1-7 ● Mt 6:7-15

Friday, June 17 ● 2 Kgs 11:1-4,9-18,20 ● Ps 132:11-14,17-18 ● Mt 6:19-23

Saturday, June 18 ● 2 Chr 24:17-25 ● Ps 89:4-5,29-34 ● Mt 6:24-34

Sunday, June 19 ● Zec 12:10-11,13:1 ● Ps 63:2-6,8-9 ● Gal 3:26-29 ● Lk 9:18-24

Holy Cross Cemetery

Please remove flowers and other items off grave-sites by Tuesday, June 14th. If items are not removed by the 14th, they will be placed by the altar at Holy Cross. Thank you for your cooperation.


Parents or prospective parents who wish to present a child for Baptism are asked to attend a baptism preparation class.

The next session will be on July 3. Please call the Parish Office at 444-4262 to register, or for more information.

St. Philip’s extends condolences to the family of Judy Dahl. May she find rest and peace, and may her family find comfort in God’s love.



The St. Philip’s Catholic Community welcomes through the waters of baptism, Soren Michael Chock, son of Jon & Kandi Chock, and Ava Mary & Levi David Lundin, twins of Luke & Ashley Lundin. May they be filled with the Holy Spirit!

Cave Quest VBS – Following Jesus the Light of the World August 1 – 5, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

At Cave Quest VBS, kids learn one important Bible Point each day, and it’s reinforced through Bible adventures, Saint Cards, songs, snacks and crafts that help children know more about Christ’s light! So gear up and get ready to register – Registration Forms are available in the Narthex or Parish Office. Cave Quest is for children 3 (by September 1, 2015) through 4th Grade (2015-2016 school year). Contact Kris for additional information – 441-4944.

St. Philip’s Mission Statement: To Accomplish God’s Work

Relic Tour to Visit St. Philip’s Venerate the relics of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, the relics of these two saints who exemplified courage and conviction in the face of persecution are coming to the Diocese of Crookston. St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher were prominent 16th century Englishmen who stood against King Henry VIII’s attempted supremacy over the Catholic Church, and accepted martyrdom instead of abandoning their faith. This witness is especially compelling to American Catholics today, as we face threats to our religious liberty and rights of conscience. The relics of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher will be at St. Philip’s Church on Monday, June 27. The program with presentation of the relics will be from 2:30 to 3:30 PM.

Thinking about spring cleaning or having a garage sale this summer? Why not donate

or rent a booth at St. Philip’s Youth Ministry Parking Lot Sale… all

proceeds help sponsor youth mission trips. Donations can now be dropped off at the Parish Office during business hours.

Booths are available to rent / $25….contact Paula in the Youth Office for more information.

Sale is Saturday, June 25, 8 AM - 4 PM

St. Vincent de Paul, St. Philip’s Conference, Hosting Bridges Out of Poverty

Pope Francis continually reminds us to seek out and minister to the poor. In order to help, we must first seek to understand the causes and impact of poverty. In this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, join us for a one-day workshop discussing Dr. Ruby Payne’s research on poverty through the lens of economic class. We will look at the research, learn about hidden rules and mental models, explore the roles of family structure, language and story, and examine the resources needed to break the cycle of poverty. The workshop will be held on Saturday, June 18, 2016 from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM at St. Philip’s. There will be a $20 fee to cover cost of materials and includes breakfast and lunch. Register by Wednesday, June 15 by calling 218-368-6606 and leave your name, phone number, and mention Bridges Workshop.

Church League Softball — Players Needed!

Summer league softball is just getting started, and the St. Philip’s team needs some additional players! Anyone between 14 yrs and 100 can play — we play Tuesday evenings from 6 PM till about 9 PM - Fun times! Interested players can call or text Greg Lundin at 612-791-6970.

TEACHING POSITION St. Philip’s School has an opening for an upper elementary teacher. This is a full time position. Interested individuals should send a letter of application, resume’, and three letters of recommendation to Carol Rettinger, Principal, St. Philip’s School, 702 Beltrami Avenue NW, Bemidji, MN 56601, or to by June 15, 2016. Thank you.

St. Jude Circle Meeting St. Jude’s Circle will meet on Thursday June 16th at 12pm at the Bemidji Town & Country Club. Co-hostesses will be Sharon Holmgren and Rosemary Pulczinski. a Prayer will be said by Rosemary Petersen. Any interested ladies are welcome to attend for prayer and social time. If anyone needs a ride please contact Sharon Zarrett at 751-1606 or Barb at 751-5089.

June 11/12

Week #49 Contributions (received the

weekend of 6/5/2016)

Envelopes $ 12,306.00 EFT Env. $ 6,635.00 Loose Plate $ 1,184.70 Children’s $ 27.48 Total $ 20,153.18

Fiscal Year to Date (Week #49)

Amount Contributed Envelopes $ 767,833.96 Loose Plate $ 46,940.07 Children’s $ 2,469.12 Total $ 817,243.15

YTD Budget $ 842,390.00

(97.01 % of budget)


STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES Fiscal Year July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016



Blessed Sacrament Prayer Group Come to the Chapel on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month at 7 PM to take part in charismatic prayer with music. All are invited to participate!

Last Week's Mass Attendance Jun 4 5:30 PM _ 309_____ Jun 5 7:30 AM 185_____ Jun 5 9:00 AM 394_____ Jun 5 11:00 AM 321 _ _ __Jun 5________________ 6:30 PM____________________ 92_____

THOUGHTS ON MERCY… “We cannot forget the great content, the great intuitions and gifts that have been left to the People of God. And Divine Mercy is one of these. It is a gift which John Paul II gave to us, but which comes from above.” ~ Pope Francis


An Ultreya gathering will be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at St Joseph's Church In Red Lake Falls. We will begin with Mass at 6:30 PM, followed by two witness talks given by Tom Schaefer and Mike DeMars with Father Bill doing the spiritual summation. We will then break into groups for sharing. A light supper will be served. We plan to finish by 8:00 PM, but can stay longer if we like. All Cursillistas and guests are welcome. Please spread the word on this and bring anyone with you that is curious about Cursillo. This is a great opportunity to show them. For more information contact Warren Malwitz 218-253-2305 or

SOUP KITCHEN HELPERS NEEDED St. Philip’s Parish has committed to serve meals at the Bemidji Community Soup Kitchen one Monday per month. We are committed to June 13, July 18, August 22, September 19, Oct 17, Nov 21 and Dec 19. Meals are served at Zion Church in Nymore (the old Lincoln school). Volunteers arrive at 4:30, serve the meal, eat and visit with guests, clean tables and sweep floors. The work is generally done around 6:30. If interested, please contact Joann Gardner at with names and phone numbers. You do not have to commit to every evening unless you choose to. Joann will call with a reminder the week before you are scheduled to work. This is a fun and easy opportunity to lend a hand to those in need!

Please mark your calendars for the St. Philip’s Parking lot sale. This great event raises funds to help sponsor youth ministry trips. There are several ways to participate: volunteer to help work the event, donate gently used household items, rent a booth, or come and shop on June 25th. Several people have asked if this year’s Parking Lot Sale will be expanded to include kid games, bingo and food items. Unfortunately, I was not able to recruit volunteers to expand the event. This year will be similar to last year. You’ll be able to enjoy grilled burgers while you browse through all the different sale items. Hope to see you there!

Ø Summer is upon us. May it be safe and superb for us all.

Ø The winners of the 2015-2016 Modern Woodmen Civic Oration contest are: 1st place – Allie Beyer (gr. 7); 2nd place – Aaron Heger (gr. 7); 3rd place – Rylee Bradley (gr. 8). What great speakers they are! Thank you to the individuals who served as our panel of judges this year: Andrew Arnold, Erin Jones, Terry Jones, Mark Le Texier, Rita Lealos, and Jean Lindow. Your assistance was greatly appreciated.

Ø The new Patrol Captains for 2016 – 2017 are Kristen McClellan and Hannah Voge.

Ø Our increasing enrollment gives us the opportunity to welcome an additional elementary teacher to our staff. Applicants for the position must possess or be able to possess a valid Minnesota teaching license. Interested individuals should send a letter of application, resume’, and three letters of recommendation by June 15 to: Carol Rettinger, Principal, St. Philip’s School, 702 Beltrami Avenue NW, Bemidji, MN 56601 or e-mail them to:

Ø Vacation Bible School runs August 1 – 5. Children’s Choir Camp is August 8 – 12.

Ø If you haven’t submitted your Service Hours for the 2015-2016 school year, please do so ASAP.

Ø Volunteer Opportunities: parish committees; welcome kiosk; party planners for our 90th anniversary; VBS.

Ø Parents, look for a mailing from St. Philip’s School in late June. It will include a newsletter, calendar, supply list, and verification of your tuition plans.

Ø Safe Environment Certification for 2016-2017 will open in July. Plan to go online to and following the prompts for Safe Environment before school begins in the fall. This certification must be done annually.

Space is limited to 20 people per ABC event. Sign-up by going online to or calling the Parish Office at 444-4262.

ABC All-American

Burgers & Brats Conversation & Chatter

Reserve your spot today! ABC Events are filling up fast! Join Father Chuck and fellow parishioners for a backyard barbecue and tour of the rectory.

Event Agenda 1. Tour Rectory

2. Eat Delicious Food 3. Ask Fr. Chuck Questions

Tuesday Evening Bible Study Invitation

Mary, A Biblical Walk With the Blessed Mother, has begun following the 6:30 PM Mass on Tuesday. This is an 8 week study, to take place in the Social Hall. In this study you will see what life was like for Mary and understand how she felt at each dra-matic moment in Scripture, learn why Mary is such an essential part of our Catholic Faith, see the significance of Mary as you explore the biblical roots of our beliefs about her, deepen your devotion to Mary as you discover our Blessed Mother in a uniquely personal way, and be drawn closer to Christ as mary leads you to a more profound and personal relationship with her Son.

To order a workbook to help you study and follow along with the bible study, call Deacon Kermit at 441-4903. The cost of the book is $28.

ABC Event Date Remaining Spots Wed. June 15 5:30-7:00 pm Filled

Thur. June 16 5:30-7:00 pm 9 spots remaining

Wed. June 29 5:30-7:00 pm 3 spots remaining

Thur. June 30 5:30-7:00 pm 2 spots remaining

Sun. July 3 12:00-1:30 pm 16 spots remaining

Wed. July 6 5:30-7:00 pm 11 spots remaining

Sun. July 17 4:00-5:30 pm Filled

Tues. July 19 5:30-7:00 pm 18 spots remaining

Wed. July 20 5:30-7:00 pm 18 spots remaining

Thur. July 21 5:30-7:00 pm 15 spots remaining

Tues. July 26 5:30-7:00 pm 20 spots remaining

Wed. July 27 5:30-7:00 pm 10 spots remaining

Thur. Aug. 4 5:30-7:00 pm 20 spots remaining

Sun. Aug . 7 12:00-1:30 pm 14 spots remaining

Sat. Aug. 13 6:30-8:00 pm 16 spots remaining

Tues. Aug 16 5:30-7:00 pm 18 spots remaining

Excerpt 3 of 5 from Abortion – Question It! (Flyer), Why Life? – A youth division of American Life League;

They Say: Your life will go back to normal after your abortion. Reality Check:

After an abortion: *The majority of relationships break up.

*Over 50% of women/girls experience nightmares, thoughts of suicide, and an inability to communicate or develop healthy relationships.

*Many women turn to alcohol and drugs.

Next hour of silent prayer at Planned Parenthood of Bemidji: Saturday, June 18; 10-11 AM. All ages welcome.

~For at one time you were darkness, but now...try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. ~ Ephesians 5:8-13

Watercolor Painting Class with local artist Judith Selby

Saturday, June 18th 2:00-5:00 PM at Thrivent Financial 623 22nd St NW

All proceeds donated to Little Flowers Girls Club

Have a creative adventure in a relaxed, fun atmosphere where you can eat, create and socialize. All ages invited. No artistic ability needed. All supplies are provided. Suggested donation is $20 per student. Seating is limited, so preregistration is required. To register call Judith at 218-987-2344 or email

Sponsored by Thrivent Financial

Second Collection Next Weekend The Father’s Day collection is on June 19, 2016. Proceeds from the collection are used for the health insurance premiums, unre-imbursed medical expenses and other health care expenses of our retired priests. Our retired priests continue to give to our diocese as substitutes and good shepherds. Please kindly give generously to the Father’s Day Collection that will benefit our retired priests.

Divorced, Widowed, and Separated People… A Beginning Experience Weekend will be held June 24-26, 2016, at Hankinson, ND. Call Reiko at 701-261-5527 or Anita at 701-361-7114, talk to your priest or go to for more information.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Northwest Minnesota Ministry

MARRIAGE IS A JOURNEY!! A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend can help you enrich your marriage and add some pizazz to your journey. Whether you’ve been married 1 year or 50 years, a Marriage Encounter Weekend may be just the thing you need to put a breath of fresh air into your relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are July 15-17 in Buffalo, MN, Sept 30-Oct 2 in Mankato, and Oct 7-9 in Buffalo, MN . Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact Alan & Missy at or 888-455-3496.

Pilgrimage to Ireland!

Join Fr. Craig Vasek November 14-23 2016 as he leads you on a 10 day pilgrimage to the Emerald Isle. Irish “seanachie” (story-teller) Batt Burns will be your guide for this local immersion experience where he will enchant you with the stories and tales of Irish folklore. Learn how to Irish set-dance to traditional Irish music, meet locals as they welcome you into their hometown and share stories over a pint of Guinness! Also visit the most famous sites of Ireland including the Ring of Kerry, Muckross House, the Blarney Castle, Ireland's National Marian Shrine of Knock, Ballintubber Abbey, Rock of Cashel, the Book of Kells, St. Patrick's Cathedral and much more! This once-in-a-lifetime tour will take you through the landscape of a country whose history and culture instantly captivate the heart and soul while the people of this storied land call you one of their own. $3,999 includes all tours, daily Mass, daily breakfast, most dinners, 4 star hotels, flight/air taxes. Call Corporate Travel for details: 313-565-8888 ext 121 or 150 or visit us online at

Pilgrimage to Italy! Fr. Adam Hamness invites you to join him on a 10 day pilgrimage to Italy from January 12 to 21, 2017. He will be visiting the exciting sites in Venice, Florence, Assisi, and Rome. The cost of this experience will include eight nights’ accommodations at 4 star hotels, daily breakfast, four dinners, luxury motor coach for airport transfers in Italy and sightseeing, local guides, sightseeing and entrance fees according to itinerary, Daily Mass in unique & historical churches, round rip airfare out of Grand Forks, hotel, & city taxes and fees. For the detailed itinerary and costs for this trip, visit and continue to: Pilgrimages, Italy, then on to Fr. Adam Hamness’ pilgrimage.

Parish Office Summer Hours:

Monday through Thursday: 8:30 AM - 5 PM Friday: 8:30 AM - 4 PM

Check Us Out on Social Media! St. Philip’s is now on Facebook and Twitter! Don’t forget to stop by our Facebook page at St Philips Catholic Church and give us a like! Keep in touch with everything going on at the Parish, and even learn about the Saint of the Day!

Follow us on Twitter @StPhilipsBJI and use #StPhilipsBJI on all your posts to help spread the Word of Jesus Christ on Social Media!

SILENT HEALING RETREAT Silent Healing Retreat, July 21-24, 2016 will take place on the campus of Bethel University in St. Paul. The retreat will be lead by Fr. Mathew Naickomparambil VC, Fr. Antony Thekkanath VC, Fr. Sunil Aenekatt VC, and Sister Teresa.

Are you bound by unforgiveness, addiction, or other habitual sins? Are you physically ill? Are you hurting or in need of healing of memories? Could you use some strength and encouragement? Are there divisions in your family? Can you intercede for someone in need of for our Country? Come away to spend some quiet time with Jesus and experience the power of His healing love and mercy. He is waiting for you. Retreat begins Thursday evening and concludes Sunday evening. Sponsored by Mary Mother of the Church, Burnsville, MN and Fr. Joseph K. Bill Ministries, Woodbury, MN. For more information call Rita 651-303-0532, or visit for a full brochure.

Items from Holy Land for Sale at St. Philip’s

Representatives from Catholic Bethlehem Christian Families will be with us on the weekend of June 25 & 26, 2016, to ask for your help and blessing for the native people of the Holy Land in Bethlehem. These families, sixty years ago, made up 18% of the population. Due to recent events in the Middle East, it has caused these families to face devastating economical strain, and caused the population to decrease to less than 2% in the Holy Land. These families have relied on the income from their religious hand carved olive wood artifacts to tourist. So we have come to the USA to try to help support these families by bringing their artifacts here to sell in the USA. All the proceed from sales will be send back to the families of the Holy Land so that they may be able to keep their homes and provide their families. The last few years were very tough for the Christian families, and this is the only source of income for them. Please browse their items and have something from the Holy Land.

Bemidji Area Church Musicians


June 15 ~ Noon to 12:30 PM

Elizabeth Sorenson, Messo Soprano 2015 Scholarship Recipient

Muff Magelssen, organ, keyboard

First Presbyterian Church 5th and Minnesota Ave

Free-will offering to support music scholarships. Lunch will be available following the recital .

Cost to be announced.

MINISTRY SCHEDULE Week of June 11/12

Jun 18, 5:30 PM Twelfth Sunday in

Ordinary Time

Jun 19, 7:30 AM Twelfth Sunday in

Ordinary Time

Jun 19, 9:00 AM Twelfth Sunday in

Ordinary Time

Jun 19, 11:00 AM Twelfth Sunday in

Ordinary Time Jun 19, 6:30 PM

(Sunday, 6:30pm)

SACRISTAN Connie Aagard Jennifer Leisenheimer Joann Gardner Mary Herried HELP NEEDED

LECTOR Amy Buckanaga Connie Aagard

John Bloberger Darla Sathre

John Carlson Cory Gish

Tony Schussman Sue Hengel


INTERCESSOR Joanna Ferraro Sue Bruns Marilynne Hodapp Ernie Rall HELP NEEDED

ALTAR SERVER Aidan Spaeth Ava Spaeth Ian Spaeth

Aaron Hoefer Kiera Hoefer Gabby Johnson

Cami Adams Daniel Froelich Bridget Westrum

Westin Gourneau Nathaniel Gourneau Lily Larson


CAPTAIN Betty Lindy Patti Van Camp Stephen Steele Sue Hengel HELP NEEDED


Germaine Cheslock Heidi Hiscock April Boucher Connie Aagard HELP NEEDED HELP NEEDED HELP NEEDED

Brad Arel Pat Gavin Dale Dewitt Joyce Berg Barry Karpinski Jennifer Leisenheimer HELP NEEDED

George Gardner Mary Varriano Theresa Steele Cathy Lalli (sub req.) Ashlea McMartin Dan Shea Mary Bjerke Kathy Pfann Jamie Hoffman

Kimberley Gourneau Jane Baukol Mary Herried Carol Rettinger Karen Williams HELP NEEDED HELP NEEDED HELP NEEDED HELP NEEDED



Dave Hiscock Terri Chmielewski Glenn Aagard Dick Robinson

Gary Bruns Jim Gavin Jim Schneider HELP NEEDED

Phil Hodapp Mark Froelich Zach Froelich Aidan Chadwick

Mike Doty Barb Fitzgerald (sub req.) Hank Imsande HELP NEEDED




Pat Schnell Eleanor Morin (sub req.) Sharon Holmgren Alice LaCoursiere

Don Rettinger Carol Rettinger David Hengel Kelley Hengel

GREETER Susan Burlingame Kathy LeMoine

John Bloberger Marjorie Bloberger

Marian Evans Darlene Stepaniak

Rita Lauderbaugh (sub req.) Wanda Doty



Dan Voss Claude Sand (sub req.)

Alan Merschman Deb Bauer HELP NEEDED


Aana Freihammer Margaret DeMers Beth Hendricks Aana Freihammer Aana Freihammer