My WebQuest IntroductionIntroduction, Task, Task Cont., Process, Evaluation, Conclusion, Teacher’s...

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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My WebQuestIntroduction, Task, Task Cont., Process, Evaluation, Conclusion, Teacher’s Page, Teacher’s Page Cont.


Rocky and Bullwinkle were traveling to find food when they took a wrong turn and ended up in the wrong biome. Can you help them find their way back home? Where do they live?


Rocky and Bullwinkle are confused as to which biome they live in, the Coniferous Forest or the Deciduous Forest. Along their journey, they picked up a few friends who were lost as well. To help them find their correct home, you must figure out which animals live in which forest and the kind of climate each forest has. Last thing you must do is figure out the location of each forest to help give them directions home. How will you go about doing this?

Task Cont.

The friends that Rocky and Bullwinkle picked up were: A Grey Wolf Pine-Tar Vole Jack Rabbit Wood-Duck Weasel


Number 1: Find out the climates of

each forest

Number 2: Figure out which animals

live in each forest

Number 3: Figure out the locations of

each forest

Number 4: Compile all the information

and figure out which forest they all live in

Use these specific websites, to help you find all the information you will need to figure out where Rocky and Bullwinkle live.

Coniferous Forest: Climate Animals

Deciduous Forest: Animals & Climate Animals & Climate



Great job guys, you helped Rocky and Bullwinkle find their home!!!

During your expedition of finding their home, you learned the differences between the Deciduous and Coniferous forest biomes… AND… Different types of animals that live in each

biome Different climates of each biome Specific locations of each biome

Teacher’s Page

Grade Level: 3rd

Performance Objectives: Students will analyze and compare the

differences between the two different biomes (Deciduous and Coniferous Forest.)

They will investigate and distinguish the different types of climates, animals, and locations of each forest.

Website Evaluations: 5W’s

Teacher’s Page Cont.


Subject Area - 3: Science and Technology and Engineering Education Standard Area - 3.1: Biological Sciences

Organizing Category - 3.1.C: Evolution Grade Level - 3.1.3.C: GRADE 3

Standard - 3.1.3.C2: Describe animal characteristics that are necessary for survival. Assessment Anchor - S3.B.1: Structure and Function of Organisms

Anchor Descriptor - S3.B.1.1: Identify and describe the similarities and differences of living things and their life processes. Eligible Content

S3.B.1.1.1: Identify and describe the functions of basic structures of animals and plants (e.g., animals [skeleton, heart, lungs]; plants [roots, stem, leaves]).

S3.B.1.1.2:Classify living things based on their similarities and differences

S3.B.1.1.3: Describe the basic needs of plants and animals and their dependence on light, food, air, water, and shelter

S3.B.1.1.4: Describe how plants and animals go through life cycles.