Mycoplasma spp. has a wide host - Ankara Üniversitesi

Post on 15-Apr-2022

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Mycoplasma spp. has a wide host


People in particular with goats,

cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, horses

and other animals (cats, dogs, rats)

causes pneumonia and other system


Pleura pneumonia contagiosa

Contagious bovine pleura


( Sığır akciğer ağrısı )


The causative aerogen comes to the lung by infection.

In the lung, before endobronchial; then it spreads to the

peribronchial and passes from the parenchyma to the


Acute vasculitis in the arteries is caused by thrombosis

and consequently necrosis and fibrin exudation in the


Vasculitis is the result of hypersensitivity, which is

caused by the association of the antibody with

mycoplasma surface antigens.

(Arthus type or mixed hypersensitivity?).

It spreads from where it resides by breaking the body

resistance or by re-infection.

Acute relapses may occur or become chronic.

Clinical Findings

The period of incubation is long (up to 1 month).

Mortality ranges from 10% to 70%.

In addition to general condition deterioration and

fever is initially dry, then painful cough is detected.

With the onset of hepatitis, respiratory and pulse

increases. Percussion is painful.

Immunity continues for 2 years or more after the

disease has been overcome.

Macroscopical Findings

Pneumonia begins first in focal multiple foci in lung

lobes or lobes

Then cover the entire lobe or lobes.

It is complicated by fibrinous pleuritis !!!!!!!!!!

Pleura is covered with a defective yellow colored fibrin

mass of different thickness. Over time, the adhesion

between the leaves of the pleura is shaped.

Although lesions are similar to other fibrinous

pneumonia vascular thrombosis due to yellowish-

colored large necrosis areas develop.

These regions result in carnification during recovery

period and mainly extensive sequester formation.

Microscopical Findings

Typical fibrinous (croupous) pneumonia findings are


Thrombosis is severe in veins and necrosis due to it is


When it is organized during recovery period; especially

in the peribronchial perivascular regions is the criterion

of morphological diagnosis.

Small areas of necrosis are filled with granulation tissue

Differential diagnosis

It is more like pasteurellosis. Initially severe thrombosis

and large necrosis; In the period of recovery

peribronchial perivascular regions are distinguished

from pasteurellosis by formation of secretion with

distinct organization.

Enzootic Pneumonie

Bronchitis, bronchiolitis, broncho-intersititiel

pneumonia events are caused by the synergistic

effects of the enzootic pneumonia events in beef; .

Some are subclinical and subclinical bronchiolitis and


M.dispar, M.bovis, M.ureaplasma types are held


Also M. bovigenitalium is sometimes isolated from

such events.

Pathological Findings

There are no known fibrinous pneumonia

findings! Qatarral, purulent, and partly

intersititiel pneumonia are documented.

Sometimes it is defined as atypical interstitiel


These findings:

1 - Cranioventral areas are localized in large

areas. These areas are red colored and


2 - Catarrhal bronchitis and bronchiolitis are

found in the changes in the document of the

intersititiel pneumonia.

Other Infections with Mycoplasma spp. on


MastitisThe agent is M.agalactia. Bovis is. (or M.bovis)

The inflammation is localized around the ducts with

intersititial, interlobular regions of the breast.

Neutrophil leukocyte foci in these regions; In the

ductus and glands, the neutrophil leukocytes are rich

in exudate.

Hyperplasie in ductus epithelium in advanced cases.

Edema, lympho-plasmocyter infiltration, fibrosis and

eosinophilic leukocytes are seen in the intersititium.

Genital InfectionIn the cows :

It causes endometritis, salpingitis and localized


There is infiltration of endometrial edema and lympho-

plasmacyter cells.

In the bulls:

Epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis is also responsible.

M.agalactia var.bovis was obtained from amniotic fluid

from necrosis and purulent placentitis.

Contagious Caprine Pleura-pneumonia

The agent M.mycoides capri, subsp (var.) Mycoides


Cattle were not susceptible to the disease.

It is characterized by findings of fibrinous pneumonia.

Necrosis and squester are seen in advanced

conditions. Fibrinous pleuritis, end with adhesive



In goat kitten; fibrinose pericarditis, meningitis,

intersititiel pneumoni (as in cattle)

In Goats; arthritis, peritonitis, abortus, mastitis (as in



It comes from M.ovipneumoniae.

In sheep, together with Pasteurella haemolitica, enzootic

pneumonia is held responsible !!!!!!!!

Such lesions are characterized by chronic catarral bronchitis,

moderately chronic alveolitis, and peribronchial lympho-

plasmasite infiltrations.

Fibrinous pneumonia and pleuritis were: experimentally,

M.mycoides of goat origin, and M.dispar of cattle origin.

The lesions of M.agalactia are as in goats and cattle.