Mydriatics and cycloplegics

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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  • 1. Mydriatics and Cycloplegics
  • 2. The iris muscles Iris, ciliary body, sphincter and ciliary muscles are innervated by CN III
  • 3. Agonists/Antagonists
  • 4. Pharmocological Mydriasis Mydro=to widen
  • 5. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY This anticholinergic preparation blocks the responses of the sphincter muscle of the iris and the ciliary muscle to cholinergic stimulation, dilating the pupil (mydriasis).The stronger preparation (1%) also paralyzes accommodation. This preparation acts in 15-30 minutes and the duration of activity is approximately 3-8 hours. Complete recovery from mydriasis in some individuals may require 24 hours.The weaker strength may be useful in producing mydriasis with only slight cycloplegia. Heavily pigmented irides may require more doses than lightly pigmented irides.
  • 6. Rx for Pharmacological Mydriasis
  • 7. Pharmacological Mydriasis
  • 8. Phenylephrine
  • 9. Clinical Indications for Pharmocological mydriasis
  • 10. Phenylephrine 1% or Cocaine
  • 11. Cycloplegics
  • 12. Pharmacological Cycloplegia
  • 13. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY This anticholinergic preparation blocks the responses of the sphincter muscle of the iris and the accommodative muscle of the ciliary body to cholinergic stimulation, producing pupillary dilation (mydriasis) and paralysis of accommodation (cycloplegia). It acts rapidly, but has a shorter duration than atropine. Maximal cycloplegia occurs within 25 to 75 minutes after instillation. Complete recovery of accommodation usually takes 6 to 24 hours. Complete recovery from mydriasis in some individuals may require several days. Heavily pigmented irides may require more doses than lightly pigmented irides.
  • 14. Mydriatics and Cycloplegics