Mymusicmixsite - An OpenStack example use case

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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I put this presentation together to help explain some of the capabilities of an OpenStack platform.


MyMusicMixSite.comAn OpenStack Use Case

Disclaimer is a fictitious company

and is meant to demonstrate OpenStack


OpenStack Review

Quick review of OpenStack components:

Nova – Compute

Swift – Object storage

Neutron (formerly Quantum) – Network

Cinder – Block storage

Glance – Image management

Keystone – Identity management

Horizon – Dashboard

Ceilometer – Metering

An online service offering these features:

PAYG subscriptions

Upload your own music

Create mixes

Share creations with others

Store creations in the cloud for length of membership

Under the hood

The platform running the service is a multi-tiered LAMP stack:

Database tier: MySQL running on extra large instances

8 vCPUs, 16GB memory, persistent block storage

Application tier: Python application running on large intances

4 vCPUs, 8GB memory, persistent block storage

Web tier: Apache running on medium instances

2 vCPU, 4 GB memory, no persistent storage

Uses native firewall and load balancing built into OpenStack.

Platform Utilization

Normal platform utilization is between 60 – 75%

(safe zone)

State changes greater than 30 minutes initiate

automated actions:

If < 60%, spin down resources until in safe


If > 75%, spin up resources until in safe zone

Platform Utilization

This autonomy is built into the application.


Autonomy – the quality or state of being self-

governing; or the capacity to make an informed,

un-coerced decision.

Autonomy in Action

The summer is the service’s busiest time of


Subscriptions increase

Users are constantly uploading and


New mixes are created all throughout the day

Autonomy in Action

All this activity stresses the backend systems:

Keystone manages user login communication with LDAP

Swift nodes store and access data

Compute nodes process requests

Firewall and LB services secure and manage application traffic

All events are initiated by the OpenStack APIs.

Shift in Development

Design for scale, design for failure.

Pair Operations teams with Development teams


Enable rapid and consistent development

End Result

Minimize operational costs and down-time

Rapidly respond to consumer demand

Increase ROI
