MYP Training Session 3 Design: Planning & Preparation 2

Post on 29-Jan-2016

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MYP Training Session 3 Design: Planning & Preparation 2. 28.8.13. Learning Outcomes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


MYP Training Session 3 Design: Planning & Preparation 2


Learning Outcomes

• Identify effective teaching strategies that accommodate diverse learners such as focusing on essentials that stresses important principles, key concepts, and big ideas from the curriculum that apply across major themes in the subject content;

• Demonstrate skills in preparing various methods to sequence learning content and experience to ensure high quality content to facilitate successful learning;

Importance of strategies

• Teachers need tools, strategies, a common language, and colleagues to reflect upon their practice in order to promote high levels of learning and quality teaching in every classroom.

Effective Strategies

A Teaching Strategy is…

• An instructional management plan which describes the role of the teacher and student and promotes particular patterns of thought to achieve specific learning goals.

Common Responses

The Strategic Teacher: Mastery

• New American Lecture – A strategy that makes lecturing interactive, memorable, and brain compatible.

• Direct Instruction – Employs a four phase approach to skill mastery that leads to student independence


• Jigsaw read the pages / articles and summarise.

• Plan a lesson based on your understanding o the strategy

• American Lecture Task 1. – What are the lecturer’s assets?– What are the lecturer’s liabilities– How can the assets be maximised and the

liabilities minimised?