Myth for carrion, by jimtom

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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  • 1. 1MYTH, FOR CARRIONcopyright Keith T. James1997CharactersBrotherHanna - sisterVroom - matriarchBenzEuropean FemaleMichael HeseltineCamera Crew (2)Rainbow Warriors / U.N. Soldiers (2)MOD Plods (Ministry of Defence policemen)Jesuit ArmyBit-PartA desolate Peace Camp. Lorries that wont start, chaos, and the haven of thecamp fire; tea and sympathy on the move. Surreal interminglings take placeas the hell hole impacts, and the growing consciousness of thedwellers/travellers permeates the (tense) atmosphere. Two reconnaisanceplanes should become a feature, flying over, low; as should the cavortingMOD Plods whose actions get more bizarre (preparing for some inspection bylaying everything out).

2. 2Scene 1. [The desolation of a deserted peace camp. One of the caravans has been turned inside out: possessions, files, clothing, personal effects, cooking implements. Every thing rough covered with a tarpaulin. In the background the razor wire fence and the will-nill-ill security hut. The MOD Plods cavort in blissful ignorance. A woman in a denim jacket daubed with red paint enters, looking for her brother, the previous occupant of the van. A bedraggled ragamuffin of a naive, infant matriarch somehow struggles out of another van. A surprise.]Scene 2. [A drumming circle forms. We are the rainbow warriors.] [Overplay, the conversation between Hanna and Vroom.]Hanna: A donde es il burro de mi hermoso?Vroom: Two boys in the night. Overpowered. You seen the water containers? Fences!Hanna: No sign then. Thanks for the paint. [Her brother ceases drumming, stands up.]Brother: My home is in a plastic wrapper.Hanna & Vroom: Nitrogen emitting? Bit cold for tea. Sun warmed.Brother: Dont you know. Sorry about the feverfew. Never knew. The dog enjoyed the blood though. The rabbit disappeared. [The rainbow warriors begin to break off and disappear.]Scene 3. [A sound effect of a truck-diesel attempting, and attempting, to start. Brother is seen repeatedly trying to hang washed plastic bags on a line in the breeze. No pegs.] [When he has completed, the truck starts, the internationale plays, and the statement of belief.] 3. 3Brother: Greenpeace: Green future ... green planet ..: Hydro-electric power-ducks in the sea; and an end, to this fraudulent system of living in peace with man; ... Lets live in peace with animals, and the planet. A donde, a donde? Where o! Where? ... The farmers pony is a unicorn, sis, and the fences reek of beurmbs an ammunition.Hanna: Whoops! Apocalypse; See ya bruv ....Brother: [Grumbling as he leaves] ... Well Im not doing any circle dances with you, then!Scene 4 Enter Benz from opposite, large and strong, quick-witted traveller.Benz:Elliptic, traverse of the moraine, in slush puppy sealed, as dayglo. Something not recognised, only pointed out, expressed, as understanding. No a priori, no foreknowledge, that could be contained, as knowledge, relied on. And like a scratched groove or a childhood refrain, it returns, a doubt, an uncertain reckoning, that aids to confirm, all the other uncertainties. of foreclosure. of freedom. Were banned from the pubs around here. Anyone with the look. But Brother got us in,and like hymn, I had a Guinless and veg fried rice. Then I strapped over the fence ...crisis? What crisis? ... Where did that deckchair go? ... [ambles off.] 4. 4Scene 5 [Enter Michael Heseltine type with puppet mask and flak- jacket; he poses as a news reporter from CNN, mike to camera, whilst Benz reverses through last movements (edit rewind) with concurrent commentary:]Mike:The way to squanderBenz: Seven shades of bliss happiness is to pick up bills, in a tomorrow .. and to pay for services, abstract, of what could survival geared, providing be. natures resources. potent The more conglomerate thememory loss, populace, the more of nature remaining in vision obtained; the less remains purple, available. The largely shifting populationin blood thumping concerned in travelling lifestyles,waiver of linked through commitments and consciousness. Wipe ties to some minority representation the slate, washing tin in social policy, spend time travellingplate; elemental magic and camped up, maintaining of time no. Vestigeal contact with that borderline Incandescent .. of society; needing fuelimpermanences. to transcribeCharter of sunbeams.A trickle, warpingleaves that beartoothmarks of fertilebrack. Too smooth topierce the fragile holdon tender EXPLODE THAT GUITAR .... ! that we are.Scene 6 [The Heseltine actant discards mask to reveal barristers wig. Adopts imperious pose. In hustles Brother, in mufti, sets up portable desk and typewriter, types digitally, speaking:]Brother: Dear Editor, In the light of your recent articles on the Bomber Peace people, and the judge who says argue throught the ballot box, and in the light of the film Battle of Britain, which I have just watched on the box, I feel moved to offer the following poem for publication, for all its faults, in support of the Swords into Ploughshares activists: 5. 5...Its battle of britain day, todayit strikes fear into my heart,for what I wonder bove all, today,is whether Id play a part.Its heroes, and gung-ho, defeating the bosch,but its loved-ones, and bombs that go off;yet half of our pilots were pissed, they say,and that is whats putting me off.To defend the people is what its about,in spite of the cowardice we feel.But fifty years later, I still have a problem,Pretending the dangers not real.Theyll never invade us, now we have the bomb,But what of the case if they do?And what of the millions wed kill in defenceWhat of that?, Im asking of you?Ive courage to fight, and Im glad that we won,Though Id rather a medical job,And of those that will die, then Im asking a lot,But politics started it off.Theres no cause worth dying for, but freedom I like,Though its relative freedom I know;For on each anniversary it takes me the same:For the glory, would each of us go?Drop your bombs Mr. Hussein, you wont defeat us,...But hes won by creating them, know.So thanks to the Ploughshares, whove started it off:Disarmaments the way to go.Mike (now the barrister): [Intones]: Then this court finds that you have two days to vacate the premises, at which time the property falls to the owner, and the builders will take possession. If you return to the property and attempt to establish further squatters rights, the police shall be called.Brother:Looke, Clive, itte was onle an hooge.[Benz wanders on in his leather jacket ...]Benz: Dont worry mate; tell em its interstate ... 6. 6Scene 7[Hanna, sharing hot cuppa with Vroom, who is co-supporting,encouraging the speech.]Hanna:... the purpose behind life, a driving impetus that largely goesunchallenged in even random state. ... in individual application,this would mean that we mostly function as ourselves withoutthe correlative of impartiality - which functions as an objective orsuper-objective.Above reason, there is habitude...Much as an alzheimer sufferer will give all appearance ofcharacter and personality, the shrinking brain capacity iscompensated by the human organisms knowledge of itself andhow to function ... at least in a passive state... then, however bowed by overview of social mores onmannerisms, responsibility, or codes of conduct;... - like a slowdeath there is an element in us all that is content just to be, tofunction as a biologic unit, however perverse we may be aboutdefining the parameters of that functioning....: this is the purpose, and all other conceits or application,occupation, may be the link that - like a shrinking iris, faced withlight - tears us from contemplation of our whole ruminatorysubstance, fundament. The inability to do wrong is the costumeof an open target. What better defence can there be ..?Vroom:I see the pit prop... Got any rope...?Scene 8[European female in sylph-like elf wardancer configuration.]E.F.: I waive any use of canna-bis that is offered in manipulativecoercive dependance on my sexuality ... These fire-sticks areconjectural tampons that insult the sacred weed and emasculateby biologic safety ... lockout.Vroom:Vrroooom!E.F.:Remember your sunlight, sister. The chicken sticks are on every lamppost! Zastavia Zundapp!.. and you have apartner..?! How many cuts do you wish on the other side ofparadise?.. She used to give him roses in the cheeks he gave her!! 7. 7Vroom:mmmmMMMM!E.F.: How many dealers claim it back? Even medics play do-you!Come hither!?Vroom: ZASTAVIA ZUNDAPP! : me oily machines broke ...Hanna:Bleddy Bleddy; what do you think youre on woman?Get up to hoster-rail and give my Brother an hug.And I note youre going when youre in on a deal ...E.F.: If I might sing, gently: Ay,. Ay,. Ire ...!Scene 9[Enter Benz and Mick, with mask back in place. Camera crewset up and leave equipment to function.]Benz: Socrates himself was permanently ipsed.E.F.: In vino veritas.Hanna:On which subject, has anyone seen my brother?Vroom:[to off] Seen the vicar, mick?No sign.I hear he owns the chapel though.Mick:The Status of Women.Benz: Woman.E.F., Hanna, Vroom: womb-men... hysterectomy apart.Brother:Seen my rabbits dog?Thats a not a life.Hanna:BROTHER?! .. [breaks off into fit of laughter.]Mike: [producing script] Ahum!Vroom:mm?E.F., Hanna, Vroom: Hummm!Mike: The status of womb-men ... 8. 8[turns to camera crew, now gathered round camp-fire, being served Barleycup by Brother, bemused and hurt, withdrawn from Hannas laughter] ... Hysterectomiesapart ..... Socrates is interrupted and asked to explain in greater detailhis references to the community of wives and children. Inreading his explanation it is important to distinguish principleand detail. No one to-day will be very shocked by the suggeston that women should take part in athletics; but in most Greek states, other than sparta, it would have seemed preposterous, and so Plato introduces it with a good deal of explanation and apology. But all this is detail. The principles are more important. First, the interest of the state or society counts for everything, that of the individual for nothing ... Hrrumph ... Second, the only difference between men and women is one ... Hrrumph! .. of physical function ... ... glass of water, please!Crew:Only got nettle tea mike, cold in the pot.Mike:Yes! Yes!Brother: Neigh. Neigh. There you are, sir?Mike:[Drinks, grimaces, hands back cup, inspects script, sees encouragement in brief glance and continues (begins), highfalutin:] .. one begets, the other bears children. Apart from... [turns page].. ..that, they both can and should perform the same functions (though men will, on the whole, perform them [looks up, smiles][in unison]Mike:better ) (!), Vroom, E.F., Hanna:Edit!Mike:and should receive the same education to enable them to do so; for in this way society will get the best value from both. [Beams]. Though Platos ideas would have seemed irevolutionary to the ordinary Greek, the status of women had been a topic of discussion before he wrote, and ideas similar to those he had put forward were in the air. 9. 9[Mick freezes, beaming, but the camera crew pack up, ignoringhim, and leave Hanna, Vroom, Benz, E.F. and then Brotherfollow, so that Mick is surprised to find himself alone and hurriesoff.]Scene 10[Brother returns, tidies cups and tends fire and pot where othershave departed. Gently intones: Eirene poem:-]the stump of a cross, and the toilet door falls off.The axe wield water leakage, of rapes own desolation.Total planet, power compressed;in vid-eo footage.Living with the bomb.Not in the flight of fancy, but in the deed, there is freedom.Yetgoodnight mister rutherford,living for the boom.Sonic youth?[Sings] bread not bombs!Vision on.Take heart, and arthurs league;for Christ,not fight,but onward christians C.N.D. !Scene 11[Enter Bit-Part from sound of motorcycle arriving.A friendly visitor, singing Thin Lizzys Fools Gold.Camped (faked) imperiousness.]Bit Part: Hello there; how the divell are you? 10. 10Brother: Alright, half left. WHO you? Tea:Bit Part:Thankyou no. Arent you cold?Brother: Yes. You get used to it.Bit Part:Just a visitor. C.N.D. Saw something on telly.Brother:[hopes] Christian?Bit Part:No. Well yes. But the regular section. I saw an amazing programmed on indigenous tribespeople ...?!Brother: Ah, yes. Survival International. Have you seen my dog?...Bit Part:No, no Tea. No .... Human-flesh..! Sacred stones,.. all that ....?Brother: Well, I dont know. He eats mice which Vrooms cat catches... There was once .. on the menu .. a bit of plaster-of-paris ....Bit Part:Ah! : Indigenous! [Both stop and look up whilst two American reconaissance planes go over.]Brother: Dads not been posted to Benbecula yet then?Bit Part:On the menu?Brother: Nah; the toilet door fell off!Bit Part:Benbarra then. I dont know the greek. Sorry.Brother: For steppin on their toes? My kidneys hurt from before. In health care .... see ya! [Jumps on bike and disappears]Bit Part:Better stay ear then. Sic! [Shouts after] Ill take over. .... our struggle is against this kind of opression, the kind that dreamed the nuclear nightmare into being and maintains its hold over us with the threat of nuclear holocaust.[Picks up a paper from under the tarp.; Brothers; and reads. Honest, unlike Mick]: 11. 11Stalac-tepticFire-blaze the metal , of weapon-tool,but ware it cuts the cutter;As pranking fools cavort, the carbonsplutter, melding sheen, inimp-ternal conflict, of durst eat butter.The pranking stool.The armageddon getter.Lay in,lay up,in fertile store,of re-take process;Get-beget:- the getter.Franking-pool, incensuous,the fume-shred mutter; reservoir, air-bubbleputter ...[Exits]Bit-Part: [patting Mohanes, the petrol Sunblest van]Ha! Theyd have trouble moving this on with red diesel!![Then, troubled and affected, touches his head as a dreamunfolds before him... The dream, a situation of UNpeacekeeping soldiers in Beirut; on pill-box duty:] [Two of theRainbow Warriors can borrow Mikes forage cap and flakjacket].Scene 12[Nick - Londoner. Friendly, normally outward going andcheerful. Though not recognised as intelligent, is of seriouspurpose in sport, love, life, etc. New to the job; slightlystrained. 12. 12Bob - American of slightly sardonic but unbowed personality.Determined to make a go of it, whatever the it. Has quicklybecome experienced.][Both in combat dress; watch-duty, but at risk. Nick is doing thewatching; Bob is seated.]Bob:You afraid?Nick: [deny laugh] Nah .... You?Bob:Ha, me? Big American boy, ... afraid?Nick: Ha, yeh, I got you! Nothin to it, eh? ... Im shitting my load.Bob:Pile em up, brother! ... If they get enough bricks, theyre goingto leave a huge-big monument when we leave this place,saying: We shit on them, the bastards!Nick: Huh. Yeh. [Pause]. But thats not what were here for ... Is it?Bob: No. Youre right. Keep the peace and move em on. Just like your old time, friendly cop-on-the-street. But the robbers justbreak the law; they dont shoot the cops to prove they think thelaws shit! ... Ballbreakin!.... Jesus![silence]Nick: Would you kill a man. They always ask that.Bob:Uha. ...Nick: And we always say the same things ... If they were an enemy ...if they were armed ... when theres a war on ...but its still yes.Bob:You want to watch who youre talking toNick: Id do it. Im not saying I wont. I dont know why we do it.Bob:Who gives a fuck anyway?Nick: You havent killed a man. None of us have. Weve all heardabout it, seen it on the t.v. ... but death! For Christ sake ... !!?Bob:That could be you on C.N.N. - a brave warrior, dying for thecause ...Nick: Thanks a lot, soldier. Its the heroes out there we want to watchout for, driving up with their bloody car bombs! 13. 13Bob:Easy, brother ... not long and well be tucked up in the canteen,with cable select and some of, that bromide your boys serve up.Take it easy.Nick: Yeh.Scene 13Brother:[as scene packs aways and leaves. Settles in for a night by thefire.]Bit-Part: Oh, youre back!Oh well then: Awake! For Morning in the Bowl of Night Has flung the stone that puts the stars to Flight: And Lo! The Hunter of the East has caught The Sultans Turret in a Noose of Light.Brother:Dreaming when Dawns Left Hand was in the SkyI heard a voice within the Tavern cry,Awake my little ones, and fill the cupBefore Lifes Liquor in its Cup be dry.Bit-Part: Can of LynxBrother:Thanks. This matters.Bit-Part: I kept your van warm. Theres a convoy due; they might bebringing in Cruise. Gotta go. Keep a lid on it.[ Leaves; sound of motorcycle fading.]Brother:[ Moving after the manner of the MOD Plods, rucsac andcontents to caravan.]The lynx-matter, in the hew-blown trunk; usurpation of scale;frail infra-agility. If a hand clasps, in a virgin forest, nothingliving; no one there: We each invisible; lost, from each other;disappeared,... in mass-ive ... Subject to sole; for solutiondissipaton,.. of confusion? 14. 14Bobcat: stands; a strand, collision-equation, with the fertilefund; the force.And incident-intrusion; transient immanescence.Brushing brush.. Backing reason; backing-off, from bristle ...!Stomach churning butt, of butchers pendant blood and gristle... bone crunching, landing blow, the sicken pit of guilt-complicit,moral overload of infant panic-realisation ... Chilled; .. to the bone.Like some lab-shaved medical hostage,Curled, tight and tense, in plastic, heat-reflective sheet:Artic antarctica: thunder past; police-car check-up style. ... ... Sublimates incisions, of ethic feint; of nail-curl, self- effacement, lion-purge; .. of shaman vision ... .. follow the curve.. to stick-burn, fire-stick, consumptive apologia,... as woods breed apologia ..and space between the creatures overloads ..between a thinking step,a stole.Divisions diminish,. .. the further begins to run,and reason, itself confutes, to set off in the furrow, dying witheach step it takes from vital source ..There is none.Only: cell. .. and come-back reason.Wild Resource.Subject to limit, of need to feel it,traction of pull, on mortal fibres... Instead, with grey-grinding, moon-cut blindness:.. : a pole-tied caterwauling, of us all.Scene 14[As brother finishes by entering caravan with sleeping bag, carsand motorbike are heard and Vroom, Hanna, E.F. and Benz, accompanied by Bit-Part, congregate in an excited state and lie on the road while half-naked MOD plods cavort to arrest and remove them. Brother does not emerge but ambient music suggests his sleep.] 15. 15Scene 15Two MOD plods separate, and enter to remove Brother from caravan. Theytie him up by the campfire, then dress in mufti from Brothers possessions.They have gone rogue and proceed to get rapidly drunk.Brother: And there sit down and stay the frown For those who stay the hour.MOD PC1: Put a sock in itMOD PC2: [Does so] Fuckin ippy. Stink!MOD PC1: I Dunno. What brings em out here? Not like they know what to do with themselves.MOD PC2: This one serves tea and tries to win the sympathy vote. Look at it: Piss!MOD PC1: Fuckin ippy. Stinkin around our airbase like you know what youre doin! Years of peace, scumbag, thats what we count for!MOD PC2: Peace like trouncin the Argies. Thats what we want ... Ere ippy, want your nuts roastin? Tell us when you last took a bath?MOD PC1: [Laughs.] Ah, whats the point. [Releases Brother] Go on, piss off! Dont want here no dago gypsy ijuts. Dont think I pray for peacetime sos you can stink up some strategically vital piece of military hardwear. Avent you got a ome to go to? .. Bleedin middle classes ..Brother: [Comes forward] And so another day dawns on planet hope; the dream to win our victory over the militarists; to declare a hug for peace over the entire world. [Hugs MOD policemen] What do you think to that, comrades?MOD PC2: Poofta. [Enter European Female] 16. 16Scene 16E.F.:[Dances sylph-like amidst the chaos.] The sea had jeeringly kept his finite body up, but drowned the infinite soul. Not drowned entirely, though. Rather carried down alive to wondrous depths, where strange shapes of the unwarped primal world glided to and fro before his passive eyes; and the miser-merman, Wisdom revealed his hoarded heaps, and among the joyous, heartless, ever-juvenile eternities, Pip saw the multitudinous, God-omnipresent, coral insects, that out of the firmament of waters heaved the colossal orbs. He saw Gods foot upon the treadle of the loom, and spoke it; and therefore his shipmates called him mad. So mans insanity is heavens sense; and wandering from all mortal reason, man comes at last to the celestial thought, which, to reason, is absurd and frantic; and weal and woe, feels then uncompromised, indifferent as his God.Brother: And Im Pip, the star-chaser who got lost in the firmament. The glaze in the eyes of ordinary people. Too far on the trail of identity; too gone on the power of these fences ... Only the women can handle it, full time, withall the knowledge of thatfirst bite of the fruit. Power to the Vroom, Earth Mother!E.F.:Way to go bruv. [Shouldering a bag, she blithely departs the scene.]Scene 17 [Brother transfigures himself, cruciform, against the fence, then hangs his head. Spotlights come on the gate, the rest in darkness. In shuffles Mick, in mask, but got up in priests clothes. With him is Vroom, holding a loaf and a winebox. They proceed (with Brother) to celebrate a mass. Mick produces a chalice from his pocket.]Mick:The Lord be with you. 17. 17Vroom + Brother:And also with you.Mick: Into your hands we commend ourselves, O Lord,And confess our sins ... Work of Human HandsAnd fruit of the soil ...Vroom + Brother:Becomes for us the body and blood.All:Amen.[The consecrated chalice being drunk, and the morsel of breadshared, Vroom fills the chalice and takes a hearty swig, thenpasses it to Brother. Mick drops to his knees and starts sobbingand wailing:]Vroom:The good thing about the Method is the piss-up after.Brother:Do you feel the magnitude of God?Vroom:Nah, I feel the first glow of a chilblain.Come on Mick, theres Baa-leycup in Dove.[Leads him away, still sobbing, leaving Brother to try thetransfiguration at fence, chalice still untouched in his hands. Hetries the fence a number of times. In wanders, unnoticed byBrother, a Jesus Army disciple in combat gear but emblazonedwith Jesus badges. One of the Rainbow Warriors will serve.]Jesuit: Pagan tonic.Brother:Pardon?Jesuit: Pagan tonic!Brother:Wine.Jesuit: We dont celebrate the eucharist. Or Christmas.Brother:Better ave some, then![Hands wine]Jesuit: Cheers![Quaffs]So, you desperate? On the road? Want to join us?Brother:I suppose Im a sinner. But Im vegan ...Jesuit: Join the Jesus Army, brother. Come with us and save yourself. 18. 18Brother: Maybe later. [There is the sound of an explosion, glass breaking, debris falling.]Brother: [Looking round in mild surprise. As the next scene unfolds, he turns to the Jesuit .... ] Ere, cop this ... !Scene 18 [Bob and Nick, in combat outfit, starting to sweep the stage after a bomb attack. The strain of their position as peace-keepers, targets in somebody elses war is building up.]Nick:What a bloody mess.Bob: This?Nick:All of it. The whole thing .. Bang! A big bloody mess.Bob: Count yourself lucky soldier; you could have been on burial detail. [A sobering thought. They stop and look at each other.]Nick:Did you see them? Theyre ripped to pieces for fucksake! [Both feel the weight of the horror.]Bob: [Shakes it off] Come on, come on. Lets do it. [Starts sweeping] Lets get the fucking glass cleaned up so the generals and colonels can come and fucking inspect us. [Mick hasnt moved]Bob: Come on, get on with it, for Christs sake! [Wait for Mick to start, then back to the sweeping.] [Bob sweeps, then sweeps frantically, then chuck the broom away and sits for a smoke]Bob: Ah, whats the point. [Mick considers joining him, but chooses to carry on sweeping]Nick:Still afraid? 19. 19Bob:You can be sure I dont want to end up like those out there! Icouldve been spread around, be waiting for some guy to pickme up in bits to drop in plastic bags!Nick: I didnt think of it like that ... they were dead blokes. People.But they didnt have anything to do with me. Just people.Dead. Blown to pieces, probably by one of our bombs. Why?Bob:I gave up that question long ago ... it happens ... who in the hellknows why?Nick: It could happen to me. Then I wouldnt be sweeping upafterwards.[Silence. Each with his own thoughts.]Nick: But arms and legs! .... I feel sick [He means horrified.]Bob:[Up, move about.]Yeh? Well you go ahead, pal; we can sweep it up with the restof this puke. Put it in a plastic bag and bury it ... Ive got to getout of this place. Give me some reality. At least there you readit in the papers. You dont live in the shit heap. I can handle mydaily dose on the six oclock new show. You dont have to bepart of it.Nick: I thought that was the point?Bob:What?Nick: That they are out of it all.Bob:What are you talking about? Im talking about living in a barbedwire cage! Weve got the frigging enemy running around outthere, and were here thinking were safe; so they say Boom!There you go boys. Some fucking safety!Nick: [Pause] Thats not easy to live with ... But what did we expect?... I mean what do you expect when youre the one thats paidto use a gun?... Why not, when were taught to chuck thebombs that blow people apart, tear them up so they have to getdropped into plastic bags? Hmm? I mean what do we expect?[The aggression in brushing.]Bob:Hey cool it ...Nick: Huh? [Realises, and then tries to restore control, concentratingon brushing][Pause] 20. 20Bob: I dont expect anything. But I dont expect to get my head blown off; thats for sure.Nick:No. No. You dont expect to get your head blown off ... Not when youre working for the queen ...Bob: The government.Nick:The queen, the government, the regimental tradition ... Defence of the Realm ... wonder who dreamed that one up, hey? ... No, when you get your head blown off, its for the good of the people. We go out and stand around as targets, so that they can carry on as normal. Shock, horror, terrorist attack! But we go out and wonder where the next bullets coming from! Fucking peace-keeping role! [Joke] [Calmer, colder.] I dont know why I joined this army. I dont want to work for their conscience.Bob: Now weve been through that one - reasons for joining. [Ironic smiles.]Nick:Yeh, but its not the same anymore, Bob, is it?Scene 19[Bit-Part enters, as Nick and Bob shoulder their brooms and walk off. Brotherand Jesuit have remained, watching, as the previous scene took place. NowBit-Part talks to them ...]Bit-Part:You know I swear Im seeing soldiers round here! Maybe what you say about these fences is true, eh Bruv?Brother: Before I leave here itll be raining acid rain from the other side of that fence! You cant recreate Eden, you know, just by building it ...! 21. 21Bit-Part: If they were building Eden in there mate, wed be doing thebuilding ... Whos this?Brother:Ive recruited him ... The seventh Aspidistran Foot. Weretaking on Mick and the camera crew for a non-confrontationalcompetition-free toilet trench game.Jesuit: I really should be getting back. Sure I cant interest you in ourhouse meeting tonight - lots of song and prayer? ... I couldarrange for a bath ... ?!Brother:Look, just say youll come back for the game? Everyonescoming!Jesuit: OK then. Jesus loves you. See ya! [Departs.]... [Pause]Brother:Isnt that the name of a band?Bit-PartWhat? Jesus loves you?Brother:Sure! ... Im off to see the shit-pit; see where we can dig.[Exits.]E.F.: [Enters, and clocks Bit-Part ...]So you got out! ... What did they do to you; the bloodybastards ..? Hows Hanna? Vroom?Bit-Part: Its OK, were not being detained. They just wanted to look upmy arse for drugs or something, and said I was clean, so I couldgo! Whatever that meant!!E.F.: Pin a charge on em. Sexual assault. No, Ive got a better idea.Lets charge the gates. We can get in there, cause havoc andbeat em at their own game ... How long before theyveprocessed everyone?Bit-Part: Three hours. Maybe more. Dont know if well get in before therest of the convoy ... That was just the command vehicle.E.F.: Bread not Bombs, boy! Lets do it!![Both exit]Scene 20 22. 22 [Begins with Jesuit hoeing the peace garden, while the two Rogue MOD plods help Brother in tidying up the initial chaosfrom the caravan. They are stacking, cooking and washingimplements by Dove (the caravans) door.In comes the sufi travel wagon, with the two U.N. soldiers nowin eastern robes; one pulling, one walking alongside playingthe flute ...]Bob:Lay bounty. Here is some fellow journey. Seek within.Nick: The sun is full of warmth; give thanks through bounty![Enters wagon, to emerge with fruits (melon, kiwi, mangoes) ona palm platter]Bob + Nick: Hail journeyers! Might we join?Nick: We have some trifling refreshments, if you would care?Brother:Were not actually going anywhere - were trying to reclaim theland from the economics of nuclear oppression.Bob:It is all a journey, little brother, and the standing still is still on aspinning earth, in an expanding cosmos. But while were here,would you care to share some good food, that some sisters andbrothers gave to us in some other place; though whether beforeor after now is your decision. The time will come again. Orsoon, will be for the first time.Nick: Only journey. Our caravan is small, but is long in travel, andshort because we are weak. What say you?Brother:Here, chaps, these guys want to share some fruit with us.Come and have some. I think theyre foreign.[Jesuit and two MOD plods gather to share the fruit. There isnot much talking, but a lot of meaningful communication ofsatisfaction, in the meal and the sharing ....][As they freeze in rictus dance, the following scene unfolds.]Scene 21[Bit-Part, Hanna, Vroom and Benz come on, with EuropeanFemale, equipped with straps, hooks and blankets to get them 23. 23 over the fence. They proceed to assault the base (non- violently) while one by one, the two Sufi/UN, Brother and theJesuit move to stand at the base of the fence that has just been climbed, and as they arrive there, start to sing in a round:]Chorus:It doesnt matter, if you should jail us; cause we are free, and kept alive by hope (repeat) Our struggles hard, but victory will; Return our lands, to our hands. (Repeat) [Beyond the gate, there are shouts from other MOD plods, asearchlight can be seen playing wildly, and the sound ofalsatian guard dogs barking. Then an alert siren begins to wail,the chorus stop singing, the light goes off. The victorioussaboteurs are heard singing, as they return under guard to theMOD hut:]2nd Chorus: And everyone, neath their vine and fig tree.Shall live in peace, and unafraid. (Repeat)And into ploughshares, turn our swords,Nations shall learn war no more. (Repeat) [As this round continues, the final image is one of Brother, once more transfiguring himself against the fence, so to speak; while the Jesuit hides his face from such self-glorification; and theSufis/UN shoulder their loads and head on, the pipe playing thesame refrain, as all parties decree the separateness of theirways.] End of script.KTJ 97 24. 24