N. Hagermann 602 Conference Presentation Final Project

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Awesome Uses for Audio

Teaching with Sound in the Secondary Classroom

Nicole L. Hagermann, Library Science Student, Old Dominion University

Who: Nicole Hagermann

Where: 11 years, secondary social studies, Spotsylvania County, VA

Why: Old Dominion University Graduate Student, Darden College of Education, Library Science

Session Description: Explore four audio tools and their creative applications for cross curricular secondary classrooms.

(2014). audio-150191_1280 [Digital Image]. Retrieved from https://pixabay.com/en/audio-sound-speaker-button-voice-150191/.

Things I Love: Images do not need to be uploaded

Things to Consider: 60 second time limit on recordings; Need to create an account

Voki in English: Can give a book talk or introduction

Voki in Social Studies or Science: Speaking historical figure or animal

Voki in World Geography: Create an avatar to explain the physical, economic, and cultural features of a world region in the curriculum (SOL standard WG.4 )

What: Vocaroo

Where: http://vocaroo.com/

Why: Make an online voice recording

• Things I Love: Easy to use; no account required

• Things to Consider: No bells or whistles

Vocaroo in Math: Peer tutoring

Vocaroo in Science: Quiz or review questions

Vocaroo in World Geography: Create a public service announcement for one of the ways man impacts the earth (SOL standard WG.2b)

What: Blabberize

Where: http://blabberize.com/

Why: Make an inanimate object talk

Things I Love: Fun! Keeps student attention; no time limit

Things to Consider: Must create account; must upload images

Blabberize in Social Studies: Make an image of a historical figure tak

Blabberize in English: Make a book character describe itself

Blabberize in Geography: Review physical features (SOL standard WG.3b)

What: Podcasts

Where: 60 Podcasts You Should Check Out

Why: Supplemental information, expert instruction, recorded lectures

Things I Love: Students hear from an expert in the field; enrichment

Things to Consider: Can be lengthy; requires time to locate the Podcast

Podcasts for Absentees: Teachers can record Podcasts for students who missed class

Podcasts for ESL Students: Hearing class again at home is a huge gain for ESL students

Podcasts in all subjects: Podcasts can be used to provide supplemental instruction or enrichment in all subjects (SOL standard WHII.8)

Questions / Contact: nhagermann@spotsylvania.k12.va.us

References:(2009). 3284780695_8192d73490_o [Digital Image]. Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/elemitrt/3284780695.

Kasidy, K. (2009). Vocaroo [Digital Image]. Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/kathycassidy/3888227551.