NA2 NAK2 UM V2.0.0

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  • User ManualEnglishVersion 2.0

    Leica NA2/NAK2

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en 2

    This manual contains important safety directions as well asinstructions for setting up the product and operating it. Refer to"Safety Directions" for further information.Read carefully through the User Manual before setting up theproduct.

    Congratulations on your purchase of a NA2/NAK2 automaticlevel.

    Automatic level

    Automatic level

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en 3

    The model and the serial number of your product are indicated onthe housing.Enter the model and serial number in your manual and always referto this information when you need to contact your agency or LeicaGeosystems authorized service workshop.

    Type: Serial no.:

    Product identification

    Product identification

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en 4

    The symbols used in this manual have the following meanings:

    DANGER:Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if notavoided, will result in death or serious injury.

    WARNING:Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintendeduse which, if not avoided, could result in death or seriousinjury.

    CAUTION:Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintendeduse which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderateinjury and/or appreciable material, financial and environ-mental damage.

    Important paragraphs which must be adhered to in practiceas they enable the product to be used in a technicallycorrect and efficient manner.


    Symbols used in this manual

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en 5

    Introduction ......................................................................... 7

    Measurement preparation ............................................... 10

    Measuring .......................................................................... 14

    Checking and adjusting ................................................... 20

    Care and Storage .............................................................. 22

    Safety Directions .............................................................. 25

    Accessories ....................................................................... 32

    Technical Data .................................................................. 34

    Index................................................................................... 35

    View of chapters

    View of chapters

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en 6

    ContentsIntroduction ................................................ 7

    Special features .......................................... 7Important parts ........................................... 8Technical terms and abbreviations ............ 9

    Measurement preparation ...................... 10Case contents ........................................... 10Setting up the tripod ..................................11Levelling up ............................................... 12Focusing telescope .................................. 13Centring .................................................... 13

    Measuring ................................................. 14Height reading .......................................... 14Distance measuring .................................. 15Angle measuring ....................................... 15Line levelling ............................................. 16Area levelling ............................................ 17Levelling total station measuring ............. 18Levelled stakeout ...................................... 18Precise levelling ........................................ 19

    Checking and adjusting .......................... 20Tripod ........................................................ 20Circular level ............................................. 20

    Checking and adjusting of theline-of-sight ............................................... 21

    Care and Storage ..................................... 22Transport ................................................... 22

    In the field ................................................ 22Inside vehicle ........................................... 23Shipping ................................................... 23

    Storage ..................................................... 23Cleaning .................................................... 24

    Safety Directions ..................................... 25Intended use of instrument ....................... 25

    Permitted uses ......................................... 25Adverse uses ........................................... 25

    Limits of use ............................................. 26Responsibilities ......................................... 27Hazards of use ......................................... 28

    Accessories .............................................. 32Technical Data ......................................... 34Index .......................................................... 35


  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Introduction7

    Introduction Special features



    The NA2/NAK2 universalautomatic level meets allprecision, convenience andreliability requirements.Its innovative technology willmake daily surveying jobseasier.

    The instrument is ideally suitedfor all levelling applications andat all orders of accuracy.

    The instantaneous check facilitywith the push-button controlpromotes confidence.

    Easy operation, quick tolearn!

    Robust and reliable.

    High setting accuracy.

    Endless drive.

    Telescope with excellently-corrected optics for bright,high-contrast images.

    Enables angle measurementswith internal glass circle(NAK2 model).

    Optional parallel-platemicrometer for precise finelevelling.

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Introduction8

    Important parts

    1 Eyepiece of scalemicroscope (NAK2 only)

    2 Telescope eyepiece3 Bayonet ring, locks

    eyepiece in place4 Open sight5 Prism for viewing circular

    level6 Rapid/fine focussing knob7 Objective housing8 Push-button for compen-

    sator control9 Footscrew10 Milled rim, for Hz-circle

    setting (NAK2 only)11 Circular level12 Base plate13 Endless horizontal drive

    (both sides)11


    9 12

    4 5

    8 10




    3 7


  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Introduction9

    Technical terms and abbreviations

    Backsight/Foresight/Intermediate sightFor determining the heightdifference (H) between theground points A and B the backsight (R) is measured firstfollowed by the forward sight(V). Additional points relating toA are measured as intermediatesight (S).

    Plumb line

    By centring the circular level theinstrument is almost level.A small instrument tilt remains(the vertical axis tilt).


    The compensator in theinstrument is responsible forcompensating the vertical axistilt enabling an exactly horizontalaiming.The push button gives thependulum a slight tap to check thefunctioning of the compensator.









    R V/S


    Plumb line

    Verticalaxis tilt

    Plumb line


  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Measurement preparation10




    NA 700




    1 Level

    2 User Manual

    3 Allen key/Adjusting pins

    4 Protective cover & sunshade

    Remove NA2/NAK2 level from the case and check that allcomponents are present.

    Case contents

    Measurement preparation







  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Measurement preparation11





    When setting up thetripod pay attention to ahorizontal position of thetripod plate.

    Large inclinations of the tripodmust be corrected with thefootscrews of the tribrach.

    Setting up the tripod

    1. Loosen screws of tripod legs,pull out to required length andtighten screws.

    2. In order to guarantee a firmfoothold sufficiently press thetripod legs into the ground.When pressing the legs intothe ground note that the forcemust be applied along thelegs.

    Careful handling of tripod

    Check all screws and boltsfor correct fit.

    During transport always usethe cover supplied.Scratches and otherdamages can result in poorfit and measuringinaccuracies.

    Use the tripod only forsurveying jobs.











  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Measurement preparation12

    Levelling up

    1. Place level onto tripod head.Tighten central fixing screw oftripod.

    2. Turn footscrews of tribrachinto centre position.

    3. Centre circular level byturning the foot screws.

    Centring the circular level1. Turn foot screws A and B

    simultaneously in oppositedirections until bubble is inthe centre (on the imaginary"T").

    2. Turn foot screw C until bubbleis centred.









  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Measurement preparation13

    Focusing telescope

    1. Aim telescope against abright background (e.g. whitepaper).

    2. Turn eyepiece until reticule issharp-focused and black.Now the eyepiece is adjustedto your eye.

    3. Aim telescope on staff usingthe coarse aiming device.

    4. Turn focusing knob untilimage of staff is sharplyfocused. If the eye is movedup and down behind theeyepiece the image of thestaff and the reticule shouldnot move relative to eachother.

    For centring over a groundpoint:1. Attach plumb bob.2. Loosen central fixing screw

    slightly and shift instrumentparallel on tripod until theplummet is exactly over thepoint.

    3. Tighten central fixing screw.











  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Measuring14



    MeasuringBefore starting field workor after longer periods of

    storage/transport of yourequipment check the fieldadjustment parameters specifiedin this User Manual.

    Reduce possiblevibrations by holding the

    tripod legs.

    If the optical parts of yourinstrument are dirty of

    fogged, your measurements canbe affected. Keep clean all opticalparts of your instrument andfollow the cleaning instructionsspecified in the User Manual.

    Before starting work, letthe instrument adjust to

    the ambient temperature(approximately 2 minutes per Cof temperature difference).

    1. Setup instrument, level andsharp-focus the reticule.

    2. Setup level staff vertically(refer also to InstructionManual of staff).

    3. Roughly aim on staff usingthe coarse aiming device.

    4. Sharp-focus using thefocusing knob.

    Height reading

    5. Fine-aim on staff using theendless drives.

    6. Check if circular level iscentred (view level prism).

    7. Press the button to verify thatthe compensator is functio-ning.

    8. Read off height H at thehorizontal reticule hair.Example above: H=1.143









  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Measuring15

    Result:Distance d = 100 x L

    Carry out steps 1 to 8 accordingto height reading.

    Reading:Upper distance line: 1.216 mLower distance line: 1.068 m

    Difference L: 0.148 mDistance d: 14.8 m

    Distance measuring

    Circle reading 31442

    The NAK2 is equipped with ahorizontal circle. The graduationis 1 or 1 gon.To measure an angle bring thevertical hair of the reticule to thecentre of the staff.By turning the milled ring, thecircle can be set to 0 or anydesired reading.

    Angle measuring

    Circle reading 392.66

    The circle is viewed through thescale microscope and sharplyfocussed by turning themicroscope eyepiece.The Hz-angle is read from thegraduation line which protrudesinto the scale. Each scale linerepresents 10. The minutes areread from the top scale line tothe circle graduation line.













  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Measuring16

    Project:Height difference (H) betweenpoint A and B.

    Select instrument stationand staff location by

    pacing off such that approx. thesame target distances result (d1 d2; approx. 40 to 50m).

    Procedure:1. Setup instrument at I1.

    Line levelling

    2. Setup level staff vertically atpoint A.

    3. Aim at staff and read off andtake down height (backsightR).

    4. Setup level at thechangepoint 2, aim at staffand read off and take downheight (foresight V).

    5. Setup level at I2, aim at staffat the changepoint 2 andread backsight and takedown.

    6. Carry out a foresight atchangepoint 3.

    7. Continue in the same wayuntil height at point B ismeasured.

    Result:H = sum backsight - sum


    Example of the booking:






    R VR V R VI1


    d1 d2



    Back-sight R

    Fore-sight V Height

    A +2.502 650.100

    2 +0.911 -1.803

    3 +3.103 -1.930

    B -0.981 651.902

    Sum +6.516 -4.714 H=+1.802

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Measuring17

    Project:Height difference of severalreference points.

    The required accuracy isusually not very high

    with such measurements.Nevertheless, from time to timeread the staff on a stableintermediate point (reading mustremain the same).

    Area levelling

    Procedure:1. Set up instrument centrally

    between the desired points.The instrument telescopemay not be below the highestmeasured intermediate point.

    2. Set up staff vertically atreference point A.

    3. Aim at staff and read andtake down height (=backsightto known point).

    4. Set up staff vertically atpoint 1.

    5. Aim at staff and read andtake down height(=measuring intermediatepoint, intermediate sight)

    6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 foradditional intermediatepoints.

    Height =Height of station point

    + backsight (A)- intermediate sight



    R S1A 1





    7. The height of individual pointsare:

    Example of booking:

    =Instrument horizon


    Interm.sight Height

    A 592.00R1 +2.20

    594.20S1 -1.80 592.40S2 -1.90 592.30S3 -2.50 591.70S4 -2.30 591.90

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Measuring18

    Wanted:Position of several groundpoints.

    The levelling total stationmeasuring is normally

    carried out during area levelling.

    Levelling total station measuring

    Procedure:1. Sequence of measurements

    is the same as with arealevelling. However, beside theheight read also the staffsection L (see chapter"Distance measuring") andthe Hz-angle.

    2. Transfer measured value intothe map - points aredetermined by position andheight.

    Levelled stakeout

    The stakeout is the counterpartto the levelling total stationmeasuring - map points are setout in the field.

    Procedure:1. Set up instrument at a known

    point, centre and level up.2. Focus instrument and aim on

    known orientation point.3. Orient horizontal circle (Hz-

    direction).4. Move staff to stakeout point

    on the basis of known values(distance and Hz-angle,height) and stakeout point






    A 1


    Backsight to known point Measuring ground points


  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Measuring19

    Project:Height difference of very highaccuracy.

    Use the GPM3 parallelplate micrometer and

    invar levelling staffs.

    In sloping terrain, thelower part of the staff

    should not be used, asrefraction close to the groundcan cause errors.

    In sunny weather anumbrella should be used

    to shelter the instrument toensure that the level isprotected from the glare of thesun.

    Precise levelling

    Procedure:1. Sequence of measurements

    is the same as with linelevelling. However, the bestobserving length is approx.25m.

    2. When reading the staff, turnthe micrometer knob until agraduation line is centredbetween the wedge-shapedhairs of the reticle.

    3. Centimetres are read fromthe staff and millimetres fromthe micrometer scale.

    4. Leica invar staffs have twosets of graduations. Theseare read alternativelybetween foresight andbacksight. This provides twoindependent results andserves as a check.

    Example above:Staff reading = 77 cmGPM3 reading = 0.556 cmHeight = 77.556 cm



  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Checking and adjusting20

    1 2

    Checking and adjusting

    1. Level up instrument.2. Turn instrument by 180.3. If bubble of level is outside

    the circle then it should beadjusted (see point 4).



    Circular level

    Connection of individualelements must always be tight.1. Tighten the Allen screws (2)

    moderately (if available).2. Tighten the articulated joints

    on the tripod head (1) justenough to keep the tripodlegs open when you lift it offthe ground.




    4. Correct the half error usingan adjusting pin and repeatsteps 2 and 3 until the bubbleof level is in the centre in anytelescope direction.




    1. 2.


  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Checking and adjusting21

    Checking and adjusting of the line-of-sight

    Checking (see figure):1. Choose a flat terrain between

    45 and 60 m ling and divideinto three equal sections d.

    2. Set up a staff at points A & B.3. Set up the level at point 1,

    centre the bubble and pressthe compensator button.

    4. Readings A1 and B1 aretaken to the staffs.

    5. Set up the level at point 2.6. Readings A2 and B2 are taken

    to the staffs.7. Find nominal reading A2;

    Reading A1 - B1 + B2

    When the differencenominal-/actual- reading is

    more than 2 mm the line of sightmust be adjusted.

    1. Screw off the protective cover.2. Turn the adjusting screw until

    the horizontal hair gives thenominal reading A2 on staff A.The last turn of the adjustingscrew should be clockwise.

    3. Screw on the protective cover.4. Repeat the checking






    d d dA B

    A2 B2

    A1 B1


    8. Compare the nominal-/actual-reading for A2.

    Parallel plate micrometerWhen using the parallel platemicrometer to perform preciselevelling, follow the same checkprocedure using invar staffs andmicrometer reading. Whenadjusting, the micrometer is setto the correct value and theadjusting screw is turned untilthe horizontal hair is on the staffgraduation.

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Care and Storage22

    When transporting orshipping the equipment

    always use the original LeicaGeosystems packaging(transport case and shippingcardboard).

    After a longer period ofstorage or transport of

    your product always check thefield adjustment parametersindicated in this manual beforeusing the product.

    Care and Storage

    Transport In the field

    When transporting theequipment in the field, alwaysmake sure that you either carry the product in its

    original transport container,

    carry the tripod with its legssplayed across your shoulder,keeping the attached productupright.





  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Care and Storage23

    Never carry the product loose ina road vehicle, as it can beaffected by shock and vibration.Always carry the product in itstransport container and secureit.


    Respect the temperaturelimits when storing the

    equipment, particularly in summerif the equipment is inside avehicle. Refer to "Technical Data"for information about temperaturelimits.

    If the equipment is to bestored for a long time,

    remove the alkaline batteries fromthe GEB63 battery box in order toavoid the danger of leakage.

    Inside vehicle Shipping

    When transporting the productby rail, air or sea, always usethe complete original LeicaGeosystems packaging,transport container andcardboard box, or its equivalent,to protect against shock andvibration.







    +158 +70

    F C

    +32 0

    -40 -40

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Care and Storage24


    Objective, eyepiece:

    Blow dust off lenses andprisms

    Never touch the glass withyour fingers

    Use only a clean, soft, lint-free cloth for cleaning. Ifnecessary, moisten the clothwith water or pure alcohol.

    Storage, continued

    If the instrumentbecomes wet, leave it

    unpacked. Wipe down, clean,and dry the instrument (at notmore than 40 C/ 104F),transport case, foam inserts,and accessories. Pack up theequipment only when it iscompletely dry.

    When using the instrument inthe field always close thetransport case.

    Do not use other liquids; thesemay attack the polymercomponents.





  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Safety Directions25

    Safety DirectionsThe following directions shouldenable the person responsiblefor the product, and the personwho actually uses theequipment, to anticipate andavoid operational hazards.

    The person responsible for theproduct directions and adhere tothem.

    Permitted uses

    The level is intended to thefollowing applications:

    Line and area levellings Height readings Precision levelling with

    attachable parallel-platemicrometer

    Optical distance measuringwith stadia readings

    Angle measurements andstaking out with horizontalcircle (only NAK2 model)

    Intended use of instrument

    Adverse uses

    Use of the product withoutinstruction

    Use outside of the intendedlimits

    Disabling safety systems Removal of hazard notices Opening the product using

    tools, for examplescrewdriver, unless this isspecifically permitted forcertain functions.

    Modification or conversion ofthe product

    Use after misappropriation Use of products with

    obviously recognizabledamages or defects

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Safety Directions26

    Use with accessories fromother manufacturers withoutthe prior explicit approval ofLeica Geosystems

    Aiming directly into the sun Inadequate safeguards at the

    surveying site, for examplewhen measuring on roads

    Limits of use

    Environment:Suitable for use in anatmosphere appropriate forpermanent human habitation:not suitable for use in aggressi-ve or explosive environments.Use in rain is permissible forlimited periods (splash-waterproof).

    DANGER:Local safety authoritiesand safety experts must

    be contacted before working inhazardous explosive areas, or inclose proximity to electricalinstallations or similar situationsby the person in charge of theproduct.

    Adverse uses, contd.

    WARNING:Adverse use can lead toinjury, malfunction and

    damage.It is the task of the personresponsible for the equipment toinform the user about hazardsand how to counteract them.The product is not to beoperated until the user has beeninstructed on how to work withit.

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Safety Directions27


    Manufacturer of the product:Leica Geosystems AG, CH-9435 Heerbrugg, hereinafterreferred to as LeicaGeosystems, is responsible forsupplying the product, includingthe user manual and originalaccessories, in a completelysafe condition.

    Manufacturers of non LeicaGeosystems accessories:The manufacturers of non LeicaGeosystems accessories for theproduct are responsible fordeveloping, implementing andcommunicating safety conceptsfor their products, and are alsoresponsible for the effectivenessof those safety concepts incombination with the LeicaGeosystems product.

    Person in charge of the product:The person in charge of the producthas the following duties: To understand the safety

    instructions on the product andthe instructions in the usermanual.

    To be familiar with localregulations relating to safety andaccident prevention.

    To inform Leica Geosystemsimmediately if the product andthe application becomes unsafe.

    WARNING:The person responsiblefor the product must

    ensure that it is used inaccordance with the instructions.This person is also accountablefor the training and thedeployment of personnel whouse the product and for thesafety of the equipment in use.

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Safety Directions28

    Hazards of use

    WARNING:The absence of instruc-tion, or the inadequate

    imparting of instruction, canlead to incorrect or adverse use,and can give rise to accidentswith far-reaching human,material, financial and environ-mental consequences.Precautions:All users must follow the safetydirections given by the manufac-turer and the directions of theperson responsible for theproduct.

    CAUTION:Watch out for erroneousmeasurement results if

    the product has been droppedor has been misused, modified,stored for long periods ortransported.Precautions:Periodically carry out testmeasurements and perform thefield adjustments indicatedin the user manual, particularlyafter the product has beensubjected to abnormal use andbefore and after importantmeasurements.

    DANGER:Because of the risk ofelectrocution, it is very

    dangerous to use poles andextensions in the vicinity ofelectrical installations such aspower cables or electricalrailways.Precautions:Keep at a safe distance fromelectrical installations. If it isessential to work in thisenvironment, first contact thesafety authorities responsible forthe electrical installationsand follow their instructions.

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Safety Directions29

    WARNING:By surveying during athunderstorm you are at

    risk from lightning.Precautions:Do not carry out field surveysduring thunderstorms.

    Hazards of use, continued

    WARNING:Inadequate securing ofthe surveying site can

    lead to dangerous situations, forexample in traffic, on buildingsites, and at industrialinstallations.Precautions:Always ensure that the surveysite is adequately secured.Adhere to the regulationsgoverning safety and accidentprevention and road traffic.

    CAUTION:Be careful when pointingthe product towards the

    sun, because the telescopefunctions as a magnifying glassand can injure your eyes and/orcause damage inside theproduct.Precautions:Do not point the product directlyat the sun.

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Safety Directions30

    CAUTION:If the accessories usedwith the product are not

    properly secured and theproduct is subjected to mecha-nical shock, for example blowsor falling, the product may bedamaged or people may sustaininjury.

    Hazards of use, continued

    Precautions:When setting-up the product,make sure that the accessories,for example tripod, staff, staffbrace are correctly adapted,fitted, secured, and locked inposition.Avoid subjecting the product tomechanical stress.Never position the product onthe tripod baseplate withoutsecurely tightening the centralfixing screw. If the screw isloosened always remove theproduct immediately from thetripod.

    CAUTION:When using a verticalstaff supported by one

    brace there is always the dangerof falling, for example by windgusts and therefore danger ofdamage to equipment anddanger of personal injuries.Precautions:Never leave a vertical staffsupported by a braceunsupervised (person at thestaff).

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en Safety Directions31

    WARNING:If the product isimproperly disposed of,

    the following can happen: If polymer parts are burnt,

    poisonous gas are producedwhich may impair health.

    If batteries are damaged orare heated strongly, they canexplode and cause poisoning,burning, corrosion orenvironmental contamination.

    By disposing of the productirresponsibly you may enableunauthorized persons to useit in contravention of theregulations, exposingthemselves and third partiesto the risk of severe injuryand rendering theenvironment liable tocontamination.

    Hazards of use, continued

    Precautions:Dispose of the productappropriately in accordance withthe regulations in force in yourcountry.Always prevent access to theproduct by unauthorizedpersonnel.

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en 32

    AccessoriesGPM3 Parallel-Plate Micrometer(Art. No. 356 121)1 Micrometer knob2 Open sight3 Housing of parallel plate4 Knob for locking GPM3 in

    positionFor precise levelling the GPM3 isfitted onto the NA2 telescopeobjective and locked in positionwith the knob (4).By turning the micrometer knobthe parallel-sided glass plate istilted, thereby causing the line ofsight to be raised or lowered. Therange of displacement is 10mm.On the scale, seen in the GPM3'seyepiece, the amount ofdisplacement is read directly to0.1mm and estimated to 0.01mm.





    21 3

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en 33

    Accessories, continued

    GOA2 Autocollimationeyepiece(Art. No. 199899)Release the bayonet ring toreplace eyepieces. With theautocollimation eyepiece theNA2 can be used for alignmentpurposes in the laboratory andindustry.

    GFZ3 Diagonal eyepiece(Art. No. 734514)The diagonal eyepiece can befitted for observing from anyside when working in confinedspaces.

    FOK73 Eyepiece 40x(Art. No. 346475)For precise levelling with theparallel plate micrometer, theFOK73 eyepiece giving 40xmagnification may be preferred.

    GVO10 Auxiliary lens(Art. No. 335958)When short focussing distancesare required, the auxiliary lenscan be fitted to the objective.Measuring range is 1.8 to 0.9m.

    GEB60 Eyepiece lamp withcable(Art. No. 394785)With the eyepiece lamp the NA2can be used as a collimator forhorizontal sighting.

    GEB62 Plug-in lamp withcable(Art. No. 394787)This plug-in lamp can be usedwith the GOA2 autocollimationeyepiece.

    GEB63 Battery box(Art. No. 394792)Power supply for autocollimationeyepiece and eyepiece lamp.


  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en 34

    Technical DataAccuracy: Standard deviation for 1km

    double levelling, depending onstaffs and procedure up to 0.7 mm

    With GPM3 parallel-platemicrometer (optional) 0.3 mm

    Telescope: Erect image Magnification,

    standard eyepiece 32 xFOK 73 eyepiece 40 x

    Clear objective diameter 45 mm Field of view at 100 m 2.2 m Shortest target distance

    from instrument axis 1.6 m

    Distance measurement: Multiplication factor 100 Additive constant 0

    Compensator: Working range 30 Setting accuracy (stand. dev.) 0.3

    Technical Data

    Circular level: Sensitivity 8 / 2 mm

    Glass circle of NAK2: Graduation 360 or 400 gon Graduation diameter 70 mm Graduation interval 1 or 1 gon Optical scale interval 10 or 10c Reading by estimation to 1 or 1c

    Temperature range: Storage -40C to 70C

    (-40F to 158F) Operating -20C to 50C

    (-4F to 122F)

    GPM3 parallel-plate micrometer:(optional accessory) Range 10 mm Interval 0.1 mm Estimation 0.01 mm

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en 35



    A Accident prevention ..................................... 29Angle measuring .......................................... 15Area levelling ............................................... 17

    B Booking ................................................. 16, 17Bubble ................................................... 12, 20

    C Central fixing screw ..................................... 12Centring ........................................................ 13Circular level .................................. 12, 14, 20Cleaning ....................................................... 24Compensator ................................................. 9

    D Distance line ................................................ 15

    E Electrical installations .................................. 28Environment ................................................. 26Eyepiece ............................................... 13, 33

    F Focusing ............................................... 13, 33

    H Height difference ............................. 9, 16, 17Horizontal circle ........................................... 15Hz-angle ....................................................... 18Hz-circle ....................................................... 15

    L Line levelling ................................................ 16Line-of-sight ................................................. 21

    O Optical sight ................................................. 13

    P Packaging .................................................... 23Plumb bob .................................................... 13Plummet ....................................................... 13Precise levelling .....................................19, 32

  • NA2/NAK2-2.0.0en 36

    Index, continued


    R Rearrangement point ................................... 16Reticule ................................................. 13, 14

    S Safe distance ............................................... 28Sharp-focus ................................................. 14Shipping ................................................ 22, 23Stakeout ....................................................... 18Storage .................................................. 22, 24Storing .......................................................... 23

    T Target distances .......................................... 16Total station measuring ............................... 18Transport ...................................................... 22Transport case ...................................... 22, 24Tripod ........................................................... 20

    V Vibrations ..................................................... 14

    W Wet instrument ............................................ 24

  • Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg,Switzerland, has been certified asbeing equipped with a quality systemwhich meets the InternationalStandards of Quality Managementand Quality Systems (ISO standard9001) and EnvironmentalManagement Systems (ISO standard14001).

    Total Quality Management-Our commitment to total customersatisfaction.

    Ask your local Leica Geosystemsagent for more information aboutour TQM program.

    Printed in Switzerland - Copyright LeicaGeosystems AG, Heerbrugg,Switzerland 2004Original text

    664941-2.0.0en Leica Geosystems AGCH-9435 Heerbrugg

    (Switzerland)Phone +41 71 727 31 31

    Fax +41 71 727 46