Namaskar the Play

Post on 06-Nov-2015

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    Johanna Niece of Christine LOVE PINK JOHN

    ANDRE Youngest son of Junior STRENGTH Lt Green ANDREW

    Jimmy Cristinas nephew Wisdom Yellow James Z

    Philicia Daughter of Johanna Power Purple Philip

  • Birdy Youngest of Junior imagination Lt Blue Bartholomew

    Tom (nephew of Christine) understanding gold Thomas

    Mattie (niece of Christine) Will Silver Matthew

    Janet Niece of Christine Order Dk Green James

    Simone Daughter of Johanna Zeal Orange Simon

    Teddy Daughter of Janet Elimination Russet Thaddeus

    Judy Daughter of Janet Life Red Judas

    Scene 1 Practicing the Presence

    Philippians 4:8 Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is

    right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or

    praiseworthy think about such things

    SETTING: Christines house in living room, Christine is seated in a big easy chair. Birdy, Andre,

    and Pete are sitting at a table focused on a chess game. Mattie is moving back and forth

    apparently dusting and cleaning.

  • Christine : Namaskar! That means the Divine in me recognizes the divine in you. Im Christine

    Abraham, welcome to my home. Come on in and watch a story of how God blesses us when we

    learn to see only God in all situations. Now.. when I say my home maybe I should say my

    family home, because its been in the family for well over half a century. My dad came here

    after the Korean war from Cairo, Georgia to build a better life for him and his family. After

    fighting for his country risking life and limb he just couldnt tolerate the Jim Crow treatment he

    was forced to endure in that dark place of bondage. His spirit would no longer allow him see

    himself as a share-cropper working someone elses land. So he and his brothers son decided to

    move based on nothing but faith that God had something better in store for them. My father

    came over 1000 miles to a place he knew nothing of. He left my mother, my brother and me

    behind while he worked and scrimped and saved, all the while sending money back to help

    support us. Somehow, someway he bought this house, and sent for us to join him. When we

    arrived we couldnt believe our eyes when we saw this beautiful six bedroom house in what

    was then considered a suburb, needless to say we were surrounded by people who werent too

    pleased that we were there. We must have been protected by the full armor of the Lord,

    because except for some hateful looks and an occasional hateful comment we lived without

    any real problems. God moved those negative people out of the way and replaced them with

    warm friendly folks and peace and harmony prevailed. You know the kind of neighborhood

    where no one locked their doors, and people looked in on each other and checked to make sure

    everyone was okay. Daddy allowed relatives from back home to use our house as a place to

    kind of get a leg up in life, and the house was so filled with relatives that he finished the attic in

    order to add two more bedrooms. We all worked together and we all prospered. Every Sunday

  • we all attended church and prayed together. Every Sunday after service the family would have

    wonderful Sunday dinners. And the holiday dinners oh my goodness!!!!! In our house it was

    God first, and then family, and everything else just seemed to fall into place. We took care of

    each other and God took care of us. Eventually the family members began one by one to move

    out leaving just me and my brother Isaac and my parents. Every once in a while one would hit

    hard times and my parents always welcomed them back for as long as they needed to get back

    on their feet. No questions asked. This is just what families did, well at least our family. Momma

    and daddy have long since passed. I never married, and was never blessed with children of my

    own, but its not like the house went empty. My brother and his wife had 6 children three boys

    and three girls who grew up here. My brother and his wife have made their transitions as well,

    so it has fallen on me to maintain the family and Christian traditions that have served us all so


    Mattie: ( talking to the children at the table) I need you all to help me get this place ready. The

    rest of the family is coming as soon as church service is over.

    Christine: That is Mattie, my brothers youngest. I am so proud to see her taking charge. Oh not

    of the situation I mean taking charge of her life. Shes come such a long way. Thank you God!

    Pete; Okay auntie Mattie, but me and Dre are just gonna make a quick run up to the corner

    store. Mr. Johnson promised to pay us today for helping him clean out his stock room and the

    basement last week, and business is business.

    Dre: Yeah cuz the last time we werent there when he told us we had to wait a whole week

    longer before he paid us.

  • Christine : Those beautiful children are my eldest nephew Juniors kids. They came to live with

    me four years ago when their mom and dad were victims of a driveby. I dont know all the

    details, and the kids dont ask, lets just say their parents got swallowed up by the streets. They

    are just amazing children.

    Mattie: Well alright boys but hurry back. Birdy you stay here Im gonna need someone to let

    the family in when they get here.

    Birdy: Okay I will, Im just going to finish this poem I was writing. (Birdy picks up a paper and

    exits to her room.

    Christine: Oh what a wonderful Blessing. After nearly 5 years my entire family has been to

    Sunday service, and now theyre all coming over to Sunday dinner. Just like our family tradition.

    I couldnt be happier. The only problem is I wont be able to be there with them, you see I made

    my transition earlier this week, so over dinner theyll have to settle some family business, but

    that should be no real problem for a loving family like mine. No spouses just those from the

    Abraham blood line. I dont know who came up with that loving idea, but at least the family will

    be together to strengthen and comfort each other.

    Mattie: (Flops onto the couch exasperated) Auntie, What am I doing here? Im working and

    preparing to feed and greet a bunch of folks who wouldnt invite me to their homes on a dare. I

    havent seen most of them in five years, and when they did lay eyes on me they looked at me

    like I was dirt. Five years ago I probably would have looked at me the same way. Thanks to you I

    can hold my head up now. But how am I going to deal with them, my family my own

  • brothers and sisters - looking down their noses and acting all holier than thou, without going

    off and disrespecting Auntie Christinas house.

    Christine: Why would you ask me what to do? Still yourself, go within, and let Holy Spirit guide

    you. 2000 years ago people looked in the face of Jesus and didnt see the Divine in Him. Dont

    let it upset you if someone fails to see the Divine in you. That just means that like you they have

    some work to do. You just make sure that you see the Divine in them.

    Mattie: You know what? Im going to go in your office and pray and meditate and I wont come

    out until I can look at them with the same eyes that you looked at me, even when I was when at

    my lowest. Its like you said. God designed us in His image and after His likeness. Who are we to

    dare see anything or anyone any other way?

    {song closes scene}

    Scene 2 The Omnipresence of God

    Psalms 139:7-8 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your Presence? If I go

    up to the heavens you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

    Door bell rings

    Mattie; ( From off stage) Birdy get the door!

    Birdy: Yes maam. (Opens door)

  • Enter her young cousins Judy and Teddy the three excitedly and warmly greet each other.

    They are followed by Janet, the girls mother, carrying a bag of groceries, and their uncles Jim

    and Tommy.

    Teddy: (excitedly) Momma, Uncle Jim, Uncle Tommy this is our cousin Birdy.

    (The adults greet the Birdy with considerably less enthusiasm and warmness)

    Judy: Why werent you in Sunday school today?

    Birdy: Auntie Mattie made us go to the early service so we could get home early to start getting

    things ready for the dinner.

    Tommy: Wheres Mattie?

    Birdy: Shes in Auntie Christinas office she said shell be right out. Hey I wrote a poem would

    you like to hear it

    Janet: Not right now. You kids take these things in the kitchen, rinse the vegetables off, and Ill

    be in in a minute.

    Children in unison: Yes Maam (take package to kitchen obviously glad to be together)

    Tommy: Shes in in Christines office? Shouldnt one of us go and see what shes doing?

    Janet: Whatever shes gonna do, shes probably already done by now. Shes supposed to be

    getting Christines important papers for the family to go over, thats the main reason were here

    isnt it? But I thought she came here early to clean up the place (rubbing her fingers along the

    table to check for dust in disapproval) and she aint even started the meal yet. We wont eat til

    late Im used to doing things on time.

  • Jim: Who cares about that? Im here to handle to handle business. Why else would we drag the

    whole family down to this rat hole? Have you seen what this neighborhood has become? Im glad

    we just had immediate family for this meeting. Id hate for my wife to think I came from this.

    Janet: What about them Negros standing out there on the corner? They make the hair on the

    back of my neck stand up.

    Tommy: Im glad I got a parking space right in front of the house so I can keep an eye on my ride.

    Jim: Speaking of rides, youre auto business must be really doing great. Im still upside down in

    that car you sold me four years later.

    Tommy: (Laughing) Well if you cant rip off your family and friends Whats the point of being in

    business? Cars are always a bad investment man, you know with depreciation and all. Besides

    that stock portfolio you hooked me up with..lets put it this way, gambling on a roulette wheel

    in Vegas would have have been a safer investment. (Looking out the window() Speaking of

    safe..Janet take a look outside I think your kids went out the backdoor.

    Janet: (Yelling out the window) If you two dont get away from them hood rats and get back in

    this house Im going to wring your necks (Turning back to her brothers) See this comes from me

    letting Christine pick them up every Sunday taking them to Sunday school. We need to hurry up

    and get this stuff over with. The sooner I get home the better. Wheres Joanna and Simone and

    Felicia. I cant stand people being late

    Tommy: I know. When we were kids you used to always want to leave for school a half hour

    early, even in the winter. You gave them a list of things to pick up after church, remember? (Janet

    nods) They should be here any minute if they didnt get jacked along the way.

    (The children enter and Janet angrily approaches them)

    Janet: What did I tell you to do? I brought you here to help me so we could hurry up and get

    back home, not flounce around outside with a bunch of street urchins. Dont think cause your

    uncles are here I wont snatch a knot in both of you. You dont know nothing about them kids or

    these people down here.

    Teddy: Yes we do. We see them every Sunday at church.

    Jim: You see em in church on Sunday, and theyre robbing a liquor store on Monday.

    Tommy: Or slinging drugs.( The two high five each other)

    Judy: But that was our

    Janet: (Cutting off Judy) Not one more word! Now get in the kitchen or you going to wish you

    had. Wait til we get home and I tell your father how you been acting.(the children exit to kitchen)

    I just wish the rest of the family would hurry up and get here I dont even feel like dealing with

    this dinner anymore.

  • Jim: Speaking of hoodrats and family. What about Juniors kids? How do they figure in all of this

    I mean are they entitled to Juniors share?

    Tommy: Juniors share? What share? He let that bar broad he hooked up with con him go to

    Christine and borrow money so they could buy that rundown bar from her ex old man? We dont

    even know for sure if those are his kids. Mommas baby daddys maybe. (Janet and Jim nod in

    knowing agreement)

    Jim: Theres probably not a drop of Abraham blood in any of em.

    Janet: What we got is some Jerry Springer stuff up in here

    Tom: No no no you mean Maury Povitch

    Jim: Yeaah (Stands up holding a piece of Paper) You are NOT the father!

    (The three break into laughter, and then notice Johanna holding a bag of groceries standing

    with Birdy in the doorway)

    Johanna( Glares at her siblings )Here baby take this in the kitchen.(Birdy exits with the bag

    Jim Hey sis

    Tommy: Johanna Hey baby!

    Janet: ( A little sheepish) Im glad youre here!

    Johanna: (Nods hello to all of them, but still has a stern look on her face) You should all be

    ashamed of yourselves. Those kids look just like Junior, and if any of you had been down here in

    the last five years or so youd know that.

    Tommy: Thats what every chick on Maury says, and what happens?

    Jim: (Stands again with the piece of paper) You are not the father!

    . (This time only the brothers laugh somewhat uneasy as the two sisters head toward the kitchen.

    Before they get there the children emerge excitedly)

    Judy ,Teddy, Birdy : Auntie Johanna, Auntie Johanna, Where have you been we missed you, How

    come you dont teach Sunday School anymore. You were the most fun teacher.

    Johanna: Well I had some personal things I had to take care of so I had to take a little break.

    Teddy: Yeah but its been like years. Are you going to start picking us up again on Sundays?

    Johanna: Well see. Its been a little while, but I promise from now on Ill try.

    Birdy: I wrote a poem, do you want to hear it?

    Johanna: Sweetheart I would love to.

  • Birdy recites her poem

    (Johanna and Janet both smile approvingly, and seem moved)

    Jim: Thats nice I guess

    Tommy: But whats it supposed to mean?

    Auntie Christine: Help my baby out please

    Janet and Johanna:

    {Close the Scene with Song}

    SCENE 3 THE DIVINITY OF MAN Genesis 1:26 Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may

    rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild creatures

    that move along the ground.

    (Enter Simone and Philicia carrying groceries. Jim and Tommy are sitting on the couch.)

    Tommy: There they are! (Standing and moving to greet the girls.)

    Simone: Hey Unk!

  • Jim: God, you girls are so beautiful. (He also stands and hugs both girls) But when you consider

    the stock you both come from what else could you expect? (Looking at himself in the mirror

    pretending to fix his hair and straighten his tie)

    Philicia; Yeah right, wheres Mom?

    Tommy: Her and your aunt Janet are in the kitchen with the kids getting dinner together. Take

    that stuff on in there and get busy cause folks are starting to get hungry up in here.

    Jim: I dont see where it looks like you been missing too many meals.(Rubbing his brothers belly)

    Tommy: And if you had to live off your good looks youd starve to death, so girls you better hurry

    up and feed this one.

    (The girls head to the kitchen shaking their heads and smiling The Uncles turn and see Andre

    coming in the front door)

    Andre: Whose Escalade is parked in front of the house? Man that is a sweet ride. Fully loaded

    Leather, heated seats, moon roof its laid out. It dont have no spinners but its still nice.

    Tommy: Spinners?... Its mine, why you want to know?

    Andre: Well I was just checking it out looking inside and

    Tommy: You were inside my car?

    Andre: No, I was looking in the window and then I saw the keys were left in the ignition and the

    door was unlocked. So I decided to take it for a little spin.

    Tommy: What!!!!

    Andre: No Im just playin. I figured it belonged to someone in here so I brought the keys in and

    locked the doors. We look out for each other here I dont think no one would mess with it, but

    youknow Lead us not into temptation right? (Mattie

    enters carrying a bunch of documents, she looks a little apprehensive as she sets them on the


    Mattie: Hey Dre. Did you handle that business up on the corner?

    Jim: Excuse me? What kind of business you all got up on that corner? Cause I can see what goes

    on up there.

    Andre: I went up to pick up some money someone owed me.

    Tommy: Are you crazy Mattie? Bringing that kind of stuff around us?

    Mattie: The boy went to the corner store to pick up his paycheck. We all have to pitch in here to

    make ends meet. Everybody here works and has chores and responsibilities, you know just like

    when we were kids.

  • Andre: Its a good thing I went up there cause, I forgot I had the keys to the store in my coat

    pocket. Im having quite a day with keys.

    Mattie: If anyone could be trusted with keys its you. You have such a strong character. Wheres

    your brother? I thought you two were coming right back.

    Andre: Mr Johnson asked Pete to handle the register while he ran his wife home but they dont

    live too far so hell be right back.

    Mattie: Well anyway Dre this is you Uncle Jim and your Uncle Thomas.

    Andre: Nice to meet you Uncle Jim, you too Uncle Tom.

    Tommy: Dont call me Uncle Tom!

    Andre: Oh I get it.

    Tommy(coldly) No I dont think you do.

    Andre: I heard what you said about those dudes on the corner, but you dont have to worry they

    dont mess with us.

    Jim: Oh, why not?

    Andre: Because of Pete.

    Tommy: What is Pete, some kind of bad ass?

    Jim: He got a lot of street cred Huh?

    Andre: Well kind of, but its not like what you might think. They just like respect him.

    Mattie: I think I hear him coming in now.

    Pete: Hey Auntie! I got delayed a little bit by Mr Johnson is everybody here?

    Mattie: Pete these are your uncles..

    Pete: I know. James and Thomas. (They are surprised that he seems to already know them.)Ive

    seen your pictures in Aunt Christines room and in the family album. She kept all your awards and

    certificates from way back from when you were little kids. She was so proud of you that she made

    me feel proud of you too. I used you guys as a role models for sports with all those trophies, and

    I tried to be like you when it came to scholastics too.

    Mattie: He broke all your basketball and track records, hes tops in his school academically, and

    hes a youth leader in church. Birdy and Dre are doing real good in school too. Dre is great

    athlete, and Birdy is so creative she writes stories and songs and even poems. I guess the apples

    dont fall too far from the tree.

    Tommy: I dont know how you get oranges from an apple tree.

  • Dre: Whats that supposed to mean?

    Tommy(Eyeing Pete suspiciously) Youre a real do gooder aint you? Ive always heard that the

    hoodrats down here make targets out of guys like you.

    Pete: I dont know. Ive never seen a hoodrat.

    Jim (Trying to smooth things over ) You seem like a nice kid with a good head on your shoulders.

    Im glad me and Tommy gave you that inspiration. I can see how our influence has had an effect

    on you, I mean we did leave quite a legacy. But how do you avoid being distracted by all those

    little hoochie -mamas running around here with their short shorts and their

    Pete: Ive never seen a hoochie-mamma either.. Have you ever hear the term Namaskar?

    Jim: Ive heard it before, but I aint no Muslim, so Im not sure what it means.

    Tommy: Of course you heard it before. Christine used to say that all the time.

    Pete: She still says it. The way she explained to me is like this. When God created us we were

    made in His Image and after His likeness. In other words if God were all the oceans in the world

    each of us would be like a drop of water. Not as great as God, but like that drop of water we

    would be made up of the same stuff. That means that each one of us is connected to each other

    and we all have some of the Divine in us. Namaskar is a phrase that means the divine in me

    acknowledges the divine in you.

    Tommy: (Looking a Mattie and Andre) And he believes that?

    Mattie: Absolutely. It aint no act.

    Andre: He dont look down on nobody and dont nobody look down on him.

    Pete: Auntie Christine taught us that by seeing the best in people and in all situations you draw

    the best to you. I believe thats true and thats how I live my life. It makes it so that nothing is

    impossible for me. I believe that allows me to get in touch with that divine part of myself. It lifts

    me to higher place where its not me doing things.

    Tommy: (Derisively) Wonder powers activate!

    Pete: Yeah. you could say that. When I still myself and go within I find that something just takes

    over and Im able to make my way through any situation.

    Jim: How does that feel?

    Pete Kind of like this .



    Proverbs 23:7 for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he

    (Scene opens with Jim, Tommy and Matty sitting at the table pouring over papers. PETE and

    Dre are on the couch. The smaller children are playing a game of Uno on the floor in front of

    them. Auntie Christine is sitting in her easy chair smiling and observing them.)

    TOM: This is not adding up the way I thought it would. There seems to be more outstanding debt

    against this house than I thought.

    Jim: Relax man, lets finish adding everything up so we know what were talking about.

    Tommy: Look I know youve always been good with number adding them in your head in all, but

    it dont take a human calculator to see something aint right.

    Matty: It is what it is these are the facts. Christine kept excellent records.

    Jim: Johanna, Janet you all better get in here!

    Janet: Could you just hold you horses. Dinner wont be ready for at least another half hour. You

    saw us bringing in the groceries. If you wanted fast food you should have gone to McDonalds.

    Johanna: I know were running a little late, but you guys arent going to starve. Have a little

    patience I guarantee it will be worth it.

    Tommy: What time we eat dinner is hardly the problem. Looking at this mess (holding papers up

    in frustration) I dont feel much like eating.

    Jim: If he dont feel like eating then you know, Houston we got a problem.

    Tommy: Man this stuff aint funny.

    Janet: Whats the problem?

    Jim: The property has liens against it.

  • Johanna: So what. I remember Christine telling me the house appraised for one hundred and

    forty-four thousand and I know it was all paid for years ago when we were kids. If she had to

    make some repairs or fix up somethings thats kind of expected. None of us were coming down

    here to help her so what did you expect?

    (Simone and Philicia enter from the kitchen)

    Simon: Whats going on?

    Philicia: Is everything okay?

    Jim: I can see these bills dealing with maintenance, but what is this 50 thousand?

    Matty: Christine borrowed that money so that Junior could buy that bar from his wifes ex. Right

    after they paid him off they both were killed in that driveby. Her ex kept running the place and

    within a month it got raided for drugs, and the state seized all the assets. Her ex is doing twenty

    years and all the money was lost.

    Tom: So my stupid brother hooked up with some bar broad, got tricked out of a big part of the

    family inheritance, and got killed for his trouble. And the only thing Christine collected from the

    transaction was these strays (pointing to the kids slams papers he is holding on the table)

    Jim: And what is this twenty-eight grand for?

    Matty: Christine used that to pay for me to go through rehab. I caught a case, and being a three

    time offender I was sentenced to go through rehab while incarcerated. Christine Talked to the

    judge and agreed to pay for my rehab in order to keep me from going to prison. She believed in

    me. Because of her I learned to believe in myself and Ive been clean ever since.

    Tom: Sounds to me like the only thing that got cleaned out was Christines bank account.

    Janet: Even with all that theres still got to be some money left. If it was worth one hundred and

    forty-four thousand a few years back so it has to be worth more than that now.

    Jim: Actually, the house is in good shape, but you have to consider the condition of this

    neighborhood. (Using his laptop and computer) Based on the property value according to the

    computer, and subtracting for the outstanding liens and taxes and if we could handle the sale

    ourselves and not involve a real estate company that would leave each of us with $11.44 give or

    take a dollar.

    Tom, Janet, Simone: What!!!

    Philicia: What about Her jewelry? Christine told me when I was a little girl that someday she was

    going to let me have that Diamond broach she used to wear.

  • Matty: I traded that and most of her other jewelry to the dope man for drugs. I did a lot of things

    Im not proud of during my illness that Im not proud of. Still Christine never lost faith in me and

    Im gonna spend the rest of my life proving her faith wasnt misplaced.(She begins to break down)

    Pete: (Stands and moves to embrace Matty, turns to Dre and the kids) Dre why dont you take

    the kids to my room. (Dre leads the kids out of the room. Jim Janet and Tommy sit at table

    rechecking figures.)

    Philicia: (knocks a chair over and moves to where the kids have just left) I cant believe this. Im

    going to grad school on $11.44, and the one thing I really wanted to remember my great aunt by,

    my crackhead relative smoked up.(Starts to cry)

    (Janet notices how hurt Matty is and moves to comfort her)

    Simone: Phil, Phil (Attempts to console her) We are all disappointed. Its not the end of the

    world. Youll find a way, you always do.

    Philicia: Dont call me Phil I hate that its not my name. And what do you know about

    disappointment? Momma and dad have been carrying you all your life. You bounce from one

    adventure to the next without a care in the world.

    Simone: Look Im not going to apologize for exploring my dreams. I realize how blessed my life

    has been, but thats no reason for you to lash out at me and throw a tantrum like some spoiled


    Philicia: Spoiled? You got whatever you thought you wanted. Fashion? Daddy paid for you to

    study in New York. Then it was film school, you had to go to L.A. for that. You decided you wanted

    to do music videos, so of course you had to go to Atlanta. And every time you got tired or bored

    with what you were doing you came home and mom and dad would just prop you back up.

    Simone: Well Ive got my own video production company now and its doing okay, so whats your


    Philicia: My problem is that now its supposed to be my time. I worked all my life doing the right

    things to get good grades in school doing everything I could to please my parents and make them

    proud, but all they could think of was the one off somewhere doing this and that great thing.

    Now daddy is in bad health. The things you got to do I cant, and its not fair!

    Simone: I guess next youre gonna say is I caused dads stroke.

    Philicia: No Well actually yes. You bled them dry and Im sure financial worries probably had

    something to do with it, and now theres nothing left for me. They said I would be able to use

    part of Moms share of the estate to help me pay for grad school and guess what.

    Simone: I never knew you felt that way about me.

  • Johanna: She doesnt. She admires and loves you I dont care what shes saying right now!

    (Talking to Philicia) You chose to stay close to home, and your being here has been a blessing to

    me and your dad, but dont get it twisted. Your dads health challenges have nothing to do with

    anything that anyone did. You could have asked for all of the things your sister got and they would

    have been yours. Your dad and I love you both the same. Your sisters energy and zest for life

    couldnt be contained when she was your age. She didnt have your powerful sense of purpose.

    Your father and I gave each of you what you needed when you needed it. Each child is different

    but the love we gave was the same. Now I can understand disappointment, and I can deal with

    hurt feelings, but I am not going to tolerate any more name calling or insults. (Turning to her

    brothers) especially when it comes to these childretn. Not in this house, not in this family, not

    from this day forth. Is that understood? (she looks about the room from one person to another.

    They are all looking at the ground) I said is that understood? (everyone nods in tacit agreement).

    We are a family with a deep family tradition of love and cooperation. Why are we suddenly

    putting material concerns before that?

    Janet: We all need to get ourselves in order. This aint the way its supposed to be. We werent

    raised this way. Daddy would lose his mind if he saw us acting like this.

    Johanna:(Speaking directly to her daughters) And you two know how I raised you. God first, then

    family, and everything else falls into place after that. What you place all your attention all is what

    you worship. I know my daughters are not making material things heir god.

    Simone: Youre right mom. We werent raised like this. We know God didnt bring this family all

    the way from Cairo Georgia so that we would give up now.

    Scene closes with song Scene 5 The Law of Demonstration

    (Like begets like)

    Luke 12:32 fear not little flock Fathers good pleasure to give you the


  • (Tom and Jim are sitting at the table Eveyone else is over by couch and chair touch and in


    Jim: You know theyre right dont you. This is how it should be. I guess we did lose ourselves a little bit over money. Thats not like us. Weve all been so blessed when it comes to prosperity,

    and theyre right our blessings come from the fact weve always maintained our values. I mean

    look at you. Nice home, loving wife and that car out there, man that is some ride.

    Tom: All thats true, but I didnt just lose my way today. I guess coming here today was what I

    needed to help me see myself and what I was turning into. I do have a nice home and a loving

    wife, but that car youre admiring isnt mine, its a rental. I rented it to keep up appearances.

    Jim: You own a leasing company why would you rent a car?

    Tom: I over extended myself and Im living in a house of cards, and its all about to come

    tumbling down all around me. I could lose everything in seven days if I dont come up with

    eighty thousand in the next six days. Ive exhausted all my lines of credit. The bank is holding all

    the cars on my lot I cant even drive one off the lot for personal use. Im afraid of what my wife

    is going to think when she finds out. My only hope was maybe I could somehow cobble enough

    out of the family home to get me through and thats not going to happen.

    Jim: The truth is I was kind of hoping for the same thing.

    Tom: I thought the market is at an all time high.

  • Jim: It is, but up or down you still have to make the right choices. I made a few bad choices here

    lately and Im in a very precarious position. Monday Im going to have to find a way to pay the

    piper. At least youve got a few more days. Tomorrow is going to be like judgement day for me.

    Tom: It looks like we were so busy chasing material wealth that we forgot our true source, so

    we have no one to blame but ourselves. I just got caught up.

    Jim: Me too, to the point I was trying to exclude my own family from what was rightfully theirs

    and it turns out to be 11.44 apiece. Id laugh, but it hurts too much. Not because Im facing

    financial ruin, but because of how I acted when my back was against the all. Im ashamed.

    Tom: You werent as bad and nasty as I was. I treated my baby sister horribly, and I looked at

    her like she was some stranger. I didnt even give her a chance. Whether those kids are Juniors

    or not I had no right to insult them and their parents. I looked down on my family and my family

    home, and expected to somehow gain a blessing from my negativity. What was wrong with me?

    Jim: I guess God was testing us, and we failed.

    Pete: God wasnt testing you. If anything you were testing yourselves. Trying to see how faar

    you could go without including God. God dont test you, and he dont keep no list of whos

    naughty or nice. Thats Santa Clause. God is always available always looking to bless you. (The

    children have returned carrying affirmation Jars)

    Teddy: Auntie Christine always says that when you have a problem you should take it to God

    and hell work it out for you. So we brought out the affirmation jars.

    Tom: Whats that?

  • Judy: You pull one out and you use it to help you think about God. Go ahead take one.(Passes

    jar around allows everyone to take an affirmation They read them)

    Aunt Christine: (To Pete) Get the bible son the answer are there.

    Pete: Lets take Aunt Christines family bible and each read our favorite scripture (Hands Bible

    to Jim) Youre the eldest so you should start us off.

    ( Jim takes the bible and begins to leaf through. Papers fall out and he picks them up and

    looks at them)

    Jim: Oh wow. Aint this something

    Janet: What is it?

    Jim: Well if its what I think it is ( He sits down and starts to add on his calculator)

    Johanna: Looks like a birth certificate

    Jim: No its Stock certificates. Tech certificates I sold her when I first got in the business, I didnt

    know she still had them its been probably twenty-five years.

    Matty: Are they worth anything?

    Jim: In todays market? Only about 15 million.

    Tom: Oh my God and they belong to the family now right?

    Jim: Well she apparently transferred them into Petes name. Theres a note saying he should

    use it to provide for his family

    (The entire family looks at Pete theres a long nervous pause)

  • Tom: Well were his family!

    (Entire family gives Tom an incredulous double take)

    Tom: We are, if Christine said so who are we to question her? So what are you gonna do Son?

    (Pete and the children gather in a football like huddle around Aunt Christine who is stiting in

    her chair. The rest of the family looks on. After an animated discussion they break a face the


    Birdy: This is what we decided.

    Teddy: ten percent goes

    Birdy; let me tell it. Looking back at Pete 10 percent goes to Aunt Christine.

    Jim: How is that going to work? Shes made her transistion?

    Pete: That money is going to be donated to the church in her name.

    Jim: Thats one and a half million

    Judy: And ten percent is going to be set aside to maintain our family home, so that any member

    of the Abraham family who needs it will always have a place to go no matter what.

    Tom: Thats another one and a half mill.

    Andre: The rest is to be divided evenly among all the family members.

  • Birdy: If everyone agrees to attend church every Sunday and come to Sunday dinner here after

    service as a reminder to always keep God first, and then family.

    Pete: and then everything else will just fall in place.

    Andre: (to Pete) Now that they got the money How do you know theyll keep their promise?

    Pete: Theyll have to. Anyone who doesnt put God first is going to end up in the same situation

    theyre in now and theyll have to come back the same way they did today.

    Dre: And what will we do?

    Pete: We are going to Love them, pray with them, and point them back to God.

    Scene ends in Song