Name: Date: 1. Clavicle right clavicle - … · Appendicular Skeleton Review each bone and its...

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Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Laboratory Assignment Appendicular Skeleton Review each bone and its structures using articulated and disarticulated skeletal system models. Once located and reviewed, label the corresponding illustration and answer the questions pertaining to the bones. Pectoral Girdle:

1. Identify the following bone and associated structures. Clavicle Acromial end Conoid tubercle Sternal end

2. Label the following illustration of the right clavicle:

3. In reviewing the general shape of the clavicle and the ends of the bone, how would one distinguish between a right or left clavicle?

4. Identify the following bone and associated structures. Scapula Acromion Medial border Coracoid process Spine Glenoid cavity Subscapular fossa Inferior angle Superior angle Infraglenoid tubercle Superior border Infraspinous fossa Subscapular notch Lateral border Supraspinous fossa 5. Label the following illustrations of the right scapula:

Upper Extremity (upper limb)

6. Identify the following bone and associated structures.

Humerus Anatomical neck Lateral epicondyle Capitulum Lesser tubercle Coronid fossa Medial epicondyle Deltoid tuberosity Olecranon fossa Greater tubercle Radial fossa Head Surgical neck Intertubercular groove/sulcus Trochlea

7. Label the following illustration of the right humerus:

8. How would one determine if a bone was a right or a left humerus?

9. Which structures of the humerus would help one distinguish between the proximal and distal end?

10. The rounded head at the proximal humerus articulates with which bone and at what structure?

11. Identify the following bones and associated structures. Radius Head Neck Radial tuberosity Styloid process of radius Ulnar notch Ulna Coronoid process Olecranon process Radial notch Styloid process Trochlear notch Ulnar tuberosity

12. Label the following illustration of the right radius and ulna.

13. At which locations do the radius and ulna articulate?

14. How can you distinguish between the proximal and distal end of the radius?

15. Which structures of the ulna articulate with the humerus? Carpals, Metacarpals and Phalanges 16. Identify the following bones and associated structures: Capals Proximal row: (lateral to medial) Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform Distal row: (lateral to medial) Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate Metacarpals Base Body Head Phalanges I (pollex) – thumb Proximal phalanx Distal phalanx II-V- digits Proximal phalanx Middle phalanx

Distal phalanx

17. Label the following illustration of the right carpals, metacarpals and phalanges and their associated structures.

Anterior view Posterior view 18. What structures would one use to determine if you were viewing the carpals anteriorly or posteriorly? 19. How is the pollex different from the rest of the phalanges?

Pelvic Girdle 20. Identify the following bones and associated structures: Coxal bones (Os coxae) Acetabulum Ischium Anterior gluteal line Lesser sciatic notch Anterior inferior iliac spine Obturator foramen Anterior superior iliac spine Pectineal line Arcuate line Pelvic brim Auricular surface Posterior gluteal line Body of ilium Posterior inferior iliac spine False pelvis Posterior superior iliac Spine Pubic crest Greater sciatic notch Pubic symphysis Iliac crest Pubis Iliac fossa Public tubercle Ilium Ramus of ischium Inferior gluteal line Sacroiliac joint Inferior ramus pubis Superior ramus of pubis Ischial spine True pelvis Ischial tuberosity Male vs. Female pelvis Pubic arc (subpubic angle) Pubic inlet Pubic outlet

21. Label the following illustrations of the pelvic girdle and the right coxal bone and associated structures:

22. Using your online lab manual or textbook and pelvis models, list the differences between a male and female pelvis. 23. What is the joint found on the anterior pelvis where the coxal bones articulate? 24. List the structures found on the posterior aspect of the coxal bones: Lower extremity (lower limb) 25. Identify the following bones and associated structures: Femur Fovea capitus Lateral epicondyle

Gluteal tuberosity Lesser trochanter Greater trochanter Linea aspera Head of femur Medial condyle Intercondylar notch (fossa) Medial epicondyle Intertrochanteric crest Neck of femur Intertrochanteric line Patellar surface Lateral condyle Popliteal surface

26. Label the following illustration of the right femur and associated structures:

27. How would one distinguish between the proximal and distal ends of the femur? 28. Which structures on the femur help identify the anterior from the posterior surface?

29. On an articulated skeleton, compare the articulation between the femur and coxal bone with that of the humerus and scapula. Describe the differences between the two. 30. Identify the following bone and associated structures: Patella Apex Base Lateral facet Medial facet Surface for patellar ligament 31. Label the following illustration of the right patella and associated structures:

32. What is the primary function of the patella and what type of bone is it? 33. Identify the following bones and associated structures: Tibia Anterior crest Medial malleolus Lateral condyle Tibial tuberosity Medial condyle Tubercles of intercondylar eminence Fibula Head of fibula Lateral malleolus

34. Label the following illustrations of the right tibia and fibula:

35. Which structures on the tibia help to distinguish the anterior surface from the posterior surface? 36. If one were handed a tibia, how could you determine if it was a right or left tibia? 37. Identify the following bones and associated structures: Tarsals Talus Cuneiform 2 (intermediate) Calcaneus Cuneiform 3 (lateral) Navicular Cuboid Cuneiform 1 (medial)

Metatarsals Phalanges Base I (hallux) big toe Body Proximal phalanx Head Distal phalanx II-V- digits Proximal phalanx Middle phalanx

Distal phalanx 38. Label the following bones and associated structures of the right foot:

39. What is the difference between the hallux and the rest of the digits? 40. Which tarsal bone is located at the “heel” of the foot?