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Carales, Vincent D. Ethics and Leadership Publications (8)

1. Carales, V.D. & López, R.M. (In Press). "In their own voices:

Understanding the experiences of community college students during

Hurricane Harvey." Community College Journal of Research & Practice.

2. Carales, V.D. & Doran, E. (2020). "The pursuit of equal educational

opportunity: A historical analysis of the South Texas/Border Initiative."

Educational Policy.

3. Crisp, G., Robertson, R., Potter, C, & Carales, V.D. (2020).

"Documenting the racial transfer gap: Empirical and practical implications

for transfer partnerships." New Directions for Community Colleges.


4. Crisp, G., Doran, E., Carales, V.D., & Potts, C. (2020). "Disrupting the

dominant discourse: Exploring the mentoring experiences of Latina/o

community college students." Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and

Tertiary Education, 5. 57-78.

5. Carales, V.D. & López, R.M. (2020). "Challenging deficit views by using

strength-based perspectives to support Latinx community college students."

New Directions for Community Colleges, Emerging Issues for Latinx

Students in Community Colleges.

6. Carales, V. D. & Nora, A. (2020). "Finding Place: Cognitive and

psychosocial factors impacting Latina/o students' sense of belonging."

Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.

7. Yu, H., McKinney, L.L., & Carales, V.D. (2020). "Does Federal Work

Study Work for Students of Color and Low-Income Students?" Teacher's

College Record.

8. Carales. V.D. (2020). "Examining educational attainment outcomes: A

focus on Latina/o community college students." Community College

Review, 48(2). 195-219.

Choi, Naomi Ethics and Leadership Publications (1)

1. "Challenging Meta-Methodological Heterogeneity in Political Analysis"*

Ethics Publications (3)

1. Charles Taylor: Phenomenological Liberalism after the Interpretive

Turn, TBD.

2. "Investigating "Forms of Life" and Leaving Everything as It Is"*

3. "Arguing for Strong Evaluation: Reconsidering Ontology"*

Ethics and Leadership Presentations (1)

1. Roundtable participant, on Daniel Kapust's "Flattery and the History of

Political Thought: That Glib and Oily Art." Southern Political Science

Association annual meeting, Austin TX, 2019.

Church, Jeffrey Ethics and Leadership Publications (7)

1. Contribution to the Correction of the Public's Judgments on the French

Revolution, by Johann Gottlieb Fichte, edited and translated by Jeffrey

Church and Anna Marisa Schön, SUNY Press, forthcoming.

2. "Rousseau, the Value of Existence, and the Sacredness of Citizenship,"

Constellations (forthcoming).

3. "The Veil of Philanthropy: Kant on the Political Benefits of

Dissimulation and Simulation," European Journal of Political Theory, vol.

20, no. 1, 2021: 27-44.

4. "The Flies of Summer: A Kantian Reply to Burke," The Review of

Politics, vol. 82, no. 2, Spring 2020: 225-246.

5. "Liberalism and Meaningfulness: Common Ground in the Perfectionism

Debate," Social Theory and Practice, vol. 45, no. 2, April 2019: 205-224.

6. "Exemplary Lives and the Normative Theory of Culture," American

Journal of Political Science, vol. 63, no. 2, April 2019: 439-451.

7. "A Cosmopolitanism that Populists Could Love: Kant on National

Honor," in Cosmopolitanism and Its Discontents, ed. Lee Ward, Lexington

Press, 2020.

Ethics Publications (4)

1. Nietzsche's Unfashionable Observations: A Critical Introduction and

Guide, Edinburgh University Press, 2019.

2. "The Comedy of Public Opinion in Hegel," in The Proceedings of the

Hegel Society of America (forthcoming)

3. "Response to Critics," book review symposium on my book Nietzsche's

Unfashionable Observations: A Critical Introduction and Guide, Review of

Politics Review of Politics, vol. 82, no. 4. 635-641.

4. "In Defense of the Long, Long Interview," PS: Political Science and

Politics, vol. 53, no. 2, April 2020: 323-324.

Ethics Presentations (5)

1. Conference Paper, "Kant on the Value of Teleology," APT 2020

2. Author Meets Critics for my book Nietzsche's Unfashionable

Observations, APSA 2019

3. Author Meets Critics for my book Nietzsche's Culture of Humanity,

SPSA 2019.

4. Discussant on Panel "Nietzsche," at SPSA 2019.

5. "Rousseau on the Value of Existence," invited lecture at University of

Texas, Austin, February 2019 (invited lecture).

Clifford, Scott Ethics and Leadership Publications (6)

1. Simas, Elizabeth, Scott Clifford, and Justin Kirkland. "How Dispositional

Empathy Fuels Partisan Polarization." Accepted at the American Political

Science Review.

2. Clifford, Scott. "Compassionate Democrats and Tough Republicans: How

Ideology Shapes Partisan Stereotypes." Accepted at Political Behavior.

3. Clifford, Scott, Justin Kirkland, and Elizabeth Simas. "How Dispositional

Empathy Influences Nascent Political Ambition." Journal of Politics 81(3):


4. Clifford, Scott. 2019. "How Emotional Frames Moralize and Polarize

Political Attitudes." Political Psychology 40(1): 75-91.

5. "How Moral Motivations Link Issue Ownership and Trait Ownership"*

6. "Disgust Sensitivity and Support for Immigration Across Five Nations."

With Francisco Cantu, Cengiz Erisen, and Dane Wendell.*

7. Review of Anxious Politics: Democratic Citizenship in a Threatening

World, Bethany Albertson and Shana Kushner Gadarian. Journal of Politics


8. Clifford, Scott, Elizabeth Simas, and Justin Kirkland. "Do Elections Keep

the Compassionate Out of the Candidate Pool?" Accepted at Public Opinion


Ethics Publications (1)

1. Marques, Lucas Murrins, Scott Clifford, Vijeth Iyengar, Graziela Vieira

Bonato, Patricia Moraes Cabral, Rafaela Barreto dos Santos, Roberto

Cabeza, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, and Paulo Sergio Boggio. "Translation

and Validation of the Moral Foundations Vignettes (MFVs) for the

Portuguese language in a Brazilian sample from São Paulo." Accepted at

Judgment and Decision Making.

Coates, Justin Ethics Publications (9)

1. In Praise of Ambivalence (Oxford University Press, forthcoming).

2. Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, vol 5: Essays on Themes

from the Work of Gary Watson, eds. D. Justin Coates and Neal A.

Tognazzini, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2019).

3. Degrees of Responsibility," Oxford Handbook of Moral Responsibility,

eds. Dana Nelkin and Derk Pereboom (forthcoming).

4. "(Slightly) Extending the Limits of Blame," Criminal Law and

Philosophy (forthcoming).

5. "The Ethics of Blame: A Primer," The Ethics of Belief and Beyond:

Understanding Mental Normativity, eds. Sebastian Schmidt and Gerhard

Ernst, New York: Routledge (2020): 192-214.

6. "Being More (or Less) Blameworthy," American Philosophical Quarterly

56.3 (2019): 233-246.

7. "Manipulation and Independence," The Future of Moral Responsibility in

Journal of Information Ethics 28.1 (2019): 115-130.

8. "Gratitude and Resentment: Some Asymmetries," The Moral Psychology

of Gratitude, eds. Robert C. Roberts and Daniel Telech, London: Rowman

& Littlefield (2019): 160-175.

9. "Compatibilism," (with Michael McKenna), Stanford Encyclopedia of

Philosophy, (2019).

Ethics Presentations (5)

1. "Ambivalence and Meaning," Texas Ethics Workshop, February 2020.

2. "(Slightly) Extending the Limits of Blame," Eastern APA, January 2020.

3. "Sociality and the Participant Orientation" (w/ Neal Tognazzini),

Pepperdine University, October 2019.

4. "Forgiveness and Blame," University of Edinburgh, April 2019.

5. "Asymmetrical Responsibility," Mississippi State University, March


Davis, Bradley Ethics and Leadership Publications (2)

1. Davis, B.W. & Saunders, D.B. (in press). "Critical quantitative research:

Foreclosing criticality within education." Critical Education.

2. Gooden, M. A., & Davis, B. W. (accepted). Students' speech rights in an

online era. In L. Stedrak et al. (Eds.), The Public School Teacher's Legal

Handbook (1st ed.). Dayton, OH: Education Law Association.

Leadership Publications (3)

1. Davis, B., & Anderson, E. (2021). "Visualizing differential principal

turnover." Journal of Educational Administration, 59(2), 177–198.

2. Davis, B.W. & Anderson, E. (2020). The potential of alluvial diagrams

for advancing educational research. Teachers College Record.

3. Davis, B.W., & Bowers, A.J. (2019). Examining the career pathways of

educators with superintendent certification. Educational Administration

Quarterly, 15(1), 3-41.

Ethics and Leadership Presentations (1)

1. Davis, B.W. & Hall, D. (2013, May). Early career leaders for social

justice. A paper presentation at the New DEEL (Democratic Ethical

Educational Leadership) conference. Philadelphia, PA.

Ethics Presentations (1)

1. Davis, B.W. (2019, November). "Visualizing Administrator Turnover." A

paper presented at the annual conference of The University Council for

Educational Administration (UCEA). New Orleans, LA.

Leadership Presentations (1)

1. Superville, D. R. (2019, December 19). "Principal turnover is a problem.

New data could help districts combat it." Education Week. Retrieved from [interview]*

Davis, Tiffany J. Ethics and Leadership Publications (15)

1. Cooper, J. N., McGarry, J., Dougherty, S, & Davis, T. J. "A multi-

divisional examination of female student-athletes' experiences at national

collegiate athletic association (NCAA) institutions."

2. Porter, C. J., Moore, C. M., Boss, G. J., & Davis, T. J. "To be Black,

woman, and contingent: Four scholarly personal narratives."

3. McTier, T. S., Davis, T. J., & Briscoe, K. L. "College administrator's

beliefs and perceptions of college students with criminal records."

4. Davis, T. J. (2019). "Practicing self-care is a radical notion in student

affairs and it shouldn't be." In M. Baxter-Magolda & P. Baxter-Magolda

(Eds.). Contested issues in troubled times: Dialogues about equity, civility,

and safety (pp. 433-445). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

5. Boss, G. J., & Davis, T. J., Porter, C. J., & Moore, C. M. (2019). "Second

to none: Contingent women of Color faculty in the classroom." In R.

Jeffries (Ed.), Diversity, equity, and inclusivity in contemporary higher

education (pp. 211-225). Hersey, PA: IEI Global.

6. Boss, G. J., Porter, C. J., & Davis, T. J. (2021). "Colleagues, co-

conspirators, and community Care: A composite COVID-19

counternarrative and call to action." Journal of the Professoriate, 12(1), 30-


7. Boss, G. J., Porter, C. J., Davis, T. J., & Moore, C. M. (2021). "Who

cares?: Black women as contingent faculty and the leadership imperative of

labor justice." Journal of African American Women and Girls in Education,

1(1), 80-94.

8. Cooper, J. N., McGarry, J., Dougherty, S, & Davis, T. J. (2020). "Race,

sport, and divisional classification matters: An examination of female

athletes' experiences at National Collegiate athletic Association (NCAA)

institutions." Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 13, 227-251.

9. Davis, T. J., Greer, T. W., Sisco, S., & Collins, J. C. (2020). "'Reclaiming

my time' amid organizational change: A dialectical approach to support the

thriving and career development for faculty at the margins." Advances in

Developing Human Resources, 22(1), 23-40.

10. Davis, T. J., Peters, A., White, C. L., & Wilson, M. C. (in press).

"SistUH Scholars: Mentoring Black women doctoral students in education."

In B. T. Kelly and S. Fries-Britt (Eds.), Building mentorship networks to

support Black women: A guide to succeeding in the academy. Routledge.

11. Porter, C. J., Davis, T. J., & Boss, G. J. (in press). In B. T. Kelly and S.

Fries-Britt (Eds.), Building mentorship networks to support Black women: A

guide to succeeding in the academy. Routledge.

12. Boss, G. J., Davis, T. J., & Porter, C. J. (in press). "On Black mattering

and (un)framing the preparation of higher education/student affairs

administrators." Journal of Effective Teaching [Special Issue].

13. Tevis, T. L., Davis, T. J., Perez-Gil, S., & Amason, T. M. (in press).

"Advising Black students and anti-oppressive frameworks: A systematic

review of the college access and college counseling literature." Journal of

College Access.

14. Davis, T. J., & Peters, A. (in press). "Sista circles with SistUH Scholars:

Socializing Black women doctoral students." In C. J. Porter, T. Sulé, & N.

N. Croom (Eds.). Applying Black feminist epistemology and praxis:

Narratives in and through the academy. Routledge.

15. Davis, T. J., Sasso, P., & Price-Williams, S. (Eds.) (under

contract/2022). Diversity of opportunity and privileged access: Institutional

types across American higher education. Information Age Publishing

Ethics Publications (1)

1. Clayton, A. B., Davis, T. J., & Givens, J. (2021). "Under-resourced

students and undergraduate research: A McNair Program case study." In S.

Ardoin and G. Martin (Eds.). Social class supports: Examples of programs

and practices to serve poor and working-class students in higher education

(pp. 131-143). Stylus.

Leadership Publications (5)

1. Davis, T. J., & Walker, R. (2019). "Understanding the urban-serving

institution." In A. M. Ortiz (Ed.), Student affairs in urban-serving

institutions: Voices from senior leaders (pp. 19-37). Routledge.

2. Davis, T. J., & Williams, B. M. (Eds.) (in press). "Supervision in student

affairs: Approaches and tensions in today's workplaces" [Special Issue].

New Directions in Student Services.

3. Green, M. V., & Davis, T. J. (in press). "21st century supervision

tensions." New Directions in Student Services.

4. Davis, T. J., & Barnes, Y. (in press). "Who has a stake in today's college

students?" In Y. Gulley (Ed.), Multiple perspectives on college students:

Needs, challenges, and opportunities. Routledge.

5. Boss, G. J., & Davis, T. J. (Eds.) (under contract/2022). "Scholarly

practice in student Affairs" [Special Issue]. College Student Affairs Journal.

Ethics and Leadership Presentations (2)

1. Davis, T. J., & Clayton, A. B. (2020, January). "Addressing the United

States college access problem: Translating research to practice in graduate

education through service-learning" [Workshop]. Hawaii International

Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

2. Griggs, M. R., & Davis, T. J. (2019, November). "Affectively committed

to the revolution: An examination of the perceived experiences of incivility

and gender bias of women faculty at a tier one research university"

[Roundtable]. Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)

Annual Conference, Portland, OR.

Ethics Presentations (1)

1. Clayton, A. B., & Davis, T. J. (2020, January). "Undergraduate research

opportunities for underserved students: A McNair Scholars Program case

study" [Paper Session]. Hawaii International Conference on Education,

Honolulu, HI.

Leadership Presentations (1)

1. Ardoin, S., Shelton L. J., Covarrubias, A., & Davis, T. J. (2019, March

11). "The Hype vs. The Realities of Non-Tenure Track Faculty Experiences

in Higher Education and Student Affairs." NASPA Annual Conference, Los

Angeles, CA.

De Genova, Nicholas Ethics Publications (25)

1. co-editor of Roma Migrants in the European Union: Un/Free Mobility

(with Can Yildiz; Routledge, 2019)

2. co-editor of Europa / Crisis: Nuevas Palabras Claves de "la Crisis" en y

de "Europa" (with Martina Tazzioli; Los Libros de la Catarata [Madrid,

Spain], 2021)

3. 2021a

"The Vicious Circle: Policing and the Culture of White Male Violence"

Spectre (published online: April 13, 2021)

4. 2021b

"Minor Keywords of Political Theory: Migration as a Critical Standpoint" A

collective writing project involving 22 co-authors; coordinated, co-edited,

and introduced by Nicholas De Genova and Martina Tazzioli. Environment

& Planning C: Politics and Space (published online: March 10, 2021); DOI:


5. 2021c

"'Doin' Hard Time on Planet Earth': Migrant Detainability, Disciplinary

Power, and the Disposability of Life" in Christine M. Jacobsen, Marry-Anne

Karlsen, and Shahram Khosravi (eds.), Waiting and the Temporalities of

Irregular Migration (London & New York: Routledge)

6. 2021d

"Denizenship" in Catherine Ramírez, Sylvanna Falcón, Juan Poblete, Steve

McKay, and Felicity Amaya Schaeffer (eds.), Precarity and Belonging:

Labor, Migration, and Noncitizenship (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers

University Press)

7. 2021e "Life versus Capital: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Politics of

Life" Cultural Dynamics (published online: May 4, 2021) Special thematic

issue: "Post-Covid: Transforming Market Economies"

8. 2021f

"On Standby … at the Borders of 'Europe'" ephemera: theory & politics in

organization Volume 21, Number 1 (February 2021; published online:

September 4, 2020) Special thematic issue: "Standby: Organizing modes of


9. 2020a

"'Everything Is Permitted': Trump, White Supremacy, Fascism" American

Anthropologist Volume 122, Number 1 (published online: March 23, 2020)

Commentary, online supplement to Special Section on "The Anthropology

of White Supremacy"

10. 2020b

"American Carnage: Police Racism, Riots, and Racial Justice" Spectre

(published online: June 15, 2020)

11. 2020c

"Kidnapping Migrants as a Tactic of Border Enforcement" (co-authored

with Martina Tazzioli) Environment & Planning D: Society and Space

Volume 38, Number 5 (published online: May 22, 2020)

12. 2020d

"Life versus Capital: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Politics of Life"

Spectre (Published online: June 1, 2020)

13. 2020e

"Life versus Capital: COVID-19 and the Politics of Life" Social

Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale Volume 28, Number 2 (published

online: May 18, 2020) (special thematic forum: "COVID-19: Urgent

Anthropological Reflections")

14. 2020f

"Migration and the Question of New Political Possibilities: Nicholas De

Genova and Sandro Mezzadra — In Dialogue" PARISS: Political

Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences Volume 1,

Number 2

15. 2020g

"The Convulsive European Space of Mobilities" PARISS: Political

Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences Volume 1,

Number 1

16. 2020h

"Practices of Illegalization" (co-authored with Ananya Roy) Antipode: A

Radical Journal of Geography Volume 52, Number 2 (special thematic

issue: "New Poverty Politics for Changing Times"; published online: 24

January 2020)

17. 2020m

"The Economy of Detainability: Theorizing Migrant Detention"

in Julia Eckert, ed. The Bureaucratic Production of Difference: Ethos and

Ethics in Migration Bureaucracies (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag)

18. In Press, 2021a

"Deportation" in Beverley Skeggs, Sara R. Farris, and Alberto Toscano

(eds.), The Sage Handbook of Marxism (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage


19. In Press, 2021b

"Anonymous Brown Bodies: The Productive Power of the Deadly U.S.-

Mexico Border" in Jamie Longazel and Miranda Cady Hallett (eds.),

Migration and Mortality: Social Death, Dispossession, and Survival in the

Americas (Philadelphia: Temple University Press).

20. In Press, 2021c

"Spatial Convulsions, Racial Concussions: The Borders and Boundaries of

the 'European' Problem" (to appear in German translation) in Valeria

Hänsel, Karl Heyer, Matthias Schmidt-Sembdner, and Nina V. Schwarz


Von Moria bis Hanau: Brutalisierung und Widerstand — Grenzregime IV

[From Moria to Hanau: Brutalization and Resistance — Border Regime

IV]. (Berlin: Assoziation A)

21. Forthcoming, n.d.

"The Blackness of Labor, the Blackness of Migration" in Michaeline A.

Crichlow and Patricia Northover, eds. Decoloniality in the Break of Global

Blackness (Durham, NC: Duke University Press)

22. 2019a

"Latino Studies, Latino/a/X Futures: Provocations toward a Prospectus"

Cultural Dynamics Volume 31, Numbers 1–2 (February-May 2019)

(special thematic issue: "LatinX Studies: Variations and Velocities")

23. 2019b

"The Securitization of Roma Mobilities and the Re-Bordering of Europe"

in Huub van Baar, Ana Ivasiuc, and Regina Kreide, eds. The Securitization

of the Roma in Europe (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)

24. 2019c

"The 'Migrant Crisis' as Racial Crisis: Do 'Black Lives Matter' in Europe?"

in Suman Gupta and Satnam Virdee, eds. Race and Crisis. London and New

York: Routledge.

25. 2019d

"Detention, Deportation, and Waiting: Toward a Theory of Migrant

Detainability" Gender and výzkum / Gender and Research Volume 20,

Number 1 (Prague, Czech Republic)"

Dow, David R. Ethics and Leadership Publications (1)

1. Confessions of an Innocent Man (Dutton 2019)

Leadership Publications (5)

1. Asymmetric Error Correction in the Supreme Court (in progress).

2. "Reversal Rates in Capital Cases in Texas, 2000 - 2020," 68 UCLA L.

Rev. 1 (Discourse) (April 27, 2020), available at

3. "Foreword: The Future of Crime Labs and Forensic Science," 57 Hous. L.

Rev. 467 (2019).

4. "Conceptual and Scientific Defects in the Supreme Court's 'Method of

Execution' Jurisprudence," 92:4 Yale J. of Biology and Medicine 793

(December 2019), available at

5. "Review of 'Capital Defense: Inside the Lives of America's Death Penalty

Lawyers,' by Jon B. Gould and Maya Pagni Barak" (NYU 2019), in

Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books, available at

Leadership Presentations (1)

1. "Knocking Down Death's Door: How Nonfiction Writers Address Capital

Punishment," Annual AWP Conference & Book Fair, San Antonio, Texas, 7

March 2020.

Duncan, Meredith J. Ethics Publications (1)

1. "Digital Ecosystem of Accountability and Digitized Open-File Criminal

Discovery" (forthcoming 59 AM. CRIM. L. REV. Fall 2021).

Leadership Publications (1)

1. Advanced Torts: A Lawyer's Perspective, A Context and Practice

Casebook (2d edition 2020) (invited as co-author with Alex Long as part of

Carolina Academic Press's Context and Practices Series) (including

teachers' manual).

Freelon, Rhoda Leadership Publications (1)

1. Welton, A. D. & Freelon, R. (2019) "A critical examination of the

educational leadership standards: A community organizing perspective.," In

A. B. Danzig & W. R. Black (Eds.), Who Controls the Preparation of

Education Administrators? (pp. 187-218). Information Age.

Fumurescu, Alin Ethics and Leadership Publications (7)

1. Compromise and the American Founding – The Quest for the People's

Two Bodies. Forthcoming with Cambridge University Press, 2019.

2. Foundations of American Political Thought: A Reader – Advanced

contract with Cambridge University Press.

3. "Parties without Partisanship? Bringing Back Compromise in Politics"*

4. "Rousseau and the American People's Two Bodies" – with graduate

student, Haimo Li*

5. "Compromise" (forthcoming 2021) in Hall, Edward and Andrew Sable

(Eds.) Political Ethics (Princeton University Press).

6. "Compromise and Shame: The Forgotten Connection" (forthcoming

2022) in Vassiliou Constantine (ed.) Liberty, Equality and Higher

Education: Citizenship and the Liberal Arts in an Age of Modern

Technology (University of Missouri Press).

7. "Compromise and the People's Two Bodies", (2020) in Sandrine Baume

and Stéphanie Novak (eds.), Compromise and Democracy (Palgrave).

8. Political Culture, Identity Politics, and Political Compromise in

Comparative Perspective, International Colloquium on Global Ethics of

Compromise, CESPRA, EHESS, Paris, France (2021) - https://hal.archives-

9. "The People's Two Bodies: An Alternative Perspective on Populism and

Elitism," Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 71 (4): 842-853 (2018).

Ethics and Leadership Presentations (1)

1. 2019: Invited keynote speaker – "Political Culture, Identity Politics, and

Political Compromise in Comparative Perspective" – International

Conference on Global Ethics of Compromise, School of Advanced Studies

in Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris, Sciences et Letters (PSL), March 7 – 8."

Gonzalez, Elsa Ethics and Leadership Publications (2)

1. Gonzalez, E.; & Myers, J. (Under review). "Stories of Sucess of Female

STEM students in Texas." Journal of Hispanics in Higher Education.

2. Bravo, L.; & Gonzalez, E. (In progress). Migrant farmer students in

Texas. Sage Open.

Gregory, Elizabeth Ethics Publications (2)

1. Pandemic Gender Snapshots: Series, 1-9 (2020-21) published to date.

Houston/Harris County Covid-19 Fatalities by Gender, Race/Ethnicity &


2. Houston/Harris County Gender & Sexuality Data Reports: 2020, 2021

(with Audrey Miller and Claire Chi-Hung Kang)."

Leadership Publications (2)

1. Apparition of Splendor: Marianne Moore Performing Democracy

through Celebrity, 1952-1970 (U Delaware Press, 2021).

2. Editor, Marianne Moore's 1960-1969 Poetry Notebook, Transcription

and Edition, Marianne Moore Digital Archive (forthcoming,, 2021).

Hassett, Kristen S. Leadership Publications (1)

1. Cobb, J., Hawkins, J.M., Jones, S.J. & Hassett, K. (under review).

Improving transition to college: The impact of a summer bridge program

for at-risk high school graduates. Manuscript under review.

Horn, Catherine Ethics and Leadership Publications (5)

1. Templeton, T., Lowrey, S., & Horn, C. (2020, August). "A review of

Texas educator preparation program policy." TxEP: Texas Educator


2. Horn, C., Marin, P., Garces, L., Miksch, K., & Yun, J. (2020). "Shaping

educational policy through the courts: The use of social science in amicus

briefs." Educational Policy, 34(3), 449-476.

3. Garces, L., Marin, P., & Horn, C. (2019). "Arguing race in higher

education admissions: Examining amici's use of extra-legal sources in

Fisher." Manuscript submitted to Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.

4. Yun, J., Marin, P., Garces, L., & Horn, C. (2019). "What should influence

the Supreme Court? Understanding knowledge producers' perspectives."

Manuscript submitted to Journal of Higher Education, 91(2), 167-191.

5. Templeton, T., Horn, C., Alghazzawi, D., & Bui, B. (2020). "Texas

charter authorizer accountability report." Houston, TX: UH ERC.

6. Mullen, A., & Horn, C. (Under Review). "Autonomy and volume? Do

they improve trainee outcomes?" Submitted to Medical Teacher.*

7. Marin, P., Garces, L., & Horn, C. (In Progress). "So much power, so few

words: An examination of amici's use of research to influence educational

policy through Fisher I."*

Leadership Publications (7)

1. Ghazzawi, D. + , McKinney, L., Horn, C., Burridge, A., & Carales, V.

(2020). "Reconceptualizing student engagement: Investigating the validity

of CCSSE benchmarks as indicators of international student engagement."

Journal of International Students.

2. Donaldson, P.+ , McKinney, L., Lee, M. M., & Horn, C. (Accepted).

"Insider information: Advisors' perspectives on the effectiveness of

enhanced advising programs for community colleges." NACADA Journal.

3. Santelices, V., Zarhi, M., Horn, C., & Catalan, X. (In Press). "Information

sources and transition to higher education: Students, teachers, and school

counselors' perspectives." International Journal of Educational Research.

4. Ghazzawi, D.+ , McKinney, L., Horn, C., Carales, V., & Burridge, A.

(2020). "The road to the baccalaureate: Assessing the viability of

community colleges as transfer pathways for international students."

Journal of International Students, 10(2), 420-442.

5. Luna-Torres, M.+ , McKinney, L., Burridge, A.B., Horn, C., Jones, S.

(2019). "Financial Aid Packaging at Community Colleges: Which Type of

Award Packages Increase Student Persistence?" Journal of Student

Financial Aid, 49(1), Article 2.

6. Crisp, G., Horn, C., Kuczynski, M., & Zhou, J. (2019). "Describing and

differentiating four-year broad access institutions: An empirical typology."

Review of Higher Education, 42(4), 1373-1400.

7. Templeton, T., Lowrey, S., Horn, C., Alghazzawi, D., & Bui, B. (2020).

"Assessing the effectiveness of Texas educator preparation programs."

Houston, TX: Center for Research, Evaluation, and Advancement of

Teacher Education (CREATE) and UH ERC.

8. Templeton, T., White, C., Peters-Hawkins, A., & Horn, C. (Under

Review). "A quantcrit analysis of the Black teacher to principal pipeline."

Submitted to Educational Administration Quarterly.*

9. Ghazzawi, D., Pattison, D., Horn, C., Hardy, J., & Brown, B. (Under

Review). "Impact of an intensive multi-disciplinary STEM enrichment

program on the long-term impact of underrepresented minority student

success." Submitted to Journal of Research in Science Teaching.*

10. Templeton, T., White, C., Tran, M., & Horn, C. (Under Review).

"STEM teachers in highestneeds schools: An analysis of the effects of the

Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program on STEM teacher placement

and retention." Submitted to Journal of Science Teacher


11. Burnett, C. A., Murdock, A., & Horn, C. (Under Review).

"Understanding department climate and faculty engagement in an

ADVANCE institution." Submitted to Journal of Diversity in Higher


Ethics Presentations (3)

1. Horn, C. "Noyce Retention in Texas." Keynote to the 2019 National

Science Foundation Noyce Summit. Washington, DC, July 2019.

2. C. Horn, P. Evans, L. McCalister Shields, and M. Tran. "Noyce Retention

Outcomes." National Science Foundation 2019 Noyce Summit.

Washington, DC, July 2019.

3. C. Horn, T. Templeton, and C. White. "The Long Arm of the Law:

Understanding the Influence of the Texas Top Ten Percent Plan on Law

School Admissions and Enrollment." Association for the Study of Higher

Education. Portland, Oregon, November, 2019.

Johnson, Detra D. Leadership Publications (1)

1. Ingle, W.K., & Johnson, D. (2019). "Photovoices of urban educational

leadership students abroad." Frontier: The Interdisciplinary Journal of

Study Abroad.

Knake Jefferson, Renee Ethics and Leadership Publications (22)


COURT, with H. Johnson (New York University Press 2020).

Shortlisted: Women in the Shadows of the Supreme Court


APPROACH, 4TH ED. lead author with R. Pearce, B. Green, E. Murphy, S.

Kim, P. Joy, and L. Terry (West Academic Publishing 2020).

3. GENDER, POWER, LAW & LEADERSHIP, with H. Brenner (West

Academic Publishing 2019).

4. "Lawyer Lies and the First Amendment," YALE LAW JOURNAL

FORUM (forthcoming 2021).

5. "Judicial Ethics in the #MeToo World," 89 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW

1198 (2021).

6. "Lawyer Ethics and Innovation," 35 NOTRE DAME JOURNAL OF


7. "The Behavioral Economics of Lawyer Advertising: An Empirical

Assessment," 2019 ILLINOIS LAW REVIEW 1105 (2019) (with J.


8. "Not the End of Lawyers, But a Beginning—The Place of

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Legal Ethics," LEADING WORKS IN

LEGAL ETHICS (forthcoming 2021, with R. Pearce)

9. "Hidden Women of History: Flos Greig, Australia's First Female Lawyer

and Early Innovator," THE CONVERSATION (2019).



11. "Cold Cases, Misogyny, and Race in America: A Conversation with

Jillian Lauren, host of Confronting a Serial Killer," MS. MAGAZINE, April

19, 2021.

12. "The Women Shortlisted Before Sandra Day O'Connor," THE HILL,

March 22, 2021 (with H. Johnson).

13. "Rest in Power: Judge Joan Dempsey Klein, Who Devoted Every Day to

Eliminating Gender Discrimination," MS. MAGAZINE, Jan. 21, 2021 (with

H. Johnson).

14. "Amy Coney Barrett Must Recuse Herself from Election-Related

Cases," NY DAILY News, Oct. 26, 2020, cited in Respondents' Motion to

Recuse, Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar, United States

Supreme Court No. 20-542 (Oct. 27, 2020).

15. "Amy Coney Barrett and the Threat to Women's Rights," NY DAILY

News, Sept. 26, 2020 (with H. Johnson).

16. "How RBG Went from a 'Moderate' Choice to a Fiery Dissenter," CNN

OPINION, Sept. 25, 2020 (with H. Johnson).

17. "The Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg," FROM THE SQUARE, Sept. 23,

2020 (with H. Johnson).

18. "Texas Should Cancel Its 2020 Bar Exam," LAW360, June 30, 2020

(with D. Fagundes).

19. "No Men Allowed: With Biden's VP Shortlist, Women are Finally

Gaining Political Ground," THE HILL, May 1, 2020.

20. Guest Blogger, The Faculty Lounge (2020).*

21. Constitutional Law Assessment Questions, West Academic Publishing


22. Professional Responsibility Office Hours, West Academic Publishing


23. Consultation—Artificial Intelligence, Australian Human Rights

Commission (2019).

Ethics and Leadership Presentations (22)

1. Washburn Law School Women's History Month Lecture, March 1, 2020

2. Fulbright Australia Scholars Orientation, May 6, 2021

3. Gonzaga Law School Conference on Human Rights, Nov. 9, 2020

4. Melbourne University Law School, July 25, 2019

5. Legal Innovation Festival Sydney, June 8, 2019

6. Lawfest Conference on Innovation and Technology New Zealand, March

21, 2019.

7. American Bar Association Section on Litigation Annual Meeting, May 5,


8. Southern Methodist University Law School, April 6, 2021

9. Wake Forest Law School, Oct. 20, 2020

10. New Civil Liberties Alliance, Oct. 16, 2020

11. Fordham Law School, Oct. 9, 2020

12. University of Texas Center for Women in Law, Oct. 5, 2020

13. Harris County Law Library, Aug. 18, 2020

14. Villanova Law School, Feb. 26, 2020

15. Suffolk Law School, Feb. 6, 2020

16. Conversation Partner with Malcom Gladwell on his book Talking to

Strangers, Oct. 8, 2019

17. Texas Women Rainmakers Annual Conference, Aug. 23, 2019

18. Women Lawyer's Association of Queensland, July 19, 2019

19. The College of Law Victoria, June 18, 2019

20. Australia National University Law School, June 26, 2019

21. University of Tasmania Law School, April 18, 2019

22. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Feb. 19, 2019

Kaufman, Zachary D. Ethics and Leadership Publications (11)

1. The Law and Politics of Bystanders and Upstanders (Cambridge

University Press) (forthcoming).

2. "Digital Age Samaritans," 62 Boston College Law Review 1117 (2021).

3. "Legislating Atrocity Prevention," 57 Harvard Journal on Legislation

163 (2020).

4. "Protectors of Predators or Prey: Bystanders and Upstanders amid Sexual

Crimes," 92 Southern California Law Review 1317 (2019).

5. "Lessons from Rwanda: Post-Genocide Law and Policy," 31 Stanford

Law & Policy Review Online 1 (2019).

6. "The United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda," in The

Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice (Nadya Nedelsky & Lavinia Stan eds.,

2d ed. forthcoming).

7. "Transitional Justice Delayed Is Not Transitional Justice Denied:

Contemporary Confrontation of Japanese Human Experimentation During

World War II Through a People's Tribunal," in People's Tribunals, Human

Rights, and the Law 163 (Regina Paulose ed., 2020).

8. "Addressing the Islamic State's Genocide Against the Yezidis at the

Belgian Parliament," Opinio Juris (June 21, 2021).

9. "Prod Bystanders to be 'Upstanders' like Darnella Frazier," Houston

Chronicle (May 6, 2021).

10. "What Makes People Save Lives? Learning from Upstanders and

Bystanders," New York Daily News (Oct. 27, 2020).

11. "No Cover for Abusers; California Must Close Gap in its Duty-to-

Report Law," San Francisco Chronicle, June 23, 2019, at A15.

Ethics and Leadership Presentations (100+)


López, Ruth M. Ethics and Leadership Publications (13)

1. López, R.M. (2021). "The (mis)treatment and (non)education of

unaccompanied immigrant children in the United States." National

Education Policy Center. Boulder, CO.

2. López, R.M., Honey, M.L., Pacheco, H.S., & Valdez, E.C. (In Press).

"Creando comunidad: Experiences of Latina faculty and staff mentors at a

Hispanic serving institution." NASPA Journal About Women and Gender in

Higher Education.


3. Carales, V.D., & López, R.M. (2021). "Navigating college after a

disaster: Understanding the impact and institutional support for community

college students after Hurricane Harvey." Community College Journal of

Research and Practice. https://doi-

4. Carales, V.D. & López, R.M. (2020). "Challenging Deficit Views by

Using Strength-based Perspectives to Support Latinx Community College

Students." New Directions for Community Colleges, Emerging Issues for

Latinx Students in Community Colleges.

5. López, R.M. (2020). "Discursive De/Humanizing: A Multimodal Critical

Discourse Analysis of Television News Representations of Undocumented

Youth." Education Policy Analysis Archive.

6. López, R.M., Valdez, E.C., Pacheco, H.S., Honey, M.L., and Jones, R.

(2020). "Bridging Silos in Higher Education: Using Chicana Feminist

Participatory Action Research to Honor and Support Latina Resilience."

International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

7. López, R.M., Tung, R., and Lee, J.J. (2020). "Implementing a Refugee

Enrichment Program for Secondary Students in a U.S. Newcomer

Community." International Journal of Leadership in Education, 3(1), 77-

92. DOI: 10.1080/13603124.2019.1629629.

8. López, R.M. (2019). "A critical examination of television news coverage

of the Dream Act of 2010 and the implications for families, schools, and

communities." In S. Winton & Parekh, G. (Eds), Critical Perspectives on

Education Policy and Schools, Families and Communities. Information Age

Publishing. (Peer-Reviewed, Invited)

9. López, R.M., Del Razo, J.L., & Lee, J.J. (2019). "Precarious realities:

Undocumented youth in the Southwest (USA)." In K. Arar, J.S. Brooks & I,

Bogotch, (Eds.), Education, Immigration and Migration: Policy, Leadership

and Praxis for a Changing World. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Ltd.

(Peer-Reviewed, Invited)

10. López, R.M. (In revision). "Reporters as policy actors: A critical

discourse analysis of television news coverage of the Dream Act of 2010."

Race Frames, edited by Sophia Rodriguez and Gilberto Q. Conchas.

Teachers College Press. (Chapter, Peer-Reviewed, Invited)

11. López, R.M. (In revision). "Reporters as policy actors: A critical

discourse analysis of television news coverage of the Dream Act of 2010."

Race Frames, edited by Sophia Rodriguez and Gilberto Q. Conchas.

Teachers College Press. (Chapter, Peer-Reviewed, Invited)

12. López, R.M. & Carales, V.D. (2020, April 20). "Supporting college

students through a public health crisis: Lessons learned from Hurricane

Harvey." Higher Education Today: A blog by American Council on



13. López, R.M., Honey, M. L., Pacheco, H. S., Valdez, E. C. (2021, April

15). "Creando Comunidad: Experiences of Latina Faculty and Staff Mentors

at a Hispanic-Serving Institution." Journal of Women and Gender in Higher

Education, 100-120.

McKinney, Lyle Leadership Publications (6)

1. McKinney, L., Burridge, A., Lee, M., Bourdeau, G.V., & Miller-Waters,

M. (In Press). "Incentivizing full-time enrollment at community colleges:

What influences students' decision to take more courses?" Community

College Review.

2. Bourdeau, G.V., Barnes, Y., McKinney, L., Burridge, A. & Lee, M. (In

Press). "Hidden costs: Understanding the financial implications of

incentivizing full-time enrollment among community college students."

Community College Journal of Research & Practice.

3. McKinney, L., Gross, J.P.K., Burridge, A., Inge, B, & Williams, A. (In

Press). "Understanding loan default among community college students."

Community College Review.

4. Yu, H., McKinney, L., & Carales, V. (In Press). "Do community college

students benefit from Federal Work Study participation?" Teachers College


5. Moreno, M., McKinney, L., Burridge, A., Rangel, V, & Carales, V. (In

Press). "Access for whom? The impact of dual enrollment on college

matriculation among underserved student populations in Texas."

Community College Journal of Research & Practice.

6. McKinney, L., Novak, H., Hagedorn, L.S., & Luna-Torres, M. (2019).

"Giving up on a course: An analysis of course dropping behaviors among

community college students." Research in Higher Education, 60(2), 184-


Nguyen, An Tuan Ethics Publications (1)

1. An Tuan Nguyen, "Global Economy, Citizenship Pluralism,

Transmigrant Mobility, and the Sojourn-Immigrant Vietnamese

Americans," DIASPORA: A Journal of Transnational Studies, Vol.20,

Issue: 2, 177-203, Summer 2019.

Oliveira, Luis Ethics Publications (3)

1. (forthcoming) "Epistemic Consent and Doxastic Justification" in

Propositional and Doxastic Justification: New Essays on their Nature and

Significance, by Luis Oliveira and Paul Silva.

2. (forthcoming) "Hermeneutic Injustices: Practical and Epistemic" in

Interpretation und Geltung, by Andreas Mauz and Christiane Tietz (eds.).


3. (2021) "Evading the Doxastic Puzzle by Deflating Epistemic

Normativity." in Epistemic Duties: New Arguments, New Angles, by Scott

Stapleford and Kevin McCain (eds.). Routledge: 44-62.

Patrick-Ralhan, Vanessa M. Ethics and Leadership Publications (1)

1. Patrick, Vanessa M. (2021), "Getting to Gutsy: Using Personal Policies to

Enhance (and Reclaim) Agency in the Workplace," Rutgers Business

Review, Summer, 161-188.

Ethics Publications (9)

1. Patrick, Vanessa M. and Candice Hollenbeck (2021), "Designing for All:

Consumer Response to Inclusive Design," Journal of Consumer

Psychology, 31(2), 360-381.

2. Bayuk, Julia and Vanessa M. Patrick (2021), "Is the uphill road the one

more taken? How task complexity prompts action on non-pressing tasks,"

Journal of Business Research, 128, 436-49.

3. Zhang, Zhe and Vanessa M. Patrick (2021), "Mickey D's Has More Street

Cred than McDonalds: Consumer Brand Nickname Use Signals Information

Authenticity," Journal of Marketing, forthcoming.

4. To Ngoc (Rita) and Vanessa M. Patrick (2021), "How the Eyes Connect

to the Heart: The Influence of Eye Gaze Direction on Advertising

Effectiveness," Journal of Consumer Research, forthcoming.

5. Izadi Anoosha, Melanie Rudd and Vanessa M. Patrick (2019), "The Way

the Wind Blows: Direction of Airflow Energizes Consumers and Fuels

Creative Engagement," forthcoming in the Journal of Retailing.

6. Ebrahimi, Mahdi, Maryam Kouchaki and Vanessa M. Patrick (2019),

"Juggling Work and Home Selves: Low Identity Integration Feels Less

Authentic and Increases Unethicality," forthcoming in Organizational

Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

7. Bublitz, Melissa G., Tracy Rank Christman, Luca Cian, Xavier Ignacio

Cortada, Adriana Madzharov, Vanessa M. Patrick, Laura A. Peracchio,

Maura Scott, Aparna Sundar, Ngoc Minh To and Claudia Townsend (2019),

"Collaborative Art: A Transformational Force within Communities,"

forthcoming in the Journal of the Association of Consumer Research.

8. Koo, Mingkyung, Hyewon Oh and Vanessa M. Patrick (2019), "From

Oldie to Goldie: Humanizing Old Produce Enhances its Appeal," Journal of

the Association of Consumer Research, 4(4), 337-351.

9. Tawse, Alex, Vanessa M. Patrick and Dusya Vera (2019), "Crossing the

Chasm: Leadership nudges to help transition from strategy formulation to

strategy implementation," Business Horizons, 62(2) 249-57.

Phillips, David K. Ethics Publications (4)

1. Rossian Ethics: W.D. Ross and Contemporary Moral Theory (Oxford

University Press, 2019).

2. "Sidgwick's Kantian Account of Moral Motivation," pp. 84-104 in Tyler

Paytas and Tim Henning, eds., Kantian and Sidgwickian Ethics (Routledge,

July 2020).

3. Review of Sarah McGrath, Moral Knowledge, Notre Dame Philosophical

Reviews, 2020.

4. Review of Philip Pettit, The Birth of Ethics: Reconstructing the Role and

Nature of Morality, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2019. (The subject

of a Pea Soup NDPR Review forum in September 2019)

Quinn, Rachel Afi Ethics Publications (5)

1. 2021 "Being La Dominicana: Race and Identity in the Visual Culture of

Santo Domingo." Dissident Feminisms Series, University of Illinois Press.

Forthcoming, June.

2. 2022 "Xiomara Fortuna: Afro-Dominican Cultural Producer" in

Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism. Forthcoming.

3. 2021 "Magaly Pineda's Feminist 'Agenda Digital': A Movement for Girls

Education in Tech in the Dominican Republic" Caribbean Review of

Gender Studies. Special Issue: Gender and the Media. Forthcoming, June.

4. 2019 "Spinning the Zoetrope: Visualizing the Mixed-Race Body of

Dominican Actress" Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture. (Vol. 1. No.

3), 44-59.

5. 2021 "Afi is for Us!" in Sinister Wisdom a Special Issue on Conditions: a

magazine of writing for women with an emphasis on writing by lesbians,

eds. Cheryl Clarke, Julie Enszer, Shromona Mandal. Forthcoming, Spring.

6. "Mixed Race Aesthetics and Exceptionalism in MAVIN Magazine" to be

submitted to Lateral Journal. September.*

7. "On Building a Transnational Feminist South Asian Collective in the

South" to be submitted to Feminist Formations.*

8. "'My Body the Lesson': Black Female Subjectivities in Danzy Senna's

Symptomatic and Nell Larsen's Passing. Ready for Revision."*

Reyes, Augustina Ethics and Leadership Publications (5)

1. Reyes, A. H. (2021-2022). Guest Editor for Association of Mexican

American Educators Journal, Special Issue: Equity for Latinx Students.

2. Reyes, A. H. & Martinez, L. (2019-2020). Guest Editor for Education

Sciences. Special Issue "Urban/City Schools" at


3. Reyes, A.H. (2021). Discipline, Achievement, and Race: Is Zero

Tolerance the Answer? A Review of Anti-Zero Tolerance. In Progress and

on contract with Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. Due Dec. 2020.

4. Reyes, A. H. (2020). "Compulsory School Attendance: The New

American Crime." Education Sciences, 10(3), 75.


5. Rios, Rebeca Mireles, Rios, Victor, & Reyes, A. H. (2020). "Pushed Out

for Missing School: The Role of Social Disparities and School Truancy in

Dropping Out." Education Sciences, 10(3), 75.


Roberts, Jessica Ethics Publications (22)

1. "Lack of Racial Diversity in Genetic Research as a Contributor to Health



Elizabeth Heitman, eds.) (Amer. Pub. Health Assn. Press forthcoming


2. "Age and Disability Discrimination in the Pandemic" (with Govind


LEGACY (I. Glenn Cohen, Nita Farahany, Henry T. Greely, & Carmel

Shachar, eds.) (Cambridge University Press forthcoming 2021).

3. "In Favor of an Action for Genetic Conversion," in CONSUMER


(I. Glenn Cohen, Nita Farahany, Henry T. Greely, & Carmel Shachar, eds.)

(Cambridge University Press forthcoming 2021).

4. "Reclaiming Rights in the Body: Commentary on Moore v. Regents of

University of California," in FEMINIST JUDGMENTS: HEALTH LAW

REWRITTEN OPINIONS (Seema Mohapatra & Lindsay F. Wiley, eds.)

(Cambridge University Press forthcoming 2021).

5. "Data Management" (with Leah Fowler & Nicolas P. Terry), in


al, eds.) (Public Health Law Watch 2021).

6. "Uncertain Terms" (with Leah Fowler & Jim Hawkins), 97 NOTRE

DAME L. REV. --- (forthcoming 2021).

7. "Genetic Race? DNA Ancestry Tests, Racial Identity, & the Law" (with

Trina Jones), 120 COLUM. L. REV. 1929 (2020).

8. "Genetic Duties" (with Alexandra L. Foulkes), 62 WM. & MARY L. REV.

143 (2020).

9. "GINA, Big Data, and the Future of Employee Privacy" (with Bradley A.

Areheart), 128 YALE L.J. 710 (2019).

10. "Housing, Healthism, & the HUD Smoke-Free Policy" (with Dave

Fagundes), 113 NW. U. L. REV. 917 (2019).

11. "Does the Law Require Reinterpretation and Return of Revised

Genomic Results?" (with Ellen Wright Clayton, Paul S. Appelbaum, Wendy

K. Chung, Gary E. Marchant, & Barbara J. Evans), GENETICS IN

MEDICINE (2021).

12. "When Health-Tech Companies Change Their Terms of Service" (with

Jim Hawkins), Policy Forum, 367 SCIENCE 745 (February 2020).

13. "Forensic Genealogy and the Power of Defaults" (with Natalie Ram),

Correspondence, 37 NATURE BIOTECH. 707 (2019).

14. "Who Owns the Data in a Medical Information Commons?" (with Amy

L. McGuire, Sean Aas, & Barbara J. Evans), 47 J.L. MED. & ETHICS 62


15. "Response to Macro-Medical Regulation," 81 OHIO STATE L.J ---

(forthcoming 2021).

16. "Introduction to the 2020 Frankel Lecture," 58 HOUSTON L. REV. ---

(forthcoming 2021).

17. "How to be a Mentor in Three Scenes: Tribute to Karen Rothenberg," 22

J. OF HEALTH CARE L. & POL'Y 159 (2020).

18. "Can Clinical Genetics Laboratories be Sued for Medical Malpractice?"

(with Alexandra L. Foulkes, Paul S. Appelbaum, Wendy K. Chung, Ellen

Wright Clayton, Barbara Evans, & Gary E. Marchant), 29 ANNALS

HEALTH L. & LIFE SCI. 153 (2020).

19. "A Nudge Toward Meaningful Choice" (with Leah Fowler), Open Peer

Commentary, 19 AMER. J. BIOETHICS 76-78 (2019).

20. "Sex, Religion, and Politics, or the Future of Healthcare

Antidiscrimination Law" (with Elizabeth Sepper), 19 MARQUETTE BEN.

& SOC. WEL. L. REV. 217 (2019).

21. "Nursing Homes Need Increased Staffing, Not Legal Immunity" (with

Nina A. Kohn), THE HILL, May 23, 2020,


22. "DNA Collection at the Border Threatens the Privacy of All Americans"

(with Daniel I. Morales & Natalie Ram), N.Y. TIMES, Jan. 23, 2020,


Ethics Presentations (29)

Uncertain Terms

1. 2021 Mostly Non-Pandemic Virtual Health Law Conference, Texas

A&M School of Law, Workshop Participant.

2. 2021 Rothenberg Health Care Law & Policy Virtual Speaker Series,

University of Maryland Carey School of Law, Invited Speaker.

3. 2020 Emory University School of Law Virtual Workshop on

Vulnerability & Corporate Subjectivity, Workshop Participant (with Leah


4. 2020 Wiet Life Science Law Scholars Virtual Workshop, Loyola

University School of Law, Workshop Participant (with Leah Fowler).

5. 2020 AALS Law, Medicine, & Health Care Section Virtual Workshop,

Workshop Participant.

Genetic Duties

6. 2021 American College of Medical Genetics Virtual Meeting, Panelist.

7. 2020 Expert Advisory Panel, Columbia University, Head of Legal Aim,

New York, NY.

8. 2020 Regional Health Law Works-in-Progress Retreat, Seton Hall

University School of Law, Workshop Participant, Newark, NJ.

9. 2019 Northeastern University School of Law Annual Health Law

Conference, Invited Speaker, Boston, MA.

10. 2019 Expert Advisory Panel, Columbia University, Head of Legal Aim,

New York, NY.

Why Digital Contact Tracing Failed

11. 2021 Virtual Health Law Works-in-Progress Retreat, Seton Hall

University School of Law, Workshop Participant (with Emily Berman &

Leah Fowler).

12. 2021 Maryland Law Review Virtual Discussion Series on Emerging

Issues in Biotechnology and the Law, University of Maryland, Invited


13. 2020 NSF SATC Frontier Virtual Workshop on Privacy Aspects of

Contact Tracing, Invited Panelist. GINA, Big Data, and the Future of

Employee Privacy.

14. 2020 American Society of Human Genetics Virtual Meeting, Panelist. •

2019 Northeastern University School of Law, Faculty Speaker Series,

Invited Speaker, Boston, MA.

15. 2019 Texas A&M School of Law, Faculty Speaker Series, Invited

Speaker, Ft. Worth, TX.

Genetic Race?

16. 2020 Mellon Sawyer Seminar Series, Duke University (virtual), Invited

Speaker (with Trina Jones).

17. 2019 Irvine School of Law Faculty Workshop, Workshop Participant,

Irvine, CA (with Trina Jones).

18. 2019 Duke University School of Law Faculty Workshop, Workshop

Participant, Durham, NC (with Trina Jones).

19. 2020 Houston Law Review Frankel Lecture, University of Houston

(virtual), Moderator.

20. 2020 Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference (virtual)

21. Housing and Healthism, 2020 Fordham Urban Law Journal Symposium,

Fordham University School of Law, Invited Panelist, New York, NY

(appeared by videoconference).

Evaluating NFL Player Health & Performance: Legal & Ethical Issues

22. 2020 AALS Annual Meeting, Sports & the Law Section, Invited

Panelist, Washington, DC.

Genetic Conversion

23. 2019 UCLA Health Law Workshop, Workshop Participant, Los

Angeles, CA.

24. 2019 Petrie Flom Annual Conference: Consuming Genetics, Harvard

Law School, Invited Panelist, Cambridge, MA.

25. 2019 Bio LawLaPaLooza, Stanford Law School, Participant, Palo Alto,


A Social Justice Approach to Genetic Data

26. 2019 Charm City Colloquium on Law & Bioethics, University of

Maryland School of Law, Invited Participant, Baltimore, MD.

27. 2019 Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, Boca

Raton, FL.

28. Reclaiming Rights in the Body: Commentary on Moore v. Regents of

University of California.

Healthism: Health Status Discrimination & the Law

29. 2019 UH Law Women Cocktails and Conversation, Invited Speaker,

Houston, TX (with Susie Wooton).

Santi, Kristi L. Ethics and Leadership Publications (4)

1. Santi, K.L., Flores, L.M., Flores, A., & Peet-Gleason, C. (2019).

"Managing Your Stress: Tips for a Successful Collaboration for Better

Student Outcomes." In N.D. Young, A.C. Fain, & T. Citro (Eds.), Mastering

the art of Co-Teaching: Building more collaborative classrooms. Vernon


2. Gleason-Peet, C. & Santi, K.L. (2019). "Barriers between the Theory and

Implementation of Inclusion and Resources to Remove these Obstacles." In

O'Connor, J. (Ed) Cultivating Inclusive Practices in Contemporary K-12

Settings. IGI Global: Hershey, PA.

3. Hawkins, J.M., Henry, G.A., Jones, S.J., Santi, K.L., & Butcher, K.A.

(2019). "Implementing Professional Learning Communities: Improvement

Required." In Crow, R, Hinnant-Crawford, B., & Spaulding, D. (Eds.) The

Educational Leader's Guide to Improvement Science: Data, Design, and

Cases for Reflection. Myers Publishing: Maine.

4. Hawkins, J.M., Santi, K.L., & McDaniel, B. (2019). "College Bound?

First Stop: Disability Support Services (DSS)." In O'Connor, J. (Ed)

Cultivating Inclusive Practices in Contemporary K-12 Settings. IGI Global:

Hershey, PA.

Snodgrass Rangel, Virginia Leadership Publications (6)

1. Cho, V., Snodgrass Rangel, V., & Noble, A. (2019). "The digital age:

Exploring the relationship between technology and school organization." In

M. Eugene, H. Connolly, C. James, S. Kruse, & D. Eddy-Spicer (Eds.) The

SAGE Handbook of School Organization. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage


2. Snodgrass Rangel, V., Suskavcevic, M., Kapral, A., & Dominey, W.

(2020). Revalidating the school participant empowerment scale among

science and mathematics teachers. Educational Studies.


3. Snodgrass Rangel, V., Bell, E. R., & Monroy, C. (2019). Teachers'

sensemaking and data use implementation in science classrooms. Education

and Urban Society, 51(4), 526-554. DOI: 10.1177/0013124517727053.

4. Snodgrass Rangel, V. (2018). A review of the research on principal

turnover. Review of Educational Research, 88(1), 87-124.


5. Snodgrass Rangel, V., Bell, E. R., & Monroy, C. (2017). A descriptive

analysis of instructional coaches' data use in science. School Effectiveness

and School Improvement, 28(2), 217-241. DOI:


6. Snodgrass Rangel, V., Monroy, C., & Bell, E. R. (2016). Science

teachers' data use practices: A descriptive analysis. Education policy

analysis archives, 24(55).

Vera, Dusya Ethics and Leadership Publications (6)

1. Maldonado, T., Vera, D., & Spangler, W. 2021 "Unpacking humility: An

examination of leader humility and leader personality and why it matters."

Business Horizons, forthcoming.

2. Evans, K., Salaiz, A., Pathak, S., & Vera, D. 2020. "Community

influential directors and corporate social performance." Business & Society,


3. Vera, D., Samba, C., Kong, T., & Maldonado, T. 2020. "Resilience as

thriving: The role of positive leadership practices." Organizational

Dynamics, forthcoming.

4. Salaiz, A., Evans, K., Pathak, S. & Vera, D. 2020. "The impact of

corporate social responsibility and irresponsiblity on firm financial

performance: New insights to an old question." Organizational Dynamics.

5. Tawse, A., Patrick, V., & Vera, D. 2019. "Crossing the chasm:

Leadership nudges to help transition from strategy formulation to strategy

implementation." Business Horizons, 62 (2), 249-257.

6. Tabesh, P., Vera, D., & Keller, R. 2019. "Unabsorved slack resource

deployment and exploratory and exploitative innovation: How much does

CEO expertise matter?" Journal of Business Research, 94: 65-80.

Leadership Publications (1)

1. Tabesh, P., & Vera, D. 2020. "Top managers' improvisational decision

making in crisis: A paradox perspective." Management Decision,

58(1): 2235-2256.

Ethics and Leadership Presentations (6)

1. Fuller, R., Vera, D., Samba, C., & Williams. 2021 "Virtual team decision

making: The value of team intuition and its enabling media capabilities."

Academy of Management Conference. (Online conference)

2. Crossan, M., Vera. D., Pathak, S., & Salaiz, A. 2021 "Reimagining

strategic management: The role of leader character." Strategic Management

Society, Vancouver Canada (Online conference).

3. Salaiz, A., Evans, K., Vera, D., & Pathak, S. 2020 "Forging a Greener

Path: How Corporate Boards Impact Environmental Sustainability."

Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada. (Online


4. Evans, K., Pathak, S., Salaiz, A., and Vera D. 2020 "Directors'

Professional Devaluation: Consequences of Various Stigmas", The 36th

EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, Hamburg,

Germany. (Online conference)

5. Samba, C., Williams, D., Vera, D. & Fuller, R. 2019. "The use and

strategic value of collective intuition." Academy of Management

Conference, Boston, MA.

6. Crossan, M., Vera, D., & Maurer, C. 2019 "Strategic leadership and

organizational learning: The role of leader character." Strategic


Society Special Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Leadership Presentations (4)

1. Tabesh, P., Vera, D., Velez-Castrillon, S., & Kachra, A. 2021

"Improvisational decision making: Context, antecedents and outcomes."

Strategic Management Society, Vancouver Canada (Online conference).

2. Evans, K., Salaiz, A., Pathak, S., Vera, D. 2020 "Stigma Types and

Directors' Professional Devaluation from Firm Bankruptcy." Academy of

Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada. (Online conference)

3. Tawse, A., Atwater, L., Vera, D., & Werner, S. 2020 "Strategy

Implementation Capability: The Role of Middle Manager Leadership and

Coordination." Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

(Online conference)

4. Ermilina, V., Evans, K., Pathak, S., Salaiz, A., & Vera D. 2020 "The

Advantage of being a Non-Prestigious Firm", The 36th EGOS (European

Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany.

(Online conference)

Zou, Yali Ethics and Leadership Publications (3) 1. Coulson, H. Zou, Y. and Fernandez, F. (in press). Transformational University Leadership in the 21st Century. Emerald Publishing. 2. Coulson, H., Fernandez and Zou, Y. (under review). Sharing credit with an open heart: An intersectional study of university leadership. Higher Education.*

3. Craig, C., Zou, Y., & Curtis, G. (2019). "Moving from arrogance to acceptance: Narratively shifting perceptions through a China study abroad programme." Pedagogies: An International Journal.

Ethics Publications (2) 1. Gonzalez, J., Zou, Y., Liew, J. and Curtis, G. (in press). Family literacy practices in Asian- and Latinx families: Educational and Cultural Considerations. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Gewerbestrasse, Switzerland. 2. Li, Y.M., White, C., and Zou, Y. (2021) "Living with Solitude": Narrative of a female college student from rural China. British Journal of Sociology of Education. Leadership Publications (1) 1. Fernandez, F., Coulson, H., and Zou, Y. (2021). Leading in the eye of a storm: A case study of crisis management and disaster resilience. Studies in Higher Education.

Total Number of Ethics

and/or Leadership

Publications (forthcoming



Papers in Progress 18

Total Number of Ethics

and/or Leadership



Note: '*' indicates that it isn't clear that the paper the entry concerns has been published or accepted for

publication (i.e. a working paper) or, in the case of a presentation entry, that the presentation was not at a
