Name: Student Orientation Packet Ajusco 2015

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Student Orientation Packet Ajusco 2015

Program Ajusco 2015 is a student-led mission trip sponsored by Sierra Grace Fellowship in Auburn, California. The mission: To support the ministry work of Pastor Jorge Vasquez and his congregations in and around Ajusco, Mexico. His words of encouragement to us are:

"You have the opportunity of your lives! You can share the love of God to children and adults and change their destinies for eternity! God wants to use you for one week in Mexico. Let him use you as he wants. Be prepared to serve where God asks you to serve. Show his love in every circumstance!" Our hope is that we can do this very thing as we serve the people of Mexico through VBS, Construction, and Discipleship programs.

Ajusco, Mexico is a small farming community located on the Baja, Peninsula about an hour south of Ensenada. We anticipate camping at Pastor Jorge’s mission base located in el Salitral located just south of Ensenada. We generally send out two construction teams, two VBS teams, and one discipleship team each day of ministry. Activities are typically scheduled for each evening and everyone is expected to participate. The trip takes a total of nine days: two days to travel down and set-up camp, two days to tear-down camp and return, and five full days of ministry activities. We generally stay at a church near San Diego on the way down and at a church near Newhall on the way back. In recent years, on the return trip we have stopped at a YMCA just this side of the border for showers. Our travel route is through the Tiajuana border crossing for passenger vehicles and through the Otay Mesa border for trucks and trailers loaded with construction supplies. After the border crossing, we immediately head west and travel down the coast. There are three toll stations located on this route which provides for increased security and reduced traffic (locals tend not to use this route due to the cost). In recent years we have not stopped until reaching our camp site, other than to use the restrooms at the toll stations.

Participation This orientation packet will provide an overview of the commitments and ministry assignments. As you review this information, we encourage you to ask God if He is calling you to participate and what actions he may be asking you to initiate. We also encourage you to be obedient to His call and to be confident that He will direct your footsteps. This is how He has purposed for us to grow in our faith! He is the potter and we are the clay. It is amazing how easy it is to shape moist clay when it is moving on a potter’s wheel. But, until we step forward and start moving we are as difficult to mold as the dry lump of clay. This material won’t answer all of your questions. Although each trip is well planned and organized, each one is different. God has chosen to give us new challenges and new blessings every year. The bottom line is that God has chosen to use the weaknesses and the strengths of the individuals and the team to lead others to His Son.

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Ministry Jobs The ministry jobs required to fulfill our service mandate are summarized below. Please read this list and ask God to show you where He would have you serve. Indicate your top three choices on one of the Interview Form discussed later. But be assured, the job you are ultimately assigned is the job God has called you to fill. Puppets: This VBS team will present puppet skits in each village using prerecorded evangelistic scripts in Spanish. They are expected to know how to properly handle and care for our Sesame Street style puppets, set up and take down the puppet stage, and “lip-sync” each prerecorded script. Crafts and Festival: This VBS team will prepare a craft that is consistent with the spiritual theme for the day. They must instruct the rest of the team adequately enough to enable these other team members to help the children complete the crafts. This job also includes the responsibility of purchasing all craft supplies and materials as well as pre-constructing any portion of the craft that cannot be made in Ajusco. The craft team is responsible for planning the week-end festival including purchasing all supplies. Other village team members will staff the booths during the festival. Recreation and Memory Verses: This VBS team will facilitate games with the children and the rest of the village team members. They are to borrow or purchase and pack recreational items such as Frisbees, jump ropes, etc. for individual play, and the festival game boards and related items (ie balls and bean bags). At the beginning of each VBS session (2x per day) they are to lead organized games and as directed by the student leaders. This team is also responsible for teaching memory verses in Spanish so that the kids can recite the verses back to their parents. Construction: This team is responsible for a variety of construction tasks. They are responsible to obtain all tools, supplies and materials that won’t be purchased in Mexico. Each team member must bring a nail bag and hammer, and learn basic measuring and construction skills before going. This team is also responsible for preparing the camp gear and leading camp set-up and tear-down. Discipleship: This team is responsible for traveling to various locations each day to conduct discipleship training to build up and encourage the local Christians. Each team member will help prepare the lessons and carry a teaching responsibility in one form or another. Student Leaders: This team is responsible for leading the VBS teams, organizing certain camp activities, and assisting in training. The specific duties will include preparing and teaching short VBS bible lessons, teaching Spanish worship songs, teaching training segments and games, and encouraging our mission team (ie Barnabas and secret pals). In addition, each ministry job team needs one or more students willing to help lead those specific efforts. If you are interested in being a ministry team leader, please put leader behind the ministry job name (ie Puppet Leader) on your interview form. Drama Skit: This team will learn a cross-cultural pantomime skit to present at an evening event. This responsibility will be in addition to one of the team assignments above and will require

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additional training time generally at the end of each training session. The team should be prepared to present the skit at every evening activity. Everyone will assist with kitchen duty, camp clean-up, as well as camp set-up and tear-down.

Training Sessions The training sessions are critical elements of our preparation for ministry and teamwork. Tardiness and absences may lead to your being an ineffective team member and thus disqualify you from participating in the mission trip. If you must be late or absent on a training day, contact the adult leader for your team at least 2 days prior to the session. Please list any known scheduling conflicts on the interview form included in this packet. It is your responsibility to cover and complete what was required for the day that you missed. There will be 1 all day serve-a-thon, 3 training sessions from 1pm - 4pm on Sunday afternoons and 1 all day Saturday session that will last from 10am – 9pm. Please review the calendar included in this packet and record the dates on your personal calendar as soon as possible. Please consider using a journal to record what you learn during training and the remainder of the mission.

Book Reading and Memory Verses Between training sessions you will be required to read through a mission book and memorize three passages of scripture. Although these items are required to be completed to attend the mission trip, they are not a part of the program just to make it more difficult. Believe me, all this training and a week in Mexico will have difficulties of its own! In fact, it is due to the trials of this trip and everyday life that we go through the extra effort of reading through a book and memorizing scripture verses. You will be required to read and deliver three written responses to the assigned chapters of the book. The responses are intended to be no longer than ½ of a written page (basically two paragraphs). Write a brief response of what you learned from those chapters. Don’t think you have to write down every little thing you learned, but rather grab one or two things and camp on how it was new and how you can apply it to your life today as well as on the trip. The due dates for the responses are in the calendar included in this packet. As scripture says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Our goal is to be prepared beforehand for the work God has set out for us to do in Mexico and here in our daily lives. The three memory verses and due dates are include in the calendar included in this packet.

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Serve-a-Thon and Funding To prepare our hearts and minds for service, and help raise funds for our trip, we have scheduled an 8 hour work-day to serve the community and assist. Fund raising is an important part of missionary work and each participant on this trip will be responsible for raising $360 ($330 per person for multiple family members). Think ahead by saving your own money and thinking of who you might ask to support you financially on this trip. It is your responsibility to collect your donations and get them in on time. If there is no need for you to raise money, GREAT, but by doing so, you may be able to help out some other team members that are less fortunate. If you have a conflict that prevents you from participating in the Serve-a-thon or any training sessions, please explain why on your student interview form.

The schedule for the Serve-a-thon is in the calendar included in this packet. Please remember to: Bring a mind set for hard work Wear work clothes Lots of water A bag lunch

Use the Serve-a-thon forms included in this packet to keep track of the pledges you have received to support your participation. Begin to collect the money from your sponsors as soon as you finish the Serve-a-thon. Note that donations can be made online at Once it has been collected use a portion of the second form as a receipt for the donation. Raising and collecting the money on time is your responsibility.

Commitment, Interview & Testimony Forms Commitment The commitment form included in this packet must be signed by both you and your parent or guardian. The purpose of this form is to make sure you and your parents understand the expectations and are willing to commitment to them. Please use this opportunity to spend some time with your parents discussing and praying about this mission trip. The due date for this form is included on the calendar in this packet.

Interview Every student must schedule and complete an interview with one of the adult leaders (cannot be a family member). The interview form included in this packet contains a list of questions that to discuss with your interviewer. Please complete the form and provide it to your interviewer. The interview will provide an opportunity for you to get to know the leaders a little better and vise-a-versa. The due date for the interview is included on the calendar in this packet.

Testimony We are commanded to always be prepared to “give a defense for the hope that is in us”. It is also a great privilege to share with others what God has done for us. Therefore, we hope to provide everyone with an opportunity to share their testimony. The following lesson and worksheets are provided to help you organize the content of your testimony. Do not think you need to produce a

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Hollywood type testimony for it to be effective. What makes a testimony amazing is the fact that God changed you… the rest is just details that led up to that point. Have fun reminiscing about the story of how God snatched you up by His grace! If don’t have a testimony, then simply write out your thoughts about God and spiritual things in the past, present, and future. If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of the leaders. The due date for the testimony is included on the calendar in this packet. WHAT IS A TESTIMONY? When we commit ourselves to Jesus, a change takes place in our lives. This changed-life story is what is known as a testimony. “Testimony” means sharing how your relationship with Jesus has impacted your life. The Bible tells us that when we become Christians our “old” self is put in the past and that we are made new in Christ. The process of being “made new” is what a testimony reveals. Testimony comes from the word testify. You might recognize this term as something that a witness in a court might give – they “testify” as to what they know or what they saw. When you share about what Christ has done in your life you are testifying to His presence. Telling the story of Christ in your life is part of reaching out to others by telling them about God. You don’t need to be a Super-Christian to give your testimony, and your story doesn’t need to be flashy or dramatic; you only need to have a desire to tell others about God’s work in your life and your commitment to living God’s way. Included in this packet is a form to help you organize your testimony. GO AHEAD AND DO IT Take some time to pray and see where God leads you. Then simply use the testimony form to write out and reflect on your personal story. Your investment of time will help prepare you to impact others with God’s incredible work in your life.

One of the privileges and responsibilities of Christians is to share with others our faith in Christ. Although many methods and plans can be used to communicate our faith, none is more effective than sharing how the love, grace, and mercy of Christ have changed our lives. People to whom we witness may evade issues, attempt to discredit biblical and historical facts, or blame their condition on others. But, it is hard to discount the authentic testimony of a believer whose life has been transformed.

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TESTIMONY WORKSHEET Introduction – Include a general greeting and tell them your name and age. Tell what a privilege it is to tell them your story and how excited you are to be in their country.

Attitudes and action before I became a Christian --- If appropriate include family or church background. Avoid naming religious denominations, since this may alienate some of your listeners. You may want to share personal longings that eventually drew you to Christ explaining how you formerly tried to fill those longings.






Circumstances surrounding my conversion --- Consider time, date, place, people, motivation, etc. Basically you are telling the how & when of your decision to commit your life to Jesus Christ! This is a natural place to summarize the gospel: the death, burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ and how that truth became real to you.






Changes & evidence in my attitudes and actions since my conversion --- Basically, what is the evidence of your repentance and conversion! Your life is different under God’s control…how has your life changed? Be enthusiastic!!






Summary Statement - This may include a statement such as… “My life is not perfect, but I know that I have a relationship with Christ, and He… …can handle anything that comes my way.” …loves me unconditionally. …says that I am valuable to Him.” …has given me a relationship with Him.” …says that I am forgiven.”

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Or it may include a reflection time that allows your listeners to have a chance to respond to what they have just heard. “Has anything like this ever happened to you?” “Has anyone ever taken the time to show you how the Bible says you can have a personal

relationship with God?” “If this interests you, I would be glad to discuss this with you in more detail right now or

at a later time.”





5. What Now?

First…Take the bullet points you drafted above and work them into a conversational speech. Thanks for taking the time to prepare to share your most important relationship with others! God will use you to impact the lives of others! Second…Review your testimony with your small group leader, parents, or one of the mission trip adults and incorporate their feedback into a final version. It is always helpful to have a listening ear to help you get comfortable sharing your testimony… plus everyone loves to hear how God works in the lives of other people! Next…practice sharing your testimony with others! Pray that God would give you opportunities to share with your unsaved friends and acquaintances what God has done in your life! Be open and ready to share with others what God has done in your life. Your life can radically impact and encourage others! It’s your story with God and others want to hear it…and God gets the credit! You might want to share your story as an encouragement to others to show how God’s word is true! Finally pray again and thank God for the opportunity he has given you to tell other people about Jesus Christ!1

“For we cannot help speaking about

what we have seen and heard.” Peter & John…Acts 4:20

1 Testimony worksheets are a compilation of material from Robert Brandt, Prof. at Bethel College, The Saline Solution, and Devin Jewell.

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How to Write a Short-Term Mission Prayer Letter

It is important to remember that this really is a letter asking for prayer. It is easy to see this primarily as a fund-raising letter. You want people to know what you are doing and to get involved with you in prayer. God will burden some to be involved financially. Ask God to give you wisdom on who you will send this letter to. Many have used it as a witness to unsaved family and friends. 1. Make a list of friends, relatives, business acquaintances, friends of your family, former teachers, employers, neighbors, missionary societies, women’s prayer group, etc. Use personal phone books, yearbooks, family Christmas lists etc., to remind you of people who might be interested in your ministry. List even those you think probably won’t give but would be interested. Your list should have about 30 names on it. You will always need prayer support. You might be amazed at who will pray or give, but they seldom do either unless you let them know what you will be doing. 2. It frequently happens that those you expect to give do not. Do not be disappointed or judge them; it is between them and the Lord to whom they give and how much. However, God is likely bring the money from the most unlikely people and in the most unusual ways. God loves to PROVE our faith in Him. 3. Design the letter. This need not be overly fancy, but you want to have something to catch the eye. This is so that your supporters will remember you and remember to pray for you. Be yourself. Be creative. Be sure to include the following: Where you are going, description of the program; what you will be doing What led you to this step What part you hope to play in the ministry Specific personal requests, emphasizing your need for their commitment to pray The dates of the program Your full name in print (not just your signature) and a picture of you. Their opportunity to be involved in your ministry through prayers and contributions.

4. Give specific instructions for giving to your trip, “If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution for my trip, please make your check payable to: Sierra Grace Fellowship. In the memo section of your check, please write Ajusco and __(my name)__ and mail it to Sierra Grace Fellowship, 1260 Wesley Lane, Auburn, CA 95603. Or you can contribute online at” 5. Give the letter out IN PERSON to as many people as possible. Your personal interest in them means much. If possible, try to get personal appointments with friends, pastors, or couples in your church. This has proven to be the most effective means of support-raising. You will be amazed at how God opens doors for new friendships with those who perhaps you have never had opportunity to spend time with before. And the more people who know you and your ministry, the more prayer you will receive and the more effective your ministry will be. 6. Those you cannot contact personally, be sure to send them a letter. You may want to add a personal note at the bottom of your printed letter since you won’t be seeing them in person. A call on the phone following up your letter would really enhance the effect of the letter, and give them a chance to ask questions. It is vital that you write each of these people a thank you note after you return. Let people know what God did through and in you. Remember, as you share what God has done in your life and what He had done through your team, you will be ministering to the body of believers in Christ. Remind them that they are actually your partners in this effort for Jesus Christ. What an opportunity and privilege! “You became my partners in giving and receiving. Though I appreciate you gifts, what makes me happiest is the well-earned reward you will have because of your kindness.” (Philippians 4:15b, 17, Living Bible).

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AJUSCO MISSION 2015 Commitment Form

I recognize that Sierra Grace Fellowship (SGF) and its staff and volunteers have committed to expend significant time, effort, and resources to properly plan and execute the Ajusco Mission trip. I also recognize that SGF cannot properly plan and execute without knowing up front who is committed to participating and following the guidelines established for the trip. Therefore I am committing myself to the following: 1. Participating in the Serve-a-thon and every training meeting. I can only be excused for

reasonable, pre-arranged scheduling conflicts included on my Interview Form. Any unexpected issues that arise will be discussed with an adult leader.

2. Completing all assigned homework - memorizing Scriptures, reading a book, writing a testimony, and preparing for my assigned area of ministry. The homework is due each week.

3. Behaving in a way that brings honor to Jesus Christ and is respectful of the persons and property of others (vehicles, tents, tools, buildings, etc.).

4. Respecting all the guidelines and obeying the leaders (including Student Leaders). Violating

trip guidelines, missing training, or repeated tardiness to training will be a cause for terminating your participation.

5. Raising a minimum of $360 ($330 for multiple family members) to support the mission. I

understand that any funds I submit, or are submitted at my request, will be considered donations to the mission trip fund as a whole and are not refundable participation fees. Therefore refunds cannot be issued.

6. Keeping my parents informed about my participation in the trip and sharing with them all of

the written information I receive. I have received and read the entire Orientation Package and have asked any questions I had on its contents. Student Signature: Date: Printed Name: Acknowledgement: Parent Signature: Date: Printed Name:

Sierra Grace Fellowship 1260 Wesley Lane, Auburn, CA. 95603 (530) 889-9089

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AJUSCO MISSION 2015 Interview Form

Directions: Complete this form then bring to an adult leader to complete an interview. Student: __________________________ Interviewer:______________________ Date:____________ Ministry Job: 1st____________________ 2nd_____________________ 3rd_____________________ Mission Objective: To be examples of Jesus Christ in word and deed to migrant families and local residents living near Ajusco, Mexico. A. Have you, and if yes, how did you begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? B. Explain how you approach God’s Word for personal devotions and Bible study. C. Describe your efforts to share the Good News about Jesus Christ to family or friends or co-workers this last year. D. Why do you want to participate in this year’s mission outreach (in addition to liking kids and wanting to do something good for people)? E. How have you grown as a Christian in the last 6 months? (What has God been teaching you?)

F. What do you find most difficult in your daily walk with God? G. What questions do you have about this year’s Ajusco Mission Trip? H. What have you learned form previous trips that you want to incorporate into this year (For return participants)? I. What scheduling conflicts do you have that prevent you from participating in the training sessions or Serve-a-Thon?

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Ajusco Mission 2015 March 27th through April 4th 2015

Parental Consent and Medical/Liability Release Participant’s Name: Grade Level: ______

Primary address: City: Zip:

Date of birth:__________________ Place of Birth:_____________________ School :___________________ Parent’s or Legal Guardian’s Name:

Date of birth: _________________ Place of birth: ________________ (needed for re-entry letter from Mexico)

Home Phone: Work Phone : Cell: In Case of an Emergency:

Notify: Relation: Phone:

Family Doctor: City: Phone: Health History: Allergies, dietary restrictions, or other medical conditions: Date of last tetanus shot: Name and dosage of any medications that must be taken: Any activity restrictions: Yes _________ No _________ If “Yes” please explain: Medical Emergencies: In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency during the Ajusco Mission Trip, I hereby give my permission to the physician or dentist selected by the leadership of his/her team to hospitalize, to secure proper treatment and/or order an injection, anesthesia, or surgery for my child as deemed necessary. I hereby release Sierra Grace Fellowship, its agents, employees, and volunteer assistants, from any liability whatsoever arising out of any injury, damage or loss, which may be sustained by, said person during the Ajusco Mission Trip. Discipline: I hereby request that the Ajusco Mission Trip leaders carry out any discipline deemed necessary for my child. I also agree, if necessary, that I will pay the expense of my child being sent home because of disciplinary action. Parental Consent for Travel in Mexico: I hereby give permission to my son/daughter to travel in Mexico with any of the Ajusco Mission Trip adult leaders listed on the trip roster. Parent’s/Legal Guardian’s signature: Date: Printed Name: Parent’s/Legal Guardian’s signature: Date: Printed Name: Health Insurance Company: Subscriber/Policy #:

Sierra Grace Fellowship – 1260 Wesley Ln. Auburn, CA 95603 – (530) 889-9089 / Fax (530) 889-8614

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Serve-A-Thon Team member name::__________________________ The Sierra Grace Fellowship Ajusco Mission Trip team is sponsoring a Serve-A-Thon consisting of an eight (8) hour work day on Saturday, March 8th serving the greater Auburn Community. The purpose: To raise money for the 2015 Ajusco Mission Trip. The plan: To send several teams out to serve the greater Auburn community through work projects for individuals and non-profit organizations. The request: To support a team member by pledging a set amount per hour of work completed.

Your pledge is tax deductible.

Sponsor’s Name Address Phone Amt. Per Hr.

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Serve-A-Thon Receipt

Sierra Grace Fellowship 1260 Wesley Lane, Auburn, CA. 95603

Thank you for your generous contribution to the SGF High School Mission trip to Ajusco, Mexico. You sponsored _____________________ _________________for $_______ per hour to serve individuals in need. Your total contribution comes to $___________. Please write checks to Sierra Grace Fellowship and note: Ajusco 2015 and participant’s name. You can also donate on-line at We are thankful for your partnership with us as we share the good news about Jesus in Ajusco. Sierra Grace Fellowship will send a tax-deductible receipt for your donation.

Serve-A-Thon Receipt Sierra Grace Fellowship

1260 Wesley Lane, Auburn, CA. 95603 Thank you for your generous contribution to the SGF High School Mission trip to Ajusco, Mexico. You sponsored _____________________ _________________for $_______ per hour to serve individuals in need. Your total contribution comes to $___________. Please write checks to Sierra Grace Fellowship and note: Ajusco 2015 and participant’s name. You can also donate on-line at We are thankful for your partnership with us as we share the good news about Jesus in Ajusco. Sierra Grace Fellowship will send a tax-deductible receipt for your donation.

Serve-A-Thon Receipt Sierra Grace Fellowship

1260 Wesley Lane, Auburn, CA. 95603 Thank you for your generous contribution to the SGF High School Mission trip to Ajusco, Mexico. You sponsored _____________________ _________________for $_______ per hour to serve individuals in need. Your total contribution comes to $___________. Please write checks to Sierra Grace Fellowship and note: Ajusco 2015 and participant’s name. You can also donate on-line at We are thankful for your partnership with us as we share the good news about Jesus in Ajusco. Sierra Grace Fellowship will send a tax-deductible receipt for your donation.

Serve-A-Thon Receipt Sierra Grace Fellowship

1260 Wesley Lane, Auburn, CA. 95603 Thank you for your generous contribution to the SGF High School Mission trip to Ajusco, Mexico. You sponsored _____________________ _________________for $_______ per hour to serve individuals in need. Your total contribution comes to $___________. Please write checks to Sierra Grace Fellowship and note: Ajusco 2015 and participant’s name. You can also donate on-line at We are thankful for your partnership with us as we share the good news about Jesus in Ajusco. Sierra Grace Fellowship will send a tax-deductible receipt for your donation.

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AJUSCO 2015 Calendar of Events

Revised 08/17/14

Day/Date Activity Time Place Notes

Sun. 1/25

Student/Adult Orientation

12:30-2:00 SGF Preliminary job request due

Sun. 2/1

Q&A and Student Interviews

12:00-1:00 SGF Questions due

Sun. 2/8

Q&A and Student Interviews

Turn in all Forms

(students and adults)

12:00-1:00 SGF

All forms due: Student Interview Form

Student Testimony Commitment Form Medical Release YMCA Release

Birth Certificate/Passport (copy)

Sun. 2/15

Leaders Meeting 12:30-2:00 SGF

Sat. 2/21 Serv-A-Thon 8:00am-5:00pm SGF

Wear Work Clothes and Gloves

Bring Water to Drink and a Sack Lunch

Sun. 3/1 Training #1

12:30-1:00 Leaders Meet 1:00 – 4:00


SGF $90 Due

No forms=No Participation

Sun. 3/8

Training #2

12:30-1:00 Leaders Meet 1:00 – 4:00


SGF Memory Verse #1

Book Response #1 $90 Due

Sat. 3/14

Training #3 Immersion/All Day

10am-9pm Lunch & Dinner


Regional Park am/ SGF pm

Memory Verse #2 Book Response #2

$90 Due

Sun. 3/22 Training #4

12:30-1:00 Leaders Meet 1:00 – 4:00


SGF Memory Verse #3

Book Response #3 $90 Due

Wed. 3/25

Drop Off Luggage

6:30pm- 8:30pm

SGF Chairs, Sleeping bags, Pads,

Big bags

Thurs 3/26

Load Vehicles 4-6pm SGF Load Vehicles and Trailers

Fri. 3/27

Depart for Ajusco 4:45am 3:45am

Raley's SGF

Raley’s Parking Lot (cars) Back Parking Lot (trucks)

Sat. 4/4 Arrive Home 4:00pm SGF Everyone stays to help