Naming and Addressing : Overview -… ·...

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Naming and Addressing : Overview

Yanghee Choi2006 Fall

Yanghee Choi 20062


1. Naming1. Naming

2. Addressing2. Addressing

3. New Requirements3. New Requirements

4. Solution ?4. Solution ?

Yanghee Choi 20063

Addressing : Existing Standards

E.164IPv4, IPv6URL

Yanghee Choi 20064


The International Telephone Numbering PlanITU-T (1997)

Yanghee Choi 20065

IP Address

IPv4 : 32 bitsClass, classlessNetwork prefix + host id

IPv6 : 128 bitsLink local IPv6 addressGlobal unicast

Yanghee Choi 20066

IPv4 Addresses

Class A netid00 4 8 16 24 311 2 3

Class B netid1 0



Class C netid1 0 hostid1

Class D multicast address1 01 1

Class E reserved for future use1 01 1 1

Yanghee Choi 20067

IPv6 Address Formats

Aggregatable global unicast address


Top-Level Aggregation (ISP or exchange)Next-Level Aggregation (subscriber site)Site-Level Aggregation (subnet)

3 13 8 24 16 64

Yanghee Choi 20068

Uniform Resource Identifier

Short strings that identify resources in the web: documents, images, downloadable files, services, electronic mailboxes, and other resources W3C (WWW Consortium), IETF RFC 3986 (Jan. 2005)



Yanghee Choi 20069

Uniform Resource Locator

“Location” of online resourcescheme://authority/path?query


Yanghee Choi 200610

Naming : Existing Standards


Yanghee Choi 200611

Uniform Resource Name

Unique “identifier” of resourcesurn:nid:nss

nid – ID of naming authoritynss – The format is specified by the naming authority.

(may be an existing identifier)

Resolution service is needed to retrieve the resourceExamples


Yanghee Choi 200612


The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a system for identifying content objects in the digital environment. DOIs are names assigned to any entity for use on digital networks. They are used to provide current information, including where they (or information about them) can be found on the Internet.Information about a digital object may change over time, including where to find it, but its DOI will not change. DOI is managed by the International DOI Foundation

Yanghee Choi 200613

Digital Object Identifier

10.1234/NP567810.5678/ISBN-0-7645-4889-4 and10.2224/2004-10-ISO-DOIPrefix : unique naming authoritySuffix : may be an existing identifiermay be assigned to any item of intellectual property

ANSI/NISO Z39.84-2000 Syntax for the Digital Object IdentifierDOI is a proposed URI

ISO TC46/SC9 Standards

Yanghee Choi 200614

HIP (Host Identity Protocol)

Provides a method of separating the end-point identifier and locator role of IP addresses. It introduces a new Host Identity (HI) name space, based on public keys. The public keys are typically, but not necessarily, self generated.Host Identity Tag (HIT) is a 128-bit cryptographic hash Diffie-Hellman public key exchange protocol is used in a 4-packet connection setup IETF Internet Drafts

HI HITPublic key


Yanghee Choi 200615


Locator / Identifier separationInsert Host Identity Protocol (HIP) between layer 3 and 4Transport layer socket uses HI not IPHIP layer translates HI to IP Network layer uses IP address as pure locator

Two lookupsFQDN -> HIHI -> IP

Yanghee Choi 200616

Domain Name

Hierarchical NameEasy to rememberICANN in charge of root domain

Regional NIC, National NIC

Yanghee Choi 200617

Electronic Product Code (EPC)

Globally unique serial number that identifies an “individual”objectEPC is the next generation of product identification (Barcode)

Serial Number field is added to identify an individual object unlike Barcode

can be used to enhance the supply chainEPC 64, 96, 128


EPC Version

Manufacture ID

Product ID

Serial Number

Yanghee Choi 200618

Identity Resolution Schemes

Domain Name Server (DNS)ENUMONS

Yanghee Choi 200619

Domain Name System

Translation from high-level names to IP addresses etc.RFC 1034, 1035

Map of the Root ServersMap of the Root Servers

Yanghee Choi 200620


Yanghee Choi 200621



EPC Network


1. EPC lifecycle begins when a Manufacturer tags the product


Yanghee Choi 200622

User-Friendly Naming Services (1/2)

It’s very hard to remember the full addressesEasy-to-remember names instead of addressesDomain Name System (DNS)Object Naming Service (ONS)

It’s also hard to remember the full nameExact names are not so evident (New York Times ? NYT ?)Correct spelling required Type in names, then the machine will propose exact names

Only English is permitted in DNSMultilingual support is necessaryInternationalized Domain name (IDN)Multilingual Keyword Service

Yanghee Choi 200623

User-Friendly Naming Services (2/2)

Typing is not easy on some machinesTelephone keypad is number-orientedHome appliances have no keyboardWINCMenu : Scroll and Select

Too many identifiers for the same destinationsENUM

Yanghee Choi 200624

User Friendliness

Internationalized Domain NameMultilingual Keyword Input SystemNumeric Keypad Input for URL

Yanghee Choi 200625

Internationalized domain name

Internet Domain Name that (potentially) contains non-ASCII characters Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA, rfc3490) was adopted as the chosen standard Rather than redesigning the existing DNS infrastructure, it was decided that non-ASCII domain names should be converted to a suitable ASCII-based form by web browsers and other user applications

Yanghee Choi 200626

Example of IDNA

Bü xn--bcher-kva.ch정보통신부.kr

Yanghee Choi 200627

Internet Keyword Service

Netpia, 3271, JWordEnter keyword in local language in the location toolbarBrowser or server finds registered URL that matches the keywordPopular in China, Korea, JapanKorea : 1 million registrations, 32 million queries per dayIntelligent service is possible (e.g. suggestion)Not a global namespace like DNSNot an Internet standard

Yanghee Choi 200628


WINC is a mobile access service designed to provide direct access to the desired contents not by URL or other complicated menus but by inserting numbers through internet hot key (modeled after VeriSign’s WebNum)

provided by NIDA , and supported by SKT, KTF, LGT

To access, insert numbers like “6432#0” or “6432 hot key” (express WINC)

Yanghee Choi 200629

Next Generation Identifier

Mid-term SolutionLong-term Solution

Yanghee Choi 200630

Identifier :Requirement for Mid-Term Solution

Convergence RequirementData ConvergenceNetwork ConvergenceService ConvergenceOperator Convergence

Yanghee Choi 200631

Examples of Convergence

ENUM – DNSE.164 – SIP Address


More Resolution or Mapping Gateways will be defined in the near future

Yanghee Choi 200632

Identifier (Long-term Approach)

New Requirements will appearThe solutions will not be compatible with the current network architectureShould be applicable to human, things (tangible and intangible), data etc.

User-friendly input system

Yanghee Choi 200633

New Requirements

SecuritySeparation of identifier and locator

Mobility and multi-homing support

AnonymityTemporal IdentifierDynamic IdentifierAttribute-based Identifier