nano computing- basics

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Nano computer is the logical name for a computer smaller than

the minicomputer. The term nano computer is used to refer to general

computing devices of size comparable to a credit card.

It is now used for a wider range of devices, such as Arduino,

BeagleBoard, Olinuxino,Odroid,Miracast dongles, All the PC-on-a-

stick (MK802 series...), Raspberry Pi. The fundamental parts are no

bigger than a few nanometer.

Nano computers will be made out of semiconductor transistors .The only technology that is required to build nano computers, is the molecular assembler. There are no commercially available nano computers in existence at this time.

Current-day computer chips are still very inefficient, two-dimensional, bulky and crude. Nanotechnology will enable the creation of nano computers that pack in as many transistors per unit volume as the limits of the atomic structure of matter permit. They will be far more efficient, producing much less waste heat and therefore allow for "stacking" of transistor elements to be into the third dimension.

According to Moore’s law , the no of transistors that will fit on a silicon chip doubles every 18 months.

Presently microprocessors have more than 40 million transistors; by 2012 they could have up to 5 billions.

By the year 2020 the trend line of Moore's law states that there should be a 1nm feature size.

Electronic nano computers would operate in a manner similar to the way present-day microcomputers work. The main difference is one of physical scale. More and more transistors are squeezed into silicon chips with each passing year; witness the evolution of integrated circuits ( IC s) capable of ever-increasing storage capacity and processing power.

Chemical and biochemical nano computers would store and process information in terms of chemical structures and interactions. Biochemical nano computers already exist in nature; they are manifest in all living things.

Mechanical nano computers would use tiny moving components called nanogears to encode information. Such a machine is reminiscent of Charles Babbage 's analytical engines of the 19th century.

A quantum nano computer would work by storing data in the form of atomic quantum states or spin. Technology of this kind is already under development in the form of single-electron memory (SEM) and quantum dots. The main problem with this technology is instability.

Nano computing would work by storing data in the form of atomic quantum steps or spin.

There are several methods of nano electronic data storage currently being researched. Among the most promising methods are set electron transistors and quantum dots.

All of these devices function based upon the principles of quantum mechanics…


High computing


Low power computing.

Easily portable flexible.

Faster processing.

Lighter and small

computer devices.

Noise Immunity.


It is very expensive and

developing it can cost you a

lot of money.

It is also pretty difficult to


These particles are very

small, problems can

actually arise from the

inhalation of these minute


Breaking ciphers

Statistical analysis

Factoring large numbers

Solving problems in theoretical physics.

Solving optimization problems in many variables.

Current nano computing research involves the study of very small electronic devices and molecules, their fabrication, and architectures that can benefit from their inherent electrical properties. Nanostructures that have been studied include semiconductor quantum dots, single electron structures, and various molecules. Very small particles of material confine electrons in ways that large ones do not, so that the quantum mechanical nature of the electrons becomes important.

Quantum dots behave like artificial atoms and molecules in that the electrons inside of them can have only certain values of energy, which can be used to represent logic information robustly.

Existing technologies , like memory and backing storage, will become even more plentiful than they already are.

New technologies will be created to replace obsolete machines.

New standards and architectures will be needed to make use of the new systems when they are created.

Electrons scientists need to develop new circuits to cope

with nano circuits working with carbon nano tubes.

The transistors will be 100 times smaller than the thickness

of human hair.

The ultra capacitors produces high heat till today there is

no remedy given to cool it.

We always use the latest generation of technology to create the next generation of technology, which causes a

compounding effect on the resultant power and capabilities of that technology.