NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABILITY E · PDF fileNanotechnology for Sustainability: Energy...

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C. Jeffrey Brinker, David Ginger27


Increasing standards of living and rising population numbers are leading to inevitable increases in global energy consumption. Worldwide energy usage is on track to increase by roughly 40% in the next 20 years (Figure 6.1) and to nearly double by 2050. This demand could be met, in principle, from fossil energy resources, particularly coal. However, the cumulative nature of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere demands that holding atmospheric CO2 levels to even twice their pre-anthropogenic values by midcentury will require invention, development, and deployment of schemes for carbon-neutral energy production on a scale commensurate with, or larger than, the entire present-day energy supply from all sources combined (Lewis and Nocera 2006, Lewis 2007). In addition to the negative climate impacts associated with burning fossil fuel, significant worldwide competition for these limited resources, and increases in the prices of energy-intensive commodities like fertilizer, are likely to have significant geopolitical and social consequences, making energy an issue of national security. For these reasons, the president’s goal has been that 10% of electricity generated should be derived from renewable sources by 2012 and 25% by 2025.28

Meeting the energy needs of the world’s growing population in an environmentally and geopolitically sustainable fashion is arguably the most important technological challenge facing society today (Lewis and Nocera 2006, Lewis 2007): addressing issues related to climate change, air and water pollution, economic development, national security, and even poverty and global health all hinge upon our ability to provide clean, low-cost, sustainable energy in a manner free of geopolitical conflict.

Even in mature economies like the United States where growth in energy consumption will be less rapid than in rapidly growing economies (Figure 6.2), the challenge is enormous in scope. Successfully meeting this challenge will ultimately demand restructuring nearly 85% of the United States’ primary energy supply. Thus, we will need to deploy terawatts of sustainable domestic energy generation capacity, find new ways to store this energy efficiently on truly massive yet sustainable scales, and develop new ways to separate unwanted by-products efficiently from waste streams. Furthermore we must accomplish these goals using abundant, low-cost materials in sustainable processes.

27 For the institutional affiliations of authors, please see Appendix B, List of Participants and Contributors. 28 This goal was part of the president’s campaign agenda, e.g., see

6. Nanotechnology for Sustainability: Energy Conversion, Storage, and Conservation


Figure 6.1. World total energy consumption in quadrillion BTUs (1990–2030) (from: U.S. Energy Information Administration,

Figure 6.2. U.S. total energy consumption in quadrillion BTUs according to fuel type (1980–2035) (from U.S. Energy Information Administration, oiaf/forecasting.html).

As a whole, present technologies are either too limited in terms of resources, too inefficient, or too expensive to deploy on the massive scale that will be necessary in the coming decades. It is in this context that nanoscience and nanotechnology are poised to play a transformative role in providing clean and sustainable energy from secure domestic resources.

The past decade has shown that the technological challenges of making energy conversion and storage more efficient and more affordable are intimately tied to our understanding and control of nanoscale phenomena. In the next decade, we envision that research in nanoscience and nanotechnology will enable realization of new technologies such as low-cost photovoltaics for solar power generation, new classes of batteries for both transportation and grid-connected energy storage, efficient low-cost methods of converting both solar and electrical energy into chemical fuels, new catalysts and catalyst systems enabling artificial

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photosynthesis and utilization of CO2 as a feedstock, ultrahigh surface area materials for energy storage, new membranes for applications such as water and gas purification, and improved thermoelectric and electrocaloric devices for more efficient conversion between heat and electricity.


Research in the period from roughly 2000 to 2010 has shown that nanotechnology is a powerful tool for a host of processes in support of efficient, sustainable energy conversion, storage, and conservation, in terms of:

Tailoring the interaction of light with materials and enabling the processing of low-cost semiconductors into devices such as photovoltaics

Making more efficient photocatalysts for converting sunlight into chemical fuels

Developing new materials and membranes for the separations needed in many energy applications (see also Chapter 5)

Converting chemical fuels into electrical energy (and vice versa)

Improving energy and power density in batteries

Improving efficiency in areas from displays and solid state lighting to thermoelectrics and friction

There are many promising research areas from the last decade could, with proper support, become transformative technologies in the coming decade. Advances in nanomaterials synthesis, integration into devices, and characterization, along with modeling and understanding of nanoscale physical phenomena, have all contributed to significant accomplishments in these areas. At the applications level, selected examples of the progress made in the last decade include those discussed in the subsections below.

Nanostructured Organic (Plastic) Photovoltaics

Solar energy is perhaps the most abundant and attractive long-term renewable energy source. However, new technology breakthroughs are needed to make solar energy conversion more cost-effective and more readily deployable on large scales. In the past decade, low-cost, nanostructured organic solar cells made from polymers like plastics have emerged as one possibility. Organic photovoltaics do not rely on conventional single p-n junctions for their function. Instead, a nano-structured donor/acceptor interface is used to dissociate excitons, while providing co-continuous transport paths for positive holes and negative electrons. The generation of photocurrent comprises four successive steps: generation of excitons by photon absorption, diffusion of excitons to the heterojunction, dissociation of the excitons into free charge carriers, and transport of these carriers to the contacts. Advances in the optimization of nanoscale phase separation in polymer blends and the use of new nanomaterials (e.g., Figure 6.3) have enhanced the efficiency of each of these steps.

6. Nanotechnology for Sustainability: Energy Conversion, Storage, and Conservation


Figure 6.3. The past decade has shown that controlling nanoscale film morphology is key

to the performance of plastic solar cells. Physics Today cover, May 2005.

In addition, during the past decade, polymer-based solar cells have advanced from being subjects of basic research interest with less than ~1% power conversion efficiency to viable devices with demonstrated power conversion efficiency exceeding 8% in 2010 (e.g., Business Wire 2010, Liang et al. 2010). This has stimulated the formation of a number of startup companies, such as Konarka, Plextronics, and Solarmer, and interest from major corporations. Organic photovoltaics products based on these R&D advances are now reaching the market in consumer electronics applications. If investments in both basic and applied research can lead to similar improvements in performance and lifetime in the next decade, then organic photovoltaics will be poised to impact energy generation on the terawatt scale. Nanoscience and nanotechnology could offer improved performance through better control over the active layer morphology via self-assembly, an understanding and reduction of the various loss mechanisms that occur in processes from optical excitation to charge collection (Heremans et al. 2009), better lifetimes with nanostructured barrier coatings, better light harvesting using nanostructured light-trapping strategies, and use of new materials to harvest a wider range of the solar spectrum, including nanostructured hybrid organic/inorganic composites. In combination, these advances should lead to efficiencies on the order of 10% in the near future.

Nanostructured Inorganic Photovoltaics

In the last decade, advances in colloidal synthesis have facilitated the use of inorganic nanoparticles as precursors for low-cost, solution-phase deposition of thin-film solar cells. Nanoscale size control offers the ability to tailor optical absorption and energy band alignments, as well as the potential to utilize more exotic phenomena such as carrier multiplication to increase photovoltaic performance (Figure 6.4).

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Figure 6.4. Photovoltaic (PV) power costs ($/W) as function of module efficiency and areal cost. The cost figure of merit for PV cell modules ($/W) is determined by the ratio of the module cost per unit area divided by the maximum electric power per unit area. Dashed lines are constant $/W. Highlighted regions refer to Generation I, Generation II (thin-film PV), and Generation III (advanced/future PV) solar cells (from Green 2004).

The theoretical efficiency limit for even an optimal single–band gap solar conversion device is 31%, because photons having energies lower than the absorption threshold of the active photovoltaic (PV) material are not absorbed, whereas photons having energies much higher than the band gap rapidly release heat to the lattice of the solid and have useful internal energy equal to that of the bandgap. Improvements in efficiency above the 31% theoretical limit are possible if the constraints that are incorporated into the so-called Shockley-Queisser theoretical efficiency limit are relaxed (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences (DOE/BES) 2005, Lewis 2007). Regardless, since no solar cell can be made more than 100% efficient, these performance increases must come at the same time costs are brought further down.

Nanostructuring has also been demonstrated as a means to increase the efficiency of current extraction by decreasing the distance charges have to travel, which would allow the use of lower-cost, lower-purity inorganic materials for photovoltaic (PV) applications without sacrificing performance. In the next decade, we see these advances poised to enable alternative thin-film technologies with lower costs and, critically, faster energy payback times.

Artificial Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis provides a blueprint for solar energy storage in fuels. Indeed, all of the fossil fuel-based energy consumed today is a product of sunlight harvested by photosynthetic organisms. Fuel production via natural or artificial photosynthesis requires three main nanoscale components: (1) a reaction center complex that absorbs sunlight and converts the excitation energy to electrochemical energy (redox equivalents); (2) a water oxidation complex that uses this redox potential to catalyze conversion of water to hydrogen ions, electrons stored as reducing equivalents, and oxygen; and (3) a second catalytic system that uses the reducing equivalents to make fuels such as carbohydrates, lipids, or hydrogen gas.

6. Nanotechnology for Sustainability: Energy Conversion, Storage, and Conservation


During the past decade a number of research groups have prepared synthetic analogues of the principal nanoscale photosynthesis components and have developed artificial systems that use sunlight to produce fuel in the laboratory. For example artificial reaction centers—where electrons are injected from a dye molecule into the conduction band of nanoparticulate titanium dioxide on a transparent electrode, coupled to catalysts such as platinum or hydrogenase enzymes—can produce hydrogen gas. Oxidizing equivalents from such reaction centers can be coupled to iridium oxide nanoparticles that can oxidize water. This coupled nanoscale system demonstrates the possibility of using sunlight to split water into oxygen and hydrogen fuel; however, efficiencies are low, and an external electrical potential is required. Dramatic improvements in efficiency, durability, and nanosystems integration are needed in the next decade to advance artificial photosynthesis as a practical technology for energy harvesting and conversion (Gust et al. 2009).

Nanostructures for Electrical Energy Storage

Along with energy production, renewable energy systems such as solar or wind require the ability to store energy for reuse on many different scales. Electrical energy, which offers the greatest potential for meeting future energy demands as a clean and efficient energy source, can be stored by electrically pumping water into reservoirs, transforming it to potential energy and back. However, this is only possible for very large-scale localized storage. As recently outlined in a workshop report from the U.S. Department of Energy (2005), the use of electricity generated from renewable sources, such as water, wind, or sunlight, requires efficient distributed electrical energy storage on scales ranging from public utilities to miniaturized portable electronic devices. This can be accomplished with chemical storage (i.e., batteries) or capacitive storage (i.e. electrical capacitors). Nanostructuring can increase the efficiency of both storage, release of electrical energy, and the stability of electrode materials against swelling-induced damage from ion uptake.

Battery technologies face issues of internal surface area, electronic and ionic conduction, and phase-stability/reversibility that can benefit from the use of nanostructures. In the year 2000, there were still questions about the viability of batteries for transportation applications, hybrid vehicles were still met with widespread skepticism by most of the public and the automobile industry, and Li-ion battery energy and power densities were in the range of 100 Wh/kg and 200 W/kg, respectively. In 2010, several vehicles rely heavily on battery technology (e.g., Toyota Prius, one of the best-selling cars, and the Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf). Automotive lithium-ion cells have performance in the range of 150 Wh/kg and 3000 W/kg with 10-year predicted lifetimes, and Li-ion batteries are making inroads into large-scale grid storage. During the next decade we might expect development of new classes of nanostructured battery systems. For example, the Li–S battery has been under intense scrutiny for over two decades, as it offers the possibility of high gravimetric capacities and theoretical energy densities ranging up to a factor of five beyond conventional Li-ion systems. Recently a highly ordered, nanostructured carbon–sulphur cathode was reported enabling reversible capacities up to 1,320 mA h g-1 to be attained (Ji et al. 2009). Figure 6.5. shows an example of Si nanowires that are being explored as high surface area anodes in Li batteries. Low dimensional nanowires can reversibly and rapidly intercalate Li without degradation.

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Figure 6.5. Nanostructured materials, such as these Si nanowires used as an anode in a Li ion battery before (a) and after (b) electrochemical cycling (from Nature Nanotech, v3, pp. 31-35, 2008) have the potential to increase the performance of batteries by 10 times or more.

Supercapacitors can provide a high power density (several kW/kg) and moderate energy density (Zhang and Zhao 2009; Xu et al. 2010). Energy storage scales as ½ CV2, where C is the capacitance and V is the operating voltage across the electrodes. Because C is proportional to the surface area of the electrode accessible to ions, nanostructured electrodes can store hundreds or thousands of times more charges than conventional electrolytic capacitors. Nanostructuring also enhances so-called pseudocapacitance in which the charge storage is not electrostatic but occurs via charge transfer coming from a surface or bulk redox reaction. A decade ago RuO2 was identified to have an enormous specific capacitance of nearly 1000 F/g; however, Ru is expensive and rare, and during the last decade alternative nanostructured materials incorporating cheap and available MnO2, NiO, and V2O5 have been developed. MnO2 has a theoretical specific capacitance of 1380 F/g, but so far only 30% of this value can be achieved (Xu et al. 2010). Further improvements over the next decade will require the design and fabrication of nanoarchitectures or composites that integrate cheap transition metal oxide nanoparticles within porous carbon or polymeric matrices.

Nanotechnology for Hydrogen Storage

In 1997 it was reported that single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with diameters of about 1.2-nm synthesized by co-evaporation of cobalt and graphite in an electric arc exhibit a hydrogen storage capacity of ~10 wt% at room temperature under modest pressure (Dillon et al. 1997). These promising results were followed quickly by others, suggesting carbon nanotubes could fulfill the requirements of on-board energy storage, ~6 wt%, set by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). During the last decade, reported hydrogen uptake of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has been the subject of much controversy, and recent results show that under a pressure of 12 MPa and at room temperature, the hydrogen storage capacity of CNTs is less than 1.7 wt.% (C. Liu et al. 2010), which is far below the DOE benchmark. Overall during the last decade, significant improvements in nanoparticle purity and characterization techniques have allowed the field to arrive at a consensus that it is no longer worth investigating hydrogen uptake in pure CNTs for on-board storage applications. It is anticipated that the next decade will see new types of ultrahigh-surface-area nanoscale materials, like metal organic frameworks (MOFs) designed and developed for more efficient hydrogen storage. Continued improvements in battery technology are likely to place increasing pressure on hydrogen as an energy storage medium.

Nanotechnology for Improved Lighting

Lighting consumes roughly 22% of U.S. electricity, at a cost of $50 billion/year to U.S. consumers. Solid-state lighting is an emerging technology with the potential to achieve

6. Nanotechnology for Sustainability: Energy Conversion, Storage, and Conservation


luminous efficacies that span an estimated range from ~3X (163 lm/W) to ~6X (286 lm/W) higher than that of traditional lighting technology and to reduce energy consumption proportionately. Much progress has been made over the past decade. High-color-rendering quality in commercial solid-state lighting presently achieves a luminous efficacy of about 59 lm/W when driven under moderate current densities. Today’s state of the art in solid-state-lighting technology is based on highly nano-engineered InGaN/GaN (indium gallium nitride/gallium nitride) layered structures (Shchekin et al. 2006). The structures are initially grown on sapphire substrates and undergo a complex series of processing steps: film deposition and removal, layer bonding and removal, and lateral patterning.

It is important to note that current state-of-the-art solid-state-lighting technology with characteristics necessary for widespread adoption in general illumination has a luminous efficacy much lower than the aggregate luminous efficacy of current artificial lighting (a mix of incandescent, fluorescent, and high-intensity discharge). Luminous efficacies for high-color-rendering indexes and for operating conditions (higher drive currents), which are in the long term necessary to minimize lifetime ownership costs, are only 23 lm/W. Thus, the targets and estimates for potential luminous efficacies are 5X and 10X away from current artificial lighting efficiencies. The magnitude of these gaps is such that a concerted effort is necessary to explore and understand the fundamental mechanisms and processes by which energy conversion occurs in photonic structures: the desired routes, conversion of injected charge carriers (electrons and holes in solids) to useful light (photons in free space), as well as the parasitic routes. Achieving such a fundamental understanding will accelerate our ability (Lewis and Nocera 2006) to rationally design solid-state lighting materials and structures (Wadia et al. 2009) and to tailor experimental conditions to control losses in the light emission process—the two grand challenges of the DOE Office of Science Basic Research Needs for Solid-State Lighting workshop report (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences (DOE/BES) 2006).

Nanotechnology for Thermoelectrics

The vast majority (~90%) of the world’s power is generated by heat energy, typically operating at 30-40% efficiency. Thus, roughly 15 terawatts of heat is lost annually to the environment. Devices based on the thermoelectric effect—the direct conversion of temperature differences to electric voltage and vice versa—have long been recognized as a potentially transformative energy conversion technology due to their ability to convert heat directly into electricity. Despite this potential, thermoelectric devices are not in common use because of their low efficiency, and today they are only used in niche markets where reliability and simplicity are more important than performance (Majumdar 2004; Minnich et al. 2009).

Thermoelectric materials are ranked by a figure of merit, ZT, defined as ZT =S2σT/k, where S is the thermopower or Seebeck coefficient, σ is the electrical conductivity, k is the thermal conductivity, and T is the absolute temperature. ZT determines the fraction of the Carnot efficiency that can be theoretically attained by a thermoelectric material. The quantity S2σ is called the power factor (PF) and is the key to achieving high performance. A large PF means that a large voltage and a high current are generated during power generation. There is no thermodynamic upper limit to ZT, however, currently available thermoelectrics have a ZT<1. To be competitive with conventional refrigerators and generators, one must develop materials with ZT >3 (Majumdar 2004). The challenge lies in the fact that S, σ, and k are interdependent; changing one alters the others, making optimization extremely difficult. Recently, however, the ability to create nanostructured thermoelectric materials has led to

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significant progress in enhancing thermoelectric properties, making it plausible that thermoelectrics could start being used in new settings in the near future.

A decade ago, the main strategy for reducing k without affecting S and σ was to use semiconductors of high atomic weight such as Bi2Te3 and its alloys with Sb, Sn, and Pb. High atomic weight reduces the speed of sound in the material and thereby decreases the thermal conductivity. But by 1999 there were promising reports that layered nanoscale structures might have a more profound effect on phonon transport, resulting in significant reductions in thermal conductivity either through phonon confinement (Balandin and Wang 1998) or phonon scattering mechanisms (Chen 1998). Soon, thin-film superlattice structures of PbTe-PbSe (grown with molecular beam epitaxy, MBE) and Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 (grown with chemical vapor deposition) with nanoscale features were reported to have extremely low lattice thermal conductivities (Venkatasubramanian et al. 2001; Harman et al. 2002). These reports motivated the investigation of additional systems, particularly bulk materials, because superlattice structures were perceived to be too costly and fragile for real-world devices.

Although recent evidence suggests that the lattice thermal conductivities of superlattices are not as low as originally claimed (Koh et al. 2009), investigations of bulk materials that followed the thin-film reports did produce systems with extremely low lattice thermal conductivities and correspondingly high ZT (>1) (Chen et al. 2003; Lyeo et al. 2004; U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (DOE/EEaR) 2006). Since then, rather dramatic enhancements in figure of merit in bulk thermoelectric materials have come from further reductions in lattice thermal conductivity rather than from improvement in power factors, giving rise to a next generation of bulk thermoelectric materials with ZT ranging from 1.3 to 1.7. These enhancements have resulted from optimization of existing materials using nanoscale inclusions and compositional inhomogeneities, which can dramatically suppress the lattice thermal conductivity. Thus, through several avenues of nanotechnology research, the potential has expanded for achieving significantly higher efficiencies in thermoelectric power-generation schemes.

Nanotechnology for Thermal Insulation

Based on recent DOE Annual Energy Outlook reports, residential and commercial buildings account for 36% of the total primary energy use in the United States and 30% of the total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. About 65% of the energy consumed in the residential and commercial sectors is for heating (46%), cooling (9%), and refrigeration (10%). In addition to developing new renewable sources of energy for heating and cooling, nanotechnology can play an important role in energy conservation. Nanoscale titania low-emissivity coatings made by sputtering or chemical vapor deposition are now commonplace on commercial and residential insulating glass units (IGU). Porous and particulate nanoscale materials are also crucial to advanced thermal insulation. Silica aerogels are exceptional thermal insulators because they minimize the three methods of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation). Their ultra-low density (as low as 1.9 mg/cm3 ( and weakly connected, fractal silica framework reduce conductive heat transfer. Additionally because their pore size is less than the mean free path of gas at ambient pressure, they suppress convective diffusion. Finally, silica aerogel strongly absorbs infrared radiation. In combination, these properties result in extremely low thermal conductivity: from 0.03 W/m·K down to 0.004 W/m·K (Fricke and Emmerling 1992) upon moderate evacuation. This corresponds to thermal R-values of 14 to 105 for 8.9 cm thickness. For comparison, typical wall insulation is 13 for 8.9 cm thickness. During the last decade commercial aerogel manufacturing has become possible by avoidance

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of supercritical processing through adaptation of processing strategies developed by Brinker and Smith in the mid-1990s (Deshpande et al. 1992; Prakash et al. 1995). In the next decade, it is expected that nanoporous aerogel and nanoparticulate fumed silica will be implemented more widely in vacuum insulation panels, because their nanostructure allows enables high R values to be obtained at very modest levels of vacuum achievable with advanced nanoscale diffusion barrier coating systems (Baetens et al. 2010).


In the next decade, nanoscience research and nanotechnology will be key enablers of a variety of energy technologies at many scales. Examples of key goals where nanotechnology is likely to play a critical role in next decade include:

Terawatt-scale solar energy generation at cost approaching that of fossil energy

Economical catalysts to convert electricity and/or sunlight into chemical fuels

Electrical storage for electrified transportation and grid-connected renewables

Nanostructured materials for improved lighting efficiency

Nanostructured thermoelectric materials for economical energy conversion

Terawatt-Scale Solar Energy at Fossil Energy Costs

From a long-term perspective, solar photovoltaics are perhaps the most attractive renewable energy source. Photovoltaics can convert sunlight directly to electricity with no moving parts or noise. Photovoltaics produce more power per unit land area than any other renewable energy technology. Indeed, the DOE has estimated that existing rooftop capacity is already sufficient to generate roughly 20% of all current U.S. energy consumption (not limited to just electricity) (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (DOE/EEaR) 2006); this is an important consideration given the often considerable public opposition to the land use that many large renewable projects are currently facing. Perhaps even more importantly, photovoltaics are inherently scalable: they can power small electronics, residential installations, and utility-scale projects. The photovoltaics industry has been growing at an annualized average rate of ~40+%/year over the past decade, making it one of the fastest growing businesses worldwide (Jaeger-Waldau 2009). Over that same time period, China, Europe, and Japan have become the dominant worldwide photovoltaics manufacturers. However, existing photovoltaic technologies are not presently capable of rapidly delivering terawatts of new photovoltaic (PV) capacity in a cost-effective manner, creating a major environmental incentive to pursue alternative technologies. Since the worldwide photovoltaics market in 2009 exceeded $50 billion (Jaeger-Waldau 2009), and since photovoltaics are on track to become the largest semiconductor business in the world, there are also major economic incentives to invest in nanoscale photovoltaics research.

If photovoltaics are to become major contributors to our energy supply, photovoltaic technologies are needed that can deliver electricity at or below grid parity, with short energy pay-back times, using abundant materials and scalable manufacturing processes to achieve annual production capacities of many tens of gigawatts. Nanoscale phenomena may provide the key to unlocking the potential of economical, large-scale photovoltaics over the next decade. Almost all photovoltaic technologies would benefit from new strategies for light-trapping and light-harvesting using nanostructures. Likewise, the full range of organic, hybrid, and inorganic photovoltaic technologies would benefit from improved control of charge and energy transfer at heterogeneous nanoscale interfaces; improved methods to synthesize

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nanostructured materials; and better tools for probing nanoscale charge generation, transport, and recombination processes.

Specific selected examples of how nanotechnology could benefit next-generation photovoltaics include:

New nanoscale chemistry and materials science for the synthesis and self-assembly of bulk heterojunction (plastic) solar cells with higher performance and uniformity possibly through ordered phase separation

New nanoscale chemistry and materials science for the low-cost production of inorganic thin films with controlled stoichiometry and low defect density

Self-assembly for the low-cost fabrication of nanorod structures for high-aspect-ratio electrodes

Use of low-cost chemically synthesized quantum confined structures as tunable bandgap absorbers

Use of nanoparticles and quantum dots in carrier multiplication and hot carrier collection strategies to circumvent the Schockley-Queisser limit in thin-film devices

Development of new nanostructures for light harvesting—including plasmonic nanostructures, nanostructures for up-conversion, and fluorescent nanoparticles for use in fluorescent concentrators

New transparent conductors based on inorganic nanowires, carbon nanotubes, graphene sheets, and related materials for use as solar cell substrates and superstrates to replace expensive transparent conductive oxides

New imaging and metrology tools to characterize performance and manufacturing defects in next-generation nanostructured solar cells

New nanostructured barrier coatings to improve environmental resilience of low-cost thin film semiconductor materials

Economical Catalysts to Convert Electricity and Sunlight into Chemical Fuels

The economical conversion of electrical energy into high-energy-density fuels for land, sea, and air transportation would increase the viability of alternative energy sources, including solar photovoltaic, concentrating solar thermal, wind, hydroelectric, and nuclear power. Converting sunlight directly to chemical fuel in an artificial manner analogous to plant photosynthesis has also captured the imaginations of many scientists. Both approaches share common challenges that must be addressed in the coming decade, including accomplishing complex, multi-electron redox chemistry with electrodes that exhibit excellent long-term stability with low-cost materials. Photocatalysts must also achieve efficient broadband light absorption.

New approaches combine multiple materials in nanoscale composite systems to achieve separate steps such as light absorption from redox chemistry with the aim of improving the performance of low-cost materials. Close synergies with investigations into nanostructured heterogeneous catalysts may emerge to allow faster turnover rates, increased active site densities, improved lifetimes, and better resilience to contaminants. Like photovoltaics, photocatalysts would also benefit from the use of nanostructures to manipulate light absorption in nanoscale structures. Biomimetics and synthetic biology may borrow concepts from natural biological systems, while greatly exceeding their performance.

6. Nanotechnology for Sustainability: Energy Conversion, Storage, and Conservation


Electrical Storage for Electrified Transportation and Grid-Connected Renewables

Improved storage is crucial if renewable energy sources such as solar and wind are to contribute more than ~20% of our electricity supply (Council 2010). In the next 10 years, improved electrical energy storage will remain critical for mobile electronics and become increasingly important in the electrification of transportation applications. Advances in battery technology will make a hybrid option available for all vehicles and allow millions of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) to operate on roadways. By 2020, next-generation “beyond-lithium” chemistry will need to be ready for a transition to the marketplace. An electric vehicle with a 200-mile range will require cell performance of 400 Wh/kg to 800 Wh/L, at a price point of <$100/kWh. Reaching such levels of performance will require the use of nanotechnology: nanostructures enable efficient diffusion and efficient displacement reactions in batteries and can be used to produce multifunctional and hybrid materials that combine mixed electronic/ionic conduction. Nanotechnology could also lead to improved electrolytes that use nanostructured block copolymers or nanostructured hybrid organic/inorganic composites. Self-assembling junctions, subassemblies, and bipolar electrochemical junctions could improve performance while reducing overall cost. These advances could allow the widespread adoption of batteries not just for transportation, but also for high-power, short-term storage in the electrical grid, and for integrated local storage in renewable solar and wind energy installations. With sufficient market penetration, the battery capacity of the millions of PHEVs on the road could provide large-scale scalable storage and load balancing options for a smart electrical grid.

Nanotechnology for Improved Lighting Efficiency

State-of-the-art light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are sophisticated and represent the culmination of a decade of evolving R&D. Further progress, however, is likely to be slowed by two technology challenges underlying the current 5–10-fold performance gap between solid-state and current artificial lighting discussed above. The first technology challenge is the green-yellow-orange gap. Although InGaN/GaN layered structures can emit relatively efficiently at wavelengths in the blue and purple wavelengths, they emit relatively inefficiently at longer green, yellow, and orange wavelengths. Phosphors, which down-convert light to longer wavelengths, can ameliorate this to some extent, but at the expense of significant Stokes-shift (energy) losses. An ideal high-color-rendering-index, high-efficiency white light source would be composed of four wavelengths (463, 530, 573, and 614 nm) emitted directly from semiconductors (Johnson 2009), but efficient sources have been achieved to date at only the first of these wavelengths.

The second technology challenge is the high-power-density rollover. Although InGaN/GaN layered structures emit relatively efficiently at modest input-power densities, they emit much less efficiently at higher input-power densities. However, higher input-power densities are necessary to achieve the highest lumen output per device, and thus a low per-lumen lifetime ownership cost.

At a superficial level, it is tempting to explain the origins of these technology challenges as the result of defect-mediated or many-body (e.g., Auger) processes of various kinds. However, at a deeper level there is little that is positively known about their origins. Consider the consequences of injecting electrons and holes into the LED structure illustrated in Figure 6.6. The electrons and holes would interact to form excitons, with the subsequent fate of the excitons dependent on the density of both the excitons themselves and on other entities (defects, phonons, photons) that may interact with them. Interactions within LED nanostructures are not fully predictable and under some circumstances can lead to exciton

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decay—thus energy loss—whereas under other circumstances they do not, generating much controversy in the research community regarding materials and experimental conditions. This points to the ongoing requirement for fundamental as well as applied research to achieve higher-efficiency LEDs.

Figure 6.6. State-of-the-art thin-film flip-chip (TFFC) InGaN-GaN light-emitting diode.

At low exciton and photon densities, exciton-exciton and exciton-photon interactions are relatively weak. Exciton decay through electron-hole recombination and spontaneous emission of photons can occur and is, of course, one preferred energy conversion route. But because this route can be slow, excitons can have time to interact with other entities such as defects and phonons. Some of these routes lead to emission of photons and thus light, but other parasitic routes (with respect to solid-state lighting) do not. Because there are a wide range of possible defects (vacancies, interstitials, impurities), most of which are difficult to identify with existing characterization techniques, little is positively known about these routes to exciton decay—knowledge that could provide a motivation to control particular defects through tailored growth of novel nanostructured materials and structures.

At high exciton or photon densities, exciton-exciton and exciton-photon interactions are relatively strong. Additional exciton decay routes open up, including stimulated emission, polariton formation, many-body Auger processes, and defect- or phonon-assisted Auger processes. In the presence of metals, excitons may even interact with plasmons. Again, some of these routes lead to emission of photons, but others are parasitic in that they do not. And again, because there are a number of routes with ambiguous signatures under common experimental conditions, the routes that dominate for particular materials structures and experimental conditions are currently quite controversial (Hader et al. 2008).

Economically Processable Thermoelectrics

The most promising approach for fabrication of practical thermoelectric materials is bulk nanocomposites. Figure 6.7 shows a typical Si80Ge20 nanocomposite, along with several critical length scales. Because the nanostructure has a grain size smaller than the phonon mean free path but greater than the electron or hole mean free path, phonons are more strongly scattered by grain boundaries than by electrons or holes, yielding a net increase in ZT (Minnich et al. 2009). At present, two major types of bulk nanostructured materials are emerging (Kanatzidis 2009): (a) materials with self-formed inhomogeneities on the nanoscale driven by phase segregation phenomena such as spinodal decomposition and nucleation and growth, and (b) materials that have been processed (e.g., ground) so they are broken up into nanocrystalline pieces, which then are sintered or pressed into bulk objects. Compared to superlattices, either of these bulk approaches is considerably cheaper and quicker to produce, and this concept has been extended to many bulk compositions, including BixSb2-xTe3 (Poudel et al. 2008) and AgPbmSbTe2+m, which has shown ZT ~ 1.7 at 600K

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(Hsu et al. 2004). Improvements in ZT over the last decade have come almost exclusively from strategies that reduce the lattice thermal conductivity, but it is presently difficult to imagine how kLAT can be reduced much lower. Future improvements will have to be based on big jumps in the power factor from current levels (Kanatzidis 2009).

Figure 6.7. A TEM image of a heavily doped Si80Ge20 nanocomposite along with some important numerically calculated characteristic lengths (Minnich et al. 2009).


The diversity of energy-related research, from batteries to solar power, will necessarily require a diverse portfolio of scientific and technological infrastructure; nevertheless, some common requirements emerge:

Support for both development and acquisition of university instrumentation and national shared user facilities to probe fundamental phenomena of charge transport, generation, and recombination, as well as light absorption and energy transfer in chemically heterogeneous, nanostructured materials with high resolution in time and space.

More Federal support for instrumentation and computing staff at universities to maintain infrastructure investments over the long term at a time when both private and state-supported universities are cutting staff.

An increase in certified performance measurement facilities (ranging from solar cell performance and lifetime, to grid-scale storage).

Expanded computational resources (both hardware and software) for tackling multiscale problems that span atomistic processes to device-level performance.

Scale-up facilities for testing multiscale manufacturing, ranging from thin-film deposition and coatings to colloidal syntheses.

More energy-related codes in terms of computation and theory, maintained by topical experts.

Infrastructure to accelerate development and adoption of nanotechnologies for targeted energy applications. Examples include hubs and consortia for evaluating efficient building technologies, fuel conversion, solar and battery manufacturing, and real-world performance/lifetime testing.

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In terms of investment and implementation strategies, broadly speaking, the funding of energy-related research at both the basic sciences and applied/translational levels needs to be commensurate with the scale of this challenge over a stable, long-term period, reflecting the long-term nature of the problem. Specific recommendations for improving the effectiveness of research dollars spent on energy include:

Continue expansion of both student and postdoctoral fellowship programs. Nanoscience and nanotechnology fellowships in energy will train the next generation of scientific leaders, while enabling the best students to choose the most innovative projects and to explore creative research with more freedom than would be possible if the student/postdoc was funded through an individual principle-investigator (PI) or center grant.

Create a precompetitive “Energy Research Corporation.” Borrowing ideas and “best practices” from the Semiconductor Research Corporation model used by the semiconductor industry could create a framework for exploring ways to strengthen precompetitive research in energy science and technology while also building closer ties between academia and industry to accelerate the movement of ideas from the lab to real-world implementation.

Realize improved synergy, cooperation, and integration between Federal agencies. Due to the crosscutting nature of these problems, energy research will require less-exclusive “ownership” of ideas and programs than the historical norm from Federal sponsors. Leveraging support from multiple sources to achieve major programmatic goals should be encouraged.

Increase both average award sizes and overall success rates. Many recent “special programs” for energy research have had success rates approaching 1%. On the positive side, this reflects the large number of ideas and untapped potential for addressing the energy challenge at all levels of science; however, the 1–10% success rates typical of many new programs result in significant wasted effort by proposers and reviewers and make it difficult for program administrators to pick the best proposals in an environment with a low-signal/noise ratio. Within Federal agencies, subunits that fund disproportionate amounts of energy research should be targeted for appropriate shares of any increases in Federal research dollars.

Sustain support for national energy research centers and hubs. Many large energy initiatives have recently been funded by DOE and other Federal agencies. These centers have the potential to achieve transformative breakthroughs, but they will need stable/predictable support over periods longer than a single funding cycle to achieve their ambitious long-term goals.

Fund more small team awards over longer periods. The energy challenge is interdisciplinary, and building collaborations takes time. Small team awards can promote collaboration to tackle new ideas in a nimble fashion. Awards that encourage real connections and convergence between computation and experiment have good potential for high impact.


Meeting our energy needs in an environmentally and geopolitically sustainable fashion is likely the most important technological challenge facing society today. Aside from the impacts of climate change, the economic damages from domestic fossil fuel use already approach $120 billion annually (Johnson 2009). Over the next 10 years, energy will likely emerge as a preeminent application for nanotechnology, and energy applications will be a

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prime driver for nanoscience research. Nanoscience and nanotechnology will be primary enablers for a broad range of technologies that achieve efficient energy use, abundant low-cost alternative energy generation, and efficient energy storage. Key priorities are:

Solar energy generation: The energy challenge will only be solved by sustained research and development investment in many new technologies. The problem is both too large, and our technologies too primitive, to pick clear winners for the next decade at this stage. However, solar energy is the most abundant, and arguably the most attractive long-term renewable energy source. The current high relative cost of solar energy compared with fossil fuels and other alternatives means solar also stands to benefit disproportionately from advances in nanotechnology (deploying terawatts of solar energy with existing technologies would require trillions of dollars of capital, and is not something we can subsidize our way out of). We thus identify solar photovoltaics, (and to a lesser extent solar photoelectrochemical cells), as a primary target for significantly increased strategic research funding: the development of terawatt-scale solar energy at a cost lower than fossil fuels would be perhaps the most significant achievement one could make in energy research. In any circumstance, solar photovoltaics are already on track to become the largest semiconductor business in the world. The U.S. can either invest in technologies to compete in this space, or cede economic strength in this market to others.

Storage: Since storage will be essential for multiple renewable technologies, electrical storage for electrified transportation, and grid-connected renewables we also identify electrical storage as a second critical research target in nanoscience and nanotechnology. While batteries appear to have a technological lead at present, efficient catalysts for interconverting electricity and chemical fuel could also play an important role if fundamental scientific challenges were overcome.

Efficiency: While it is critical to develop new renewable energy generation technologies such a solar, it will remain important to make the best use of the limited resources currently available. New technologies for efficient energy use, including solid state lighting, waste heat harvesting via thermoelectrics, and better insulation for buildings should represent a third core research goal for nanotechnology.

Human Resource Development: Today’s graduate students and postdocs will be the ones to found the next “Google of clean energy.” The best and brightest students are currently drawn to energy research in chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and all branches of engineering. Increasing direct research opportunities for PhD and postdoctoral students would allow these scientists to meaningfully contribute to the field in the short- to-medium term with fewer bureaucratic hurdles than are often associated with major new research initiatives. That said, new integrated research initiatives are needed that are commensurate with the size, scope, and time-scale of the energy challenge.


If nanotechnology research can be transitioned to applications to provide low-cost affordable energy conversion, storage, and efficient use, it will become a central pillar in supporting economic growth, sustainable development, and national security. Renewable energy is also intimately connected with water supply, both through energy-related water usage and possible impacts of climate change on precipitation. Low-cost renewable energy is also tied intimately to global health in terms of the impacts of air and water pollution, the availability of refrigeration and sanitation in the developing world, and the possibility of new patterns of disease transmission due to habitat and climate change. The ability to positively affect the energy landscape with nanotechnology will provide direct tangible examples that can be

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understood by students and the general public; this may ultimately exceed nanomedicine and nanoelectronics in increasing the general public’s awareness of the benefits of nanotechnologies.


6.8.1 Plastic Photovoltaics and Nanostructured Photovoltaics

Plastic solar cells, which have currently reached roughly 8% efficiency in the lab and ~4-5% efficiency in prototype module production, could transform the economics of solar energy not only with lower materials costs, but lower capital costs for manufacturing and lower balance-of-system costs through the use of flexible, lightweight form factors, as in the example on the right side of Figure 6.8 (Gaudiana 2010, Business Wire 2009, Liang et al. 2010).

Figure 6.8. Left: Organic solar cells are inherently nanostructured devices, as this nanoscale image of the photocurrent from a prototype cell illustrates. Right: Nanostructured flexible plastic solar cell produced by Konarka incorporated into a soft-sided bag for charging portable electronics sold commercially by a German company. Nanotechnology-enabled advances in solar-cell efficiencies and lifetimes could enable organics to be utilized for large-scale commercial power generation (image from

In the last fifteen years, the power conversion efficiency of polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells has increased significantly, and achieved efficiencies have evolved from less than 1% in the poly(phenylene vinylene) (PPV) system in 1995 (Yu et al. 1995) to 4–5% in the poly(3-hexylthiphene) (P3HT) system in 2005 (Li et al. 2005), to around 6%, as reported recently (Park et al. 2009), and over 8% as reported in 2010. However, the efficiency of polymer solar cells is still lower than their inorganic counterparts, such as silicon, CdTe and CIGS, which is a limitation to practical applications at large scales.

As recently reported by Park et al. (2009) achieving efficiencies in bulk heterojunction (BHJ) devices in excess of 6% will depend on a systems approach, employing several classes of nanoscale materials engineered to optimize both the total number of absorbed photons within the solar spectrum and the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of the device (Gaudiana 2010). Using a new class of alternating low-band-gap copolymers incorporating a fullerene derivative along with a nanoscale titania optical spacer and hole-blocking layer, they demonstrated more efficient harvesting of the solar energy spectrum and a higher open circuit voltage. The IQE is determined by a three-step process consisting of: (1) migration/diffusion of the photogenerated excitons to the bulk heterojunction interface; (2) exciton dissociation and charge separation at the interface; and (3) charge collection at the electrodes. Because of step (1), the nanoscale phase separation of the BHJ was designed to be less than 20 nm, because the exciton diffusion length is generally less than 10 nm (Dennler et al. 2009; Giridharagopal and Ginger 2010), and smaller-scale phase separation creates larger-area donor–acceptor interfaces where charge separation can take place. The combined

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nanoscale features of their device resulted in over a 6% power conversion efficiency and an internal quantum efficiency of nearly 100%, implying that essentially every absorbed photon results in a separated pair of charge carriers and that all photo-generated carriers are collected at the electrodes.

Although the previously described work is promising, integrated module efficiencies in the 8–10% range with lifetimes of roughly seven years have been cited as a target needed for organic solar cells to compete with commercial power generation (Dennler et al. 2009). Future efforts will require improvements of the polymer, the morphology of the BHJ interface, and the overall device architecture. Important in this regard is the recent report of a new class of thieno[3,4-b]thiophene and benzodithiophene polymers (PTBs) used in BHJ polymer/fulleride solar cells. These polymers have a low-lying highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy level that provides a large open-circuit voltage (Voc) and a suitable lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy level that provides enough offset for charge separation. Furthermore by judicious use of a cosolvent, the film morphology was controlled at the scale of the exciton diffusion length, resulting altogether in a power conversion efficiency of 7.4% (Liang et al. 2010). It is expected the effective translation of these lab-scale efficiencies to large-scale module production will hinge on even greater understanding and control of the nanoscale film morphology (Giridharagopal and Ginger 2010). Potentially, block copolymers that self-assemble to form highly ordered bulk heterojunctions with controlled, thermodynamically defined three-dimensional interfaces could allow engineering of optimized bulk heterojunction interfaces (Figure 6.9).

Figure 6.9. Self-assembled bicontinuous BHJ morphology prepared from block copolymers (Crossland et al. 2009).

Organic solar cells are not the only type of photovoltaics where nanotechnology could have a significant impact. Wadia et al. (2009) recently surveyed the supply of raw materials for a variety of inorganic photovoltaics (Figure 6.10). Their conclusion was that a number of materials have the potential to exceed the annual electricity production of crystalline silicon with reduced materials costs. However, utilizing many of these materials in efficient, low-cost photovoltaics will likely require nanotechnology solutions—through tailoring the semiconductor band gaps through quantum confinement effects; overcoming recombination losses with nanoscale charge collection strategies; improving light harvesting in thin films; and/or processing films with appropriate stoichiometry, surface chemistry, and defect passivation using nanoscale colloids.

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Figure 6.10. Various inorganic materials ranked by extraction costs and electricity production potential for photovoltaic applications from the paper by Wadia et al. (2009) Materials in red are those the authors identified with the greatest long-term potential. Nanotechnology to enhance light absorption, facilitate thin-film processing, improve the ratio of carrier collection to recombination loss, and tune bandgaps could be beneficial for many materials combinations.

Nanostructuring is also viewed to be important in increasing the efficiency of devices above the so-called Shockley-Queisser theoretical efficiency limit of 31%. This limit arises because photons having energies lower than the absorption threshold of the active PV material are not absorbed, whereas photons having energies in excess of the band gap rapidly release heat to the lattice of the solid. It has been suggested that improvements in efficiency above the 31% theoretical limit could be achieved by generation of multiple electron-hole pairs (excitons) by high-energy single photons. This effect, known as carrier multiplication (CM), was first reported for quantum confined semiconductor nanocrystals in 2004 (Schaller and Klimov 2004) based on a distinct dynamical signature of multiexcitons associated with their fast Auger recombination. However recently CM has been debated and in some cases claimed not to exist or that the CM yield in nanocrystals is less than in the parent solid (Nair and Bawendi 2007). In a recent review of this topic, discrepancies in CM measurements have been attributed to photoinduced charging of nanocrystals (McGuire et al. 2010). It is concluded that CM is enhanced in nanocrystals compared to the bulk and due to the fact that appreciable CM efficiencies are obtained for a significantly greater band gap, CM in nanocrystals is of greater potential utility in photovoltaics and photocatalysis compared to CM in parental bulk solids. No matter what the actual yield of CM effects, their use in increasing PV device efficiency will no doubt require advanced nanoscale architectures to harvest multiexcitons on a time scale faster than competing Auger recombination.

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6.8.2 Nanostructured Batteries

The success of hybrid vehicles over the past decade perhaps best embodies the nanotechnology-based paradigm shift that has taken place in the energy storage field over the last ten years. As late as the year 2000, many questioned the appropriateness of batteries for transportation applications. There were outstanding safety issues, battery fires were in the news, millions of lithium-ion laptop batteries were recalled, and hybrid vehicles were met with widespread skepticism by most of the public and the automobile industry. Ten years later, the Toyota Prius is one of the best-selling cars in the world, and almost all major automobile manufacturers make and sell hybrid vehicles. Nanotechnology has the potential to improve battery power and energy density as well as battery lifetime by increasing the efficiency of diffusion and displacement reactions in new battery materials, leading to the development of new hybrid electronic/ionic conduction and storage mechanisms, novel electrolytes, and new electrochemical assemblies.

6.8.3 New Solid-State Lighting Architectures

Beyond 2D – Wires, Dots, and Hybrid Structures

Layered, planar 2D heterostructures (illustrated above in Figure 6.6) dominate the current architecture for solid-state lighting. This architecture can be highly nano-engineered, and its performance will surely continue to improve over time. This architecture, however, carries with it two severe constraints. From a materials synthesis point of view, strain cannot relax elastically in the two lateral dimensions, leading to well-known limitations on the alloy compositions and thicknesses of the various layers. From a physics point of view, confinement of charge carriers (whether quantum or classical) occurs only in one dimension, leading to less localization and weaker carrier–carrier interactions than in architectures with confinement in more than one dimension. Thus, wires and dots are expected to be important solid-state lighting structures in the coming decade. Figure 6.11 shows GaN (core) / InGaN (shell) (followed by additional possible shells) radial heterostructures. These structures basically constitute a nanowire, grown vertically first and then horizontally outwards. InGaN forms a quantum well structure where electron-hole pairs, i.e., excitons, are localized, thus increasing their radiative recombination. Radial nanowire heterostructures maximize the surface area of the active regions that emit light relative to the nanowire volume, and hence they could serve as a general architecture for nanowire light emitters that emit efficiently in the yellow and red wavelengths.

Figure 6.11. Images of nanowires with approximately 2.5-nm thick AlN or AlGaN shell layers surrounding GaN cores. (a) SEM image, (b) high-resolution cross-section TEM image, and (c) reconstructed 3D scanning TEM tomograph showing AlN at edges, GaN core, and embedded Ni catalyst at the tip (Wang et al. 2006; Arslan et al. 2008).

Although lower dimensionality can enhance strain accommodation, widen accessible alloy composition ranges, and confine electrons, thus leading to size-tuning of emission energies over an incredible range as well as with high radiative efficiencies, it can make carrier injection and transport much more difficult. These competing advantages and disadvantages

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suggest that the highest-performance solid-state lighting architectures may someday be coupled subsystems of different dimensionalities, where advantage is taken of each dimension’s best attributes. A particularly promising approach might be one in which an exciton in the quantum well is converted into an exciton in a quantum dot overlayer via nonradiative (e.g., dipole-dipole, or Förster) coupling (Agranovich et al. 2001), followed by subsequent photon re-emission. Klimov recently demonstrated (Achermann et al. 2004) the potential of this alternative as a means to create white light (see Figure 6.12).

Figure 6.12. (a) Schematic of a potential white light emitter: nanocrystals with emission at 480 nm (r1), 540 nm (r2), and 630 nm (r3). (b) Schematic of an electrically driven, single-color energy transfer device (adapted from Achermann et al. 2004).

Strong Light-Matter Interactions

The regime in which light-matter interactions are weak may not be the best long-term paradigm for solid-state lighting. LEDs are based on pairs interacting with the weakest of all electromagnetic fields, the vacuum field. When fields are this weak, the conversion of energy from electron-hole pairs to photons is slow, and for that conversion to be efficient, all other parasitic processes must be even slower. Lasers are based on stimulated emission in which electron-hole pairs now interact with an amplified and resonant electromagnetic field, so the transfer of energy from electron-hole pairs to photons is faster. Indeed, the highest-efficiency electroluminescent devices at any wavelength are high-power InGaAs/GaAs semiconductor diode lasers operating in the infrared at around 900 nm: these lasers are now 80%-or-so efficient!

Beyond this, one can imagine photonic structures, like resonant microcavities, in which electromagnetic fields are so strong that energy flow between electron-hole pairs and the electromagnetic field become continuous and cyclic. Rather than the typical irreversible decay of an exciton into a spontaneously emitted photon, the exciton and photon exchange energy resonantly at the so-called Rabi frequency. Under these conditions, the strongly coupled exciton and photon states are split into so-called upper and lower polariton states, each with mixed exciton and photon character, with a separation equal to the Rabi frequency. In semiconductors, this would represent a new regime in light-matter interactions, one that would reorder the relative importance of all the various energy conversion routes, and perhaps cause those that ultimately lead to free-space photons to become dominant.

6.8.4 Increasing Figure of Merit of Thermoelectrics: ZT > 1

As discussed above, dramatic improvements in the thermoelectric figure of merit, ZT =S2σT/k (where S is the thermopower or Seebeck coefficient, σ is the electrical conductivity, k is the thermal conductivity, and T is the absolute temperature) over the last decade have come almost exclusively from strategies that reduce the lattice thermal conductivity (see Figure

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6.13). Future improvements will have to be based on big jumps in the power factor from today’s levels (Kanatzidis 2009).

Figure 6.13. Current state of the art in bulk thermoelectric materials. All the top performing (high ZT) materials are nanostructured. ZT >> 3 is needed for many practical applications of thermoelectrics (Kanatzidis, 2009).

Based on recent reviews (Minnich et al. 2009; Kanatzidis 2009), there are several promising nanostructuring strategies to improve the power factor S2σ, as follows:

Increasing the mobility. One way in which electrical properties could be improved is simply by reducing the impact of grain boundaries on electron transport. For heavily doped nanostructured n-type Si80Ge20, the experimental mobility is about forty percent lower than the theoretical expectation at room temperature, meaning that if the mobility could be restored to closer to the theoretical value, ZT could be increased by up to forty percent for this case.

Energy filtering. Rather than grain boundaries reducing the mobility, it is also possible for grain boundaries to play a positive role through energy filtering. The concept of energy filtering is that low energy electrons reduce the Seebeck coefficient because this portion of the Seebeck distribution is negative. This suggests an energy filtering strategy whereby an additional scattering mechanism is introduced that preferentially scatters low-energy electrons, minimizing their contribution to transport properties and thus increasing the Seebeck coefficient. In nanocomposites, the obvious scattering mechanism is electron grain boundary scattering, which does reduce the mobility but also preferentially scatters electrons with energies less than the barrier height.

Resonant levels to enhance the density of states. A recent result, which has resulted in a remarkable increase in ZT, is the use of impurity band energy levels to increase the Seebeck coefficient (Heremans et al. 2008). Here the energy level created by the impurity can actually lie in the conduction or valence bands, creating a resonant level and a local maximum in the electronic density of states. If the Fermi level is close to the distortion, it is theoretically expected that the Seebeck coefficient will increase. According to Minnich et al, (2009). It should be possible to create a material that uses both the resonant level and the nanocomposite concepts: one simply needs to add Tl to PbTe and generate the nanocomposite in the usual manner. The resulting material should have a lower thermal

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conductivity than the bulk value but significantly improved electrical properties due to the Tl doping.

Reducing the bipolar effect. The major theme of nanocomposites for improving thermoelectric figure of merit has been a reduction of the lattice thermal conductivity. However, nanocomposites now have such a low lattice thermal conductivity that the other contributions to the thermal conductivity, viz. the electronic thermal conductivity and the bipolar thermal conductivity, can be comparable in magnitude. The bipolar effect is due to the fact that there are two types of carriers, electrons and holes. The nanocomposite strategy to reduce the bipolar effect is to create a nanostructure that preferentially scatters minority carriers but not the majority carrier. This concept has been demonstrated, but the reason why electrons are preferentially scattered in a BixSb2-xTe3 nanocomposite alloy (Poudel et al. 2008) is currently not understood. Further enhancing this preferential scattering requires detailed knowledge of the electron and hole scattering processes at grain boundaries.

Reducing the electronic thermal conductivity. Another strategy to enhance ZT would be to reduce the electronic thermal conductivity, which would seem impossible, since all charge carriers must travel through the thermoelectric material, and when they do so they inevitably carry heat. While some theoretical work has shown potential situations where the Wiedemann–Franz law relating electrical and thermal conductivity is violated, no nanocomposite strategy has been developed.

Optimization of the physical characteristics of the nanocrystal. Theoretical calculations on thermoelectric nanocomposite materials consisting of granular regions (Popescu et al. 2009) suggest that by changing the physical characteristics of the nanocrystal, such as potential barrier height, width, and the distance between them, it is possible to increase the mean energy per carrier to obtain an enhanced power factor for improved thermoelectric performance. The model is promising and can be generic because it can be applied to other nanocomposites by incorporating the appropriate electronic structure parameters (Kanatzidis 2009).

6.8.5 Nanotechnology and Other Thermal Properties

Solid-state conversion of heat to energy has been a long-sought after technology for a broad array of applications. The thermoelectric effect, magnetocaloric effect, thermionic emission (Hishinuma et al. 2001), and recently, laser cooling (Seletskiy et al. 2010) have all been employed as the basis for solid-state energy conversion. In spite of some niche applications, solid-state conversion is a minor player in the nation’s energy technologies. Part of the reason for this limited role, discussed in connection with the thermoelectric effect above, was emphasized by the recent commentary, “An inconvenient truth about thermoelectrics” (Vining 2009), where the importance of the thermodynamic efficiency of any solid-state system was emphasized. For other technologies such as the magnetocaloric effect, recent work suggests that materials may already be close to optimal without new physical mechanisms being discovered (Zverev et al. 2010). In order to make a significant contribution to the nation’s energy use and greenhouse gas generation, a path to efficiencies competitive with and exceeding those of existing mechanical heat engines must be envisioned.

Recent improvements in the electrocaloric effect (ECE) have underscored the potential for using the ECE for thermal applications (Epstein and Malloy 2009; P.F. Liu et al. 2010; Mischenko et al. 2006; Neese et al. 2008). The electrocaloric effect is the inverse of the pyroelectric effect. Adiabatically applying an electric field to an electrocaloric material raises its temperature as the entropy of the polarization field is reduced, while removing the field lowers its temperature. Similarly, changing the temperature of electrocaloric materials

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generates electrical power. While the pyroelectric effect has been the basis of thermal sensor technologies, the ECE has not been utilized for power generation or in heat engines.

The recent improvement in the electrocaloric coefficient has occurred for nanostructured thin films that can be made with higher material quality and thus higher performance than bulk electrocalorics. Publications since 2005 have documented this improvement for thin films of PbZr0.95Ti0.05O3 (Mischenko et al. 2006) and poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and related copolymers (Neese et al. 2008). Even more recently, researchers reported that (PVDF)–based copolymer and terpolymer films support a reversible adiabatic temperature change of 21 K with an applied voltage of 27 volts (Shchekin et al. 2006).

As described by Epstein and Malloy. (2009), electrocaloric thin films form the basis for a new class of high-performing heat engines. Four factors make electrocaloric thin films a potential breakthrough energy technology: The first is that previous use of the bulk ECE (and magnetocaloric effect) was limited by the long time required to move heat out of the bulk (Epstein et al. 2009). Using nanoscale films of electrocaloric material increases the surface-to-volume ratio and accelerates heat transport. Second, the improvements in the electrocaloric coefficient come with improvements in materials quality at the nanoscale as enabled by thin-film growth and processing techniques. In particular, understanding and control of nanoscale polymer crystallization has proven very important (P.F. Liu et al. 2010). Third, thin films reduce the voltages required for the ECE. Finally, PVDF and related materials are environmentally friendly because they contain no lead or other heavy metals and minimal amounts of greenhouse gas chemicals.

As described previously, the efficiency of thermoelectrics and of Peltier/Seebeck devices are constrained by the competition between thermal and electrical conductivity. Vining (2009) points out that a new thin-film heat engine technology could be developed based on electrocaloric thin films if a controllable thin-film thermal conductivity existed.

One example of a nanoscale mechanism for controllable thermal conductivity is based on the properties of some liquid crystal systems. It has long been known that the thermal conductance of some liquid crystals is strongly anisotropic (Kato et al. 2006; Marinelli et al. 1998; Pereira et al. 2003; Rondelez et al. 1978; Urbach et al. 1983). In some measured rod-like or calamitic liquid crystals, the thermal conductivity is more than three times greater along the molecular director than perpendicular to it. This thermal conductivity anisotropy of liquid crystals can be harnessed to make thin-film heat switches. A thin-film heat switch could then consist of a thin layer of liquid crystal and a mechanism for changing the orientation of liquid crystal’s director from parallel to perpendicular to the plane of the film. When the director is mainly perpendicular to the film, the thermal conductivity across the film is enhanced compared with the director lying in the plane of the film. The orientation of the liquid crystal directors can be controlled by electric fields applied across the liquid crystal, thus effectively acting as a “heat switch.”

Carbon nanotubes also possess very high thermal conductivity anisotropies (Dierking et al. 2005; Lagerwall et al. 2007; Lynch and Patrick 2002; Song et al. 2003) and could be the basis for improving the switching contrasts in liquid crystals. Other mechanisms such as electrowetting would also lead to thermal switches. Performance is determined by nanoscale phenomena such as interfacial phonon density of states and fast switching speeds; high thermal contrasts are required.

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6.8.6 Radiation-Tolerant Metals for Next-Generation Nuclear Reactors

Designing nuclear materials that can sustain extreme amounts of radiation damage is an important challenge for next-generation nuclear reactors. During years of service, radiation-induced point defects (interstitials and vacancies) are created (Watkins 1974), that can aggregate to form interstitial clusters, stacking fault tetrahedra, and voids (Wirth 2007). Eventually, this can lead to swelling, hardening, amorphization, and embrittlement, which are primary causes of material failure (Diaz de la Rubia 2000). Over the past decade, nanocrystalline materials containing a large fraction of grain boundaries (GB), such as nickel and copper ( Nita et al. 2004), gold (Chimi et al. 2001), palladium and ZrO2 ( Rose et al. 1997), and MgGa2O4 (Shen et al. 2007) have shown improved radiation resistance compared to their polycrystalline counterparts.

These experimental results are suggestive of a mechanism whereby grain boundaries absorb defects, as evidenced in large-grained polycrystalline materials by regions within 10–100 nm from grain boundaries that are denuded of extended defects following irradiation. Therefore, for materials with a grain size smaller than the material’s characteristic defect-denuded zone width, extended defect formation should be minimal in the grain interiors. Very recently the mechanistic details of this nanoscale radiation tolerance mechanism have been revealed through atomic simulation (Bai et al. 2010). Bai et al. found that grain boundaries have a surprising “loading-unloading” effect. Upon irradiation, interstitials are loaded into the boundary, which then acts as a source, emitting interstitials to annihilate vacancies in the surrounding bulk. This unexpected recombination mechanism has a much lower energy barrier than conventional vacancy diffusion and is efficient for annihilating immobile vacancies in the nearby bulk, resulting in self-healing of the radiation-induced damage. The “loading-unloading” mechanism of interstitial emission may help explain the experimental observations that nanocrystalline (NC) materials have better or worse radiation tolerance than polycrystalline (PC) materials, depending on the conditions (Nita et al. 2004; Chimi et al. 2001; Rose et al. 1997; Shen et al. 2007).

6.8.7 Nanostructuring in Fuel Cells

The ever-increasing demand for powering portable devices has generated a worldwide effort for development of high-energy-density power sources. Although advancements in lithium-ion battery technology in recent years have provided higher-power devices, this progress has not kept pace with the portable technologies, leaving a so-called power gap that is widely expected to grow in coming years. Micro fuel cell (MFC) technology that has been under development for some time has the potential to bridge this power gap. The energy density of the fuels used in MFCs exceeds that of the batteries by an order of magnitude. However, efforts to harvest this high energy density have been hampered by issues concerning MFCs’ fabrication, performance, reliability, size, and cost.

At the heart of the issues is the use of polymer membranes, which exhibit both low proton conductivity at low humidity and a large volumetric size change with humidity that is a major source of failure and integration difficulties. Improved membrane materials and configurations have been widely sought for decades and if discovered would represent a key advancement in low-temperature fuel cell technology. In addition, development of a membrane compatible with the manufacturing infrastructure within the semiconductor and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)–based silicon-processing industries would be a major technological breakthrough. To achieve both of these objectives, Moghaddam et al. (2010)) recently introduced the concept of a surface nano-engineered fixed-geometry PEM, enabling nearly constant proton conductivity over a wide humidity range with no changes in

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volume. Key to achieving these advantages was the fabrication of a silicon membrane with ~5–7 nm pores, deposition of a self-assembled molecular monolayer on the pore surface, and then capping the pores with a layer of porous silica. The silica layer formed by plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition (a self-limiting layer-by-layer deposition process (Jiang et al. 2006) reduces the diameter of the pores and ensures their hydration, resulting in a proton conductivity of 2–3 orders of magnitude higher than that of Nafion at low humidity. An MEA constructed with this proton exchange membrane delivered an order of magnitude higher power density than that achieved previously with a dry hydrogen feed and an air-breathing cathode.


6.9.1 United States-European Union Workshop (Hamburg, Germany)

Panel members/discussants

Bertrand Fillon (co-chair), Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), France C. Jeffrey Brinker (co-chair), University of New Mexico, United States Udo Weimar, University of Tübingen, Germany Vasco Teixeira, University of Minho, Portugal Liam Blunt, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom Lutz Maedler, University of Bremen, Germany

The past decade has shown that the technological challenges of making energy conversion and storage more efficient and more affordable are intimately tied to our understanding and control of nanoscale phenomena. But the improvements in realizing energy efficiency have been incremental, with research focusing primarily on discovery of nanoscale phenomena and development and experimental validation of appropriate theoretical frameworks; this has been the case for third-generation PV cells, fuel cell membranes, and thermoelectric devices. A major change in strategy in the next decade will be taking a systems approach to nanotechnology that couples multiple nanoscale phenomena and architectures with an end goal of optimized device performance—in contrast to focusing on individual nanoscale components (e.g., the fuel cell instead of only the membrane of the fuel cell, the global batteries management system instead of the electrode of batteries, etc.). Also there will be a focus on the global process chain from the material sources to the devices through the processes. This will allow the development of lower-cost processes like roll-to-roll processing with the use of flexible substrates to produce energy devices (e.g., printed electrodes for batteries, use of printed solar cells instead of vacuum deposition processes, etc.), new device architectures based on multi-nanolayering, heterostructuring, etc. Some research topics have came back with new ideas like Li-ion batteries and energy harvesting based on thermoelectricity, and other research topics have turned out to be impractical, like hydrogen storage in carbon nanotubes.

Over the next 10 years, energy will likely emerge as a preeminent application for nanotechnology, and energy applications will be a prime driver for nanoscience research. Nanostructured materials offer high potential in the area of energy technology, provided that they are well understood and tailored to exactly the right size and structure on the nanometer scale, and that powerful tools are available for nanoscale manufacturing and characterization. The vision is to develop adaptable nanostructured/nanotextured devices for better energy efficiency. Self-regenerating systems will be needed (e.g., new membranes for artificial photosynthesis—reverse engineering of nature). We expect nanoscience and nanotechnology to be primary enablers for a broad range of low- cost technologies that

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achieve highly efficient energy use, are composed of abundant low-cost carbon-neutral materials, enable alternative energy generation, and exhibit highly efficient energy storage. Generally, the main target will be low-cost energy devices obtained with high efficiency and low-cost processing, meaning that the emphasis will shift to large-scale manufacturing with high efficiency and low cost. Tailoring energy needs to different scales and lifetimes will also be important. Life cycle analysis will be a growing and obligatory demand.

Major nanoscience and technology research priorities for the next decade should focus on the following topics:

Develop scalable, low-cost manufacturing methods for energy device fabrication, e.g., roll–to-roll, through self-assembly (for photovoltaic, fuel cell, batteries, etc.) and other bottom-up approaches utilizing non precious, abundant, and “impure’” material resources (e.g., FeS2).

Develop adaptable nanotextured, nanostructured devices for better energy efficiency.

Improve the efficiency of photovoltaic devices through enhanced light coupling, engineered interfaces, and bandgap engineering.

Improve safe battery power and energy density as well as lifetimes for electrified transportation and grid-connected renewables.

Develop economical catalysts and scalable nanoscale architectures to convert electricity and/or sunlight to chemical fuels with efficiencies exceeding natural photosynthesis

Increase significantly the figure of merit for thermoelectric and electrocaloric materials and devices that convert heat directly to electricity by decoupling electrical and thermal conductivity.

Continue development of nanostructured materials for improved energy efficiency in everything from buildings to industrial separations.

At present, scientific inquiry in the energy arena is scattered and diversified, with many research groups working separately toward different pursuits without a clear roadmap to a better energy future. Today there is a need to facilitate and simplify access to large-scale laboratories, and for an international inventory of what facilities are available in different countries, including pilot and scale-up equipment/facilities.

A breakthrough in energy technology demands for nanomaterials science is on the way through the complete process chain: synthesis, characterization, phenomena and properties modeling. This new science era will ensure economical and at the same time safe, durable, reliable, and environmentally friendly energy conversion systems for the future. This science is still in its infancy; in order to make revolutionary progress, which is of utmost importance for the world, the following advice could be followed:

Conduct an inventory of facilities (infrastructures, pilot lines, etc.)

Develop an international roadmap “nano for energy applications”

Identify energy needs in relation to applications

Analyze the existing institutionally supported project portfolios

Propose a strategic research agenda on nano/energy

6. Nanotechnology for Sustainability: Energy Conversion, Storage, and Conservation


6.9.2 United States-Japan-Korea-Taiwan Workshop (Tokyo/Tsukuba, Japan)

Panel members/discussants

Wei-Fang Su (co-chair), National Taiwan University, Taiwan James Murday (co-chair), University of Southern California, United States Chul-Jin Choi, Korea Institute of Materials Science, Korea

Participants agreed that meeting the energy needs of the world’s growing population in an environmentally and geopolitically sustainable fashion is arguably the most important technological challenge facing society today. Island/peninsular/mountainous countries such as Japan, Taiwan, and Korea face the additional challenge of minimal landmass to direct toward solar energy conversion. It is in this context that nanoscience and nanotechnology are poised to play a transformative role in providing clean and sustainable energy using each country’s resources.

The workshop delegates from Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and the United States proposed that major nanoscience and technology research priorities for the next decade should focus on the following topics:

Develop high-power conversion efficiency (>40%) solar cells through enhanced light coupling, engineered interfaces, and bandgap engineering.

Develop scalable, low-cost manufacturing methods for long-life photovoltaic fabrication (<0.5 $/Wp >15 yr) through self-assembly and other bottom-up approaches utilizing non-precious and abundant materials resources such as hydrocarbons. Instead of burning them for fuel and generating harmful CO2, we should use them to fabricate solar cells. Low-cost, flexible non-Indium-based transparent electrodes, perhaps carbon-based, should be pursued for this kind of solar cell.

Improve battery power and energy density as well as lifetime for electrified transportation and grid-connected renewables through the science of nanoscale interfacial interactions and nanostructures.

Design and develop super capacitors for high-efficiency energy storage.

Develop economical catalysts and scalable nanoscale architectures to convert electricity and/or sunlight to chemical fuels with efficiencies exceeding natural photosynthesis.

Improve the efficiency, stability, and life of fuel cells by working on the system level rather than on single components such as electrodes. A Li-ion version is highlighted in Figure 6.14. A mid-range power capacity fuel cell is the most needed for Taiwan, China, and other Asian countries to operate motorcycles and/or portable appliances.

Increase significantly the figure of merit for thermoelectric and electrocaloric materials and devices that convert heat directly to electricity. New materials and niche markets will be needed.

Design predictive models for the development of nanomaterials and nanostructures for applications in energy generation and conservation.

Work out the details of total system cost of the various approaches for generation and storage of energy. One such system is illustrated in Figure 6.15. The life-cycle issues need to be addressed.

Continue development of 3D nanostructured materials for improved energy efficiency in everything from buildings to industrial separations.

Three kinds of infrastructure needs for the advancement of nanoscience and nanotechnology in the next ten years are proposed: (1) the establishment of user facilities of measurements

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down to the atomic scale, (2) the establishment of data centers and top-notch scientific teams to develop predictive models for research in novel new nanomaterials and nanostructures, and (3) the establishment nanomanufacturing user facilities by interfacing with industry in the various applications.

Emerging topics for future nanoscience and nanoengineering research and education are proposed: (1) beginning in grade school, the discussion of energy utilization/conservation in our daily life, such as drying clothes with sunlight rather than an electric dryer, (2) understanding the true cost of energy consumption incorporated into products, and (3) discussion of nanotechnology’s role in reducing energy costs.

Figure 6.14. Organic and aqueous electrolytes, separated by a solid state electrolyte, are used to create a new lithium-air battery, resulting in a large capacity (50,000 mAh/g on air electrode basis) (Zhou and Wang 2009).

In terms of R&D strategies, integrated research initiatives commensurate with the size, scope, and time-scale of the energy challenge are needed. The R&D institutions and standards groups should involve industry for energy-application-focused R&D. However, basic research funding in the nanoscience and nanoengineering should not be reduced. The R&D investments will focus on the establishment of shared-instrumentation user facilities that should include the costs of operating expenses/maintenance/local expertise, and staying at the state-of-art.

Energy impacts everything in our daily life; the continued efforts in the R&D of nanoscience and nanotechnology will resolve the issues in energy generation and energy consumption for the coming decade.

6. Nanotechnology for Sustainability: Energy Conversion, Storage, and Conservation


Figure 6.15. A systems approach for combined solar harvesting, hydrogen production, and chemical production from a CO2 feedstock (courtesy of K. Domen, University of Tokyo).

6.9.3 United States-Australia-China-India-Saudi Arabia-Singapore Workshop (Singapore)

Panel members/discussants

Subodh Mhaisalkar (co-chair), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore James Murday (co-chair), University of Southern California, United States Huey-Hoon Hng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Scott Watkins, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia

China will soon publish a plan for what it called “newly developing energy industries” that will involve 5 trillion yuan ($739 billion) in investment through 2020. - China Securities Journal, 8 Aug 2010 “…no single issue is as fundamental to our future as energy...” - President Barack Obama, January 26, 2009

Rising global population and living standards, concerns over climate change, secure and safe low-carbon energy supplies, and the fact that the energy-water nexus represents an unparalleled threat (and opportunity) to business-as-usual, all have made the issue of energy a global priority. Over the next forty years, in order to sustain life and standards of living to which we have grown accustomed, we must develop solutions for massively scaling terawatts of affordable sustainable energy and develop means to reduce our CO2 emissions (Figure 6.16).

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Figure 6.16. Cost of greenhouse emissions abatement versus abatement potential of various technologies and systems. Items below the zero €/t CO2 line on the left-hand side of the graph represent abatement obtained by increased efficiency.

The three largest greenhouse gas-emitting areas are China, the United States, and the European Union; together they produce 44% of the world’s emissions (Wikipedia, “Kyoto Protocol”) and are representative of the problems faced by both developing and developed countries. For the United States, the Electric Power Research Institute estimates the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 80% over 2005 levels. Only drastic measures fuelled by breakthroughs in every aspect of science, technology, business, and industry will enable us to limit the ocean temperature rise to less than 3°Cand provide renewable energy sources that will guarantee a sustainable future for the generations to come. It is in this context that nanoscience and nanotechnology are poised to play a transformative role in areas encompassing energy generation, conversion, transmission, harvesting, storage, recovery, and transportation, as well as carbon capture, storage, and conversion.

Over the past decade the largest contribution of nanoscience and nanotechnology has been towards catalysis and microelectronics processing technologies that enable nanofilms and nanofabrication that use less materials, energy, and water. In the next decade, nanotechnology will undoubtedly make a significant impact in a number of areas (see Figure 6.17), as discussed below.

Generation and Conversion

Renewables and other alternatives: It has been well recognized that nanotechnology can play a key enabling role in areas of sustainable energy generation that include solar photovoltaics (Gen I: crystalline silicon, Gen II: thin-film solar cells, Gen III: polymer, dye sensitized). Solar thermal energy enabled by active photothermal nanomaterials would be key in not only solar-thermal-based energy systems but also in energy efficiency applications. Nanotechnologies, such as nanocomposites and nanocoating, will play a critical role in wind and marine energy opportunities. The entire field of nuclear energy, which has been ignored for the past twenty years, has clearly come through a renaissance; needs from a nanotechnology perspective exist in nuclear fuels, reactor designs, and construction, as well as waste separation/immobilization.

6. Nanotechnology for Sustainability: Energy Conversion, Storage, and Conservation


Figure 6.17. Nanotechnology and nanomaterials can impact all areas of the energy/sustainability cycle.

Thermoelectrics, piezoelectrics: The opportunity to harvest waste heat and waste kinetic energy is tremendous; nanotechnology can play a significant role in increasing the energy efficiency/figure of merit for these systems

Solar and synthetic fuels: Nanotechnology can be used to generate effective catalysts and nanostructures that will enable photocatalysis, carbon capture, and conversion to liquid hydrocarbons. The high energy density of hydrocarbons and their existing distribution system make this approach particularly important for those regions of the world without other options for renewable energy sources.

Capture and Storage

Charge storage: The need is to improve battery energy and power densities and lifetime and also establish schemes for sustainable battery materials and also for battery recyclability. Nanomaterials and nanocarbons (graphene, CNT, amorphous carbons) are expected to spearhead the next breakthrough that will support mobility (transportation) as well as stationary energy solutions (e.g., peak shaving).

Thermal storage: In temperate climates this will be critical for applications from domestic hot water applications to industrial applications. In tropical conditions, solar thermal can be used in combination with nanotechnology-enabled phase change materials to reduce thermal loading.

Carbon capture: Nanomaterials and nanofiber-based separation systems and methodologies for carbon capture and storage are needed.

Efficiency and Recycling

Transmission: Electrical grid transmission accounts for 25% of energy losses. New materials to reduce transmission losses, including use of high-temperature superconductors, would provide a critical breakthrough in this area.

Energy-efficient buildings (see Figure 6.18): Buildings account for up to 60% of the energy that we utilize. Energy efficiency initiatives would have much higher payback effectiveness than new energy generation technologies. Areas where nanomaterials can play a significant role include: glazings, heat rejection coatings, phase-change materials, high reflectivity coatings, and alternate building construction materials (e.g., high-performance concrete reinforced by nanomaterials). New concepts in air conditioning

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(e.g., magnetocaloric cooling, absorption/adsorption chillers), dehumidification, and solid-state lighting will also be enabled by research in nanomaterials.

Resources: Recycling and syngas production would benefit from nanocatalyst breakthroughs. Efforts should also be continued in improving energy efficiency of petroleum-based products — purification as well as combustion. Other opportunities may readily be identified in fields of biofuels, hydrogenated fuels (also from waste animal products), and nanotechnology for cellulosic biofuels.

Figure 6.18. Green building components.

Transportation and Logistics

Electric vehicles: Transportation in general accounts for up to 20% of the CO2 generated in megacities, and any move towards electric vehicles will play a very big role in improving energy efficiency and reducing atmospheric CO2 (presuming low-CO2 emissive electrical power plants). Keys to the success of electric vehicles are battery technologies and novel nanomaterials for the cathode, anode, and electrolyte materials.

Air, sea, land transportation: Similar to electric vehicles for land transportation, electrification of sea transportation with fuel-cell-powered ships would also improve energy efficiency and CO2 emission reduction. Nanocomposites in both air and sea transport will help with fuel efficiencies. Scrubber technologies and new catalyst technologies will improve with nanotechnological breakthroughs.

Education and Training

The training of new generation of scientists and engineers skilled in multidisciplinary sciences is a priority. A closer public-private-academia partnership will allow the students to be world-wise and provide nanotechnology-driven solutions to address the multitude of challenges that we face from energy and sustainability perspectives.

6. Nanotechnology for Sustainability: Energy Conversion, Storage, and Conservation



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