
Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Napoleon. The Grand Empire and the Spread of Revolution around Europe Constitutions, reformed tax system, Napoleonic Code of Laws End of feudal system and Manorial Rights New freedoms Other Reforms?. Napoleon’s Three Mistakes. Continental System Peninsular War Invasion of Russia. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



• The Grand Empire and the Spread of Revolution around Europe

• Constitutions, reformed tax system,• Napoleonic Code of Laws• End of feudal system and Manorial Rights• New freedoms • Other Reforms?

Napoleon’s Three Mistakes

• Continental System• Peninsular War• Invasion of Russia

Napoleon and the beginnings of Nationalism

• Developed as a movement of resistance against the internationalism of the French empire

• Some nations insist on the values of their own institutions

• Some nations insisted on more self determination, more participation in govt and more representative govt

Nationalist Thinkers

• J.G. Herder – imitation of foreign ways made people shallow and artificial

• All true culture must arise from native roots – from the Volk

• Fichte – Addresses to the German Nation – an ineradicable German spirit to be kept pure at any cost

Overthrow of Napoleon and Congress of Vienna

• Bourbon Dynasty was restored• Congress of Vienna meets 1814• Erects a barrier of strong states around France• Germany was in a loose confederation • Creation of a new Poland with Alexander as king• Legitimacy • Balance of power• Metternich – concert of Europe/conservatism

Industrial Revolution

• Starts in England • Agricultural Revolution • Enclosure acts• Innovation first appears in textile or clothing

industry• Social Consequences of Industrialization –

working conditions, new social classes, urbanization, unkskilled labor

Classical Economics

• Adam Smith – Wealth of Nations• Criticized idea of mercantilism and said that

natural laws of production and exchange should regulate the market

• Laissez faire• Self interest• Role of govt



• Rejection of the classicism of the enlightenment

• Celebration of creativity• Love of the unclassifiable (moods,

impressions)• Value of feeling• Importance of the subconscious

Classical Liberalism

• Persons of business and professional classes• Believed in what was modern, enlightened, efficient,

reasonable and fair• Self govt• Parliamentary or representative govt• Constitutions• Opposed universal male suffrage• Favored laissez faire• Freedom of trade – abolition of tariffs

Radicalism, Republicanism, Socialism

• England - Radicals – get to the root of things – want a total reconstruction of laws, courts, prisons etc

• Demand reform of English parliament, hated the church of England

• Demanded universal male suffrage

Radicalism, Republicanism, Socialism

• Continent – Republicanism – demanded universal male suffrage, parliamentary govt, anticlerical, hostile to monarchy

Radicalism, Republicanism, Socialism

• Socialism – regarded the existing economic system as aimless, chaotic and unjust

• Hated the idea of owners of wealth to also have enormous economic power over working class

• Questioned the value of private enterprise• Favored some degree of communal ownership

of banks, factories, machines, land, transportation


• Disliked competition as a governing principle• Wanted harmony, coordination, organization• Rejected laissez faire• Wanted a fairer or more equal distribution of



• Outgrowth of Napoleonic occupation• Western Europe – set of political and cultural

beliefs• Italy, Germany, Poland, Austria – where

peoples of the same nationality were politically divided – it became a deliberate program for political actions - unification

Hegel’s Philosophy

• After witnessing the Napoleonic years – for a people to enjoy freedom – it must possess an independent state

• State was the embodiment of reason and liberty

• The march of God through the world• Historical change came through the dialectic • Thesis/Antithesis = synthesis

Russian Slavophilism

• Idea that Russia possessed a unique way of life that should not be corrupted


• Upheld the institutions of monarchy, aristocracy, church,

• Opposed constitutional and representative govt• Built on the idea of Edmund Burke – every

people must change their institutions by gradual adaptation

• Stressed firmness and continuity of national character

Revolutions of 1830 - 32

• July Revolution in France ousts Charles X and installs the July Monarchy – Louis Philippe

• Officially ends absolutism in France• Spurs revolution in Belgium and Poland– Belgium (at the expense of Poland) gets its

independence– Revolution in Poland stops conservative powers

from stepping in in Belgium– Poland

1848 Revolutions France

• February Revolution in France – Louis Philippe is unseated in three days

• Proclamation of the Second Republic• National workshops vs Constituent Assembly –

bloody June days in France – class war• Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

Overall effects of 1848 Revolutions

• France – Louis Napoleon Bonaparte• Austria – Bach System • All revolutions failed• Romanticism discredited• Realism/realpolitik results• GR tries to create a country through the

Frankfurt and Berlin Assembly – fails• Creation of a Prussian Constitution in 1850

1848 Revolutions France

• February Revolution in France – Louis Philippe is unseated in three days

• Proclamation of the Second Republic• National workshops vs Constituent Assembly –

bloody June days in France – class war• Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

Toughness of Mind

• Springtime of peoples followed by chilling winter

• Art – depict life as it really was• Religion – skepticism• Positivism – Auguste Comte’s insistence on

verifiable facts – systematic study of society• Politics – Realpolitik – govts should not be

guided by ideology (Bismarck and Cavour)

Emergence of Marxism

• Creation of the Communist Manifesto – • True freedom possible when only when

private property in capital goods was abolished


• Summons to revolution of the proletariat class against the bourgeois owners of capital

• Workers were deprived of the wealth that they helped to create

• Religion was a drug to keep masses down• Proletarians have nothing to lose – worldwide


Marx and dialectical materialism

• All history is a process of development through time

• History is shaped by larger forces• Hegel emphasized ideas as force of change

and Marx emphasized material conditions (economics)

Crimean War of 1854-56

• Weakens both Austria and Russia – conservative countries

• First war covered by news• Russia putting pressure on Turkey – rest of

Europe stopping the advance of Russia into this sphere

• Many soldiers will die of disease rather than actual combat

Nation States

• Became the model in Europe• Characteristics of nation states – supreme

political authority rests upon the will of the people

• Need a sense of belonging – common social and cultural life, speak a similar language, similar religion, common history and future

Cavour and Italian Unification

• Cavour – Piedmont Sardinia• Cavour – practitioner of realpolitik – or politics

of reality• He uses France to get Austria out of Northern

Italy• Uses republican firebrand Garibaldi to get

Southern Italy

Bismarck and German Unification

• Bismarck will use realpolitik to achieve unification

• Tricked Austria into war with Denmark to get Schleswig and Holstein – then tricked Austria into war (Seven Weeks War) with Prussia in which Aus got crushed

• Tricked France into war (Franco-Prussian) with the Ems Dispatch to scare Southern German states into joining Prussia

Dual Monarchy of Austria

• Compromise of 1867 – known as the Ausgleich – bargain between Germans and Magyars


• Emancipation Act of 1861 gave Russian peasants their freedom (technically)

• Manorial rights of landlords are gone – new rules for law

• Local self govt – zemstvos • Revolutionism in Russia – anarchism- approval

of terrorism to achieve political goals