Narrative descriptive 2013

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Karen S. Wright

When writing a descriptive narrative, it is important to use the five senses to appeal to your audience.painting a picture with words.

Everyone likes a good story. . . .

• We go to movies.

•We read books.

•We listen as others tell their stories.

•We tell our children stories.

•We tell our friends “what happened last weekend.”

Sometimes when we hear or tell a story, we ask: “What is the reason for that story?”

•When we write, ask—What is the purpose?

•To entertain

•To inform

•To instruct

To persuade

Repeatedly ask yourself:

What point am I trying to make?

What is the aim of this story?

Who is my audience

A brief descriptive narrative = can also be called, an anecdote.

Sometimes we use anecdotes

• To make a point

•To draw a picture

•To produce an emotional response

•To emphasize a point

Example: Spring is like the promise of a new opportunity, a new beginning, or a new chapter that gives hope.

Use metaphors or similes to describe experience.

Example: The gentle quiet of the flowing river winding through the tiny village, seems to touch the depth of the human spirit.

Use personification to give human characteristics to inanimate objects

Example: With majestic arms stretching toward the evening sky, the dancing tree patiently sways waiting for the special moment to embrace the setting sun for its final dance.

Vivid words paint vibrant pictures.

Example: Raging, crashing waves unrelentingly whip the humble, century-old lighthouse causing it to succumb to such fierce anger

1. Chronological/Sequential

2. Spatial3. Psychological

There are the three main patterns used for writing the descriptive narrative.

This kind of order arranges events in the order that they happen in time.

Today is a special day! First I grab my cap and gown chasing my dreams of forever, then I meet my friends for lunch; suddenly, I realize that the future calls my name.

Logical order is like this city’s logical order of buildings.

•Organizational order•Order of a room•Order of a town•Order of a city

Up Down NextBeside Behind UnderSouth North East West Above Over

Use psychological order to discuss the importance of events, objects, or things.

•Most important to least important•Least important to most important•Over-rated to under-rated•Under-rated to over-rated

Who? How?

What? When?

Where? Why?

Use supporting details to answer these questions:

•Carefully choose which questions to answer (who, what, when, where, why, and how).

•Select narrative details fitting all of those pieces together like a puzzle.

•Avoid boring detail .

1. What is the point? Write out a statement on the point of the narration.

2. Which ideas will you use? Who, what, when, where, why, or how questions.

3. Then begin organizing your ideas.

4. Write

5. Revise

6. Proofread

7. Submit

This kind of writing carefully paints colorful pictures of experience by developing creative, meaningful images in the reader’s mind.