NARRATIVE ESSAY. Group Brainstorming 1. Get into groups of 4. 2. You will have 10 minutes to share...

Post on 08-Jan-2018

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Clustering 1.Choose 2 topics from your story list. 2.Draw a circle in the middle of the paper. 3.Choose one topic- you will have 2 minutes to make clusters of related ideas. 4.Repeat, using the second topic. 5.Circle one of the clusters that interests you the most.



Group Brainstorming1. Get into groups of 4. 2. You will have 10 minutes to share your memory trigger list and song of self. 3. Give each other feedback on • what the most interesting stories are, • what they liked to talk about the most. 4. Star the interesting stories and ones you liked the most as possible story topics.

Clustering1.Choose 2 topics from your story

list.2.Draw a circle in the middle of

the paper.3.Choose one topic- you will have

2 minutes to make clusters of related ideas.

4.Repeat, using the second topic.5.Circle one of the clusters that

interests you the most.

Free Write1.You have 3 minutes to write as much

as you can on the ideas from the circles of one of your clusters.

2.Read your free write and circle the most interesting part.

3.Take that part of your free write and write for 3 more minutes on it.

Do not stop writing even if you run out of things to say- write “I can’t think of what to write next…” or something similar.Spelling, punctuation, and grammar don’t count.

Deciding on a Story1. Write down your 3 best ideas.For each of these ideas, ask yourself the following questions:1.Can I tell this story in 2 pages?2.Did I learn something or gain insight from this

experience?3.Is this topic appropriate for my audience?

(classmates and teachers)

Circle the choice that seems to fit the assignment best. This is your story

Discovering Your PurposeAnswer these 2 questions in your Writers Workshop

1.What specific thing did I learn from this experience?

2. What could someone else take away from this essay, even if he or she hasn’t had the sameexperience?

Effective Description

What is the difference between these two paragraphs?

I was really scared to ride the roller coaster. I felt a little sick, but excited at the same time. When the bar clicked into place, I held on tight. When the ride started, I hoped for the best.

As I slid into the red plastic seat of the roller coaster, my mouth went dry and my hands felt clammy. The bar in front of my clicked into place and I gripped it so hard my knuckles turned white. I could taste the cotton candy I’d eaten earlier at the back of my throat. When the car jolted forward, my stomach dropped, I held my breath, and I told myself I would survive.


Use concrete, sensory detail

Use 5 senses-

Smell, Touch, Sight, Hearing, Taste

Use concrete detail to show what it would be like to bethis bike racer. What does he see? What does he hear?What is he thinking? What is going on inside his body?Use all the senses to help the reader be in the moment.

Peer Edit

Choose a partner and complete the Narrative Essay Group Worksheet