Narrative Film Theory

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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When discussing Narrative, what is meant of the storyline to a piece of Media.Examples of Narrative within Media is as follows:• TV Programs • Novels• Films• Advertisements• News• Internet (Snapchat)• Gossip

Narrative Theory is important to study in Media because narrative conveys the meaning of the piece to the audience.Narrative theory analyses the way in which media texts communicate meaning about events; can be applied to films, tv, photos and magazinesNarrative analysis of internet based media is more problematic, though may still be relevant.

The Three key narrative theorists

•Vladimir Propp•Tzvetan Todorov•Roland Barthes

Vladimir Propp

• Russian theorist who suggests that there are a limited number of character types that share a function within all types of narrative.

• When an audience reads a film, this knowledge of character types are used.

• He studied folk tales and proposed that it is possible to identify 8 character roles in all media with narrative:

• Villain• Hero• Donor• Helper• Princess• Father• Dispatcher• False hero

Example of Propps character types in Hollywood film

Tzvetan Todorov

• Suggest most narratives start with a stage of equilibrium in which life is normal and protagonists are happy.

• The state of normality is disrupted by an outside force, which has to be fought against in order to return to a state of equilibrium

• This model can easily be applied to a wide range of fairy tales, folk lore, fiction texts and films.

• He suggested that the primary function of the narrative was to solve a problem and that the characters pass through a series of stages of linear narrative where events follow a chronological order.

Todorov’s theory explained

Roland Barthes theory


• Narrative theory claims that a narrative can be broken down into 2 codes or sets of rules to help the reader makes sense of it.

• He emphasizes the active roles of readers in creating meaning and their culturally formed expectations.

• Action code – Which refers to the events taking place through action

• Enigma code - Which is a narrative device that teases the audience by presenting a puzzle or riddle to be solved. Works to delay the story’s ending pleasurably. Like a question or a problem – the producer of a text controls the amount of information to an audience in order to capture the audience’s attention and interest