Narrative Theory

Post on 03-Sep-2014

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Narrative Theory:

Revising key terms and introducing Propp and


Narrative Theory What is it? The idea that people approach

their social world using story-like frameworks.

People act and make decisions within a narrative framework.

Narrative Theory: rational world paradigm.

People are rational Being rational is determined by

how much we know. The world is a set of logical puzzles

to be solved.

Narrative Theory: narrative paradigm.

People are storytellers. People make decisions based on

good reasons. We decide what these ‘good

reasons’ are based on character, culture and history.

The world is a set of stories we re-create to make up our lives.

Narrative Theory: narrative rationality.

All communication can be looked at like a narrative – through a ‘narrative lens’

Individuals are able to distinguish what makes a story legitimate by using ‘narrative rationality’

Rationality consists of two factors: coherence and fidelity. Coherence can be best defined as if a story makes sense structurally.

Narrative Theory: narrative rationality.

Rationality consists of two factors: coherence and fidelity. Coherence can be best defined as if a story makes sense structurally.

Is the story consistent, with sufficient detail, reliable characters, and free of any major surprises?

Narrative fidelity is concerned with whether or not the story is true.

Chomsky, Propp and Todorov.

Chomsky argues that narrative is a fundamental aspect of human existence.

Why? Vladimir Propp published ‘Morphology of

Folktale’ 1968. He studied the Russian fairytale and

isolated 31 functions(actions or events)…(see sheet)

He also described seven roles…(see sheet)

Classical Narrative Has events organised on a logical

‘cause and effect’ basis. A fictional world which is

believable. Narrative economy.

Todorov Believed that a fictional world has an

‘initial equilibrium’ which is disrupted to produce a ‘new equilibrium.’

Thesis Disruption Antithesis Synthesis

How does this link to moving image texts?

EDITING: Classical Editing – credible fictional space.

Bridge temporal and spatial ellipses.

180 degree rule and invisibility. CAMERA: How is stable fictional

space created?

How does this link to moving image texts?

How does classical narrative work in self-contained stories within episodes?

What must happen at the end of each episode?

Roland Barthes. Describes five narrative codes: SEMIC: describes characters. REFERENTIAL: refers to the ‘real

world.’ SYMBOLIC: metaphoric allowing

audience to generalise.

Roland Barthes. PROIARETIC: referes to narrative

development through ‘action’. HERMANEUTIC: proposes ‘enigmas’

which the narrative must solve.

Classical Narrative. Endemic in Western society. Narrative transivity Identification Transparency Single diegesis Closure Pleasure Fiction

Counter-Cinema. Narrative intransivity Estrangement Foregrounding Multiple diegesis Aperture Un-pleasure Reality