NASA caught deleting UFO photos from its website

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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Introduction by Peter Brave-Heart (21/01/13)

“UFO Cover-up”orchestrated by NASA

Whether people want to admit it or not, the fact remains

that UFO’S exist. My wife and I, and 2 daughters saw a

very big long silvery metallic cigar-shaped UFO just two

summers ago in broad daylight here is Scotland.

You can read our testimony of that sighting at: 07 Good Encounter or read any of my other classes, testimonies, letters etc.

When I was young, I also saw 3 UFO’s travelling together

in close formation, and then abruptly turn at a right angle

at high speed, which is impossible to our mathematics and

physics. Not to mention our bodies could not survive such


UFO’s are becoming such common sightings to thousands

of people, and especially to military personnel. NASA, as

well as pilots, air-traffic controllers also commonly report

having seen UFO’s. There are also many in the general

public. My own father was a fighter pilot in the 2nd


War. He told me many years ago, how he had frequently

seen UFO’s observing and following his plane, whilst in

flight. Here below are some very recent UFO happenings,

& a story concerning NASA trying to hide information

about those UFO’s.

I hope you find the following helpful and informative .

I encourage others to also do some research about these

matters, in order to prove them to be TRUE.



NASA caught deleting UFO photos from its website

January 18, 2013

UFO Sighting Photos leaked out of NASA-Johnson Space


Photo credit:

Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson

Space Center. "The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of


In a news alert issued today, NASA has been caught deleting

photos from its website of what is unmistakable evidence of a


UFO. The UFO photos first appeared on the NASA Johnson

Space Center website in May 2011 and clearly showed a

spacecraft of some advanced design. Without any fanfare, the

photos were uploaded and stayed on the NASA website for

over a year and half until being recently removed. According

to Scott Waring from UFO Sightings Daily, the photos were

initially leaked by someone in NASA wanting to get the word

out about UFOs. The removed photos with original links to

the NASA/Johnson Space Center website can now be found

on UFO Sightings Daily. The removal of the digital photos

supports claims by whistleblowers that NASA regularly

removes evidence of UFOs from its website that are

extraterrestrial in origin.

Here is what Waring had to say about the photos when they

were first discovered on NASA Johnson Space Center


Take a look at these amazing photos that were leaked out of

NASA Johnson Space Center. The quality of the photos is

almost HD and the detail we see of the UFO recorded by a

NASA satellite orbiting are incredible. The most important

question here is not what they are…space stations or ships,

but is the species that built them still on board those ships?

After the photos were removed, Waring issued a news alert


I have just been made aware by one of our readers that the

UFO Photo that were almost in HD in quality have been

deleted. I have tried the links in 4 different web browser but to

no luck. The links are gone which means only the photos and

videos we posted are the only evidence they ever existed.

Please download and copy the video and photos you a

personal file of yours and share with others.


As the photos and video make clear, there is unmistakable

evidence of UFOs of an artificial design that have been

photographed by NASA’s earth orbiting spacecraft. The UFO

does not correspond to any known terrestrial spacecraft and

appears to be alien in design. Nothing is known of the

occupants, but Clark McClelland a former NASA employee

who completed training as a Spacecraft Operator may have

the answer.

During a 34 year career working as a NASA

contractor/employee, McClelland was responsible for

ensuring the safety of numerous NASA missions including

Mercury spaceflights, Apollo missions, the International

Space Station and the Space Shuttle. In a statement released

on his website on July 29, 2008, McClelland revealed that he

witnessed an eight to nine foot tall extraterrestrial in

association with a Space Shuttle mission he was monitoring

from the Kennedy Space Center. He wrote:

I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO [Spacecraft Operator],

Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET

on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy

Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was

standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a

discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts! I also

observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in

a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main

engine pods. I observed this incident for about one minute and

seven seconds. Plenty of time to memorize all that I was

observing. IT WAS AN ET and Alien Star Ship!

Furthermore, McClelland wrote that he was not the only

NASA official who witnessed the incident: "A friend of mine

later contacted me and said that this person had also observed


an 8 to 9 foot tall ET INSIDE the SPACE SHUTTLE CREW

COMPARTMENT! Yes, inside OUR Shuttle! BOTH

missions were DoD (Pentagon) TOP SECRET (TS)


Could the UFO photos that were deleted from the NASA

Johnson Center website been the same extraterrestrial vehicle

seen by McClelland? If so, then we may have our answer as to

who are its occupants, and why someone at NASA decided to

finally pull the photos from their website. The fact that the

photos were left on NASA`s website for over a year and a half

does suggest that there are those working within NASA that

want the public to learn the truth about what NASA is seeing

and doing in outer space. On the other hand, the fact that the

photos were pulled does confirm that NASA is actively

suppressing information about UFOs caught on film from

many of its space missions.

Leaked? NASA * UFOs/ OVNIS * High Resolution Images


Is that a crashed UFO on Mars? (Photos)

An anomalous object has just been found on Mars that

appears to be a crashed UFO lying just under the Martian

dust. The object was discovered by Scott Waring using

Google Mars Map which gives users the ability to examine

the Martian surface using satellite imagery. In an

announcement released today, Waring estimates it to be about

30 meters wide and 60 meters long. According to Waring, it

has the shape of a “Star Wars land cruiser.”


Many anomalies that appear artificial have been found on

Mars, and the moon for that matter, using NASA satellite

imagery by Waring and other researchers. NASA scientists

routinely attribute such anomalies to purely geological

processes and don’t bother to investigate further their possible

artificial nature citing mission priorities and costs. In the rare

case of a public outcry as happened in the 1976 Viking Face

on Mars controversy, NASA will schedule future missions to

provide further satellite images that typically only raise

further questions.

This is how Waring explains his Martian discovery:

I was looking over Google Mars and discovered what looks

like the equivalent of the Star Wars land cruiser. You can

make out the shape and structure very well and even the two

vertical wings in back. Using Google Ruler I found that the

craft is 61 meters from nose to end, 33.3 meters from tail to

tail, 29.23 meters wide and 4.8 meters thick.

See photo gallery for what a Star Wars land cruiser looks like,

it does have a striking resemblance to what Waring


Waring created a Youtube video using Google Mars Map

where he zooms in on the object that certainly appears to be

artificial in shape. Buried just under the Martian surface, it

invites further investigation and analysis.

Don’t expect NASA scientists to rush to examine Waring’s

claim by sending a rover mission to investigate. Maybe the

secret Space Fleet that Gary McKinnon discovered by hacking

into Pentagon computers and Ronald Reagan revealed in his

memoirs, could investigate. If so, don’t expect the results to

be announced anytime soon. Perhaps we will not have to wait


too long, if Elon Musk succeeds in putting 80,000 colonists on

Mars. Waring’s UFO crash may be just an unusual geological

formation; or perhaps in a time long ago, there were “Star

Wars land cruisers” racing over the Martian surface.


Is the US Congress investigating alien bases

on the moon? (Photos)


On January 9 Gordon Duff published an article declaring that

a US Congressional investigation of alien moon bases was

underway. In the article, Duff doesn’t disclose sources to back

up his claim, but referred instead to stories from other


publications that touch on various aspects of his claim.

Among them is a photo of what appears to be a tall tower on

the moon; and a controversial photo and video of an alien

moon base allegedly discovered and leaked by China, yet

critics claim that the video is actually old NASA footage.

According to Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot, Duff’s

claim is a genuine disclosure with some necessary redirects

and disinformation thrown in for the sake of plausible

deniability and for the benefit general reader still

unaccustomed to the reality of an extraterrestrial/UFO cover

up. Is it possible that the US Congress has begun holding

secret hearings on decades-old evidence of alien moon bases?

Duff began his article:

Alien base on the moon leaked by China?

Photo credit:

NASA, Dark Government

Discussions of alien moon bases and videos of structures on

the dark side of the moon aren’t new. That congress is

investigating, not only the bases themselves but three decades

or more of continually doctored data from NASA and defense

space projects is news.

The closest Duff gets to supporting this astounding claim is

referring to photos and a video of alleged alien structures on


the moon. The first photo [see slide show], and video appears

to show a base of some kind on the moon. The photo and

video were allegedly taken by China’s second lunar orbiter

the Chang’e-2, and leaked to the world by China. According


The image, however, has been identified with a NASA lunar

orbiter mission, not the Chinese.Further investigation has led

some to believe the image is an outright hoax, while others are

still adamant it’s real.

Another photo appears to show a tower on the moon [see slide

show] which according to Duff “is approx. 13 miles high, 4

miles in diameter at the base, the dome top has three miles in


Duff cites which says: “insiders Ken

Johnston and Donna Hare accuse the space agency of

“ordering a cover-up of photographic evidence,” and that

“NASA doctored, obfuscated, and obscured thousands of

photos over the years.”

Duff doesn’t give sources to substantiate his headline

grabbing claim that the US Congress is hearing about a NASA

orchestrated alien cover up. Yet he does refer to two

witnesses, former NASA contractors/employees who would

know about such a cover-up. Ken Johnston and Donna Hare

would be among the key witnesses that would be expected to

be called before such a Congressional committee. To that list,

one could add Karl Wolf who has also testified publicly that

NASA along with the US Air Force has tampered with

evidence of extraterrestrial life on the moon. Wolf is

mentioned in the DarkGovernment article that writes:


As reported by the Washington Times, “Karl Wolf, an Air

Force sergeant who was assigned to the National Security

Agency, said that mysterious structures were discovered on

the far side of the moon when the United States was mapping

its surface before the 1969 lunar landing. Those photos too

were culled out of the public record.”

Without naming his sources, and only giving photos and

videos to indirectly support his claim, it would be easy to

dismiss Duff. No so fast according to Kerry Cassidy from

Project Camelot who writes:

Veterans Today is disclosing right on time and at the level to

which they feel their audience 'can handle the truth'. Mixed in

with proper doses of disinfo and misdirects. But nonetheless.

It is happening.

Cassidy also doesn't name her sources for supporting Duff's

claims. One thing is clear, disinformation is certainly a part of

Duff's article. One tidbit involves yours truly. Citing Dark

Government Duff writes:

And then there’s the publication, The Canadian that reports:

“Dr. Micheal Salla has indicated that there is a Military

Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex or MIEC, and that Earth is

being assimilated by an alien agenda which also operates on

Earth’s Moon.”

Let me set the record straight here. It is true that I have written

about a Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex or MIEC

which derives from a classified set of agreements and

cooperation between select government/military/corporate

entities and some extraterrestrial groups. An alien agenda

based on an assimilation program, however, is not something

I have claimed as alleged by the Canadian. That is something


that Dr David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins have discussed in

relation to Gray extraterrestrials conducting an extensive

hybridization program. In contrast, I have stated repeatedly

that the evidence points to most extraterrestrial groups being

highly ethical and taking a non-interventionist approach to

human affairs. Most extraterrestrials have been silently

assisting humanity by a variety of consciousness raising

activities and limited human contacts that I have recently

discussed at length. One cannot speak of a single alien

agenda, since there are many alien groups visiting earth, some

of which are directly competing against each other. This

would not be the first time that the Canadian has

misrepresented my writing in a way that undermines my

credibility as a researcher. Unfortunately, both

DarkGovernment and Veterans Today have perpetuated the

inaccuracy or disinformation to promote the view that I

support the belief in a single alien agenda of assimilation.

Duff’s claims are extraordinary, and may well be a mix of

genuine facts and disinformation. If Congress has indeed

begun holding secret hearings on alien bases on the moon,

that would be a welcome development. Perhaps Donna Hare,

Karl Wolf and Ken Johnston are testifying right now as of this

writing. Perhaps, Duff has got it all wrong. One day, however,

the truth about alien bases on the moon will be conclusively

determined, and the US Congress will hold hearings about

how long and why evidence was withheld for so long.

Is NASA muzzling scientific results from

Mars Curiosity Mission?


NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity dug up five scoops of sand for

analysis by its SAM instrument – results to be announced at

next weeks America Geophysics Union Conference in San


Yesterday, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) took the

extraordinary step of dampening speculation over comments

made by one of the leaders of the Mars Curiosity Mission.

Just before Thanksgiving, on November 20, John Grotzinger,

principal investigator of the Surface At Mars instrument on

the Curiosity Rover, was quoted on NPR radio that a

discovery had been made that would be “one for the history

books.” Many scientific observers took that to mean that he

was about to announce that Curiosity had discovered organic

compounds on Mars – the building blocks of life. In an

interview with US News, JPL spokesperson Veronica

McGregor says that Grotinsky had been “misinterpreted”. She

said that there were definitely nothing significant about

organic compounds in the results to be announced at a

scientific conference next week being hosted by the American

Geophysical Union in San Francisco. Rather than an

earthshaking announcement, it appears that Grotzinger will be


presenting much more mundane data and results about the

Curiosity Mission – its working fine after a long flight from

Earth! Did Grozinger simply overreach himself in

commenting about the data and results from a soil analysis by

the Curiosity Rover, or is he being muzzled by more senior

NASA figures over what was exactly found on Mars?

Here is what McGregor said about Grotzinger interview on

NPR radio that has created much media interest and internet

speculation over the last week:

He was extremely excited and continues to be extremely

excited that we had the first data coming back from our first

sample and the machine is operating beautifully… This was

the science team's equivalent of the landing moment. It was a

key moment after years of work.

McGregor is saying that Grotzinger was merely excited that

the Mars SAM instrument was working fine after the long trip

to Mars, and that it was sending back good data. That was the

history making element that Grotzinger was referring to,

according to McGregor:

I think there was a misinterpretation of what he said. This is a

scientist who was so excited his instrument was sending back

data … John was extremely excited about having the first data

back from SAM…. It’s very interesting data and the scientists

are chewing on this—he does believe this mission will be one

for the history books. But knowing these rumors [of organic

compounds on Mars] were floating out there and knowing we

didn’t yet have the results, we wanted to let people know that

they’re definitely not in these initial samples…


Yet in the NPR interview Grotzinger focused on the data itself

as being history in the making, not the transmission of the

data. This is what he actually said to the NPR interviewer:

We're getting data from SAM as we sit here and speak, and

the data looks really interesting. The science team is busily

chewing away on it as it comes down…. This data is gonna be

one for the history books. It's looking really good.

What’s clear from Grotzinger’s own comments is that the data

itself is “one for the history books,” not the Curiosity mission

or the scientific process by which the data is being


In claiming that Grotzinger’s comments were being

misinterpreted and that he meant that it was the “mission”, not

the “data” that was one for the history books, McGregor is

being disingenuous. Did Grotzinger simply misspeak, setting

off much speculation about the data results from one of the

Mars Curiosity soil analysis experiments? Or is Grotzinger

and his data being muzzled by NASA? One thing now appears

certain. Nothing extraordinary will be announced at next

week’s American Geophyiscal Union conference in San

Francisco where Grotzinger will announce the results of a soil

analysis by the SAM Rover instrument. Maybe there was

nothing extraordinary to be announced all along; or, perhaps,

NASA is muzzling something extraordinary that Curiosity has

discovered on Mars.