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Reference Code: 2007/111/1867

Creation Date(s): 10-12 November 1976

Extent and medium: 7 pages

Creator(s): Department of Foreign Affairs

Access Conditions: Open

Copyright: National Archives, Ireland. May only be

reproduced with the written permission of the

Director of the National Archives.






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• 17 Grosvenor Place




---· ... - ..... --···-.... ,. .. , .,.

CO 'FIDB:·iTlJL ·.

()._ November 1976

Dear Assistant Secretary

I am enclosing for your information a note by Hr 0 'Brien on

a rec~:1t ccnvcrse.tion .Alan Goulty, Second C'ecrctary at

the FCO. The note eoniains a number of pointn vrhich 't-;il.J.

be of intcrcrt to the Dcp~rtmcnt .

Yours sincerely

~ t.... f"--r !,.,.,._

John H. F. c~::mpbell Minister Plenipotentiary

!·1r Sean Donlon


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17 G-ro8Vel".Or Place

S\HX 'i1IR


co 'FIUi=liTT.'\ L "

(~ November 1976

Dear Assistant Secretary

I am enclosing for your information a note by Hr 0 ' Brien on

a recent conversation ,dt~ Alan Goulty, Second Secretary at

the FeO . The note eoniains a nwu'bcr of poinb3 ""hich t.;ill

be of intcTcd to thc Dcpc.:rtmCi.1t .

Yours sincerely

IL ~~ John H. F . C'.:impbell Mi n i ster Plenipotentiary

l-1r Seli...l1 Donlon Assi~tcnt Scc=etary Anelo-Iri~h 3ection

epar.t:lp."!1t of Fo::eicn Affairs \ I v'hlin 2 ..P \...~f-+~~~::---::::'---: __ ~:5' . - '-

\.,~~ \c. ~ "-.1 t\...'v" L, ~ ~~~

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You. \-iJlJ. ,._·ish tc bo m·:E:rc 1 .. l: r:. t I had lu.nch ~~ec·:.cr6c.~r

":~ th V.::.:· .J~ J.:::.n G o:.::.J.t,/ , R.opt'l...l:~. c: o:=: Irclc:.:.r.d Dc:>2.!:'tJ:il?~t

at the 1'c .~ci[;'n B.vd. Corrm. cn¥:u . .J.i h Office~. '1:118 f'ollm··inc

E>l.u::r:m ... ,. .. :-y of hie co!~:~cent:::: r~.ay be of interefJ"(j to tbe

:tt in tGX'MJ of D. ·· p ~ ···, ~-~· • ,..:. "'""· c1ur·~\~c .... elc,+-",,, . .,.,...;.) C c:C..LUJ. 9 ..!. . t. '·• l • v ,-;.~, -- .... .J. . f '- - · "'"' · '-~4 ·:.··--~

·., . .- ::J.H-e.-v~.o t!Je "oth~:r. pa:r.·t~.EE; of moclc::::;:.-t::.or.:.''

If there F. icnif:1 cant :;irr.:.::i.hG i:lrlC~ tcnc:i.c•ns 1-~:.-~h:i.rl th:

SDI,:p ~~t p:r·er.:ent, r:;ncl vil.Jc.tcvGr i:bc:ir cr;:\J.I'W 1 he: 'rf t:ndc-::·ecl

'·rl·c·~lu~·r o,.., no"'· i·i· J":!jr·1-,J. be P"~f..r'( ~ -.·rblt' to t.J1cn· tile 8];}~-.~ 40 ... , • , 401• \J • •• ·l:· .a._ <t,J ... .. ; ...... c... . .; ·-- t - ,' • -

to frct;rilc:nt c;n.c1 crct.: tc r:~ t: i t uc-::t~.on in uhicl~ t1w . r:wdcJ'r.:.tes J':)igl:.t 1.Jc ::.l•J..c to 1:-or·o c}l3r.r-J.;>· th.~;il"'

'IJ05..L.· +J.·· 0"'4 ,...,. nri. q<':<r. 'J:: <" 1.,01'0 ,.. c·cr·"•t'· Or ... "-·' "'~ .,....t:·<·-r.c ""<'f• f'roJ-·' i".v·i: ~~ -.~ w J..J. ~~ \. ~ c.:~ r ~ ll...~ J ~ ci .. VJ.h, ....... ~ v.LJ ... !.) J~ \:;t-"' 1:' 1 -'A•~~ ·" -.... . ......

orJly p8.:-tis8 G'-.lcl:. c-:s !~1li:::J.l(;C bnt the r;:oc:erC)i;E 8 \~:!.. t:1::...r· -~l':c·

Ui.JUC. In his v·7c.•\:, an e.cpeci; _to the prc:f:ez-.:.t d5.:=-·::·icul.-,;

OY• ~--L'lC' )' '!=>J"'Qr·' .,r.~~ (;('' • --,n-17.•· c~.l',r:(:; •-4 " ...,_~ "''~ \.• f,/ . JA , l...,.•.J;.. .J.-. v J U ......_..,

Tie r:;entioned the recent }J Q ,.~hic!J v.'H8 t~c subjt:ci; of

CO~t ·l:r!ic;;:ti on b~ -;;,:cen the 'l'r~ .. o::.sce.cll :;._r;d_ 'the }:l~:ir::o r-~:: ni~~o C'::' •

f'··c· ., ~,, P"'-onr-r··- c · ~.,. c· · · tr· ..;.1- !"t -'·l1c J.r.··r.:.:_,c.._.s ... "'.\~c::· Jo }t - .... V .; \,_; - . • J' 4 V . · ~ • .I .,.1 V _._.._ '- .. - -

Qur:f:tic!i • !n c. recent c onvcrst:. r:i th l.i"J:e:r 1-:·f: P .. Yc C ouJ.t:; le8.:rr:c;C.

snr;pccted tbat

• 2. Lrr.bc~BGcHlor

You \-dlJ. '·.'ish tc bo m;c:1'C i,;;[', i I had lU.n.cll ~"eei : cr6c.;~,r

, ." t'l 1-'", ,. ],... " 1'< 0'" t" 7' P""''''''l .1.."' .~ C· Ooh 'Ir-e': t'r:d n" . p2.~~tl.:i(,:r.."'v·· ,.~ s. .I' ~ .. J~ .<Ar ... \; \.~ ... I. ',I' ..L ... " •• ::..t .. ' .... .J .. "_ I ,_... -L_ '" Il;._

at the }'0.:ciGn c.~vcl CO!!HT; OlH!( LJ.i b. O:::-fic('~. 'l:1i8 follm"in,:

SUl~:I:Jt"ry of hie c(:! ~::.:::e nt8 r~aJ be of intereF:1"(j to tbe

it iu tGTI~8 of Q .] '-. \' -vc ... u' .j\.~ ,\·elc'+"r,,·c:-l--·;.) cpec:tu '# ~:t.: l.(..v f',-" .L ... ..1. .• L- t'" . ~ .... '-'~4.:.u_.~

v:i.r::-e.-v:to i;,!' (;3 flCith~::r.' pa!·t:i.EE; of rno~f::'"'['.t::'or:.l'

J i' J ,. • re •• • 1 l,L.' ~. a.!'GV.1H~n (: ;Jl8.. ~ 1;110 11Q.. tUX'G 0:,.' i,;r.IU EPt:CJ.~. re~.c:;. v:::...()nc.J.~p

bCiL:\-.fEcn the (~o\-!,T.'n:"I~::1:; f.l'!!l the f';;)IJ? en the ono h~r.!.c.1

rGdu.ced it s r.ole: c~nd. ir:.fltH: llCC \::Lth othe:::' p.s.ri:.:i.E; C ~~i_ tL:,JL

pJ:'(:'::~'c-;;i'JC at.t:Ltu.C:o 'Lc'~;c:xc1G 1,:10 f.Jjj,;}"l by c:;;c}::..cC to C;1.(lE .. nO(·:

"i\"'';,\~ '''r-' "':" 1 "."1 "") "'11,.:";')(" I') r, ", , -I}'l " r "i""'i"l'''' tl,r-iY' Ul'':\~V~ '" ,. ....... .... J~ A'- "-'..".. ........... - ..... '-'"'l_ _ ,l..... ..... . ... 1 "",_ ...... _ li ~. -.;.. l·~"'_A...I._"~_) . _ - ._ .. t. v-

If' there K€)~O f.iCni1':lcant CiT':':~J!G i:tn:::~ tc.ncionl:: ,·;j;'.::!~i!l ti ·r;

SD11-' ~:.t present, and "7b8.tcv~r the;):' cmHW, ho Hondc,::,"ecl

":hc'~h(-:r 0'" 110"" i:l: ~j ("~.'" be y, ..... ~ . .I'(:, ...... clt> to ~ 11 m' tbc [n::}~~-: ,..... \J '. '""l:,.l-.,J ~ .... .. ~ ... <1'. c......; ..,....__, _ "

to frq.;w811t 8l1.c1 tn,:c Cr0c. to l-:~ f.: i t Uf:.t:i.Oll in ,·~hicl~ t118 ,

I;lodC'rr~.-t;es r::igl:.t 1e ~.1..'1c: to J:·()l·O c:tcr.:r'1.J' < thl?;ir

positicn ,ynd s<?F-J:: f' .. l;'lorc 8CCOTr:t:,oce; -;,:inC :'(-:t~P(I~f.:C f:r.or~ l1o'i:

orlly pu:-tie8 1-111.81(;0 but the UUIJC.

0 ""'1 ~'!l"" )·'~J·'or,·J·"(~ (;(" ' -lD-i·!..,,· l5J,r:e;; A" ..... v .... _ M_ \.. ( / .,J4.l .. ·,J .A._. "'.; ...... ..,

one had a. number ef v ieU' points :rcprc(;c:-ui.-ed by f1.·bc:"

the :recl:.~ of t'<!O y:~( -;':poir.ts rC>I1:'cseni;(di. by' cn2..y O_tC

party anx:i01.j8 to L..:.l!!tain ita vr.litJ" at f.n~l ::;r:':"cc.

TIe r~i~ntioned the recent }J Q ,·;hic!J \·.'P.8 1::""6 SUbjl:ct of

COI::1J:; ''l.:.r!':!ii on b<:. ·;:r.'cen the 'l'r .. o:.sGe.cb. El-lid. -the })l:ir::o I~~ lJ.::"::~~C' =.

Ho u .. c.ers·;·ccd f"c~ ,'\)r=r:-·- ('~"' (" ,J., ... "' 1- ~t .... ·110 v ~ .,. f _ • . _. ~ \,.;. _ .• ""! .. v '. , ... " I J v ........ _ l...._

h - l . ' . . .. 1 \ .. 11 "\'.J - \..' . He. :oen J..n co ',1'[.0-;; ,;1:C: J. .. ~ __ y ... 1:!. v(:lC,\;- £.l:(1U.lJ

rr-·een-'G c onvcX's~:. ,,:i th Lire:; 1.:'(;:· P.\ c C ouJ.t:.1 le~rr:cc' 1:J':-."

" \.'} li~: C: ':":"7 · cdi['.tcl~7' cO::-'. tr,;,c·~ec, J~t[-'.~ c ant he

SUGPcctecl tbr:::t p8.~''li of !\cCJ.vo· G e.n::,ry rec:~ct: . Ol: to the


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8\).GJ·ician i;llc~·c the to)::-'G of' th<J P Q hud bC"-'cn Jc·.:<1c

( to U[l in [:.Q'Tr.<.llC£.; 'r:c.c iJC:'C~!l.H:'<: i.;lt.c e.pJ>:r.'O<-.Cil

e been i.;o \·.'ldtule.."i: r£~the=:- thr."'..Yl to hi1nsolf o

rcn.u:-l:c to L~: con at t1LciJ:' l~rd; rlk. 0t:~nc n.H:; Jr,ed. to ::.nd.2.c£.::·o

a fccJ.in_r; on Cl.-~:::' Ti C:J:'t thu."ti \.'t~:~·:~cJ.t:;;·J V~ovJ.d be n,Ol't.; <.:I:enc:.L.<'

to c.pvroache8 f:::·on us on 1\ortliF;rn IrolLJjd ths.n EE.;:..:yo -


phoncc hir.:: :::ai:::-ly r~cc: .... 1R.r2..~.r r..:.t tho -I'ort::ic;n en

l~orther11 I:rcJ.nwJ r:.ffc::_r.s r;. !l.d. G-o-::.1 ty t!:ent:. ow:;<l the.-'..; . -

}).~en~; r,· r;8..,~.."'t!

! tho

'fan beir.L[; b:q)t.d3Ei(•Q unu pe.r-~icu.J.r.rJ.y thc.t

be r~:r.cie t 0 v:;;:~tcJ.~~'·; on the bt~ n:i.G tbot lJ"e

G ou2. ty t!:. c· -'.;

fou.nC: hiu

~yn:po.thetic, p~~.:·ticnle.rl:y :i.n -..,:.r:u e:f tbc; fact t1~u-~

lll~ :i. -:. C:; ~· \'~ '> 1 t ~ ' "' · r~ 1·· f1:11·v -· ...... . v .,..._ '-'• . \) (...,__ . ~ . \. . u:.....:. - ~ \.!

}Jec::tuso o:.: 1\' 'c clc r~enc::s to

Krs .. 'fh2.tclm!' it •,.;onld be unfo:r.-i;ur:atc th:lt

Goul i;y clm:J/~EC. \ory r:mch tl;::.:.t \·!hi tclc:.u co:J.tin:.:.ec1 to

m2.intcin e in.terc::.t in J.:orthc!·u Irr;le:ucl ancl l10

cot the i!~pl"E-88:!.t1n fron Kr::>a.'7C i.:lw.t N'orthc:::·n Ircle nd

I 10t di<='(;u<::~·"'' .:.1 nnv r'~c-:~·;1 0"" ·'lJr''e'-•d ... ..;: .... ,1.,. .1.c.n,rd.:b. - \... 1 • ·- l.;.; , . "'· _._ _.., ~ tJ \..0_ ., vr:;...~ooo .l. ..&.. \A.. 'C CJ. v c.. .... ..,v ._... c~~.bine~~ r.1.,.Rc·t.·:nr;r,c-_:o ( mhJ" ('·'co "'O'(lr,-'· 1·..; r:!J"'' \ v -'-' ~ ,, ~ . .v .,~.;" """ ~. '"'"~ ·u

dinne-r 1)~ .. 1"·-:-,, so··c;.+.: .-·- .... rTO \ _ , . ...... "",7 u _ V.Lh'\..) c.t<::.. 1 • r.'hen l'icrthern Ircl<-~n<J. ic

Yery li t"'.;lo.

-G·oul ty on the othe2· hand :;:;,y thE.t E6.D;:.rd E'ef::th upr,r ~ : ~·nJ.

to me,in-'..::ain n YEry strOlJC ir~ tE:rcst ~..n Eortli.~rn TrE'lc.nC.

ana ·K~5_lc he \:"f.H~ ob,,.:i . ov_r;·l~r :t;o-'.:; in H nor;;::.tio:a to in:.' u -

current ConccrYc::.t:.vo thinl:in(; at SJw.dO\~ Cc,1)iYH)"C J.c,;cl v

he '\'re.s an ).t1I1Cri:c.r.~.t person to l::Gcp j.n r·:ir:d sinCl) on

cu.rr,:mt e;:})Gcta ... .:;~ollS he \ioulc! be the l!(.;:-'.; Fc.::-c:~n Gee:·{,·:; .~ ~-~-<·

, I

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-- ---. .St.1.Cp:t.c:i.on tllt=:·:;; the i;ex:Je of' the J.' Q had ]) .. 01'1 m:;~dc

nvuilf..:.ble to U[l in ['To.ncc: WQC f.lGC[!U,t:w th8 e.PJJY.'o<

• had been to ":lJ:L"tGla'lr rgthe:::- tbr::-..Yl to hill1So1f 0

C-oulty said tlw:t; the '\'~hi tela'l-1 :Ll'!.cident and the L] rdeterc

l:'Emsrte 1~ 0 l')~:son a. t tLcir 18. Ld; TJ1F.ot:t.ns ::~eE1 I!led 1:0 :'-nd.:'C2:~·C

a feelinc on C1.,.; r.' P :':.J:,t tlw.t \:1~~Ltel(~'1 ,,~o1) be nlOl't3 c:.ffi€nt:.l::.()

to e.p})roache 8 iX'OM US 011 1\:c)rthf:rn Irel£.ncl the11 E6 ~~YO -

and luncheo "7:L th h:i.n fro~ time to t11uOu nee.vG eJ.f:w

phones 11i1:.1 ;;:'ai:::-ly r~Ct:...1R..rl~.r at tho ,For~iGn Offico Cll

l~oX'thern IrcJ.mlo. r ncl G01.:1 ty l!Je l1t::.Ol.le<l thr;.t;

ho ,r"> . ... ( ..... ~ -,

found. bim mOl'C

syn:pD.thetic p pn.rticnlerly in. "tr~.mT ef tb() fact tb.L"t

\T1-::i.+(;1<:.·Y ,.,1-'(:-:"')"'("1; .r,"ll", (~""')))C~'';'" 'l'' ''''' 1-1:",,·<,· r r'l i~.,--i~cb.CJ: .. 128 ... 0. .. ..... "v _'-'''' \) (. .... __ J I u.~ _ .... ...l .\.1 "" ~ \,(~ . ~ '.J, 1/.)4 "'{.,:) J ............ q .. "'" ... .._

beer) h(>'Y' (·+ .... ' O' ~t:C'· ·." J.· r ' ·;,r. ,, ·j 1'1·1-[',1"'0 J,>'lnnl "")1 '''',~ '''' C·-.L'" tLc ' ' ' ' ' _ • • ",,,,,.J.. . J v "-" "-"", ,, ..... \ c ..... -L , \.t 4\";: ""' . .. _ t,...4. ... _ 1. J.c;;.:_ v - .'

K:::.·s .. Th2.tche!' it vionlc1 be unfortunate th:.l-G

i'cf:ling g it' it €Aie:ts II shouJd her t)

Goul 1;;,- rlOl:~btEo. very l;Juch tb::.:. t \nlf tolf.u co;}:tirrctecl to

m~5.ntDill P.;n-':.lE.cL in.tercGt in ]':orthe!'u Ir618tJd Hllcl hv

Got the impressir,1 n froD Ke8.'t;"c that Nort.he~:n Irelend ,·;at.:

not di~; (;u.sGed. in any <2c" or ilJCf~d Ht 811:1 1.E:!·1[;th at

Shadov Cabinet meetinus o , ,

an imprE:s8~!..on I rocciYecl from Vich8.el EE:~~el thlC at a

t-.'hen l'icrthel'u IrGl~_nQ i:::

discussed it if; G 01:.1 ty' El :i.r~p1~0. Gsion the:c \';hi't61a'; (:;t;;·YG

yery 1i t';~le.

-Goul ty c.:;"d on the othel' hand ssy that E6.D?"rc1 E'e' apf,(-;. t:1 'ul

to mr:in"cai1"J n 'VEry strCl'lC' ir<tercst ~.n l~ortli.{;rn Ire1c.nL

and. '\t~::'~lo he ,\-Tas oby5.OI.,H~·ly Dot ill f). por:;~_tio:a to ':'n::.'

current Conr:cryc::.t:"v'e thinl:inc at S110.0.01: C8.1)irw·c 1 C"l;"'£, 1 ~

he was ap irnpcrtont person to keep in ~ind since on curX'011t e;:}!GctaJCiol18 he 'fiould oe the n(.;:-';:; Fc.::,c:~c;n Sec::-c ·c ;~ :,- ~- t;-

(Gou 1 t"l7' talC. n\e ti#!a~~ E~' ' fJ son had p181J.necl +'" "'Y-isi"~ ....... ,; vv

-r l i-j i t 1



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Dublin EJOJ!lCtir.JO nco bu-'c thu.t "i.ilG v-ici t htid lJcen C<:UW<..l}(:rl

o.t the rJoi:.cnt on -v:inl.t he u:r~ch .. :n.>tood i·:cro hc.e.J th

groundc - I \·<EW J.eft >-:i th c doubt that th:l..o

wac not the whole stor~o

G ouJ.ty h2.d little to Gt~Jr nbou.t iJlC \·lhuJ.c n.:~:ticlo on

HiFJ only ob~-: crvr:.tio~

he dou.btecl vc::-y ruch, eiven pre sE:nt oconon:ic circtu:;st&.i.J.C€ c, tl1~-:- tl:c ·i·\'1": f' O.JL' ''"'('.r-. C.:ttJ.."r'. ~ : '-' (1 , ... ·J~ , cl ..... ·-y,,, -;l· 'lroJvi,..,rr f'·~·-·-u--·:rl (....., u \,;' - _ J...L '-" .._ ~v - t..L. \ • • L A c; .. IC .. -l.,.. -~!. • .. . •"':;:. --~4 J..C, "--....(... ....

nsE::L::r t<='.ECC to the L.l'C(.'. ove:~ .. a q 1s pcr:i.od E8

envts:::~t:Oc'. by those 1-:ho c pccuJ:p·bJ on the, r:ou~<l

be reeJ..:l.eecl ..

'r:ith ::r.-egc.....rJ to tiK~ Qu.iglE::~.- llepGI'"'v C: o-ul.ty to~L<l me: ... d!G.-'.;

he h~i.d 1een t~c!::e(1_ to Bur,l:·,:i . ..1c c r;E~:: :t"\'CJt:i.ons on ti1e rey;c::-t

roecrdeQ it bO ~ coo~ be~iG !or Ciscus~icn and ui~e~

fl 'Ol'" -l-J-·c '-')•c· .-,, "-..Y ~ • :..! v . J. . ~ <•. ~ ~ \o.'\..L 4

the.t e. (lE:::bc.: -cc "Lc.b.: pl&cc \:::.~,:J~~.l:, l~ortLc:.:-n 1-e_ r:~:::C:

on tho x·cpoJ.'t b\..•.t :L~lrfol~:- r.~c:cL:i.n.~~ ' ' hJ.,.8 of nch::..eY:i.t~{_:

itu objectiVEHJ "!.:h:::-m;.ch "c-:e :J.~:' lJelpa . In hi~• m:l. l't.pc::-:-·:;

he c:ut:;:ger-:ted "t}n:::~ the ecoi!ol::t~' of' Korth<::l'll Ircle .. nd f:l:m:;.J.,:~

b e Feen 5.t. the co.!:ri;e~:-~ 0i' the devclop~ncnt of ·tltc ecOL'.Cl:_,j

Yere practical difficultiec jn echicvi1~ this, even i~

a l:i.mi iEd r:c:y ~ since it .v:ould fo~·· c:r_mple l-c dii'i:i cuJ:~

t o e~:i;E:nd the srm-e i.;a;;: free LoJ.:l.clay on expert prcfi tr; ~u

f' j_:r.·ws in rorthe:r.n Irole:-:ncl e.G ct prc-;scnt op€rated in -'..,l,c::

Republic ac J:)ost o:J. tbv o:po:.ctc are d.iJ:(:-c"Le:d to r::2.i:-:::. .:::.~. ·:

l:h.':i. tain.

there \ ~as not o. r;oo6. for connidcrinz, the colA.nt:-j- ::_r.._;

a ·-·· n, ... lc ~--· 1-1- --l · ..; ·· .·, '" ~- 1, · -'·e·"'· ·c.·--1-o o-"' . .... o.,..,"'-~-~ - -·.,... o.l ~:.;. • 8.0.t-~CU vUrc. ...... n ... "\; 'r l ... G.:O .., .c :Ln v .;.t~.J" ..1. L\ ' · "·· ' ... • .:.

Ireland H8rc i.d.cnticcl l.~ith tho intcrcstc of the :r:.(,pt~~]_ :: _c

but l.'€.}'C not ah::: .. ys iC.c:ltico.J. \·~it:!:::. the :l..:r.t.·ccresi::s of

t he U.Ko af:l H uholc . It mit;ht be possj_tle i'or c::,:r:.tJy;lG

to hr~vc th~ Green Fov.nd set fiS r.Jl .;xcc::r..s~) rate for tnc \:hclo . of tho :Ccl;=..:.ncl . Incofi\r e.c Korth~~l·n"l ' s c:-.u.: had -:~c~ h-~ ·~,.·-·"'c .... -~-~d ..... ~. v 't_,. 1' ... 4 r;.; ..,., J -' 1.,\", t..4"'

I I j • I

! I I • , t


I 1 '1 I i I



DQblin BOJnctiwo ngo but that tho Vi8~t had 1een cnnccllud D.t the lar:t LlOr::cnt on v;Jw.t he ur:c1 C:J.~Gtood I·;ero hG2J, th

grourldc - I \·;as left ,,~i th c doubt that thin

":ao not 1..ho ,,~holc s'~or~:\

BiFJ only ob~:el'v£.t:i. o:l

\-:e.s th2.t :i.~' the }~ri tiEh GOire:::-nJl:cnt <lecidt;d to vl:it}I':!·£' .. ~;-

he d01).btea vcry L I1.l.cb t ei"<Jen present economic c:2.rCtUnstEUi.C€ C I'l

BS8iotRuce to the Lrea over a 8pecjfi~d period ea

enVi.88.gec, by tbose ,\-,'ho c pccu]:c~te 011 the issue, y; oulcl

be roe.l:teec1 g

'rli th J.'GE;;<'::':CCi to tilG ~IJ,iglE~'- l~epol"''';''; G O'ulty -Go~Lcl rue th.8.-'-i

he hwl Leen tu~}::e(', to ~3Ubl:,i t 0 tE81i.'r..:ti0t1s on the re}!o~t

Vhtle he w~s 8urprise~

the l'eport h ci.O, 1)88n lm bl:Lshed. 'by the G o\'f.':'nmen:G he

roccrdeQ it b8 ~ GOo~ be~iA for eiSCU8(ion and ~ide~

\1I.l0tb.E l' thc b-ubstal!ti8.1 i\wrl Cl x,pqu.:i.rec.1 to fi!'1!J.l1.cC rr ·[~b..:.r

of' the J:'€cOILr:tc rIQe:tions of the: reI-.or-c ,,:,ou.:Lcl bo i'or:thco: ~i :L~l ~'"

thnt c. ch.:b'c..'.'r:c '1.~; l :_- l': '11r C'f': \.,. ~.t. ,~ '" 1.70.,..';''1.'.'''''1' '-"",",1'- nd. h:~ r,~C: ... ""- '- 1: v. ·,i" •• '_,~i.._ .. _" ... J. "'L .... 'W-- - _ ... ~ (- ~ . .. '-

on th(') :t'CPOl't bu:t 1~3.rco1~l Gr.:o1~j.ll~~ "hJ"'8 of nch::"e\""5,HC

i 1;(3 ob jecti V'80 "!.;h:::'ou.c.h IIEe1~~' 11 c:ll p;1 4 In hifi 0\\"). rC'rJo::--:;

he Eu[.;:geF:ted i})e.t the eco.r..oln~! of' KOT.'thern Ireland ~d:.odd 1)0 F:eC-::11 :i,Zl th0 conte;:t ('01' the o.evclop~ncn·i; of 'the eCOr!.(·l~

recoc;ni:::eQ tl1.::::.t th.ere

't"'(~re prc-: c-'cicc.l diff:Lcul ti(:c in achi.oYiuG this'j €\"en :L~

a l:i..mi i;ed r;£Jr ~ cincc it yould fore c~[.mple b~ diff:i.ouJ:i;

to e::i;E:nd the S8.W8 tax free ho]_:i.clay on expert p:cofi t C -'l:U

firlJ!f3 in I~orther.n Irolc~!l..(l C,O f~t prcisent operated i,n "'",!,C] ., b' , .l.epu _L1..C E.8

13rj, ta:tn. most of. -'~h0

there ,:-a8 not 0. bOod. CE~se for cOl1f;5.dcrir..g the countr'j- ::~r-;

a s:i.nglo E:.f;ricul turc:l ".;,ni t v'hcl"e the intei.:'t,-: sto of' Ko:r.~,,;:':;-:·.'l~

Ir.eland 1'T(;:ro l.~ith the intGrcstc of the R(,pt~~]_ :'_o

lJU.t ".'e~~·c not ah::;:Yfi iclcn:i;icn1 "ri t1::. the in'cE'rests of

the U. Ko 2..S H l;holc. It miGht b0 POl:'sj.1:ile for cJ:r:any:1G

to hr~v0 th'~ Green POl..,nd set as £.:_n ~xch::r{;f) rate for the

,,-hele ' Ol the: Isl;:.:.nd. Incoi'fl.r a.c Korthe)~n I:~elar.;.cl t G C:-:[.~l

had to he prGsontGd nt E~~s3ela



j I

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1 j I ·1'' . . 1 ' ~ I !

• hu h:oJ'. :r.o·~cd :r~·;br.rt:o mt:.c1o i..o ,:;n Irj_r-:b }nC.cljc·YJ.C:.(~ n·~

corrc:or:c.ndunt \>"hich in<Jiec:~·~cd tl·•~!.t the l'ii.:-1~ r:tcr 11<

''Offi1J'''~Ec.' rJ'.J.,...,_, .J l · p ,._, _ c~J 1 cf . ..l.. IJt_;: J~ v ... J _ _

hF.:.d been. nch:Lcv€c1. by hi.ww1i' f.c:r I:.r:-:' fif>}Jr~:r·n:en p,nd

tho l::.i: ·; :.'_·l;cd·dr. ·,.~(;l::e nt o:~ ~:hn 1-'c:rc:'.(,n. f~ e c::-'l:: -l;pr~,.- for

about the:) v~li<i~:ty of the lJC'int P E-Ar;; llc thm.:.r.:;ht that th~

cone) itic;~:.; ::or :f.'j_[;Jicrt:•P.!l J-:o:"th o:-- Sm..::r.:1 c:: -~he. 1JorC:.c:c·

\·:-uulc1 1.)c tlte r~nlt•.C , he cons5.<.~G~:eG. ti;2.·l; t~2c OCCi:.f'ion coc::f

h:.:vc bt:~ t:n c.:.n OJ."}lG):·tuni.ty :·?~:r _ur..; to !;r;~.VG r...ou,:;h-G to (-;i.::.;Lnc .::·

~ r··o 1(·,-. 1."-: c•l · ._:·c"1 (). t"'.· .-r-.~;lJC:' Q:",:· ':1, 1'• .. ·- ~; ....... ~ .......... ., • ., ... ~.., ... ·-- ... v .... ~-

hn.C: ::1,_-.(.:~~-+ r···oJ•..: t.·· 1 ~o··.:.·1·, coc~'l r.-rr·.:.-~ '"'! ., __ __ v . , . v .... , '/ v~ v..., " "L· ..., .. G..U..c. v, ..

eros~ tordcr trudcu Oty.-,l···· ,..,;.,.~'=' r..I .. _...L.r.•pc~-,..t. t.·~~-· c•J1 1 ·. ,.,. .. v .". v~,_. o '' l •c .... llt:..•\ .. L: .• I,..' J!AJ .. t ~ . lJv

and 'j..,..~ c·i· ·: Cc" 1 '"'Li..: ,:o·l·+ '·c 1'" ,. r'··' '-"-: • • J. - L·. "' · • ~ • ., • ' IJ { ·, .... U l.J .,. ~ ...... •• ·• ... "• "-"' '""-

'I'It., -'-1' 0",.....1- ·'· .; J . -,, •. -:-.. :-!J.u l.J.J l.:.....:_..•.t l .• A '-' \ v .. ~

1ikt:ly tbc.t CE:.htlJ. 1·: ould t.nJo tbc W';. tte:: on :-::.rp~~~ to :~.

hj_chcr cour·~ r;..s it. apnor:xccl pr·:i.r .. tG f;:.c:lc t.b.c-/.:; J1ord t1\:.r~ ..:..-=:.cJ C·ibGO!l hr~.d 1Jo.r:e6. L:: r; judc:r-· r:,(~ nt on t:~.u tt:J;1tcn.:vic;:1 o:?

Pe..r1:i.<1J..:'l0llt" in paf:-,::.:i:n.g tlJe cor;!)_)E!nsr..t:i.on lc:.G:J.slut·iono

One of tbe :fun6am<:.:l-~t .. :::.l J.-u1es rc;gurc. inr~ ti.1c Ir:tE::-r-rc-~s."::i.c: ...

of Sto.t1.: tEe by the:: Court o :i.s tbe.t the J\tclr;E: f.'h.ov~d. loo::

to the \"Wrds ~:.nd ~:.t~.temcmtc cf the kct P.nd riOt to tho

intention c:f the'! discu.r::Eiens in Farli<::..r:'cn·~ KLGn

the lEGislation.

I menticl:.E:-0. tl1e case of j'oh.n t.Tor:C:J.ii: Cm:~.<.n ;;..r. (t::,~ repc1··;; o-~

9 Juu.c rei·ers) ,;lJ.O yr:as sGntenceC. on 1-.onday, 8th J\o\-e:rir· er~

to ten ~"c:-~:rs itJpr·isonr.;r,;nt; by Yr. cTur~tice J.'cJ..:fc::-d.

Step:wnson c-.t the Old }~:;.il0:Y. I mr::ntio~ed to Goult~r

that in the courf:.:e of r.:;y v:Lcit to Cc~H-~\y&n he h2d b~cn

· particula:.~ly c.n::::icuo th&.t the ir:f'o:r.·",. io~ lie bad :z:,aC:.u

nvailatle to the polj_ce on IRA ~:..c. t.iYitics r.J10-:.~lcl not: 1:;c

mentionG~ at his trial.

• Ee lH::'(~ !,otco. r'::l"r,rbJ '\..o <::t1. Jfj.c;h }ut.c11(::!1.Cr-:n-C

corr(~Gr)c.l1dGnt \\-hich incJie:':~-~Gd thgi; the- I.'jini r:t81~ l1f:;u1.

"om))")""E c.' r -"..I,,,, .. , .J )-'("> '--' _ ('" . ~ . , cl..L. I .... 1:.;- I. V ..,J. _

hf::.d lJecn achi.<':vec1 by hil'1BOJ.i' for I!.'~,sh fis}Jr;:r'n:en p..nd

tl10 lir·,::.tcd Echif\T(Wont O~~ ~:ho :F'cre:LpJ f{ec:;~'t::~ -'tjtu:-~" for

about the v2.1id~,ty of the pC'int p fA8 he thm.:.r;nt tlie.t the

concJ i ticHO =:or :!.'i[;JLC'rl~·e:l h"o;.'th 0:" 80'.;:.-(;_1 ci' '~hG uorc:.c:~·

",-m.!ld (.le: t~ie f~Hl('.0, he c.ond.('~Gl·eG. tim:i; 7.~lC occl::'.f;ion c:oc.J/.

have bE-~n an O})})o~:·t\ ]:OI' ,U15 to iJ8.VG [;.OUSfl-t; to 81.'21.l<::..r;cc:·

the posi i.::i.on of J:~Gr';;~wnJ. J::'elB.n::i. 18 intGY.'oE''G eo '\-IE;: cit

'" ' .. , .... o·~c,.. '" ;. ... -: ;: "W"\. • • • ..L .. ~.::.: .rl'.f ~ ,Y.: .-f: n .J· Ju.... l." (~L.L ...... _ '- .......... ~ V'v

&bu~t Eorth/So~~h cooperation

C!.'osn lorder trudoe o t J::c.mllf.'c1y f S r;t:r;.t(:.lJ1Gl-:t, 't!11:~ ch be c o118~d.p.rt.;d l?.fl CODc!'e'~(\

an.d, IJ!'8.cti.of.l ~ mieJLt be r1::U~8 ·,~. ~;d by the G-o~rt.'n)lnE-~n::;.

decision cl' t!.!.f; Ccc.::''''t:; of !_pl'e::~.

lib:.:ly thc.t Ce.htll ,.: ould tn.h~ e -the Ir}~ .. ttc:.':' on e.J-'p(~£·~ 1.:0 t.\.

h:i.Gher c ou.r~ f3..S it, apPGr:.rEcl pr'i.l:.1G fr:::.cie t.hc~.t JJord t1\:Et~.(;J

G·ibGo!'l. hc:.d ·iJa.cECi L:ln jUo.C:r-:r,;ent on tlH': Ilj!1'tc;n':vi.c:.'l of

ParJ . . 11 • ., -' • 1 . 1 .J • . .:u:u.nen", :'I..n r8.i:.f::l.l'J.g tn0 cOTGJ.)E:nsr-".l;~Lon E.{;:u::: e. ~:iOl1o On.e of the funQar.i~:ntlJ.l rules rq;c:lrc,inr..:; the I!;:h;;:::--y;rc -~,s.:'.;i_(':;:.

of Stat'l1tED b~; the:: Courts 5.8 tba.t the J\tagE: Ehould. 100:-:

to the \" ords 8.ud ~tstelTt(mtG c:f the Act and not to the

intention of' the: discnsEions in Farli[:;.r~'E:n·~ KliGn

the lEGislation.,

I merLi:·ic~.ec1. the case of j'ohn <.io f3'cph Cur..[-"l\' r...J. (t:S' report 0':--

9 JUti..e refers) KilO ·,:as sen.tencE.d on Eonear, 8th J\'o\-e:r.r·er ~ to ten ''''''--')'8 .; """-r": ~OliM'erl--:~ 1),,- }'j:'P .i'u<.<l.·:~ .... e 'J.~",,'1 ~J.~o""'d ... ct:~~ ..LlUJ.J,.L.\r...J ... u.!. .,L .. v ./ ..... U _J .,I...\".. # 'C._ • .i.

Stephcnson t'.t the Old n2.iley.. I mention6d to G oult~r

that in tb.G cmu' be of m~r v:i.sit to C8 ~)[ ... 't;an he hs.d beo11

. c.!L,:iot<s thc.t t}JC inf'ox'L.a-',.ion be had t.iac.u

L 1

' I l

I j


l, '1 :

j :

i; j l 1 . j'

I: I ! I. I! I I

l' l ! I I



l i I



i ! ! I


• d01:tvcrinG the sent en co l1r:.d wLntecl. that tlw J:clr:. tivcly

had G:ixen the polic<J o:r: !'\;( n:L th of detc-..:i.J_ 11 u hov. t cthc.· ::.

in\~olYcd... In tbo cov.rsc of tlJC trial i·G E'.r:;cx·o:d th!:' J.;

CehaYrul, as bo &dtnii.-~ed to r;.o c.t Eri):tor:\l -..:ac o. n1er:.bc:·

~id not l.,cn-l;ion t hi:..; to r.:o 9 th:1. ... .; he: b c..d b e ert ~::c1 :-'G to

· Ireland t"rico or.:. trc.iuin(; c:ot.Ll'r,e s and Fr..e irwtracted On ..,..,OT ~·o -.-, J -· ,. J · v r'"' -· _ .. , . .d ,·; , , J.J, " _c .:. J !Cc.1 •. : ..:.r: ..... ;;

c.nd boc by i1~c...p s a~ld. hO\: ..!.;o u s e rlf1f: ~> P r Cl~_r.:.s

and. other ' ·?"G<::.lJOuC e

tl ,, .

lC.: .r.. c r c ~-C:ll

COll:.r':-l~ . .-(0 thf~ f.: C ntc:n C! c ~:., ITo

the l.ettE',J:"e :!•(:' GG5.vE·d E.t i.hf.

f:.lGO f:H3:Lcl t.hc.t ::i.n !Jir..:. :t:y of

-n·,.,. .... 1r {· ..~.··1·r· 1 ~(· J .. ,_,..,;: .. , -:-11'""_,_ ·i-,., ..... ,., r "'"'PJ~')~· cll ,.,·c1.". C r.r..··,.<·,c:·:·r, ,..., V '-'A.. -.> •·· · \ ·~ · •. • ~'-·.J.· """ "-.J v c.:... 4..' ~- .J.. c:..,:...... r .. } · ~ . ""' C;. •· - - ---- ""'-' ~~

:frorr! Br:ttr;:.. ~:..lJ.

credent ~ - <:.lo E.c r:oon. ~. u po;;;~ c::..blc hu.t , .• J>.C.. 1 . "\., . . b 1 b .t• • h Ci..L.:..:.:tcu -c~,.,. n0ot:~:ti a nu:::..t<:.. J.c fo:::--: ~n.l __ c ec~.ucc o..<: "· c .

Goultr lronC:cr~d if' [.t forr.:t .. :.ln could noi be found bu. t acc3.<::d trw:~

t'~-:·!.f:: •.·~,.C:J' ..,, ...... '---:7:+r- l" "\...r._. _.·.nc-- ·"t•',-..~. ,r·', -<·h nt c: rr.·1c~ ~-:r>1er lC''c'' .J_.- '~ "· ~ . .;.!. v •"'" L'- •""(., l , c. • ..!. lJ ',- ._. o , G;. j ·'•- o..J. ll-0.._- J •' ·-•

. The: J?ore::':.-(~11 Offico bc.\:-c in..strv.ctcc1 thc:Lr I~;· in

J)n.l:,] in to ir:..Yi to a croup of 'J.'})L on t"lil of2:'icic.J. vi&i.t to

\r.TestcinSt(~l'" ~mel ·che invi tc:ti0ll8 r.;boulcl iE8U.C ·pithin t}: c

nc):t couple




in l·lrry. ~ o·rr: _,I_, /•

invited. on thh.~

The sa.r:-tc nuraber I undcrEtcnu be:~nc;


In the co~tf'::'t o~ tho feu ccr.'r:.(:nts c.bout tho :Eritid.1.

_l're~d.C:Gncy of tho Cc: .1 ::t=.nit~· GouJ.ty :;:>(:i,.:::.r1-:ec. on 1-:hr~t r ... c ttn.dcrr.·0ooc!. n:s the 11 stl·a:::.r,eci. J."!ip" te-~i : E:r.· n tl:c

in tb& rcJ.D.tionship bas energcd partly bec":u;,c of the


~ ! •

L 1 I


.')j : , ,

l: i : t ; j f

1 : . I J I I, \ . 1 I f I !


j .1

• delivC'rinG the s(>nt cncc hc..ri. WLB.t~c1. thnt tlw reI;:: tivcly

had Gi \:-e!1 the l')olica of !',;( al i;h of detcdJ_" o.bou.t otrLE )' :: .

j .n\-olYcd" In the cOIJ.rsc of the trial it E.T:;Gx'O?;d th~ t

. C'ena'"1"B.Jl g a .... be £"dlnit'ccd to [;.0 et Eri}:tor:.\'I -..:aG D. n1GL"lbo:,:'

of ::':tnn J?0 iH the })IF..r.

&id no'c l i~cntiol.1 thi:..: to r::o? thc:~ he bE..d l") ee r~ EeLt to

. Irelc.uc1. tv;icc or.:. -crciuinG 00Ul'[.; G8 and Fee irwtructed

on hOH to

(~oult'\} ") .. p-l!'·cY· .... r.,d bY"! c.l.:'1 ,-'-' ..... . .J.. ....... \.:; ... .J~ \..J ___ \l(

COll1: .... I..:.-(c.;; the ~rlltc:nCe[:o

the;c Z-8 reC!<:; ~:<\'E'd E. t

G·o\).l ts Gcj.d

ITo also 88 id thc,t -\.1~~ .. P~r~1(-n (~~~c~ _... . •• \" J_ ~~_ .j_ ..... _' __ .. ..;

r~c .. o.,

cr8dent~. t~,lc t:;(" "'001) (c' 'tIo<"c"' "b] C 1)" * -lhs::t t1-1ere \;:af2.: ~cr .... o ~ ... t..J \ ,1 • t:.lJ l ,' .... ' ''''''''...... . . .v. 1,,; v#'. _ _

to re~er to the Fres~fienticl C0m~is8i0D6 G-oult~ ..

"foueered :Lf a forr.:r ... '.ln c:ou.ld not be found bu.t aeo.eel ";;nD:';

tr.:.~.s ,~,,;.c a I:'1:l-:;tSl"' cc:!il1[; lri i.;h at Q rr.; J:i!..Cher lcvc: ..

. The )3'OrE':::.(';ll Offico !Jc,\-c;€c1 thc:Lr I~i.::be.e8;Y· in

Dublin to il':.,,-i te a croup of 'l'})c 011 un oi.':!:·icicJ. visi.t to

\t.r6etl;::inst(~1'" and the invi t&.tiOl18 8boulcl iESu.e 'Eithin the

ney-t couple


C·n ..I.

~cr the ~ro~p c~ si~ TDs ~ho

illv_·H · ea.~ 011 ~['1.L~~~ OCC'C'l"on " _ v.~ C;,... ..

In the co~.Jc{-,;::t o~ the feu ccr.'r:.onts c.bouJc the Eritid~

).>-res:1.QGncy of the CCl:"c\.i.nity GouJ.ty l'(! ;,.:~.rkEC. on I-~h:;.!.t he

t\ndcrr.·~ooc. n~s the "st2'air\.(:!Q re16.t:!.orJsl!ipl1 be-~,:ef.·n the

in th& relationship has ODcrged partly beca~so ef the


l I i :

' : i i I I

i i l: l . I I I .

l ~ I: I: I :

I . I 1 I I I

1 I I I ~ I ! !

i 1 i jl l I I

1 I

' I , I I

t • I

t ;


I I. I . ·t


I i

'• 6

rcv:Levr o:S: the;tiono Ll~d v:ork:tuc; o£ the roreicn Office \; l! ich in bciDC unC.c:·tch . .:n b;:r i;}jc Cent:.~r-,1 .:i'olic~­ ievl S i; c. fi' ( bcsc~ <l c. t DN: n::.r..;: fJ1:J~c o·(;) e.ncl the


function~ 'l'h e l lo:cc i c;n

~.t.differc· vcc tm-~<::.rdD tlw ; .. ·o:rcig n Office case soroo

press re:Ccre.ncE.:G o:!.! the rc-v-::!.e::-, p:::~ticularly irl tho

Jn c convc:csc'.tion. c::olr!ctivJe r:...GO \ }·):o J-:icJw.c-1 J?inn,

!n:.:"'orl;.n.tion O:.'ficc:,.- e.t the C:i.v:'Ll Scr\rico I;ope..rtr:,c·n:c 9

I untierstoocl thr~.t Dl~. crtic1c pul::L~:.r.:l-'~ed on tb:i.r: su-::>jec·;;

of Septc~ber in tbc Guarf lau by

of thsir

~ - o tlc l'' ' '(>'·•r, ,l,.'" 1·E--:~~ v . ... l. : ... 1 • .&.1. ,) c..-""'" .I • .,J~•L+.~ fel.t 1.>~/

c.f his eolJ.cacuEs a·~ the dcc:~.rJ i. on l:i.tich Fc.lJ.::.Ec:.!' ic

,. .. ,,. v . ·~ ~--c.· ...-.c~"'

0.(-./'.' '"'II ~r.- rr--,~r' •j Ylr' ~ r.c 1 (.fi 8 ...... - .......... '"" .... \,;: l J LL;. \..L .......... " . ) L .. - " of

J~"':'CllCl). r:-,:~---·:_,, •"t', t'l..·~. u ..... ..; .; . .J.L.--. 11 Tl-.-., ·. c··ic'c ·~c~9 'J, ""'--- "'-\, J..J'-.:,.; J .• .. Jt-(1 ...._. .. _ _, , .J~ c.,._._ • .., AJ \.,.

wh;;:;i; t~~ - - ~, .. - , •. lt:~ ·· ... .. J "· l" , .•. l'--.... ~·'?"'·". 1'~"(•;• 1\J>r:: . .-:-J-.. .. !_...,..> " -' · . ~ • • (_,. ( ('".,.... J.. \A..l. \'\ '-· """ ..... (.;0.... ... ... ..., _,\,.A. .,. ' '- , -... "

rli ih the t:r-aC:.:t tivn of Fc1.lmcr2'\,0):" h'ho U :i ·i;<;d the 'nr" c"" .;(' c <• .'. tl- r-.. ;' 'or£' J, ,_}"1 o.i"J".• ,-, . 0./' t yo,-, ] 1 "' , ., C .4. .; n· r• ' ·l"l 'l.p• (.• •' I I c· C • .' <" I l'· <..•. J l-...... r.-... 1.:.<.; . -.....~..:_:, . . J • .L.I . ~e - •J. <-" c. L. ••• {:.;, <.-. - LV.. o.,;J ••. ·-···

'.rJJe r.~fucal o::' tho

of h:l.s col.l8e.::::,;.ec ic r:::.u-;ting ldm in the rolE:: ef a

very bene·...-oJ.ent r!.u.toc}:at .

Richard A. O'Brien

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rcnT:Lcv; 0'" .J • th.c fr~.r.cti0110 Ll~cl \-.'Ol'k5.1l.(l: of the l'orci.[;n

Officc ' ~ ;1 ::'C 11 in b c inC Ul1Cc::'tcl:"t:n b;:r t]jC Cent:,'c.l ~'olic:;-

Ikvie\';' st::1':f (b """ r..(1 c.. J• D"" ,' 11"l' r,· C:-~')'L' C" ") "n,1 .J'11'"' Jc. .:. v\,- ..... " ,-'f • ..J. .. I"

J l)~'. "" l' ( .... U " \".,

-In''' ,-.,r·'1 r -I -r:'o" 'e'; r- ' ) o{'.r.·~ C 0 ..... l,..u '- c.:..._ 1..' J .'- --bJ ·. _. J...J,.. ~.


:Lndiffe1.'("~1J CC tm~f;.rd fJ tllc l?oTcig n Office case; ancl S(lTOO

press refcJ'ellCE:G m1 t.he rC'7).e \ ~ 0 pc.:::-ticularly in the

In c!1 E01r(ctiIlJe [ .. GO "7ith }:):'o 1(ic11E6-1 J?inn, I11fcX'l"ntion O:"i':Lc£: .. ' Cl.t the Ci.v:Ll Sc:c,,"icc I;Opal'T.W(·l1:G 9

:c understood tll[~.t :a~. E.rticlo }\u.b:Li.r.;l-~ed on tb:Lr: suoj€c';;

c.T"OUl1a. the ·bC'..C::'linil:r~ of f~(;:· p i; cl '·I 1.lcJ:' in tbe Gu.arc~ i5.n b~r

G 0clt~1 c..lso rc::cl"1~(,;c.1 to tILe- Cl":n()yLW.Cv LE::i.n.; :-el. t 1.>Jf

of his ecl1EP-cuE-s a'~ tho clcc:'.rdon ,;ilich FelJ.'· CE;~' io

"':):'('llC' '::"~",': 1-,,- t1.,_· 1:' .... -1 ' • .J ,,11 1· ' .... · ,,,' '.' .~ .. J . . _ .1.1 I...'-<. ..... ~ ., J..I\.:.: J .• _ .... l,.L .... _ ".J. c, . ..!.(,C-dC~.

l""esc;ntn.:ent at what L"ct:J- Y:iJ.1·~ f:.fJ F.:.11 \;..n\;:::rr~r:rtc<l 1n'<:"fJ:

1'. ~ ... V. ~ ... A~· ""....:. .. I

ld ih the tx'aQl. tion of Fc;.1.r.cr21,(»:'.. ",11.0 C · ·~e.bli5hEd the

prc.ctic:c t~::~ the J'orc:Lcn O::'-f:;.ce 0:- trc.n;.':.::ct:;.nc t:.11 b"\; . I:'::.~.'Ef: ::.~

a "'J;; Cr, 'r r ',..., · -n)·cn.:...·~rJ -· '~ "·l" ln/f1"~C" cc ... ·..... 1..J_ !.":l..:. . ~ "u.!..J .Lu ',lJ. '. ..;:, .... ~ . lo. l1. " 'i'iJ E) r.e fu " nl 0::' t ho Per~~ucnt Secrct21y to cntp~t8i~ the 0:: S or:;c;

of hi:.:; col.l~8Cu(,;c ic (;::'U-,til;";

very l1E'ne'li QJ.ent v.u.toc)':·at •

L:i.m in the rolE:; of u no·t;

. '

Richard A.. 0'Er::Len