NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT “QUESTIONS FOR ORAL … · intangible cultural heritage of...

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(49th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Friday, the 8th February, 2013

154. *Ms. Qudsia Arshad:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to


(a) the location-wise total number of coal mines in the country at

present; and

(b) the details of quality/quantity of coal in each of the said coal

mines at present?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: (a) and (b)

Constitutionally, coal is a Provincial subject. Geological surveys, discovery of

mineral deposits, national policies/plans formulation and coordination at national

and international levels are mandated to the Federal Government. The executive

authority for mineral exploration and development and regulation of mining

operations rests with the Provinces.

Based on reports of concerned Federal and Provincial organizations, a

location-wise tabulation of all known cool occurrences in Pakistan alongwith the

requisite details about number of mines, coal quality and estimated coal quantity is

attached as Annex-I.



155. *Ms. Qudsia Arshad:

Will the Minister for Human Resource Development be pleased tostate:

(a) the purposes/objectives of the establishment of Employees OldAge Benefit Institution (EOBI);

(b) whether those purposes/objectives are being fulfilled; if not, thereasons thereof; and

(c) the names of new projects started by EOBI during the last fiveyears alongwith the benefits achieved therefrom?

Minister for Human Resource Development (Ch. WajahatHussain): (a) Employees’ Old Age Benefits Institution is a body corporate,established under Employees’ Old Age Benefits Act, 1976. The Institution’s primeobjective is to provide old age, invalidity and survivors’ pension and old-age grantsto the insured persons covered under the scheme.

(b) Employees’ Old Age Benefits Institute has fulfilled the purposes/objectives. The achievement of the Institution as on 31-1-2013 are given below.

• Number of Registered Employers 93,082

• Number of Insured persons 5,074,322

• Number of Pensioners 437,042

(c) Details placed at Annex-A



156. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased torefer to Starred Question No. 160 replied on 21-12-2012 and to state:

(a) the total number of times the prices of petroleum productsincreased in the country as compared to international marketduring the period from 1-1-2011 to 31-12-2012; and

(b) the total number of times the prices of petroleum productsdecreased in the country as compared to international marketduring the said period?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: (a) The petroleumproduct prices are adjusted upward /downward as per International Arab GulfMarket prices and actual import prices as per GOP approved formula.

(a) Number of times the prices of major petroleum products “increased”in the country as compared to international market during the period 1-1-2011 to31-12-2012 are as under:—

Products Number of times increasedLocally Internationally

MS(petrol) 19 17

SKO(kerosene) 17 17

HSD(High speed Diesel) 15 19

LDO(Light Diesel Oil) 17 19

(b) Number of times the prices of major petroleum products “decreased”in the country as compared to international market during the period from1-1-2011 to 31-12-2012 are as under:—

Products Number of times decreasedLocally Internationally

MS(petrol). 14 15

SKO(kerosene) 13 15

HSD(High speed Diesel) 14 13

LDO(Light Diesel Oil) 14 13


157. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the strength of employees presentlyworking in PIA is more that its requirements; if so, the detailsthereof; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that huge amount is being paid to thoseemployees as salaries/incentives; if so, the steps being taken bythe Government in this regard?

Minister for Defence (Syed Naveed Qamar): (a) No.

(b) No. The employees are paid as per approved scales of theCorporation and their perks are normal and compatible to the aviation industry inthe region. In addition to attrition PIAC is also considering restructuring itsnon-core component so as to reduce the HR imbalance.

158. *Ms. Shaheen Ishfaq:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to wind up CNG Stations to save industries fromtotal collapse in the country;

(b) if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: (a) No such proposalis under consideration of the Government.

(b) Not Applicable.

159. *Mr. Abdul Rashid Godil:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:


(a) whether it is a fact that the Sui gas is not being supplied to theSindh Province as compared to other provinces after the 18thAmendment made in the Constitution; if so, the reasons thereof;and

(b) whether it is also a fact that the Sui gas requirements in the saidprovince are not being met; if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: (a) SSGCL hasinformed that it is not a fact that Sui gas is not being supplied to Sindh province ascompared to other provinces after 18th amendment in the Constitution. However,considerable increase in demand in all sectors, decline in supply of Gas fromvarious fields over the years and the spike in demand due to winter has necessitatedGas Load Management.

(b) The requirements of the Domestic and Commercial sectors are beingmet in the province through Effective Gas Load Management, to ensureuninterrupted supply of gas to these sectors. However, supplies to Industry, includingCaptive Power, are being curtailed for one day and to CNG stations for two daysin the week only.

160. *Mr. Abdul Rashid Godil:

Will the Minister for National Heritage and Integration be pleased tostate the steps being taken to preserve the cultural heritages in thecountry?

Minister for National Heritage and Integration (Mrs. SaminaKhalid Ghurki): (a) Lok Virsa (National Institute of Folk & Traditional Heritage),Ministry of National Heritage & Integration, Government of Pakistan has takenthe following steps to promote cultural heritage of Pakistan:

Established Pakistan National Museum of Ethnology, popularlyknown as Heritage Museum, depicting living cultural traditions andlifestyles of the people of Pakistan, frequently visited by foreigndelegates, dignitaries and state guests.

Established the Pakistan Monument Museum at Islamabad depictinghistory, birth, struggle for freedom and development afterindependence, frequently visited by foreign delegates, dignitaries andstate guests.


Established Conservation Laboratory for National Heritage Museumunder Pak-Norway Cultural Cooperation.

Launched project on “National Database of Cultural Assets” incollaboration with UNESCO with a view to document and preserveintangible cultural heritage of Pakistan.

Organized Folk Festival of Pakistan, popularly known as “Lok Mela”with an objective to revive endangered skills and promote crafts-people, folk artists and rural musicians.

Organized Women Cultural Festival & Conference markingInternational Rural Women Day.

Arranged Potohar Folk Music Festival.

Arranged Youth Poster Competition “Children Know Peace”.

Organized a national conference on Sufism as mainspring of love,peace and harmony.

Launched book on “Forgotten Faces - Daring Women of PakistanFolk Theatre” for revival of folk theatre in Pakistan.

Launched book and documentary on “Children Folk Games andField Plays of Pakistan & Norway” under Pak-Norway CulturalCooperation.

Arranged a workshop on preparation of the nomination dossier forInscription of Kalash on the World Heritage List of UNESCO.

Celebrated World Music Freedom Day.

Organized National Women Festival

Organized “Nowruz Festival” in collaboration with Cultural Consulateof Iranian Embassy.

Created Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz and Tajikistan cultural corners at NationalHeritage Museum.


Organized a Folk Festival in Lahore, Multan and Narowal on thepattern of Lok Mela.

Arranged a series of training workshops for craftspeople in variousfields in collaboration with SUNGI Development Foundation.

Organized National Cultural & Democracy festival.

Organized Pakistan Week celebrations under Prime Minister’sdirective in order to create unity and harmony among the nationthrough a cultural perspective.

The Department of Archaeology and Museums, Government of Pakistanworking under the administrative control of Ministry of National Heritage andIntegration, has taken a number of steps to preserve the cultural heritage in thecountry, such as:

1. The Department protected 403 archaeological sites and historicalmonuments under Antiquities Act, 1975, throughout the country.

2. Due to efforts of the Department the UNESCO has inscribed sixarchaeological sites and monuments of Pakistan on the World HeritageList.

3. Besides the Department has submitted a list of 10 archaeologicalsites and monuments of Pakistan to include in “Tentative List” ofUNESCO. The same have been accepted by the UNESCO forinscription on World Heritage List in future.

4. The Department has taken extensive archaeological surveys andresearch in the country which has pushed back the history of mankindin Pakistan from 2500 BC. to two million years.

5. The Department has provided training facilities in the field ofarchaeology and its allied subjects to the professionals and studentsof its sisterly organization and universities.

6. The department has successfully collaborated and cooperated withinternational and national agencies for preventing the smuggling ofthe cultural heritage of the nation.


7. The Department established four conservation laboratories forpreservation and conservation of the cultural heritage artifacts.

8. The department has arranged 50 international exhibitions of the culturalartifacts in different countries to promote cultural heritage of Pakistanat international level.

9. The Department has established 13 museums in Pakistan since 1947for preservation, and display of the cultural heritage artifacts for thepublic.

Pakistan National Council of the Arts plan and program regular activitiesfor preservation of national arts, which makes an integral part of our cultural heritage.Highlights of steps taken for preservation of arts follows:

o A Restoration Laboratory has been setup at PNCA Headquarters,Islamabad for restoration of art works damaged due to mishandling,accident, natural disaster and insect bite etc.

o A PSDP Project titled “Establishment of a National Databaseof Art Works” is progressing on fast track to document, preserve,archive and database the art works available in government custodyall over the country.

o Proper inventory, stores and security surveillance have been ensuredfor safety and custody of art works in the National Art Gallery.

o Workshops are regularly being held to preserve various art formslike traditional miniature painting, truck art, papermaking, clay artand printmaking.

o National Intangible Heritage Archives have been setup at PNCAHeadquarters, Islamabad under UNESCO Assistance Program. TheArchives is a major step towards preservation of art including drama,music and dance. Presently the Archives have digital recordings of2500 hours indigenous music and research on 90 Pakistanifilms in a properly catalogued library.

o PNCA has published sixty nine books on art and culture, whichcovers all subjects including twelve books on music, eleven on drama,seventeen on fine arts, ten on culture and several portfolios of masterpainters of Pakistan.


An information resource book titled “who is who in Pakistan’s world ofMusic” has been published, in which biographies of 900 artists and researchershave been included. During the last year 17 exhibitions of visual arts, 40 programsand festivities of music, dance and drama and hundreds of shows and fieldsvisits of National Puppet Theatre all over country were organized by PNCA,which were aimed at raising public ownership in arts for its preservation andpromotion.

161. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate whether it is a fact that ban has been imposed on more than1000 CC vehicles/cars to fill gas by CNG Stations in the country; ifso, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: No such ban hasbeen imposed.

162. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that Iran is providing financial assistance toPakistan for Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline Project;

(b) if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: (a) Government ofIran has principally agreed to provide funding of US $ 250 Million andrepresentative from both sides are currently engaged in negotiations for finalizationof terms of the agreement.

(b) As above.

163. *Mrs. Seema Mohiuddin Jameeli:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state;

(a) the total number of passenger aircrafts manufacturing factoriesinstalled in the country during the last five years; and


(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to install such new factories in the country in thenear future; if so, when it will be implemented alongwith thedetails thereof?

Minister for Defence (Syed Naveed Qamar): (a) No, there is nomanufacturing facility in Pakistan for civilian/passenger aircraft.

(b) There is no proposal under consideration of the Federal Governmentto install any such factories in the country for the present.

164. *Mrs. Seema Mohiuddin Jameeli:

Will the Minister for Defence Production be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any Ship manufacturing factory working in thecountry at present; if so, the location thereof; and

(b) the year-wise total number of Ships manufactured in the countryduring the last five years?

Minister for Defence Production (Sardar Bahadur Khan Sehar):(a) There is a Shipyard namely Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works, WestWharf Dockyard Road, P.O. Box 4419, Karachi-74000.

(b) Details of ships constructed during the last five years:

(i) 02 x Utility Ships for Pakistan Navy.(ii) 02 x Pusher Tugs for Karachi Port Trust (KPT)(iii) 01 x Dredge Tender for KPT(iv) 02 x Dumb Barges for KPT

(c) Ships under construction:

(i) 02 x Pusher Tugs for Pakistan Navy(ii) 01 x Fast Attack Craft (Missile) for Pakistan Navy.(iii) 01 x F22P Frigate for Pakistan Navy.(iv) 01 Pusher Tugs (32 tons) for Pakistan Navy.(v) 01 Multipurpose Barge for Pakistan Navy.(vi) 15 x Aluminum Boats for Military Vehicles Research and

Development Establishment (MVRDE).


165. *Shaikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) whether photographs of voters will be incorporated in the newelectoral lists; and

(b) whether such lists have been prepared; if not, when it will beprepared?

Minister for Parliamentary Affairs (Mr. Farooq H. Naek): Undersection-4 of the Electoral Rolls Act, 1974 (ACT NO.XXI OF 1974), Preparationand computerization of Electoral Rolls for Elections to the Assemblies is theresponsibility of the Election Commission of Pakistan. Therefore, the Questionwas referred to Election Commission of Pakistan for Reply. Their Reply to theQuestion is as follows:—

(a) Yes. The Electoral Rolls containing photographs and blank columnfor obtaining thumb impression of voter at the time of casting ofvotes, will be available with the Presiding Officer on the Polling dayfor General Elections 2013.

(b) Yes, Electoral lists have been prepared as per detail mentioned above.

166. *Ms. Shireen Arshad Khan:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resource be pleased tostate the total quantity of oil and gas excavated from the new wellsduring the last five years?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: During the reportedperiod, total quantity of 11.32 Million Barrels of Oil and 151.81 Billion cubic feetof Gas has been produced from the new wells discovered in the country.

167. *Ms. Shireen Arshad Khan:

Will the Minister for Postal Services be pleased to refer to StarredQuestion No.65 replied on 15-11-2012 and to state:


(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to register and monitor private courier companiesoperating in the country at present;

(b) if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the steps beingtaken in this regard?

Minister for Postal Services (Sardar Al-Haj Muhammad UmarGorgeij): (a) Yes.

(b) A summary has been moved for Cabinet to get approval in principlefor establishment of Pakistan Private Courier Services Regulatory Authority andproposed legislation in this regard. After completion of the process of legislationand its approval by the Parliament, the regulatory frame work will be put intoplace.

168. *Mr. Sajid Ahmad:

Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) whether computerized electoral lists have been completed forthe next General Elections in the country; if not, the reasonsthereof; and

(b) whether the process of the registration of new voters isunderway; if not, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Parliamentary Affairs (Mr. Farooq H. Naek): (a) Undersection-4 of the Electoral Rolls Act, 1974 (ACT NO.XXI OF 1974), Preparationand computerization of Electoral Rolls for Elections to the Assemblies is theresponsibility of the Election Commission of Pakistan. Therefore, the Questionwas referred to Election Commission of Pakistan for Reply. Their Reply to theQuestion is as follows:—

(a) Yes, pursuant to the provisions of Article 219(2) the ElectionCommission has prepared the computerized Electoral Rolls, incollaboration with NADRA and same were published in July 31,2012. The final Computerized Electoral Rolls are available in theoffices of the Registration Officers in each district/agency throughoutthe country for inspection of general public. Necessary correction(addition / deletion) will continue to be done till the announcement of


schedule for General Elections as mentioned below. These rolls willbe used during the General Elections, 2013.

(b) Yes, pursuant to Section 18 of the Electoral Rolls Act, 1974, theenrolment of new names in the Electoral Rolls and deletion of entriesthereof is a continuous process which is under progress on the basisof verification of particulars of a person according to new CNICsissued by the NADRA and this process will be continued till theannouncement of schedule for the General Elections, 2013.

In view of above the process of revising computerized ElectoralRoll will go on revising till the announcement of Schedule for GeneralElection 2013.

169. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) the per day quantity of gas to be made available for Pakistanby Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline Project; and

(b) whether said gas will be sufficient to meet the domesticrequirements of the country; if not, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: (a) Under Pak-IranGas Pipeline Project, the per day quantity of gas is 750MMcf with a provision toincrease in contract volume from 750MMcfd to 1000MMcfd with mutual consentof GSPA signatories.

(b) As part of Bankable Feasibility Study of IP gas pipeline projectcompleted in 2012 by Technical Consultant - ILF Beratende Ingenieure GmbH,the average gas supply shortfall is forecasted as 2100 MMcfd during the year2014-15, which is the year in which the gas flow is targeted under IP Project. Theforecasted figure shows that the supply of gas under IP Project would fill less than50% of the demand supply gap.

Keeping in consideration the fast depleting natural gas reserve and increasingtrend of natural gas demand, apart from IP Project, GOP is also taking othermeasures, which includes import of gas from Turkmenistan, import of LNG etc. tofill sharply widening demand supply gap.


170. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) the rates of oil and gas being provided to textile sector at present;and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to reduce the said rates; if so, when it will beimplemented?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: (a) The ex-depotsale prices of petroleum products i.e. petrol, diesel, light diesel and kerosene oilare Rs. 103.07, Rs. 109.21, Rs. 94.33 and Rs. 99.90 per litre respectively w.e.f22-1-2013. The above rates are applicable to all sectors including textile. There isno discrimination in oil prices rates. Present Gas sales price for industrial sector isRs.488,23 per MMBTU.

(b) The domestic sale prices of Petroleum Products being linked withInternational Market and PSO’s actual import prices are adjusted upward/downward based on price trend in International Market. However there is noproposal to reduce the rates of Gas at the moment.

171. *Mr. Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Science and Technology be pleased to state:

(a) the total quantum of Solar Energy generated by the PakistanCouncil of Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET) during theyear 2012-13;

(b) the total quantum of Solar Energy to be generated by PCRETduring the year 2013-14; and

(c) the year-wise total annual expenditures incurred by PCRETduring the last four years till date?


Minister for Science and Technology (Mir Changez Khan Jamali):(a) Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET) is a Researchand Development Organization under Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST).It is not under its mandate to generate solar energy. However, PCRET is involvedin R&D related to local production of solar energy photovoltaic (PV) panels anddemonstration of PV panels and solar energy operated equipments fordemonstration purpose. During the year 2012-13 PCRET produced solar energyPV panels of 4,000 watts capacity ranging from 03 watts to 220 watts capacityand installed for demonstration purpose.

(b) As mentioned above Pakistan Council of Renewable EnergyTechnologies (PCRET) is not mandated to generate solar energy, however, undera PSDP programme PCRET will be able to indigenously produce 80 KW solarpanels per annum for electrification purpose.

(c) Year wise total development and non-development annualexpenditures incurred by PCRET are as under:———————————————————————————————

Sr. # Year Non-Development DevelopmentRs. in millions Rs. in millions

——————————————————————————————1. 2009-10 55.423 70.7312. 2010-11 58.458 37.2063. 2011-12 84.457 77.9694. 2012-13 37.794* 19.488 *

——————————————————————————————*Up to December, 31, 2012.

ISLAMABAD: KARAMAT HUSSAIN NIAZI,The 7th February, 2013. Secretary.

PCPPI—2162(13) NA—7-2-2013—700.


49th Session




For Friday, the 8th February, 2013

(Originally Unstarred Question Nos. 89, 22, 119, 65, 66, 67, 72, 75 and 78were set down for answer on 30-1-2013)

89. Mrs. Nisar Tanveer:

Will the Minister for Human Resource Development be pleased tostate:

(a) the names and addresses of Overseas Employment Promoters(OEP) in the country at present alongwith the permission numberissued to those OEP; and

(b) the total demand of persons alongwith the persons sent abroadby OEP during the year 2011-12?

Minister for Human Resource Development (Ch. WajahatHussain): (a) There are more than 1660 OEPs who are operational in manpowerbusiness and are working within jurisdiction of various Protector of Emigrants.The details of OEPs such as their names, addresses, license No., jurisdiction ofvarious Protector of Emigrants and their contact person is available at the officialwebsite of Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment and Ministry of HumanResource Development. and

As regards permission number issued to OEP, BE&OE has informed thatabout 250,000/-permissions were granted to the OEPs.

The total Demand of persons alongwith the persons sent abroad during2011-2012 (w.e.f 1-1-2011 to 30-9-2012) by OEP is as under:—

a. Total demand of persons = 687467b. Persons sent abroad = 531466

The detailed information may be seen at Annex-A.



Total demand of persons alongwith the persons sent abroad by OEPsduring the year 2011-2012

——————————————————————————————S. No. Name of Protectorate Demand of Persons Sent

Persons (w.e.f. abroad during1-1-2011 to 2011-201230-9-2012) (w.e.f. 1-1-2011

to 30-9-2012)——————————————————————————————

1. Protectorate of Emigrants, Quetta. 4838 4838

2. Protectorate of Emigrants, Karachi. 136292 103837

3. Protectorate of Emigrants, Lahore. 155091 107467

4. Protectorate of Emigrants, Rawalpindi. 215860 163163

5. Protectorate of Emigrants, Peshawar. 24133 19525

6. Protectorate of Emigrants, Malakand. 109264 94291

7. Protectorate of Emigrants, Multan. 41989 38345——————————————————————————————

Total 687467 531466——————————————————————————————

22. Ms. Qudsia Arshad:

Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that District Courts are functioning in rentedbuildings in Islamabad;

(b) if so, the date on which said Courts started functioning in therented buildings; and

(c) the year-wise total amount of rent paid thereof during the lastfour years till date?

Reply not received.


119. Ms. Shireen Arshad Khan:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) the names and designations of the employees of PIA who havebeen promoted out of turn basis during the period from 15thMarch, 2008 till date; and

(b) the authorities and persons granted approval andrecommendations for those promotions respectively?

Reply not received.

65. Ms. Qudsia Arshad:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to refer to Starred QuestionNo.42 replied on 13-12-2012 and to state:

(a) the year-wise total amount paid to each fuel supplying companyby PIA during the last five years; and

(b) the total outstanding amount of the said companies against PIAat present?

Minister for Defence (Syed Naveed Qamar): (a) The year wise totalamount paid to each fuel supplying company to the fleet of PIA during the last fiveyears is enclosed as Annexure-A.

(b) Detail of suppliers having outstanding amount against PIA as on 16thJanuary 2013, is as follows:—

(i) Pakistan State Oil 800 million (Pak Rupees)(ii) Bakri International 701 million (Pak Rupees)



66. Mr. Muhammad Riaz Malik:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate the total quantity of metals/minerals in Recodick reservesseparately at present?

Reply not received.

67. Ms. Shaheen Ishfaq:

Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Election Commission of Pakistanhas started the process of verification of voters in Karachi;

(b) if so, the percentage of said verification work completed so far?

Reply not received.

72. Mrs. Shagufta Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state the year-wise totalamount of expenditures incurred on the payment of salaries andprivileges of employees of PIA during the last five years?

Reply not received.

75. Mrs. Munira Shakir:

Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to construct buildings for District Courts,Islamabad;

(b) if so,when it will be constructed?

Reply not received.


78. Haji Roz-ud-Din:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) the prescribed criteria to provide funds to various wards of theCantonment Board, Loralai;

(b) the ward-wise total funds utilized by the said Cantonment Boardduring the period from 1-1-2008 till date alongwith the detailsthereof; and

(c) the present status of sewerage lines, clean drinking water, streetand roads in Resala line, Loralai?

Minister for Defence (Syed Naveed Qamar): (a) Loralai Cantonmentis not sub-divided into wards & is a single administrative unit. Subject to theavailability of funds, a need based criterion is adopted by the Cantonment Boardfor equitable resource distribution across its limits.

(b) The Cantonment Board Loralai being a state aided entity does notenjoy financial equilibrium. Its major expense heads are pays & allowances andmaintenance of the basic amenities which are mainly met through grants-in-aid bythe Federal Government as tabled below.


167. Ms. Qudsia Arshad:

Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state thetime by which the next General Elections will be held in the country?

Minister for Parliamentary Affairs (Mr. Farooq H. Naek): (a)Contents of clause (1) and (2) of Article 224 of the Constitution are re-producedbelow:—

224. (1) A general election to the National Assembly or a Provincial Assemblyshall be held within a period of sixty days immediately [following] theday on which the term of the Assembly is due to expire, unless the


Assembly has been sooner dissolved, and the results of the electionshall be declared not later than fourteen days before that day.

[Provided that on dissolution of an Assembly on completion ofits term, the President, in this discretion but with the previous approvalof the President, shall appoint a care-taker Cabinet.]

(2) When the National Assembly or a Provincial Assembly is dissolved,a general election to the Assembly shall be held within a period ofninety days after the dissolution, and the results of the election shallbe declared not later than fourteen days after the conclusion of thepolls.

168. Ms. Qudsia Arshad:

Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state theNational and Provincial Assembly-wise total number of voters enlistedin the country so far?

Reply not received.

169. Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the gas pipe line has been laid at VillageHoan Dhamyal, Post Office Sihala, ICT, Islamabad;

(b) whether it is also a fact that Sui gas connections have beengiven to a number of influential persons of the said village;

(c) whether it is further a fact that the Sui gas connections havenot been supplied to a number of common persons of the saidvillage;

(d) if the answer to part (a), (b) and (c) above is in the affirmative,the justification alongwith the date of applications received, dateof provision of Sui gas connections and present status of theremaining applicants thereof?


Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: (a) Yes, it is a factthat gas pipeline has been laid in Village Hoan Dhamyal, Post Office Sihala, ICT,Islamabad.

(b) No, it is not a fact that the gas connections have been provided toinfluential persons of the said Village Rather, gas connections have been providedon its turn/merit.

(c) No, it is not a fact that gas connections have not been provided to anumber of common persons. Gas connections have been provided on its turn/merit.

(d) Not applicable.170. Ms. Shaheen Ishfaq:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to refer to Starred QuestionNo.65 replied on 13-12-2012 and to state the year-wise loss sufferedby PIA during the last five years?

Minister for Defence (Syed Naveed Qamar): (a) PIAC have sufferedthe following losses during the last five years:———————————————————————————————

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011——————————————————————————————

After tax loss 13.3 36.1 5.8 20.7 26.7(Rs. In billion)


171. Ms. Tasneem Siddiqui:

Will the Minister for Postal Services be pleased to state whether thereis any proposal under consideration of the government to providenew motor cycles to postmen working under the ministry in the nearfuture; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Postal Services (Sardar Al-Haj Muhammad UmarGorgeij): (a) Pakistan Post has already provided 1362 motor cycles to Postman


and Delivery Agents. Out of which 961 motor cycles were purchased throughUniversal Postal Union Quality of Service Projects and remaining from the PakistanPost own reserve.

(b) A new project for provision for 250 motor cycles to postman staffthrough Universal Postal Union Quality of Service Fund is under consideration.After approval, 120 days will be required for implementation.

(c) In addition to above, Pakistan Post has signed memo of understandingwith Bank of Khyber for provision of motor cycles on lease to postal staff. Thedelivery staff using such motor cycles for official duty will be entitled necessarypetrol/ maintenance ceiling as per prescribed criteria.

172. Mrs. Nisar Tanveer:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan has signed MOU with the USsubsidiary during the year 2005 for awarding consultancey forsetting up LNG Terminal in the country;

(b) whether it is also a fact that said MOU has been abandonedduring the year, 2008;

(c) whether it is further a fact that an another MOU has been signedwith another US subsidiary on December, 8, 2012 for setting upof said LNG Terminal;

(d) if the answer to part (a), (b) and (c) above is in the affirmative,the justification/reasons to abandon the earlier MOU; and

(e) the impact upon overall management of gas crisis of the countryafter cancellation of earlier MOU?

Reply not received.


173. Mrs. Seema Mohiuddin Jameeli:

Will the Minister for Defence Production be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs)manufactured by the Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) during thelast five years; and

(b) the names of departments to which APCs sold during the saidperiod alongwith the value/price thereof?

Minister for Defence Production (Sardar Bahadur Khan Sehar):(a) ) Details of the Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) manufactured by HeavyIndustries Taxila (HIT) during the last 05 years are as under:———————————————————————————————S. No. Year Security APCs Tracked

Vehicle Mohafiz


1. 2008 02 —

2. 2009 28 02

3. 2010 22 04

4. 2011 08 02

5. 2012 44 09

6. 2013 47 ———————————————————————————————

(b) Details of the Departments to which Armoured Personnel Carriers(APCs) sold during the last 05 years alongwith value price are as under:-—



174. Mrs. Seema Mohiuddin Jameeli:

Will the Minister for Human Resource Development be pleased tostate the location-wise details of moveable and immoveable propertyof Employees Old Age Benefit Institution (EOBI) in the country atpresent except the land/property purchased during the period from01-01-2008 till date alongwith the market value thereof?

Minister for Human Resource Development (Ch. WajahatHussain): (a) lacation-wise detailed list of moveable and immoveable propertyof Emplooyees Old Age Benefit Institution (EOBI) in the country at present exceptthe land/property purchased during the said period is at Annex-I.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

175. Khawaja Sohail Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the services of the last batch of P-65 ofcabin crew of PIA have not been made permanent so far;

(b) if so, the time by which the services of those cabin crew will bemade permanent alongwith the details thereof?

Reply not received.

176. Mrs. Shagufta Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) the detail of medical facilities admissible to the employees ofPIA in the country at present; and

(b) the year-wise total amount expended thereupon during the lastfive financial years?

Minister for Defence (Syed Naveed Qamar): (a) PIAC’s employees,their family members and dependent parents are entitled to free medical (indoor &outdoor) coverage in Pakistan from PIA Doctors, Hospitals, Laboratories, Clinics


and Establishments or from outside Specialists, Hospitals, Establishments accordingto the approved arrangements made by PIAC Medical Division. Medicines andsurgical material considered necessary by the Corporation’s doctors for thetreatment are provided free of cost.

(b) The year-wise total expenses incurred by the Corporation on medicalbills for its employees, during the last five years, are as under:—

Rs. in million——————————————————————————————

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012——————————————————————————————

0.766 0.1 1.275 1.595 1.734——————————————————————————————

177. Mr. Muhammad Riaz Malik:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state the names, BPS,qualification and domicile of persons appointed on regular andcontract basis in PIA during the last five years?

Reply not received.

178. Mr. Muhammad Riaz Malik:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) the date of the establishment of Airport Development Agency(ADA);

(b) the objectives/aims for the establishment of said Agency;

(c) the location-wise office of the said agency functioning in thecountry at present;

(d) the year and head-wise income earned by the said agency duringthe last three years; and


(e) the year and head-wise expenditures incurred by the said agencyduring the said period?

Minister for Defence (Syed Naveed Qamar): (a) The Ex-ADA (Pvt)Ltd. Company was establishment in July, 1965 under Companies Act, 1913.

(b) The Airport Development Agency (ADA) was entrusted the Projectsand Maintenance Works of Airports and other physical assets of the then CivilAviation Department. The ADA was disbanded in the year 1993, and its assetsstand transferred to CAA Pakistan, its successor-in-interest.

(c) Nil.(d) Nil.(e) Nil.

179. Mr. Iqbal Mohammad Ali Khan:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise details of the development schemes launched underthe administrative control of Faisal Cantonment, Karachi duringthe last five years;

(b) the details of those schemes completed and under completion atpresent?

Reply not received.

180. Mr. Sajid Ahmed:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state the per day totalamount paid to each employee of the PIA who visited Saudi Arabiain respect of the Hajj Operation-2012 alongwith the head-wise detailsthereof?

Reply not received.


181. Mrs. Munira Shakir:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) the year and location-wise total number of aeroplanes of PIArepaired during the last five years;

(b) the total amount of expenditures incurred on those aeroplanesseparately alongwith the details thereof; and

(c) whether parts to repair those aeroplanes were purchased fromspecified companies or through agents; if so, the comparison ofprices thereof?

Reply not received.

182. Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) the total land required for the project of New Benazir BhuttoInternational Airport, Islamabad; and

(b) the total land acquired for the said project so far?

Reply not received.183. Ch. Abid Sher Ali:

Will the Minister for Postal Services be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the post of Draftsman of the Ministryhas not been upgraded from BPS-11 to 14 so far; if so, the reasonsthereof; and

(b) the time by which the said post will be up-graded?

Minister for Postal Services (Sardar Al-Haj Muhammad UmarGorgeij): (a) The case for up-gradation of the said post have already been takenup with concerned quarters and on approval of up-gradation from Establishment/Finance Division necessary orders would be issued.


(b) As mentioned above, the said case is in process but it is significant tomention here that Pakistan Post Office Department is not competent authority toup-grade any post in any cadre, therefore, no time frame can be given. On approvalof up-gradation from Establishment/Finance Division, necessary orders would beissued without loss of time.

184. Mr. Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that a number of applicants belonging to theVillage/Town Sukhake, Tehsil Pindi Bhattian, District Hafizabadare waiting for demand notices for installation of Sui gas meterssince long;

(b) if so, the reasons thereof alongwith the time by which the demandnotices will be issued to those applicants and Sui gas meters willbe installed at the said Village/Town?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: (a) Yes, it is a factthat presently 2355 applicants belonging to the village/town Sukheke, Tehsil PindiBhattian, District Hafizabad are waiting for demand notices for installation of suigas meters.

(b) Since, there is a huge gap between demand and supply, therefore,there is a waiting period of about 22 months for issuance of demand notices. Atpresent, SNGPL is issuing demand notices to the applicants who have submittedtheir applications upto February, 2011. Proposal letter to the applicants will beissued on turn/merit after completion of all required formalities, provided company’sgas network exists in front of the applicant’s premises.

185. Ms. Shahnaz Saleem:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Sui gas supply has been stopped inHouse No. 323-A to 340, Sector G-7/3-3, Islamabad;


(b) whether it is also a fact that gas with full pressure is available inthe adjacent areas/houses;

(c) if answer to part (a) and (b) above is in the affirmative, thereasons thereof?

Reply not received.

186. Mr. Mohammad Afzal Khokhar:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Sui gas pressure of government flatsof Cat-IV, Sector I-8/1, Islamabad is very low since long;

(b) if so, the steps taken by the Government to restore the gaspressure in the said area during the year 2012-13?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources: (a) SNGPL hasinformed that there is an overall imbalance of demand and supply especially duringwinter season. The demand increases exponentially and consumers face lowpressure in various localities of Islamabad.

In this particular case, Government flats of Cat-IV, Sector I-8/1, Islamabadface low pressure problems in winters also during peak hours due to increase indemand.

(b) Load curtailment in CNG and industrial sectors is being carried outto overcome the low pressure problems faced by the domestic consumers. SNGPLis making all out efforts to maintain continuity of gas to its valuable customers andtrying to maintain smooth operation through adequate augmentation of the system.

@189. Rana Mahmood -ul- Hassan:

Will the Minister for Human Resource Development be pleased tostate the country-wise total number of persons sent abroad foremployment during the years 2010-11 and 2011-12?

——————————————————————————————@Transferred from Overseas Pakistanis Division.


Minister for Human Resource Development (Ch. WajahatHussain): (a) 952362 persons have been sent abroad for employment duringthe years, 2010-11 & 2011-12. Countries of their employment and number ofpersons sent to these countries (year-wise) may please be seen at Annexure-A.