National ICT Sharing 2010

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Presented by: Ang Bee Lee, Susan Ong, Purana & Nadra

Bukit View Secondary SchoolEnglish Language Department

National ICT Showcase 2010

Enhancing and Engaging Students’ Learning with

Audiocast & Digital Newsletter


• To inculcate in students the love for English Language

• To increase engagement of students in the learning of EL through the use of ICT


• To facilitate stronger acquisition of core EL skills

• To provide students with a greater appreciation for the critical role of EL and its application in other disciplines

Literature Review

Use of ICT• In many schools where ICT was used

well, pupils usually worked confidently and responsibly with it on their own or in small groups, often without the direct supervision of the teacher.

“The use of ICT in teaching and learning"

– A report by HM Inspectors of Schools:

Scottish Executive Education

Literature Review

Use of ICT• pupils' needs were being more

effectively met where ICT was used selectively and appropriately as part of a broad range of strategies.

“The use of ICT in teaching and learning" – A report by HM Inspectors of Schools:

Scottish Executive Education

Task for Sec 1 Students

Sec 1 • Selection of Geography

and Science topics on “Pollution”

• Produce an audiocast script and recording on one of the following types of Pollution: Air Pollution, Land Pollution, Noise Pollution or Water Pollution.

Detailed Task for Students

Sec 1 • Introduction of one

type of pollution• Causes of Pollution • Effects of Pollution • Solutions to reduce

Pollution • Conclusion

Task for Sec 2 Students

Sec 2• Selection of History/

Social Studies topics on “Our Forefathers”

• Produce a newsletter about the contributions of our forefathers to the development of Singapore

Detailed Task for Students

Sec 2• Background information about four

forefathers• Contributions of each forefather to the

development of Singapore

Research Task

June Holiday Assignment• Students were assigned to

research on topics for Pollution (Sec 1) and History of Forefathers (Sec 2)

IT Support

• Macintosh Lab with 40 iMac and 20 Macbooks

• Training Sec 1: Garageband –

Conducted by Infocomm Club trainer

Sec 2: Pages – Conducted by AED (Teaching & Learning)

Sec 1 Audiocast Project

Classes involved• Four Express classes• Three Normal Academic classes• Two Normal Technical classes

Letter to Parents

Letter to Parents

Timeline for Audiocast Project

Timeline for Audiocast Project

Information Report on Pollution

• Structure and Language features of Information Report

• To include Causes, Effects and Solutions of one type of Pollution

Brainstorming on Pollution

Functional Writing: Letter about Recycling effort

Write a letter, for the school’s newsletter, to your fellow school mates suggesting to them three ways to reduce the type of pollution your group has been assigned to. In your letter, you must also persuade them to use one of the methods they can implement it in their daily life, taking into consideration at least two factors like cost, efficiency (time and man power involvement), effectiveness (short-term or long-term, amount of pollution reduced) and participatory level of the people involved.


• Noise Pollution

Cars, buses, trains and airplanes are a necessary part of our lives; but the noise created by these machines must not be accepted as part of our environment. In fact, the intrusion of such noise into our environment needs to be treated as a problem of noise pollution.


• Recycling

Each time we waste paper, we are wasting a part of a tree and contributing to deforestation. This simply means that more and more trees are being cut down and less are grown in time to replace them.

News in Class Topics

• Recycling made fancy• Hydrogen Cars• Energy Savers• Electric Jeepneys• Eco Clothes

Assessment Rubrics for Individual Oral Presentation

Listening Task for Oral Presentation

Assessment Rubrics for Audiocast Script (15%)

Assessment Rubrics for Audiocast Recording (15%)

Samples of Audiocast Recording

1E2 1T1 1T2

Feedback from students

1. The topic of Pollution was interesting to work on for the project. (94.6%)

2. I am aware of the requirements of the Audiocast project (e.g. working in groups, different tasks to be done, etc) (96.4%)

3. I am aware of the rubrics for assessment for my Audiocast script and recording. (92.7%)

4. I am aware of the structure and language features of writing an Information Report on Pollution. (92.7%)

5. The comprehension passages have increased my knowledge of Pollution. (87.3%)

6. The comprehension passages have helped me to recognise the structure of an Information Report. (89%)

Feedback from students7. The News in Class (NIC) topics were

relevant and useful in providing knowledge on the topic of Pollution. (89.1%)

8. The NIC topics have widened my knowledge of pollution. (90.9%)

9. The Garageband training has equipped me with the skills to create an audiocast on my own. (92.7%)

10. I am competent in using Garageband to record an audiocast on my own. (89.1%)

11. I have learnt to use the Internet to research for more information on Pollution. (94.6%)

12. I am able to select the relevant information for my Information Report on Pollution. (89.1%)

Feedback from students13. The individual oral presentation has

improved my confidence and ability to present in front of my classmates. (83.6%)

14. The individual oral presentation has made me aware of the importance of pronunciation and articulation, rhythm and flow, as well as variation of tone and emotion. (83.6%)

15. The listening task has enhanced my understanding of the causes, effects and solutions of various types of pollution presented by my classmates. (85.4%)

16. I have learnt to listen and select the relevant points for my listening task. (96.4%)

17. Working in groups has helped me to learn from my peers. (90.9%)

Feedback from students18. Working in groups has made the learning

process of preparing the audiocast interesting. (80%)

19. Working in groups has made the Audiocast Project more manageable for me. (89.1%)

20. Every member has played their parts in completing the Audiocast Project. (96.4%)

21. I have enjoyed working on the Audiocast Project in groups. (83.7%)

22. I have received sufficient guidance from my teacher at different stages of the Audiocast Project. (90.9%)

23. I have received sufficient feedback from my teacher at different stages of the Audiocast Project. (81.8%)

Feedback from students24. Overall, the Audiocast project has helped me see the

connections between English and Information Technology. (90.9%)

25. The Audiocast project has equipped me with the skills to write an Information Report. (92.7%)

26. The Audiocast Project has equipped me with the skills to present the Information Report appropriately, taking into considerations the various aspects (e.g. pronunciation) of oral communication. (96.4%)

27. I feel that the Audiocast project has been beneficial for my learning of the English Language and Science/Geography. (90.9%)

Sec 2 Newsletter Project

Classes involved• Four Express classes• Two Normal Academic classes• One Normal Technical classes

Letter to Parents

Letter to Parents

Timeline for Newsletter Project

Timeline for Newsletter Project

Sec 2 Newsletter Project

Composition • Structure and

Language features of Narratives

• To write an inspired story based on their research on the forefathers assigned to them

Eye-witness Report

• To write an eye-witness report based on the 1964 racial riot after viewing the video clip.

Comprehension• 1943 - Double Tenth Massacre - The Elizabeth

Choy Story

The worst of times can bring out the best in man. History offers many examples of bravery and heroism in the face of crisis. One such illustration is the Elizabeth Choy story in the Double Tenth Massacre of 10 October 1943.


• Post-war ProblemsWorld War II ended with the defeat of Japan. The sudden surrender of Japan surprised many people in Singapore. Although there was peace after the war, the people in Singapore were not spared from hardship. Post-war problems prevailed and the people suffered.

Assessment Rubrics for Individual Oral Presentation

Assessment Rubrics for Newsletter Project (15%)

Sample of Newsletter from 2009

Feedback from Students

Integrating English and History1. I am able to

understand/remember History better. (82.7%)

2. The History content was suitable for the project. (82.7%)

3. I prefer to use content/theme that I have not learnt in any other subject. (82.7%)

Feedback from Students

Incorporating IT in English4. I used the Mac Lab for Art

lessons, so it was easier for me to work in the Mac Lab for English. (82.7%)

5. The first training by Ms Nadra (AED) was helpful. (89.6.7%)

6. I had little/no problem designing the newsletter. (72.4%)

Feedback from Students

Groupwork and Pace7. I found it easier to do the project

in groups than to do it individually. (82.8%)

8. I could work well with my group members. (96.5%)

9. I had enough time to finish my work. (82.7%)

Feedback from Students

Skills Gained after the Project10.I am more confident to do

research. (82.8%)11.I am more confident to use IT to

do a newsletter. (75.9%)12.I am more confident to write a

forum letter. (72.4%)

Difficulties faced by Teachers

Planning• A lot of preparation was

required as both projects were started from scratch and there was no available materials to adapt from.

• The comprehension passages on forefathers were not easy to find.

Difficulties faced by Teachers

Research• Students had to be

guided to select relevant information from the Internet instead of copying the whole chunk of information from just one website.

Difficulties faced by Teachers

Content Development• Other than teaching

students on the structures and language features of various text types, students needed to be guided to develop the content.

Difficulties faced by Teachers

Creation of Audiocast & Newsletter

• Availability of the Mac Lab

• Garageband & Pages software are only available in the Mac lab.

Difficulties faced by Teachers

Normal Technical Students

• NT students found the tasks difficult in terms of the content and requirement.

Understanding by Design

• Refine our focus in what we wanted the students to really learn.

• There should be a few key enduring understandings that we aim to impart to students.

Understanding by Design

• Key concepts of the materials versus the content of our materials

• Prior to setting a particular task or assignment, teaching of these key concepts has to take place.

Refinement to the Programme

Planning• UbD trainings – Relook

at our teaching focus and pedagogies.

• To incorporate more explicit teaching of skills in Comprehension and Summary.

Refinement to the Programme

Planning• Modification of the

lesson materials• More articles

written on our forefathers after the demise of Dr Goh Keng Swee

Refinement to the Programme

Research• Lesson on selecting

relevant material from the Internet Summary writing skills

Refinement to the Programme

Content Development• Provide more scaffolding for the

tasks and samples from 2009 projects.

Refinement to the Programme

Availability of Mac Lab• 20 Mac books in the

cabinet in Prof Sharing Room.

• Coordination between the Sec 1 & 2 classes and Art lessons.

• Possibility of asking the AED / Untrained teachers for assistance to man the lab after school

Refinement to the Programme

• Teachers & AED to look into customising the programme for NT students.

• Select/modify comprehension passages to suit the level of ability for NT students.

Customisation for NT Students

Refinement to the Programme

Customisation for NT Students• Include more visual and auditory

aids like pictures and videos to engage students and help them to relate to the topic.


English @ BTVSS•
