National perspective Dr Nick Cartmell N Somerset Conference 3.11.14.

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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National perspectiveDr Nick Cartmell

N Somerset Conference 3.11.14

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Diagnosis ratesReaching the national aspiration

Section 1

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National focus for 2015

• A huge priority for DoH and NHSE

• Two thirds diagnosed (66%) by April 2015

• Need much greater annual growth now

• New Intensive Support Team for Dementia…

• …that’s me!

Where we had got to, August 2014

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What are the challenges?

Diagnosis rates are limited because:

• Estimated prevalence is only an estimate

• No allowance for local variation

• No allowance for deprivation

• They depend on the accuracy of GP QOF registers

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What can we do?• Data accuracy: GP QOF registersPatients receiving AChIsPatients diagnosed by MASPatients with related Read CodesThose at risk and eligible for the Dementia DESThose in the new 2% Unplanned Admission DES

• Care home residents

• Consider greater primary care role in diagnosis

There is still time and there is extra money!

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Dementia preventionReducing your risk

Section 2

Evidence for preventionBig European RCTs, linked through the European Dementia Prevention Initiative (

• MAPT 2009

• PreDIVA 2011

• FINGER 2014

• HATICE ongoing

Supportive evidence from lack of expected prevalence growth in the UK:

• CFAS II (2013)

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A new hope for dementia“Prevention is better than (no) cure”

• Wide overlap with other disease prevention strategies:

• Cardiovascular (smoking, BP, cholesterol)

• Diabetes (obesity, exercise levels)


• Better education (hard wire your brain)

• Avoid or tackle depression and social isolation

And the best bits:

Never too young to start yet works even if diagnosed!

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Getting the message out thereDementia is now the most feared condition in over-50yr olds but few know it’s preventable.

• National publicity (PHE)

• Local joint strategy (H&WBB, CCG, DsPH)

• Local publicity (BBC SW, local papers, posters)

• Publicise at GP HealthCheck

• Publicise at other local health initiatives

• Emphasise at time of MCI diagnosis

• Tell everyone you know!

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Secondary care resourcesMaking best use

Section 3

Tighter budgets, growing demandCCGs and LAs are facing big challenges:

• Static or shrinking budgets

• Growing, and ageing, populations

• Need to improve services for dementia

• Money tied up in acute hospitals

Clever and innovative commissioning is essential!

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Possibilities?1. Shift demand into Primary Care to free up CMHTs for more

challenging work

• Primary care diagnosis with specialist out-reach support

• Streamline prescribing guidelines (AChIs)

2. Link dementia with other frail elderly commissioning

• Unplanned admissions work

• Better advance care planning

• Reinvest admissions savings into community/Primary care

• Include mental health in Virtual Hubs

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Questions and Suggestions?Thank you!

Please share your ideas or examples of better ways of working:

“In a gentle way you can shake the world” - M Gandhi

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