National Seminar on Fertigation - NCPAH INDIA · micro irrigation for supply of fertilizers. He...

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National Seminar on Fertigation

National Seminar on Fertigation

Vadodara, Gujarat

Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of IndiaMinistry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of Indiath10 Floor, International Trade Tower Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019th10 Floor, International Trade Tower Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019

Web: www.ncpahindia.comWeb:

Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of Indiath10 Floor, International Trade Tower Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019


National Committee on Plasticulture Applications in Horticulture (NCPAH)National Committee on Plasticulture Applications in Horticulture (NCPAH)National Committee on Plasticulture Applications in Horticulture (NCPAH)

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A one-day National Seminar on Fertigation was organized at Hotel Surya thPalace, Vadodara, Gujarat on 15 September, 2017. The programme was started

with the Inaugural Session followed by Technical Sessions. Various dignitaries

as Secretary Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare;

Horticulture Commissioner, Government of India (GoI) and Member Secretary

(NCPAH); Managing Director, GSFC, Managing Director, GGRC; Additional

Commissioner (RFS), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Officials from

industry, state governments, farmers and Precision Farming Development

Centers and NCPAH a�ended the seminar.

Horticulture Commissioner, GoI welcomed the participants and mentioned

the interests of the Secretary (Agriculture) to come to Vadodara for the seminar.

While giving the keynote address, Managing Director GSFC mentioned that

the country has covered almost 9 million hectare area under Micro Irrigation, the

fullest technology benefits have not been realized by the farmers and many

farmers don't follow fertigation in its true sense. Though the situation of

adoption of fertigation technique is constantly improving but there is still a

knowledge gap among the farmers and they prefer to use drip irrigation but

apply fertilizer in conventional way. Today, quite a large quantity of Water

Soluble Fertilizers (WSF) is imported from several countries and the prices are

usually more than indigenous fertilizers and hence increase the cost and burden

to the farmer resulting lesser adaptability. He had suggested to use Nitrogen

directly from ammonia and apply to plants. This would save a lot of energy and

cost used in production of urea. He further questioned the audience whether

Phosphorus could be directly supplied through Phosphoric acid. He coined

whether anhydrous ammonia, aqueous solutions of ammonia, aqueous

solutions of ammonium nitrate can be bo�led close to farmers. He expressed the

need of Research & Development in this area.

MD, GSFC explored having fertilizer vending machines on lines of petrol

pump on pilot basis where farmers can get fertilizers anytime as per their

requirements. He informed the house that GSFC has decided to try few

vending machines on pilot basis. Looking into Benefit Cost Analysis, He

mentioned that though initial investment may be higher but country would be

benefi�ed in terms of reduction in fertilizer usage. Cost of bag is avoided.

Further crop based fertilizer calculation could also be a part of such vending

machines. Coating of seeds with fertilizers would save the expenditure on basal

dose and enhance effectiveness.

Additional Commissioner (RFS) while giving the genesis of the seminar

mentioned that fertigation is an integral component of the micro irrigation


National Seminar on Fertigation

technology. He mentioned that without fertigation the potential of Micro

Irrigation system is not fully accomplished. The extent of fertigation through the

existing MI coverage is very meager which needs to be addressed to. Additional

Commissioner mentioned that fertigation is supported in the scheme for

making the MI system more efficient. It is important to use venturi along with

micro irrigation for supply of fertilizers. He addressed the PFDCs to carry out

training on fertigation for end users.

Project Director (NCPAH) while speaking on “Necessity and Importance of

Fertigation” mentioned that Micro Irrigation fetches benefits in term of water

saving, productivity enhancement, quality improvement and saving of various

other inputs. Though fertigation techniques could go a long way in saving of

fertilizers but today only about 30-35% farmers are buying ventury in spite of the

reason it's a compulsory component under Government of India flagship

scheme of Micro Irrigation since almost two decades. He mentioned that in

fallow space between the drip lines there is almost nil moisture to absorb the

fertilizers by the plant roots, this results conversion of Nitrogen to ammonia,

Nitrogen gas and Nitrates which pollutes the environment and is disastrous for

the ozone layer. He mentioned the drawbacks in policies for imbalance use of

various nutrients which need be rectified. The ratio of various primary nutrients

need be assessed by the Research Institutes and proper package of practices for

fertigation through Micro Irrigation system need be published in the package of

practices released by various state agriculture universities. Excess of Nitrogen

application might lead to certain diseases in new borne children.

Principal Secretary (Agriculture), Government of Gujarat while giving

Presidential Address had narrated the good work done by GGRC and having

developed a self-sustaining system in implementation of Micro Irrigation

Programme. He suggested that the same model could be replicated in other

parts of the country. He suggested that organic fertilizers also need be studied

alongwith various gobar gas plants with anaerobic chambers to have be�er soil


Secretary (AC&FW), MoA&FW explained the role of Plasticulture genesis

which was started by a public sector M/s Indian Petrochemical Corporation

Limited way back from Vadodara. NCPAH is a brain child of IPCL which has

been instrumental in propagation of plasticulture applications in the country.

He applauded efforts of GGRC in ensuring laid down procedures and

availability of system at affordable prices. He mentioned, a lot of efforts need be

put on area of fertigation for balance use of nutrients at an affordable price. He

stressed the need of economic use of fertilizers for saving hazardous effect to soil

as well as adverse effects to environment.


National Seminar on Fertigation

The Technical Session-1 was chaired by Dr. S. K. Pa�anayak, Secretary

(AC&FW) Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GoI, and Co-chaired by

Shri A.M. Tiwari, Managing Director, GSFC, Vadodara and Rapporteur was Dr.

V. P. Usadadiya, PI , PFDC, NAU, Navsari (Gujarat) Centre. In this session,

total five lectures were delivered by the different speakers of Fertilizer & MI

Industries on Status & Perspective of the respective Industries.

The first Speaker, Mr. Ajay Bhartiya, Marketing Director (South-East Asia),

HMWSF Company delivered the lecture on 'Water Soluble/ Liquid Fertilizers

in India-Status and & Issues in India'. He highlighted the water-soluble fertilizer

started in India from 1996 and FCO approved in 2017. He also gave basic

information of WSF for specific crop and time of application. He further

mentioned new drivers particularly on increase acreage, DBT for subsidy,

product design and market price. Nowadays, WSF is costly due to imported

from other countries. Some industries in India have came forward for develop

and manufacture locally.

Mr. Snehashish Mazumder, Premier Irrigation Adritec Private Limited

delivered the lecture on 'Principles of Fertigation in Micro Irrigation'. He

illustrated the ways to correct the nutrient deficiency through MI and apply

nutrients for ge�ing full benefits of Micro Irrigation & Fertigation. He also

narrated the role of various nutrients for crop production as per the solubility of

fertilizer and its use. He mentioned that ventury is more useful for uniform

application of fertilizer through Micro Irrigation.

Dr. Arun K. Nair, Nagarjuna Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited delivered his

lecture on "Nutrient Management in crops through Micro Irrigation”. Recently,

the production of the crop is stagnate due to imbalance use of fertilizer and also

quality of marketable products, therefore, it was suggested to increase the

nutrient use efficiently by adoption of water saving technology like MI and

fertigation. The survey was carried out by TNAU, Tamil Nadu and it was

observed that only 10% farmers' use fertigation technology. He also said that the

fertilizers that are available in the market are expensive.

A talk on 'Fertigation Equipment was delivered by Dr. Sangita Ladha, Jain

Irrigation Systems Limited. She talked about the importance of fertigation



equipments like fertilizer tank, ventury, injector pump and high-tech automatic

equipment use for fertilizer application through MI. She mentioned that

fertigation equipment is must to the beneficiary for efficient use of fertilizers and

training require for maintenance for fertigation equipments. She also gave the

idea of chemigation and chlorination in her talk. A few video clips on the

functioning of fertigation system had also been played.

Mr. Pawan Kumar, B I S delivered a lecture on 'Importance of

Standardization and Quality'. He focused on the technical specification of

equipments particularly use in fertigation. He emphasized on the procedure for

formulating IS standerd which follows ISO standard.

At the end of the technical session different queries were raised by the

participants and got suggestions by respective speakers to solve their problems.

Recommendations come out from the first technical session are as under:

Water soluble fertilizers are costlier than conventional fertilizers,

though, subsidy require for promotion of WSF among the farmers.

Fertigation equipments must be supplied to the beneficiary for increase

the efficiency of fertilizer.

The local available WSF be used/ promoted rather than the imported


WSF development as per the crop grown be available for enhanced

production & productivity.

Need research on scheduling/ time of application of WSF require for


Require training for use of fertigation through drip and conduct

demonstration on farmers' fields.

Need research on micronutrients application through fertigation for

balance use of nutrition.


National Seminar on Fertigation

The Technical Session-II was chaired by Dr. D.S Yadav, Director (Marketing)

Fertilizer Association of India (FAI) and Co-chaired by Secretary, Irrigation

Association of India and Rapporteur was Mr Pathan Haiyumkhan, Consultant

(RFS), MoA&FW. In this session, four lectures were delivered by different

speakers especially on research a�ributes on fertigation in the country & Role of

Financial Institution in promoting fertigation in the country.

Dr. Neelam Patel, Principal Investigator, PFDC Delhi, IARI delivered her

talk on “Research Findings on Fertigation by PFDCs across the country”. She

explained the different agro climatic regions of PFDCs and the crops that are

grown in various PFDCs. She gave a brief on Thrust area and researchable

issues for technology development in the last decades from 1985-2015 onwards.

She further explained the Fertigation technology for 42 horticultural crops in


Next lecture on “Field Level constraints and suggestions for be�er adoption

of Fertigation” was delivered by Dr. S. Raman, Advisor GGRC. He emphasized

on different field level constraints viz. Hardware Related Problems, High costs

of WSF and unaffordability by farmer, technology and knowledge gap. He also

gave suggestions for improving ventury used for fertigation and hardware

related issues. He discussed about the approximate prices of some WSF that are

imported and locally available. He explained the uses of urea phosphate that

should be used by the farmers.

Mr. Rajesh Dave, DGM (NABARD) delivered his talk on “Role of Financial

Institutions in Promoting Fertigation & Micro Irrigation.” He gave a brief on

Scenario of Water resources available in India and also the significance of

PMKSY, the benefits of Micro Irrigation and advantages of NPK fertigation. He

talked about role of NABARD and credit support to micro irrigation. The

subsidy norms in Gujarat state through GGRC were also discussed.


Fertigation equipments should be made mandatory with compatible

Micro Irrigation systems.

Cost of water soluble fertilizers should be analyzed so that the pricing can

be brought down.



National Seminar on Fertigation

Locally made water soluble fertilizers should be promoted rather than

imported water- soluble fertilizers as currently major quantity of WSF are


MOA & FW is requested to look into Chapter 31 of Central Excise tariff, so

that the excise duty on water soluble fertilizers is lowered down.

State Government should provide freedom to Fertilizer manufacturers for

manufacturing different combinations of water soluble fertilizers.

If any new grades of fertilizers are introduced then it should be widely

marketed through Newspapers and other media.

ICAR & State Agriculture Universities are requested to carry out research

projects on Fertigation & its scheduling and results should be extended to

farmers. The research should be carried out on different crops in different

agro climatic zones and on different types of soils.

Fertigation to be included in the Package of Practices.

PFDCs of NCPAH have carried out research on fertigation at different

PFDCs located at different Agro climatic zones of the country on 42 crops.

The results should be widely circulated & get it reached to the farmers.

Software's and applications to be created for fertigation scheduling as per

different agro climatic zone, soil type and crop.

For effective financing in Micro Irrigation, the loan amount should be

provided on the Farmer's share rather than on the total system cost.

Popularization & mobilization of Micro Irrigation through Corporate

Social Responsibility (CSR) should be promoted.

Credit camps to be organized focused on Micro Irrigation & Fertigation.

Glycerin pressure gauge to be provided to farmers to avoid the

malfunction of pressure gauges.

Test the system pressure at section valve level instead of depending only

on pressure gauge at head unit for be�er pressure management.

WSF like Urea Phosphate to be promoted.

PFDCs and Micro Irrigation companies can work together to create

sample plots for demonstration of Micro Irrigation & Fertigation system

for be�er visualization & understanding by farmers for field visits.


National Seminar on Fertigation

Third technical session dealt with “Farmers' and States Experiences” and was

chaired by Dr. BNS Murthy, Horticulture Commissioner, Government of

India; Co-chaired by Dr. B. Rath, Additional Commissioner, GOI and Dr. R.S.

Spehia, Principal investigator, Precision Farming Development Centre (PFDC),

Solan was the Rapporteur. This session was of utmost importance as the actual

usage of Micro Irrigation and fertigation was put forth by the speakers. There

were five presentations by states viz. Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu,

West Bengal and U�ar Pradesh apart from one farmer who shared his

experience on effect of fertigation.

Mr. Venkatesh Valu from APMIP, Andhra Pradesh presented the status

of fertigation and MI in AP. At present, 8.34 lakh ha area (6.24 lakh ha

under drip irrigation and 2.1 lakh ha under sprinkler irrigation) is under

MI in AP. Fertigation is mostly done through drip irrigation system

which is using on-line and in-line drippers. On-line drippers are being

used in mango, sweet orange, oil palm, pomegranate etc. covering an

area of 2.87 lakh ha while in-line drippers are used in banana, papaya,

maize, turmeric, chili, sugarcane, co�on etc. covering an area of 2.19 lakh

ha. According to Mr. Valu, fertigation is not being adopted under on-line

drippers while in-line drippers use 60-70% area for fertigation. For

fertigation, mostly WSF are used besides commonly available urea and

white potash. Andhra Pradesh is undertaking extensive training

programmes for farmers at cluster level and till date 944 clusters

covering 37,432 farmers have been trained. Field demonstrations by

government and MI companies are also being promoted. Mr. Valu,

however, pointed few constraints that is hampering usage of fertigation

including lack of awareness amongst farmers and urgency of

undertaking Research and Development to develop crop specific and

area specific recommendations on fertigation.

Mr. R.K. Sugoor, IFS, presented Gujarat Green Revolution Company

(GGRC) experience in adoption of MI and fertigation in Gujarat state.

He outlined different strategies adopted by GGRC for promoting

fertigation including taking help of GSFC in making WSF available to

the farmers in remote locations. GGRC is conducting 10-15 trainings for



National Seminar on Fertigation

farmers on daily basis, SMS service for promotion of WSF, redeemable

coupons for purchase of WSF etc. He also presented the impact survey

of the MI and fertigation in detail covering each aspect from water

saving to pay back period which included 2 cropping seasons. The role of

Precision Farming Development Centre (PFDC) in imparting training

was well appreciated.

Mr. Kishore Kumar, Deputy Director (Horticulture) Tamil Nadu,

presented the status of MI and fertigation in Tamil Nadu state.

According to Mr. Kumar, an area of 3,10,000 ha has been covered under

MI in Tamil Nadu and the state is promoting its use by giving 100%

subsidy to small and marginal farmers (< 5 ha) and 70% subsidy to other

farmers. He also briefed about one farmer who earned Rs. 70 lakhs from 7

acres mainly due to MI and fertigation which was helped by high prices

during that season of onion. He also put forth his summation that in the

drought during 2016-17, due to MI and fertigation the yield of crops did

not decrease substantially. The PFDC role in farmers training was

highlighted by the DDH.

Mr. Shubha Sinha, presented the status of MI in West Bengal and the

total area under MI in WB is around 442 ha out of which Drip Irrigation

holds 21 ha. He also appreciated role of PFDC in farmers training.

Farmers Experience:

Sh. Nikuj Bhai Patel, shared his experience regarding benefits of MI and

fertigation. At present he is having 1.5 ha area under Drip Irrigation in banana

which is operated through solar panels (3 HP). He had taken Rs. 1.8 lakh loan

from NABARD which he was able to repay within 3 years. He is ge�ing

average bunch weight of 38 kg with a rate Rs. 140/20 kg.

Concluding Session

1. Availability of Water Soluble Fertilizers (WSF) in the remote areas is still

a question mark, therefore, use of locally available fertilizer like urea and

white potash can be promoted along with WSF. However, efforts are

needed to make the WSF locally available through dealers/govt


2. Creating awareness amongst farmers regarding fertigation is most

important task in hand for the government as well as MI companies as

mere providing the fertigation equipment with MI system will not fetch


National Seminar on Fertigation

desired results. In states like U�ar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Tamil

Nadu where the drip irrigation and fertigation is still in nascent stage,

training to officers of the state departments is necessary. Farmers also

need to undergo training to know the importance of fertigation. PFDCs

in the respective states can help in training the officers and farmers.

Training of farmers in cluster approach and field demonstrations by

State department and M I companies is good methodology to

disseminate fertigation technology to the farmers. Other states also need

to follow the approach.

3. GGRC in Gujarat and APMIP in Andhra Pradesh are doing wonders in

adoption of Micro Irrigation. However, in Andhra Pradesh, fertigation is

not being done in on-line drippers which needs to be done for be�er

promotion of fertigation. This is mainly due to lack of awareness as on-

line drippers are equally good for fertigation. Research and

development on crop and location specific fertigation schedules for

different crops is needed. PFDC's with their experience can be of great

help in each state.

4. States like U�ar Pradesh, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu have huge role in

bringing 10 million ha area under MI as envisaged by Govt. of India, by

increasing area under drip and fertigation in their respective states.

These states need to gear up to the expectations and can become role

model for other states.

5. States showed concern about GST impacting the adoption as it has been

increased substantially. This has again reduced the amount of subsidy

being passed on to the farmers which is hampering the faster adoption of

MI. The ma�er, therefore, needs to be taken care of.

6. Shri S P Joshi, Director Horticulture, U�ar Pradesh, outlined various

programmes being undertaken by the State government for promoting

MI and fertigation in the populous state which has approximately

40,000 ha area under MI. He also appreciated PFDC role in undertaking

farmers training programmes.


National Seminar on Fertigation


National Seminar on Fertigation


Dr. S. K. Pattanayak (IAS) Dr. sanjay Prasad (IAS) Shri A.M. Tiwari (IAS)

Dr. B.N.S. Murthy Dr. B. Rath Mr. R.K. Sugoor, IFS

Mr. Ajay Bhartiya Mr. S. Majumder Dr. Arun K Nair

Dr. Sangeeta Laddha Mr. Pawan Kumar Mr. Rajesh Dave

Dr.(Ms.) Neelam Patel Dr. S.Raman Mr C.K. Patel

National Seminar on Fertigation

Mr. Anand R Zambre Mr. Naresh Modi

Dr. V.P. Usadadi Dr. R.S. Spehia Mr. Pathan Haiyumkhan


National Seminar on Fertigation

National Committee on Plasticulture Applications in Horticulture (NCPAH)National Committee on Plasticulture Applications in Horticulture (NCPAH)National Committee on Plasticulture Applications in Horticulture (NCPAH)Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India

th10 Floor, International Trade Tower Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019Web:

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