Nations, Nation- States, and Internationalism Chapter 9.

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Nations, Nation-States, and

InternationalismChapter 9

How is the earth a community?“To see the earth as it truly

is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold – brothers who know now they are truly brothers.” Archibald MacLeish

Key Terms of Chapter 9 Needs Wants Isolationism Unilateralism Multilateralism Supranationalism Internationalism

Common motives Needs:

Basic elements – food, shelter, water, health

Wants: The things that people desire

Cars, television, etc.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

Motives of successful nations and nation-states.

Economic stability Peace and security Self-determination Humanitarian activities

Economic Stability Countries seek to be economically stable:

Ensure citizens have jobs Encourage the learning of trades and other education

Nations’ economic stability depends on High employment rates => when people have money they

have money to spend (DEMAND) on goods and services. Demand means that employers are more likely to hire to provide SUPPLY.

Peace and Security People who feel safe and secure are more likely to work, go

to school, etc. which means economic prosperity. People who do not feel safe will more likely oppose

government and authorities. (ex. Oklahoma City bombing) Constitutions guarantee the rights and security of citizens.

Countries without a constitution cannot guarantee any rights or security of its people.

Wars damage people and infrastructure – creating devastating setbacks to the peace and security of nations.

Canada promotes international security by belonging to NATO, NORAD, and the United Nations.

Oklahoma City Bombing

Self-determination Power to control one’s own affairs. Soverignty – political authority to control

one’s affairs. Canadian example: Aboriginal peoples are

seeking a higher level of self-determination.

Humanitarianism Taking action to relieve suffering and to protect

the innocent. Humanitarianism can be:

Response to assisting countries in respsonse to natural or man made disasters.

Feeding starving people Accepting refugees.

Each year the Canadian government accepts more that 7000 refugees.

B: How do the motives of nations shape their responses to the world

Isolationism Unilateralism Bilateralism Multilateralism Supranationalism

Isolationism A country completely

opts out of participating in international affairs.

Japan until 1853 Switzerland – not

completely isolationist USA at the beginning

of both WWI and WWII

Unilateralism When a country acts on

its own. This can be an

aggressive policy like Japan’s invasion of China.

This can also be a benign policy like Sweden not becoming a member of NATO despite both its neighbors Norway and Denmark joining

Bilateralism When two countries take action together.

Multilateralism Several

countries working together on a given issue. Kyoto Accord United Nations NATO’s

invasion of Iraq

Supranationalism When a

country agrees to abide by the decisions of an international organization

C: What are some Understandings of internationalism

Internationalism: The Doctrine that all members of the global community accept collective responsibility for the challenges that dace the world

Example#1. World Health Organization (WHO)

Coordinates information about diseases (ie influenza etc.)

Greatest Triumph – eradication of small pox

Example #2: Right to Play

Non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to ensuring that children every enjoy the same human rights as those in wealthier countries.

Example #3: Arctic Council Formed in 1996 and

includes: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the USA

Promotes sustainable development and environmental protection of the Arctic region.

D: How does internationalism benefit nations? Peace and Security:

United Nations has prevented many conflicts Economic Stability:

Closer economic ties between and among nations often improves conditions for both/all nations.

Self-determination: Living conditions have improved and moves have been

made to compensate for past mistakes. Humanitarianism:

Major disaster summon assistance from other nations.