Native Trees on Mount Lantoy Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA), … · 2019. 6. 14. · Keywords: Argao,...

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  • Keywords: Argao, Cebu Island, key biodiversity areas (KBA), Mount Lantoy, native trees

    Native Trees on Mount Lantoy Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA), Argao, Cebu, Philippines

    1Cebu Technological University – Argao Campus, Argao 6021 Cebu, Philippines2Cebu Technological University – Main Campus, Cebu City 6000 Cebu, Philippines

    3Forest Biological Sciences, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College 4031 Laguna, Philippines

    *Corresponding author:

    Edgardo P. Lillo1,3*, Archiebald B. Malaki1, Steve Michael T. Alcazar1, Ritchie U. Nuevo1, and Raamah Rosales2

    The forest cover of Cebu Island was now less than 1% of its total land area. The almost complete deforestation of Cebu Island has apparently led to the extinction of many native trees, birds, and other wildlife. Assessing native trees on Mount Lantoy key biodiversity areas (KBA) was important in providing materials to support the human decision-making process in the management of the area. Permanent plots with 20 m x 100 m dimension were established both in lower and upper elevations of Mount Lantoy KBA. A total of four plots were established in highly stratified vegetation to generate information in all vegetation classes. A total of 112 species, classified into 64 families and 84 genera, were recorded. Out of 112 species, 88 were native trees, 10 shrubs, three ferns, three herbs, four vines, and four epiphytes. Majority of the species were recorded in Plots 1, 2, and 4. Seventeen native trees were categorized as threatened – with two species considered as critically endangered, three endangered, nine vulnerable, and three other threatened species identified. Mount Lantoy KBA has high species diversity (‘H = 3.5”), dominated by the species of Parishia malabog Merr. (15.287%) in terms of diameter, richness, and density per hectare. Majority of the native trees have a diameter of 10–19 cm (66%) and basal area of 8 m2/ha. Native trees of Mount Lantoy were threatened by illegal cutting, hunting, and the rampant conversion of forests to agriculture, with disturbance index value of moderately disturbed. All this information on native trees were essential for decision making, particularly in the rehabilitation and conservation of Mount Lantoy KBA.

    Philippine Journal of Science148 (2): 359-371, June 2019ISSN 0031 - 7683Date Received: 13 Dec 2018

    INTRODUCTIONThe island of Cebu is located in Central Visayas and considered as the most denuded island in the central Philippines (Collar et al. 1999). Rapid depletion of Philippine forest resources began during the Spanish colonial period. During this period, the island of Cebu was completely stripped of its large hardwood trees to provide lumber for building Spanish galleons plying

    the Manila-Acapulco trade route during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. American colonialists further developed forest extraction and engaged in the wanton exportation of logs to their home country (Asia Magazine 1984). Bensel (2008) reiterated further that expansion of agriculture and fuel wood gathering is still increasing and creating pressure on the last remaining forests on Cebu.

    The forest cover of Cebu Island is now less than 1% of its total land area (Mallari et al. 2001). Several forest species recorded in the late 1950s are now considered


  • Figure 1. Cebu Island in the Philippine map, the study site (Mount Lantoy) in the map of Cebu, and plot locations (GIS generated map; Landsat 8;; NAMRIA; Philippine GIS data).

    locally extinct (Rabor 1959, Magsalay et al. 1995, Brooks et al.1995, Collar et al.1999). The almost complete deforestation of Cebu Island has apparently led to the extinction of many native trees, birds, and other wildlife (Brooks et al. 1995). Bird Life International identified Cebu as an important bird area. It is one of the world’s most critical endemic bird areas in terms of both numbers of threatened endemic species and degrees of threat (Dickinson et al. 1991, Stattersfield et al. 1998).

    Mount Lantoy is among the 117 terrestrial areas designated as KBA based on criteria of vulnerability and irreplaceability, and is part of the 85 new sites (Mount Lantoy and Nug-as KBA) with a total area of 10,457 hectares. These sites have two critically endangered, two endangered, four vulnerable, and 16 restricted-range species (CI/DENR-PAWB/Haribon 2006). Pelser and Barcelona (2017) recorded the critically endangered Cynometra cebuensis species in Mount Lantoy KBA. Native trees constitute the basic foundation of the country’s forest ecosystems. Countless centuries of evolution through natural selection has given native trees adaptability to their respective local environments (Lantican 2015).

    Information on the diversity and structure of native trees in any of the KBA of the southern part of Cebu Island is still inadequate and nowhere found in any of the published literature in a scientific journal. Evaluating and updating

    the diversity and structure of the native tree species in KBA are essential in providing information on species richness and for forest management purposes, as well as in understanding forest ecology and ecosystem functioning (Giriraj et al. 2008, Pappoe et al. 2010). Sustainable use and management of natural resource is intimately linked to ecology, as each management system interferes with the forest structures and processes (Schmidt 1982).

    The study aimed to assess the native trees in Mount Lantoy KBA for protection and biodiversity conservation. Specifically, the study aimed to describe the physical description of the sites, composition, conservation status, phenology, clustering analysis, disturbance, and threat.


    Study AreaThe study was conducted in Argao (Mount Lantoy) Forest (9°549 N, 123°329 E) at 100–800 m elevation (Figure 1). Mount Lantoy is part of the Argao-Dalaguete Watershed Forest Reserve declared by a Presidential Proclamation (No. 414, 29 Jun 1994). Its peak has an area of 0.5 km2 and is surrounded by cultivation, coconut plantations, and plantations of non-indigenous trees and scrubland, which were also used by local communities for grazing their

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  • Figure 2. Location of sampling plots in the study site (GIS generated map; Landsat 8;; NAMRIA; Philippine GIS data).

    livestock. Seasonal crops like cabbage, corn, onion, and carrot were planted in agricultural farms surrounding the forests (Paguntalan and Jakosalem 2008).

    Establishment of Sampling PlotsPermanent plots were established in lower (less than 200 m) and upper elevation (above 500 m) areas of Mount Lantoy. The size of the plots was 20 m x 100m, and a total of four plots were established in highly stratified vegetation to generate information in all vegetation classes (Figure 2). A vegetation class is usually composed of different strata or layers such as tree canopies, shrub canopies, grass cover, and litter (Wang et al. 2001, Wu and Zhao 2001, Zhang et al. 2006). Coordinates of all the established permanent plots were taken and recorded. The number of established permanent plots depends upon on the availability of stratified vegetation cover, as well as on the accessibility of the site.

    other plants below 1 m in height) was accounted for inside the 1 m x 1 m quadrat for all the plots.

    Plant Species Identification and Conservation StatusVoucher specimens for every individual of plants within the plots were collected and tagged. The collected specimens were brought to the herbarium laboratory of Cebu Technological University – Argao Campus for proper identification after oven-drying. Identification of sample specimens were done through manual means (Checklist of Species in Mount Makiling; Fernando 2007), herbarium comparison (Philippine National Museum file), digital database (Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines;, online literature (, and the expertise of Dr. Edwino S. Fernando and Dr. Pastor Malabrigo (plant taxonomist; CFNR, UPLB, Laguna, Philippines) as project consultants. Conservation status of the species was determined based on classifications by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR 2017) and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN 2017). The identified herbarium specimens were deposited in the newly established mini-museum of the institution. The mini-museum showcased the different species collected from Mount Lantoy KBA for instruction and research purposes.

    Measurement of TreesThe data for forest structure includes DBH, TH, crown diameter, and basal area. Native trees with diameters of 10 cm and above were measured. The measurement of DBH was done with the use of diameter tape for larger trees and tree caliper for smaller trees. For the total height of the trees, the measurement was made by the use of Abney hand level. For the crown height and width, their measurements were done through estimation. TH and DBH were categorized into different classes, namely: 10–19 cm, 20–29 cm, 30–39 cm, and 40 cm and above (Lulekal et al. 2008). Basal area was calculated by using the formula BA = 0.7854 (d)2, where d is the DBH in meter (DENR 1993). Plant density was a count of the numbers of individuals of species within the quadrant and computed on hectare basis. Documentation of the vegetative and reproductive structures of native trees were done with high resolution camera. The phenology also of the native trees inside the plot were recorded. Species and family names followed the latest Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification (APG 2016).

    Mapping of Native Tree Species The location and distribution of native trees in each site were indicated in the map, as well as the location of each sample plot. The ground coordinates and elevation of each

    Nested quadrat sampling technique was used to assess and characterize the structure and species composition of the different plant communities. For large woody plants whose diameter equal or greater than 10 cm, measurements of diameter at breast height (DBH), merchantable height (MH), and total height (TH) were done inside the 20 m x 100 m quadrat. Frequency of shrubs, poles, and saplings was accounted for inside the 5 m x 5 m quadrat as intermediate species, while identification and percentage cover of understory species (grasses, vines, ferns, and

    Philippine Journal of ScienceVol. 148 No. 2, June 2019

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  • plot were determined by using GPS. The plot was oriented in the north-east direction to have an easy estimation on the local coordinates of individual tree within plot. The local coordinates of each individual tree within the plot was determined by adding the X and Y distances to plot coordinates (Bantayan et al. 2015).

    Endemicity of the species were determined based on its biogeography. Biogeography of the native tree species were determined through digital database (Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines;, published/online literature, books (Lexicon of Philippine Tree by Rojo 1999), and others [Merrill’s Enumeration of Philippine Flowering (1923), Leaflets of Philippine Botany (Elmer 1906–1939), and Flora Malesiana volumes 1–14 (1948–2000)].

    Disturbance and Threats The identification and quantification of anthropogenic threats against biodiversity were determined through interview and direct observation. Direct question related to threats and disturbance were asked to the randomly selected 60 respondents that live within the vicinity of Mount Lantoy KBA, or equivalent to 10% of the total individuals living in the study site for an occupancy of 20 years and above. This is to ensure that respondents have the overview on the transformation of vegetation on Mount Lantoy due to existing disturbance and threats. These determined disturbance and threat serve as potential hindrance to the existence and survival of vulnerable native tree species in Mount Lantoy KBA. All data collected were tabulated and analyzed based on frequency and its percentage equivalent.

    Data Analysis Plant species density, dominance, frequency, and importance value. All the recorded data were stored in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed quantitatively by using Microsoft Excel statistics. Vegetation analysis was done using the formula of density, relative density, dominance or basal area, relative dominance, frequency, relative frequency, and the Importance Value (IV) Index. The ecological importance of each species in relation to the total forest community was calculated by summing its relative density, relative dominance, and relative frequency (Curtis and Macintosh 1951). IV provides a better index than density alone regarding the importance or function of a species in its habitat. Alternatively, IV can be used instead of density alone in computing the plot’s Shannon diversity (H’) and evenness indices.

    Diversity of plant species. Native tree species diversity was computed and interpreted by using H’ through the Multivariant Statistical Package (MVSP) software. Shannon diversity index was sensitive to areas with

    fragmented forest like Mount Lantoy.

    Compilation of H’ values of all sample plots provide valuable information, particularly in explaining relationship with diversity and the PRAB of anthropogenic or natural stress factors in the site.

    Clustering of native tree species community. Clustering analysis were implemented using XLSTAT Version 2016.02.28451 in the Microsoft Excel environment. The general data analytical methods performed in the study was modified from those of Andersen et al. (2009) and Legendre et al. (2008).

    Differences in native tree species composition between sites were assessed with floristic dissimilarity matrices in terms of presence/absence (PRAB) and species abundance (ABU) data criteria. Clustering analysis of native tree community and composition were determined using the Bray Curtis dissimilarity matrix, Jaccard’s matrix, and Sorensen dissimilarity matrix through the MVSP software.

    Disturbance and threats impact analysis. Disturbance and threats impact was determined using the Beynen and Townsend (2006) disturbance index. The scoring system for the disturbance indicators utilized in this study was similar to the model presented by the National Park Conservation Association in their annual assessment of the National Parks of the United States (Nations 2004). Each indicator is assigned a score from 0 to 3 based on the evaluator’s interpretation of the extent and severity of the variable being considered. A score of 0 means no human impact / karst disturbance. If disturbance is apparent, then the evaluator must judge if the impact is catastrophic (rating = 3), severe and widespread (rating = 2), or localized and not severe (rating = 1) (Beynen and Townsend 2006). Once all the indicators have been scored, scores can be summed. This total is then divided by the highest possible score to attain a value between 0 and 1. The higher the value i.e., the closer number is to 1, the greater the degree of disturbance. Five categories have been created and range from 0.8–1.0 (highly disturbed), 0.2–0.79 (moderately disturbed), and 0.0–0.19 (pristine) (Beynen and Townsend 2006).


    Study Site Characterization Mount Lantoy KBA in general is characterized as forest over limestone habitat types, dominated by Carcar formation (Figure 3). It has a geological composition of mostly raised sedimentary and metamorphic rocks (Figure 3) – a considerable part of it being limestone (Audley-Charles et al. 1979). The habitat type is comparable

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  • to the forest over limestone of the Philippine forest formation of Fernando et al. (2008), and similar to the so-called ‘Molave’ (Vitex parviflora) forest as described by Whitford (1911). The forest is dominated by less dense vegetation, small size trees, and few large trees (Table 3). The forest is also covered by large size of outcrop bedrocks with shallow soil and undecomposed organic matters.

    Plot 1 (9.904966667 N, 123.535983 E) is found in the upper elevation of Barangay Cansuje, specifically in the west side of Mount Lantoy KBA (Figure 2). The area has an elevation of 500 m, with a topography categorized as mountainous. The plot is covered by 70% vegetation, 80% canopy cover, and 40% understory (Figure 4). This implies that this plot covered by larger diameter classes (10–30 cm) of native trees and few understory species (Table 3, Figure 4). Larger trees could create an area close in canopy and minimize the penetration of solar energy, which result to less pronounced species regeneration. Larger trees are dominated by Palaquium luzonienze, Elaeocarpus cumingii, and Gymnostoma rumphiana (Table 1)

    Plot 2 (9.902916667 N, 123.546183 E) is found in the lower area or in the base of Mount Lantoy with an elevation of 200 m (Figure 2). The plot is covered by

    more stratified tree sizes; however, small size trees serve as dominant in the plot. Tree diameter ranges 11–41cm (Table 3, Figure 4). The plot is covered by vegetation to almost 60%, canopy cover of 70%, and understory of 50%. The high number of small size trees in the plot signify for an infiltration of more light intensity. The plot is dominated by the species of Planchonella duclitan, Calophyllum blancoi, Syzygium simile, and Elaeocarpus cumingii (Table 1).

    Plot 3 (9.882666667 N, 123.509867 E) is found in the summit of Mount Lantoy with an elevation range of 560–700 m and characterized as mountainous topography (Figure 2). The site is covered by smaller to larger diameter trees. The tree diameter ranges 11–40cm (Table 3, Figure 4). The plot is covered by vegetation to almost 50%, canopy cover of 80%, and understory of 30%. The plot in general is characterized as closed canopy cover, allowing less amount of solar radiation infiltrating into the ground surface (Figure 4). The plot is also covered by outcrop boulders or 80% of the plot is covered by rock outcrop. As a result, fewer of small size trees regenerated on the surface. The plot is dominated by species of Parishia malabog, Goniothalamus elmeri, Pometia pinnata, Elaeocarpus cumingii, and Dysoxylum pauciflorum (Table 1).

    Plot 4 is found in the upper elevation of Barangay Canbantug, or in the southern part of Mount Lantoy KBA with an elevation range of 500–600 m, and characterized as having a mountainous topography (Figure 2). The site is covered by smaller size trees ranging 11–30 cm (Table 3, Figure 4). The plot is covered by vegetation to almost 60%, canopy cover of 70%, and understory of 50%. The plot is covered by native trees with almost uniform height and non-stratified layering as compare to other plots. The high number of small size trees in the plot signify for an infiltration of more solar energy on the forest floor. The plot is also dominated by the species similar to Plot 1 (Table 1).

    Figure 3. Geological map of the Municipality of Argao (GIS generated map).

    Table 1. Composition of native trees in Mount Lantoy KBA.

    Plot Family Genera Species % Dominant species

    Plot 1 28 27 38 43 Cinnamomum cebuense, Ficus benjamina, Elaeocarpus cumingii, and Gymnostoma rumphiana

    Plot2 26 35 40 45 Planchonella duclitan, Calophyllum blancoi, Syzygium simile, and Elaeocarpus cumingii,

    Plot 3 20 26 30 34 Parishia malabog, Goniothalamus elmeri, Pometia pinnata, Elaeocarpus cumingii, and Dysoxylum pauciflorum

    Plot 4 25 36 42 48 Syzygium simile, Ficus benjamina, Planchonella duclitan, and Gomphandra luzoniense

    Total 39 67 88 100

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  • Composition of Native TreesSpecies. The KBA site registered a total of 112 species classified into 64 families and 84 genera. Out of 112 species, 88 are native trees, 10 shrubs, three ferns, three herbs, four vines, and four epiphytes. The result is highlighted with five new record of native tree species (Table 2). The species are compared from the record of Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines ( Out of the five new record species, four are found to be endemic to the Philippines (Table 2), and two of the species are already threatened (DENR 2017). All of the species are recorded in Plots 1, 2, and 3.

    Of the 112 species, 76 tree species are endemic to the Philippines and eight are endemic to Cebu Island. This correspond to 2.5% of the total number of endemic

    tree species in the Philippines. The country has 3000 endemic trees (Mongabay 2005). The result of the study is slightly lower as compared to Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary in the Province of Davao Oriental in Mindanao Island with 163 endemic species of vascular plants (Amoroso et al. 2009, Madulid 1991), which corresponds to 5% of the total number of endemic plants in the Philippines. Fortunately, this value is higher compared to the study of Alcazar et al. (2016) in Mount Lantoy KBA with a total of 60 species categorized into 26 families.

    The most represented families are Sapotaceae, Moraceae, Anacardiaceae, Meliaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, and Rubiaceae. The most recorded genera are Elaeocarpus, Palaquium, Syzygium, and Cinnamomum. The dominant species are Syzygium simile, Ficus benjamina, Planchonella duclitan, Gomphandra luzoniense, Elaeocarpus cumingii, Gymnostoma rumphiana, and Calophyllum blancoi (Table 1). The result conformed to the study of Alcazar et al. (2016), who reiterated further that the dominant families are Moraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Anacardiaceae, and Sapotaceae.

    Vegetation structure. The vegetation structure of a forest served to give insight into its stand density (Podong and Poolsiri 2013). Vegetation structure would further describe and give insight on the vertical stratification of the native trees in the area. In this study, Mount Lantoy is covered by 517 individuals of native trees. Most of these native trees are recorded in Plots 1 and 4 (Table 3). The diameter of the majority of native trees lies within 10–19 cm. (66%), with basal area of 8 m2/ha mostly recorded in Plots 1 and 4; 31% having diameter of 20–39 cm with basal area of 7m2/ha, and equally distributed in all four plots; and 3% with diameter of 40 cm and above, with basal area of 3 m2/ha (Table 3, Figure 4), recorded mostly in Plots 1 and 2.

    Figure 4. Structure and density of native trees on Mount Lantoy KBAs.

    Table 2. New record of native tree species in Cebu Island (Mount Lantoy KBA).

    Species Family Endemicity Conservation status (DENR 2017)

    Alectryon fuscus Radlk. Sapindaceae PE Not assessed

    Ardisia tayabensis Merr. Primulaceae PE Not assessed

    Diospyros longiciliata Merr. Ebenaceae PE CR

    Lithocarpus robinsonii Rehder. Fagaceae PE Not assessed

    Podocarpus rumphii Blume. Podocarpaceae Non-endemic, indigenous sp. VU

    Table 3. Diameter classes and frequency of native trees per plot.

    Diameter classes (cm) Frequency Total % Average Basal Area (m2/ha)

    Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4

    10–19 122 42 59 122 345 66 8

    20–29 25 28 30 24 107 21 7

    30–39 10 18 19 3 50 10 6

    40 and above 6 7 2 0 15 3 3

    Total 163 95 110 149 517 100 24

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  • The higher percentage in the number of smaller diameter trees in Mount Lantoy (Figure 4) reflects the dominance of small-sized individuals in the forest and, in turn, suggests the high rate of regeneration (Bekele 1994, Senbeta and Denich 2006). The presence of small size trees in the site allows greater penetration of sunlight down to the forest floor (Senbeta and Denich 2006). Tesfaye et al. (2013) added that diameter class distribution of tree species demonstrated various patterns of population structure, implying different population dynamics among species.

    Importance value. Based on computation, the most dominant species on Mount Lantoy KBA is Parishia malabog Merr. (15.287%) (Table 4). The species is the most dominant in terms of diameter, richness, and density per hectare. Based on observation and record, the species considered as the most dominant in terms of frequency and diameter since their size is comparable to the species of Dipterocarpaceae. The distribution of the species is found in all corners of the established permanent plots of the KBA. Wildlings and sapling of the species are scattered in the forest floor of Mount Lantoy KBA and even along roads.

    Other species found dominant in the study sites include Elaeocarpus cumingii Turcz. (14%) – the species attaining a maximum diameter of 30 cm based on the finding of the study, with their frequency also abundant in the area. Wildlings and sapling of the species are scattered in the forest floor in all plots. This was followed by Syzygium simile (Merr.) Merr. (12.4%), Ficus benjamina L. (10%), Gomphandra luzoniensis (Merr.) Merr. (9.4 %); species that are also dominant in the area include Palaquium obovatum (Griff.) Engl. (9%), Planchonella duclitan (Blanco) Bakh.f. (9%), Terminalia foetidissima Griff. (9%), Goniothalamus elmeri Merr. (6%), and Cinnamomum cebuense Kosterm (6%).

    Majority of the dominant native tree species in Mount Lantoy KBA belong to Anacardiaceae and Sapotaceae family. Based on the tree classification of Rojo (1999),

    those trees are classified as large trees (Table 4). IV measures the degree of significance of tree species in a given forest community and is derived from three variables – namely density, cover, and frequency. In the conservation of Mount Lantoy, dominant species play a vital role as priority species for reforestation since they are already adapted to the environment.

    Diversity of native trees. Diversity is a community attribute related to stability, productivity, and trophic structure (McIntosh 1967, McNaughton 1977, Tilman 1996) – as well as migration (Wisheu and Keddy 1996, Caley and Schluter 1997, Colwell and Lees 2000). An area with high species diversity results to a more stable and productive ecosystem. In this study, Mount Lantoy KBA has a computed species diversity value of H’ = 3.5 for Shannon index of diversity. The result on the estimation of species diversity by Shannon index signifies that species diversities are high in Mount Lantoy (MacDonald 2003). Plot 2 is more diverse as compared to Plots 1, 4, and 3 (Figure 5). However, among the plots, Plot 3 is the lowest in species diversity. Fortunately, the result of the study is higher in species diversity as compared to the study of Alcazar et al. (2016) in Mount Lantoy KBA with species diversity of 2.78 with a relative value of moderately diverse (MacDonald 2003).

    Based on structure, Plot 3 is covered or dominated by larger size trees as compared to other plots (Table 3). The result implies that as tree increases its diameter, the forest

    Table 4. Dominant native trees with high IV.

    Species Family Rel. freq. Rel. density Relative dominance IV Rank

    Parishia malabog Merr. Anacardiaceae 0.012 0.047 0.093 15.287 1

    Elaeocarpus cumingii Turcz. Elaeocarpaceae 0.025 0.063 0.052 14.018 2

    Syzygium simile (Merr.) Merr. Myrtaceae 0.019 0.045 0.060 12.383 3

    Ficus benjamina L. Moraceae 0.025 0.042 0.035 10.125 4

    Gomphandra luzoniensis (Merr.) Merr. Stemonuraceae 0.025 0.036 0.033 9.386 5

    Palaquium obovatum (Griff.) Engl. Sapotaceae 0.019 0.038 0.037 9.323 6

    Planchonella duclitan (Blanco) Bakh.f. Sapotaceae 0.019 0.038 0.037 9.282 7

    Terminalia foetidissima Griff. Combretaceae 0.025 0.042 0.026 9.230 8

    Goniothalamus elmeri Merr. Annonaceae 0.019 0.030 0.019 6.757 9

    Cinnamomum cebuense Kosterm. Lauraceae 0.012 0.032 0.022 6.635 10

    Figure 5. Diversity of native trees in different study plots of Mount Lantoy KBA.

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  • canopy cover tends to close and limit the regeneration of smaller size plants to grow on the forest floor. In addition – based on observation – among the plots, Plot 3 has closer canopy cover. The light energy enhances the regeneration of more species below the canopy through photosynthetic process (Bekele 1994, Senbeta and Denich 2006).

    Conservation Status of Native TreesConservation status of the native tree species in Mount Lantoy are determined based from DENR and IUCN Classification (Table 5). Using the Latest DENR classification (2017), 17 native tree species are categorized as threatened. Out of the 17 threatened species, two species were identified as critically endangered (Diospyros longiciliata Merr, and Cynometra cebuensis); three as endangered [Cinnamomum cebuense Kosterm, Vitex parviflora Juss., and Afzelia rhomboidea (Blanco) Vidal.]; nine as vulnerable; and three as other threatened species (Table 5). Using the IUCN classification, one species was considered as critically endangered [Shorea polysperma (Blanco) Merr.] and seven were categorized as vulnerable (Table 5).

    Both DENR and IUCN are two known authorities in listing threatened plant species. Both agencies provide information on the flora and fauna that are in need of conservation action (Villanueva and Buot 2015), particularly those species with high risk of extinction (Brooks et al. 2006). However, some species are categorized as already threatened under the DENR classification but in IUCN record, the species are declared as not yet been assessed. The contradiction of IUCN and DENR classification could be due to the scale of work. The IUCN classified species at the global scale and the probability of updating their record regularly is very low, whereas the DENR classified species at local scale of work. Despite the existence of the IUCN list of endangered species, local government units, institutions, and researchers still need to have the local survey (DENR 2017) because local communities are the most knowledgeable concerning the conservation status of species as they are the one on the ground. They know which species are still abundant, rare, threatened, and facing risk of extinction. Localized survey could give regular update on the number of individuals on a certain species, particularly those species that are already threatened because it requires only less budget (Sopsop and Buot 2009).

    Table 5. Conservation status of native trees in Mount Lantoy KBA.

    No. Scientific name Family Common name

    Conservation status

    IUCN (2017) DENR (2017) Endemicity

    1 Diospyros longiciliata Merr. Ebenaceae ‘Itom-itom’ Not assessed CR PE (Mindanao)

    2 Cynometra cebuensis Seidenschwarz, F. Fabaceae ‘Nipot-nipot’ CR CR PE (Cebu)

    3 Cinnamomum cebuense Kosterm. Lauraceae ‘Kalingag’ Not assessed EN PE (Cebu)

    4 Vitex parviflora Juss. Lamiaceae ‘Molave’ VU EN Java

    5 Afzelia rhomboidea (Blanco) Vidal Fabaceae ‘Tindalo’ VU EN Sumatra

    6 Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze Fabaceae ‘Ipil’ Not assessed VU Madagascar

    7 Tristaniopsis decorticata (Merr.) Wilson & Waterhouse

    Myrtaceae ‘Malabayabas’ VU VU PE(Luzon)

    8 Litchi chinensis Sonn. subsp. Philippinensis (Radlk.) Leenh.

    Sapindaceae ‘Alupag’ VU VU Philippines, SE New Guinea

    9 Diospyros pilosanthera Blanco Ebenaceae ‘Bolong-eta’ Not assessed VU Thailand

    10 Diospyros pyrrhocarpa Miq. Ebenaceae ‘Anang’ LC VU India

    11 Palaquium luzoniense (F. Vill.) Vidal Sapotaceae ‘Nato’ VU VU Sulawesi

    12 Shorea polysperma (Blanco) Merr. Dipterocarpaceae ‘Tangile’ CR VU PE (Luzon)

    13 Wallaceodendron celebicum Koord. Fabaceae ‘Banuyo’ Not assessed VU N. Sulawesi

    14 Cryptocarya ampla Merr. Lauraceae ‘Bagarilau’ Not assessed VU PE (Luzon)

    15 Gymnostoma rumphianum (Miq.) L. Johnson

    Casuarinaceae ‘Agoho del Monte’

    Not assessed OTS Philippines Sulawesi

    16 Cinnamomum mercadoi S.Vidal Lauraceae ‘Mercadoi’ VU OTS PE (Luzon, Mindanao)

    17 Adenanthera intermedia Merr. Fabaceae ‘Tanglin’ VU OTS PE (Luzon, Palawan,


    PE – Philippine endemic

    Lillo et al.: Native Trees on Mt. Lantoy Key Biodiversity Areas

    Philippine Journal of ScienceVol. 148 No. 2, June 2019


  • Of the threatened species, 44% are endemic to the Philippines and 56% are non-endemic and indigenous. The non-endemic indigenous tree species are also considered as native trees because their appearance in the country are are attributed to natural process (Table 5). Native plants live or grow naturally in a particular region without direct or indirect human intervention. Endemic species are native species whose distributions are confined only within the geographic area of reference. Thus, native species include both endemic and non-endemic indigenous species whose natural geographic ranges extend beyond the geographic area of reference (Coile 2002).

    Phenology of Native TreesIn plants, the timing of seasonal events – such as flowering time – is highly sensitive to climate, making phenology one of the most variable plant traits (Chuine 2010) that are useful for ex situ conservation. Evaluation on the phenology of the native trees in Mount Lantoy were done during the gathering of data. Gathering of data in Mount Lantoy was conducted during the months of April and May 2018. During this period, the species of the families Primulaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Sapotaceae, Anacardiaceae, Moraceae, Rutaceae, Leeaceae, Rubiaceae, Araliaceae, Burseraceae, Pittosporaceae, Phyllanthaceae, and Euphorbiaceae were observed bearing flowers and fruits (Table 6). The native tree species observed bearing flowers and fruits are only the species directly encountered in the study plot. Species not encountered in the study plots could hardly be evaluated for their phenology. Based from the result, 17% of the total native trees directly encountered during data

    collection are bearing flowers and fruits. Unfortunately, only one species coincides with the record of Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines (Elaeocarpus cumingii Turcz.) (Table 6). Fruiting and flowering native trees recorded during the collection are either not yet recorded in the Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines or having no available data (Table 6).

    Clustering of Native Tree Community (Bray Curtis, Jaccard’s, and Sorensen Dissimilarity Matrix)Clustering analysis of native tree species community by Bray Curtis dissimilarity matrix shows that all the plots sampled from Mount Lantoy KBA are forming into two clusters/groups correspondingly, based on species compositions and locations of forest habitat types (Figure 6). The four plots from Mount Lantoy proved to have distinctive native tree species association, hence grouping them together into two distinct clumps – Plots 2 and 3 formed as one group while Plots 1 and 4 also formed another.

    For both Jaccard’s and Sorensen dissimilarity matrix, all the plots sampled are clustered into three groups

    Figure 6. Dendrogram of all plots based on Bray Curtis ‘dissimilarity’ (ABU) that correspond to two vegetation types.

    Table 6. Fruiting and flowering native trees during the collection of data.

    Scientific name Family Fruiting/flowering Date of collection Co’s Digital Flora

    Rapanea philippinensis (A. DC.) Mez Primulaceae Fr April No data

    Elaeocarpus cumingii Turcz. Elaeocarpaceae Fr April May – June

    Mallotus cumingii Müll.Arg. Euphorbiaceae Fl April No data

    Planchonella duclitan (Blanco) Bakh.f. Sapotaceae Fl April No data

    Semecarpus cuneiformis Blanco Anacardiaceae Fl/Fr May No data

    Ficus benjamina L. Moraceae Fl/Fr April No data

    Ficus ampelas Burm.f Moraceae Fl/Fr May No data

    Leea philippinensis Leeaceae Fl May No data

    Severinia paniculata (Warb.) Swingle Rutaceae Fr May No data

    Schefflera obtusifolia Merr. Araliaceae Fl/Fr May No data

    Streblus glaber (Merr.) Corner Moraceae Fr May No data

    Canarium denticulatum Blume Burseraceae Fl/Fr May No data

    Pittosporum pentandrum Pittosporaceae Fl/Fr May No data

    Phyllanthus albus Phyllanthaceae Fl/Fr May No data

    Rhus taitensis Guill. Anacardiaceae Fl/Fr May No data

    Philippine Journal of ScienceVol. 148 No. 2, June 2019

    Lillo et al.: Native Trees on Mt. Lantoy Key Biodiversity Areas


  • correspondingly, based on species compositions and locations of forest habitat types (Figure 7 and 8). The four plots from Mount Lantoy proved to have distinctive native tree species association, hence grouping them together into three clusters – Plot 2 formed as one subgroup, Plot 3 also as another subgroup, and Plots 1 and 4 as another subgroup (Figure 7 and 8).

    Table 7). Slow expansion of farm areas were observed in some portions of the forest. Based from the Beynen and Townsend (2006) scoring system, Mount Lantoy KBA is moderately disturbed (Table 7). The result implies that, as for the moment, the recorded disturbance and threats are still in a minimal effect to species diversity (Figure 5). However, we could not deny that deterioration of native trees alter the life of all biodiversity in the environment, as well as of the people in the community within the vicinity and surrounding of Mount Lantoy KBA. The result of the study conformed to the findings of DENR, Conservation International, and Haribon (2006).

    Table 7. Showing the causes of forest degradation in Mount Lantoy KBA.

    Respondent’s perception for the causes of forest degradation in Mount Lantoy KBA

    F % Beynen and Townsend 2006


    Illegal hunting 17 37 3

    Charcoal making 9 20 3

    ‘Kaingin’ activity 13 30 3

    No idea 8 18 0

    Illegal cutting 24 55 2

    No permit, no cut policy 4 9 2

    Total 75 0.722

    Disturbance value (Beynen and Townsend 2006)

    Moderately disturbed

    Note: Respondents were required to answer more than one (60 respondents).

    Figure 8. Dendrogram of all plots based on Sorensen coefficient ‘dissimilarity’ (ABU) that correspond to three vegetation types.

    Figure 7. Dendrogram of all plots based on Jaccard’s coefficient ‘dissimilarity’ (ABU) that correspond to three vegetation types.

    The Bray Curtis matrix considers Plot 2 and 3 as one subgroup, while Jaccard’s and Sorensen matrix considers Plot 2 and Plot 3 as distinct from each other and formed separate subgroups. The two matrices find that the species composition and abundance of both Plots 2 and 3 are different from each other, thus, making them distinct (Figure 7 and 8). However, Bray Curtis, Jaccard’s, and Sorensen dissimilarity matrices declared that Plots 1 and 4 are similar in terms of species composition and abundance and formed as one subgroup (Figure 6, 7, and 8). Jaccard’s and Sorensen indices are considered as two of the most often used similarity coefficients for binary data (Clifford and Stephenson 1975, Romesburg 1984). The cluster analysis using Jaccard’s and Sorensen indices reveals that Mount Lantoy are covered by different vegetation types with high species diversity (Figure 5).

    Disturbance and Threats Primarily as observed by and based from the respondents, Mount Lantoy experienced a rapid deterioration of its forest stocks caused by illegal cutting, hunting, and with the rampant conversion of forests to agriculture (e.g.,

    SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONThe study aimed to assess native trees on Mount Lantoy KBA. A total of four permanent plots at 20 m x 100 m dimension were established. Mount Lantoy KBA in general was characterized as forest over limestone habitat types dominated by Carcar formation. It has a geological composition of mostly raised sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The KBA site registered a total of 112 species classified into 64 families and 84 genera – with 88 species considered as native trees (76 endemic to the Philippines, eight endemic to Cebu Island, and five new records) and 17 native tree species identified as threatened.

    The cluster analysis using Jaccard’s and Sorensen indices reveals that Mount Lantoy was covered by different vegetation types with high species diversity. However, Mount Lantoy experienced a rapid deterioration of its forest stocks caused by illegal cutting, hunting, and rampant conversion of forests to agriculture – with a disturbance index value of moderately disturbed. All this information on native trees was essential for decision making, particularly in the rehabilitation and conservation of Mount Lantoy KBA.

    Lillo et al.: Native Trees on Mt. Lantoy Key Biodiversity Areas

    Philippine Journal of ScienceVol. 148 No. 2, June 2019


  • ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like to acknowledge the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) for considering and approving our research proposal and giving us the budget for three years enough for the implementation of the whole study, and declaring CTU as one of the DOST – Biodiversity Centers through the NICER program in Region 7. The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Aquatic Resources Research Development (PCAARRD) for recommending our proposal to DOST for approval and guide us in the implementation of the study, assisted us in the report preparation, and writing. The CTU System for supporting the research team and allowing the research staff to conduct the study. The Forestry and Agriculture Department of the College of Technology and Engineering in CTU – Argao Campus for allowing their students to participate in the gathering of data. The BSF 4 students who assisted us in the gathering of data; plants (Raymond, Mischelle, Pasio, Gina, Demi, Margate, Bea, and Incorporado); and for Socio (Maybel, Merryll, Joyce, Acuna, and Cobico). The DENR Region 7 for giving us the gratuitous permit. The CENRO Argao and Cebu City for approving our request to conduct the study in different KBA. The Municipalities of Argao, Dalaguete, Alcoy, Malabuyoc, Alegria, and Catmon for allowing us to conduct the study in their area of responsibilities. The staff and science research assistants of the project, namely Bernardo R. Redoblado, Carlo Soco, John Lou Dias, and Grace Gealon who actively gather and process the data. The first author (EPL) thanks his wife (Mary Jane) and son (CJ) for their moral support during the conduct of the study.


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    Lillo et al.: Native Trees on Mt. Lantoy Key Biodiversity Areas
