Nativity Mary of · 24/03/2019  · Nativity Mary of 313 E. WALL STREET • JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN...

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of Nativity Mary 313 E. WALL S TREET • JANESVILLE, WISCO NSI N 53545 -3047

March 24, 2019 • Third Sunday of Lent

Rectory 313 E. Wall Street Janesville, WI 53545-3047 Website ............. Phone ............................... (608) 752-7861 Father Rob Butz ……. (608) 620-9910

Pastor ............................. Rev. Robert Butz Email:

Dir. of Liturgy ........................... Bob Craig Email: Coord. Religious Ed ...Kathy Hookham Email: Business Manager .... Arwen Twitchett Email: Parish Secretary ..……....Sharlet Collins Email:

St. Mary School 307 E. Wall Street Janesville, WI 53545-3047 Phone ............................... (608) 754-5221 Principal .......................... Matthew Parish Secretary ………………...Sue Vodak & Sue Dickman

Religious Education Phone ............................... (608) 752-7861 Coordinator…………….Kathy Hookham

Prayer Network Mary Ann Venable…..(608) 754-5284

Nativity of Mary ................ Sat. 4:30 pm Sun. 8:30 & 10:30 am

St. Patrick ............................. Sat. 4:00 pm

St. John Vianney ................ Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 8:15 & 9:45 am

St. William ............................ Sat. 4:00 pm Sun. 8:00 & 10:30 am

St. Mary - Milton ............... Sat. 4:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am

We, the Catholic family of Nativity of Mary, are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Through worship, the sacraments, fellowship, evangelization and outreach, we will share the word of Christ in our community. -Mission Statement


News & Notes


St. Mary School

News & Notes


SCRIP puts your regular shopping dollars to work supporting your parish and school with over fifty retailers ….. grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, department stores, hardware stores, movie theaters, spas and more!

SCRIP cards are available for purchase in the school, or look for us after the 10:30 Mass every Sunday, or all Masses twice per month. Next up: April 6th/7th and 27th/28th.

Thank you for supporting your parish and school!

School News: Both students and staff have set off to enjoy a well deserved spring break, starting this weekend. As a result school offices will be closed all week and will reopen Monday, April 1. The break from the traditional Janesville School District Spring Break is due to the staff's attendance to the National Catholic Education Association Conference the week following Easter. Leading up to this week, however, was quite busy for St. Mary students. The 8th graders hosted Scoopie Night on Wednesday - thanks to all who attended! And on Friday our middle schoolers performed a living stations of the cross for the community. They did a wonderful job - and a special thanks to Ms. Hiebel, Ms. Pursley, and Mrs. Houge for taking that on this year. It is always a wonderful way for our students to give back and help more deeply encounter our preparation for Easter. Dates to Remember: 3/25-3/29: Spring Break 4/3: Student-led mass (8:15) 4/5: Art Show at St. Mary's (5:30) 4/11: Middle School Musical @ JPAC 4/19: No School 4/22-4/26: No School; Staff at NCEA 5/2: Science Fair

….. for those who are Homebound

Tune in for Sunday Mass 6 AM on WISC-TV Channel 3

7 AM on TVW 7 AM on Direct TV14

Lenten Disciplines of Fasting and Abstinence

Catholics in good health ages 18 to 59 are required to fast and to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

Fasting consists of eating only one meal, with the possibility of two smaller snacks that do not add up to a single full meal.

Catholics age 14 and older are to abstain from meat on all Fridays in Lent.

Please note: KWIK TRIP is discontinuing the Milk Moola promotion. Please turn in all caps and bag tops by March 24th. Thank you for your participation.

We will continue to collect Box Tops for Education and Prairie Farms milk caps. Look for more information at the front of the church, or call St. Mary School for full details.

DON’T MISS THE MOVIE UNPLANNED All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood directors in the nation, she was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women about their reproductive choices. Her passion surrounding a woman’s right to choose even led her to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believed in. Until the day she saw something that changed everything, leading Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at 40 Days for Life, and become one of the most ardent pro-life speakers in America. Unplanned is scheduled to come to Janesville’s movie theater, but you can also get a sneak peek in Madison on March 28, 7-9pm, at the Marcus Point Cinema. Register today to enjoy discounted tickets and free concession vouchers! Visit unplanned-movie-premieres/


Third Sunday of Lent

And he told them this parable: "There once was a person who had a fig tree planted in his orchard, and when he came in search of fruit on it but found none, he said to the gardener, 'For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none. So cut it down. Why should it exhaust the soil?'" - Lk 13:6-7

************************************************************** "There once was a person who had a fig tree planted in his orchard, and when he came in search of fruit on it [he] found none." We live in a results-driven society. It can be easy to put pressure on ourselves to succeed. If we're not keeping up with the perceived "good life" of those around us, we feel anxious and disappointed. Some of the Gospel stories about fruitfulness can seem to play out in this fashion. "For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none. So cut it down." The message seems to be clear. Abide in God and bear fruit! Stand apart from God and be barren. But what happens when we're trying, but the growth we wanted doesn't seem to be coming our way? What if it feels like life just isn't bearing fruit? This Sunday, Jesus gives us a sign of hope. "[The gardener] said to him in reply, 'Sir, leave it for this year also ? it may bear fruit in the future." How quick we can be to judge! Perhaps you started out Lent with high hopes and big ideas for getting closer to God. Maybe things haven't gone exactly like you thought. It can be easy to lose patience with our failures or slow growth. We shouldn't be too quick to assume that God has given up on us. He hasn't. The same ideas apply to those around us. Perhaps we're the planter of the fig tree. We expect a certain amount of growth from someone in our life, and they just aren't measuring up. Let today's Gospel be a gentle nudge for mercy. As Lent continues to unfold, be patient with yourself and those around you. Wait for God to provide the growth.

Scripture Focus on Faith

Readings for Sunday, March 24, 2019 Third Sunday of Lent Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15, 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12/ Lk 13:1-9 / Jn 4:5-42 Readings for Next Sunday, March 31, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Lent Jos 5:9a, 10-12 / 2 Cor 5:17-21 / Lk 15:1-3, 11-32

Please Pray For Our Parishioners:

Barbara Allen, Bill, Peter Barrett,

Bill and Judy Bever, Valerie Boggs,

Karen Bullis, Noah Cotter, Jeanette Durant,

Linda Fredell, LeeAnn Gilligan, Gerri, Jackie H.,

Alice Jensen, Caroline McNally, Pat,

Max Rammer, Phyllis Rice, Madelynn Schieve,

Colleen Schroeder, Edna Thorp, Peter Weirich,

Lola Williams, Avalon Widner, Lucille Willegal


Anointing of the Sick:

Infant Baptism: Registered members of the parish are welcome to arrange for their baby’s baptism by signing up for the necessary preparation program for parents.

RCIA Please call anytime if you would like to discuss Catholicism and see how joining the Church may offer you a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Catholic Women’s Club Contact Jan Bier at 752-4387 for more information.

Knights of Columbus Meetings held 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Contact Ed Gilligan 449-6468 for more information.

Bulletin Deadline Mondays at 9:00 AM. Please contact the Rectory at 752-7861.

Traveling Chalice

This week the Traveling Chalice will be hosted by a

homebound parishioner.

Any questions regarding our Traveling Chalice program may

be directed to: Colleen at 868-6386 OR

Money Counts for 2018-2019

Received Budgeted Variance

Week 38

3-18-2019 9,291.17 12,312.81 -3,021.64

YTD $424,003.57 485,895.26 -61,891.69

Money Matters


What’s Happening

Our Lady of the Assumption in Beloit, will have a

Fish Fry every Friday during Lent. Serving takes place from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in Assumption Hall. All you can eat baked and fried Cod, baked potatoes, fries, coleslaw, applesauce, bread and beverage. Adults: $11.00; Children 6-12: $5.00; 5 & under FREE. Soda & desserts offered at an additional charge. Carry outs available.

Lenten Special Collection It has been the custom at Nativity of Mary Parish to take a second collection each Sunday during Lent. Please consider giving toward these as a concrete way of showing love and care for others.

Next weekend, we will be collecting for HealthNet.

HealthNet of Rock County is a free medical & dental clinic serving Rock County individuals who have no health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or Medical Assistance.

When low-income and underinsured individuals utilize the emergency department for primary health care, the out-of-pocket medical expenses leave many individuals & families bankrupt.

Learn more at

Pictorial Directory Is Here—The new parish directory is now available for pick up in the parish office or after Mass on the weekend of March 30 & 31ST. Just a reminder that the directory is free to those who had their picture taken or submitted a picture. If you did not have your picture taken and would like have a directory, the cost is $10. A special Thank You to Jerry Samuelson who took our cover picture.

Catholic Women’s Club Scholarship

The Janesville Catholic Women’s Club is offering four scholarships for high school seniors who are active members of the four Catholic parishes in Janesville. One scholarship will be offered at each parish. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA and a relative or friend who is a member of the club.

Selection will be based on active involvement in the Catholic Church, academic standing, and other extracurricular activities in the school and community.

Funds are raised at the club’s Dollars for Scholars Card Party held twice a year. Applications are available at the Parker and Craig guidance offices and are due by April 1, 2019. For further information, for a list of current members, or if you are home schooled, call Jan at 752-4387.

*LOST & FOUND: A men’s wedding band was found in the church. If you believe that it’s yours, please call the rectory at 608-752-7861. Also, please check the “Lost & Found” box in the vestibule to claim any other recently recovered personal items.

Easter Baskets for Children

ECHO will be packing and distributing Easter baskets to children who would otherwise go without during this most blessed holiday. Items needed for the baskets are: Children’s Easter baskets Individually wrapped candy Plastic eggs Plastic basket wrap Items can be dropped in one of the baskets designated for ECHO, here at the church, or taken directly to ECHO. Volunteers are needed on: Monday, April 15 at 9:30 AM to pack Easter baskets at the ECHO office and Tuesday-Thursday, April 16 to April 18 9 AM-4 PM to distribute baskets at the ECHO office, at 65 S High Street in Janesville. Call Fran at 754-5333 for more information.

May 5th the 2nd graders will be making their First Communion. As part of the preparation process 2nd graders and their parents recently met at the Senior Center to make chalices as a remembrance of this special day.


F A S T * P R A Y * R E P E N T * L O V E * F O R G I V E

Mass Intentions = Living Sunday, March 24 8:30 AM Fred & Louise Hookham 10:30 AM Nancy, Josephine and Joseph Carfora Monday, March 25 No Mass Tuesday, March 26 12:10 PM Special Intention Wednesday, March 27 8:15 AM Wolf Family Thursday, March 28 8:15 AM Jennifer Van DeWiel Friday, March 29 8:15 AM Holly Murphy Saturday, March 30 4:30 PM Butch Helbing Sunday, March 31 8:30 AM Jim Nally 10:30 AM Parishioners of Nativity of Mary

Cluster Corner

Parish Event Calendar

Monday, March 25 11:00 AM Centering Prayer, Nativity House Tuesday, March 26 10:30 AM Faith Sharing Group, Nativity House 5:00-6:00 PM Reconciliation, Church Wednesday, March 27 5:45 PM Elementary Religious Ed, School 7:00 PM Choir Practice, Church 7:15 PM High School Religious Ed, Nativity House Friday, March 29 8:45-9:45 AM Holy Hour (Adoration), Church 12:00 PM Stations of the Cross, Church Saturday, March 30 9:30-10:30 AM Reconciliation, Church

Monday 3/25


Wednesday Thursday Friday


Sunday 3/31

Nativity of Mary 12:10 pm 8:15 am

8:15 am 8:15 am

4:30 pm 8:30 & 10:30 am

St. John Vianney 8:15 am 5:15 pm 8:15 am

8:15 am 8:15 am

8:15 am 5:00 pm

8:15 & 10:00 am

St. Patrick 5:15 pm 8:00 am

8:00 am 8:00 am

4:00 pm

9:00 am 12:00 Noon en Español

St. William 5:15 pm

8:30 am 4:00 pm

8:00 & 10:30 am

St. Mary’s Hospital

2:00 pm

St. Elizabeth Nursing Home

3:15 pm 7:00 am 7:00 am 7:00 am 7:00 am 9:15 am

St. Elizabeth Manor Footville



March 25 11:00 AM Centering Prayer, Nativity of Mary, Nativity House March 26 10:30 AM Faith Sharing Group, Nativity of Mary, Nativity House March 26 Noon—5:00 PM Adoration, St. William, 5:00 PM Benediction March 26 6:00 PM Soup & Stations, St. William March 26 6:00-7:00 PM Adoration & Devotions in Spanish, St. Patrick March 26 6:00-7:00 PM Adoration, St. John Vianney March 27 5:30 - 7:00 AM “That Man Is You”, St. John Vianney, Marian Hall March 27 5:30 PM Stations of the Cross, St. Patrick March 27 6:00 PM Father Tim’s Lenten Study, St. Patrick School March 28 8:30 AM-1:00 PM Adoration, St. Patrick March 29 8:45-9:45 AM Adoration, Nativity of Mary March 29 12:00 Noon Stations of the Cross, Nativity of Mary March 29 5:30 PM Stations of the Cross, St. John Vianney, followed by Simple Supper, Commons March 31 5:30-7:30 PM Mission 2019, St. William, Church—All are welcome. April 1 11:30 AM-2:00 PM Catholic Charities/Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry, St. John Vianney—All in need are welcome. April 7 5:30-7:30 PM Mission 2019, St. William, Church—All are welcome.