Natural english test booklet

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upper-intermediateJenny Quintana


test booklet

1 grammar -ing form and infinitiveComplete the text using the verbs in brackets in the -ing form or infinitive.

I’m really looking forward to (visit)my friends.

1 (run) is very good for your heart.

2 I loathe (be) late for work.

3 (stay) at home is the only thing to doin winter.

4 Instead of (do) my homework, Iwatched a video.

5 Will you remember (close) the doorwhen you go out?

6 I can’t get used to (be) without him.

7 I regret (inform) you that yourapplication has been unsuccessful.

8 I stopped (have) piano lessonsmonths ago.

9 I meant (invite) him to the party, butI forgot all about it.

10 It’s not worth (finish) the test. I can’tremember a thing!

2 grammar wishes and regretsRewrite the sentences using wish / regret and thecorrect form of the verb.

I haven’t got her phone number.I wish .

1 I didn’t study hard at school.I wish .

2 I can’t speak French.I wish .

3 I’m sorry that I gave up the guitar.I regret .

4 Unfortunately I’m going out later.I wish .

5 You’re not my boyfriend.I wish .


I had her phone number



3 grammar -ing formsComplete the sentences with a suitable adjective orpreposition.

We won the match scoring in the lastfive minutes.

1 leaving the exam room, I alwayscheck my answers carefully.

2 He’s never been interested drawing.

3 finishing our meal, we did thewashing up.

4 It’s no sitting there. He isn’t going tocome.

5 I’m looking forward starting my newcourse.

4 wordbooster sporting collocations, collocation in dictionaries

Complete the sentences with the nouns in the box.There is one more word than you need.

I like going early in themorning.

1 I tend to flick through . I neveractually read them.

2 When I was young we used to learnby heart.

3 Why don’t you join ?

4 We lost 3–0.

5 I try to look up a day.

6 She won for writing the bestshort story.

7 You need to practise , or you’llnever be a footballer.

8 He does five times a week. That’s why he’s so strong.

9 I never skip when I read anovel.

10 I got of the text, which wasenough to answer the question.


for a run

the match for a run your technique weightliftingthe gist table tennis an aerobics club a prizemagazines three new words poetry a page



2 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit onegrammar, vocabulary, and natural English test 30 minutes


Open cloze

Read the text and think of the word which best fits eachspace. Use only one word in each space. There is anexample at the beginning (0).


When I was younger, I didn’t use to get

(0) exercise. For a long time I regretted not

(1) much sport, but recently, I decided

things needed to change. I saw a marathon on TV and

made up my mind that was what I wanted to do.

I started slowly because I felt I needed to

(2) used to things gradually. I went

(3) in the local pool and started going to a

gym. I then (4) a group of runners.We met

each week and we had an excellent coach who gave us

guidance and training tips.

At first I (5) the training quite hard

and I nearly gave up because I thought that everyone

was better than me. However, I decided to persevere

(6) it and I’m really glad I did. I realised

that if I wanted to take (7) in such a big

race, I had to be willing to try.

I now (8) running twice a day as well

as going to the gym and I run marathons regularly.To

tell the truth, I (9) I’d run a marathon

years ago. I’d certainly advise anybody to give it a

(10) . It’s amazing how good it can make

you feel.


5 vocabulary learningComplete the sentences with the correct word.

Alison doesn’t find learning French easy, but shealways has a .

1 Charlie finds learning French difficult and hesometimes discouraged.

2 Jack tries to speak French all the time, but hecan’t it up for long.

3 Amy has difficulties, but is always willing toit a try.

4 Matthew everything up very easily.

5 Sarah is slow progress, but she istrying very hard.

6 natural EnglishMatch the sentences with the responses.

Do you do any sport?

1 I didn’t know you spoke German

2 I want to get something memorable for herbirthday.

3 I’ve lost my house keys again!

4 When I was five, I got lost in a supermarket.

5 I don’t do any sport at all.

6 I found the grammar quite tricky.

7 What did you think of the fitness test?

8 I’ve joined a Pilates class.

9 Can you speak any languages?

10 I wish I could speak Russian

a I do a bit of weight-lifting.

b Well, it’s a bit rusty.

c Yeah, that happened to me too.

d Well, that sounds very unhealthy.

e What sort of thing?

f I was hopeless at balancing on one leg.

g Really? I thought it was easy.

h For goodness sake! You’re useless!

i I can get by in Italian.

j Why don’t you join an evening class?

k I’ve never heard of that. What does it involve?





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1 grammar should + verb, should have +past participle

Complete the sentences with the correct form of theverbs in brackets.

The exam is tomorrow. You (stay) in tonight.

1 The taxi (arrive) in a fewminutes. I rang them ages ago.

2 They (take) the money – nowthey’re in big trouble!

3 Everybody (wear) a seatbelt.

4 I (be) honest. She won’t believea word I say now.

5 You (stay) if you’re not enjoyingyourself.

6 This film’s had some fantastic reviews, so it(be) good.

7 You (drive) over the speed limitwherever you are.

8 He (apply) for the job. He wasthe best candidate.

9 You (leave) him. He was lovely!

10 The ‘Internet’ (have) a capitalletter.

2 grammar possibility and probabilityChoose the correct word to complete the sentences.

I won’t be at the party. I’m going to thecinema.

a probably b definitely

1 English is to finish late. His lessons always do.

a bound b unlikely

2 He’s to phone tonight. He’s got guestsstaying.

a unlikely b sure

3 I she’ll pass the exam. She’s very clever.

a doubt if b dare say

4 That the answer. You usually do get thingsright.

a probably isn’t b could well be

5 It’s that it will be sunny later. It’s pouringwith rain at the moment.

a likely b highly unlikely



should stay

3 vocabulary physical actionsComplete the sentences with a verb in its correct form.

I down on my knees and startedclearing up the mess.

1 I hold of her just in time to stop herfrom falling.

2 She felt tired so she against the wall.

3 He nearly his balance and fell fromthe roof.

4 I down and picked up the coin.

5 She up and put the picture straight.

4 wordbooster health and medicine,tourist information

Complete the dialogues with the correct word. Thefirst letter is given each time.

A Is there a cheap restaurant r here?

B I’m not sure. I don’t know the area.

1 A It sounds like you’ve got a c .

B Yes. It kept me awake last night.

2 A I’ve hurt my ankle playing tennis.

B Put a b on it. That’ll support it.

3 A Can we get the tickets on the day?

B No, we need to book them in a .

4 A Oh no! I’ve got a n !

B Quick. Take my handkerchief.

5 A Where’s the b place to park?

B There’s a car park just outside town.

6 A Is there any c of joining the tour?

B I’m afraid it’s already started.

7 A What’s the best thing for s ?

B You should sit in the shade and put a T-shirton.

8 A I’ve got a mosquito bite.

B Put some o on it.

9 A What’s the best w of seeingLondon?

B On a bus.

10 A Do you want t or medicine?

B Whichever is easier to take!





4 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit twogrammar, vocabulary, and natural English test 30 minutes

5 vocabulary tourists’ phrasesMatch the words to make phrases. There is one moreword than you need.


1 timetable

2 resorts

3 walks

4 charges

5 of interest

6 times

7 attractions

8 monuments

9 and breakfast accommodation

10 trips

6 natural EnglishMatch the beginnings and endings of the sentences.

I don’t really know, to

1 It’s worth

2 I haven’t

3 I liked him,

4 Is there anything else

5 You should go

6 Although we didn’t finish on time,

7 That was very nice

8 That sounds a

9 The opera is well

10 That was

a be honest.

b you can recommend?

c careless of you!

d the results were excellent.

e going to the park if you’ve got time.

f of you.

g though not everyone did.

h bit rude!

i worth a visit.

j a clue!

k and see the Arts Museum.





admission bed historic train openingday holiday youth sightseeing guidedtourist places


Key word transformations

For each question, complete the second sentence sothat it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, usingthe word given. Do not change the word given. You mustuse between two and five words, including the wordgiven. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 You’re brave to travel alone.


It’s brave to travel alone.

1 It’s a good idea to book your accommodation inadvance.


You your accommodation in advance.

2 I probably won’t go to Barcelona this year.


I to Barcelona this year.

3 You should visit the tourist office.


The tourist office visit.

4 I don’t know how to say that in Spanish.


I how to say that in Spanish.

5 The plane is bound to be delayed.


The plane delayed.

6 We almost certainly won’t come here again!


It’s come here again.

7 I forgot to check the date on my passport.


I the date on my passport.

8 Although the party was good, I left early.


I left early the party was good.

9 My ear has been hurting all day.


I all day.

10 That tune doesn’t sound right in my opinion.


That tune me.

of you

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1 Reading

Part A

You are going to read a newspaper article about Barcelona. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choosefrom the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap (1–5). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.There is an example at the beginning (0).

A It’s the simple delight of going for a quiet stroll.

B However, his other works are just as amazing.

C However, unlike some cities, having fun isn’t just for the young and beautiful!

D There’s sunshine, palm trees, a colourful port, beaches, outdoor cafes, and good food.

E The best hotels are just outside the city.

F You wouldn’t think of going home before sunrise.

G Eventually you’ll arrive at the long beaches of the former Olympic village.

H On the way, you’ll pass people selling birds, animals, souvenirs, plants, newspapers, and all kinds of things.


Festivity is the norm in Barcelona. Its streets, squares, and public places are crowded with well-turned-out people

enjoying themselves at all hours of the day and night. (0) Weaving between the street musicians and performance

artists, you’ll see middle-aged housewives and men in suits just as intent on enjoyment as their sons and daughters!

Barcelona certainly has plenty to offer all generations. (1) There’s also fantastic art and architecture such as

Antonio Gaudi’s huge and still only half-built church of the Sagrada Familia which is the most admired building in

Barcelona. (2) Make sure you visit the Parc Guell which is out on the edge of the Gracia district and marvel at

Gaudi’s incredible swirly lines, mosaic tiles, and crooked pathways.

Of course, Barcelona has exceptional nightlife too. In districts such as Gracia, you’ll find the streets packed until

sunrise.The norm is to meet in a cafe at 10pm, go to a restaurant at 11pm, a bar at 1am, and a club at 3am. (3)

However, for those of you who prefer something more relaxing, why not try one of the most popular pleasures of the city

instead? (4) It’s certainly the best way to explore the city.

The most popular walk is along La Rambla, that great road that represents the victory of the pedestrian over the

motorist! La Rambla leads to the port. (5) Half way down, you’ll find all sorts of cafes where you can sit outside and

watch the world go by. Next, wander down the narrow streets and squares of the Old City, which is also for the most part

a pedestrian zone, and then on to the modernized seafront. (6)

A 90-minute walking tour of the Old City departs every weekend.Visit the tourist information office to find out

further details and of course to find out about the monuments, museums, and other tourist attractions in the lively city of



6 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

units one and twoEXAMS FOCUS skills test 45 minutes


Part B

Read the text again. For each question, circle the correct answer – A, B, C, or D.

3 Listening

tapescript 2.2 and 2.3

You will hear three people talking about experiences they’ve had at an airport. Look at statements 1–10. Decide if youthink each statement is correct or incorrect.

Write A in the box for CORRECT.B in the box for INCORRECT.

2 Writing

You have recently had a class discussion about the difficulties of learning a language. Now your English teacher has askedyou to write a composition describing your personal experience of learning English.

Write 120–180 words.

Now do:

speaking test

dictation test




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7 What is the writer’s main aim in writing the text?

A to give advice on where to stay in Barcelona

B to explain the Spanish way of life

C to describe a city

D to talk about a personal experience

8 What does the writer comment on in the firstparagraph?

A the beauty of the streets

B the number of tourists

C the number of Spanish festivals

D the types of people in Barcelona

Michael’s story

1 Michael was coming back from holiday.

2 The hamster was in a carrier bag.

3 The Greek man was very upset.

4 Michael found the situation very sad.

Lynne’s story

5 Lynne was going to spend Christmas in Madrid.

6 She had somebody else’s ticket.

7 She believed at one point she wouldn’t be able to leave.

Ralph’s story

8 Ralph didn’t know about the security checks.

9 He took a photo of the security man.

10 The security man thought the camera could bedangerous.

9 What does the writer recommend doing in thesecond paragraph?

A going to a pleasure park

B going for a walk

C exploring the buildings

D visiting the art galleries

10 What does the writer say about La Rambla?

A It’s for pedestrians only.

B It’s a noisy place to walk.

C You can drive there.

D It’s in the port.




1 grammar each other / one another,-self / -selves

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

The bank has got into trouble.

1 They fell off the swing and hurt .

2 You two should talk to more often.

3 She introduced to everybody in theroom.

4 I taught Russian in a year.

5 Stop competing with all the time!

6 It’s the first time little Annie has ever done up thebuttons .

7 We enjoyed very much.

8 Behave ! That’s a really silly thing todo Justin!

9 We never agree with .

10 He can’t look after ! He’s too young.

2 grammar obligation, necessity, andprohibition

Underline the correct answer.

I have to / shouldn’t phone Bob. I promised Iwould.

1 She has to / doesn’t have to go shopping. There’snothing in the fridge.

2 I must / ought to finish this letter. It’s veryimportant.

3 I should / ’ve got to improve my exam results if Iwant to be a doctor!

4 You mustn’t / ought not to swim in the river.There’s a sign saying, ‘No Swimmers’.

5 You musn’t / don’t have to wear shorts. You canwear a tracksuit if you like.

6 You ’ll have to / ought to do the cooking when youlive on your own.

7 I don’t have to / mustn’t forget to feed the dog.

8 You must / should lock the door. Nobody else has akey.

9 You should / are allowed to do the washing uptonight. I did it last night.

10 You’re not allowed / allowed to leave the examuntil the teacher says so.




3 grammar sequencing information in atext

Order the words to make sentences.

seen / since/ he / Jack / job / his / I’ve / times /several / left

1 soon / left / after / I / abroad / went / you

2 Charles / twenty-first / met / before / shortly /birthday / I / my

3 meeting / need / prior / final / making /arrangements / to / a / We

4 Jane / saw / at / bus-stop / I / waiting / the / I /While / was

5 loved / long / we / went / before / I / you / out /together

4 wordbooster personality phrasesChoose the correct word to complete the sentences.

I like going out with Bill because he’s a reallygood .

a laugh b smile c joke

1 I can’t stand Tim. He’s a real pain in the .

a neck b leg c head

2 That girl is out of . You should speak to herparents.

a reach b here c control

3 Alice is the most . I think she should speak forus.

a talkative b chatty c articulate

4 You’ve got such a big ! Why do you thinkyou’re so fantastic?

a self b opinion c ego

5 If you want to get on in , you’ve got to workhard.

a career b life c world



I’ve seen Jack several times since he left his job.

8 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit threegrammar, vocabulary and natural English test 30 minutes


Multiple-choice cloze

Read the text below and choose the correct word foreach space. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Reality TV is getting more and more popular. In I’m

a celebrity – get me out of here! a group of celebrities live

with (0) other in the jungle in Australia.There are

ten of them (1) all and they are all different kinds

of people.

The celebrities (2) allowed to leave the area and

they’re only permitted (3) a few things with them.

The idea is that they look after (4) but they’re not

really self-sufficient because they (5) hunt for or

catch their own food.They are given basic food, but to

get extra luxuries, they (6) do tasks.This is one of

the rules.The tasks include doing horrible things with

snakes and insects.

(7) the celebrities are in the jungle, they are

filmed for the whole time.They are supposed to look

after (8) another, work as a team, and be (9) .

However, because they are such different people some

of them (10) . Of course this is what the

programme makers want.Without arguments, the

programme wouldn’t be very interesting.

0 A every B all C both D each

1 A at B above C in D with

2 A can’t B shouldn’t C mustn’t D aren’t

3 A taking B take C to take D taken

4 A myself B himself C themselvesD ourselves

5 A ought to B have to C mustn’t D shouldn’t

6 A have to B should C allowed to D ought to

7 A Because B While C As D But

8 A each B single C only D one

9 A eccentric B articulate C supportive D ambitious

10 A conflict B clash C compete D consult


5 vocabulary good and bad relationshipsComplete the text with one suitable word.

I’ve got three sisters and we on with

each other really well. We don’t compete

(1) one another and we always

(2) up for each other if other people

criticise us. You never hear me (3) with

them at all. I’ve also got a brother and we don’t get

on so well. He’s a lot older than me and I suppose I

find him difficult to (4) to. However,

he’s very wise and I do (5) him about

problems I have at work.

6 natural EnglishComplete the dialogues with one suitable word.

A Do you fancy out tonight?

B Yes, that would be lovely.

1 A I’ve always of living by the sea.

B What’s stopping you?

2 A How many people are there in your family?

B There are six of us in .

3 A Have you got a big family?

B There are fifteen of us ourgrandparents.

4 A I think we should hire a car when we getthere.

B Yes, that makes .

5 A Shall we walk into town?

B I don’t that much. Let’s get thebus.

6 A Right. That’s decided, then. we goon to the next point?

B That’s fine by me.

7 A I don’t think it’s a good idea to visit Amy.

B I don’t see .

8 A Have you always lived here?

B I’ve lived here seventeen years, butI’m from London.

9 A Let’s take our own cooking equipment.

B I can’t see the of that.

10 A Where did you live when you were a child?

B I was up in Yorkshire.





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1 grammar nouns in groupsTick ✓ or correct the sentences.

1 She went to a girls school.

2 Move the glass from the table’s edge.

3 You get tickets from the box office.

4 He’s the new human resource’s manager.

5 Can I pay by credit card?

6 Where is the nearest bus’ station?

7 A cat’s tail helps it to balance.

8 Do you like films of horror?

9 The ship has been at the bottom of the ocean forcenturies.

10 The governments decision is final.

2 wordbooster words of similar meaningChoose the correct synonym for the word underlinedfrom the words in the box.

The TV station has raised its standards recently.

1 We aren’t permitted to use dictionaries in theexam.

2 Smoking is prohibited in this restaurant.

3 His health deteriorated over the weekend.

4 I think advertising should be controlled.

5 They removed a scene in the film which includeda dead chicken.

6 The company grew very quickly in the first year.

7 They boosted their profits by selling morepopular clothes.

8 He examined the website for offensive material.

9 In my opinion the old licensing laws limitedpeople’s freedom.

10 They’ve cut the number of buses to only once anhour.



improved increased checked alloweddeclined banned reduced regulatedrestricted censored expanded


3 vocabulary adjectives describingreactions, synonyms

Write the correct word to complete the dialogues. Thefirst letter is given each time.

A My brother is always taking my things!

B That must be really a .

1 A Who c this list of names?

B James assembled it, but the we all helped.

2 A Why’s that woman talking to herself?

B I don’t know. She looks a bit o .

3 A There are a lot of e in this report.

B Really? I thought I’d checked it for mistakes.

4 A I find James quite i .

B So do I. He’s always telling silly jokes.

5 A Do you want to know the ending?

B No! It will s the film!

4 grammar future simple and continuousComplete the sentences. Use the verbs in the correcttense.

This time tomorrow, we (sit) onthe train to Barcelona.

1 You (need) warm clothes whenyou go on the trip.

2 By 2010 everybody (have) avideophone.

3 I don’t think electric cars (ever /be) popular.

4 I (travel) with Jack in any case,so I’ll tell him about the meeting.

5 In three days time, I (know) myexam results.

6 I (phone) him tonight anyway,so I’ll invite him then.

7 By the end of the year, I (give)you more homework.

8 I (leave) early in any case, so Ican go to the supermarket for you.

9 You (lose) that watch if you’renot careful.

10 Michael (hurt) himself if hedoesn’t stop running about like that.


’ll be sitting



10 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit fourgrammar, vocabulary, and natural English test 30 minutes

5 vocabulary the language of editingMatch the examples with the words.


1 ( )

2 -

3 ,

4 water

5 can’t

a italics

b brackets

c full stop

d hyphen

e comma

f apostrophe



6 natural EnglishComplete the sentences with one suitable word.

I hardly go to the cinema. Idon’t have time.

1 Do you think you could help mecarry this suitcase upstairs?

2 I was annoyed that he didn’t ask me to the party,but what was more infuriatingwas he went with Mary instead.

3 I’m I can’t come to the concert.I’m meeting some friends that evening.

4 I go to the gym, I can, but I’musually very busy.

5 My first name and surname are all oneon the email address.

6 It’s hard to which film is thebest. They’re both fantastic.

7 Is there any you could gettickets for the match tonight?

8 I see Mark once in a . It’s difficultbecause we live so far apart.

9 I can see both of their argument,but I don’t really agree with either of them.

10 The name on the cover is in upper .



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Error correction

For questions 1–10, read the email below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have aword which should not be there.If a line is correct, put a tick ✓ by the number on the line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word. Thereare two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).

FINISHING EXAMS0 so Thanks for your e-mail. I’m afraid so I can’t come to the concert on

00 ✓ Friday. I’ll still be doing my exams! Have you finished yours? Your

1 news about Richard was even surprising. I didn’t know he’d moved

2 away. I think it’s possibly odd because he didn’t tell me he was going. Do

3 you think you could send me his address? I haven’t got much news myself

4 because I’ve been so busy studying, but the exams will be over soon.

5 I was wondering if we could go out and celebrate then? Will you be at

6 home tomorrow night? I’ll be ring you and we can talk about it! I’ll

7 be staying with my penfriend in Italy in the summer. Did I tell you? That reminds

8 me. Is there any chance you could give me back my Italian dictionary?

9 Thanks! I’ve got a new e-mail address below so make sure you will

10 write it in your diary! My name is in upper capital letters and it’s all one word.

See you soon!


1 Reading

Part A

Read the text about digital interactive TV. Complete the summary that follows using suitable words from the box.

DIGITAL INTERACTIVE TVJust as the telephone has become a fixture in our homes, cars, and pockets, most households have at least one

television which is the main source of information for them. However, despite its popularity, there have been few majordevelopments in the technology of TV in comparison with other fields.That is changing with the beginnings of Digital TV.

Television in the digital age won’t be limited to better sound and sharper vision; our televisions will also becometruly interactive. Imagine the sound and viewing quality of the cinema and combine it with the interactivity of theInternet and you get some idea of what digital interactive TV is all about. Many people may not think it’s the best use oftechnology, but interactive TV isn’t limited to ordering pizzas or playing games. It’s somewhere between a computer anda TV, with a modem, memory and processing capabilities. Some people predict that it will take over from personalcomputers. If you can surf the Net, send e-mails, watch films, make phone calls, and do online shopping whilst watchingTV, what do you want a PC for?

On-screen menus mean that viewers have so much more control and choice. Parents will be able to limit theprogrammes that can be watched to protect their children.Viewers will be able select the items that really interest them.In short, users will be able to personalize their viewing to suit themselves.

These days, many TV programmes, especially reality game shows, encourage their viewers to phone in to record avote. In the future this may have a more serious significance. Perhaps we’ll be able to vote for anything from the comfortof our homes via our television set. Perhaps we’ll vote for political parties and the results will be counted automatically,eliminating the need for people to spend several hours counting slips of paper.The whole process would be efficient,cheap, and accurate.

Similarly, perhaps there will be no more need for the traditional role of schools and teachers. Students will be ableto watch high-quality TV programmes about their subjects that will allow them to interrupt, ask questions, and print outnotes and tests. It will then store test results on a huge database so that everyone will be able to compare their ownprogress.

Nobody can really predict the exact impact of Digital TV on our lives, but it’s safe to say that TV is never going tobe the same again.


After a long period of time, which showed no significant technical (0) in the field of television, the TV

(1) seems to be about to transform itself with the arrival of digital. Digital TV will result in improvements

in the sound and visual quality of our (2) . It will also bring (3) that will rival that of the

computer and may lead to its downfall. Apart from greater viewing choice, implications for the future include people taking

part in (4) from home as well as potentially huge changes in the way children are (5) .

developments technology system protect production security educatedelections programmes industry interactivity information films brought up


12 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

units three and fourEXAM FOCUS skills test 45 minutes


Part B

Read the text again. Are sentences 1–5 ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’,choose ‘Doesn’t Say’.

2 Writing

This is part of an e-mail you receive from an English penfriend.

Write an e-mail to this penfriend.

Write 120–180 words.

Now do:

speaking test

dictation test




3 Listening

tapescripts 3.3 and 3.4

You will hear an interview with the maker of a TV programme. The programme is called Making Eden and is set in arainforest in Australia. For questions 1–10, fill in the missing information with one or two words.

1 They chose the same number of men and women so that they had a .

2 They had better applications from .

3 Particular skills aren’t required because all the contestants are given some .

4 The most important qualification is a person’s .

5 They have to have a to make sure they are healthy.

6 There was a of 32 people.

7 The final selection lasted .

8 They had to talk about for one minute.

9 They participated in group challenges to see who were good .

10 were involved in choosing the final participants.

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004 natural English upper-intermediate tests 13




6 Telephones and TVs are equally accepted in the home.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

7 Visual quality won’t necessarily improve with Digital TV.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

8 Digital TV will allow people to do more than one thingat once.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

9 Reality TV shows are likely to become less popularwith Digital TV.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

10 Digital TVs will eventually replace teachers.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

We’re doing a really interesting project at college about new technology in the year 2020. It would be great toknow what your ideas are! Could you write and tell me what you think in your next e-mail if you have time?

1 grammar narrative tensesComplete the paragraph. Use the verbs given in thecorrect form. Use the past simple, the past continuous,the past perfect simple, or the past perfect continuous.

I (have) a very embarrassing

experience recently. I (1) (drive) to

work as usual but I wasn’t feeling great. I

(2) (oversleep) and unfortunately I

(3) (not have) time for breakfast.

Suddenly a car (4) (pull) out in

front of me. I (5) (be) really angry

and I hooted my horn at the driver. Later on I

decided to overtake. As I (6)

(overtake), I opened my passenger window and

shouted at the driver. He (7) (look)

at me, but didn’t reply. I (8) (get) to

work on time and settled down in my office. I began

to feel a bit better. I (9) (work) for

about thirty minutes, when there was a knock at the

door and a man came in. I couldn’t believe it. It was

the man who I (10) (shout) at on

my way to work. He smiled and said, ‘Hi. I’m your

new boss.’

2 grammar modifying and intensifyingadverbs

Underline the correct word.

You’re being very / absolutely ridiculous.

1 I think Jamie is an extremely / absolutely nice man.

2 I was very / absolutely furious with him.

3 That was a very / really delightful evening.

4 I feel a bit / really better now.

5 He’s quite / slightly older than me.

6 It was an incredibly / a really terrifying film.

7 You are being completely / very ridiculous.

8 I’m a bit / very happier than I was.

9 After that walk, I’m absolutely / very exhausted.

10 It’s very / absolutely hot today.




3 vocabulary anxietyMatch the sentences with the responses.

I’m so relieved that interview is over.

1 I’ve been dreading this meeting for ages.

2 When I saw the gun, I was really scared.

3 I’ve just seen Sarah. She’s in tears.

4 You look nervous.

5 What’s the matter? You’re trembling.

a I’ve been shaking for ages. I think I’m ill.

b She was crying yesterday, too.

c You look much happier.

d I was petrified!

e I’m not looking forward to it either.

f I’m anxious about this exam.

4 wordbooster taking exams, phrasal verbsComplete the sentences with the verbs from the box inthe correct tense.

He didn’t want to take the exam but heanyway.

1 I’m not surprised he , he didn’tdo any work.

2 Have you ever in an exam?

3 I think I a mess of my paper. Ianswered the wrong question.

4 I didn’t understand the question but I think Imanaged to my way through.

5 The oral exam place in adifferent centre. I couldn’t find it!

6 Which subjects do you think will in the test?

7 I tried to phone her but I couldn’t .

8 As time , she grew in confidence.

9 Make sure you are fully for theexam.

10 I my driving test because of yourhelp.


turned up

cheat come up make get through take failturn up go on bluff prepare pass



14 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit fivegrammar, vocabulary, and natural English test 30 minutes

5 vocabulary adding emphasisComplete the sentences with so or such.

It was a good book I couldn’t stop readingit.

1 He was handsome I couldn’t stop lookingat him.

2 She has many clothes she never wears thesame thing twice.

3 They are lovely people, aren’t they?

4 It was terrible weather we stayed indoorsall day.

5 I was nervous I couldn’t eat.

6 natural EnglishComplete the dialogues with one suitable word.

A How did you do in the exam?

B I 70%.

1 A Do you fancy coming swimming on Saturday?

B The thing , I’m scared ofwater.

2 A What happened in Sally’s driving test?

B She passed, as you expect.

3 A The exam had started, but everybody’s surprise, Jack suddenly appeared.

B Really? I wonder if he passed.

4 A What did you think of the film?

B It wasn’t good, when youconsider the reviews.

5 A Did you get good in the test?

B Yeah. I did really well.

6 A Have you spoken to George lately?

B Well, I rang him a week ago, but for some, he hasn’t rung back.

7 A I was by the teacher today.

B Really? Were you talking in class again?

8 A Are you still using that old bicycle?

B No. I got of it ages ago.

9 A Why didn’t you meet us last night?

B The problem I got lost.

10 A That sounds really interesting.

B Yeah. Anyway, I was really hot by then,I decided to go into a cafe.






Word formation

For questions 1–10, use the word given in capitals at theend of each line to form a word that fits in the space.There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 This exercise is impossible!REAL

1 I did very in my courseworkproject. BAD

2 He fell 20 metres, and to my gotup again and walked off! AMAZE

3 Our phone has been because wedidn’t pay the bill in time. CONNECT

4 Our garden is large so it shouldbe fine for a barbecue. FAIR

5 I failed my driving test so I’m itnext week. TAKE

6 You look very , is anythingwrong? ANXIETY

7 I felt very because the street wasso dark and empty. EASY

8 He kept running and he ran outof breath. INEVITABLE

9 This is ridiculous – we’ve beenwaiting for our food for over an hour! TOTAL

10 I was so that I couldn’t do theparachute jump. PETRIFY


Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004 natural English upper-intermediate tests 15



1 grammar present simple, past simpleand present perfect passive

Complete the sentences with the correct form of theverb.

The food (make) by a top chef.

1 Tim (not / give) his raise at workyet.

2 Two men (arrest) at five o’clockthis morning.

3 I think the picture (paint) byPicasso.

4 The goods (transport) to Chinalast Friday.

5 Several people (already /reported) hurt in a train crash outside York.

6 She (never / award) an Oscar.

7 A new vaccine (just / discovered).

8 It (think) he escaped safely.

9 The man (believe) to bedangerous.

10 The jewellery (steal) from theprince’s home at the weekend.

2 grammar indirect questionsOrder the words to make indirect questions.

bus / know / Do / leaves / the / what / you / time


1 airport / me / how / to / to / you / the / get /Could / tell


2 going / election / the / I’d / to / like / know / if /vote / you’re / in / to


3 you / lift / was / whether / wanted / a / to /wondering / the / I / station.


4 what / you’re / to / going / any / idea / you / do /next / Have


5 know / I’d / about / be / to / think / what / you /education / interested



Do you know what time the bus leaves


was made

3 vocabulary feelings and emotions,collocation, expressing opinions andinterest

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

Many buildings were completelyby the fire.

1 He’s to bits about his newpromotion.

2 I’m very against animal testing.

3 The information is that thestorm is geting worse.

4 I can see both of the argument.

5 The fire is now control.

6 I’m not really bothered about politics to be.

7 I feel down by George. Heshouldn’t have lied to me.

8 She’s over the about herdaughter’s exam results.

9 I’m not at all in of what they aredoing.

10 Many people were injuredduring the fighting.

4 wordbooster dangers and disastersChoose the correct word to complete the sentences.

A bomb has outside the embassy.

a exploded b erupted c escaped

1 He me with a knife but I ran away.

a threatened b accused c damaged

2 He two days in the desert with no water.

a damaged b escaped c survived

3 His is very serious but the doctors are doingwhat they can.

a hurt b injury c damage

4 There was a huge of children from Londonduring the war.

a movement b evacuation c journey

5 They the millionaire’s son and asked for£500,000.

a stole b kidnapped c damaged




16 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit sixgrammar, vocabulary, and natural English test 30 minutes

5 wordbooster knowing your prepositionsComplete the sentences with the correct preposition.

The man was accused robbing three banks.

1 The man was arrested punching apoliceman.

2 He escaped last night and is still the run.

3 Tonight, soldiers are stopping people random.

4 The city is in need food and clothing.

5 They are trying to protect the town flooding.

6 natural EnglishMatch the sentences with the responses.

What’s your house worth at the moment?

1 What did you think of the hotel?

2 A cushion would be absolutely essential on along journey.

3 Sorry to bother you, but could I just ask yousomething?

4 Where’s the escaped criminal now?

5 You get a lot of people dropping litter in thepark.

6 What would you take to a desert island?

7 Our house has gone up a lot in value sincewe bought it.

8 It’s thought that the fighting has stopped.

9 What’s London like in the summer?

10 How did the accident happen?

a It makes the place look terrible.

b I heard it’s still going on in places.

c I’m not sure. We need to have it valued.

d He’s believed to have left the country.

e Well, apparently, the driver of the lorry fell asleep.

f You get a lot of tourists.

g Go ahead.

h I couldn’t survive without my radio.

i It’s good value for money.

j Really? Ours has gone down.

k I agree. It would be very uncomfortable without.






Key word transformations

For each question, complete the second sentence so thatit has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using theword given. Do not change the word given. You mustuse between two and five words, including the wordgiven. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 They have sent a reporter to the area.


A reporter to the area.

1 They said he stole the money.


They the money.

2 They transported food and medical supplies lastweek.


Food and medical supplies lastweek.

3 The painting is extremely valuable now.


The painting is now.

4 How do you feel about releasing him from prison?


I’d like to know about releasing him from prison.

5 People believe the football superstar is in theCaribbean.


The football superstar in the Caribbean.

6 The bomb exploded outside the bank.


There was outside the bank.

7 What do you think about public transport?


Could you tell about public transport?

8 I don’t mind if you print that story.


It you print that story.

9 Music is really important to me.


I couldn’t music.

10 They warned us last week about the weather.


We last week about the weather.

has been sent

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1 Reading

You are going to read a magazine article in which people talk about their driving test. For questions 1–8 choose from thepeople (A–E). The people and their dates may be chosen more than once. When more than one answer is required, these maybe given in any order. There is an example at the beginning (0).

18 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

units five and sixEXAM FOCUS skills test 45 minutes

A MaxOn the whole, I enjoyed the experience. My examinerwas friendly and quickly made me feel at ease. I pulledout of the test centre with no problems, I wasn’tinstructed to go anywhere that I hadn’t already been,I felt fine about the manoeuvres and to be honest I can’t recall making any significant mistakes. Mindyou, I still failed! I couldn’t believe it when she told me!

B TinaI arrived an hour before my test which meant of coursethat I was sitting around all that time getting nervous.The test centre is a really depressing place so it wasn’tmuch fun and to be honest, my examiner wasn’t muchbetter. As soon as he walked through the door I took aninstant dislike to him. He seemed so miserable. I failedof course.

C MarkI was absolutely determined to pass after four previousattempts. I’d been practising all week in my dad’s carand I was really confident. Everything went well until Itried to park. I managed to back up on to the pavementand narrowly missed a lamp post. Still, I’m going tohave another go in a few weeks’ time so fingers crossed!

D JosieI’ve never been so anxious! I arrived at the test centreexactly on time only to find that my examiner hadn’tarrived! After ten minutes we were on the road, but I didn’t feel any better! I remember making a fewmistakes, but obviously they weren’t that bad becausewhen I got back to the centre, I was told I’d passed.I’m glad I don’t have to go through that again!

E BenI arrived exactly on time so there was no waiting aroundand getting nervous. I felt fairly confident because I’dhad a lot of lessons and could do all the manoeuvres.Then it came to the bit where the examiner wanted totest my eyesight and he asked me to read the numberplate of the car in front. Of course, I couldn’t see athing! I’d forgotten my glasses. I had to rebook for aweek’s time!


Which person

… didn’t like the examiner?

1 … didn’t take their test?

2 … has got another test soon?

3 … had to wait for a long time?

4 … had taken the test before? 5




B0Which person

5 … was surprised by the result?

6 … started the test late?

7 … nearly had an accident?

8 … was worried? 109




2 Writing

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence:

As I drove out of the car park, it started to rain.

Write 120–180 words.

Now do:

speaking test

dictation test




3 Listening

tapescript 5.4

You will hear two people talking about experiences they’ve had on TV. Choose the best answer.

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Lucy’s Story

1 Why did Lucy do the challenge?

A The programme wrote to her.

B Her boyfriend organized it.

C She wanted a physical challenge.

2 When the TV crew came to her house, Lucy

A was annoyed.

B thought it was funny.

C was surprised.

3 How did Lucy feel about doing the bungee jump?

A She was very keen.

B She was anxious because she’d done one before.

C She wasn’t bothered about it.

4 Why didn’t she tell the crew she’d done a jump before?

A She wanted to surprise them.

B She was too nervous.

C She didn’t want to disappoint everyone.

5 Why didn’t she do the jump?

A The crew weren’t ready for her.

B A member of the crew guessed she didn’t want to.

C There was a problem with the helicopter.

6 How did Lucy feel when she landed?

A relieved and embarrassed

B relieved

C annoyed

David’s Story

7 Why did David do the challenge?

A The presenter of the show asked him to do it.

B He offered to do it.

C His wife made him do it.

8 What did David have to do?

A touch a spider

B be near a spider

C carry a spider across a room

9 How did David feel about doing the challenge?

A a little bit scared

B terrified

C uneasy

10 How did he feel afterwards?

A pleased with himself

B upset with his wife

C angry with the programme makers

1 Open cloze

Read the text and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example atthe beginning (0).


Do you sometimes think you ought (0) learn a language? Is your French a (1) rusty?

Would you like to have a (2) at speaking Spanish? It’s never (3) late to learn a language, or to

improve what you already know.

These days there are many different options on offer.You can (4) an evening class.You can study at

home. It (5) even believed that you can learn a language in your sleep by listening to cassettes. Personally,

I’m not (6) whether this is really possible.

In my opinion, the best way to learn a language is to live abroad for a while.When you’re listening to a language all the

time, it is much easier to (7) it up. At first you may feel (8) nervous that even going to the

local shop will be a nightmare, but as time goes (9) , you’ll become more confident and within months you’ll

(10) speaking happily with everybody you meet.


2 Error correction

For questions 1–10, read the article below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have aword which should not be there.If a line is correct, put a tick ✓ by the number on the line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word. Thereare two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).


0 ✓ Last year, I lost my job but I decided not to let it worry me! I had some money00 for so I decided to do some of the things I’d always dreamed of for doing.

1 Anyway, so I’d always wanted to learn Italian and that’s what I decided to do!

2 I booked a place at a language school in Pisa and went off to Italy for three

3 whole months. At first things didn’t go too well. When I got to the school, to

4 my surprise, they’d never heard of me! Even though I’d paid my fees, long

5 before then my arrival, they had no idea who I was. As you might expect

6 to, I was pretty fed up! I was also quite worried. However, it wasn’t a

7 problem, because eventually my papers turned on up and they realised who

8 I was with. Apparently they’d been having problems with their computers.

9 After that, I was been given an entrance test, but I made a mess of it and they

10 put me in the beginners’ class. Actually, I could get by in Italian quite well. I

11 explained the situation although and they allowed me to change class. In the

12 end I had a really good time at the language school. I met some great people

13 and did a lot of travelling. In fact, I had such a great time I may well to

14 do it again! Do you want fancy coming with me next time? I reckon we’d get

15 on with it each other really well and we’d really enjoy ourselves!

20 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

units one to sixEXAM FOCUS mid-course test 45 minutes



3 Key word transformations

For each question, complete the second sentence sothat it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, usingthe word given. Do not change the word given. Youmust use between two and five words, including theword given. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 Young people should do sport at school.


Young people sport at school.

1 I regret not listening more at school.


I wish more at school.

2 I was wrong to give up French.


I French.

3 A fire has destroyed the science block.


The science block by fire.

4 I’m against testing young children at school.


I’m not testing young children atschool.

5 Did you enjoy your schooldays?


I was your schooldays.

ought to do

4 Word formation

For questions 1–5 below, use the word given in capitalsat the end of each sentence to form a word that fits inthe space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 We won’t win the match.DEFINITE

1 The of the rainforests is a seriousproblem. DESTROY

2 It’s very that I’ll get the job – I don’t have the right experience. LIKE

3 I was at maths when I was atschool. I’m much better now. HOPE

4 The fire was caused by anelectrical fault, not a cigarette. APPARENT

5 I couldn’t without my mobilephone. SURVIVAL


5 Multiple-choice cloze

Read the text below and choose the correct word foreach space. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Last year, we went on a driving holiday through

Arizona in the USA. I was fed up with going to the

usual places and seeing the usual (0) attractions.

At first my husband wasn’t (1) sure about the idea

because he was worried the children might be bored.

However, I managed to persuade him and he ended up

really looking forward (2) going.

We booked the flight and the hire car and two nights

in a hotel.The hotel wasn’t very nice, but we didn’t

(3) discouraged.We knew we’d soon be on the

road.The driving was hard work at first, but we soon

got (4) to it.The children did get bored sometimes,

and now I (5) we’d taken more things to entertain

them. However, they amused each (6) pretty well,

all things considered.

(7) the trip was tiring, we all really enjoyed

(8) . Of course we came across some difficulties

including the time when the police stopped us.They

were stopping cars (9) random and ours was one

of them.They seem convinced my husband was

somebody else but after an hour, they let us drive on.

All in all, we had a great time and I’d say a driving

holiday is (10) worth it.

0 A leisure B holiday C tourist D historic

1 A definitely B enough C fairly D too

2 A for B to C on D at

3 A get B have C be D turn

4 A used B prepared C better D familiar

5 A regret B hope C wish D expect

6 A one B other C another D person

7 A When B Because C Whether D Although

8 A ourselves B us C yourselves D everyone

9 A on B at C in D for

10 A much B very C well D more


Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004 natural English upper-intermediate tests 21





1 grammar present perfect and past simpleUnderline the correct expression in each sentence.

I went / have been to Paris several times.

1 Did you ever see / Have you ever seen a crocodile?

2 Haven’t you done / Haven’t you been doing thatexercise yet?

3 I’ve been sending / sent that letter last week.

4 I never go / ’ve never been to Scotland in my life.

5 I ’ve been / was an English student since 1999.

6 I’ve lived here for long time / since I was a child.

7 I’m not thirsty. I just had / ’ve just had a drink.

8 Max has recently / ever moved house.

9 Have you seen / Have you been seeing this filmbefore?

10 I’ve been waiting here for ages / since a long time.

2 grammar do, will, or wouldComplete the sentences with do, will or would.

A If you go to Australia this Spring, you visit your aunt?

B I expect so. It’s a long way to go and not seeher.

1 A This is your room. Have you got any questionsabout college rules?

B we have to wash our own sheets?

2 A We start work at 9.30 here.

B I be expected to wear a uniform?

3 A If I took the car, you share thedriving?

B Yes, of course.

4 A Please come to the party.

B I’m really not sure. you pick meup?

5 A Is this your first day?

B Yes. I have to see the boss?




3 vocabulary voluntary work, success andfailure

Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

He did a degree in environmental science andnow wants to work in .

1 You won’t get paid; it’s a organisation.

2 She gives up her free time to inthe children’s hospital.

3 Our manager is so disorganized – the project is a!

4 I need to a target of £20,000 inthree months!

5 If you , will you get a pay rise?

6 I want to work for a like the RedCross.

7 Local transport is free for the .

8 What’s the if I win?

9 You need to be able to difficultsituations in this job.

10 She organizes events such assponsored runs and lotteries.

4 wordbooster conservationMatch the words with the clues.


1 endangered

2 reproduction

3 captivity

4 site

5 buried

a hidden in the ground

b place

c give food to

d breeding

e animals that soon may no longer exist

f cages or enclosures for animals





achieve prize fund-raising voluntarydisabled fiasco succeed handlecharity volunteer conservation

22 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit sevengrammar, vocabulary, and natural English test 30 minutes

5 wordbooster uncountable and pluralnouns

Tick ✓ or correct the sentences.

1 The facilities is excellent in this hotel.

2 Do you have enough knowledge for this project?

3 I don’t have the right experiences for the job.

4 These equipment aren’t up to date.

5 Our accommodation was luxurious!

6 The company trainings were very thorough.

7 My monthly expense has gone up.

8 Would you like to do a research on this for me?

9 I need to give you some advice.

10 Today’s news is really depressing.

6 natural EnglishComplete the dialogues with one suitable word.

A Hello. Mavis Carter, isn’t it?

B That’s right.

1 A What on are you doing?

B I’m digging up this plant.

2 A Would you be willing to work for nothing?

B Yes. I wouldn’t doing that.

3 A Would you be prepared to travel abroad?

B I’d be a reluctant to do that.

4 A Why would you like to do voluntary work?

B What to me is the idea ofhelping people.

5 A Please come in. have a seat.

B Thank you.

6 A Did you have any problems here?

B No. There was no traffic at all.

7 A There are several why I’d likethe job.

B Would you like to tell us one of them?

8 A Why should we give you this job?

B First of , I’m very organized.

9 A It was very nice meeting you. I’ll be innext week.

B Thank you.

10 A When will you be able to decide?

B I’ll you know by Friday.





Multiple-choice cloze

Read the text below and choose the correct word foreach space. There is an example at the beginning (0).


(0) you want a change? Have you (1)

thought about how you can help other people? Does the

idea of travelling appeal (2) you? Would you be

(3) to work for nothing? If you were in a stressful

situation, (4) you keep calm? If you can answer

‘yes’ to all these questions, perhaps you should think

about doing voluntary work.

Mary Richards used to work as an administrator,

but she had always been interested in conservation so

she decided to go to Africa to work with endangered

(5) . At first, Mary missed her home and wondered

what on (6) she was doing there. She now

describes the experience as the best of her life. If you

wanted to (7) a success of this kind of work you

would have to be a calm, patient person who is able to

(8) with a lot of pressure. Alternatively if you don’t

like the idea of travelling, you could consider doing

voluntary work at home.You could help (9) money,

you could work in a charity shop, or you could simply

(10) some money.Whatever you did would be


0 A Will B Do C Have D Would

1 A ever B never C just D yet

2 A for B with C to D at

3 A like B willing C keen D interested

4 A must B ought to C will D would

5 A types B kinds C varieties D species

6 A earth B world C why D how

7 A do B make C have D get

8 A cope B manage C handle D solve

9 A win B increase C raise D pay

10 A pay B spend C donate D earn


Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004 natural English upper-intermediate tests 23



1 grammar verb patternsRewrite the sentences. Keep the meaning the same.

I’ll lend you some money.

He promised .

1 I didn’t take the money.

He denied .

2 You stole my bag!

She accused .

3 I won’t tell your parents.

He agreed .

4 He says he’s a detective.

He claims .

5 Don’t go to the police!

They warned me .

2 grammar linking ideasComplete the sentences with one word.

I studied hard, I failed the exam.

1 I left early, I was enjoyingmyself.

2 The exam was difficult. , I didmy best.

3 being tired, we won the match.

4 We enjoyed ourselves the factthat it rained all day.

5 It wasn’t an expensive hotel. , itwas comfortable enough.

6 I enjoyed the film. Bob, , foundit boring.

7 I arrived late leaving at six inthe morning.

8 I had a good time, I don’t wantto go out with him again.

9 I like Janet. She, , doesn’t likeme!

10 the result, we enjoyed the game.




to lend me some money

3 wordbooster neighboursAdd the missing word to each sentence.

A is always at the top of a building. penthouse

1 I get on really well with my next neighbour.

2 The house the road is up for sale.

3 We live in a flat, so it’s quite dark.

4 My boss’ office is across the from me.

5 I live next door one to you!

4 natural EnglishOrder the words to make sentences.

litter / over / There’s / park / the / all


1 files / over / the / are / My / place / all


2 worse / is / The / getting / traffic / worse / and


3 when / came / Things / to / Mike / else / met / a /head / somebody


4 were / over / from / There / all / people / world /the


5 was / sorry, / house / wasn’t / I / it / aware / I’m /somebody’s


6 went / real / we / by, / found / As / time / nature/ out / his


7 more / The / and / becoming / are / more / roads/ busy.


8 sorry, / I’m / purpose / it / didn’t / do / I / on


9 it / teacher / or / Put / tell / the / back / I’ll


10 your / otherwise / won’t / Finish / I / out / let /homework, / go / you



There’s litter all over the park


24 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit eightgrammar, vocabulary, and natural English test 30 minutes

5 vocabulary ways of walking, expressinganger

Choose the correct word to answer the questions.

What do you do if you’ve hurt your foot?

a stagger b limp c run

1 How do you walk out of a room where somebodyis sleeping?

a tiptoe b crawl c jump

2 What’s another word for shout abuse?

a get angry b have a row c swear

3 What’s another word for a nice, relaxed walk?

a jog b march c stroll

4 What can you lose if you’re angry?

a your mind b your temper c your nerve

5 Which word means quarrel?

a abuse b row c shout


6 wordbooster word buildingComplete the sentences with a word from the box in thecorrect form.

The food was cold, so I to the manager.

1 His condition hasn’t , which is goodnews.

2 Your in class is unacceptable.

3 He won’t be arrested because the police can’tanything!

4 I Jo about the meal, but he forgotanyway.

5 Several were made against thewitness and she now has police protection.



complain deteriorate behaveproof remind threaten

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Error correction

For questions 1–10, read the article below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have aword which should not be there.If a line is correct, put a tick ✓ by the number on the line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word.There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).


0 ✓ I moved into a new flat last month, but I’m already beginning to wonder if

00 but I’ve made a mistake! Although the house was untidy when I moved in, but I

1 didn’t think it was a big problem. However, as time goes by the place is

2 getting more worse and worse! Last week, I nearly lost my temper. When

3 I walked into the kitchen, there was rubbish all over the floor. My flatmate,

4 George, had knocked the bin over and hadn’t bothered to clear it up! I told

5 him either to tidy it up, otherwise I’d leave! I also threatened to tell the

6 landlady, but George didn’t care! Despite of the fact he needs my rent, he

7 isn’t willing for to compromise. He won’t do any cleaning! I’ve been

8 trying to think of a way of getting my own back, but I don’t want to have

9 a big row. So far I’ve managed not to keep calm, but if I find one more

10 dirty plate in the living room I’m not sure what I’ll do!



1 Reading

You are going to read a magazine article about talking on the phone. Choose from the list A–G the summary which bestmatches each paragraph. There is one extra heading that you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0) .

Part A

A You can use more than your voice to show enthusiasm.

B Improve your performance through practice.

C Visiting the company is always a good idea.

D Be in control of your own voice.

E It’s a good idea to know what you want to achieve.

F First impressions are really important.

G Treat the call like a face-to-face interview.


26 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

units seven and eightEXAM FOCUS skills test 45 minutes


If you’ve applied for a job, you may have to talk to yourpotential employer on the phone at some stage in theprocess.Whether it’s for an introductory interview, togather additional information, or follow up a speculativeletter, how you sound on the phone can make a bigdifference to your future employment prospects.

Although you’ve been using it all your life, you probablyhaven’t been interviewed on the phone before. Don’t dismissthe conversation as insignificant just because you aren’tgoing anywhere! Be professional in your approach andmake sure you’re prepared. One way you can do this is tofind a friend. Record yourself having phone conversationsthen play them back and consider how you can do better.

The problem with a phone interview is that you can’t usebody language to show your understanding and interest.However there are other ways you can get this across. Infact smiling, using your eyebrows or gesturing toemphasise a point can affect the way you sound.The moreactive your facial features, the more lively and interestedyou will sound.




Concentrate on your delivery and think about what youwant to say before you start speaking. A common mistakeis for people to talk too fast.This gives the impression ofsomeone who is anxious or lacks knowledge. Make yourpoints one by one and then stop talking. Knowing when tostop is important too.

Focus on the exact purpose of the call. Is it a first roundinterview, an information gathering exercise, or aspeculative letter you’ve sent? Have everything you needto refer to in front of you, including your CV, so that youcan answer their questions accurately.Write a list of yourown questions and make sure you have answers to eachone by the end of the call.

Imagine you are going to see your future employer ratherthan just talking to them on the phone.Try to set an exacttime for the discussion so that you can avoid nervouswaiting. If it’s early morning, get up, have a coffee, and ashower. Don’t do the interview lounging on the sofa; sit ata desk or table instead and DON’T do the interview inyour pyjamas! Wear something smart.




Part B

Read the text again. For each question, mark theletter next to the correct answer – A, B, C, or D.

6 What does the writer suggest about talking onthe phone to a future employer?

A It isn’t as important as a meeting.

B It’s more important than a meeting.

C It’s equally important as meeting.

D It should be avoided if possible.

7 Who is most likely to read this text?

A company directors

B students applying for a course

C people looking for work

D people who work on the phone

8 What doesn’t the writer advise?

A visiting the company

B pausing before you speak

C wearing something appropriate

D controlling the speed of your voice

9 What does the writer say about body language?

A it isn’t important

B it can make a difference

C it’s best to avoid it

D it can be a problem

10 What would be another good title for the text?

A It’s getting harder to get a job.

B The cost of calls is going up.

C How to get a job over the phone.

D Take speaking lessons and find a job.

2 Writing

You recently went on holiday with ‘Sunshine Holidays’. Youwere not happy with the accommodation. Using the informationin their advert and the notes you made when you got back,write a suitable letter of complaint to the holiday company.

Write 120–180 words.

3 Listening

tapescripts 8.3 and 8.4

You will hear three people talking about conversationsthey’ve had. Look at statements 1–10. Decide if you thinkeach statement is correct or incorrect.

Write A in the box for CORRECT.B in the box for INCORRECT.

Interview 1

1 The interviewer is in a restaurant.

2 The interviewer agrees that paper isn’t as bad as plastic.

3 The woman says she dropped the wrapper by accident.

Interview 2

4 The children are throwing flowers at each other.

5 The park keeper has seen the children picking the flowers

6 The woman eventually agrees with the interviewer.

Interview 3

7 The man’s car is obstructing a shop door.

8 The man has just come out of the dry-cleaner’s.

9 The interviewer suggests there are other places to park.

10 The man is a policeman.

Now do:

speaking test

dictation test




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SSUUNNSSHHIINNEE HHOOLLIIDDAAYYSSYou can rent a beautiful apartment in a superb block of flats that is onlyminutes from the Mediterranean Sea.

Choose to lie on the golden sands, or relax by the swimming pool. There is also an excellent gym.

There are plenty of excellent restaurantsnearby as well as shopping facilities.

not yet built!

closed for summer

The flat was dirty

a thirty minute walk!!

in the village –1okm away

1 grammar making comparisonsOrder the words to make sentences.

as / expensive / His / mine / as / car / twice / is


1 exam / are / as / My / yours / as / nearly/ results /good


2 nearly / DVDs / as / Videos / expensive / as /aren’t


3 legs / to / work / they / My / as / well / don’t /used / as


4 Mario’s / as / My / as / English / is / good


5 I / clever / You’re / not / as / am / as


6 fast / mine / Your / just / computer / is / as / as


7 is / as / to / mine / Your / easy / just / phone /use / as


8 tall / your / You / as / quite / as / sister / aren’t


9 typing / as / twice / it / My / is / as / to / used /fast / be


10 neighbour’s / isn’t / garden / as / as / Our / nearly/ big / our


2 vocabulary books and publishingComplete the sentences with the correct word.

The is natural English.

1 It is by Oxford University Press.

2 It out in 2003.

3 It isn’t hardback, it’s .

4 There’s a picture of Agrippine on the front.

5 There’s a page at the front.




His car is twice as expensive as mine

3 grammar linking wordsComplete the sentences with a suitable linking word(s).

I took a sweater I wouldn’t becold.

1 I left work late I could finish theproject.

2 I had to hurry not to be late forthe interview.

3 it was getting late, I decided toleave the party.

4 Take my mobile you need toring somebody.

5 Phone me when you get there, I’ll worry.

6 I explained it in a letter to beclear.

7 Keep to the main roads youwon’t get lost.

8 Make sure you take notes thiswill help you to remember.

9 Take an extra copy you lose thisone.

10 Speak clearly people won’tunderstand.

4 vocabulary advertisingMatch the definitions with the words in the box.

short films, posters, etc. to tell people about aproduct

1 type of product made by a particular company

2 produce something that didn’t exist before

3 memorable phrase to attract attention

4 attention given to a subject by the media

5 design that represents a company / product



logo advertising sloganinvent brand publicity


so that

28 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit ninegrammar, vocabulary, and natural English test 30 minutes

5 wordbooster literal and figurativemeaning, affixes

Complete the sentences with the correct word. Thefirst letter is given each time.

He felt a w of panic as the manapproached him.

1 The company has a steady s ofbusiness.

2 I can go swimming with this watch on becauseit’s w .

3 You only need to put this meal in the oven for afew minutes because it’s p .

4 I always buy f yoghurt as I’m ona diet.

5 I’m finding this project very difficult. I feel out ofmy d .

6 natural EnglishMatch the sentences with the responses.

I’m starving!

1 I’m about to design a new logo. Have you gotany advice?

2 Did you see John’s flowery suit yesterday?

3 My grandmother looks tired all the time.

4 My main worry is that we’ll lose all ourmoney.

5 The harder you work, the more you earn.

6 What did you think of Malcolm’spresentation?

7 That was the best meal I’ve ever had!

8 How did you feel when your team won?

9 Call me whenever you feel like it!

10 What shall we do now?

a Yes! I couldn’t believe my eyes!

b It only took me five minutes to make.

c I nearly fainted! I didn’t believe they’d do it.

d You’re right. We should be careful.

e Eat whatever you like! The company’s paying!

f Thanks. It’s good to know I’ve got a friend.

g You’re the guest! We can do whatever you want!

h It’s the best talk I’ve ever been to!

i Maybe you should avoid anything toocomplicated.

j Well, the older you get, the less energy you have.

k So why don’t I have any money?






Open cloze

Read the text and think of the word which best fits eachspace. Use only one word in each space. There is anexample at the beginning (0).


Do you always choose the same brands and reject

items that aren’t nearly (0) expensive?

Have you ever felt better by using a particular brand,

but not really known why? You may think that a certain

brand name is (1) best you can get, but is

this really true? It may be that other products are

(2) as good.This is the power of


(3) we do, and (4) we

go, advertising surrounds us.Whether we turn on the

television, catch a train, or simply walk down the street,

we see some form of publicity. Most people buy things

so (5) they will feel healthier, more

attractive, or more confident. People who make adverts

know this.Their aim is to (6) us that

buying their product will make us happy and the more

of their products we buy, (7) happier we


Adverts don’t (8) very long.Their

makers may only have a minute to attract our attention.

For this reason, adverts must be original and clever.

They must have memorable (9) that stay

in our heads. At the same time, they must offer us

characters and situations we can identify with in order

(10) make us feel that we too can have

such a lifestyle.


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1 grammar definite or zero articleTick ✓ or correct the sentences.

Divorce is becoming more frequent. ✓

It’s only new boy I don’t like, the rest of the classare fine. the

1 The knowledge is a fantastic thing.

2 Mobile phones are very common these days.

3 The camel is a very interesting creature.

4 I’ve heard he gives a lot of money to poor.

5 I don’t like food in that restaurant.

6 Life is so short – just enjoy yourself!

7 The young people I know are well-behaved.

8 The families don’t eat together anymore.

9 Rich people aren’t necessarily happier.

10 All you need for a good marriage is the love.

2 grammar relative clausesComplete the sentences with who, that, which, or whose.Sometimes two are possible. If you can omit thepronoun, do not write anything.

I spoke to the man works in a bank.

There’s the boy I met last week.

1 The bridge, was built in the 18thcentury, collapsed on Friday.

2 She’s the girl I told you about.

3 My sister, never argues, lost hertemper yesterday.

4 I bought a computer turned out tobe faulty.

5 She’s the girl brother I went outwith.

6 I bought a car kept breaking down.

7 That’s the dress I wanted to buy.

8 The actor, name I can’t remember,received an award.

9 I read the book you told me about.

10 The dog, followed me home, nowlives with us.


who / that


3 grammar definite or indefinite articleComplete the sentences. Write a / an or the.

They’ve bought new car.

1 I’ve got great teacher.

2 The couple were late. man apologised.

3 Dinner is in oven.

4 I can’t find video I bought the other day.

5 Did you buy book about dinosaurs we saw?

6 Can you take dog for a walk?

7 Armstrong was the first man on moon.

8 I’m sure there was child in here just now.

9 There’s strange woman in the kitchen!

10 Have you ever seen ghost?

4 vocabulary memory, making judgementsMatch the words and phrases with their meanings.

a vague memory

1 inevitable

2 absent-minded

3 cruel

4 learn by heart

5 on the tip of your tongue

6 ridiculous

7 nuisance

8 rings a bell

9 a shame

10 illegal

a causes pain and suffering

b stupid or absurd

c forgetful

d can almost remember

e something annoying

f against the law

g a pity

h bound to happen

i is very familiar

j remember a bit

k memorize





30 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit tengrammar, vocabulary, and natural English test 30 minutes

5 wordbooster animals, word buildingChoose the correct word to answer the question.

Which creature can poison you with its sting?

a snake b crocodile c scorpion

1 Which animal has stripes?

a panda b zebra c leopard

2 Which words isn’t a noun?

a captivity b attraction c destructive

3 Which creature has a beak?

a owl b elephant c bear

4 Which word refers to a group of animals?

a herd b breed c fur

5 Which word isn’t an adjective?

a harm b protective c stressful

6 natural EnglishComplete the sentences with the one suitable word.

She buys a lot of vases, pictures, andlike that.

1 I’ll have to about that. Let’s talkagain tomorrow.

2 I can’t tell one twin the other.

3 We talked about plastic surgery and issuesthat.

4 That’s an interesting question, um …me think.

5 Can you tell the difference onebrand of coffee and another?

6 The hotel was dirty. addition,the food was horrible.

7 What I’m trying to say , I don’tagree with dog shows.

8 What I meant I don’t believe inkilling animals for their fur.

9 I like jazz, rock, and that ofthing.

10 Can you what someone’sthinking just by looking at them?


stuff / things



Word formation

For questions 1–10, use the word given in capitals at theend of each line to form a word that fits in the space.There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 Who is the youngest sister? I can’t tell the. DIFFERENT

1 Don’t be afraid – most snakes aren’t. HARM

2 Are pandas in danger of ?EXTINCT

3 Her made me cry. SENSITIVE

4 Your bedroom is ! I can’t open thedoor there is so much mess!DISGRACE

5 He shouldn’t have hit you! Such behaviour is. JUSTIFY

6 I’m totally against to animals.CRUEL

7 His arguments are very – it’s verydifficult to disagree with him.PERSUADE

8 Most people in this country have never experiencedreal . HUNGRY

9 I found the scenes where they killed the animalsvery . UPSET

10 I think using animals for medical experiments is. MORAL


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1 Reading

Part A

You are going to read a text about the snow leopard. Seven sentences have been removed from the extract. Choose fromthe sentences A–G the one which fits each gap (1–5). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There isan example at the beginning (0).

A Another essential tool is the camouflage they get from their colouring making them nearly invisible in rocky places.

B If they are disturbed, they tend to only come out at night.

C Amongst these are the fascinating snow leopards that live in the mountains of Central Asia.

D Selling live cats, fur, or body parts is also illegal.

E As a result, the snow leopards kill more domestic animals and their owners kill the leopards in revenge.

F They also have a long thick furry tail which helps them to balance on the steep slopes of their natural habitat.

G They can also be quite destructive creatures.

H However many die at a much younger age.


Some of the world’s most beautiful and graceful creatures are also the most endangered. (0) Research has shown

that there are an estimated 3,500–7,000 snow leopards left in the wild and only 600–700 in captivity. In fact, snow

leopards were categorised as an endangered species by the World Conservation Union in 1972.

Snow Leopards have beautiful white to grey fur with dark-grey to black spots.They have long body hair and large

paws to help them walk on snow. (1) Snow leopards are usually most active at dawn and at dusk. However, they may

appear more during the day in areas where there are very few people. (2)

Snow leopards have plenty of survival skills including an incredible ability to leap when they are hunting prey.

(3) Despite this, the threats they face in the wild are tragically bringing the species closer to extinction.The leopards

live naturally for 10–12 years. (4) There are many reasons for this and most of them are due to human behaviour.

Hunters kill the leopards in order to steal their fur and to sell their body parts for use in medicine.

Another problem for the leopards is the difficulty of finding food. Humans are killing more and more of the mountain

goats and animals that they normally eat. (5) Another reason for their endangered status is loss of habitat. As humans

push further and further into their area, there is less and less room for the leopards to live freely. As a result

conservationists are making great efforts to reverse the situation.

All snow leopard countries have laws against the hunting of the species. (6) In some cases there are also laws

against the hunting of their prey such as sheep and Ibex goats. However, enforcement is difficult because of lack of

money and the difficulties of catching poachers in such a remote habitat.


32 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

units nine and tenEXAM FOCUS skills test 45 minutes


Part B

Read the text again. Are sentences 7–10 ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’choose ‘Doesn’t Say’.

7 Snow leopards can survive better in captivity.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

8 Snow leopards have a pattern on their fur.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

9 Snow leopards don’t usually live in high places.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

10 Snow leopards are at risk from other animals.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

2 Writing

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must have this title:

The Woman Who Changed Her Face

Write 120–180 words.

Now do:

speaking test

dictation test




3 Listening

tapescript 10.3

You will hear people discussing important issues. Look at statements 1–10. Decide if you think each statement is correct or incorrect.

Write A in the box for CORRECT.B in the box for INCORRECT.

Interview 1

1 The panel have already discussed the issue of testing cosmetics.

2 The presenter is keen to hear the opinion of the audience.

3 The man in the green shirt works in a laboratory.

4 The laboratory uses different kinds of animals.

5 The man can’t stand the smell from the laboratory.

Interview 2

6 The panel didn’t react strongly to the subject of older women having babies.

7 The woman thinks the maximum age should be fifty.

8 She supports the use of medical technology to help older women have babies.

9 She is optimistic about the length of time people live these days.

10 The interviewer asks for her view on teenage pregnancies.

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1 grammar past conditionalsMake sentences using the words given.

If I / have your number I / call you.


1 I / not got an interview if you / not introduce me.


2 She / might not break it if you / help her carry it.


3 If I / have the book I / can do some revision.


4 I / can pass if I / work harder.


5 They / not move if the neighbours / be quieter.


2 wordbooster phrases and phrasal verbsChoose the correct word to complete the sentences.

They tried to cover the story.

a on b up c over

1 I phoned the wrong number by .

a mistake b error c wrong

2 With a bit of I’ll be promoted next month.

a chance b hope c luck

3 He rang me the blue.

a about b out of c from

4 Her son got mixed with drug dealers.

a along b around c up

5 I don’t see the of applying for that job.

a cause b point c reason

6 What would you have done in her ?

a boots b feet c shoes

7 Don’t take any of him! He’s being silly.

a warning b notice c sign

8 How do you put with your boss? He’s awful!

a up b down c off

9 You shouldn’t have taken the job in the first !

a position b place c moment

10 I think you should be ashamed yourself!

a by b with c of



If I’d had your number, I would have called you

3 grammar reporting what people sayComplete the reported statements.

I’m unhappy at work.

He explained .

1 I spoke to Joe.

He said .

2 I’m going home.

She said .

3 I can finish it tonight.

She told me .

4 I haven’t started the project yet.

She admitted .

5 I’ll deliver the letter tomorrow.

He promised .

4 natural EnglishMatch the beginnings and endings of the sentences.

It’s all

1 That sounds

2 I’ve got a

3 I must apologize

4 I wouldn’t do that in

5 What would you do if you

6 I could

7 I was so pleased to

8 I’d be miserable too

9 I’m completely against

10 It cost a

a my fault!

b a million years!

c for my behaviour last night.

d million things to do!

e having university fees.

f were in John’s position?

g like a great idea.

h in her shoes.

i hear that you’re getting married.

j fortune!

k eat a horse!




he was unhappy at work

34 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit elevengrammar, vocabulary, and natural English test 30 minutes

5 grammar mixed conditionalsComplete the sentences with the verb in the correctform.

If I (know) he was dishonest,

I (not be) married to him now.

1 If I (not do) so well in my exams,

I (not be) at university now.

2 If I (not have to) babysit tonight,

I (can go) to the concert.

3 If we (leave) earlier, we

(might not be) in this traffic jam.

4 I (be) a doctor now, if I

(listen) to my father.

5 I (not be) so angry now if he

(tell) me the truth at thebeginning.


wouldn’t be

’d known


Error correction

For questions 1–10, read the article below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have aword which should not be there.If a line is correct, put a tick ✓ by the number on the line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word.There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).


0 ✓ Hi! It was lovely to hear from you! Sorry I haven’t written for a while

00 doing but I’ve been doing really busy. It’s all my fault because I’ve

1 taken on an extra project at work. I’ve now got to a million things to do

2 and no time to do them! I was so pleased to hear about that you’re getting

3 married! Congratulations! Did you hear what happened to Meg? Mike left

4 her last week after five years! If that were me, I’d be so definitely

5 upset. They’ve just bought a new house and apparently it cost a

6 fortune! Now she’s paying for it on her own. If that I were in her position,

7 I’d be really angry. I’d get a good lawyer! Mind you, if she’d have listened

8 to us in the first place, she wouldn’t have stayed with Mike for so long! We

9 always knew he wasn’t the right man for her, didn’t we? Meg can be so

10 naïve! Still, everyone makes by mistakes. I know I’ve made enough of them.

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6 vocabulary describing characterComplete the sentences with a word or phrase fromthe box. There are more words than you need.

He’s a very man. He cares abouteverybody.

1 Tom’s for stealing that money.

2 He’s very . He copies everybodyelse.

3 She’s so . She believes anythingpeople say to her.

4 He’s a man. He’s not afraid ofanything.

5 Paul’s . You can give the keys tohim.



naïve kind-hearted courageoustrustworthy full of remorse easily ledsincere understanding wise


1 grammar reported questionsYou met a man at a party who asked you questions.Report what he asked.

What’s your name?


1 Do you know Pete?

He wanted to know .

2 How long have you been here?

He asked me .

3 What time are you going home?

He wanted to know .

4 Have you got a boyfriend?

He wondered .

5 Will you come to the next party?

He asked me .

2 vocabulary sleep and times of day, gamesComplete the sentences with the correct word. Thefirst letter is given each time.

I often have a n on a Sundayafternoon.

1 We won a fantastic p . It was a housein Spain.

2 Make up your m ! Do you want toplay or not?

3 My dad d off in front of the TV andmissed the film.

4 I can’t think of the word! Give me a c !

5 I sometimes get up at s and gojogging.

6 Suddenly I opened my eyes and feltw awake.

7 I used to suffer from i ; I’d stay awakefor hours.

8 The lesson was so boring, I y all theway through.

9 Mark was exhausted. As soon as he got into bed,he fell f asleep.

10 That’s the wrong answer I’m afraid! You’ll haveto miss a t !




He asked me what my name was

3 grammar like, as, such asChoose the correct form in each sentence.

Put your books away, as / such as I told you.

1 You can use my suitcase like / as a chair.

2 I like spicy food such as / as chilli.

3 The swimming pool is as / like a bath! It’s lovelyand warm.

4 In cities such as / as Athens, there’s a lot ofpollution.

5 I caught the 8 o’clock bus such as / as I always do.

6 Some people say the body is like / as a machine.

7 Such as / As we discussed, your salary will go upfrom next month.

8 I worked like / as a tour guide last summer.

9 She doesn’t look like / as a very nice person.

10 In schools like / as ours, you have to work reallyhard.

4 wordbooster collective nounsMatch the words with the definitions.


1 crowd

2 herd

3 series

4 choir

5 jury

6 public

7 gang

8 crew

9 pile

10 audience

a books or papers on top of each other

b the people watching a play

c the people working on a ship

d a group of criminals or trouble makers

e things or events that happen one after another.

f a group of objects that are the same or similar

g people in society in general.

h a group of singers

i the people watching a football match

j a lot of cows together

k the twelve people in a court who decide if theaccused is guilty




36 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit twelvegrammar, vocabulary, and natural English test 30 minutes

5 wordbooster attitude adverbsUse the adverbs to complete the sentences.

Ben’s going to Australia. , I’ll beable to visit him next year.

1 They were winning 2–0 at half-time, but, they lost the game!

2 Sally hasn’t been to lessons for weeks., she’s left the course.

3 I didn’t do any revision at all, and, I still passed!

4 We arrived late for the show. , itdidn’t start on time.

5 The children have kept her awake for two nights., she’s exhausted.

6 natural EnglishMatch the beginnings and endings of the sentences.

So, what you’re saying

1 What does this old teddy bear

2 It’s your

3 It’s easy once

4 Money means

5 Go

6 Does the name Rupert

7 He earns

8 So, you mean

9 The rules are dead

10 You ate all those biscuits in

a mean anything to you?

b one go!

c a fortune!

d go.

e nothing to him!

f for it!

g mean to you?

h is, I should walk more.

i that we can go home now?

j easy

k you get the hang of it.





miraculously surprisingly understandablypresumably luckily hopefully


Key word transformations

For each question, complete the second sentence sothat it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, usingthe word given. Do not change the word given. You mustuse between two and five words, including the wordgiven. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 I didn’t understand the rules at first.


At first, I couldn’t the rules.

1 You cheated, so it’s understandable the othercontestants are angry.


The other contestants cheated!

2 I’m not interested in winning.


Winning me.

3 ‘What’s the highest building in the world?’


The quizmaster the highestbuilding in the world was.

4 The quizmaster wanted to know if I’d been on theshow before.


He asked, ‘ on this show before?’

5 Do you know who Jim Lane is?


Does the name Jim Lane you?

6 I can’t understand the instructions.


The instructions follow.

7 She asked ‘Is it your go?’


She asked me my go.

8 It was very important for him to get a prize.


It meant him to get a prize.

9 I was lucky because I guessed the right answer!


I made a guess and the rightanswer!

10 I’m only worried about running out of money.


The one me, is running out of money.

get the hang of

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1 Reading

Part A

The people below are all trying to decide which book to buy. Underneath are descriptions of different books. Decide whichbook (A–H) would be the most suitable for each person (1–5).

Peter wants to be a doctor and is looking for a book that relates to medicine. He is particularly interested in thefunction of memory.

Laura is intending to study criminal behaviour and is very interested in the criminal mind. She would like to explorewhy people commit crimes.

David enjoys crime fiction. He likes reading clever stories that make him think about human behaviour.

Sarah is interested in historical figures, but she prefers not to read anything too serious or violent.

Tom is going to be a lawyer. He’s interested in real people who are in prison for crimes they didn’t commit.5





38 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

units eleven and twelveEXAM FOCUS skills test 45 minutes

A Letters HomeThis is an authentic selection of verymoving letters and poems written byreal prisoners to their families whilewaiting for release. You may find someof them upsetting and others difficultto believe. However, they are afascinating read.

B Finding ReasonsCan we always blame a person’sbackground or are there other reasonswhy completely ordinary peoplesuddenly turn into murderers? This is areally interesting psychologicalapproach to interpreting criminals andtheir motives.

C The Innocent ManA man is sent to jail for life for amurder he didn’t do. How will heconvince the courts of the truth? Howwill he convince his wife of hisinnocence? This is a fast, exciting novelthat you won’t be able to put down!

D Exploring the BrainDo we ever really forget anything? Ifwe are victims of crime, can we forgetsimply because we refuse toremember? This book answers thesefascinating questions and many morethrough articles written by severaleminent scientists of our day.

E Human MisdemeanoursA fine collection of original storieswritten by some of Britain’s top crimewriters. Each criminal in each storyleaves the reader wondering about theterrible things that people can do. Bewarned! This is a fairly pessimistic lookat the world we live in.

F Have Prisons Improved?This book takes a good look at theprison system in Great Britain bothtoday and twenty years ago. It looks atthe way attitudes to criminals havemoved on and considers the resultingchanges, good and bad.

G Big CrimesThis is a fascinating book that exploresthe lives of some of the most famousgangsters of the 30s! Find out howthey lived, how they loved, and howthey battled for control. A veryentertaining and informative book!

H Not GuiltyA fascinating book that considerssome very serious questions – Howmany innocent people have been sentto prison in recent years? How manyhave been released? How many arewaiting for a re-trial? You may beshocked at the numbers!


Part B

Read the text again. Are sentences 6–10 ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’choose ‘Doesn’t Say’.

6 ‘Letters Home’ is not a quick read.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

7 ‘Human Misdemeanours’ is not a book to cheer you up.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

8 ‘Have Prisons Improved?’ considers changes in criminal behaviour.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

9 ‘Big Crimes’ is about criminals of thirty years ago.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

10 ‘Not guilty’ will challenge what you think.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

2 Writing

Last week, you arranged to meet your friend, Timothy, in a restaurant. Unfortunately you couldn’t go and you weren’t able to warn him in time.

Write a letter to Timothy, apologising for not turning up and explaining what happened.

Write 120–180 words.

Now do:

speaking test

dictation test




3 Listening

tapescript 11.3 and 11.4

Listen to the stories and complete the sentences with no more than three words.

Story 1

1 The speaker knows Lucy from .

2 Lucy had just been to a .

3 She had originally planned to go home .

4 A car stopped after about .

5 The couple drove past her home for about .

6 In Lucy’s position her friend would have .

Story 2

7 The speaker saw Laura in a .

8 At first, she was sitting .

9 After seeing the speaker, Laura felt .

10 When the speaker saw Dino she .

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1 Open cloze

Write one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Do you find (0) hard to memorise things when you’re revising for an exam? Do you attempt

(1) learn something one day and then find you’ve completely forgotten it the next? Do you feel that your

memory (2) deteriorated over the years? Don’t panic! Your memory can (3) better if you

decide you want to improve it. Research suggests that (4) memory works better when effort is needed to

learn something or when you are learning about a subject (5) is of interest to you. But what about when

you’re not interested? What can you do?

Always pay attention to getting the information right (6) the first place (7) it’s difficult to

replace wrong information with right information. Remember that learning something by (8) doesn’t mean you

understand it. It can be good to explain your ideas to somebody else in (9) to help clarify what you are learning.

Some people find that rhymes, images, word associations, and things (10) that also help them to learn.


2 Error correction

For questions 1–10, read the article below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have aword which should not be there.If a line is correct, put a tick ✓ by the number on the line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word.There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).


0 ✓ Have I told you about my neighbour? He’s making my life a complete

00 have misery! If I’d have known about him, I would never have moved

1 here in the first place. My first problem is noise. He plays the music

2 until really late at night and he’s got three dogs that bark all the time.

3 The first time I asked him to turn the music down, it was 3 o’clock in the

4 morning. He didn’t care, he shouted an abuse at me and the next day, there

5 was rubbish from all over my garden! I couldn’t believe my eyes! I don’t

6 usually lose my temper, but I was really angry. I went round to see him

7 and he denied him doing anything! Then we had a big row and I threatened

8 to call the police. In spite of that though things haven’t changed. He continues

9 to keep me awake and he often throws rubbish into my garden. What shall I

10 do? Another friend of mine suggested me I throw the rubbish back into his

11 garden, but I’m quite worried about doing that. I suspect things would then

12 get even worse. I’m sure it’s all going to come much to a head soon and

13 I really can’t handle it the situation. I’ve got mixed feelings about going to

14 the police as I’m sure he’d claim that not to know anything. Mind you, If I’d

15 gone to them in the first place, perhaps things wouldn’t have got so bad.

40 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

units seven to twelveEXAM FOCUS end-of-course test 45 minutes



3 Key word transformations

For each question, complete the second sentence sothat it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, usingthe word given. Do not change the word given. Youmust use between two and five words, including theword given. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 I’ve never met such a dangerous criminal.


He’s criminal I’veever met.

1 The judge asked me, ‘Why did you take the money?’


The judge asked the money.

2 Prisons aren’t nearly as bad as they used to be.


Prisons they usedto be.

3 The last time he was in trouble he was eighteen.


He in trouble sincehe was eighteen.

4 ‘Okay, I won’t tell anyone’, he said.


He anyone.

5 He didn’t get caught so he didn’t go to prison.


If he’d been caught he to prison.

the most dangerous

4 Word formation

For questions 1–5, use the word in capitals at the end ofeach line to form a word that fits in the space. There isan example at the beginning.

I’ve just moved into a large house, but enough, I prefer my small flat. FUNNY

1 Taking drugs is in mostcountries. LEGAL

2 The landlord to tell the police ifthey didn’t pay the rent. THREAT

3 She never goes out in her old car – I think she’sof it. SHAME

4 She’s so . You can never believewhat she says! SINCERE

5 If I were in your shoes, I’d get anew job. DEFINITE


5 Multiple-choice cloze

Read the text below and choose the correct word foreach space. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Raleigh International is a charity (0) inspires

people from all backgrounds and nationalities to work

together on challenging environmental and community

projects around the world.

All the projects are very well organized and

well supported. First of (1) there is a training

programme.This is in order (2) prepare volunteers

for their three-month expeditions.The training

concentrates on personal development, cultural

awareness, world concerns, and issues (3) that. In

(4) , the programme prepares people for expedition

life (5) that they feel confident when they begin

and don’t feel that they’ve been thrown in at the (6)


The expeditions take place in Chile, Costa Rica,

Nicaragua, Ghana, Namibia and Sabah-Borneo. (7)

you do whether it’s building schools in Namibia or

looking for endangered (8) in Chile, all the projects

offer a wide range of challenging opportunities.

Volunteers are aged seventeen to twenty-five and are

from a wide range of backgrounds. Many are students

taking a gap year and looking for something that isn’t as

common (9) a holiday or a round-the-world trip.

Volunteer (10) must be over twenty-five.

0 A which B who C whose D where

1 A it B this C all D these

2 A for B so C as D to

3 A same B like C similar D such

4 A also B addition C moreover D as well

5 A so B as C order D in

6 A difficult B depth C wrong D deep

7 A Wherever B Whatever C When D Where

8 A types B sorts C kinds D species

9 A as B than C such as D like

10 A crew B staff C public D people


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units one and twoWhen I was young, I used to do a lot of sport. I enjoyedplaying football and I played it reasonably well. In fact, Iwas in the school football team. I always rememberwinning the cup. I was very good at tennis as well. I hadlessons after school and I spent hours practising mytechnique. I also took part in several importantcompetitions. Unfortunately, I gave up playing when Ibecame a teenager. I was more interested in other things. Inow realise it was a bit silly of me because I really was quitetalented. I should have persevered.

units three and fourI come from a close family. There are six of us altogethernot including my grandparents. I’ve got two brothers andone sister. I sometimes argue with my sister because I likewearing her clothes. Unfortunately she finds it veryirritating! We sometimes quarrel with each other about it,but we soon hug and make up. I get on well with mybrothers and we all get on well with our parents. In fact, westill go on family holidays. Last year we went camping andit rained the whole time. It was freezing, and soon after wegot home, we all caught colds. I like my family, but I won’tbe going camping next year whatever happens!

units five and sixI went for an interview last week. I’d been thinking aboutchanging my job for a long time and I’d finally seen anadvert in the paper that I was interested in. I was reallythrilled to bits when I was offered an interview. I bought anew suit and tie, I researched the company, I found outexactly where I had to go and I thought of some questionsto ask. I wasn’t nervous until the day itself. Then I woke upin the morning feeling absolutely terrified. I was driving tothe interview and by the time I got there, I was scared stiff.Inside the interview room, I didn’t say a word. I couldn’tanswer one question. Not surprisingly, I didn’t get the job.




units seven and eightI’m not a complainer. In fact, I’m always a bit reluctant tomake a fuss. However, last week I had such a terrible trainjourney, I nearly wrote to the government! There wereseveral reasons why it was such a fiasco. First of all, mytrain was late. Then I was told it was cancelled. The staff atthe station were rude and unhelpful and I waited twohours before I got on a train. Things only got worse whenthe ticket collector came along and I discovered I’d lost myticket! I lost my temper and he threatened to throw me offthe train. In the end, I had to pay the full fare again!

units nine and tenI’m easily persuaded by advertisements and the other day, Iwas convinced by the best slogan I’ve ever heard: ‘A computertwice as fast as your old one or your money back!’. Of course I bought one, and I’ve also changed my Internet providerso that I can use the Internet whenever I want to with noextra charge. It’s amazing what you can find on the netfrom non-stick saucepans to sound-proof windows! I tendto buy DVDs, books, videos and stuff like that. The Internetisn’t perfect though. I get sent e-mails advertising productsI’m not interested in, which is such a nuisance!

units eleven and twelveMike mugged several people a couple of years ago. He wascaught and he went to prison for three months. He also hadcounselling which helped him to admit what he’d donewas wrong. He is now ashamed of what he did and is full ofremorse. Part of his programme was to meet his victims. Heapologised to all of them and asked them to forgive him. Heexplained that he had been very naïve and had got mixedup with the wrong crowd. He said that if he hadn’t metthem, he wouldn’t have become a criminal. Mike is nowworking as a mechanic and his job means a lot to him.Hopefully, he has put his life of crime behind him.




42 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

units one to twelvedictation tests

teacher’s notesRead the dictations through twice at naturalspeed. Try to preserve features of natural speechlike contractions (e.g. I’m, isn’t, he’s, etc.) anduse the correct sentence stress. You might wantto practise a few times by yourself to makesure you are not ‘over-pronouncing’. Teach thestudents the necessary punctuation terms, i.e.full stop, comma, inverted commas, etc.

First read through - encouragestudents to ‘go with the flow’ andwrite down as much as they can,leaving spaces where necessary.

Second read through - guidestudents to fill in the words theymissed the first time.

At the end, ask students to go over andcheck their work carefully for grammar,spelling, and overall meaning.

All students will start with 10 marks. Forevery mistake, marks are subtracted, i.e.1 mark is subtracted for every grammar/wrong word/missing word mistake andhalf a mark for every spelling mistake.

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units one and two1 Student A should look at photograph 1, show it to

Student B and talk about it.

Student B should look at photograph 2, show it toStudent A and talk about it.

photograph 1 photograph 2

2 Choose two of the following and discuss themwith your partner.

• Do/Did you enjoy your schooldays? Why? Why not?

• Why is education important?

• Would you like to be a teacher? Why? Why not?


units three and four1 Your school has £2,000 a year to spend on a new

project. You and your partner have been asked todecide what to spend the money on.

Look at the ideas below. Discuss how suitable eachone would be for your school. Then decide on thebest project, giving reasons for your choice.

• a new social programme

• a student-run snack bar

• a listening laboratory

• a book club

• bicycles for students to rent

• a student-run charity

• an Internet Club

2 Talk to each other about mobile phones. Talk abouthow much you and other people rely on phonesand whether you find them annoying or not.


units one to twelvespeaking tests

teacher’s notesAdminister the test with the students in pairs. Allow approximately 10 minutesfor each test. Award 10 marks using theguide for the students’ performance overall for one or both questions in each test.

Arrange the class into pairs. Get them to prepare what they are going to saybefore they perform. Allow the studentsenough time for you to judge theirindividual performance.

Mark the students from 1-10:

9-10 communicates message effectively with a minimum of grammatical mistakesand natural-sounding delivery, uses repair strategies if he / she makes errors

7-8 communicates message effectively but with some grammatical mistakes, somephonological errors, uses repair strategies if he / she makes errors.

5-6 communicates message with some effort, makes quite a lot of grammaticalmistakes, with some phonological errors that interfere with message, somepauses, and silences.

3-4 communicates some of the message, with great effort. Makes quite a lot ofgrammatical mistakes some of which interfere with comprehensibility, somepauses and silences, and use of own language.

1-2 tries to communicate, needs great effort, makes a lot of serious grammaticalmistakes many of which interfere with comprehensibility, many phonologicalerrors that interfere with intelligibility, many pauses, silences, and use of own language.

44 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

units five and six1 You are going on a trip to report on the

problems faced by an area of rainforest in Brazil.You’re going to travel by helicopter from your hotel for a one-day trek.

Look at the items below. Discuss how useful each one would be. Then decide on four items totake with you.

• hat

• kettle

• sleeping bag

• suntan lotion

• mosquito repellent

• cans of food

• torch

• fresh water

• camera

2 Choose two of the following questions and discuss them with your partner:

• What kind of media (TV, radio, Internet,newspapers, etc) do you value most?

• What are different newspapers like in yourcountry?

• Would you like to be a journalist? Why? Whynot?

units nine and ten1 What do you think makes a successful marriage?


Look at the suggestions below. Talk about howimportant each one is. Then decide on the twomost important.

• trust

• financial independence

• freedom to socialise separately

• communication

• equal responsibility in the home

• love and affection

• a sense of humour

• extended family support

2 Talk to each other about your views on marriage.Why do so many marriages fail?


units seven and eight1 Student A should look at photograph 1, show it to

Student B and talk about it.

Student B should look at photograph 2, show it toStudent A and talk about it.

photograph 1 photograph 2

2 Choose two of the following questions and discussthem with your partner:

• What kind of transport do you use most? Why?

• What is the worst journey you’ve ever had?

• How can public transport be improved?

units eleven and twelve1 You and your partner are organizing a ‘fun’

afternoon at the end of your course.


Decide which three activities you think will bemost suitable for your class and which order youwill do them in.

• board games

• card games

• guessing games

• quizzes

• word games

• musical games

• computer games

2 Talk to each other about how you entertainyourselves. Talk about how often you play gamesand whether you enjoy them or not.


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unit one gr, v, and nE

1 1 Running, 2 being, 3 Staying, 4 doing,5 to close, 6 being, 7 to inform, 8 having,9 to invite, 10 finishing

2 1 I wish I’d studied hard at school.2 I wish I could speak French.3 I regret giving up the guitar.4 I wish I wasn’t going out later.5 I wish you were my boyfriend.

3 1 Before, 2 in, 3 After, 4 use, 5 to

4 1 magazines, 2 poetry, 3 an aerobics club,4 the match, 5 three new words, 6 a prize,7 your technique, 8 weightlifting, 9 a page,10 the gist

5 1 gets, 2 keep, 3 give, 4 picks, 5 making

6 1 b, 2 e, 3 h, 4 c, 5 d, 6 g, 7 f, 8 k, 9 i, 10 j

EF1 doing, 2 get, 3 swimming, 4 joined,5 found, 6 with, 7 part, 8 go, 9 wish, 10 try

unit two gr, v, and nE

1 1 should arrive, 2 shouldn’t have taken,3 should wear, 4 should have been,5 shouldn’t stay, 6 should be,7 shouldn’t drive, 8 should have applied,9 shouldn’t have left, 10 should have

2 1 a, 2 a, 3 b, 4 b, 5 b

3 1 grabbed, 2 leant, 3 lost, 4 bent, 5 reached

4 1 cough, 2 bandage, 3 advance, 4 nosebleed,5 best, 6 chance, 7 sunburn, 8 ointment,9 way, 10 tablets

5 1 train, 2 holiday, 3 guided, 4 admission,5 places 6 opening, 7 tourist, 8 historic, 9 bed,10 day

6 1 e, 2 j, 3 g, 4 b, 5 k, 6 d, 7 f, 8 h, 9 i, 10 c

EF1 should book, 2 doubt if I’ll go, 3 is (well) worth a, 4 haven’t (got) a clue, 5 will definitely be, 6 highly unlikely we’ll, 7 should have checked, 8 even though, 9 ’ve / have had (an) earache, 10 sounds wrong to

units one and two skills

R 1 D, 2 B, 3 F, 4 A, 5 H, 6 G, 7 C, 8 D, 9 C, 10 A

L 1 B, 2 B, 3 A, 4 B, 5 B, 6 B, 7 A, 8 B, 9 B, 10 A

unit three gr, v, and nE.

1 1 themselves, 2 each other / one another,3 herself, 4 myself, 5 each other / one another, 6 herself,7 ourselves, 8 yourself, 9 each other / one another, 10 himself

2 1 has to, 2 must, 3 ’ve got to, 4 mustn’t,5 don’t have to, 6 ’ll have to, 7 mustn’t,8 must, 9 should, 10 not allowed

3 1 I went abroad soon after you left.2 I met Charles shortly before my twenty-

first birthday.3 We need a meeting prior to making final

arrangements.4 While I was waiting at the bus stop, I saw

Jane.5 I loved you long before we went out


4 1 a, 2 c, 3 c, 4 c, 5 b

5 1 with, 2 stick, 3 quarrel/quarrelling, 4 relate,5 consult

6 1 dreamt, 2 all, 3 including, 4 sense, 5 fancy,6 Shall, 7 why, 8 originally, 9 point,10 brought

EF1 C, 2 D, 3 C, 4 C, 5 C, 6 A, 7 B, 8 D, 9 C, 10 B

unit four gr, v, and nE

1 1 ✓2 Move the glass from the edge of the table.3 ✓4 He’s the new human resources manager.5 ✓6 Where is the nearest bus station?7 ✓8 Do you like horror films?9 ✓

10 The government’s decision is final.

2 1 allowed, 2 banned, 3 declined, 4 regulated,5 censored, 6 expanded, 7 increased,8 checked, 9 restricted,10 reduced

3 1 compiled, 2 odd, 3 errors, 4 irritating,5 spoil

4 1 ’ll need, 2 will have, 3 will ever be, 4 ’ll be travelling, 5 ’ll know, 6 ’ll be phoning,7 ’ll be giving, 8 ’ll be leaving, 9 ’ll lose,10 will hurt

5 1 b, 2 d, 3 e, 4 a, 5 f

6 1 possibly, 2 even, 3 afraid, 4 whenever,5 word, 6 say, 7 chance, 8 while, 9 sides,10 case

EF1 even, 2 possible, 3 ✓, 4 ✓, 5 ✓, 6 be, 7 ✓,8 ✓, 9 will, 10 upper

units three and four skills

R 1 industry, 2 programmes, 3 interactivity,4 elections, 5 educated, 6 A, 7 B, 8 A, 9 C, 10 C

L 1 (good) balance, 2 women, 3 (basic) (survival) training, 4 character,5 medical check-up, 6 shortlist, 7 two days,8 themselves, 9 leaders,10 Psychologists

unit five gr, v, and nE

1 1 was driving, 2 ’d overslept, 3 hadn’t had,4 pulled, 5 was, 6 was overtaking, 7 looked,8 got, 9 ’d been working, 10 ’d shouted

2 1 extremely, 2 absolutely, 3 really, 4 a bit,5 slightly, 6 really, 7 completely, 8 a bit,9 absolutely, 10 very

3 1 e, 2 d, 3 b, 4 f, 5 a

4 1 failed, 2 cheated, 3 made, 4 bluff, 5 took6 come up, 7 get through, 8 went on,9 prepared, 10 passed

5 1 so, 2 so, 3 such, 4 such, 5 so

6 1 is, 2 might, 3 to, 4 that, 5 marks, 6 reason,7 told off, 8 rid, 9 was, 10 so

EF1 badly, 2 amazement, 3 disconnected,4 fairly, 5 retaking, 6 anxious, 7 uneasy,8 inevitably, 9 totally, 10 petrified

unit six gr, v, and nE

1 1 hasn’t been given, 2 were arrested, 3 was painted, 4 were transported, 5 have already been reported, 6 ’s never been awarded, 7 has just been discovered, 8 is thought, 9 is believed, 10 was stolen

2 1 Could you tell me how to get to the airport?

2 I’d like to know if you’re going to vote in the election.

3 I was wondering whether you wanted a lift to the station.

4 Have you any idea what you’re going to do next?

5 I’d be interested to know what you think about education.

3 1 thrilled, 2 much, 3 latest, 4 sides, 5 under,6 honest, 7 let, 8 moon, 9 favour,10 seriously / badly

4 1 a, 2 c, 3 b, 4 b, 5 b

5 1 for, 2 on, 3 at, 4 of, 5 from

6 1 i, 2 k, 3 g, 4 d, 5 a, 6 h, 7 j, 8 b, 9 f, 10 e

EF1 accused him of stealing, 2 were transported, 3 worth a fortune, 4 how you feel, 5 isbelieved to be, 6 an explosion, 7 me what you think, 8 doesn’t matter (to me) if, 9 live / survivewithout, 10 were given a warning

units five and six skills

R 1 E, 2 C/E, 3 E/C, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A, 7 D, 8 C,9 B/D, 10 D/B

L 1 B, 2 C, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C, 8 B, 9 B, 10 B

mid-course test

1 1 bit, 2 go, 3 too, 4 join, 5 is, 6 sure, 7 pick, 8so, 9 by, 10 be

2 1 so, 2 ✓, 3 ✓, 4 ✓, 5 then, 6 to, 7 on, 8 with,9 been,10 ✓, 11 although, 12 ✓, 13 to,14 want, 15 it

3 I’d listened, 2 shouldn’t have given up, 3 has been destroyed, 4 in favour of,5 wondering whether / if you enjoyed

4 1 destruction, 2 unlikely, 3 hopeless,4 apparently, 5 survive

5 1 D, 2 B, 3 A, 4 A, 5 C, 6 B, 7 D, 8 A, 9 B, 10 C

answer key

46 natural English upper-intermediate tests Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004

unit seven gr, v, and nE

1 1 Have you ever seen, 2 Haven’t you done,3 sent, 4 ’ve never been, 5 ’ve been, 6 since Iwas a child, 7 ’ve just had, 8 recently, 9 Haveyou seen, 10 for ages

2 1 Do, 2 Will, 3 would, 4 Would, 5 Do

3 1 voluntary, 2 volunteer, 3 fiasco, 4 achieve,5 succeed, 6 charity, 7 disabled 8 prize,9 handle, 10 fund-raising

4 1 e, 2 d, 3 f, 4 b, 5 a

5 1 The facilities are excellent in this hotel.2 ✓3 I don’t have the right experience for the

job.4 This equipment isn’t up to date.5 ✓6 The company training was very thorough.7 My monthly expenses have gone up.8 Would you like to do some research on this

for me?9 ✓

10 ✓

6 1 earth, 2 mind, 3 bit, 4 appeals, 5 Do,6 getting, 7 reasons, 8 all, 9 touch, 10 let

EF1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 D, 5 D, 6 A, 7 B, 8 A, 9 C, 10 C

unit eight gr, v, and nE

1 1 He denied taking the money.2 She accused me of stealing her bag.3 He agreed not to tell my parents.4 He claims to be a detective.5 They warned me not to go to the police.

2 1 although, 2 Nevertheless / However,3 In spite of / Despite, 4 in spite of / despite,5 Nevertheless / However, 6 however, 7 in spite of / despite, 8 Although, 9 however,10 In spite of / Despite

3 1 I get on really well with my next door neighbour.

2 The house down the road is up for sale.3 We live in a basement flat, so it’s quite

dark.4 My boss’ office is across the corridor from

me.5 I live next door but one to you!

4 1 My files are all over the place.2 The traffic is getting worse and worse!3 Things came to a head when Mike met

somebody else.4 There were people from all over the world.5 I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware it was somebody’s

house!6 As time went by, we found out his real

nature.7 The roads are becoming more and more

busy.8 I’m sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose.9 Put it back or I’ll tell the teacher!

10 Finish your homework, otherwise I won’t let you go out!

5 1 a, 2 c, 3 c, 4 b, 5 b

6 1 deteriorated, 2 behaviour, 3 prove,4 reminded, 5 threats

EF1 ✓, 2 more, 3 ✓, 4 ✓, 5 either, 6 of, 7 for,8 ✓, 9 not, 10 ✓

units seven and eight skills

R 1 B, 2 A, 3 D, 4 E, 5 G, 6 C, 7 C, 8 A, 9 B, 10 C

L 1 B, 2 A, 3 A, 4 B, 5 B, 6 B, 7 B, 8 B, 9 A, 10 B

unit nine gr, v, and nE

1 1 My exam results are nearly as good as yours.

2 Videos aren’t nearly as expensive as DVDs.3 My legs don’t work as well as they used to.4 My English is as good as Mario’s.5 You’re not as clever as I am.6 Your computer is just as fast as mine.7 Your phone is just as easy to use as mine.8 You aren’t quite as tall as your sister.9 My typing is twice as fast as it used to be.

10 Our garden isn’t nearly as big as our neighbour’s.

2 1 published, 2 came, 3 softback, 4 cover,5 contents

3 1 so that, 2 in order, 3 As, 4 in case,5 otherwise 6 in order, 7 so that, 8 as, 9 in case, 10 otherwise

4 1 brand, 2 invent, 3 slogan, 4 publicity, 5 logo

5 1 stream, 2 water-proof, 3 pre-cooked, 4 fat free, 5 depth

6 1 i, 2 a, 3 j, 4 d, 5 k, 6 h, 7 b, 8 c, 9 f, 10g

EF1 the, 2 just, 4 Whatever, 4 wherever, 5 that,6 convince, 7 the, 8 last, 9 slogans, 10 to

unit ten gr, v, and nE

1 1 Knowledge is a fantastic thing.2 ✓3 ✓4 I’ve heard he gives a lot of money to the

poor.5 I don’t like the food in that restaurant.6 ✓7 ✓8 Families don’t eat together anymore.9 ✓

10 All you need for a good marriage is love.

2 1 which, 2 –, 3 who, 4 which / that, 5 whose,6 which / that, 7 –, 8 whose, 9 –, 10 which/who

3 1 a, 2 The, 3 the, 4 the, 5 the, 6 the, 7 the,8 a, 9 a, 10 a

4 1 h, 2 c, 3 a, 4 k, 5 d, 6 b, 7 e, 8 i, 9 g, 10 f

5 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 a, 5 a

6 1 think, 2 from, 3 like, 4 Let, 5 between, 6 In,7 is, 8 was, 9 sort, 10 tell

EF1 harmful, 2 extinction, 3 insensitivity,4 disgraceful, 5 unjustifiable, 6 cruelty,7 persuasive, 8 hunger, 9 upsetting,10 immoral

units nine and ten skills

R 1 F, 2 B, 3 A, 4 H, 5 E, 6 D, 7 C, 8 A, 9 B, 10 C

L 1 A, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 B, 6 B, 7 B, 8 A, 9 A, 10 B

unit eleven gr, v, and nE

1 1 I wouldn’t have got an interview if you hadn’t introduced me.

2 She might not have broken it if you’d helped her carry it.

3 If I’d had the book, I could have done some revision.

4 I could have passed if I’d worked harder.5 They wouldn’t have moved if the

neighbours had been quieter.

2 1 a, 2 c, 3 b, 4 c, 5 b, 6 c, 7 b, 8 a, 9 b, 10 c

3 1 He said he’d (he had) spoken to Joe.2 She said she was going home.3 She told me she could finish it that night.4 She admitted she hadn’t started the project

yet.5 He promised he’d (he would) would

deliver the letter the next day.

4 1 g, 2 d, 3 c, 4 b, 5 f, 6 k, 7 i, 8 h, 9 e, 10 j

5 1 hadn’t done / wouldn’t be2 didn’t have to / could’ve gone3 ‘d left / might not be4 ‘d be / ‘d listened5 wouldn’t be / ’d told

6 1 full of remorse, 2 easily led, 3 naïve,4 courageous, 5 trustworthy

EF1 to 2 about 3 ✓ 4 definitely 5 ✓ 6 that 7 have8 ✓ 9 ✓ 10 by

unit twelve gr, v, and nE

1 1 He wanted to know if / whether I knew Pete.2 He asked me how long I’d been there.3 He wanted to know what time I was going

home.4 He wondered if / whether I had a boyfriend.5 He asked me if / whether I would come to

the next party.

2 1 prize, 2 mind, 3 dozed, 4 clue, 5 sunrise,6 wide, 7 insomnia, 8 yawned, 9 fast, 10 turn

3 1 as, 2 such as, 3 like, 4 such as, 5 as, 6 like,7 As, 8 as, 9 like, 10 like

4 1 i, 2 j, 3 e, 4 h, 5 k, 6 g, 7 d, 8 c, 9 a, 10 b

5 surprisingly, 2 Presumably, 3 miraculously,4 Luckily, 5 Understandably

6 1 g, 2 d, 3 k, 4 e, 5 f, 6 a, 7 c, 8 i, 9 j, 10 b

EF1 are understandably angry that you,2 means nothing to, 3 asked me what, 4 Have you been, 5 mean anything to, 6 are hard to, 7 whether / if it was, 8 a lot to,9 luckily it was, 10 thing that worries

units eleven and twelve skills

R 1 D, 2 B, 3 E, 4 G, 5 H, 6 C, 7 A, 8 C, 9 B, 10 A

L 1 school, 2 party, 3 by bus, 4 ten minutes, 5 ten kilometres, 6 slapped their faces,7 pizza restaurant, 8 alone, 9 embarrassed, 10 didn’t tell him

end-of-course test

1 1 to, 2 has, 3 get / become, 4 the / your, 5 that / which, 6 in, 7 as / otherwise / because, 8 heart, 9 order, 10 like

2 1 the, 2 ✓, 3 ✓, 4 an, 5 from, 6 ✓, 7 him, 8 though, 9 ✓, 10 me, 11 ✓, 12 much, 13 it,14 that, 15 ✓

3 1 me why I’d taken, 2 are much better than,3 hasn’t been, 4 agreed not to tell, agreed that hewouldn’t tell5 would have gone

4 1 illegal, 2 threatened, 3 ashamed,4 insincere, 5 definitely

5 1 C, 2 D, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A, 6 D, 7 B, 8 D, 9 A, 10 B

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Marking criteriaExamples Marks

Grammatical accuracy word order, tense usage, article use, comparatives, etc. 3

Lexical appropriacy and range use of correct collocations, avoidance of false friends, variety, etc. 3

Style and organization fluency, level of formality, cohesion, organization of content, etc. 2

General impression task completion, length, communicative effectiveness, etc. 2


Marking guidelines for writing tasks


Publicity code 40NEUPPERTEST.03/GB


This test booklet is for use with natural English upper-intermediate and contains:

• 12 tests for grammar, vocabulary, and natural English syllabus

• 6 skills tests*

• mid-course and end-of-course tests

• optional speaking and dictation tests

• common exam-style question types in special ‘exam focus’ sections

• answer key

*listening component exploits existing class audio material with new tasks

natural Englishtest booklet

test bookletu








At each level …• student’s book + listening booklet • teacher’s book • workbook and workbook with key• two class cassettes / audio CDs, student’s audio CD • puzzle book

Online, the teacher’s site,, provides extraclassroom activities, resources for the teacher, and links to the student’s site.

On the student’s site,, you’ll find interactive resources, revision and extension activities, and specially selected web links.