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Marijuana Detox

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Natural Marijuana Detox is designed for people that:

Are quitting marijuana or quit recently

Want to clean their system of marijuana temporarily

Want to pass a THC marijuana drug test This course is helpful for people undergoing detoxification in their own home, in their own time – without artificial kits. Start using this system as soon as you stop smoking.


This program is designed to help you and has been proven to work well for many users. However, we take no legal responsibility for how this system will affect your results in a drug test of any kind or any other result you experience from using methods outlined in the following program. Always check with your consultant or doctor before taking anything outlined in this course. You may be allergic or unable to take certain products, chemicals, herbs, other substances or anything in this program. Unauthorized distribution, reselling, copying or selling of this material is unlawful. No portion of this guide may be copied, distributed or sold without direct written permission from the provider and creator. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Introduction 6 Why Detoxify? 7 Benefits Of Marijuana Detox 9

Natural Marijuana Detoxification Guide Feel better instantly with the right herbs & vitamins

14 12

Detoxifying Foods 16 Detoxifying Drinks 25 Detoxifying Herbs 28 Detoxifying Spices 34 Detoxifying Vitamins 36 What Else To Consider? 38

5 Day Intense Detox Diet Plan 45

Day 1 47 Day 2 48 Day 3 49 Day 4 50 Day 5 51 Detox Juices 52 Detox Snack Menu 53 Detox Breakfast Menu 58 Detox Lunch/Dinner Menu 64

Top 10 Natural Foods To Detoxify Marijuana Toxins


Types Of Exercise To Help You Detoxify Marijuana 80 Detox Symptoms 84

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IMPORTANT: If you are taking medication or have health

complications, please consult your doctor/physician to ensure that the

following mentioned ingredients are safe for you to consume.

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Welcome to Natural Marijuana Detox This course has been developed to clean your body of marijuana toxins quickly when you quit marijuana. It also helps your body and mind back to a clean and fresh state. After this short course, you will be clean and as a bonus, have less of a need to smoke marijuana. Any small cravings or withdrawals should almost vanish within 48 hours. Also, this is a fantastic way to prepare your body for all types of marijuana drug testing in a few short days (the exception is a "hair follicle test" used in some courts of law – but this is rare). It has to be said that in order to succeed, you must stop smoking marijuana first. You cannot pass any drug test or remove all toxins from your body if you continue smoking.

Don’t start this course until you have stopped smoking weed. You cannot detox while you continue to smoke

Start this course immediately after you cessation. The earlier you begin after quitting, the more effective this will be for your mind and body.

Enjoy the course!

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Why Detoxify?

Weed has over 420 chemicals, in its natural state. Over the last 10 years, average marijuana confiscated from street sales has more than tripled in pure THC strength! This means that the weed you smoke today has twice the THC content (the active agent that gets you high) than people that were smoking marijuana just ten years ago!

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This fact is very often overlooked and these days’ people have more trouble quitting marijuana and passing a marijuana drug test. Although the stoned effect of smoking weed is not a long lasting one, the chemicals found in marijuana tend to be retained in our system for very long periods and become the root of our failure to quit long term. Why? A little known fact about marijuana is that it actually does have slight physical addictive properties. The marijuana addiction is psychological, however physical symptoms are present, and with chemicals still in your body your cravings can be much stronger than compared to using detox. This ability to stay inside the different organs of your body for an extended period of time is due to "marijuana metabolites" inside your body being fat-soluble. Unlike most other recreational drugs, chemicals in weed are actually stored by your body in your fat cells, metabolized, and then released back into your system through your blood vessels, over time.

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This can causes noticeable cravings for marijuana and will also result in a positive marijuana drug test. Chemicals and toxins retained in your body can also cause attention problems in users even up to 6 months after they quit smoking marijuana altogether. This is why it is so important for you to flush your system as soon as you quit. Doing this will leave you feeling healthier and happier and will also help you to stay completely smoke free. How can I do this at home? Did you know that you could find enough ingredients around your own home and at your local shops to perform a natural marijuana detox to rid yourself of harmful toxins? What exactly should you consume to help your body start detoxifying today? That is exactly what the following program is about. Using these modern strategies, you will help your system recover at a much faster rate. The good news is that this will also take the edge off your addiction and help you pass a marijuana drug test. In recent times, marijuana detox has become popular. This is because detox can rid toxins from your body quickly and reduce cravings. It also makes you feel healthier, sooner.

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It is recommend you detox for 5 days. To pass a drug test you would begin this course at least 6 days before your test. This is a common amount of time it can take for toxins to evacuate your body under detox. Much faster than the usual 10-90 days it usually takes! This is depending on how much you have smoked and for how long. Make sure to do this until you noticeably feel different. This should include feeling healthier, having more energy and, most importantly -no cravings for marijuana!

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The Benefits of Detox

Today, marijuana has become a more dangerous drug, having ill effects to both the mind and body. Needless to say that an addict needs to break free from the habit of using marijuana not only for his/her own sake but also for the sake of his/her family, friends and the community in general.

Quitting the habit of using marijuana can be difficult and may take a really long time. There is even the possibility of relapse. That is why, it is not recommended for anyone to undergo this process alone but rather to avail of professional advice and services as well as to have a support group.

By definition, detoxification is the process of eliminating harmful substances such as toxins from the body. In the case of marijuana detoxification, it is flushing out from the body traces or residues of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, the main chemical found in the drug.

Marijuana detoxification can be done in several ways such as through the use of special fluids, natural cleansing products, pills, herbs and even exercise. Still, detoxification can do more than just cleansing of the body. It also has other benefits such as those listed below.

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Lessen ‘Body Burden’ by Detoxifying Organs

Detoxification is a naturally occurring process in the body. The skin, liver and colon release toxins and other harmful substances in the form of sweat, urine and feces.

However, the body's detoxification process is a slow one. Using one or a combination of techniques for detoxification will help to reduce toxins in the body faster, speeding up or giving a boost to this natural detox process.

Reduce or Relieve Withdrawal Symptoms

As already mentioned, marijuana detoxification may involve one or a combination of the following methods: special medication, detox diets or nutritional plans, therapy and exercise. These methods help to lessen the intensity of any physical discomfort one may experience during the period of withdrawal. Detoxification may also help to reduce or cut the time in which these withdrawal symptoms occur.

In the case of physical exercise, it may even result to a positive outlook or good mood as exercise is known to trigger the production of “feel good” chemicals in the brain allowing an easier and more comfortable experience.

Help adjust in the transition to normal life. As detoxification reduces and/or relieves symptoms of withdrawal, it thus makes the adjustment and transition to a normal drug-free life easier and more comfortable.

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Depending on your goals, marijuana detoxification may not be a complete treatment by itself. It can still help in a big way.

The choice of which detoxification methods you choose and which ones you leave on the shelf will depend upon what suits your preferences.

In the end, marijuana detoxification—no matter what method is used—should result in helping the user transition from a marijuana-dependent life to one that is drug-free, or at the very least, marijuana detoxification will flush all marijuana toxins from within your body.

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Natural Marijuana Detoxification

IMPORTANT: If you are taking medication or have health

complications, please consult your doctor/physician to ensure that the

following mentioned ingredients are safe for you to consume.

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The following natural herbs, remedies, vitamins, foods & drinks are designed to rid your body of marijuana toxins. First we have listed all products used within the detox course, with an explanation of how they work. There is also step-by-step and day-by-day instructions that are to be treated as a suggested walkthrough for you to follow. Although we have included a walkthrough, it is not necessary for you to follow this exactly as we state. It is merely an example of a balanced detox plan. You are free to design your own plan based on suggested ingredients. Be sensible when partaking in this detox course, if you are allergic or have a reaction to any of the following products - do not take them! Always consult your doctor or general practitioner for personal, professional advice on mentioned substances. We take no responsibility for any reaction/side effect or any other negative outcome from using suggested ingredients in the following course, or anything else suggested in this course. It is your responsibility to find out if any substance mentioned in this program is suitable for your consumption and/or individual needs or requirements.


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Detoxifying Foods


IMPORTANT: This is not compulsory This is an optional fasting period which some ex-smokers find beneficial. Some marijuana smokers experience hunger pains in the form of stomach cramps. That is why this is optional. If you do choose to fast, only go without food towards the beginning of your detoxification period. You can do this for 12 – 36 hours depending on how you feel as you go along. Not eating will give your body a much-needed rest. With no solid food entering your digestive system your body will redirect energy to be used for self-cleansing and healing. This only works short term. After 36 hours there is no benefit fasting any longer. Your body will need new energy food provides. Leaving yourself hungry or your stomach empty for long periods will result in your body being exposed to digestive acids. If your hunger becomes too strong you are more likely to crave fatty or sugary foods. During a fasting period drink plenty of: Water; fruit juice; berry juice, protein shakes or green drink - no solid meals.

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Stop Incoming Toxins Especially in modern times, toxins flood your body every day and you need to be aware so you can control them. Eliminate alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars and saturated fats, all of which act as toxins in the body and obstacles to the healing process.

Eating Plan

1. Eat smaller amounts more often.

Keep your tummy smaller. The aim is to not have your body on overdrive by forcing it to digest mass amounts. Eating 5 or 6 smaller meals through the day is best.

2. Learn To Snack On Nuts & Fruit. Eat nuts & fruit for snacks. This gives you extra vitamins – which you need – and takes less energy to digest. 3. Include Leafy Greens In Most Meals Nearly every dinner option during the detox period should include some vegetables, preferably leafy greens. 4. Try Juice Instead Of Food Hungry? Rather than heavy solid food to digest, try juice. Good juice helps detoxification & for controlling hunger.

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Lemon Juice

Citrus fruits are best for detoxification, and none more effective than lemons. Lemons are the key ingredients in very popular and effective drinks for detoxifying your system and losing weight. Lemons also help your body in a range of ways. Try to incorporate them into meals and drinks. You can include lemons in any tea, or better yet -get creative! There are plenty of meals you could work lemon juice into.

Red Reishi Mushroom

Also called “The Emperors Medicine”. Red Reishi Mushroom has a 2000-year history in Chinese Medicine. Daily consumption is OK, no side effects. Regular intake of Reishi Mushroom will rejuvenate bodily functions and its medical power is effective in all organ functions. These mushrooms can completely clear your body of metabolites and lactic acids (and anything else that slows your detoxification!) This will boost your immune system, aid blood circulation, increase and strengthen vitality and make you less prone to illness. It also gives you long-lasting, slow release energy as a welcome bonus.

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Brassica Weed Detoxification

Foods from the Brassica family contain phytonutrients that are essential to the marijuana detoxification process.

These help your liver convert fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble substances, which are then passed from the body.

Cabbage Cauliflower Kale

Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Pak Choi

Garlic Add garlic to every meal you can. If you have ever chewed a raw clove of garlic then you are familiar with the slight burning sensation the oil causes. This will have the same effect system wide, detoxifying the body and aiding in the elimination of any unwanted toxins. Garlic can be added to many meals very easily. It can also be used as a snack. Think raw garlic, garlic bread, garlic & anchovy dip, cabbage & garlic soup, roasted garlic potatoes, garlic prawns, garlic mayonnaise etc.

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Fruit & Veg

Fruit and Veggies are big contributors to the detoxifying process. It is important to eat as much as the good fruits as you can. Usually the rule is to aim for highly hydrating or watery fruits such as watermelon, celery and cucumber. There are plenty of other detoxifying fruits out there that are especially helpful for detoxifying marijuana. The Best Weed Detoxifying Fruits & Veg

Bananas Oranges Pineapple Raspberries

Lemons Grapefruit Mango Blackcurrants

Apples Sultanas Kiwi fruit Nectarines

Pears Raisin Melons Peaches

Watermelon Star Fruit Cucumber Celery Stick

Cabbage* Cauliflower* Kale* Pak Choi*

Also Good For Marijuana Detoxification

Artichokes Beets Garlic Pineapple

Broccoli Cauliflower Ginger Sea Veggies*

Broccoli sprouts

Grapes Onions Sushi

*Best sea vegetables are Kelp, Nori Sheets (seaweed) & Wakame Fruit And Veg To Avoid

Corn Olives Lentils Squash

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Oats, Grains & Brown Rice Brown rice creates good bowel health and also keeps blood sugar levels balanced. It acts like a ‘plunger’ and cleans your lower intestines quickly and thoroughly. Short-grain brown rice is the best choice during this detox course.

Mung Beans

Ayurvedic doctors have used the mighty Mung bean for thousands of years.

It is easy to digest, and absorbs toxic residue on the sides of the intestinal walls.

Go overboard with this one. A couple of meals incorporating Mung beans will certainly have a flush/cleanse effect on your body.


Avocado has omega3 oils, which line your small intestines and absorb toxins – which can then be expelled from the body via natural body functions, also helps alkalinity.

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Go Nuts For Detox

Between meals, you should mostly be snacking on either nuts or fruits. Eat only the healthiest and beneficial nuts during detox. The Top 5 Nuts To Eat During Detox:

1. Cedar Nuts Cedar Nuts contain very high levels of vitamins A, B, D & E. They also contain vitamin P, which is a vital fatty acid, similar to fish oil. This keeps arterial walls in your system free of inflammation and plaque.

2. Walnuts Studies have shown that walnuts help with better cognitive function. Also packed full of antioxidants & aids in detox.

3. Almonds Load up on Magnesium, Fiber, Antioxidants & Vitamin E. These nuts give you ¼ of your daily intake of Magnesium.

4. Brazil Nuts Brazil Nuts are extremely beneficial for you. High in copper, niacin, vitamin E, fiber, magnesium and selenium.

5. Pistachio Nuts Pistachio Nuts fight disease. Also tasty and packed with vitamins and antioxidants, the perfect snack to detox weed. Other Nuts & Seeds Good For Your Detox

Sesame Sunflower Peanut Macadamia

Pumpkin Pecan Hazelnuts Pecan

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Natural Yogurt

In order to detoxify efficiently, you need a healthy amount of ‘good bacteria’ in the digestive tract.

Natural Yogurt has active ‘good’ bacteria. This bacteria consists of living organisms known as probiotics (meaning ‘for life”).

These organisms have a great benefit to your health by strengthening your immune system and fighting of poisons/toxins throughout the body.

Yogurt also contains Vitamin B12, beneficial for detox.

Fresh Fish

You may eat most fresh fish. Best Fish For Detoxification: Cod, Plaice, Mackerel, Salmon, Lobster, Crab, Trout, Tuna, Prawns, Salmon, Red mullet, Tuna, Swordfish.

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Most Heavy Dairy: Milk, Cheese, Eggs, Cream, Butter, Margarine

Chocolate, Sweets, Sugar, Jam

Processed Foods, Ready Meals & Ready Sauces

Coffee & Alcohol (drink tea instead)

Salted Snacks (snack on unsalted nuts & fruit)

Fizzy Drinks (drink water or suggested drinks)

Oily Foods (no fast-food or take-away)

Sauces, pickles, mayonnaise, salad dressing

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Detoxifying Drinks

Apple Juice Apples are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals and other phytochemicals such as D-glucarate, flavanoids and terpenoids. All of these substances aid in the detox process. Phlorizidin, a flavonoine, helps stimulate bile production. This also aids the liver in getting rid of some toxins through bile. Pectin, a soluble fiber, helps detox metals and food additives from the body.

Water Too obvious? This is important! Nothing flushes like good old water can! Most people don’t drink enough water. Try putting a slice of lemon in your glass from now on. This also has a detoxifying agent. A healthy adult male is supposed to drink 2L of water every day. During detox you should drink even more. Between 2-3L a day is perfect (8-12 glasses).

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Apple Cider Vinegar Your blood is slightly alkaline. With an average pH level between 7.35 and 7.45. Your diet should reflect this pH level and also be slightly alkaline. Any food you eat releases either an acid or alkaline base into blood once metabolized. The foods that people tend to overeat (like grains, meats, dairy products) produce acid. The easiest way to fix this is with Apple Cider Vinegar. Despite being an acidic solution, apple cider vinegar has an alkalinizing effect on the body. This vinegar is a type made from the fermentation of apple cider. Although other types of vinegar such as white vinegar, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar and rice wine vinegar are used mostly in cooking, apple cider vinegar is used primarily for health purposes. This vinegar will improve your bloods ability to carry oxygen around the body. Speeding up detox process. DOSE: Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water is recommended as a daily health tonic, add another glass of straight water afterwards. Drink a glass of water after every glass of vinegar.

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Cranberry Juice

Cranberries are evergreen dwarf shrubs that grow in the acidic bogs in the cooler Northern regions. They are packed full of antioxidants plus an excellent and healthy way to constantly cleanse your body – especially your urinary system. A big part of weed detox is urinating, and cranberry juice will help you do this regularly. This is not the main reason we take it. The real benefit of drinking cranberry juice is that it will clean your kidney's of THC and other toxins. It’s effective in reducing harmful bacteria in the mouth and can also reverse plaque that forms on your teeth & prevent you from getting kidney stones. A cranberry juice detox diet is both simple and flexible, which makes it easy to follow. 2-3 weeks is best if you want the maximum cleansing effect, 5-6 days still helps greatly. Dose: Drink 3 glasses of cranberry juice a day. You drink each glass about 10 minutes before a main meal, so breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Note: A large amount of cranberry juice in your system could modify the pH of your urine. If you are doing this detox in order to pass a drug test, keep in mind that if a test administrator has even the slightest notion that your urine appears modified you will have to perform a repeat specimen. If this is the case, don’t drink cranberry juice too often, and certainly not on the day of your test.

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Detoxifying Herbs

Secret Natural Remedy To help detoxify quickly, a big trick that has helped smokers for a long time is Milk Thistle Capsules. Take 1 capsule a day (280mg – 350mg a day) for 5-10 days. This will also help your liver to repair, and also protect the liver from further damage. Once your liver reaches a healthier level, you will start releasing toxins from your body at a faster rate and begin to feel healthier. DOSE: ADULTS ONLY: Take one capsule daily with a full glass of water as a liver tonic or as directed by a healthcare professional. Side effects are mild and may involve diarrhea. Note: Do not exceed 10 days of use. Milk thistle capsules are for adult consumption only. Always read the label & use only as directed. Milk thistle should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with a history of cancer, including breast, uterine & prostate cancer.

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Damiana is legal, cheap and readily available. It has a relaxing effect, gives a mild euphoric high and is a light aphrodisiac. Immediate pick-me-up and chill-out effects. If you are used to weed (probably) you might be disappointed in the ‘high’ that it delivers. But that isn’t the main reason you’re taking it. Damiana can be smoked, taken in pill form (most popular) or made into tea at your leisure. Note for ladies: It is scientifically unclear whether Damiana can have a possible interaction with birth control. If you are using birth control, stay away from this one until further research is conducted and we have a clear answer either way.

Black Walnut Hulls

Black Walnut Hulls flush parasites from the intestinal tract and aid in the removal of toxic buildup in fatty materials Black Walnut (especially the hull) is said to be effective in enhancing the elimination of various toxins from the bowel. Herbalists also recognize these nuts as a thyroid stimulant since they are rich in mineral iodine.

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Dandelion Dandelion is recommended for anyone with liver complaints, and with so many chemicals to process, chances are your liver is complaining. You can consume Dandelion regularly as a preventative, helping keep the liver at peak efficiency. Dandelion is packed full of vitamins and minerals. As the green leaves are a valuable Alkaliser to the body, eaten regularly they help the body:

Reduce excess acidity


Purify and build new blood cells

Cleanse and regenerate many cells

Elimination of toxins from the body DOSE: You can have either a daily tea of dandelion or even eat the leaves. Steep tea while covered for at least 10 minutes. Sweeten with honey if desired and sip while hot.

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Having trouble sleeping without marijuana? Passionflower is another magic herb known to help people sleep. You can purchase this at any natural herb shop and it’s cheap. If you can't purchase passionflower from a legal herb shop do not go looking for it in nature. You need to know what you’re doing to get the correct type. Passionflower can be smoked, or made into natural tea.


Echinacea has traditionally been used to treat colds, flu, and other infections. Echinacea increases blood flow to the tissues, which is how diaphoretics work. This allows the blood to interact with the fat-tissue in your body and eliminate metabolites inside fat cells of your body.

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Ginger Root Ginger root powder is great to put into almost any detox drink, or any other drink. Take a bath (good for detox anyway) in powdered ginger –feel benefits instantly!

Licorice Root Not to be confused with Licorice candy, which has few benefits besides a laxative effect, probably one of the most overlooked in all herbal remedies would have to be Licorice Root. This herb is known for healing ulcers, lowering stomach acidity, relieving heartburn & indigestion. It also repairs your liver and is a mild laxative. All of the benefits Licorice Root brings to your body will aid you in detoxifying built up marijuana toxins in your body.

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Oregano herb is one of the most powerful immune supplements, containing 31 known anti-inflammatory agents, and 28 anti-oxidants. Simple to add to any Italian food, this herb is full of antioxidants like Quercitin and other good things like Farnesol (phytochemical).


Not just a decoration. That piece of green left at the end of your meal is actually great for your detoxification! Parsley is tasty, can be used in any dish and will create a similar body feeling that garlic does when eaten raw. Very cleansing.

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Rosemary will energize your organs. Keeping them energized will help alleviate trapped toxins. This will help your organs do Bikram Yoga – detoxifying, without you having to move a muscle! The simplest way to get rosemary into your system is by using the powdered rosemary herb in meals, and having simple teas. For tea, simply boil water with a few dry leaves of rosemary.

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Detoxifying Spices


Often found in curries, this South Asian spice is well known for its benefits on your liver. Turmeric is the top spice you should think about adding to your meals.


Contains oils that are effective in helping to detoxify the liver and aid digestion. Again, use it when you can in meals.

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Detoxifying Vitamins

Vitamin B

Vitamin B comes in a few forms. You want many different kinds of vitamin B to gain all benefits during this period. Thiamin (B1) Whole grains, cereals, nuts, seeds & greens like spinach. 10-25mg daily is recommended. This helps your heart and blood-flow as well as giving you time delay energy release. Riboflavin (B2) Dark green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, asparagus, broccoli, avocado, brussels sprouts & nuts like almonds. 10-25mg daily is recommended. Important for detox & helps regulate metabolism & helps your skin, hair & nails. Niacin (B3) Sunflower seeds, bran, sweet potatoes, carrots & peas. These assist the nervous system and break down fat acids. Cabalamin (B12) Sardines & Salmon. Also found in poultry & eggs. All fat-soluble toxic chemicals can be removed from your system using B12 to detoxify. Pyridoxine (B6) Bananas, prunes, raisins, nuts, sunflower seeds, legumes, whole grains. B6 breaks down protein into amino acids quickly. It will also metabolize fats and carbohydrates and will affect your metabolism positively.

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives away many toxins found in marijuana. This is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning that it doesn’t store in your body. Vitamin C drives away toxins and assists the growth and repair of tissue in all parts of your body. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, along with vitamin E, beta-carotene, and many other plant-based nutrients. Smoking weed lowers the amount of vitamin C in the body, so you are at a higher risk of deficiency, but not necessarily so. Orange and grapefruit juices contain more natural vitamin C than any other fruit juice. Tablets, capsules, and chewables are the most popular, but vitamin C also comes in powdered crystalline, effervescent, and liquid. Vitamin C can be purchased in dosages ranging from 25 - 1,000 mg. Take 250mg of vitamin C twice daily after meals. This will boost your immune system, which is good for eliminating stored toxins.

Note: "Buffered" vitamin C is also available if you find regular ascorbic acid upsets your stomach.

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important, as it’s a fat-soluble vitamin that is not found easily. Few foods contain vitamin D. It is produced endogenously when ultraviolet rays from sunlight strike the skin and trigger vitamin D synthesis. Fish oils and flesh of fatty fish is the best source. Vitamin D is also found in beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks. Get vitamin D from the sun! Go outside and get some fresh air and sunshine. Also proven to be a strong anti-depressant. It actually makes you happy to be outdoors, and can help your body to function normally. Too much sun is bad. Be sensible and use sunscreen.

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Niacin Niacin is vitamin B3, a water-soluble B vitamin that causes capillaries (small blood vessels) to expand. When taking Niacin you may experience a “niacin flush”. At certain niacin levels the expansion of the capillaries can cause heat, redness and itching. It is well established that niacin also helps reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. No need to stress, this is a good thing as it flushes out toxins from the body and usually passes in about 20-40 minutes. If the niacin flush is too uncomfortable for you, spread the supplements throughout the day, take a smaller amount, or cease consumption altogether. NIACIN ALSO HELPS YOU SLEEP NATURALLY! Niacin is perfect for people quitting marijuana or trying to detoxify. Not only does it fix your cholesterol levels and flush your system, but also has a strong and reliable ability to help you naturally relax and sleep. DOSE: Taking Niacin in pill form can help your body replenish itself at a quicker rate. You will need to consult the packet or your doctor for a dosage amount it varies greatly. Note: Niacin can be dangerous in high doses, if your skin feels ‘sun burnt’ or ‘flushed’ at any time, you are taking too much Niacin and should reduce or cease use immediately.

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How To Add Niacin To Your Diet Easily

Add Vegetables To Every Meal Leafy green vegetables are very high in Niacin, as are broccoli; carrots; sweet potatoes; asparagus and avocados. Snack On Nuts, Seeds and Whole Grains Instead of munching on potato chips, eat sunflower seeds. Instead of chocolate, try a bowl of nuts. You will begin craving them naturally as they benefit your body. Love Mushrooms Mushrooms are a super food and help you detoxify in more than one way. They are also jam packed full of Niacin and will be a great source to add to many meals. Meats & Seafood Organ meats are particularly high in Niacin. Adding lean cuts of meat or fish to your diet is another good way of ensuring that you get enough niacin daily. Vitamin Supplement

You should add a multi-vitamin to your routine in this time anyway. Try picking an A-Z vitamin list for all benefits with a generous portion of Niacin.

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What Else To Consider?

Sleep Sleeping can be difficult once you quit smoking weed. The reason for this is because of your increased anxiety, stress, mind activity and tension. Here are some helpful hints to help you get some sleep:

Drink warm milk

Use Damiana

Use Passionflower

Take a warm bath

Have a massage

Wake up earlier

Read a book

Avoid alcohol & Tobacco

Eat a bedtime snack

Drink other herb teas Try to sleep at regular times. If you can’t go to sleep at the same time each night, try waking up earlier than usual and at the same time every morning. If you continue waking early, your sleeping problem will be gone within days. Make sure you notice how much energy and alertness your sleep starts to give you. You will be impressed that within a few days, you will start waking up more alert and you will feel fresher. This is a good thing to focus on. One of the best benefits people report once quitting or cutting down on weed is how fresh you feel first thing in the morning!

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Alcohol Just during this period of detoxification, try not to drink much alcohol. This goes for all types of drugs. If you have a history of taking another drug or drinking a lot of alcohol, give up completely for 2 weeks. You won’t regret it. Otherwise, without marijuana you’re in danger of swapping one drug for another drug or addiction! Note: Alcohol intake has been known to increase once marijuana smokers quit smoking weed. Make sure to keep an eye on alcohol consumption.

Sweating Sounds bad, but sweating is great for detoxifying weed. Your body will naturally sweat more often during sleep to try to release toxins naturally. Some people like to take advantage & increase their body sweating to help release residues. The best method to increase sweating is exercise; if you want to promote sweating further make sure to take a sauna, or get sun more often. The more you sweat, the more fluids you should drink. This is a big part of the detox period, and many people report that this is one of the most effective strategies for releasing foreign residues in the fat cells of your body.

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Much of the foreign residue compounds are stored in your fat. Exercising will improve your circulation and burn more fats, decreasing the residue in your body. Play a game or sport. Organized activity will usually make you work out harder than just walking. Otherwise a brisk walk is fine. As already mentioned, the more you sweat the more you detox. Get creative, get some sun, jog in a jacket, take a sauna, go to the gym, take a run, just do something to raise your heartbeat and make you sweat. Exercising will also make sure you have hunger at meal times. As you may already know, it can be difficult eating normal meals after you have stopped smoking weed, unless of course you exercise.

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Start NOW!! Start now and implement the vitamins and herbs you have found here immediately! All this stuff can be found easily. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. It is only days before you are pure and clean of toxins.

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5 Day Detox Weed Plan

Marijuana Detox Plan Day 1 A fasting day. In order to detoxify properly you need your kidneys, liver and bladder in top working condition. Day 1 is about reserving your energy from digestion to prepare your system to efficiently remove all undesirable substances. Day 2 To get your kidneys, liver and bladder in top working condition. Day prepares your system to remove toxins. Day 3 Strengthen your immune system to fight off bacteria and disease. This will give your body more energy to focus on detoxification in the next few days. Day 4 Main Detoxification Day. Your body is now flushing all unwanted toxins in your body at maximum rate. This is the day you feel a difference as your body begins to adapt. Day 5 Begin Healing Process. This mostly applies to your liver, lungs, kidneys and eyes. During this period of post detox, your entire body will begin healing.

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Day 1


When fasting, still indulge in detox juices from day 2

If you are not fasting refer to meals & juices from day 2

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Day 2

Aim: Cleanse Of Liver, Bladder & Kidneys Breakfast:

Only liver supporting organic fruit includes watermelon, papaya, kiwi, plums, pears, cherries, figs, or grapefruit.

. During the day:

No Lunch

Drink 10 glasses of water, preferably filtered

2-3 snacks of fruit, yogurt and/or unsalted nuts Detox Juices:

Extreme Liver Detox Juice

Citrus Blend Juice

Cranberry Juice Vitamins & Herbs:

Vitamin C

Milk Thistle

Rosemary Dinner:

Super Simple Salad

Any Vegetarian Meal

Any Detox Soup (vegetarian only)

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Day 3

Aim: Strengthen Immunity & Cleanse Bloodstream Breakfast:

Immunity strengthening organic fruits includes apples, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, acacia berries

Any meal from the breakfast menu During the day:

No Lunch

Drink 10 glasses of water, preferably filtered

2-3 snacks from detox snacks menu Detox Juices:

Apple, Beetroot & Lemon Juice

Carrot, Beet, Cucumber & Celery Juice

Apple Cider Vinegar Vitamins & Herbs:

Vitamin C


Echinacea Dinner:

Best to eat any "fish meal; or

Mushroom & Spinach Rice; or

Fusilli with eggplant, tomato, ricotta & basil

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Day 4

Aim: Liver Cleanse, Intestines & Bowel Detox, Breakfast:

Eat ideally solid oats or muesli

Any meal from the breakfast menu During the day:

Drink 12 glasses of water, preferably filtered

2-3 snacks from detox snacks menu

Also drink any selection of the juices below: Detox Juices:

Extreme Liver Detox Juice

Grapefruit, Watermelon & Apple Juice

Apple, Beet & Lemon Vitamins & Herbs:

Vitamin B

Licorice Root

Black Walnut Hulls

Dandelion Dinner:

Brassica Weed Detox Group

Chilli Bean Hot pot

Vegetarian Bolognese, Tortillas or Kebab

Any detox menu soup

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Day 5

Aim: Final Rinse & Flush Of Entire System Breakfast:

Watery organic fruits or vegetables include watermelon, grapefruit, celery, kiwi fruit, mango, oranges, mandarins

Any meal from the breakfast menu During the day:

Drink 12 glasses of water, preferably filtered

2-3 snacks from detox snacks menu

Also drink any selection of the juices below: Detox Juices:

Citrus Blend Juice

Green Juices

Cranberry Juice

Carrot, Beet, Cucumber & Celery Juice Vitamins & Herbs:

Milk Thistle

Vitamin C


Red Reishi Mushroom Dinner:

Any solid meal from the dinner Menu

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Detox Juices

Citrus Blend Juice 1 Part Lemon 1 Part Grapefruit 3 Parts Orange 1 Teaspoon of honey

Nice Veggie Juice 1 Part Carrot 1 Part Cucumber 1 Part Celery ½ Small Beetroot

Apple, Beetroot & Lemon Juice 2 Parts Apple 1 Part Beetroot Squeeze of Lemon Juice

Apple & Celery Juice 1 Part Apple 1 Part Celery Juice

Grapefruit, Watermelon & Apple Juice 1 Part Grapefruit 1 Part Watermelon 1 Part Apple Juice

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Detox Snack Menu

Bruschetta 5 fresh tomatoes (diced) 1 Spanish onions (diced) 2 peeled and diced cucumbers (diced) Lots of fresh chopped basil A loaf of Vienna whole meal Wheat free bread Olive oil Sea salt Apple cider vinegar

Combine diced tomatoes, onion, cucumbers with apple cider vinegar in a bowl. Toast the thick slices of Vienna Whole meal Bread. Brush slices with olive oil and grill until nice and crusty. The tomato mixture can be put on the grilled hot slices as a cold mixture, or slightly grill the topped slices again.


1/4 cup of corn kernels 1 tbs olive oil Very little sea salt

Put 1 kernel in a heated pan, when it spins add the rest After a minute or 2 the pops stop, take pan off heat

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Tasty Toasted Seeds

100gm of pumpkin, butternut or sunflower seeds or mixture of all.

Olive oil

Sea salt



Pre-heat oven to 180ºC. Prepare a foil lines pan or baking tray In a strainer toss seeds with olive oil until lightly covered followed by the spices (approx 1 tsp of each sea salt and garlic and ½ tsp of paprika for 1 cup of seeds)

Banana Sorbet 2 cups mashed banana

1 cup fresh apple juice

2 tbs fresh lemon juice

2 tbs raw honey

Combine all in a medium bowl Pour into lined muffin tin. Freeze overnight Scoop or grate into a bowl and serve

Apple Delight 1 green apple

1 tbs raw honey

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tbs crushed peanuts

Preheat oven to 180°C Slice apple (peel if desired) and place on baking tray. Drizzle with honey, sprinkle with cinnamon and peanuts Bake for 15 minutes.

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Potato Chips (sweet) Several sweet potatoes

Olive Oil

Sea salt

Preheat the oven to 200°C Peel potatoes and slice thinly Line a baking tray with bake proof paper and olive oil

Lay potato pieces on tray, bake for 20 mins/until crisp

Easy Yogurt Snack

Tub soy yogurt

4 strawberries diced

1 kiwi fruit diced

Mix all together and serve. A good opportunity for fiber supplement.


1 avocado, large

1 garlic clove

1 onion, brown, small

1 tbs coriander, chopped

½ a lemon’s juice

Sea salt


Mash all ingredients together until nicely textured (not a smooth paste) As an alternative, add 1 small, very ripe tomato and/or 1 small chopped chili for variation Use as dip or salad dressing

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Marinated Mushrooms

100gm of button mushrooms

1 spring onion

2 tsp of lemon juice

1 clove of garlic

75ml of vegetable stock

Salt and pepper

Chop the onions and cook gently in a small amount of the stock

Add the mushrooms, juice and a pinch of salt & pepper, cook gently until liquid has evaporated

Add garlic and the rest of the stock, bring to boil and the leave to cool before serving

Super Zesty Mango Dip

2 tomatoes, chopped

1 white onion, minced

2 mangos, diced

1 Jalapeno pepper

Juice from ½ lime

¼ tsp sugar

¼ cup coriander leaves

Sea salt & Pepper

Mix all ingredients together and allow to sit, refrigerated, for several hours

Serve with non-wheat bread for dipping

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Pears & Cashew Cream

1 cup cashews, raw

1 pear

1 ripe banana

¼ cup soy/rice milk

A handful of seasoned fruits like strawberries, apricots, peaches

Blend all ingredients except pear, adding milk occasionally until smooth Refrigerate cashew cream and eat as is OR Bake 2 halved pears in oven for 10mins at 150°C (302°F). Allow to cool and serve with Cashew Cream.

Watermelon Ice Crush

¼ watermelon

1 ripe banana

1 cup raspberries

4-5 ice cubes

Place it all in a blender and blend away. Don’t overdo it! Much nicer with texture. Also works well with blueberries.

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Detox Breakfast Menu

Original Muesli 4 cups rolled oats

Toasted almonds

Almond or rice milk

Grated apple

Mix ingredients together in a bowl and add soy or light milk. Normal milk is less preferred but still ok.

Special Muesli 4 cups rolled oats

2 cups puffed amaranth

1 cup oat bran

¼ cup pumpkin seeds

¼ cup sunflower seeds

¼ cup flaxseeds ground

¼ cup psyllium husks

Mix ingredients together in a bowl and add soy or light milk. Normal milk is less preferred but still ok.

Simple Omelets

Fresh eggs

2 handfuls of button mushrooms

1-2 stalks spinach

4-5 cherry tomatoes

Mix eggs until combined but not too frothy, Fry mixture. Add all ingredients as eggs set. Ready when shiny.

Raw Berry Porridge

2 cups milk

1 cup rolled oats

½ cup of berries

½ a banana

Very simple dish. Heat milk until warm and add all the ingredients together in a bowl. Eat like that!

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Fruit/Yogurt Muesli Combo

2 pieces of fruit

3 tbs of sugar-free muesli

1 tbs of flaxseed oil

2 tbs of goats milk yogurt (plain yogurt will do)

Chop fruit into fruit salad, add muesli, oil and goats milk yogurt. Stir & serve.

Smoothie or Shake

2-3 different fruits

Soy milk or light milk




Add it all together and mix. Start inventing your own smoothie. Different people enjoy different blends of different fruits and berries.

Scrambled Eggs, Ham & Tomatoes

Freshly laid eggs

Quality ham (not bacon)

1 Tomato

Non-wheat bread

Cook your scrambled eggs as normal. Sprinkle chopped ham all over. Fry tomato or serve raw. Use non-wheat bread.

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Fresh Fruit Salad





Sesame seeds

Chop up all fruit and mix in bowl. Sprinkle seeds all over before serving.

Detox Weed Breakie Juice






Parsley juice

Also Try

Tabasco sauce


Blend and drink.

This is a most powerful Detox juice when it comes to ridding chemical toxins left in your body from smoking marijuana.

Tabasco is optional!

DO NOT put this in your drink unless you enjoy a strong spice.

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Mushrooms On Toasted Rye

¼ chopped onion

¼ clove of garlic

50gm diced mushrooms

¼ tsp mustard seeds

1 slice of rye bread

½ tsp pressed olive oil

50gm sun-dried tom Also try


Tomato and


Heat olive oil in a pan. Add onion and garlic and cook until onion is soft.

Add the mushrooms and mustard and cook until the mushrooms are soft.

Toast the rye bread.

Place the mushroom mixture on top and add tomatoes.

Grill mixture until warm.

Savory Pancakes

1- ½ cups whole meal self raising flour

1 cup soy/rice milk

3 tsp lemon juice

Freshly chopped herbs and/or crushed garlic

Slowly blend the milk into the flour, adding a little at a time.

Add lemon juice and blend. Add herbs or crushed garlic

In a very hot non-stick frying pan put a dribble of olive oil and enough mix to barely cover the bottom of the pan.

Swirl the mix around in the pan to get an even thickness

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Sweet Pancakes

1½ cups whole meal self raising flour

1 cup soy/rice milk

3 tsp lemon juice

Banana, apricots or lime zest

Also Try

Honey cocoa


Slowly blend the milk into the flour, adding a little at a time.

Add lemon juice and blend

Add honey cocoa, raisins, chopped apricots or zest of lime to the mix.

In a very hot non-stick frying pan put a dribble of olive oil and enough mix to barely cover the bottom of the pan.

Swirl the mix around in the pan to get an even thickness

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Breakfast Cookies (24)

3 cups oats

2 medium bananas

¼ cup olive oil

1/3 tsp sea salt or to taste

1/3 to 1/2 cup dates (pitted)

Also Try

2/3 cup toasted almonds or other nuts

Maple syrup

Mix oats, salt and olive oil. In a blender, mix bananas and dates until smooth.

Add maple syrup for sweet.

Add banana mixture to the oats and blend well. Add nuts and carob if you like. On an un-greased cookie sheet, form cookie shape

Bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for 12-15 min.

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Detox Lunch & Dinner Menu

Stuffed Bell Peppers

2 green, red, or yellow bell peppers (capsicums)

1 tsp of sesame oil

1 clove of garlic, minced and pressed

½ cup of cooked beans

1 cup of cooked brown rice

1 green onions, finely chopped

½ tsp of ground coriander

½ tbs of salsa

Sea salt

Ground black pepper

Preheat oven 200°C (392°F)

Cut the tops off the pepper and keep the tops aside, remove the seeds and ribs to be discarded

Mix the sesame oil, garlic, beans, brown rice, green onion, ground coriander, and salsa in a bowl.

Season them with salt and pepper and stuff the mixture into the pepper

Add a baking sheet on the baking dish and place the peppers on top

Replace the pepper tops Bake 25 mins. Serve immediately

Simple Omelet Fresh eggs

2 handfuls of button mushrooms

1-2 stalks spinach

4-5 cherry tomatoes

Mix eggs until combined but not too frothy, Fry mixture. Add ingredients as eggs set. Ready when shiny.

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Spinach Soup

½ avocado

½ cup water

1 cucumber

1 cup spinach

1 green onions

½ clove garlic

½ red bell pepper

½ tsp sea salt

½ tbs lime juice

Blend ½ cup of water and the avocado in a blender

Add the rest of the ingredients one at a time, blending to desired thickness and thinning with remaining water if desired.

Serve soup cold or warm.

Minestrone Soup

Olive oil

½ large onion

1 ½ cloves garlic

1 stalk celery

2 tbs Italian spices

1-2 carrots

1 ½ cups chopped tomatoes

1 ½ cups cooked beans

Salt and pepper

Chop onions, garlic, celery and carrots.

Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil until transparent.

Add celery and spices and sauté a few more minutes.

Add carrots, tomatoes and beans.

Add enough water to cover

Bring to a boil. Lower and simmer 20 minutes or longer.

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Pumpkin Soup

1 kg pumpkin chopped, peeled and seeded

1 large carrot - finely chopped

1 large onion - finely chopped

½ cup red lentils

1 tbs Tamari (salt and yeast free soy sauce from Health Food Store)

Salt and pepper to taste

1L of water

Fry onion in olive oil until golden brown. Add carrot

Add remaining ingredients and cover with water (1L)

Bring to boil and simmer for 20 mins/until lentils are soft.

Taste and add ½ Massell veg stock cube if desired.

Let cool, then place in food processor and blend.

Heat and serve

Super Fruit Salad




Melon Sesame seeds

Chop up all fruit and mix in bowl. Sprinkle seeds all over serve.

Super Simple Salad




Melon Sesame seeds

Chop up all fruit and mix in bowl. Sprinkle seeds all over serve.

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Rainbow Trout

2-3 Rainbow Trout 2 oz Arugula Pesto 1 oz Olive oil 8 oz Napa cabbage 2 oz carrots 4 oz vegetable broth

Season rainbow trout lightly with salt & pepper. Heat olive oil in frying pan.

Add fillets to pan, frying for about 2-3 min on each side.

Napa Cabbage and Carrots

Heat remaining oil in pot. Add napa cabbage/carrots and sauté for 2-3 min.

Add in the vegetable broth and reduce heat. Cover the pot with a lid for 3-5 min. Season with ½ tsp of salt and a quick shake of pepper.

Baked Salmon

1 stick of lemongrass, chopped into pieces 1 salmon fillet or steak Juice of 1 lemon 1cm (½ in) cube of fresh root ginger

Preheat oven 200°C (392°F)

Put lemongrass on a sheet of foil and place salmon on top.

Pour lemon juice over, then grate the ginger over the top.

Seal the foil package and bake in the oven for roughly 15 minutes, until cooked.

While cooking, organize a side dish. Either fried rice with vegetables or mixed salad with lemon dressing.

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Teriyaki Fish

250 grams chopped bream ¼ cup ground walnuts ½ cup water ½ cup minced onion ¼ cup sliced olives ¼ tsp lemon rind ¼ tbs grated ginger ¼ cup chopped parsley ¼ tsp basil ½ tsp prepared mustard 1 tbs oil Teriyaki Sauce 1 tsp grated ginger root 1 cloves garlic 1 tsp roasted sesame oil ½ tbs barley malt

Fish Combine all the ingredients and blend until creamy.

Preheat oven 190°C. (374°F)

Oil 15cm by 12cm by 5cm loaf pan, smooth into pan cover and bake for 15 mins.

Remove cover and bake until set and lightly browned.

Cool before slicing. Sauce Blend first 4 ingredients together. Place in saucepan and simmer 10 mins.

Add barley malt and cook 5 minutes longer.

Easy Stir Fry

1 baby squash diced largely 1 zucchini diced largely ½ medium onion 1 cup sliced mushrooms 2 tbs tamari 4 tbs Massel vegetable stock 2 cloves crushed garlic 2 cups brown rice

Sauté all ingredients in the vegetable stock, starting with onions and garlic Add the rest of the ingredients. May need to add a further splash or 2 of Tamari for taste and consistency.

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Fusilli with eggplant, tomato, ricotta & basil

400g Barilla Fusilli 2 tbs extra virgin olive

oil 1 small eggplant,

trimmed, finely diced 250g punnet of cherry

tomatoes, halved 400g jar Barilla Ricotta

sauce ½ cup fresh basil

leaves, roughly torn 125g bocconcini, torn

into small pieces

Cook the fussili in a large saucepan until al dente. Drain well.

Heat the oil in large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the eggplant and cook stirring occasionally for 4-5 minutes or until golden. Add the cherry tomatoes, cook for a further 2-3 or until tomatoes are slightly wilted.

Add the ricotta sauce, simmer for 2-3 minutes, then add the drained pasta, stir to combine and cook for a further 1-2 minutes. Remove from the heat, stir through the basil and bocconcini.

Divide between serving plates, drizzle with a little extra virgin olive oil if desired, serve with pasta.

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Marinated Veggie Kebab

1 tbs shoyu or light soy sauce 1 tsp sesame oil 1 tsp clear honey 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 small red onion 1 yellow or red pepper (capsicum) 1 small courgette (vegetable

marrows, zucchinis)

6-9 button mushrooms

Put the shoyu, sesame oil, honey and garlic in a jug and stir thoroughly, then put to one side. Chop the onion into sections.

Seed and chop the pepper into 2.5cm (1 in) chunks, and slice into rounds.

Toss with mushrooms

Preheat the grill. Thread the vegetables on to the skewers, transferring any remaining marinade into a small pan Place the kebabs under the grill and cook, being careful to turn them regularly. Remove when ready (15min)

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Vegetarian Bolognaise

1 tbs oil 1 medium eggplant 1 carrot grated 6-8 mushrooms 1 onion diced 5 tomatoes ½ tsp basil ½ tsp oregano ½ tsp parsley ½ vegetable stock cube

Sauté eggplant, onion and mushrooms in oil until soft. Add carrot and water then simmer for 10 mins.

Add tomatoes, tomato paste, veg stock cube and herbs.

Break up tomatoes, bring to boil then simmer for 20 mins

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Chilli Bean Hot Pot Olive oil 1 brown onion (diced) 2 cloves garlic (diced) ½ tin organic tomatoes 200gm red kidney bean 1 red chili’s seeded and diced (or to taste) ¼ tsp of sea salt Handful of basil leaves

Heat 2 tsps of olive oil in a large pan and sauté onions. Add garlic, tomatoes, red kidney beans and chilli.

Add ¼ tsp of salt to taste and a handful of basil leaves. Put lid on and simmer 30 mins. Serve with brown rice

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Vegetable Tortillas

4 - 8-inch whole meal or corn tortillas 4 leaves of loose leaf lettuce or lettuce of choice, washed and patted dry 3 Roma tomatoes, each sliced into pieced ¾ cup zucchini sliced ¾ cup summer squash sliced ¾ cup carrot, shredded 1 cucumber, peeled, and sliced thin Optional Beetroot Sweet potatoes Radishes Chopped vegetables, Fresh bean sprouts

Place the tortillas flat on a cutting board; place 1 lettuce leaf in the center of each tortilla so that a little of it hangs out the top edge.

For each tortilla: on top of the lettuce place 3 slices of tomato, 3 tbsp. sliced zucchini, 3 tbsp. sliced summer squash, 3 tbsp. shredded carrot, and in rows, 6 slices of cucumber.

Fold bottom of the tortilla up to center of the tortilla, fold in each side to enclose vegetables, secure wrap with toothpick.

Wrap the veggie wraps in aluminum foil, waxed paper, or plastic cling film, or place in an airtight container.

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Mushroom & Spinach Rice

Olive oil 1 cup brown Rice 2 cups water ½ tsp salt 1 medium onion chopped 2 cups sliced mushrooms 2 cups chopped spinach ½ cup chick peas, soaked and drained 2-3 threads saffron Sea salt and pepper to taste

In a medium saucepan, combine rice, water, salt and margarine and bring to a boil.

Stir once, cover, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

While rice is cooking, sauté onions in a little olive oil. Add mushrooms and continue to sauté mixture.

Add salt and pepper to taste.

When onions and mushrooms are cooked, add the spinach and chickpeas and continue to sauté until the spinach is wilted.

Stir the mushroom and spinach mixture into the cooked rice.

Add the saffron and mix well.

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Top 10 Natural Foods to Help Detoxify Toxins from Your Body

Toxins are generally plant and animal made substances & poisonous to humans. Detox is the process of ridding the body from these toxins.

The cleansing or cleaning process happens primarily in the blood but also involves the elimination of toxins from internal organs such as the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin. However, the process of detoxification is more than cleansing. It also enhances the body's ability to naturally heal itself.

The process of detoxification then involves both the removal and elimination of toxins and providing nourishment to the body from the inside out. In this way, the body renews its ability to protect itself from disease and maintain optimum health.

There are a number of ways to detoxify the body including diet, exercise and detoxification procedures such as homeopathic remedies, ozone therapy, acupuncture, massage and thermal chambers or sauna.

Different individuals may need one or more or a combination of dieting, lifestyle practices and some may need the aid of detoxification procedures. Cleansing the body should be done daily and the intake of detox foods would help a lot.

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Top 10 Foods To Detoxify Toxins: 1. Green Vegetables. Green leafy vegetables contain chlorophyll that cleans the digestive tract from environmental toxins such as smog, heavy metals and herbicides or pesticides. They are also good in purging and cleansing the liver. Green leafy vegetables can be eaten raw or they can be added to broths or juices. 2. Apples. Apples are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals and other phytochemicals such as D-glucarate, flavanoids and terpenoids. All of these substances aid in the detox process. Phlorizidin, a flavonoine, helps stimulate bile production. This aids the liver in getting rid of some toxins through the bile. Pectin, a soluble fiber, helps detox metals and food additives from the body. 3. Citrus and tangerines. These include oranges, lemons and limes. They are a good source of Vitamin C & help in washing out toxins from the body by converting them into water-soluble substances. They also help in the enzymatic processes of the digestive tract and aid the liver cleansing. 4. Sesame seeds. Protect the liver from the damaging effects of alcohol and other chemicals. Sesame seeds contain the amino acids methionine and tryptophan that aids in a speedy and more efficient functioning liver and kidney. 5. Spices. Onions and garlic contain sulfur compounds, the compounds that give them their strong pungent odor, which stimulate the liver to produce detoxification enzymes that help to filter out toxins from the digestive system. Turmeric is overall best. Ginger relieves bloating, nausea and diarrhea

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and aids in a more efficient digestion. Add these spices in salads, sauces or any dish. 6. Green tea. Green tea is a healthy way of getting more fluids in the body. It not only washes out toxins but also increases liver function as it contains the antioxidant, catechins. 7. Omega-3 oils. Avocado, hemp, olive oil and flax seed oil are good sources of omega-3 oils. By lubricating the intestinal wall, omega-3 absorbs toxins and eliminates it from the body. 8. Whole grains. Whole grains contain both soluble and insoluble fibers that thoroughly cleanse our colon and encourage good bowel function. For those on detox diet, non gluten grains such as brown rice, millet and buckwheat are recommended. 9. Yogurt. It helps detoxify the body as it contains probiotics that reduce intestinal inflammation and fungal infections. These probiotics also have the ability to eliminate bacteria that may cause damage to the lining of the stomach and liver. 10. Turmeric. An ancient spice that is native to Southeast Asia, turmeric has a peppery, warm and bitter flavor and mild fragrance.

This is a good place to start but don't be limited.

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There are many foods that help aid in detox. Remember that knowing the right foods for detoxifying the body from toxins will keep you disease-free and in optimum health.

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Types Of Exercise To Helps You Detoxify Quickly From Marijuana

THC, the primary chemical or substance in marijuana that gives a user the “high” feeling, is fat-soluble. In other words, it is primarily stored in fats or fatty tissues of the body. This is the reason why traces of THC can still be found in the body days or even weeks after a user has stopped using the drug, clearly showing that the natural cycle of flushing THC out of the body takes a long time. However, there are ways to speed up this process. One way is to detoxify through exercise. Aside from being a good way of staying fit and providing many benefits to our bodies and minds, recent research has shown that exercise may be a good treatment or method for “curing” drug addiction. The study was conducted by researchers from Vanderbilt University on marijuana users who neither desired treatment nor help in quitting the marijuana habit. The study's findings are pointing to the potential of using exercise routines and workouts to help diminish or eliminate cravings for the drug. In fact, results show that cravings and actual use of marijuana by study participants were halved. In this relation, previous research has also shown that exercise increases the brain's production of galanin, a chemical that reduces drug cravings associated with stress. Galanin works by reducing norepinephrine, a hormone that activates dopamine which is responsible for drug cravings.

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The best way to release toxins is to burn fats. And what better way to burn fats than sweating it out with exercise? When you are just starting out in the detoxification process, 20 to 60 minutes of aerobic or cardiovascular exercise every day is recommended during detox. Minimum, you should exercise for 20 minutes, 3 times a week. Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise is comprised of moderate level intensity activities that are done for a relatively long period of time. This type of exercise is a great way of burning fat and helps get rid of toxic substances through your body’s natural perspiration & sweat cycle. Here are a few aerobic/cardiovascular exercises you can try. If you’re not into exercise, this might seem like a big deal. Keep in mind we’re only talking 20 minutes a day here:

Best Detoxifying Outdoor Exercise:

Running in heat

Jogging in a sweater

Jump rope indoors



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Best Detoxifying Indoor Exercise:




Rowing machines

Ladder climbers

Aerobics class Through regular exercise, cravings for marijuana and severity of withdrawal symptoms are reduced, appetite may be stimulated and it will help you to sleep easier - especially if you're fatigued. If you already do at least 20 minutes exercise a day, try to do 40 minutes during detox. The point is to work up a sweat and sometimes you need to do more than your body is used to. Push yourself. Whatever type or kind of exercise you choose will depend on your needs (and preferences) as long as it achieves the end result of long-term sobriety and relapse prevention.

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Detox Symptoms

During a detoxifying period, your body is put through unfamiliar routines. Sensitive individuals may experience some uncomfortable detoxification symptoms as your system expels toxins from your body. Such things as:

Insomnia Loss of sex drive


Night sweats



Loss of hunger


All symptoms will be over within 10-12 days. Don’t worry! You won’t experience all of these, and detox will certainly soften the blow. This is just a list of the most common side effects reported by people going through the detoxifying process. This is all normal, mild and temporary. Something you will definitely have to go through at some point when retiring from heavy use of marijuana.