Natural Selection

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Natural Selection

*Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

Naturalist aboard HMS Beagle Collected living specimens & fossils Visited Galapagos Islands (p.394, fig. 15.1)

Tortoises Finches Marine iguanas

Bred pigeons – artificial selection

**Darwin cont. From collections & observations

Natural selection Mechanism for change in populations Organisms with favorable variations survive,

reproduce, & pass variations on to next generation

Published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

Mechanisms of Evolution Populations evolve, NOT individuals Gene pool - all alleles in a population’s genes

together (remember: alleles: alternative forms of a gene)

Allelic frequency - % of any specific allele (p.405 snapdragons)

Genetic equilibrium - frequency of alleles remains same over generations = no evolution

How does evolution happen? - disrupting genetic equilibrium Mutations - caused by radiation or chemicals Genetic drift - alteration of allelic frequencies by

chance events (random, affects small populations greater)

Gene flow - Migration & Emigration Natural selection - allelic frequencies change

due to nature selecting for advantageous variations Stabilizing, directional, and disruptive

Stabilizing selection - favors average phenotypes

Spiders- larger spiders

eaten by predators

-Smaller spiders can’t

catch enough food

-Favors average size

Directional selection - favors one extreme (on graph, selects to left or right)


longer beaks

eat more insects

buried deep in bark

(have more fitness)

Long beaks favored Can lead to

rapid evolution

Disruptive selection - eliminates intermediate phenotypes

In an environment,

medium-sized seeds

become less common

-Birds with smaller or

larger beaks have easier

time finding food

= higher fitness

How do changes in gene pool lead to evolution? Speciation - when members of similar populations no

longer interbreed to produce fertile offspring within natural environment

Geographic isolation - physical barrier divides a population Lava from volcanic eruptions, sea-level changes, rivers,

mountains Reproductive isolation - populations no longer mate and

produce fertile offspring Behavorial - different mating calls or seasons Different genetic material Polyploidy - having multiple chromosome sets

Speciation rates - 2 hypotheses, both supported by fossil record Gradualism - species originate through

gradual change of adaptations; slow & steady

Punctuated equilibrium - species originate quickly, in rapid bursts

Patterns of evolution Divergent evolution - occurs when populations

change as they adapt to different environmental conditions Adaptive radiation - ancestral species evolves into

many new species to fit various niches Hawaiiian honeycreepers; Darwin’s finches

Convergent evolution - unrelated species evolve similar traits because of similar environmental pressures Different cactus species around the world

*Adaptations: Evidence for Evolution Structural adaptations

Body parts of an organism that help it survive Ex. Teeth, claws, keen eyes, thorns,

Mimicry – more subtle One harmless species looks a dangerous one

Harmless fly looks like a wasp; scarlet kingsnake looks like coral snake

Two or more harmful species look alike Yellow jackets, honeybees, many wasps use same coloring to

say “Hey, stay away, I’ll hurt you!”

Camouflage – enables species to blend in

Photo Credit: Dan Hipes

Photo Credit: AZ Herpetological Association

Can you think of an example for camouflage?

I’ll show you some

*Physiological adaptations Can happen very quickly Changes in an organism’s metabolic

processes Antibiotic-resistance bacteria

Penicillin not as effective now Insects & weeds resistant to pesticides

Strains of drug-resistant TB

Articles on: -Antibiotic resistance -Crop pest evolutionMRSA podcast

*Indirect evidence for evolution Fossils

Assembling a puzzle without all the pieces What percentage of “Lucy” did they find?

Anatomy (p. 401 fig. 15.6) Homologous structures

Structural features with common evolutionary origin

*Indirect evidence for evolution

*Anatomy cont. Analogous structures

Body parts have similar function but not common ancestry Bird wing, butterfly wing

Vestigial structures Body part in present-day organism that no longer

serves its original purpose (but was useful at some time)

Our wisdom teeth, appendix, blind cave fish with eyes

*Indirect Evidence for Evolution Embryology

Embryo – earliest stage of growth & development of plants & animals

Page 402 fig. 15.9: You had a tail and gills?? Biochemistry

Biochemical molecules: RNA, DNA, ATP, and many enzymes Compare amino acid sequences among organisms Enzyme - cytochrome c - involved in cellular respiration
