Naturalmente delicioso - El brócoli en Polonia, Dra. M. Desmond

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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"Naturalmente delicioso - El brócoli en Polonia" es la conferencia que tuvo a cargo la nutricionista Małgorzata Desmond, especialista en medicina nutricional, durante la IV Broccoli Conference, 7 y 8 octubre 2014, organizada en su país por Sakata Polonia, Llamó la atención sobre el generalizado descenso de consumo de hortalizas en Polonia en los últimos años, aunque el descenso en Crucíferas fue menor que el ocurrido en otros grupos. Al paso de definir la medicina nutricional, explicó que en los últimos 50 años las enfermedades crónicas han reemplazado a las agudas en su importancia médica y esto pone sobre la mesa la trascendencia que tienen las buenas prácticas nutricionales a la hora de evitarlas.


Cruciferous vegetables in nutritional


Vegetable/Broccoli consumption in Poland

lorem ipsum dolor sit


• Vegetable consumption in Poland has been decreasing in the last years

• Good news – the decrease in consumption of cruciferous vegetables has

been smallest out of all vegetable groups

Analiza PMR GUS

Broccoli consumption in real life: busy 30-year old

female lawyer

Broccoli consumption in real life: 10 –year old boy,


Broccoli consumption in real life: 34-year old health

conscious vegan, female

Breakfast: millet/buckwheat/wholegrain cereal with seeds, seedlets, nuts, grinded poppy, dried fruits

Lunch: salad with vinaigrette sauce.

Dinner: millet/ brown rice + steamed vegetables (broccoli, beet, cauliflower/brussels sprouts/zucchini)

or legume or raw vegetables (grated carrot and parsley)

Dessert: fruit salad

Supper: home –made bread sandwiches with home-made jam/honey/spreads (e.g. bean spread)

Drinks: (i.e. coffee, tea, juice, water, alcohol etc.): Tea: green, white, roiboos, fruit, herbal; vegetable

juices; water (in the spring and the summer only)

What is nutritional medicine?

The inadequacy of clinical education is a consequence of the

failure of health care and medical education to adapt to 2

related transformations in the past 50 years that are central

to good health care today.

In the first, chronic disease replaced acute disease as the

dominant health problem. Chronic disease is now the

principal cause of disability and use of health services and

consumes 78% of health expenditures.

In the second, chronic disease dramatically transformed the

role of the patient.

Halsted Holman is the Berthold and Belle N. Guggenhime Professor of

Medicine, co-chief of the Division of Family and Community Medicine,

director of the Stanford Multi-Purpose Arthritis Center, and a

CHP/PCOR associate

What is nutritional medicine?

Prof. Walter Willet, head of Nutrition

Department, Harvard School of Public Health:

for most diseases contributing importantly to

mortality in Western populations,

epidemiologists have long known that

nongenetic factors have high atrributable

risks, often at least 80-90%, even when

specific etiologic factors are not clear

Causes of death in Poland

Gębska – Kuczerowska, 2009

Current model of medicine

IFM -21st Century Medicine

Current model of medicine

IFM -21st Century Medicine

Medicine of the Future

IFM -21st Century Medicine

Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle Medicine


"EPIC" (European Investigation into Cancer), Archives of Internal Medicine; 23,000 osób, 8 years of follow up:

• Not smoking

• Exercise at 3.5 hrs a week

• Eating a healthy diet [vegetables, fruit, whole grains, pulses, low meat]

• Avoiding obesity

• among those adhering : 93% diabetes, 81% heart attacks, 50% strokes i 36% cancers could be prevented

Lifestyle Medicine- Prevention

Lifestyle Medicine- Prevention

American Heart Society’:

‚… If these recommendations are followed (i.e. healthy diet and lifestyle),

coronary heart disease can be eliminated to a large extent in the population

aged <70 years, and by implementing these recommendations at middle-age,

there will be lower annual costs for medical care in older age’

Lifestyle Medicine- Prevention

‚… If we could prevent about 40% of cancers by adopting a healthy, plant

based diet, being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight’


„...there are an infinitive number of insults to a human body but

there are only 3 finite responses within the human body”.

• Inflammation

• Oxidative stress

• Autoimmune Disease

Dr Mark Houston

„...there are an infinitive number of insults to a human body but

there are only 3 finite responses within the human body”.

• Inflammation

• Oxidative stress

• Autoimmune Disease

Dr Mark Houston

Trends Immunol. 2004 Jan;25(1):4-7.

Inflammation/Oxdative Stress – Diabetes/Obesity

• …obesity is a state of chronic inflammation (increased plasma

concentrations of inflammatory markers - CRP, IL-6, and PAI)

• the plasma concentration of inflammatory mediators, such as

TNF-a, IL-6, is increased in the insulin resistant states

• increase in inflammatory mediators or indices predicts the future

development of obesity and diabetes!

Trends Immunol. 2004 Jan;25(1):4-7.

Inflammation/Oxdative Stress – Diabetes/Obesity

Inflammation- Hypertension

Hypertension. 2011 Feb;57(2):132-40.

Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Feb;83(2):456S-460S.

Inflammation- Atherosclerosis

Inflammation- Cancer

in: "Oxidative Stress and Chronic Degenerative Diseases - A Role for Antioxidants", book edited by José A.

Morales-González, ISBN 978-953-51-1123-8,

Scientific American August 2009

Inflammation- Autoimmune Disease- Intestinal permeability

Scientific American August 2009

Nutrition intervention in disease

coronary heart


diabetes type 2, hypertension

different conditions (i.e.


Elimination Diet

autoimmune disease, diabetes

type 2, hyeprtension,

metabolic syndrome Paleo type diet

Plant based

hypertension DASH diet

Nutrition intervention in disease

Plant based Elimination Diet

Paleo type diet DASH diet

Broccoli and

other cruciferous

vegetables must

comrpise 50|% of

daily vegetable


Nutrition intervention – example of a protocol – Paleo type diet


Nutrition intervention – example of a protocol – Ornish type diet

1850 kcal

Case histories

December 2010!

Coronarography – after 32 months with no statins (decision of

the physician) on a low – fat plant based diet (Esselstyn, 2007)

A single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) –

before (top part) and after 3 weeks of a low –fat plan based diet (Esselstyn, 2007)

Ryszard S., male – 64 years, after a heart attack, the Ornish

diet: intensive nutrition programme


Fasting glucose: 108 mg/dl

After 6 months:

Fasting glucose: 90 mg/dl

Tadeusz W., male – 66 years, hypertension, DASH diet

November 2011

February 2012

Anna B.– 32 years, insulin resistant, morbidly obese, plant

based intervention

May 2011

body weight: 113 kg

BMI: 45.3

Total cholesterol: 245

LDL - 170

TG: 162

Fasting glucose: 99

Fasting insulin: 18.6

CRP - 10

Blood pressure: 143/102

May 2011

body weight: 109 kg

BMI: 43.66

Total cholesterol: 175

LDL - 109

TG: 163

Fasting glucose: 97.5

(now 87.5)

Fasting insulin: 11

CRP – 1.82

Blood pressure: 131/72

Marta M.- 29 yrs old, ankylosing spondylitis

I have had problems with my joints, back and my gut all my life.

January 2011 – My first hospitalization. I've felt pain in my knee joints, my arm and

feet joints were swollen. Positive ANAs, I was diagnosed with Raynaud's

phenomenon, NSAIDs.

HLA-B27, chlamydia antibodies, pneumonia, chlamydia trochomatis, salmonella,


GUT SYMPTOMS: diarrhea with mucus and blood, flatulence, antibiotics,


January 2012 – I was diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis, inflammation of

knees and arm joints.

Marta M.- 29 yrs old, ankylosing spondylitis

Every morning my back was so stiff, that it was hard for me to even get up. Every

morning I had to spend about 1,5h to warm up. I often needed the help of my

husband. Alternating cold and hot showers were really helpful.

Because of leucopenia my physician advised me to throw aside the Sulfasalazine.

The treatment was using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – Celebrex and

then Naproxen 2x500 mg.

That time I had problems with my menstruation. Despite of young age I became

disabled and obsolete in the society. It was hard to accept.

Marta M.- 29 yrs old, ankylosing spondylitis

In April 2012 I heard about nutritional medicine and the therapy used by Mrs

Małgorzata Desmond. I saw a movie presenting some stories of her patients. One

of them was a lady who suffered from the same disease as I did. I decided to try it


When I started the diet, I often had migraines, I was chronically tired, had no

energy, rapid mood swings and irregular menstruation.

The goal of Mrs. Desmond therapy was the elimination of potential nutritional

antigens, which could be the cause of immunoreactivity (plant-based, gluten-free

and fish)

After 4 weeks on this diet I did blood tests:

Marta M.- 29 yrs old, ankylosing spondylitis

Marta M.- 29 yrs old, ankylosing spondylitis

I've started to feel the effects of the diet after 3 or 4 months. There was no pain

anymore and my gut problems faded away. The stiffness I felt every morning

eased off and I could start to exercise without fearing that my knees would start to

ache .

My life was full of hope and finally I was able to enjoy every second of it.

Now I don't take any anti-inflammatory drugs. I don't feel any pain and I am really

grateful for showing me a way to live without swallowing a handful of drugs each


I want to add, that I am 4 months pregnant – I believe that thanks to the diet I

regulated my menstrual cycle.

Aneta G., female- 46, ankylosing spondylitis, diabetes,

metabolic syndrome, abnormal liver enzymes, Paleolithic diet

March 2014

Fasting glucose– 121 mg/dl

Aneta G., female- 46, ankylosing spondylitis, diabetes,

metabolic syndrome, abnormal liver enzymes, Paleolithic diet

April 2014

Less morning stiffnes in

the back!