Nature Club News Letter Edition1

Post on 20-May-2015

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This is the First Edition of Nature Club of KCT's Newsletter.


When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace

and seeds of hope

“Reforesting the Earth is possible,

given a human touch.”

One child, one tree

Do not wait, they may diethe Earth and

your child

“The axe forgets.

The tree remembers.”

“Plant trees. They give

us two of the

most crucial elements

for our survival:

oxygen and books.”

Help combat global warming.

The Mother Earth is vanishing...

Take Your Lead Through The Nature Club of KCT.

They have already started it

Geographic range: The ranges of many plants and animals are moving toward the poles and toward higher elevations. For example, the ranges of many British breeding birds were, on average, more than 11 miles farther north in the period from 1988-91 than they were in the period from 1968-72, according to comparisons derived from breeding bird atlases.

Reproduction timing: Egg-laying, flowering, and spawning are occurring earlier for many species, in some cases disrupting delicate cycles that ensure that insects and other food are available for young animals. For example, Tree Swallows across North America have advanced egg-laying by as many as nine days from 1959 to 1991.

Global warming causing extinction: Global warming is already causing extinctions in vulnerable species. Approximately 70 species of harlequin frogs in Central and South America have been driven to extinction by a disease that is linked with global warming. Warmer temperatures cause increased cloud cover that creates ideal conditions for a fungus that kills the frogs. This is only one cautionary example of how global warming disrupts the stability of ecosystems. Scientists predict 9-52% of all terrestrial species (1 million plants and animals) will be on an irreversible path to extinction by 2050.

The planet's 25 biodiversity "hotspots" are especially vulnerable to climate impacts. These special places provide homes to 44% of the world's plants and 35% of its vertebrates, in less than 1.4% of its land area. A doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide, which estimates suggest could occur in about 100 years, could lead to extinction of as many as 43% of these areas' endemic species.


Global warming is the increase in Earth's surface temperatures. According to a recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) the Earth's average surface temperature has increased 1.3 degrees F over the past 100 years. Most scientists agree that this increase is caused by human activity - primarily the burning of fossil fuels. In fact, eleven of the last twelve years rank among the warmest since temperatures were first recorded in the late 19th century.

.What may seem like a small temperature change has devastating consequences - rising sea levels, loss of Arctic habitat, extinctions, increasingly intense hurricanes, and drought and famine.

Fortunately, we can make a difference. By taking individual action at home and promoting sound energy policy and legislation in our communities, states and nation, we can help protect our global habitat — for birds, wildlife and our own future.

Leading scientists around the world agree that man-made greenhouse gases from fossil fuels are causing global warming. Effects are already being seen worldwide. And long-term consequences are devastating, pointing to a darker future each day we fail to act.

But if each of us takes action — in our homes, in our communities, and in our nation — there is still time to reduce global warming pollution and help safeguard our environment for birds, wildlife, and our children.

Global warming is the biggest environmental threat of our lifetime. The time to act is now!

Tropical forests cover 23 per cent of the Earth's land surface, but they are disappearing at a rate of 4.6 million hectares a year. Asia leads losses with 2.2 million hectares a year, Latin America and the Caribbean together lose 1.9 million and Africa loses 470,000 hectares of rain forest every year.

Not exactly for fun…can be threatening

TNSE decided to junk the debate and serious science and take a lighter look at climate change and its effects. It is pretty obvious to us that all of us are working rather quickly to make a hell hole out of this planet. About two centuries from now, how successful will our efforts be?

Year 2200(Roughly 200 years from now)


Sea Level:






Atleast 10c rise in the southern hemisphere and an over20c rise in the northern hemisphere. A hot, hot world.

As loving ancestors, buy the boats now, when they are cheap. At 80m up, a watery world awaits your descendants

Plenty of cockroaches, mosquitoes and other pesky creatures. Save pictures of today's animals for posterity.

All those weeds will have a ball, the nice ones like paddy and wheat will be priced like truffles are today

Develop a taste for seafood and teach your children the same. Jellyfish will be aplenty, the Chinese are already eating them

Clean drinking water is at a premium. Cholera is common. Water is the burning issue for wars and not religion.

Floating houses are fashionable, but the sea sickness is terrible. Stilt houses and mountain burrows are good options.

Replacing ten 100W light bulbs with CFLs reduces the same amount of carbon dioxide that an SUV emits over a year over the course of the bulbs' lifetime!

The warmest 22 years ever recorded have happened within the last 25 years. The two warmest ever recorded, within the last three.

AN INCONVENIENT TRUTHDavis Guggenheim, United States Vice President Al Gore's

is a 2006 documentary film, directed by about former

campaign to educate citizens about global warming via a comprehensive slide show. The documentary has been generally well-received politically in many parts of the world and is credited for raising further awareness of global warming internationally. Several colleges and high schools have also begun to use the film in science curriculum. In July 2007 47-country Internet survey conducted by The Nielsen Company and Oxford University, sixty-six percent of viewers who claimed to have seen An Inconvenient Truth said the film had “changed their mind” about global warming and eighty-nine percent said watching the movie made them more aware of the problem. Three out of four (74%) viewers said they changed some of their habits as a result of seeing the film.

Environmental documentary 11th HOUR resides at the polar opposite of escapist summer fare, its mission to firmly confront viewers about the indelible human footprint that humans have left on this planet, and the catastrophic effects of environmental neglect and abuse. Produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, and ably directed by Nadia Conners and Leila Conners Peterson, the documentary doesn't get much fancier than talking heads, news footage, and the occasional animated illustration, but its message is potent and delivered effectively. If the "eleventh hour" for our planet is drawing near, this admirable film points confidently towards a new dawn.

The Age of Stupid is a 2009 British film by Franny Armstrong, director of McLibel and founder of 10:10, and first-time producer Lizzie Gillett. The film is a drama-documentary-animation hybrid which stars Pete Postlethwaite as a man living alone in the devastated world of 2055, watching archive footage from 2008 and asking "Why didn't we stop climate change when we had the chance?" .This motivates young minds to hold on a green environment.






Our planet is losing forest at the staggering rate of a football-pitch sized area every second.