Naturopath Business Marketing Research

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Free niche market research for naturopath & homeopath business owners from


Naturopathic Market Research Why you need to Understand

your online Competition:

1. Naturopath? Health Business owner? Use this free niche market research to getinsight for your website planning and get

more leads.

2. You can do more than just promote your local business or service!

3. Make money online from cross-sells and upsells in the Health niche.... READ ON>>>

WHO:Target: You are an entrepreneur, and need to focus your business building efforts. You need tactics to implement for immediate ROI.

WHAT:These details have been summarized from across the internet, including paid subscription sites not available to the average business owner.

WHY:Use this niche research to brainstorm your next steps to expand your business, either for local leads (cross sell and upsell) or globally online,

HOW:Use our tools, and free resources.Alternatively, let Netbuy Consulting owner Chris Richmond do a free market assessment of your idea. He'll work with you to bring your idea to reality.


10 Second Summary:

-Size of Naturopathic Market, # of Google ad competitors-Low competition Keywords and high traffic PPC lists

Zero Cost Action:-IF you have a social media account: Share content (see our lists)-IF you have a Google+ or Facebook Group: Get content, borrow authority. (use our Shortcut lists)

Low Cost Action:-IF you have an existing site: Set up a Newsletter, Top 10 products to recommend on Amazon.

-List of Top Youtube videos to embed on your site.

Medium Cost Action:-IF you want a new site: List of "beautiful" site designs.-IF you want a 2nd site or Blog to promote your online business separate from your Brick and Mortar Business: we list available Domain Names, Find existing sites with visitor traffic.-IF you want a simple MOBILE APP: Top Competing Apps-IF you want a SALES LEAD FUNNEL: see last slide....

Table of Contents:

ROI Calculations: What is a new lead worth to you?Existing Client List:

Standard Site:

That's the gross from only 100 more leads per month

Bottom Line: A 2nd website with Chris' sale funnel process could bring you fast cash!

With Chris' Help:

QUESTION: How much do you pay for a lead now?

Size of Naturopathy Market: Total of Millions of searches/month

Top 5 Generic Terms:

1 to 5 Google ad competitors in last 6 mo for keyword "Naturopath":3 Sample Ad texts (don't copy these):

Save time with our research:

Just this one Keyword Phrase gets:

Searches per Month

Avg PPC Cost per click


Naturopath 368K $2.46 Medium

Homeopathy 1.5 million $1.00 Medium

Natural Remedies 1.22 million $1.76 Medium

Nutritionist 450K $3.07 Medium

Alternative Medicine 368K $2.91 Medium

But that also means $1000's per month to buy advertising?

Don't worry, read on....

Top 20 Keyword and PPC cost list: Keyword Cost per click Searches/day

functional medicine $0.65 903

osteopathic medicine $0.44 4500

internal medicine $0.80 27433

nausea medicine $0.85 603

nd $0.65 204000

medicine shoppe $0.55 1350

nmd $0.57 22433

preventive medicine $0.89 2466

antibiotic alternative $0.40 96

alternative assessments $0.28 330

top alternative $0.24 4500

nature medicine $0.60 1650

garlic medicine $0.95 80

food as medicine $0.52 2016

holistic $0.93 33,333

holistic approach $0.81 1650

homeopath $0.46 2106

nutritionist $1.40 450,000

And you can target your ads to just your local area!

That's over 750,000 searches per DAY on Google alone....

You can have a piece of that action!

THE GOAL: Same as what you do every day, BE THE TRUSTED EXPERT that solves problems.

Just expand your existing website, or better yet add a 2nd site, that you can refer your existing local customers to.

The rest of these slides will show you how to take action today, to leverage your existing clients.

Read on...

What's the best way to look for a naturopath in the Bay Area? - Quora

Why is naturopathy typically not covered by health insurance? - Quora

What type of tea helps you fall asleep? - Quora

What is the difference between a naturopath and a homepath? LinkedINWill pharmaceuticals suppress natural cures? | LinkedIn AnswersWill drinking a beverage made by mixing pure natural juice of many ...

What do you see the naturopath for? - Yahoo! AnswersWhat does a naturopathic doctor do? - Yahoo! AnswersChinese vs naturopathy medicine? - Yahoo! Answers

Repeat on &others

IF you have a social media account: Share contentTop 5 Q&A sites, and question links

IF you want video on your site:Top Youtube Videos to share:

IF you want to make commissions from Amazon on your site:Top Products to recommend:





Google search for PDF files "Naturopath Newsletter" (don't steal, but get ideas and rewrite)

IF you want an email Newsletter:Top Sources of Pre-written Content :

Get the best Newsletter and Autoresponder:

The Most Powerful Facial Expression in the World... Matt Furey A dirty little secret about... Keep this to yourself.... 5 Lessons From The Worst Chinese Restaurant Ever... A rant that got a lot of "Amens"! Jimmy D. Brown He Was In Tears When He Signed...

IF you want an email SALES LEAD FUNNEL: Top Email Subject Lines

IF you want a new site: Find "beautiful" sites as template ideas:

Best Sample Article Footer:Use this at the bottom of any article to get your visitors to take action...

If you have enjoyed reading this article on X we encourage you to take a moment and discover more X information within this site.... Do you need to X? Well, take a free look at <a href="">X</a>, by going to our resource called <a href="">X</a>. This and other <a href=''>x coupons/tips/advice/freebies/reviews</a> are available to read for free. Keywords: Atkins,diet,weight loss,health,fitness,blood pressure,diabetes,advice,self help,bood sugar,fat,cholesterol,plus size,other

=============================================================There are many more branches that come under naturopathy, as this is a constantly evolving and upcoming field of medicine. So, it's time that we start focusing on these treatments to give our body the attention that it deserves.

X is a Naturopath with X years of experience. He provides free consultation on Natural Cures that includes Naturopathy Treatment, Yoga Treatment, Self Healing and many more.Visit his site at X to subscribe to his research journal.

Top Squeeze headlines:Use this on any of your websites to get visitors to subscribe to your autoresponder email sequence:

Sign up to get your Complimentary X page report with valuable information about optimizing your health the natural way.

Start receiving Dr X's tips for women/men/children/athletes/gluten free lifestyle.

Benefits of Subscribing:-Learn simple do it yourself strategies to heal X-Get trusted information, and start making sense of X-Valued at over $97.

You'll also get a 2nd free report on X that you'll want to read right away.

IF you want a 2nd site or Blog to promote your online business separate from your Brick and Mortar Business:Find available Domain Names:

Install WordPress and add the following free plug-ins.1. Yoast’s Free Wordpress SEO Plugin2. Google XML Sitemaps3. WP Super Cache4. Sociable for Wordpress5. Limited Login Attempts6. Secure Wordpress7. WP-DBManager (weekly data backups)8. Duplicator (1 click back up of entire site)

List of top Wordpress plugins

ROI: FREE vs FASTHow soon do you want to see more leads?

FREE:Do it yourself

Get our free action plan and this full report

FAST:Outsource to expert

Visit the ROI tool at

Let expert Chris Richmond and his Netbuy team create a local lead generation plan for you, using unique content, Social media, and Mobile apps.

Want to Learn More?

Get a copy of this niche report and more detail...VISIT: and join our report notification

email list.

OR join our Google+ Community to get PDF's and ideas from other business owners like yourself..

Finally... IF you want a targeted site launch plan and"Platinum" done for you service, contact Chrisat for a free no obligation quote.

Liability Disclaimer By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given within, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company, Netbuy Consulting Corporation or the Author, Richmond, cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information presented within. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations.

Terms of UseYou are given a non-transferable, “personal use” license to this product. You cannot distribute it or share it with other individuals. Also, there are no resale rights or private label rights granted when purchasing this document. In other words, it's for your own personal, private use only.

Copyright 2012-2013 Netbuy Consulting Corp.

IF you have a Google+ or Facebook Group: Borrow authority by commenting on other's content.Top 15 Thought Leaders:

Blog URL FB or Google+ account URL Twitter name