Naval Construction Maintenance Unit 567

Post on 18-Nov-2021

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Naval Construction Maintenance Unit 567
Historical Information
1 Jun'¥. ~O Jun'44 1 'epl44
1 Oct ' 44 1 N'ov' 44 1 Dec l 44 1 Jan'-45 1 eb'45 1 Marl45 1 Apr'45 1 ~'.u;
1 Jun'45 1 Jul.'.5 1 A'UP.' 145
)C.B.M.U. 1;567
6 5 {;
Moll Moll BJ1P625 & R B. P6'~5 6: R.
Location Re':'efence Notes
~~o_ $"0/7 ~JttU/t1c/c/J @~ 17/iJ 0 3 ~r-, ("a a)
~'n.o.-<J'-h~ ~) . de-i/<> . It?o 'if s.J. ~7.
Seabee Museum
Loc'tion a.1 rno
11- -4:;- BuDocks equeflts trar!srer r, f 0 U 567 Crom Camp Pe'ry on IG Nov to }fOTe Davisv1111 (lmdocke ltr t::l4/Al-l ov r N .:M( IAl-l OV ,1' A-8 to ONO Utd 8 ova 43)
1;;:-18-43 - OUO order t r nsfer of aBlm 567 about 28 Dec to AJ3D Gulfport. (C iO eon r d p 171913 to Davisville dtd 18 D c'43)
12-24-43 - ONO ~eque8ta di~p 171913 modified. Transfer CBMU 567 to AnD Davisv1lle about ~ Dec. (0 0 eonf diap 211813 to Budocks dtd ~ Dec'43)
Z- 5-44 - CB U 567 left ABD 31 Jan' 44. , ( ) 4-11-44 - 1 Mar'44 report of Ji..V l20th CB - CBf·lU 567 has arrived at Pal,erlllQ. 4-)~ - 1 Apr'44, r"'port of CBMO' 567 - opereting et Pnleroo. 5-31-44 - 1 Ms,y'44 report of C oro 567 - 222 men a.t!a. 4 off. are operating at PhI o. nd
40 wen and I off. at lerno. 6-22-44 - 120th CB operntions at P·lerrno. Sicily turned over to CB~ru 567. (lGOth CB report
for .la¥ I 44) 6-30-44 - 1 Jun t 44 report 0 f C31-lU 5~7 - 4 0 ff • nd 226 men at pr lermo and 1 of~ nnd 41 men
at ::iAlerno. 8-ng-44 - CEMU 567 located et Palermo. Sicily. (OomAdvBases Sec D1sp to ONO 171303 -2G Aug) 10-25-44 - 1 epl'rl: report of CBMlJ 567 ~ 4- ()ff . tmd 222 men at P lermo i 40 Den and loft fit
Cj3,~ 'iS7
Durine A~8t ttis unit emp10 ad a d ily 10-45-44 -(1 epl44 report ~ont.) - ver ge 01 195 civil pns at P lermo end ~O t S~lerno •
.. tot"l of 174 Italicn Priscner& o'! Oar 1'190 wt\1"ked. 1'or the unit ,t P 1eI'Il1? For the nost nert. the civilian been' sed in con"ltruction and repair \ ork ~ th P .O. liS es truok driver .
1:'-6-44: - b.llP l 44 r~T)Qrt of 0 ill' 567 - operl'l.ted t P le!"l'll. icily nd Pt Splerno, Italy cl.uring Jul;,- - 4 ofof'. nd d2~ men.c:t 1ermo nd 1 off.. ~9 men Pt 3F1erno. Used ,l.l l F'verp~" 7,-f .~ "iv:'l' ·"1F. ""nd 168 It ] ien PriEoner ')f 'are
11-17-44 - 1 Oct 14<..1: report of OB1'(o 567 - 1 officer and 40 men at Salerno, 4 officers and 219 men at Palermo. Salerno detachment expected to leave that base about the let of October.
12- 6-44 - 1 Nov'44 report of CBMU 567 - operated at 'Palermo. Splerno. 8lld Naples dur1n& Oct t 44. On 1 Oct l 44. 27 of the 40 IIf!n on duty at Sl>.lerno were detaeh"d and s,ent to Naples for addt'l temp. duty; on 27 Oct., th" 13 men then remAining at Salerno were detE\ehed and sent to N plea. Average of 164 civilians and. 169 Italian P••W. were employed dur ng the month.
I G-30-44 - 1 Dec'44 report of CBMU 567 _ 4 offic rl and 213 men opera ting at Palermo~ 1 officer and 38 men operating' at Naples. Average of 169 POW and 165 c vilianB were used during Novt44.
z- 3-45 - 1 Jan'45 report o! OK~ 567 - 20e men and 4 officers 100ated at Palermo. 37 men and 1 officer locat ed at Naples. An aver of 165 P.O.W's and 165 civilian were employed. all at Palermo. The detachment at Naples spent 10 d~8 at Leg­ horn doing con8truc~1on work~ lett Nap1e a on lG Dec and. returned all 23 Dec . AS of 1 Jen'45. the officer and 29 of the 37 men are awaiting transp to Palermo; a d8tachment of 8 men is bei~ left a.t l1Ep les.
.:.- 5- 5 - 1 .eb t 45 report of Ij !U 56? - Durin{!" ,T n. total of 8 m n w on ty at J pl , Italy p-Ild 231 m n nod ; 0 f. &t 1 rm.. cily.
3-14-45 - The a)proved officer compl ment of csro 567 18 5 offlcer - auproved by ComBf1t 26 Feb'45. The e list d ~)Inl~ment is 270.(No Itr of transmittal with comolemeat
3-28-45 1 Mar'45 report of OBMU 667 - located at Palermo with a det. ot 8 men at Naple I .
lo,ed 168 P.O •• and 203 civilian. (aTsrage of) during FeD. 4-13-45 - 1 pr'45 report of 567 (ltr of trane. only reotd) - e located at Nao1e •
232 men &nd 5 0 ff. *'t Palermo. :prt45 report ot CBMU 567 - 8 m n on dutY' ai aplea, Italy & 223 en and 5 offer.4-17-45 ­
111 Palermo, ici1,y during Mar' 45. orBed by 0 dr. 8 h neet. 6-9-45 - 1 lfa¥145 repor of cmro 66' - WOD: pe ol'll84 bT 567 duriDg .A.pr145 don at
two 10eational 8 men at Naple • Italy & 5 officert & 246 en at Palerll. lclly. 18 n recel.ed trom Oran, Alpria dur1JJg'45.
6-6-46 - 1 Jun145 report of th OBMU 567 - located at Palermo. S1ci1,y; Naples. I tal,yj &: Oran. Algeria. 8 men returned to Palermo froll ples on 10 Mq'45. 1 offer & 66 men loea­ hd at Pale1'1llo rece1Ted orderl on 10 May'45 to report to NO~ Oran & lD09'ed in dr ttt 1 1D& 4 offora &, 185 men on duty at Palermo.
7-11-45 - 1 Jul '45 renort of ClUm 567 -One officer and 65 men are stationed at Oran, Alg ri &4 offic rs and 187 men are stationed at Palermo. Italy. 68 men w-lt1n~ trans­ fer to U. • Besides routine maint ch of th cttvity the Oran Det ch. ent was taken up with closing out and turning over facilities to the rench.
8- 3-4 5 - un! as oth r .1\0 dir ct ill d co 11 sian CBMU "i67 bout 15 • at. 4 off. 'ld 125 rn n no on bo 1 111 he retd to U.S. aa easrl lB for r" 8"it;n ent I'!. th y
are llleed by general ervitJ8 per onnel. (Oomnevna'W con! disp 311424 July to C 0)
u-6-45 - A sum d hE:; s 1 p.nt h~1d d"'o~enat
, ni tion ....v. min _ s.
mov d On 0
Otl~r en nr ve E- c~cmla8ionino B h 7. (CNO on disp 021845 .~, to Camn vna )
b-6- fl - 61 uen of temp eta~p.nt at Oran b~ve been ordered to '.3. in ~c~~r1 Coms rv­ 1 nt 50~Oll M~ find ll?mair.d r r td t« U 5~7 nt Pa1erno. CB!o!U :'7 w111 t er ­ 'oro be decol!lL"lisc 0 ed ,prove yo 021845 . (Comnavnew con1 h 031400
to 0) ~ -6-45 - 19 men fro OEMU 567 d 1 r~n fro C U h28 reportea rom overseas D vlsvl11e CJavi v1 16 '1: ,3~:..' 9 to 1!l 8) 8-17-45 - 1 Aug'45 r Eport of CB~fcr 567 - located at Palermo. Sicily'and Oran. Algeria. 1
offcr and 66 men on duty at O~a.n and 3 offers and 122 men at Palermo. 124 men were transferred to th U.S. during Jul t 45. CNOB PEllermo con+' d'.flu 1fi071~ :u. 7 '45 to lJo1Ul3.V!lF'W-- CB~1U 567 decomoission d th is c:1a te •
8-Gl-45 - Dnvisvil::'e T;iX 16303Z . I.l{" '45 to 57 cllsUAls of CBMU :67 ~rrlved 15 ,~
i.l-d7-tr'" - }.'" \:)rk )er ... ·,r pd b'· lU.'r.lOP .of t.1 un i ulJ.rlor le!"mo, Jicily . ~ 0 'f ( 1!6 on
Illl t.:, !1t p:, 1 r, 10 • In "C -:~ r~L • c .n: eli!; . 1()085~ wC"c; eCOl«. i6sionoC'~ Po I)' lfi JI.\. '45. lit>ved n-:' f'l:!' tLei.r 'ltit"8 c PI" " . J, in ace Jru. wi -:11 inat
l VHf ,. 9 Ci)!.!~ d sn 1)1 o8R ~ ug '4!'- •
Jec'),:\olissior ';B. 50'7 n H · ",w. (~OIt1nevnR'" cOllf dis') lOO::!5J.,,- ',","5;c 80rm ., U _.:), P!'ll e. _Q) •
567 , .Attt,r formation C~p Peary, CBMU
~ ~
.. ... 1.. - .....,..... "'.........M'IU... .aD,........11••
• ,. '144 .. we 0.•• ...-U.. at hJ.eJM ..., ........ .,.
I. o.t 1146 .. If fill ......._ at w........ MtMtll••t ..... Ia'pl.. ,. ...,..,...".,.-.1 ••.
1 .. 1.... - .. GtftMn .. 211_ ......'Pd...... l eft,........ -.,-.-... 10 ..,. 1* - 1Irtl.......... ft....... to Pal.... ~ "'.5'" ..: ... "'0...... IOJ -- a..'fi.1lC .. et~ ill,.... _"'" a. h1_a. . ~s:r~ve c;.andJJa.g
, ClasmiicauoD cbaagred
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