Navigating The IRB Application

Post on 28-Dec-2016

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USF Research Integrity & Compliance

Before you begin

• Register for an ARC account – – Complete all the fields on the registration form

• Complete your human subjects protections education requirement

• Draft the protocol document • Draft the informed consent document

ARC Homepage

Where should I start? • Login Home Institutional Review Board

Human Subjects Protection Education

Consent Form Templates

Regulation and Guidance

ARC Training Materials

Create a New Application Login New IRB Study

Create a New Application

Create a New Application

Create a New Application • Study Staff

– Principal Investigator • Access to complete all activities in ARC

– Primary and Secondary Coordinators • Access to complete all activities, except first submission

of initial application – Co-investigators/Faculty Advisors

• Access to respond to comments and revise application – Key Personnel

• View only All individuals listed on the application must

be affiliated with USF

Create a New Application

Create a New Application • Back will take you to your previous page, but will not save

your work. • Save will save your work. • Exit will take you back to the main workspace, and prompt

you to save • Hide/Show Errors will show you sections that still need

completion • Jump To will take you to anywhere in the application

• Required sections are in bold, not required gray and current page red.

• Continue will take you to the next page of required questions and will save your work.

Create a New Application

Create a New Application Popup Help

Create a New Application 1. Click Browse to find your document 2. Name your document

– Include version # and version date • This should also be in the document itself (i.e. footer)

– Example: Protocol_v1_7.24.13

3. Click OK

Create a New Application

Create a New Application

• Protocol • All Informed Consent

documents/scripts • Surveys/Questionnaires • Interview Scripts • Focus Group Questions • Recruitment Materials (flyers,

emails, brochures) – Requirements USF HRPP Policy 708

• Video scripts • Letters of support from Non-USF

sites • Approval letters from host country

for transnational research • Any other study instruments being


Required Documents

Create a New Application

Create a New Application Enrollment

Create a New Application

Create a New Application Informed Consent

Create a New Application Informed Consent

45 CFR 46.116; 45 CFR 46.117; USF HRPP Policy No. 601

Create a New Application

• Risks – Address all risks, no matter how minor.

• Records reviews – breach in confidentiality

– Indicate risks in the informed consent document

• Benefits – Consider the direct benefit to the participants and society – Compensation is not a benefit

Risk/Benefit – Section 8

Create a New Application Privacy & Confidentiality – Section 9

Create a New Application Privacy & Confidentiality – Section 9

PHI = Identifier(s) + Health Information

…If yes

Create a New Application • Continue through the SmartForm completing all required questions • Selecting Exit or Finish in the SmartForm brings you to the Application’s Workspace • Clicking Finish does NOT submit your study

Create a New Application

Sends email to study staff requesting they “agree to participate”

Submits study

Withdraws/closes study before submitting to IRB Receives copies of emails – NOT RESEARCH STAFF

Read only access – NOT RESEARCH STAFF

Uploads CV/resumes of study staff

Uploads hsp certificates for study staff (IRB Staff adds dates of certification)


Let’s Review… IRB Submission Checklist

• Draft protocol and consent documents • Complete IRB application and supporting

documents • “Agree to Participate” completed • All study staff members and PI have current

human subjects protections education • All study staff and PI have a CV/resume uploaded • PI submits application


Application Workflow

• All Applications follow the same basic workflow • The Study Team will receive email notifications if action is

required • Applications under review will not appear in the study

team’s Inbox and cannot be edited

Approval Pre Submission

IRB Pre Review

Board/Chair Review

Revisions Requested


Revisions Requested

Revisions Requested

Requested Revisions

• Reviewers may request revisions or additional information

• The study team will receive an email and the application will be back in their Inbox

• Study teams respond to revisions by: 1. Correcting the SmartForm 2. Responding to the Reviewer Note 3. Submitting back for review

Requested Revisions


Select the application link from an email notification.

Requested Revisions

1. Correct

2. Respond

Requested Revisions

3. Submit (PI or Study Coordinator)

What is the status of my submission?

• Top left, main study workspace


I have what? • Study workspace

1. Expiration Date 2. Approval Letter


• Stamped Informed Consent documents

I have what?


I have what? • I need to make a change to my research

study – Submit an Amendment

• My IRB approval is expiring in 60 days – Submit a Continuing Review

• No later than 45 days from expiration date

• I’m done with all research Activities – Submit a Final Review

• I have something I need to tell the IRB – Submit a Reportable Event


Important Stuff

• ARC Help Desk – (813) 974-2880 /

• Policies –


• IRB Website –