NAZI Technology

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secret nazi technology


NAZI TechnologySecret NAZI War Technology Reported in Harper's MagazineBelow is the full text of a most amazing article published in the October 1946 edition of Harper's Magazine, just over a year after the end of WWII. This highly intriguing article reveals that the US government recovered many tons worth of secret documents from the Nazis. These astonishing documents showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that in almost all areas of scientific research, the Nazis were far ahead of the allied forces often by a factor of 10 years or more. How was this possible? With similar financial resources and brain power to that of the allies, how did they make such huge leaps in technology in such a short span of time? It doesn't really make sense unless you consider the possibility that they might have had access to technology from some advanced civilization. Could they have recovered one or more crashed UFOs and back engineered the technology? Sound far fetched? Can you come up with a better explanation? For solid evidence of this possibility, click here. Note: For a concise two-page summary of this long article, click here. To verify this article on the Harper's website, click here.

War Secrets Harper's October, 1946 Page 329



Thousands Magazine

SecretsBy C. Lester Walker




Harper's readers are familiar with Mr. Walker's articles and the skillful mechanics of the Allied war. He now gives us a look at some of the disconcertingly effective tricks that were hidden up the enemy sleeve. Someone wrote to Wright Field recently, saying he understood this country had got together quite a collection of enemy war secrets, that many were now on public sale, and could he, please, be sent everything on German jet engines. The Air Documents Division of the Army Air Forces answered: "Sorry but that would be fifty tons." Moreover, that fifty tons was just a small portion of what is today undoubtedly the biggest collection of captured enemy war secrets ever assembled. If you always thought of war secrets as who hasn't? as coming in sixes and sevens, as a few items of information readily handed on to the properly interested authorities, it may interest you to learn that the

war secrets in this collection run into the thousands, that the mass of documents is mountainous, and that there was never before been anything quite comparable to it. The collection is today chiefly in three places: Wright Field (Ohio), the Library of Congress, and the Department of Commerce. Wright Field is working from a documents "mother lode" of fifteen hundred tons. In Washington, the Office of Technical Services (which has absorbed the Office of the Publication Board, the government agency originally set up to handle the collection) reports that tens of thousands of tons of material are involved. It is estimated that over a million separate items must be handled, and that they are, very likely, practically all the scientific, industrial and military secrets of Nazi Germany. One Washington official has called it "the greatest single source of this type of material in the world, the first orderly exploitation of an entire country's brain-power." How the collection came to be goes back, for beginnings, to one day in 1944 when the Allied Combined Chief' of Staff set in motion a colossal search for war secrets in occupied German territory. They created a group of military-civilian teams, termed the Joint Intelligence Objectives Committee, which was to follow the invading armies into Germany and uncover all her military, scientific, and industrial secrets for early use against Japan. These teams worked against tine to get the most vital information be: ore it was. destroyed, and in getting it performed prodigies of ingenuity and tenacity. At an optical company at Wetzlav, near Frankfurt, for example, the American colonel investigating felt positive that the high executives were holding out on him. But nothing would shake their story: they had given him everything. He returned next day with a legal document which he asked them all to sign. It declared they had turned over "all scientific and trade data; and if not, would accept the consequences." Two days later they glumly signed the document, then led he colonel to a cache in a warehouse will. From a safe tumbled out the secret file on optical instruments, microscopy, aiming devices. One two-man search team found itself completely stymied. Records that they had to find had completely disappeared. A rumor indicated they might have been hidden in a mountain. The two scoured the region in a jeep. Nothing. But keeping at it, they stumbled one day onto a small woods road whose entrance was posted: Achtung! Minen! Gingerly, slowly, they inched their jeep in. Nothing happened. But a concrete dugout sunk in the hill revealed another sign: "Opening Will Cause Explosion." "We tossed a coin," one member of this search team said later, "and the loser hitched the jeep tow rope to the dugout door, held his breath! and stepped on the gas." There was no explosion. The door-ripped from its hinges. The sought-for secret files were inside. The German Patent Office put some of its most secret patents down a sixteen-hundred-foot mine shaft at Heringen, then piled liquid oxygen, in cylinders, on top of them. When the American Joint Intelligence Objectives team found them, & was doubtful that they could be saved. They were legible, but in such bad shape that a trip to the surface would make them disintegrate. Photo equipment and a crew were therefore lowered into the shaft and a complete microfilm record made of the patents there.

PERHAPS one of the most exciting searches was also the grimmest. This was the hunt for hidden documents which might reveal that Nazi scientists had frozen human beings to death and then tried to bring them back to life again. Interviewing four Nazi doctors one day in June 1945, at a laboratory of the Institut fur Luftfahrtmedizin, at Gut Hirschau, Bavaria, an American medical corps major, Leo Alexander, was struck with the dreadful conviction, despite repeated denials, that this had occurred. His suspicion were aroused by three things. All the small animal laboratory equipment was carefully preached; all large-animal equipment destroyed. One of the doctors wanted to dissolve his research institute and dismiss his staff. And none of the scientists could find any data on human beings at all, not even on those rescued from North Sea waters and saved by the new revival techniques. Did this mean that everything of the sort was hidden away with other data which, the doctors didn't want to show? Wishing to leave the four Germans in a frame of mind not to destroy their records, the American concealed his suspicions, and, for the time being, transferred his search elsewhere. Chance suddenly played into his hands. The Allied radio one night broadcast a grim tale of the Dachau concentration camp. Researches on death, and treatment of shock, from exposure to cold had been performed on prisoners. The broadcast named the leading experimenter, one Dr. Rascher, and called him a member of the medical staff of the SS. For Alexander this was a lead. He happened just to have learned that the American Seventh Army had recently captured a vast mass of especially secret SS records. He therefore headed for the Seventh Army Documents Center to see what was there. There was more than he anticipated. Even to the complete and final report Himmler's personal copy, with his green-penciled annotations, all over it with the names of Rascher and all others involved, and containing all the damning details of the almost unbelievable experiments. Victims had been immersed naked in ice water until they lost consciousness. All the time elaborate testings were constantly made: rectal, skin, and interior-of-the-stomach temperatures; pulse, blood sugar, blood chlorides, blood count and sedimentation; urine tests; spinal fluid. Appendix 7, Figure 5, showed that seven subjects were chilled to death beyond revival in from fifty-three to one hundred and six minutes. "This table," Alexander commented in his own report, "is certainly the most laconic confession of seven murders in existence." It had been with the rest of the documents in Himmler's private cave in mountain at Hallein. Even though the side of the mountain had been dynamited down over the cave mouth, the American searchers had found it. The earliest Joint Intelligence Objectives search teams were followed by others, which were to dig out industrial and scientific secrets in particular. The Technical Industrial Intelligence Committee was one group of these, composed of three hundred and eighty civilians representing seventeen American industries. Later came the teams of the Office of the Publication Board itself and many mow groups direct from private industry. Of the latter called, in Germany, Field Intelligence Agencies, Technical (FIAT) there have been over five hundred; of one to ten members each, operating by invitation and under the aegis of the OPB.

Today the search still goes on. The Office of Technical Services has a European staff of four to five hundred J At Hoechst, it has one hundred abstractors who struggle feverishly to keep ahead of the forty OTS document-recording cameras which route to them each month over one hundred thousand feet of microfilm. II What did we find? You'd like some outstanding examples from the war secrets collection? The head of the communications unit of Technical Industrial Intelligence Branch opened his desk drawer and took out the tiniest vacuum tube I had ever seen. It was about half thumb-size. "Notice it is heavy porcelain not glass and thus virtually indestructible. It is a thousand watt one-tenth the size of similar American tube. Today our manufacturers know the secret of making it.... And here's something...." He pulled some brown, papery-looking ribbon off a spool. It was a quarter-inch wide, with a dull and a shiny side. "That's Magnetophone tape," he said. "It's plastic, metallized on one side with iron oxide. In Germany that supplanted phonograph recordings. A day's Radio program can be magnetized on one reel. You can demagnetize it, wipe it off and put a new program on at any time. No needle; so absolutely no noise or record wear. An hour-long reel costs fifty cents." He showed me then what had been two of the most closely-guarded technical secrets of the war: the infra-red device which the Germans invented for seeing at night, and the remarkable diminutive generator which operated it. German cars could drive at any speed in a total blackout, seeing objects clear as day two hundred meters ahead. Tanks with this device could spot targets two miles away. As a sniper scope it enabled German riflemen to pick off a man in total blackness. There was a sighting tube, and a selenium screen out front. The screen caught the incoming infra-red light, which drove electrons from the selenium along the tube to another screen which was electrically charged and fluorescent. A visible image appeared on this screen. Its clearness and its accuracy for aiming purposes were phenomenal. Inside the tube, distortion of the stream of electrons by the earth's magnetism was even allowed for! The diminutive generator five inches across stepped up current from an ordinary flashlight battery to 15,000 volts. It had a walnut-sized motor which spun a rotor at 10,000 rpm so fast that originally it had destroyed all lubricants with the great amount of ozone it produced. The Germans had developed a new grease: chlorinated paraffin oil. The generator then ran 3,000 hours! A canvas bag on the sniper's back housed the device. His rifle had two triggers. He pressed one for a few seconds to operate the generator and the scope.. Then the other to kill his man in the dark. "That captured secret," my guide declared, "we first used at Okinawa to the bewilderment of the Japs." We got, in addition, among these prize secrets, the technique and the machine for making the world's most remarkable electric condenser. Millions of condensers are essential to the radio and radar industry. Our condensers were always made of metal foil. This one is made of paper, coated with 1/250,000 of an inch of vaporized zinc. Forty per cent smaller, twenty per cent cheaper than our condensers, it is also self-healing. That is, if

a breakdown occurs (like a fuse blowing out), the zinc film evaporates, the paper immediately insulates, and the condenser is right again. It keeps on working through multiple breakdowns at fifty per cent higher voltage than our condensers! To most American radio experts this is magic, double-distilled. Mica was another thing. None is mined in Germany, so during the war our Signal Corps was mystified. Where was Germany getting it? One, day certain piece of mica was handed to one of our experts in the U.S. Bureau of Mines for analysis and opinion. "Natural mica," he reported, "and no impurities." But the mica was synthetic. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Silicate Research had discovered how to make it and something which had always eluded scientists in large sheets. We know now, thanks to FIAT teams, that ingredients of natural mica were melted in crucibles of carbon capable of taking 2,350 degrees of heat, and then this was the real secret cooled in a special way. Complete absence of vibration was the first essential. Then two forces directly perpendicular to each other were applied. One, vertically, was a controlled gradient of temperature in the cooling. At right angles to this, horizontally, was introduced a magnetic field. This forced the formation of the crystals in large laminated sheets on that plane. "You see this . . ." the head of Communications Unit, TIIB, said to me. It was metal, and looked like a complicated doll's house with the roof off. "It is the chassis or frame, for a radio. To make the same thing, Americans would machine cut, hollow, shape, fit a dozen different processes. This is done on a press in one operation. It is called the 'cold extrusion' process. We do it with some soft, splattery metals. But by this process the Germans do it with cold steel! Thousands of parts now made as castings or drop forgings or from malleable iron can now be made this way. The production speed increase is a little matter of one thousand per cent." This one war secret alone, many American steel men believe, will revolutionize dozens of our metal fabrication industries. In textiles the war secrets collection has produced so many revelations that American textile men are a little dizzy. There is a German rayon-weaving machine, discovered a year ago by the American 'Knitting Machine' Team, which increases production in relation to floor space by one hundred and fifty percent. Their "Links-Links" loom produces a ladderless, run-proof hosiery. New German needle-making machinery, it is thought will revolutionize that business in both the United Kingdom and the United States. There is a German method for pulling the wool from sheepskins without injury to hide or fiber, by use of an enzyme. Formerly the "puller" a trade secret was made from animal pancreas from American packing houses. During the war the Nazis made it from a mold called aspergil paraciticus, which they seeded in bran. It results not only in better wool, but in ten per cent greater yield. Another discovery was a way to put a crimp in viscose rayon fibers which gives them the appearance, warmth, wear resistance, and reaction-to-dyes of wool. The secret here, our investigators found, was the addition to the cellulose of twenty-five per cent fish protein. But of all the industrial secrets, perhaps, the biggest windfall came from the laboratories and plants of the great German cartel, I. G. Farbenindustrie. Never before, it is claimed, was there such a store-house of secret information. It covers liquid and

solid fuels, metallurgy, synthetic rubber, textiles, chemicals, plastics, drugs, dyes. One American dye authority declares: "It includes the production know-how and the secret formulas for over fifty thousand dyes. Many of them are faster and better than ours. Many are colors we were never able to make. The American dye industry will be advanced at least ten years." III IN MATTERS of food, medicine, and branches of the military art the finds of the search teams were no less impressive. And in aeronautics and guided missiles they proved to be downright alarming. One of the food secrets the Nazis had discovered was a way to sterilize fruit juices without heat. The juice was filtered, then cooled, then carbonated and stored under eight atmospheres of carbon-dioxide pressure. Later the carbon-dioxide was removed; the juice passed through another filter which, this time, germ-proofed it and then was bottled. Some thing, perhaps, for American canners to think about. Milk pasteurization by ultra-violet light has always failed in other countries, but the Germans had found how to do it by using light tubes of great length, and simultaneously how to enrich the milk with vitamin D. At a plant in Kiel, British searchers of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Committee found that cheese was being made "good quality Hollander and Tilitser" by a new method at unheard-of speed. "Eighty minutes from the renneting to the hooping of the curd," report the investigators. The cheese industry around the world had never been able to equal that. Butter (in a creamery near Hamburg) was being produced by something long wished for by American butter makers: a continuous butter making machine. An invention of dairy equipment manufacturers in Stuttgart, it took up less space than American churns and turned out fifteen hundred pounds an hour. The machine was promptly shipped to this country to be tested by the American Butter Institute. Among other food innovations was a German way of making yeast in almost limitless quantities. The waste sulfite liquor from the beechwood used to manufacture cellulose was treated with an organism known to bacteriologists as candida arborea at temperatures higher than ever used in yeast manufacture before. The finished product served as both animal and human food. Its caloric value is four times that of lean meat, and it contains twice as much protein. The Germans also had developed new methods of preserving food by plastics and new, advanced refrigeration techniques. Refrigeration and air-conditioning on German U-boats had become so efficient that the submarines could travel from Germany to the Pacific, operate there for two months, and then return to Germany without having to take on fresh water for the crew. A secret plastics mixture (among its ingredients were polyvinyl acetate, chalk, and talc) was used to coat bread and cheese. A loaf fresh from the oven was dipped, dried, redipped, then heated half an hour at 285 degrees. It would be unspoiled and good to eat eight months later. "As for medical secrets in this collection," one Army-surgeon has remarked, "some of them will save American medicine years of research; some of them are revolutionary like, for instance, the German technique for treatment after prolonged and usually fatal exposure to cold." This discovery revealed to us by Major Alexander's search already mentioned reversed everything medical science thought about the subject. In every one of the dread experiments the subjects were most successfully revived,

both temporarily and permanently, by immediate immersion in hot water. In two cases of complete standstill of heart and cessation of respiration, a hot bath at 122 degrees brought both subjects back to life. Before our war with Japan ended, this method was adopted as the treatment for use by all American Air-Sea Rescue Services, and it is generally accepted by medicine. today. German medical researchers had discovered a way to produce synthetic blood plasma.Called capain, it was made on a commercial scale and equaled natural plasma in results. Another discovery was periston, a substitute for the blood liquid. An oxidation production of adrenalin (adrenichrome) was produced in quantity successfully only by the Nazis and was used with good results in combating high blood pressure (of which 750,000 persons die annually in the United States). Today we have the secret of manufacture and considerable of the supply. Likewise of great importance medically were certain researches by Dr. Boris Rojewsky of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Biophysics at Frankfurt. These were on the ionization of air as related to health.Positively ionized air was discovered to have deleterious effects upon human well-being, and to account for the discomfort and depression felt at times when the barometer is falling. In many persons, it was found, its presence brought on asthma, hay fever, and nervous tension. It raised high blood pressure, sometimes to the danger point. It would bring on the symptoms common in mountain sickness labored and rapid breathing, dizziness, fatigue, sleepiness. Negatively ionized air, however, did all the opposite. It was exhilarating, creating a feeling of high spirits and well-being. Mental depression was wiped out by it. In pathological cases it steadied breathing, reduced high blood pressure, was a check on allergies and asthma. The importance of its presence wherever human beings live, work, or recuperate from illness may some day make its production one of the major functions of air conditioning. IV But of highest significance for the future were the Nazi secrets in aviation and in various types of missiles. "The V-2 rocket, which bombed London," an Army Air Force publication reports, "was just a toy compared to what the Germans had up their sleeve." When the war ended, we now know, they had 138 types of guided missiles in various stages of production or development, using every known kind of remote control and fuse: radio, radar, wire, continuous wave, acoustics, infra-red, light beams, and magnetics, to name some; and for power, all methods of jet propulsion for either subsonic or supersonic speeds. Jet propulsion had even been applied to helicopter flight. The fuel was piped to combustion chambers at the rotor blade tips, where it exploded, whirling the blades around like a lawn sprinkler or pinwheel. As for rocket propulsion, their A4 rocket, which was just getting into large scale production when the war ended, was fortysix feet long, weighed over 24,000 pounds, and traveled 230 miles. It rose sixty miles above the earth and had a maximum speed of 3,735 miles an hour three times that of the earth's rotation at the equator. The secret of its supersonic speed, we know today, lay in its rocket motor which used liquid oxygen and alcohol for fuel. It was either radio controlled or selfguided to its target by gyroscopic means. Since its speed was supersonic, it could not be heard before it struck.

Another German rocket which was coming along was the A-9. This was bigger still 29,000 pounds and had wings which gave it a flying range of 3,000 miles. It was manufactured at the famous Peenemunde army experiment station and achieved the unbelievable speed of 5,870 miles an hour. A long range rocket-motored bomber which, the war documents indicate, was never completed merely because of the war's quick ending, would have been capable of flight from Germany to New York in forty minutes. Pilot-guided from a pressurized cabin, it would have flown at an altitude of 154 miles. Launching was to be by catapult at 500 miles an hour, and the ship would rise to its maximum altitude in as short a time as four minutes. There, fuel exhausted, it would glide through the outer atmosphere, bearing down on its target. With one hundred bombers of this type the Germans hoped to destroy any city on earth in a few days' operations. Little wonder, then, that today Army Air Force experts declare publicly that in rocket power and guided missiles the Nazis were ahead of us by at least ten years. The Germans even had devices ready which would take care of pilots forced to leave supersonic planes in flight. Normally a pilot who stuck his head out at such speeds would have it shorn off. His parachute on opening would burst in space. To prevent these calamitous happenings an ejector seat had been invented which flung the pilot clear instantaneously. His chute was already burst, that is, made of latticed ribbons which checked his fall only after the down-drag of his weight began to close its holes. A Nazi variation of the guided air missile was a torpedo for underwater work which went unerringly to its mark, drawn by the propeller sound of the victim ship from as far away as ten miles. This missile swam thirty feet below the water, at forty miles an hour, and left no wake. When directly under its target, it exploded. All such revelations naturally raise the question: was Germany so far advanced in air, rocket, and missile research that, given a little more time, she might have won the war? Her war secrets, as now disclosed, would seem to indicate that possibility. And the Deputy Commanding General of Army Air Forces Intelligence, Air Technical Service Command, has told the Society of Aeronautical Engineers within the past few months: "The Germans were preparing rocket surprises for the whole world in general and England in particular which would have, it is believed, changed the course of the war if the invasion had been postponed for so short a time as half a year." V For the release and dissemination of all these one-time secrets the Office of the Publication Board was established by an order of President Truman within ten days after Japan surrendered. The order directed that not only enemy war secrets should be published, but also (with some exceptions) all American secrets, scientific and technical, of all government war boards. (The Office of Scientific Research and Development, the National Research Council, and other such.) And thereby was created what is being termed now the biggest publishing problem a government agency ever had to handle. For the war secrets, which conventionally used to be counted in scores, will run to threequarters of a million separate documentary items (two-thirds of them on aeronautics) and will require several years and several hundreds of people to screen and prepare them for wide public use.

Today translators and abstracters of the Office of Technical Services, successor to the OPB, are processing them at the rate of about a thousand a week. Indexing and cataloguing the part of the collection which will be permanently kept may require more than two millions cards; and at Wright Field the task is so complicated that electric punch-card machine are to be installed. A whole new glossary of German-English terms has had to be compiled something like forty thousand words on new technical and scientific items. With so many documents, it has, of course, been impossible because of time and money limitations to reprint or reproduce more than a very few. To tell the public what is available, therefore, the OTS issues a bibliography weekly. This contains the newest war secrets information as released with titles, prices of copies currently available or to be made up, and an abstract of contents. The original document, or the microfilm copy, is then generally sent to the Library of Congress, which is now the greatest depository. To make them more easily accessible to the public, the Library sends copies, when enough are available, to about 125 so-called "depository" libraries throughout the United States. And is the public doing anything with these one-time war secrets? It is it is eating them up. As many as twenty thousand orders have been filled in a month, and the order rate is now a thousand items a day. Scientists and engineers declare that the information is "cutting years from the time we would devote to problems already scientifically investigated." And American business men ...! A run through the Publication Board's letters file shows the following; The Bendix Company in South Bend, Indiana, writes for a German patent on the record player changer "with records stacked above the turntable." Pillsbury Mills wants to have what is available on German flour and bread production methods. Kendall Manufacturing Company ("Soapine") wants insect repellent compounds. Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Company, Iowa, asks about "interrogation of research workers at the agricultural high school at Hohenheim." Pacific Mills requests I. G. Farbenindustrie's water-repellent, crease-resistant finish for spun rayon. The Polaroid Company would like something on "the status of exploitation of photography and optics in Germany." (There are, incidentally, ten to twenty thousand German patents yet to be screened.) The most insatiable customer is Amtorg, the Soviet Union's foreign trade organization. One of its representatives walked into the Publication Board office with the bibliography in hand and said, "I want copies of everything." The Russians sent one order in May for $5,594.00 worth two thousand separate war secrets reports. In general, they buy every report issued. Americans, too, think there is extraordinarily good prospecting in the war secrets lode. Company executives practically park on the OTS's front doorstep, wanting to be first to get hold of a particular report on publication. Some information is so valuable that to get it a single day ahead of a competitor, may be worth thousands of dollars. But the OTS takes elaborate precautions to be sure that no report is ever available to anyone before general public release. After a certain American aircraft company had ordered a particular captured war document, it was queried as to whether the information therein had made it or saved it any money. The cost of the report had been a few dollars. The company answered: "Yea at least a hundred thousand dollars." A research head of another business firm took notes for three hours in the OTS offices one day. "Thanks very much," he said, as he stood to go, "the notes from these documents are worth at least half a million dollars to my company."

And after seeing the complete report the German synthetic fiber industry, one American manufacturer remarked: "This report would be worth twenty million dollars to my company if it could have it exclusively." Of course you, and anybody else, can now have it, and lots of other once secret information, for a few dollars. All the war secrets, as released, are completely in the public domain

Hitler on Ice: Did the Nazis Have a Secret Antarctic Fortress?32 Share

Matt Soniak filed under: Big Questions, top-story

As if I needed more evidence that I have a really awesome job, I occasionally get emails from my editor, Jason, that say things like, "A reader just left a comment about Nazis looking to form a superadvanced civilization in Antarctica. Can we add that to the list of things to investigate?"

Bettmann/CORBIS While there are more than a few conspiracy theories that deal with the Nazis and advanced ancient and/or alien civilizations, the supposed Nazi/alien/Antarctica connection, as told by a number of paranormal/conspiracy writers, can be summed up like this: the Nazis claimed an area of Antarctica as German territory and sent an expedition there + the Nazis experimented with innovative technology like stealth aircraft and liquid-propellant rockets = the Nazis in Antarctica must have found alien technology or met actual aliens. Branching out from that hypothesis, there are stories about Hitler being whisked away (like a comic book super villain) to a secret Antarctic lair built under a mountain, British and U.S. forces battling Nazis and UFOs in the snow and, finally, the polar Nazi forces being wiped out by a nuclear bomb.

It would make an excellent summer action movie, but are these stories based on anything? Like many conspiracy theories, there are some elements of truth to it all. But whether the facts can be woven together into one cohesive narrative without having to make great leaps of logic is another matter.

For Colin Summerhayes, a geologist and oceanographer with the Scott Polar Research Institute, and Peter Beeching, a journalis t and historian specializing in international affairs, the story doesnt pass Carl Sagans "baloney detection kit. In 2006, the pair published "Hitlers Antarctic Base: The Myth and the Reality. Its an expansive, peer -reviewed study of a mountain of documentary evidence concerning Antarcticas geography and weather (including Summerhayes own research and first -hand experience), polar exploration, and the relevant countries declassified militar y histories. The 21page myth-busting juggernaut, printed in the scholarly journal Polar Record, starts with an excellent battle cry of skepticism: However, as is often stated, the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Perhaps there were cover-ups. Perhaps they were successful [] The burden of proof should fall on the shoulders of those making the claims. It is not sufficient to propose an idea and then claim that the hypothesis is untestable because the evidence for it has been covered up. In science, as pointed out by [Carl] Sagan we may start with experimental results, data, observations, and measurements regarded as facts. We then invent possible explanations and systematically confront each explanation with those facts, until we ?nd an explanation that meets the facts in all respects as far as we can tell. The tale of the frosty Nazis fails Summerhayes and Beechings gauntlet, and the paper picks the story apart piece by piece:

THE GERMAN ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONS AND BASEThe Story: In 1938, the Nazis sent a large team of explorers - including scientists, military units and building crews on war ships and submarines - to the Queen Maud Land region of Antarctica. While mapping the area, they discovered a vast network of underground warm-water rivers and caves. One of these caves extended down as far as 20-30 miles and contained a large geothermal lake. The cave was explored and construction teams were sent in to build a city-sized base, dubbed Base 211 or New Berlin, that hosted the SS, the Thule Society, serpent cults, various Nazi occultists, the Illuminati, and other shadowy groups. At some point, the Germans either discovered abandoned alien technology or made contact with extraterrestrial explorers (variously described as Greys or Reptilians). They learned or were taught how to replicate the alien technology, and used it to begin developing a number of super weapons including an advanced aircraft called an antigravity-disk, or flying saucer. While many of these weapons were not ready for use in World War II, the base and the ability to manufacture these weapons might still exist and the Germans/aliens/some cult or secret society (depending on which conspiracy theorist you ask) will eventually launch a New World Order from it.

Survey Says: From December 1938 to April 1939, the Germans really did carry out an exploratory expedition to the western part of Queen Maud Land. Instead of a large-scale scientific and military operation, though, it consisted of one ship, the Schwabenland, and its goal was to scout new territory for the expanding German whaling industry. Further expeditions were planned, and while theres no mention in German documents of any intention to establish a base, the future trips where one could have been built were quickly cancelled with the outbreak of World War II. After this first expedition, there was no of?cial German activity in Antarctica until 1959, when several Germans joined a Russian expedition. Even if they had wanted to, its not likely that the Schwabenland crew could have built even a small base, let alone one the size of a small city. The expedition, according to the ships logs, was only near the coast for a month. Summerhayes and Beeching figure it would have taken the Germans ten days to walk from the boat to the supposed site of the base and another ten to get back, leaving them less than ten days to build an entire base. Other polar expeditions of the era are known to have taken twice that long to build even small huts.

OPERATION TABARIN: SAS VS NAZISThe Story: While Great Britain was claiming the South Shetland, South Orkney and other islands between Antarctica and South America, they decided they needed a permanent presence in the area to monitor Nazi activity in Antarctica, Argentina and Chile. A secret military exercise, Operation Tabarin was launched by the Royal Navy, and established bases throughout the islands and on the Antarctic peninsula. Eventually, the Germans discovered the British base on the peninsula and attacked it in the summer of 1945. The base was under siege for months, until the SAS arrived around Christmas and rescued it. Survey Says: For one thing, by the summer of 45, Hitler was dead and the Germans had surrendered to the Allies. For another, the SAS was disbanded in October, and wasnt reestablished until a few years later. British documents also suggest that Operation Tabarin was neither as large nor battle-ready as the stories say. Deterrence and spying were not stated goals, and most of the activities were scientific. The base crews consisted mainly of wireless radio operators and government scientists, with very few combat-ready infantrymen. The largest crew, at Hope Bay, consisted of only 13 people, hardly a force that could repel the Germans for almost six months.

HITLERS GREAT ESCAPEThe Story: Two months after the German surrender, a German U-boat, U-530, entered the Argentine naval base at Mar del Plata after escaping from Germany with Hitler, Eva Braun and high-ranking Nazi and SS officials on board and dropping them off at the German Antarctic base. An alternative theory says that the U-boat U-977 had been ferrying Hitlers ashes, which were placed with other Nazi treasures packed in bronze, lead-lined boxes in the Antarctic city-base. Survey Says: By 1945, Argentina had declared war on Japan and Germany after years of neutrality and friendly enough relations with the Germans. When the U-boat arrived, the captain thought his crew would be well-received, but they were taken as prisoners of war and interrogated by the Argentines, the Americans and the British. The interrogators from all three countries concluded that the appearance of the submarine in the area was coincidentalHitler was not on board. Summerhayes and Beeching also consider the dates of U-530s departure from Germany and arrival in Argentina, a U-boats travel speed, and the weather conditions during the summer of 1945, all of which suggest that neither U-boat could have gotten Hitler or his remains to Antarctica. U-530 would not have had time to stop there on its journey, and either U-530 or U-977 wouldve had to dive deeper and longer under sea ice than they were capable of to reach Antarctic coastal land.

THE BATTLE OF ANTARCTICA: OPERATION HIGHJUMP, UFOS AND SECRET NUKESThe Story: When the British failed to expel the Germans from Antarctica, the U.S. launched Operation Highjump in 1946 to destroy the German base. The ground and air forces were fought back by Germanys flying saucers, and the base was finally obliterated by three nuclear bomb strikes. The flying saucers that ha ve been sighted in the U.S. since then are Nazi spy craft, which are making preparations for the launching of the Fourth Reich under the control of what neo-Nazis call the Last Battalion, a Nazi government holdout operating in Antarctica or another remot e part of the world. Survey Says: Operation Highjump did happen, and it was the largest expedition ever sent to Antarctica. It had nothing to do with the Germans, though, as they had already surrendered, and everything to do with Americas Soviet allies. America saw the Soviet superpower as a potential threat and, on the eve of the Cold War, decided that the military ought to be prepared for warfare in extremely cold conditions in case combat erupted in Russia. Highjump was launched to train personnel and test equipment in very low temperatures and deep snow, to practice the building of bases, camps and air fields in snow and on ice, and to establish U.S. sovereignty in the region before the Soviets could. It was just one of several exercises to prepare for possible war with the USSR, and other, similar operations took place in Davis Strait, Northern Canada and Greenland. Antarctica was picked as the site not because of possible German holdouts, but because Highjump was the largest of these operations and the U.S. wanted to avoid the diplomatic fallout that might follow a full scale naval exercise closer to Soviet borders. If a German base in Antarctica was the real target of Operation Highjump, its planners were lacking some very basic map-reading skills. By all accounts, the supposed Nazi cave base was under Queen Maud Land somewhere, but Highjump was based on the Ross Ice Shelf on the opposite side of the continent. Military-made maps and Navy reports show where every plane and ship went for the duration of the exercise, and not one soldier even came close to where the Germans were known to have explored. None of Highjumps aims or activities were as secret as conspiracy theorists make them out to be, and there were 11 journalists embedded on the military ships who relayed a total of over 478,000 words back home to their editors, readers and viewers. With all these reporters saw and heard, the Germans were never mentioned.

As for the flying saucer attacks, the case for these UFOs is made solely on a quote from a navy admiral that appeared in a Spanish-language newspaper. The admiral had been discussing the danger posed by a Soviet presence in the polar regions, and how they could potentially launch planes and attack the U.S. and western Europe from the poles. Somehow this got mistranslated (either accidentally or willfully) to suggest that the admiral was talking about mysterious flying objects. Highjump did not lose any planes to fly ing saucer attacks, either. U.S. forces suffered the loss of only one craft during the operation, due to a white out in a snowstorm.

After Highjump was complete, there were three then-secret nuclear explosions in the atmosphere in the southern hemisphere. They didnt occur n ear Queen Maud Land, though, nor even over Antarctica, and they had no military target. Instead, they were detonated at high altitudes over the ocean to study the effects of nuclear explosions high up and outside the atmosphere. American researchers were particularly curious about how a nuclear explosion might interfere with radar tracking, communications, and the electronics of satellites and other ballistic missiles in the event of a large-scale nuclear strike during the Cold War. After the tests became public knowledge, their purpose and location were confirmed by the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organisation in Vienna and the British Antarctic Survey, which had been measuring radioactivity on the continent at the time of the tests and saw no spike in radiation levels during or after detonation.

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Could Nazi Secret Weapons Have Changed the Course of War?



More Sharing ServicesShare Share on emailEmail 15 Comments Print Single Page Text Size -/+By KI MAE HEUSSNER (@kheussner)

April 1, 2010

A fleet of long-range bombers meant to destroy the New York Cityskyline. A 1,000-ton tank said to be the largest ever designed. A radio-guided bomb with a success rate 80 times higher than that of its rivals. Those weapons in Adolf Hitler's fantasy arsenal were never fully brought to light, but a National Geographic program airing tonight explores what might have happened if they were. In "Nazi Secret Weapons," a team of military historians and aviation experts use unearthed blueprints and reconstructed Third Reich technology to determine whether some of Hitler's top-secret armaments might have changed the course of war. Under Hitler's heavy hand, the German military developed some of the world's most destructive technology during World War II. But it might have paled in comparison to one of his more shrouded projects, the Messerschmidt 264 bomber, also known as the "Amerikabomber." While no aircraft at the time could cross the Atlantic Ocean without a re-fueling stopover, Hitler wanted to leapfrog aviation technology of his time with the proposed plane.

Courtesy National Geographic

Historian: Hitler Wanted to Fly Over Atlantic to Bomb N.Y.The four-engine bomber was designed to carry a 6.5-ton bomb load that Hitler hoped could unleash a strike against the continental United States. "The general plan from the Germans was to start in France to fly 4,000 miles over the Atlantic to bomb New York and to fly back to France," Sonke Neitzel, a military historian, told National Geographic. Historians said Hitler became consumed with the project as three prototypes of the bomber were built. Though the German air force targeted factories along the East Coast of the U.S. starting in April 1942, by July 1944 Allied air raids successfully destroyed all the Messerschmidt prototypes. "It was not really a realistic plan," Nietzel said. "It was just a war game in the year '42, and the only person who was really interested to put this forward was Hitler." In the same year, Hitler also reportedly gave orders to construct a tank code-named "The Mouse." Despite its humble name, the tank weighed about 190 tons. And it was dwarfed in comparison to another one of Hitler's pet projects -- the Landcruiser P-1000, code-named "The Rat."

Engineer: The Rat Tank Would Have Had 'Tremendous Killing Power'Considered by some to be the largest tank ever designed, the Rat was supposed to weigh 1,000 tons and extend 114 feet in length. "The Ratte-tank had such a large diameter projectile that its destructive force would have been absolutely enormous: many, many feet of concrete, tremendous blast, tremendous killing power," engineer Peter Robbins told National Geographic. But the mega-sized marvel had one mega-sized drawback: mobility. "You can't go down roads with it, and you can't go over bridges with it," Robbins said. "And it might be able to go through a river, but who knows if it had enough displacement, positive displacement, positive buoyancy to stay on the surface and get across the river without becoming a submarine, so I think in reality it was more of a dream than everything else." Germany's minister of armaments at the time reportedly put an end to that dream, deciding it wasn't the best way to use dwindling resources. But some of Hitler's dream technology did actually find its way into reality. And some think that one of his most powerful bombs, the Fritz X bomber, might actually have had historychanging potential

Could Nazi Secret Weapons Have Changed the Course of War?



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April 1, 2010

The Fritz X precision bomber, which, according to prototype testing, had a success rate 80 times higher than other free-falling bombs of the time, was first used in combat in 1943.

Could Fritz X Bomber Changed Course of War?In September of 1943, the radio-guided bomb was used against one of the biggest battleships in the Italian navy, the Roma. In just 35 minutes, after two direct hits, the ship sank, bringing 1,200 sailors down with it. A couple of days later, Hitler turned his attention to the U.S. Navy, targeting the USS Savannah, a cruiser used for U.S. landings in Southern Italy. But instead of downing the ship, the bomb did something else. "The Fritz X actually came down and penetrated the roof of the number three gun turret," Steve Wiper, a naval historian, told National Geographic, "and actually glanced off the breach of the centre gun of that turret, and continued down through the handling spaces, and actually exploded in the magazine as it exited the bottom of the warship, which was actually a very lucky thing for Savannah, because had it been contained within the magazine and the magazine completely detonated, this definitely would have broken the ship in half." In subsequent documented cases, the bomber's power was so extreme that it rammed right through the ship, exploding only upon exit or in the water. The phenomenon led some military historians to wonder if the bomber suffered from a technical imperfection or if was truly too powerful for its time.

Courtesy National Geographic

Team Tests Fritz X Bomb in Calif. DesertIn an attempt to resolve the debate, Holger Bull, a model maker of life-size World War II weaponry who lives in Germany, partnered with American aviation experts to reconstruct the Fritz X bomber and test it in a privately owned, unoccupied part of California's desert. After reconstructing the Fritz X, including the bomber's internal electronics, Bull and Wiper teamed up with Chino, Calif.-based Aero Trader, which owns several World War II aircraft. After Bull and Wiper transported two Fritz X replicas to their airfield, the German-American team figured out how to load them onto a B-25 aircraft. Though the Fritz X warhead was not filled with explosives, the team designed an experiment to figure out the ballistics and destructive power of the reconstructed Nazi bomb. They drew an outline in the desert of the Roma battleship, which was more than 780 feet long and more than 100 feet wide, and then tried to drop the Fritz X replicas on to the target, one at a time. Though the crew missed their target by a few dozen yards, the experiment was hailed as a success. The force of the bomb's impact suggested that the destructive power of the Fritz X was too much for the battleships of World War II, National Geographic said.

According to one team member's calculations, the bomb hit the ground traveling about 290 mph. After the collision, seven feet of the bomb's total length of 11 feet were buried underground. "When the bombs dropped from the aircraft, they performed exactly as the originals did, and as they came down in their arch, it was like watching a movie of the real thing -- except we were there to live it ourselves, and that was just fantastic," said Wiper. National Geographic Channel's "Nazi Secret Weapons" premieres Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. For more information, .

Die GlockeFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other uses, see The Bell (disambiguation). For Schiller's poem "Das Lied von der Glocke", see Song of the Bell. Die Glocke (German for "The Bell") was a purported top secret Nazi scientific technological device, secret weapon, or Wunderwaffe. First described by Polish journalist and author Igor Witkowskiin Prawda o Wunderwaffe (2000), it was later popularized by military journalist and author Nick Cook as well as by writers such as Joseph P. Farrell and Jeremy Robinson. Farrell, and others such as Peter Levenda, associates it with Nazi occultism and antigravity or free energy research.[citation needed] According to Patrick Kiger writing in National Geographic, Die Glocke has become a "popular subject of speculation" and a following similar to science fiction fandom exists around it and other alleged Nazi miracle weapons of Wunderwaffen.[1] Mainstream reviewers such as former aerospace scientist David Myhra express skepticism that such a device ever actually existed.[2][3][1]Contents[hide]

1 History

2 Description

3 Supposed whereabouts

4 In popular culture

5 See also

6 Notes

7 References

8 Further reading

o o

8.1 Literature

8.2 Documentaries

9 External links


Discussion of Die Glocke originated in the works of Igor Witkowski. His 2000 Polish language book Prawda O Wunderwaffe (The Truth About The Wonder Weapon, reprinted in German as Die Wahrheit ber die

Wunderwaffe), refers to it as "The Nazi-Bell". Witkowski wrote that he first discovered the existence of Die Glocke by reading transcripts from an interrogation of former Nazi SS Officer Jakob Sporrenberg. According to Witkowski, he was shown the allegedly classified transcripts in August 1997 by an unnamed Polish intelligence contact who said had access to Polish government documents regarding Nazi secret weapons.[3] Witkowski maintains that he was only allowed to transcribe the documents and was not allowed to make any copies. Although no evidence of the veracity of Witkowski's statements have been produced, they reached a wider audience when they were retold by British author Nick Cook, who added his own views to Witkowski's statements in The Hunt for Zero Point.[4][edit]Description

Allegedly an experiment carried out by Third Reich scientists working for the SS in a German facility known as Der Riese ("The Giant")[5] near the Wenceslaus mine and close to the Czechborder, Die Glocke is described as being a device "made out of a hard, heavy metal" approximately 9 feet wide and 12 to 15 feet high having a shape similar to that of a large bell. According to Cook, this device ostensibly contained two counter-rotating cylinders which would be "filled with a mercury-like substance, violet in color. This metallic liquid was code-named "Xerum 525" and was otherwise cautiously "stored in a tall thin thermos flask a meter high encased in lead".[6] Additional substances said to be employed in the experiments, referred to as Leichtmetall (light metal), "included thorium and beryllium peroxides".[6] Cook describes Die Glocke as emitting strong radiation when activated, an effect that supposedly led to the death of several unnamed scientists[7] and various plant and animal test subjects.[6] Based upon certain external indications, Witkowski states that the ruins of a metal framework in the vicinity of the Wenceslas mine (aesthetically dubbed "The Henge") may have once served as test rig for an experiment in "anti-gravity propulsion" generated with Die Glocke;[8] others, however, dismiss the derelict structure as simply being a conventional industrial cooling tower.[edit]Supposed


Witkowski's statements along with Cook's views prompted further conjecture about the device from various American authors, including Joseph P. Farrell, Jim Marrs, and Henry Stevens. Farrell says that the device was considered so important to the Nazis that they killed 60 scientists that worked on the project and buried them in a mass grave.[9] In his book, Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology (2007), Stevens states that Die Glocke contained red mercury[10] and describes stories alleging that a concave mirror on top of the device provided the ability to see "images from the past" during its operation.[11] Witkowski stated that Die Glocke ended up in a "Nazi-friendly South American country". Cook, on the other hand, states that it was moved to the United States as part of a deal made with SS General Hans Kammler. Farrell stated that it was recovered as part of the Kecksburg UFO incident.[12] This last theory was dramatized in 2009 by The Discovery Channel and again in 2011 by The History Channel's Ancient Aliens series.


popular culture

The books Black Order by James Rollins, 2005, Swastika by Michael Slade, 2005, The Shadow Project by Scott Mariani, 2010, and Echo of the Reich by James Becker, 2012, have Die Glocke as their central theme. The horror/action movie Outpost, in which a group of mercenaries are hired to retrieve "The Bell" from an abandoned bunker. The song Die Glocke by Cage, 2009, in the album Science of Annihilation also deals with this subject. Several video games also make use of Die Glocke. One video game Call of Duty: World at War, included in the Nazi Zombies level "Der Riese" for Map Pack 3 as teleporters. There is also an electric super weapon in Nazi Zombies called the "Wunderwaffe DG-2," originally found in the level "Shi no Numa" for Map Pack 2. It was capable of killing multiple zombies with one shot (the electricity arcs between several at one time.) The "DG" stands for Die Glocke. A Henge like structure known as the "Fly Trap" is also included. Another video game Call of Duty: Black Ops, The Hardened and Prestige editions, along with the Rezurrection Map Pack, featured "Der Riese", along with the other World at War zombie maps as an exclusive. The map "Kino der Toten" also features the MDT (Multi-Dimensional Teleporter) on stage in the theater. Based on the comic strip that appears while the map loads as well as many other backstory clues, Die Glocke is capable of teleportation and time travel moving the original characters from World at War from 1945 to 1960. In a third video game, Iron Sky: Operation Highjump, the prequel to the movie will feature many references to obscure and occult technologies attributed to the Nazis.[edit]See


Nazism and occultism Nazi UFOs



^ a b Kiger, Patrick J. "Nazi Secret Weapons". National Geographic. Retrieved July 23, 2010.


^ Cook 2001, p. 267


^ a b Farrell 2006


^ Kleiner, Kurt (Wednesday, January 5, 2011). ""The Hunt for Zero Point" by Nick Cook". Retrieved 5 January 2011.


^ Stevens 2007, p. 249


^ a b c Cook 2001, p. 192


^ Cook 2001, p. 193


^ Cook 2005, UFO's: The Secret Evidence telecast


^ Farrell 2007


^ Stevens 2007, p. 250


^ Stevens 2007, p. 251-252, 255


^ Farrell 2004, p. 335


Cook, Nick (2001). The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology . Century. ISBN 978-0-09-941498-8.

Cook, Nick (Writer) (2005). UFO's: The Secret Evidence. Oxford Film & Television Production/Channel 4.

Cook, Nick (Writer/Narrator) (2006). An Alien History of Planet Earth. History Channel. Farrell, Dr. Joseph P. (2004). Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend. Adventures Unlimited Press. ISBN 1-931882-39-8.

Farrell, Dr. Joseph P. (2006). The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazi's Incredible Secret Technology. Adventures Unlimited Press. ISBN 1-931882-61-4.

Farrell, Dr. Joseph P. (April 15, 2007). Interview with Red Ice Creations radio.

Kleiner, Kurt (August 5, 2002). ""The Hunt for Zero Point" by Nick Cook". Salon. Stevens, Henry (2007). Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology. Adventures Unlimited Press. ISBN 1-931882-73-8.



In chronological order:[edit]Literature

Witkowski, Igor ((2000)[citation needed]). Prawda O Wunderwaffe (in Polish). Witkowski, Igor; Bruce Wenham (translator) (2003). The Truth about the Wunderwaffe. Books International Militaria. ISBN 83-88259-16-4.

Stevens, Henry (2003). Hitler's Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War. Books International Militaria.

Farrell, Dr. Joseph P. (2008). Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory. Adventures Unlimited Press. ISBN 1-931882-84-3.

Marrs, Jim (2008). The Rise of the Fourth Reich. William Morrow & Company. ISBN 0-06-124558-5. Farrell, Dr. Joseph P. (April 2009). The Philosopher's Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter. Feral House. ISBN 1-932595-40-6.

Farrell, Dr. Joseph P. (15 March 2009). Nazi International: The Nazis' Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space. Adventures Unlimited Press. ISBN 1-931882-93-2.


Cook, Nick (Narrator and Writer) (1999). Billion Dollar Secret. Discovery Channel.

Cook, Nick (Researcher) (February 2005). "Area 51". Unsolved History. Episode 47. Discovery Channel.

Nazi UFO Conspiracy. Discovery Channel. November 24, 2008.links


Google Maps location of the Henge/Fly Trap/Wenceslas Mine

from Rense Website

The Ho-IX Maximum Speed 600+ mph

Kenneth Arnold and his drawing of what he saw in 1947

Hi-Tech Composite Radar-Absorbing Wings

Flying The Ho-IX In Late 1944

Wartime Notes On The Ho IXIn a speech before representatives of the aircraft industry, Reichsmarshall Goering had announced that no new contracts would be given, unless the proposed aircraft could carry 1000 kg bombs, fly 1000 km/h, and have a penetration depth of 1000 km; penetration depth being defined as the total range. The Fighter Division requested that the aircraft also be fitted with 30 mm machine guns, something that would lessen the machines efficiency as a bomber. We started drawing and calculating without a contract. Our plan was to build two full size prototypes. The initial penetration depth would only be 800 km, since the fuel proof glue necessary for the full wet wing, was not yet available. On the other hand, the smaller fuel load allowed a doubling of the bomb load, so we went ahead and submitted our proposal. A contract was awarded with the demand that the first flight be made in six months! Since the jet engine was not yet ready, the first machine would be a glider. The previously deactivated Air Force Command IX was reactivated, and ordered to proceed with the project. Fortunately, the preliminary work that we did without a contract, put us sufficiently ahead, so the six month deadline locked feasible. There were several reasons for choosing wood as the building material. Duraluminum required more energy to produce; over 3000 KWH, versus less than 3 KWH for wood per ton. The required labor for aluminum production was also much higher; 5000 hr/ton against 200 hr/ton for wood. In addition, aural was difficult to find, and skilled sheet metal workers in short supply. Unskilled workers could easier be trained to work with wood. Typically, a nose rib was built from a triangular piece of spruce, sandwiched between two plywood sheets, all scrap wood. Production time: 10 minutes. After the glue dried, the rib was simply roused out along a master template in less that 5 minutes. The rest of the wing was built in a similar crude fashion, to pave the way for mass production by unskilled workers.

The main box spar contained all cables and control rods, to free the remaining space in the wing for fuel. That, we planned to pump right into the wing itself, without tanks or bladders. To do this, we needed the fuel-proof glue, that could be used to coat the inside surfaces as well. The glue allowed additional gluing to dissolve and adhere to already coated surfaces, which greatly simplified construction. The skin was very thick: 17 mm, all plywood; three times the necessary strength. On the production aircraft, this would be replaced by two 1.5 mm plywood sheets, with a 12 mm layer of sawdust, charcoal and glue mix, sandwiched in between. The charcoal in this much lighter skin would diffuse radar beams, and make the aircraft "invisible" on radar (STEALTH Technology -ed). Finally, should a 20 mm shell explode inside the wing, a relatively harmless hole would result, whereas a metal wing would balloon out and lose its lift. The H IX wing was designed with 3 geometric and 1.5 aerodynamic twist, to give it the desired bell shaped lift distribution with all controls neutral. The Frise-nose on the elevons had proven to be unsatisfactory, so we decided to use blunt nose elevons instead. The sharply enlarged wing root chord served mainly to eliminate the middle-effect. The maximum thickness line (T-4 line) therefore made a sharp bend in the middle, which resulted in the characteristic pointed tail. As this would affect stability, a test aircraft with large aspect ratio, that had the control surface far outside the test area, was needed. The H Vl would serve this purpose, while other preliminary tests were made with a H II and a H III. The H IX V-1 took off right on schedule on March 1, 1944 in Gottingen. The small He 45 towplane barely got off the ground, so test pilot Scheidhauer released, and landed straight ahead, after only a short hop. Five days later, he was off again on a snow covered runway behind an infinitely more powerful He 111. He released at 12000 feet, made an uneventful glide back to the airport, then faced problems during landing when the drag chute did not function. As the end of the runway approached, he retracted the nose wheel, and skidded to a stop with only minor damage. The second aircraft, scheduled to fly three months later, was awaiting its engines, promised in March. Several weeks passed, and then... Disaster! The engines arrived with an accessory section added to the case, making the cross section oval, and the diameter 20 cm greater! No one had bothered to inform us! Now, just six weeks before the first flight, we were faced with the problem of fitting an 80 cm engine into an aircraft with a 60 cm hole in the spar! It meant that the wing would have to be made thicker. To maintain the aerodynamic qualities of our design, we would have to increase the span from 2 2 16 to 21.3 meters, and the wing area from 42 m to 75 m . Such an aircraft would never reach the targeted performance, even with higher engine thrust. We choose instead to do the best we could with patchwork modifications. The wings remained the same. Another root rib was added 40 cm outside the original, making the center section 0.8 m wider. The new airfoil was 13% thicker than before, and the bend in the T-4 line became much larger. The thicker center section lowered the critical Mach number to 0.75, or a maximum speed of 920 km/in. The ratio of movement between the control column and the elevons could be reduced to by the pilot for high speed flight. A small high speed drag rudder was supplemented by a larger one that deployed after the smaller was fully extended. Many parts were scrounged from other aircraft left at the test facility in Gottingen. The nose wheel, for instance, came from the tail wheel of a He 177 heavy bomber. We were even able to use the strut and retract cylinder! The men of Air Force Command IX did their utmost to complete the aircraft before the end of 1944, sometimes working more than 90 hours per week. I remember that Lt. Erwin Ziller made the first flight about December 18th, 1944, but his log book indicates that the first flight occurred on February 2nd., 1945. I am quite sure the first flight of the H IX was also his first in a jet. Our leaders had little concern for such risks.

Satisfied with the initial flight, the Air ministry ordered 40 aircraft to be built by the Goetha Waggonfabrik under the designation Ho-229. It appears that the H IX V-2 had flown three or four times before tragedy struck on February 18th. The many versions of the story have a few things in common. The weather was overcast, the ground soft and muddy. The visibility marginal for a test flight, as Lt. Ziller took off, retracted the gear and disappeared. We received a report that one engine had failed, and that the H IX was returning to Oranienburg. Due to the low ceiling, a shallow approach to the airport was initiated. Since the hydraulic pump was on the dead engine, gear and flaps were extended by the emergency compressed air system. Once down, they could no. be retracted. To maintain his glide slope, Lt. Ziller added power. to overcome the extra drag, and found to his horror that he could "no longer maintain directional control; the fully developed drag rudder unable to overcome the asymmetrical thrust. Rather than lose control, he retarded the throttle to land short of the runway. The aircraft touched down in a field, slid into an embankment and flipped over, crushing its pilot. The US Third US Army Corps reached the Goetha plant on April 14th 1945. Here they found the H IX V-3 intact and nearly completed, and also the V-4, V-5 and V-6 in various stages of completion. The Ninth US Armored Division found the H IX V-1 in good condition near Leipzig. Its fate is unknown. The H IX V-3 was later shipped to USA, and is now in the Smithsonian collection, awaiting restoration. More amazing pictures of the Ho IX

German Secret Technology

UFO Secret Historyby Tim MatthewsMay 1998

Over the last few months new information has emerged relating to the terrestrial origins of flying saucers. This goes to the heart of modern-day UFO research and because we neither claim that UFOs are of ET origin nor that flying saucer sightings are explainable as evidence of natural phenomena or simply misidentifications of mundane phenomena we are under attack from all sides. Nevertheless, the evidence we have put forward has encouraged many researchers to become engaged in a debate that some people might have hoped had gone away. The fundamental point to make is that, according to a great deal of UFO literature, despite the best efforts of researchers to identify the objects described in UFO reports there remains a hard core, perhaps 1-2%, that are said to represent true or real UFO phenomena. Therefore the evidence suggests that many of this core of 1-2% of sightings relates to structured craft of unknown origin. In this case, I am writing about flying saucers - often quite small, seemingly constructed of some metallic substance - occasionally described as brushed aluminum: Take for example the McMinnville, Oregon, photographs taken by Paul Trent on 11th May 1950. These are some of the best examples of a saucer photograph and extensive analysis has shown that: This is one of the few UFO reports in which all factors investigated, geometric, psychological, and psychical, appear to be consistent with the assertion that an extraordinary flying object, silvery, metallic, disk-shaped, tens of meters in diameter, and evidently artificial, flew within sight of two witnesses. This is very important UFO research which shines new light on this most elusive mystery of the Twentieth Century. Perhaps it is time for a little

demystification. We suspect that flying saucers were developed, to some extent in parallel, on either side of the Atlantic during the Second World War. This realization, or understanding, is becoming increasingly a focus for research even though a long period of time has passed since those developments took place. Our research might be said to represent a small voice of calm within the UFO community, whose increasingly shrill calls for Western governments to come clean about UFOs and aliens tend to obscure the truth about flying saucers. To others, our research is an example of the Federal Hypothesis, that which states that: The answer seems to be that, in the USA at least, UFOs are controlled not so much by an intelligence as by an Intelligence Agency. In the first place, it is certainly not the case the new generation of man-made flying saucer advocates are apologists for Nazism as is suggested by the skeptics who claim that because some nazi saucer researchers are of dubious political persuasion then all subsequent research is invalid. This type of guilt by association is, of course, a rather ineffective way of arguing with the evidence. Secondly, debunkers argue that because some supposed sightings of flying saucers have been explained or that they are explainable then all sightings should be called into question. The reader has seen that there are impressive UFO sightings that clearly relate to structured circular craft and that these have been reported from around the world with a concentration upon the USA - a fact which surprises few researchers. Despite the argument that German scientists had no more advanced technology than the allies, one American was very clear as to the technical achievements of nazi scientists: Major General Hugh Knerr, Deputy Commanding General for Administration of US Strategic Forces in Europe, wrote to Lieutenant General Carl Spatz in March 1945: Occupation of German scientific and industrial establishments has revealed the fact that we have been alarmingly backward in many fields of research, if we do not take this opportunity to seize the apparatus and the brains that developed it and put this combination back to work promptly, we will remain several years behind while we attempt to cover a field already exploited. It is possible to look into the area of German flying saucers without reference to so-called established sources. These authors are often targeted for attack by skeptics and include Allen Harbinson, who has contributed to the subject through his exciting series of Project Saucer novels and the more recent non-fiction paperback Projekt UFO and Renate Vesco, whose research appeared in the late 1960s as a paperback with the title Intercept But Dont Shoot and later as Intercept UFO. Vesco appears to have cooperated with hidden knowledge writer David Hatcher Childress in the production of Man-Made UFOs - 50 Years of Suppression. In addition to these books, which are interesting though imperfect in their presentation (and omission) of the evidence, there are also two books written in the 1970s by Ernst Zundel under the pseudonym Mattern Friedrich which were popular for a short time within the far-right political community and may still be available. Zundel himself is a controversial figure for a number of obvious reasons which include support for anti-Semitic groups, his publication of books and magazines denying the holocaust, and his links with most of the influential neo-Nazi groups in Germany, Britain, the USA and Canada. His most important book on the subject of German flying saucers is entitled UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapons. Despite the fact that Zundel is a character with whom we have little or nothing in common from a political point of view, his espousal of far-right politics neither means that every piece of information in his two books is wrong nor that they should be ignored. It is important to realize that Zundels main purpose in writing and dissemination these books was not primarily an

attempt to advocate the supposed superiority of Nazi technologies but to make a fast buck. In short, Zundel did it for the money, and he has made it quite clear that these publications are, in his view, not to be taken 100% seriously. The skeptics point to Zundel as a major source on German secret projects despite the fact that there are several other books and articles, including primary material, that have no link with such questionable politics. Where we have a situation where skeptics will use any tactic, we can expect them to claim that any use of contemporary German-language material is evidence of apology for nazi war crimes. This is not the case although we do not any longer intend to look over our shoulder every time we mention German pre-war or wartime technology. We research this subject in order to shed new and important light on the fundamental reality of man-made flying saucers. The final point to bare in mind regarding this subject is that the victors of any conflict have a head start in writing the history books and, in the case of the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, burying or spiriting away evidence, documents, plans and blueprints, actual technology and a variety of other materials that the allies did not, and do not, want the public to know about - for a variety of reasons that may become apparent. Despite the fact that the man-made origins of flying saucers are of the greatest implications in terms of our understanding of postwar history, man-made UFO researchers have to some extent been deliberately ostracized and smeared. Nevertheless, a great deal of new information has emerged in recent years and there is still more to come. The suggestion that fifty years after the end of the Second World War new information cannot emerge because this period has been the subject of the most intense scrutiny is an illogical one. For any number of reasons information can stay buried and, beyond mere speculation, we know that files relating to the Second World War remain locked in the deep dark vaults of the Public Records Office in Kew, London. Remember this - records are routinely held for 30 years and can be held for 50, 75 and 100 years after the event. By the time they emerge they may have been altered, edited or sanitized to protect the identity of those responsible for the implementation of policy. One simple example that comes to mind is the emergence in recent years of new and credible information about the German nuclear research program underway during the Second World War. Much of this has been the result of research undertaken by Philip Henshall who has also contributed a great deal to our understanding of advanced German weapons projects through his books on the rocket research facilities at Pennemunde on the Baltic coast. Even before the allies landed in Normandy in June 1944 special groups of language and technical research specialists had been organized in order to recover as much of the technological hardware and research data relating to advanced German weapons. This effort was dedicated to getting hold of much more than data on the V2 rocket - the most obvious and well-known example of German scientific expertise. Already, through an intelligence estimate passed to the allies via a Norwegian source and known as the Oslo Letter, the allies were aware of other weapons under development and in operation by axis powers. These included radio-controlled bombs, huge guns, rocket launchers, new radar systems, longrange bombers and torpedoes. It would seem that they might also have been interested in a circular-wing aircraft withVertical-Take-Off-and Landing (VTOL) capabilities. In short, an early and relatively primitive flying saucer.. In order to make some progress in terms of this research it seems necessary to avoid using the standard sources - Vesco and Harbinson - even though some of their information is valid as we have seen. Other sources are equally intriguing. One source indicates that from the mid 1930s there was significant interest in both Vertical-Take Off and-Landing (VTOL) and circular wing aircraft. This led to a number of designs one of which was the Focke-Wulf VTOL.:

Professor Heinrich Focke was particularly interested in emerging helicopter and autogyro technologies and was involved in the design and production of the FW6, Fa223, Fa226, Fa283 and 284 models during the war. The creation of the jet engine encouraged him to design a propulsion system known as the turbo-shaft still used in most helicopters today. In 1939 he patented a saucertype aircraft with enclosed twin rotors. This was a revolutionary development described as follows: The exhaust nozzle forked in two at the end of the engine and ended in two auxiliary combustion chambers located on the trailing edge of the wing. When fuel was added these combustion chambers they would act as afterburners to provide horizontal propulsion to Fockes design. The control at low speed was achieved by alternately varying the power from each auxiliary combustion chamber. This was by no means the only circular aircraft. Another similar aircraft was the troubled AS6 partly designed by the leading aviation expert in Germany Dr. Alexander Lippisch whose work at the Gottingen Aviation Institute was legendary and whose impact upon postwar UFOs cannot be underestimated. His revolutionary DM series of small triangular aircraft were built and flown in conjunction with students at Darmstadt and Munich Universities (hence the DM prefix) and used rocket propulsion. The plans for these were transported to the USA after the war. His most advanced design was undoubtedly the Lippisch Supersonic Flying Wing which, although never built, strongly hinted at the triangular UFOs of the 1980s and 1990s. The information about the AS6 (V1) emerged in an article written by Hans Ebert and Hans Meier based to a certain extent upon information and a photograph provided by German aviation expert Wolfgang Spate.(Spate was the former Commander of Operational Test Unit 16 during the War and more recently recognized as a leading aviation expert. He served in the refounded postwar Luftwaffe.) The article, entitled Prototypen - Einselschicksale deutchser Flugzeuge, Der Kreisflugler AS6 V1, was included in a the respected Luftfahrt International in 1980. In certain respects the AS6, built by Messerschmidt, was based upon similar thinking as the Zimmerman V173 flying flapjack - designed for use by the US Navy from 1942. The flying flapjack was far more successful and developed at the Chance-Vought works in Connecticut and despite its supposed limitations was a propeller-driven aircraft designed to be flown from an aircraft carrier, hence the need for Short Take off and Landing(STOL) capability. The flapjack was able to fly at low speeds of approximately 40mph. The flight envelope was 40-425 mph and a more advanced version, the XF5U1, was also tested. One other important feature of these circular wings was an early stealth capability. The Horten brothers Reimar and Walter, known for their many successful flying wing prototypes, had developed a composite wing made of plywood held together by sawdust, charcoal and glue intended to absorb radar waves for use in their HlX model. In 1946 Chance-Vought was using a similar technique. A skin called metalite was used in one of its circular wings. Thomas C. Smith, former President of the Woodstream Corporation and a Penn State graduate engineer at the time, reported that he had seen a flying saucer (XF5U1?) taking off vertically from the Chance-Vought facilities in Stratford, Connecticut at the time and that it had used this composite. This was reported last year. This means that the circular wing or flying saucer had a limited stealth capability years before the use of Radar Absorbent Materials was considered for other advanced aircraft. We can certainly dismiss all the nonsense so prevalent in various media on the subject of German flying saucers which relates to the development of circular-wing aircraft as the result of occult or mystical beliefs. The truth is that the circular wing was designed for technical reasons: circular and flying wing designs are inherently stronger and are easier to build.

Whilst it is likely that any information relating to the limited AS6 would have been taken by the allies for examination at a later date it would seem that there is some evidence to suggest that a more advanced jet-powered flying saucer was at least designed, if not built, from around 1943 onwards. The first source is Flight Captain Rudolph Schriever who came forward in 1950 and claimed that he had worked with a small team at facilities near Prague with a view to developing a flying saucer-type vehicle. The Schriever story first emerged in Der Spiegel magazine dated March 30th 1950 entitled Untertassen-Flieger Kombination: A former Luftwaffe captain and aircraft designer, Rudolph Schriever, who says engineers throughout the world experimented in the early 1940s with flying saucers is willing to build one for the United States in six to nine months. The 40 year old Prague University graduate said he made blueprints for such a machine, which he calls a flying top, before Germanys collapse and that the blueprints were stolen from his laboratory. He says the machine would be capable of 2,600 mph with a radius of 4,000 miles, Schriever is a US Army driver at Bremerhaven. This is a most credible story. Schriever claimed that the model built for testing was completed in 1944 with a view to flying it in 1945. Nevertheless, the Russian advance ended any hopes of a test-flight. A 1975 Luftfahrt International report took these claims seriously and noted that after Schrievers death in the late 1950s papers found amongst his belongings had included technical drawings of a flying saucer. Schriever seemed to argue that although a saucer had existed it had not flown. This is contradicted by a possible eyewitness, George Klein. He claimed after the war in an interview, given on November 18th 1954 to the Zurich-based Tages Anzeiger, that he had actually seen a flying saucer test on 14th February 1945 and that the craft had performed remarkably well reaching an altitude of 30,000ft in 3 minutes as well as a high speed of hundreds of miles and hour. Despite the fact that subsequent information leads us to conclude that a jet-powered flying disc was developed at the end of the war Klein spoke of a ray-guided disc. Despite this fanciful claim some of the things he said made more sense. For instance, he claimed that some of the work on the flying saucers had taken place at Pennemunde. Pennemunde was of course the focal point for the development of the A4/V2 rocket. Interestingly, Klein also claimed that the necessary stability for the saucer had been attained through the use of a gyroscope. This is exactly the method used in the later German rockets developed by the Von Braun/Dornberger team. What is more, the entire rocket effort moved to the Mittlewerke underground facilities near Nordhausen in the Harz Mountains. It is claimed, by several other witnesses, that a flying saucer was tested in the vicinity of Kahla In Thuringia in early 1945. The evidence presented above seems to have been taken seriously not only by mainstream magazines and national newspapers in the 1950s but also by the author of Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, Robert Jungk.This is an authoritative and historical account of the development of the Atomic Bomb written by a respected author. The book itself, still available and published by Harcourt and Brace, received critical acclaim from Bertrand Russell, amongst others. A section of text on page 87 of the paperback edition states: The indifference of Hitler and those about him to research in natural sciences amounted to positive hostility.* The accompanying footnote reads as follows: *The only exception to the lack of interest shown by authority was constituted by he Air Ministry [Reichs Luftfahrt Ministirium or RLM, TM]. The Air Force research workers were in a peculiar position. They produced interesting new types such as the Delta [Lippisch and Horten, TM] ..and flying discs. The first

of these flying saucers, as they were later called - circular in shape, with a diameter of some 45 yards - were built by the specialists Schriever, Habermohl and Miethe. They were first airborne on February 14th 1945, over Prague and reached in three minutes a height of nearly eight miles. They had a speed of 1250mph which was doubled in subsequent tests. It is believed that Habermohl fell into the hands of the Russians. Miethe developed at a later date similar flying saucers at A.V Roe and Company for the United States. This use of the original Schriever story is interesting if only because the author felt that the information was good and warranted exposure. Given the nature of the book, we might well ask whether the author had any other information that supported the claims made as to the characteristics of the circular aircraft. It is up to the reader to decide whether these claims make any sense at all and more importantly, how this might affect our understanding of flying saucer history. Until recently, it would have been rather safer and perhaps more sensible to argue that although various prototype saucers existed in whatever form they were never tested. Safety is often the best policy given the shark infested waters of modern-day UFO research. However, thanks to three years of painstaking research by UK astronomy, aviation and photographic expert Bill Rose which included on-site research in Germany, Canada and America we now know a great deal more. Initially Rose felt, like many skeptics, that the evidence for German flying saucer (and UFO) reality was very shaky. Nevertheless, and without reference to the UFO community in his personal quest for the truth, he was able to use his expert technical knowledge to follow up leads and to make significant progress. First of all he was able to discover that Dr. Walter Miethe, whom all sources agree was involved with Schriever, Klaus Habermohl and Giuseppe Belluzzo (an Italian engineer) had been the Director of the saucer program at two facilities located outside Prague. In May 1945, after testing of the prototype had taken place, both Miethe and Schriever were able to flee in the direction of Allied forces. Habermohl was captured by Soviet forces and spirited East where he ended up working on various aviation projects quite probably at facilities located outside Moscow. It would seem that Klaus Habermohl was the man who developed the radial-flow jet engine, described in various articles as a system of adjustable nozzles, of great significance just ten years later. (Radial-flow allowed for VTOL performance and used the little-known Coanda effect.) Rose learned that not only had test flights taken place but that film footage of these had been taken. This had always been rumored and makes perfect sense given the nazi fetish for keeping records on everything. The footage, of good quality, has subsequently been stored in a secure location and shown only to a handful of people. Rose was shown some stills taken from the original film and given his expert photo-technical background concluded, after careful consideration, that this