NCET Biz Cafe | Sally Young, What is your workplace super power | Oct 2017

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Sally Young

Happy = Engaged

Happy = Valued

Happy = Strong relationships w/ co-workers

Happy = Collaboration

Happy = Mindfulness

Shawn Anchor, 7 Principles that FUEL Success & Performance in the Workplace.

The best way to capture moments is to pay attention.

This is how we cultivate mindfulness.Mindfulness means being awake.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Wherever You Go, There You Are

Same page/goal

Set expectations/timeline

Use tools at hand

Be open about everything

Appreciate others

Be positive

Manage your boundaries

Keep “on point” (no gossiping)

Make an effort to connect with your co-workers

Your super power is appreciated/acknowledged

Challenges welcome

Diversity honored and encouraged

Meaningful shared vision/BIG picture

Sense of purpose/what I contribute matters

Great relationships

Super Skill/Ability =

Super Power

Listen CAREFULLYBe “in tune”.Respond from where you are this moment.

Emergenetics the New Science of Success, Dr. Geil Browning.

Clear Thinker

Logical Problem Solver

Data Driven


Excels at Mental Analysis



Likes guidelines

Makes & follows plans carefully

Likes completion/closure

Likes helping others


Intuitive about people

Team Player: Likes working with others & through others

Imaginative/Out of the box

Intuitive about Ideas


Likes unusual/experimenting

Spock MindMegaPlanIntuitionVision

Which Super Power are YOU?

Gather with “YOUR” Super Power Team Mates

Task to come. . . . .

Spock Mind: Batman: Blue

MegaPlan: Power Ranger: Green

Intuition: WonderWoman: Red

Vision: SpiderWoman: Yellow

You will tackle this issue:

Your business operates 24 hours. Day & night. 24 hour production done on the floor. Some staff work in offices during “regular” business hours.

Determine the best/most opportune time & method for the facility/building to be cleaned.

Each Super Power Team select one person to be your spokesperson

4 of You Super Heros come together and share what you have come up with. Putting your Super Power Ideas together. . . Come up with a SUPER SOLUTION using input from all 4 SUPER POWERS.

You have 4 minutes. . .

Everyone is happier & more satisfied when living in their super power/s.

Relationships and Collaboration are key to using our super powers

When we are mindful of the moment, we are fully engaged

Everyone Together is more powerful than any one of us individually!

Recognize & Honor Everyone’s Super PowersActivate an awareness of appreciation and valueHave fun. . . . Halloween is coming!

New Science of Success: Emergenetics, Geil Browning, PhD, 2005.

Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor, 2011.

DRIVE, Daniel Pink, 2009.

Sally Young