Need Income Quickly? Get Off Social Media And Focus On Your List

Post on 10-May-2015

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description If you need income quickly focus on your list


Need Income Quickly? Get Off Social Media And Focus On Your List Resources….Freebies & Guides

12 Top Social Media

Information packed webinars

That moment when the light bulb goes on

The “aha” moment

When a client suddenly “gets” it

When their eyes light up and they can see how a small change to their marketing is going to make a massive difference to their income

This is why I LOVE what I do

And I realize that I don’t have to be super clever or the world’s biggest expert in the

latest “thing” to help people

Sometimes just talking through your challenges and goals with an experienced professional, who has no emotional attachment to your

business, can totally change your results, and the way you feel about your business

Working with a new client recently I had a flash of the blindingly obvious

(for both of us)

Without wanting to sound too critical this is a situation – not uncommon – where

paying customers are being ignored while precious, limited marketing time is being

spent on Facebook

Do you laugh or cry?

Laugh because the solution is so obvious and easy to fix

(easy to say when you’re outside the wood and can see the trees!)

or cry because the poor business owner is run ragged, working all the hours God sends keeping the business going, and

desperate for cash

While the party’s happening over on Facebook they’re ignoring an obvious source of short-

term income, their “gold mine” or “list”

(You can only call it a “mailing list” if you’re mailing to it!! )

There are two lessons here you can apply to any business…

1. If you’ve ever had any paying customers stay in touch with them

They are more likely to buy from you again, refer business to you and recommend you

(assuming you’ve looked after them well)

It’s also much cheaper to sell to an existing customer than go out looking for new business

(not to mention easier because they already know, like and trust you)

Top Tip:

The best way to stay in regular contact with customers is through regular emails (email

marketing), a blog or newsletter

It needed be onerous if you use an email provider like Mail Chimp or Aweber who

provide templates, scheduling options and easy set-up wizards

Top Tip #2:

Contact your list with a special offer, seasonal special or discount coupon

That’s a surefire way to bring in quick cash during quiet periods

If you need help building your list, setting up a newsletter, or

generating sales with email marketing, consider signing up for the Email Marketing, List

Building and Mailchimp Masterclass in Hemel

Hempstead next week at

If you’re not local you can access the Email

Marketing/MailChimp masterclass videos here:

2. If you’re active and engaged with customers on Facebook that’s great

But if time’s limited and you need sales use Facebook to get people onto your list (your

#1 biggest asset) so you can email them

You’ll get a much better response to a direct email than trying to promote on social media

Top Tip:

You can do this really effectively with a “custom app”

(which I’ll cover in a separate blog post)

Visitors sign up for your list through custom apps on your Facebook page

(you can see my sign-up apps here for my G+ Freebie -

and the Modern Marketing Guide -

Facebook users prefer to stay within Facebook so this is more effective than trying to drive traffic to your site and away from Facebook

Are you building your list so you can mine your goldmine?

Jump over to the MMS park Page and share your list building tips Resources….Freebies & Guides

12 Top Social Media

Information packed webinars