neewwsslleetttteerr - Zoë's Place Baby Zoë’s Place Baby Hospice and just how much...

Post on 28-Aug-2020

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transcript Registered National Charity No. 1092545


Pg 12 & 13

Don’t miss

events coming

up over the

next year pg 3


Autumn/Winter 2017

I’m Amelia, read my

special story on pg4

Animal Therapy


see pg 8


I hope you enjoy reading the latest edition of SMILE.

You may notice something different and a new style of the SMILE newsletter. We want to give you, our valued supporters, a real insight into what goes on at Zoë’s Place Baby Hospice and just how much your support makes a real difference to the lives of our special babies and their families.

This may be a good time to reflect on the last year and what a huge success it has been too. Read about the new sessions we are offering such as animal therapy (which the children absolutely adore), rebound therapy and music therapy. We have also celebrated the opening of our newly refurbished gardens which are providing wonderful areas for the children to play and enjoy.

Let us not forget the successes of the fundraising activities. From tandem skydives, to running marathons, cycling across Ireland, dancing on ice and the Coventry Business Group’s spectacular Black and White Ball to name a few, and the generosity of so many people that have given their time or funds to help us. We simply couldn’t do what we do without you.

Next year brings even more challenges... Not only do we need to raise even more funds but we are faced with new regulation in the charity sector. What is important is that we communicate with you about the things you want to hear about and in the way you want us to tell you. So please help us do this by completing and returning the form on page 14.

We really hope that you will continue to support us and we want to thank you again for everything that you do to make a difference to the lives of the babies and infants that come along to Zoë’s Place.

Mick McCann, Fundraising Manager

Welcome to the 2017

Autumn/Winter edition of Save the date

and help make

a difference!

December 2017

10th Christmas Reindeer 5K Fun Run

29th Muddy Furlong Christmas Cracker

February 2018

18th Starley Cycle Sportive

March 2018

18th Coventry Half Marathon

April 2018

14th Reaper Mud Run(Spring)

22nd London Marathon

May 2018

12th Tandem Skydive

18th Kings and Queens Ball

20th Coventry Sprint Triathlon

21st - 27th Children’s Hospice Week

June 2018 15th National 3 Peaks Challenge

August 2018

11th Mudnificent 7 Mud Run

Date TBC COGS Cycle Challenge – September 2018

9th Great North Run

9th Tandem Skydive

15th Saddle up 4 Skeggy Cycle Challenge

October & November 2018

20th Reaper Mud Run

29th October – 15th November 2018 Everest Base Camp Trek

These are just a few events going on to raise money for Zoë’s Place,

Visit for more info.

If you would like to hold an event in aid of Zoë’s Place, please get in touch with or call 024 7636 1675.


Amelia is our only child. At our twenty week scan we were told our baby’s heart was not formed correctly, we went for tests and scans, and it was confirmed that our baby girl had cardiac tetralogy of fallot (a congenital heart defect) and Digeorge Syndrome. When Amelia was born she was put straight onto medicine for her heart. Later that day the doctors noticed she had holes in her eyes and we were then transferred straight to Birmingham Children’s Hospital. At 2 days old Amelia had an operation to save her eyes and at 6 days old she had corneal grafts.After this it should have been an easy wean off the ventilator, but Amelia wasn’t letting go of it that easily! We spent a further 5 months on the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit having lots of tests and operations which is when Amelia was diagnosed with Polymicrogyria and Tracheobronchomalacia. It was at this

point we had to decide, along with the doctors, if we should carry on with providing care or not. Amelia had another 4 month stay at hospital due to cardiac failure. After 2 open heart surgeries and a cardiac catheter in 2 in just months, Amelia was given one last chance of surgery with her 3rd open heart operation which thankfully worked! She certainly had all the surgeons baffled as to what she was doing! The doctors always say that Amelia has her own medical book, because she never seems to follow their one!Zoë’s Place Baby Hospice had been mentioned to us many times but I didn’t feel I could leave my little girl. Amelia ended up on oxygen after bronchiolitis and we found out her corneal grafts had failed, therefore she was registered blind. I started to think that maybe Zoë’s Place could offer us some respite and give Amelia a chance to socialise and engage in different activities.

Amelia’s Story

Hi, my name is Jo and

I am Amelia’s mummy.

Children with Digeorge Syndrome struggle to socialise so I felt it was important for her to have the opportunity to do this. Amelia loves the animal therapy sessions, especially cuddling the rabbit! She has been to the park, to watch The Tiger Who Came To Tea and to the circus, all great trips provided by Zoë’s Place for which we are very thankful. Amelia also loves her music and is always provided with a tambourine, the music bar or even music therapy when available. This is so valuable for a child that has no sight. Zoë’s Place offers us a chance to recharge our batteries so we can be better parents for Amelia. We understand now how important it is for us to have a break even though I miss Amelia, but it makes it easier knowing she is having so much fun. Amelia enjoying the

Zoë’s Place garden

Amelia loves the animal therapy sessions, especially cuddling the rabbit!


The sun was beaming down and the garden looked spectacular for the special service.

We invited along friends and families of children who had used the hospice in the past and also those who had been involved in the design, planning and building of the garden. The turnout was fantastic and the garden was full to bursting! The service consisted of a welcome speech from Jack Scarisbrick MBE who is one of our trustees, this was followed by Sarah Sale, mum of Jaime, one of the first children to come to the hospice for respite care.

Sarah was heavily involved in the designing, planning and fundraising for the garden. Our hospice chaplains Reverend Peter Kimberley and Kusumavarsa then did a joint blessing of the garden. We followed the service with afternoon tea. During this time the families had the opportunity to place their engraved Zoë’s Bear on our remembrance tree and remember their babies who are no longer with us. Kristie Gallacher who is a local musician provided the most beautiful music on what was a very emotional afternoon for everyone involved.

We are proud to

announce the

new garden is

officially open!

In June this year we held

the official opening of our

garden and memorial area.

We would like to say a huge thank you to every single person and company who were involved in the design, construction and work on the garden. Many thanks to the Sale family and friends that gave up their time organising and taking part in a memory walk, raising vital funds and then physically transforming the memorial/reflection area. Also to B I J Construction for the work they undertook in levelling and relaying our astro turf and installing the sails to provide shelter from sunshine. We also extend thanks to Tesco Bags of Help who provided us with a grant to develop both this area and the area at the front of the hospice.

A beautiful new space has been created with a dual purpose; it provides our families with a space for reflection and remembrance and our children who love playing outside a new space to explore.

Thank you...


Here at Zoe’s Place Coventry, we have been fortunate enough to receive funding from the General Charities of the City of Coventry to provide Animal Therapy sessions. The sessions, provided by Critterish Allsorts ( have been absolutely wonderful, both for the staff and the children!Animal assisted therapy is: “proven to improve the spirit~mind~body interconnectedness, reducing both anxiety and blood pressure. The interaction and relationship between people and animals has also been shown to reduce stress and promote well-being. It can also increase socialisation, improve self-esteem and confidence, promote quality of life and encourage nurturance and responsibility.”

Dale, from Critterish Allsorts, brings in a variety of animals on a fortnightly basis, ranging from a dog and a rabbit to a skunk and a snake! Each animal provides their own form of therapy, whether it be allowing a child to stroke their soft and soothing fur or offering a new sensory experience by winding their scales across a child’s arm! Whichever animals he brings, the calming effect it has on the children is very powerful. From their monitors, you can visibly see their heart rate reduce and their muscles relax. In some cases, it also minimises seizure activity. We really hope we can raise more money in order to continue these sessions, as they are so beneficial to the children - some of whom had never even touched an animal in their lives before, having spent so much time in hospital. Thank you to Critterish Allsorts and the General Charities of the City of Coventry for making it possible!

All creatures great and small

Critterish Allsorts visit us at Zoë’s Place

In the two years, since the Zoë’s Place Business Group was formed, huge strides have been made not just in terms of boosting the financial coffers, but also in raising the profile of Zoë’s Place amongst the local business community. The highlight has without doubt been the tremendous success of the two charity balls organised by the group. Thanks especially to the incredible support from Coombe Abbey Hotel and to the charity’s Patron, Lady Daventry, and Ambassadors Brian Travers and Rosie Day, who have given their time so generously. Between the two events over £100,000 of much needed funds have been raised for the hospice and Zoë’s Place has also fostered many new relationships as well as attracting new members to the business group.

Zoë’s Place Business Group

Plans are now well underway for 2018’s ball which is again taking place at Coombe Abbey and being held on the 18th May. The theme is Kings and Queens and the group is hoping that this will again achieve even more guests and break new income targets.

Peter Jarvis, Chair of the Business Group and Managing Director of Warwick based manufacturing company Contechs

We have been truly blessed with the level of support we have received; however, we are not complacent. Each year the hospice faces new challenges in its continuous bid to keep its doors open 24/7.

Zoë’s Place plays a vital role in our community - in many cases serving as a lifeline to the families it services and it is crucial that we all continue to pull together to support the excellent work Zoë’s Place does.

The Business Group is only as good as its people and newcomers are always welcome. We are very much looking forward to the next year and to both Zoë’s Place and the Business Group reaching new heights. ”


Marc Dwyer, the organiser of Brave Hearts Charity Boxing Events, has raised in excess £40,000 during the last year which translates to funding 1,600 hours of nursing care.

Marc, along with a team of trainers, delivered boxing tuition to men and ladies before they took to the ring for boxing bouts in front of hundreds of supporting family and friends.


Organisers of boxing tournaments held in Coventry

are skipping for joy after raising a fantastic amount

of sponsorship for Zoë’s Place Baby Hospice.

Jay Maddox, Marc Dwyer, Mitch Allen, Ryan Wallace and Nathan Tyler-Doyle, who all took part in the last Brave Hearts Event held at the Rialto Reborn on 12th August, visited the hospice to present a cheque to nurses at the hospice.


£40k 1 ,600

nursing hours


Making a

HUGE difference

It’s really spooky how far Zoë’s Place will go to ensure the

children have fun.

These photographs were taken

at a recent Halloween Party for

the children and their families.


How will a challenge

event benefit the


It costs around £1.4 million to run the hospice at full capacity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The income generated from people taking on a challenge event makes a significant contribution to our hospice, and hundreds of people all wearing bright yellow Zoë’s Place t-shirts certainly helps generate interest about our hospice!

How will a challenge

event benefit me?

Taking on a challenge event takes commitment and it helps develop your self-discipline. Often a challenge requires you to learn new skills and to raise your sponsorship target you will need to think creatively and work on your networking skills.You will also make lifelong friends and memories, particularly during the overseas events. Most importantly you will be left with a huge sense of achievement in completing not only your event but making a difference for your local baby hospice.

How can I get involved?

In 2018 you can: • Trek to Everest Base Camp• Freefall from 13,000ft with a

tandem skydive• Get muddy at The Reaper or

Mudnificent 7 obstacle runs or why not try a triathlon!

During the last 12 months we have seen a tribe of “everyday heroes” take on various challenge events in support of Zoë’s Place Baby Hospice. From mud runs to tandem skydives, from cycling Ireland to trekking Peru, hundreds of people have raised thousands of pounds which is a huge help in meeting our targets.


Check our website for our 2018

challenge events calendar or email





Meet Mason

Another graduate from Zoë’s Place Baby Hospice! Mason has a form of epilepsy which means he needs constant supervision, which is quite tiring for any family. He is a very active little man who loves playing skittles and activities but also loves a nice cuddle and a book. He is a very happy little boy who always has a big smile on his face. He graduated in December to begin his next adventure and we miss him!

Look! We’ve graduated

Meet Samuel

Samuel is now 6 years old and recently “graduated” from Zoë’s Place. Samuel has Charge Syndrome which is a genetic disorder. Samuel has had numerous surgeries and wears hearing aids and he uses a CPAP machine at night to help him breathe. He is however one of our most active and talkative children to date! He loves playing sports and has a great sense of humour. He now attends school and it is with lots of love and funny memories that he begins his new adventure.

Zoë’s Place Baby Hospice would like to continue

communicating with you to keep you updated with

all the latest news and events.

But, due to new government legislation, we are no longer permitted to communicate with you unless you confirm you are happy for us to do so.

You can do this in two ways:

1) Complete the Consent From online at:

2) Fill in and return the form below, to: Zoë’s Place Baby Hospice, Easter Way, Coventry West Midlands CV7 9JG.

Please ensure you inform us of the types of communication you are happy to receive and how you would prefer to receive it and we will amend our systems to comply with your wishes.

Please opt in

Name ________________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________ County ___________________________________

Postcode ___________________________ Telephone ___________________________________

Email _______________________________________________________________________________

I understand that you will not share my details, but you may wish to contact me occasionally and I am happy for my data to be used for the following (please tick):

q To contact me about ways to provide financial support

q To contact me about opportunities to volunteer / get involved in fundraising

q To send me the bi-annual newsletter

q To send me information about events

I am happy to be contacted by: q Post q Email q Telephone

q Text Message q Social Media Message


Registered National Charity No. 1092545

Here are 3 ways you can help raise money

and make a real difference to the lives of

our special babies and their families here

at Zoë’s Place, thank you.

Donation Form

Name ________________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________ County ___________________________________

Postcode ___________________________ Telephone ___________________________________

Email _______________________________________________________________________________

I enclose a cheque for £ _____________________

q I am a taxpayer and would like to Gift Aid my donation

Signed __________________________________ Date _______________________________________


and make a difference

Anyone can get involved with fundraising. Perhaps you could bake cakes, cycle miles or even jump out of a plane! Visit our website for ideas.

VOLUNTEER and make a difference

Giving your time is very precious and can help us enormously. We have lots of volunteer opportunities.



DONATE and make a difference

Donate online at or fill in and return this Donation Form with a cheque to: Zoë’s Place Baby Hospice, Easter Way, Coventry West Midlands CV7 9JG.
