Negative or Bad News Messages Say yes quickly; say no slowly.

Post on 29-Mar-2015

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Negative or “Bad News” Messages

Say “yes” quickly; say “no” slowly.

Types of negative messages

Request refusal News that is disappointing to reader

Job changes Economic news Policy changes

Writing Bad-News Messages

The Three-Step Process








Strategies for Bad-News Messages

Convey the message

Gain acceptance

Maintain goodwill

Promote a good corporate image

Minimize future correspondence

Audience-Centered Tone

The “You” Attitude

Positive Wording

Respectful Language

The Indirect Approach


Step 1


Step 1


Step 2


Step 2


Step 3


Step 3


Step 4


Step 4

Flow of the Message

Substance of the Message

Begin With a Buffer

Show appreciation

Pay attention

Compliment reader

Be understanding

Show sincerity

Saying “no”

A know-it-all tone

Wordy phrases


Lengthy buffers

Things to Do Things to Avoid

Follow With Reasons

Cover positive points

Provide relevant details

Highlight benefits

Minimize company policy

Avoid apologizing

State the MessageState the Message

De-emphasize the Bad NewsDe-emphasize the Bad NewsDe-emphasize the Bad NewsDe-emphasize the Bad News

Use a Conditional StatementUse a Conditional StatementUse a Conditional StatementUse a Conditional Statement

Focus on the PositiveFocus on the PositiveFocus on the PositiveFocus on the Positive

Avoid Blunt LanguageAvoid Blunt LanguageAvoid Blunt LanguageAvoid Blunt Language

Close With ConfidenceClose With Confidence

Remain Positive Remain Positive and Sincereand Sincere

Limit FutureLimit FutureCorrespondenceCorrespondence

Stay ConfidentStay Confidentand Optimisticand Optimistic

Cultural Differences

Proper ToneProper Tone



High Context Cultures

Meaning conveyed through non-verbal actions and environmental setting

Uses indirectness to avoid conflict Relationships must be built before

business can be transacted

Claims and Adjustments

Things to EmployThings to Employ Things to AvoidThings to Avoid

Accepting BlameAccepting Blame


Negative LanguageNegative Language


Courtesy and TactCourtesy and Tact

Indirect ApproachIndirect Approach

Understanding and RespectUnderstanding and Respect

Positive AttitudePositive Attitude

Organizational NewsOperationsOperationsProductsProducts

Match your approach to the situation

Give accurate messages to dispel rumors

Give reasons and any positive points

Show actions are necessary and reasonable

Plan the sequence of multiple announcements Tell those most affected first

Minimize the element of surprise

Crisis Management Plan

Have a notification plan Have alternate communication

channels Set up a central location for

information and questions

Letters ofRecommendation

RequestedRequestedby Businessesby Businesses

RequestedRequestedby Individualsby Individuals


RecognizeRecognizeFeelingsFeelingsBe DirectBe Direct State FactsState Facts

Employment Applications

Use a Use a Direct ApproachDirect Approach

State ReasonsState ReasonsClearlyClearly


Performance ReviewsReview Job



Develop aPlan of Action

NegativePerformance Reviews Confront the problem

Plan the message

Respect privacy

Focus on the problem

Obtain commitment

Giving Constructive Criticism

1. Make sure the person is prepared to hear the criticism.

2. Carefully and clearly describe their behavior.

3. Use the “Oreo” effect whenever possible.

4. Be as specific as possible.

Giving Constructive Criticism

5. Restrict criticism to recent behavior.

6. Direct criticism to behavior the person can do some thing about.

7. If possible, include suggestions for improvement.

ExpressExpressthe Decisionthe Decision

Give SpecificGive SpecificJustificationJustification

MinimizeMinimizeNegative FeelingsNegative Feelings


Refusing Requests


We regret to inform you that we cannot grant your request for a donation…

Your efforts to build scholarship fund…are most commendable.

So many requests are made of us that we have found it necessary to budget a set amount for this purpose. Our budgeted funds for this year are exhausted, so we cannot consider any more request. We will be able to consider your request next year.

We are always willing to assist worthy causes when we can. Each January we budget for the year the maximum amount we feel we can contribute to such causes. Since our budgeted contributions for this year have already been made, we have placed your organization on our list for consideration next year.

We deeply regret our inability to help you now and trust that you understand our position.

We wish you the best of luck in your efforts to help educate the deserving children of the association’s members.

Direct or Indirect?

A memo to your boss informing her that one of your key clients is taking its business to a different accounting firm.


Direct or Indirect?

A letter to a customer explaining that the tape backup unit he ordered for his new customer computer is on back order and that, as a consequence, shipping of the entire order will be delayed.


Direct or Indirect

A letter from a travel agent to a customer stating that the airline will not refund her money for the flight she missed but that her tickets are valid for one year.


De-emphasize Negative

The airline can’t refund your money. The “Conditions” segment on the back of your ticket states that there are no refunds on missed flights.

Sometimes the airline makes exceptions, but only when life and death are involved.

Of course, your ticket is still valid and can be used on a flight to the same destination.

Even though unused tickets are nonrefundable, your ticket is still valid and may be used to travel to the same destination within one year from the original ticket date.

Use a Buffer?

You have to tell a restaurant owner that your plans have changed and that you have to cancel the 90-person banquet scheduled for next month.

Editing Your Work

First Reading – check material Sufficient examples Clear interpretation Quality sources Sound reasoning Adequate but concise coverage Purpose fulfilled

Second Reading – check organization Subject stated clearly Advanced in clear, logical stages Connections between stages clear Smooth transitions

Third Reading – mechanics Sentences are clear, correct, concise Words are specific and concrete Spelling, punctuation, typography

correct and consistent