Neighborhood Photos

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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This book has familiar surroundings to me.




Alex UlmerMedia Arts I5-2-12Photo Essay

This is a collection of photographs taken in May 2012. I set out to photograph my everyday surroundings. These are the objects that I am familiar with and see often.

I want to photograph scenery of places. I took photos on scenery of inside a house, such as a mirror, television, etc. I also took photos of outside scenery such as trees, streets, and mailboxes. All of there photos were taken either in my Grandmom’s house or in the surrounding neighborhood, within a couple blocks of her house.

I took a variety of photos from close-ups to pieces of something to different angles. Some of my photos are taken from a point of view that is not how I usually view things. For example, I took a picture of how the yellow street lines intersect with the white street line to make a corner. In another photo I took, I photographed a fire hydrant at a close-up angle of the object. I also photographed some spray paint on the street. The spray paint had an arrow painted and it looked like the arrow was pointing to the fire hydrant.My photos also add mystery to my neighborhood such as a close-up of a hole in the sidewalk. You can basically only see the hole, not so much of the sidewalk so, you really don’t know what surrounds the hole.