Nero: the benefits

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Nero: the benefits. Dr David W.J. Gill. University of Wales Swansea. Introduction. Restrain excesses Links with the Senate Domestic policy Foreign policy. The ‘quinquennium’. A golden age for the first five years - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Nero: the benefitsNero: the benefits

Dr David W.J. Gill

University of Wales Swansea

Introduction Introduction

Restrain excesses Links with the Senate Domestic policy Foreign policy

The ‘quinquennium’The ‘quinquennium’

A golden age for the first five years Trajan perceived it as a golden age of good

government (Aur. Victor, Epitome 5)

Nero’s first speech to the Nero’s first speech to the SenateSenate

Suetonius, Nero 10– to rule according to Augustan precedent

Tacitus, Ann. 13.4– renunciation of the abuses of the Claudian

regime– ‘From my house, bribery and favouritism will

be excluded’– ‘these promises were implemented’

Accession speechAccession speech

‘Italy and the public provinces could apply to the tribunals of the consuls, who would give access to the senate’– this led to:

e.g. 58 people and council of Puteoli making mutual accusations

Syracuse: increase the pairs of gladiators in their games

59: riot between Nuceria and Pompeii

Nero and the senateNero and the senate

appearance of ‘ex s c’ on coinage (‘in accordance with senatorial decree’)– for first ten years

Aspects of the Golden AgeAspects of the Golden Age

Nero refused portrait statues of himself (Tac. Ann. 13)

Allowed his co-consul not to swear an oath of allegiance to him as emperor– praised by the Senate (Tac. Ann. 13)

Noted for clemency

Nero and popular supportNero and popular support

provided entertainment: Suet. Ner. 11. fair judge: Suet. Ner. 15 limits on private expenditure: Suet. Ner. 16

– sumptuary law checks on forgery: Suet. Ner. 16 some governors charged with corruption outlawed illegal taxes ‘invented’ by publicani

(Tac. Ann. 13.51)

Food supplyFood supply

series of food shortages at Rome– AD 51: bad harvest and subsequent food crisis

Claudius pelted in the forum

– AD 62: old grain disposed off at Rome (Tac. Ann. 15.18)

price of grain not raised 200 grain ships lost at Ostia due to storm 100 grain ships lost at Rome due to a fire

Further food shortagesFurther food shortages

AD 64: Great Fire at Rome– city left without grain stocks– essential food brought up from Ostia– Nero imposed a maximum price of 3 HS /

modius– governor of Moesia (Lower Danube)

the first who ‘brought relief to the food supply of the Roman people by sending a great quantity of wheat from that province’

Faenius RufusFaenius Rufus

appointed prefect of the grain supply AD 55–62– according to Tacitus (Ann. 14.51) he did not

profit from the post in the usual way e.g. withhold grain to push up prices

Harbour facilitiesHarbour facilities

Nero completed Claudius’ plans for the harbour at Ostia– secured corn supply– coins issued with new harbour

‘the Emperor’s Ostia harbour’ harbours and jetties

Coin issuesCoin issues

theme of Ceres and Annona– Annona as personification of the corn supply

Generosity to the plebsGenerosity to the plebs

coins showing the congiarium– distributions to the plebs

Minerva and her owl Liberalitas holding tray Nero handing coins to a man and small child

Suet. Nero. 10– ‘he presented the plebs with 40 gold pieces


Fair judgeFair judge

Suet. Ner. 10 ‘never missed an opportunity of being generous or

merciful, or of showing what a good companion he was’

Suet. Ner. 15 ‘When he judged a case he preferred to defer his

judgement until the following day, and then give it in writing ...’

‘[he] mulled over documents in private, [and] came to his own conclusion ...’

Reduction of taxesReduction of taxes

Suet. Ner. 10– ‘he lowered, if he could not abolish, some of

the heavier taxes; and reduced by three-quarters the fee for denouncing evasions of the Papian Law, which obliged noblemen to marry’

Ending administrative abuses Ending administrative abuses in Egyptin Egypt

Edict of 68: Ti. Julius Alexander [LR ii.295–98]

reaction to requirements under Nero

Building projectsBuilding projects

new style of architecture introduced: Suet. Ner. 16

considered extending the city wall to Ostia: Suet. Ner. 16

considered building a canal to Rome: Suet. Ner. 16

Trouble in ArmeniaTrouble in Armenia

Tacitus, Ann. 13 Parthians plundering people wondered if Nero would react Nero mobilised troops Client kings (Agrippa II & Antiochus

Epiphanes IV of Commagene) urged to raise armies

Parthians evacuated Armenia

Securing ArmeniaSecuring Armenia

Cn. Domitius Corbulo secured Armenia– appointment on merit

Hostages handed over

Further war with ArmeniaFurther war with Armenia

Tac. Ann. 13.34– Corbulo encouraging troops

Crowning of TiridatesCrowning of Tiridates

Cassius Dio 63.1.2–5.4 [LR ii.34–35]

Expansion of empireExpansion of empire

Suet. Ner. 18– Nero probably felt no ambition to extend the

Roman Empire– considered withdrawal from Britain– addition:

kingdom of Pontus, ceded to him by Polemon Cottian Alps reverted to Rome