Nestle - Zaka (36)

Post on 09-Apr-2018

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  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Good Humanitarian Donorship

    National and International Response toHumanitarian Emergencies:

    Perspectives from the Philippines

    Amb. Evan P. Garcia

    Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the UnitedNations and Other International Organizations


  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Cyclones Ketsana / Parma

    (Ondoy / Pepeng)

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Cyclones Ketsana / Parma

    (Ondoy / Pepeng)


    1000+ Deaths 9.8 Million Persons Affected

    Losses equivalent to 2.7% of GDP Damage and losses of US$ 4.38


  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Comparative Damage

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    National DisasterCoordinating Council (NDCC)

    Chaired by the Secretary of National Defense.

    Coordinates national disaster management efforts. A council of involved government agencies.

    Mobilizes resources of other agencies, does not

    have its own organic assets. DCCs at all levels of government.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Phil. Govt-International CommunityCoordination

    Led by the Phil.National DisasterCoordinatingCouncil(NDCC) jointly with UNOCHA.

    Joint On-siteOperationsCoordinationCenter(OSOCC) established.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Cluster Approach Positive experience, providing a systematic


    NDCC / Phil. Government agencies wereassigned particular clusters in Dec. 2008

    Need for further orientation and training in

    cluster system.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Cluster Approach

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Cluster Approach

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Coordination of Advocacy Messages Global: Close coordination with OCHA Flash

    Appeal process in Geneva and New York.

    National: Development and execution ofadvocacy messages by cluster leads on specificconcerns, in various media. Messages shared

    among clusters.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Challenges in working with donors &

    international organizations need for Closer operational coordination between and

    among UN agencies, Intl. Orgs & donors.

    Closer coordination between international andPhilippine stakeholders.

    Wider dissemination and observance of IDRL

    and other intl disaster management guidelines. More efficient harnessing of govt, pvt sector

    and civil society resources.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Evaluating International Response OCHA-coordinated Flash Appeal useful and

    effective process.

    Red Cross, other IO, regional and bilateralresponses also effective.

    NGO assistance mixed good support but also

    instances of abuse and disaster tourism

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Immediate Needs Assessment Process Needs assessment done immediately by Phil.

    Govt (NDCC), major donors and supported by

    OCHA and UNDAC. Some degree of duplication among agencies

    and donors.

    Need for improved coordination amongstakeholders a common needs assessmentprocess.

    Need for further needs assessment training

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Post-Disaster Needs Assessment

    (PDNA) Process Initiated by Department of Finance, joint

    Philippine-International experts team.

    Damages, losses and socio-economic impact.

    Estimated total US$ 4.38B damages & losses.

    Five Priority Areas ID'd: (1) Rural Production, (2)

    Flood Management, (3) Housing, (4) DRRManagement, (5) Local Governance.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Post-Disaster Needs Assessment

    (PDNA) Process Objective

    To estimate the total damage and losses to

    the Philippines due to the typhoon disasters,by sector, to establish the parameters for acomprehensive recovery and reconstructionprogram.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Post-Disaster Needs Assessment

    (PDNA) Process Process

    Multiple sectoral-teams, including central and

    local governments, civil society, privatesector and international developmentpartners.

    Assessment used existing govt data and fieldvisits to develop comprehensive assessmentof damage, losses, and needs for eachsector, as well as analysis of socio-economic

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Post-Disaster Needs Assessment

    (PDNA) Process Methodology

    Damage (direct impact): Impact on assets,

    stock, and property.

    Losses (indirect impact): Impact on flows thatwill be affected, such as production declines,

    reduced incomes, increased expenditures,etc. over a time period until economy andassets are recovered.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Post-Disaster Needs Assessment

    (PDNA) Process Methodology (cont.)

    Recovery and Reconstruction Needs:

    Recovery of all economic activities to pre-disaster levelsand Reconstruction ofdestroyed or damaged physical assets.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Guiding Principles for Recovery &

    Reconstruction A transparent, accountable and results-based

    recovery and reconstruction program.

    Community-based, people-centered andequitable approaches.

    Reduction of future risks.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Special National Public Reconstruction

    Commission (SNPRC) Undertake a study of causes, costs and actions

    Seek fresh aid to fund the reconstruction; tap

    the resources of the private sector

    Recommend to the President reconstructionand rehabilitation projects

    Oversee the implementation of thereconstruction program

    Act as a clearing house for the international

    assistance im lemented b the donors

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    National Capacity to Tackle

    Natural Disasters Strategic National Action Plan (SNAP)

    2010-2019 Plan for DRR / Hyogo FA

    Enabling Environment

    Financial & Economic Soundness

    Supportive Decision-Making

    Safety & Well-Being Enhancement

    DRR Implementation & Evaluation

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    DRR Approach for

    Less-Developed States Begin process with multi-stakeholder


    Foster close involvement and ownershipamong stakeholders.

    Maximize coordination among donors and

    national stakeholders. Philippine DRR experts available under

    triangular assistance schemes.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Tackling LRRD Problems

    Maximize coordination amonginternational and national stakeholders.

    Adopt wholistic perspective in managingboth man-made (conflict) and naturaldisasters, particularly for local


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    Cooperation with Regional

    Organizations - ASEAN ASEAN Agreement on Disaster

    Management and Disaster Response


    ASEAN Humanitarian Coordinator

    ASEAN Regional Program on Disaster

    Mgt (ARPDM) ASEAN Cttee. on Disaster Mgt (ACDM)

    ASEAN Geneva Committee (AGC)

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Cooperation with Regional

    Organizations and Donors European Union and Nations



    Asia-Pacific Partners

    APEC, Australia, Canada, China, Japan,

    New Zealand, Rep. Korea, USA


    World Bank, Asian Devt Bank, etc.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Military-Humanitarian Coordination

    The NDCC is chaired by the Secretary ofNational Defense

    The NDCC Secretariat is the Office of CivilDefense (OCD)

    Military disaster management assets are

    assigned to the NDCC framework Use of military assets for humanitarian

    action is commonplace in SE Asia

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    International humanitarian cooperation hasbeen positive.

    Need for enhanced coordination amonginternational and domestic stakeholders.

    Further capacity building needed for

    cluster approach and needs assessment.

  • 8/8/2019 Nestle - Zaka (36)


    Mabuhay !