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Why Choose Us For SEO

More Than 5years of experience in Search Marketing industry

Quality team members to ensure high standards Deliver work on time 99.9% times World class Infrastructure with awesome team members Timely and smoothly communication Frequent reporting with all required format and information

Ethical process and White hat technique only Cost efficient solutions to achieve tremendous amount of

traffic that will lead to increased conversion. Cost efficient solutions to achieve tremendous amount of

traffic that Will lead to increased conversion. Our effective and up to date SEO services will synergize

your internet marketing plans High ROI and Sales by dominating Search engine giants. All

White Hat SEO Techniques Applied!

Strategic marketing of our process;

Search Engine Optimization and positioning at best. It’s not a simple matter of adding a few tags that contain your important keywords.

We are committed to meeting SEO needs of your website and proposes campaign plan.

Our goal will be to meet your SEO outsourcing needs thoroughly and professionally.

Included within this proposal is a detailed scope of work outlining specific proposed activities and fees for your review.

The scope of work will include site optimization and linked web promotion & development activities, SEO friendly, content writing and

Submission and tracking to over all major and support Search Engine and Directories.

Search Engine OptimizationAs an entrepreneur you may have a well designed, user friendly and content optimized website but what is the point if your website is not visible on search engines and reachable to your audience? That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in.SEO is one of the most powerful digital marketing techniques that enhances your website’s visibility on the search engines and makes it appear on top pages of Google so that people can easily find your website when they type in the relevant and targeted keyword. SEO helps increase traffic to your website by making it appear in the organic search results of search engines. Higher the website ranks on search engine pages, better are the chances that it will be visited by online population.

Interesting facts: The top 5 pages of Google search engine get 75% of clicks

It is mostly seen that search engines behave like people. They like websites which have qualitative content and is user friendly. Search engines rank those websites on their top pages which have optimized WebPages and relevant and substantive information. 

Competitor Benchmarking Analysis

In-order to compete, you need to know what your competition is doing.They are targeting certain keywords to attract buyers, and these need to betaken into consideration. Many of your competitors will likely also haveinbound links from other websites. This is important to identify, becauseyou’ll want your website linked at some of those places as well (link buildingis an important part of any SEO campaign and discussed in more detail lateron).

Using a variety of analysis tools, I will identify what keywords your top competitors are using to generate traffic

I will need assistance from you in identifying your competitors (partially done already on your part)

Using a variety of analysis tools, I will identify and analyze the inbound links to your competitors ‘websites

All information will be provided in a detailed report

Key phrase research

Discover keywords which will produce the highest volume of traffic

Keywords that the competition are using to find success

Keywords that have the highest Ad Word values Significant high traffic keywords your rivals do not know

about Newly rising keywords primarily based on new trends &

services and products related to your industry Keywords with high conversion rates to raise your ROI Gap Analysis Key phrase Selection Tracking and improvement process

Google analytics setup

SEO Analytics Setup provides you with information on how visitors foundyour website, what they looked at, when they were there, for how long andso much more! This can be a fantastic tool for knowing how you can tweakyour website to improve your traffic and conversion.Site wide factors

Preparing a detailed SEO Strategy Basic Keyword Research and identification Competitors analysis and report preparation Site change implementation Step 1: XML Sitemap RSS feeds Website Traffic Analysis

High powered link building

One of the hardest part s of web marketing is building link recognition.Obtaining massive numbers of relevant "referral links" has become one ofthe Central focuses of today's web marketing strategy.

Directory Submission

Blog Development Blog Optimization Article Submission Social Bookmarking Corporate Blog management, (Blogger, Word press, ) Social Bookmarking, (Stumble Upon, DweweGO, Delicious)

Social Media MarketingConsidering the huge popularity of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google plus, it is no doubt that they are the most sought out websites for marketing by online entrepreneurs. Do you know that 73% of small businesses are using social media these days? Well, this clearly shows the importance of social media marketing among small businesses. 

Social media marketing has become an essential part of digital marketing because of its quick results and low cost effectiveness. According to, as of 2014, more than about 1.8 billion internet users have accessed social networking sites. Imagine how much traffic your website will get, and the leads that you will generate if you make effective use of social media in your digital marketing strategy. Therefore, social

media marketing is a guaranteed way to drive target traffic to your website. 

Social media marketing is essential for entrepreneurs and online marketers because of its inexpensiveness and ability to target large audience with fewer efforts and in less time.


We provide a 360° Experience

We deliver more than a product. From the first meeting, to the daily updates, the workshops, the presentations. When we listen, discuss, talk, celebrate. And when you can count on us after going live. This is the Granyon experience.

We can't work with experience design, if we don't practise it ourselves. This is why we constantly seek to improve the experience you get from working with us. Either as client,

partner or employee. We continuously learn from this and seek to improve every day for as long as we are here. But it is written into our DNA. It makes us happy, proud and we want it to be something you expect from us. We listen but also talks, we direct, instruct, advice and handle your case, as if it was our first and last. It is our business to get this right, and we understand that a lot is at stake for you.

Interesting facts: Successfully using SEM methods such as Pay per click (PPC), and local search marketing, it is possible for emerging entrepreneurs to get ahead of the competition.Social media marketing plans

Creation and submissions strategic content (Include profiles, business listings, articles, press releases, blog posts)

Optimize all content for SERPs, populate and promote exist social assets

as well as new ones created using a mix of SEO, content and social media strategies.

Development of Micro Sites.

Increase genuine likes and followers in Social Media Profiles (Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn, Flicker, and YouTube).

Social Bookmarking and increase voters. Setup, Linking & Promotion of Profiles External Blog Setup & Social Commentary Wikipedia Profile Setup & Linking Photo Sharing Slide share Submission Create Blog with our main domain name and share it in

social account. Explore Guest Posting Tracking and monitoring our Reputation of with our main

keywords that represents our brand. Evaluate Your Competition Focus where we can get the best results (like social

bookmark). Search relevant forums and start discussion over there. We will change our social accounts banner every month

(Face book, Twitter, and LinkedIn) and when we launch any new thing

we will create a banner like that and change it. Grow our YouTube channel subscriber & viewers. Create more channels like Vimeo, MySpace etc. and expand

our video in other channels.

Face book ads marketing

We can develop a series of custom apps for the Face book Page; email capture.

We create capture system where you can work to track your follow ups making them with your different offers.

Face book ads that are targeted to a targeted audience would be great. We can create and manage an ad campaign for you.

This process will give you more Page Likes and more engagement on the Page and more traffic to your website.

Face book marketing

3 Linked Face book posts (image + text + link) per week to the Page.

Monitoring conversations, deleting spam and postings replies on the Page.

Interacting wit h other targeted Pages as your Page for increased visibility

Optional: Running one Face book Ad campaign per month for more aggressive.

Change cover image once a month or agreed upon schedule

Twitter marketing

Twitter Account Creation Open account(s) with agreed upon username and full name 160 character bio developed with keywords and extra URLs Photo uploaded, background image uploaded Follow up to 400 people on your behalf by your business

and/or location Research and suggest 10 hash tags for marketing based on

your business niche Manually following other targeted tweeters to grow your

following. Following a minimum of 50 new people per week targeted by your business.

Pinterest marketing

Pinterest Account Creation Creating a new account with the business name and

description Creating up to 10 Boards; title and descriptions will need to

be approved Populating those 10 Boards with existing content Following 50 people targeted by keyword Adding 5 pins a week from existing content Re-pinning 5 pins a week from other people/business Boards Replying to comments, adding 5 comments a week

Google+ marketing

Google+ Personal Account and Page Creation Personal account creation and/or revitalization Profile page developed, images uploaded 10 Circles created for marketing and research One status update/day that auto-posts to client’s Twitter

account One Shared post/day from A-List person in client’s niche Add people to designated Circles

online ad marketing

Online ad marketing technique used to promote the new business andOutlet. These are techniques for online promotion of our brands, productsAnd services or some sites which are used for advertising. Online ad is morebeneficially for promoting your business in local areas easily.

E-mail marketing

It is a way to reach thousands of potential customers directly at a relativelylow cost when compared to advertising or other forms of media exposure. Itbrings your business’ message through an attractive mix of graphics, text andlinks directly to people who may have never heard of your business orconsidered your products, but are knowledgeable and interested in yourbusiness’ area of expertise.

In Email-Marketing 1st we collect Email id of our targeted people in your targeted area.

We create an email template for our business Then we send mail to them, by using different social media

account like Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter, Absence etc.

Benefits to get from our promotion

increase website traffic We want to help potential customers find your Website when searching formotivational speaking services. Our goal is to drive as much qualified trafficto your website as possible.

increase leads Leads are prospects who have converted by already consuming some of yourcontent. These are the people you really want to convert into customers. Assuch they should be receiving content with signup CTAs and links to registerfor product demos.


A conversion happens when a visitor to a website performs an action thathelps you achieve a goal. Obviously, the more visitors a site has, the moreopportunities it has to convert. Traffic from organic search is proven to be the easiest to convert compared to other traffic referral channels.