Network Goals and Strategies

Post on 15-May-2015

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Presentation on the goals and strategies of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network


Network Goals and Strategies


The Vision Project

The 4 Goals of the Network

1. Create Leadership Standards and Guidelines

2. Build and support multiple levels of Networks

3. Implement and Connect Individuals with Training

4. Regularly Invite Conversations for Partnerships and Development of New Ideas.

Goal #1: Create Leadership Standards and Guidelines

Strategy A: Create Guidelines for Leadership

Staff Implications: Part time staff person responsible for developing these guidelines.

Leadership Team: 2-3 people with regional diversity.

Funding Implications: Part time staff, Leadership Team expenses and travel costs.

Budget Implications: Estimate: $50,000.

Impact: Youth ministry leaders and the whole church have clarity regarding the various roles within

youth ministry leadership.

Goal #1: Create Leadership Standards and Guidelines

Strategy B: Advocacy for Youth Ministry Leadership Development

Staff Implications: None

Leadership Team: Intentionally identifying and equipping new individuals in all aspects of leadership.

Funding Implications: None

Budget Implications: None

Impact: All youth ministry leaders in every socio-economic and ethnic group are affirmed by the Network and invited to grow.

Goal #2: Build and Support Multiple Levels of Networks

Strategy A: Extravaganza

Staff Implications: Existing

Leadership Team: Existing

Funding Implications: Revenue stream could be further developed with higher participation in the event.

Budget Implications: None

Impact: The youth ministry leadership community experiences annual education, renewal and connection.

Goal #2: Build and Support Multiple Levels of Networks

Strategy B: Develop a Network of Networks

Staff Implications: Part time staff person and additional administrative support

Leadership Team: SYMBOL, Bishops, Regional Facilitators, ELCA Staff

Funding Implications: Part time staff person and administrative support

Budget Implications: $42,000

Impact: Focused networks are connected, relationships are strengthened, gifts are discovered and greater potential unleash within all communities.

Goal #2: Build and Support Multiple Levels of Networks

Strategy C: First Year Youth Ministers

Staff Implications: Administrative support; Exec. Director time; Resource development

Leadership Team: Regional Facilitators and Coaches

Funding Implications: First time at Extravaganza paid; Mailings; Phone calls.

Budget Implications: $25,000

Impact: Youth ministry leaders are immediately linked with a peer community for education, connection and renewal, for a greater tenure of service.

Goal #2: Build and Support Multiple Levels of Networks

Strategy D: One Day Seminars

Staff Implications: Part time staff person develops

Leadership Team: Team of 4-6 develop seminars. Regional facilitators communicate and host.

Funding Implications: Team meeting; communications/mailing; event costs; evaluation.

Budget Implications: $23,000

Potential Income: $18,000 (based on 50/region)

Expense: $5,000

Impact: Local networks are strengthened and created through accessible, relevant, focused one-day events.

Goal #2: Build and Support Multiple Levels of Networks

Strategy E: Create a Culture of Mentoring

Staff Implications: Part Time Staff Person (could be same as goal 2B) Administrative Support

Leadership Team: 3-6 people to develop resources and training models

Funding Implications: Leadership Team Meetings. Printing Resources

Budget Implications: $15,000

Impact: Mentored relationships, increased skills, and

deepened personal growth.

Goal #3: Implement and Connect Individuals with Training

Strategy A: Connect Journal

Staff Implications: Executive Director

Leadership Team: Editorial Team

Funding Implications: Dues are raised $25 to cover expenses

Budget Implications: $2,000 for Editorial Team meeting in addition to dues increase.

Impact: The best thinking and most current research is available to youth ministry leaders,

increasing knowledge and effectiveness for ministry with young people.

Goal #3: Implement and Connect Individuals with Training

Strategy B: Online Training Development and Coordination

Staff Implications: 1 full time or 2 part time staff people and Administrative Support

Leadership Team: Leadership Team and Design team

Funding Implications: Large start up costs for design, and production. Some costs offset by tuition.

Budget Implications: $195,000*

Impact: Cutting-edge thinking in youth ministry and the newest technology for on-line learning raises the level of training in youth ministry for everyone.

* We expect this cost to remain in year 1 & 2. In year 3 and beyond, the cost will decrease significantly as we move past the development phase.

Goal #3: Implement and Connect Individuals with Training

Strategy C: Online Training Implementation

Staff Implications: Curriculum writers, distributive tech people, learning technology design consulting, part-time online training director

Leadership Team: Executive Director, Part Time Staff, Advisory Staff

Funding Implications: Paying instructors, cost of course materials, etc…

Budget Implications: $ 55,000*

Impact: Quality training is accessible and available to anyone for leadership development.

* We expect that this cost will be offset somewhat by the “tuition” paid by participants. We don’t know that amount yet, however and think it wise to budget for the full amount.

Goal #4: Regularly Invite Conversations for Partnerships and Development of New Ideas

Strategy A: Tend Existing Partnerships

Staff Implications: Executive Director

Leadership Team: Network Staff; Facilitators; SYMBOL; New Networks

Funding Implications: Hospitality expense line in Network budget

Budget Implications: $3,000.

Impact: Existing partnerships are strengthened for the benefit of the whole community.

Goal #4: Regularly Invite Conversations for Partnerships and Development of New Ideas

Strategy B: Actively Look for New Partnerships

Staff Implications: Network Staff, Network Board

Leadership Team: Facilitators; SYMBOL; New Networks; Other Organizations

Funding Implications: Hospitality expense line in Network budget

Budget Implications: $3,000.

Impact: Partnerships are increased; strengthening critical thinking, effectiveness and impact of the Network as a learning community.

Goal #4: Regularly Invite Conversations for Partnerships and Development of New Ideas

Strategy C: Ongoing Visionary Leadership

Staff Implications: Network Board

Leadership Team: Network Staff; ELCA Staff

Funding Implications: Annual Vision Team Expenses

Budget Implications: $2,000.

Impact: The ELCA Youth Ministry Network remains cutting-edge leaders in the larger, global, youth ministry movement.

Overall Budget ImplicationsNetwork Goals Budget

1. Create Leadership Standards and Guidelines $ 50,000

2. Build and support multiple levels of Networks $ 87,000

3. Implement and Connect Individuals with Training

$ 253,000

4. Regularly Invite Conversations for Partnerships and Development of New Ideas

$ 8,000

Sub Total: $ 398,000

5% Contingency: $ 19,900

Total: $ 417,900
