NetWrix USB Blocker Quick Start Guide

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NetWrix USB Blocker Version 3.6

Quick Start Guide

NetWrix USB Blocker Quick Start Guide

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................3

1.1. What is NetWrix USB Blocker? ......................................................................................3

1.2. Product Architecture ........................................................................................................3

2. Licensing .....................................................................................................................................3

3. Getting Started ...........................................................................................................................5

3.1. System Requirements ......................................................................................................5

3.1.1. Management Server ............................................................................................5

3.1.2. Managed Computers ...........................................................................................7

3.2. Installing the Product .......................................................................................................5

3.3. Configuring the Product ..................................................................................................8

3.3.1. Starting NetWrix USB Blocker ..........................................................................8

3.3.2. Configuring the Product ...................................................................................10

3.3.3. Monitoring Console and Administrative Portal ...............................................10

3.3.4. Monitoring Console Access Rights .................................................................12

4. Uninstalling the Product..........................................................................................................12

5. Contacting NetWrix Support ..................................................................................................12

6. Additional Software Links ......................................................................................................13

7. About NetWrix Products .........................................................................................................14

8. Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................14

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1. Introduction

1.1. What is NetWrix USB Blocker?

NetWrix USB Blocker is a budget-friendly, easy-to-deploy solution that allows you to block USB

devices automatically on computers in a specified domain or domain organizational units.

NetWrix USB Blocker enforces centralized access control to prevent unauthorized use of

removable media that connects to computer USB ports, such as memory sticks, removable hard

disks, PDAs1 and others

1. USB port access control is an important aspect of your endpoint

security, regardless of the effectiveness of your antivirus and firewall. The USB device

lockdown protects your network against malware and prevents the theft of sensitive corporate


The product relies on built-in group policy mechanisms and seamlessly integrates into your

existing environment. Another advantage is its simplicity, as it takes only a couple of mouse

clicks to configure the product and get the necessary USB ports blocked. In addition, the

software is free of charge for small networks (i. e., up to 50 computers). However the

commercial version has much more advanced functionality and an unlimited capacity in terms of

network size. It is available for a charge.


• Prevents unauthorized use of removable devices.

• Strengthens endpoint security.

• Enables regulatory compliance, such as SOX, HIPAA and GLBA.

• Saves you money in IT.


• Seamless integration with Active Directory.

• Simple point-and-click deployment and interface.

• Fully centralized management.

• USB ports status monitoring.

1.2. Product Architecture

Management server is the computer where NetWrix USB Blocker is installed. Thus this

computer is further used to configure NetWrix USB Blocker.

Managed computers are the computers where the NetWrix USB Blocker Agent is installed and

on which USB ports access is monitored and controlled with NetWrix USB Blocker.

The management server and the managed computers must belong to a single domain. NetWrix

USB Blocker should be first installed on the management server and then spread to the managed

computers via the standard group policy mechanism. This is done automatically by NetWrix USB

Blocker to all the specified managed computers. The management server then is used for

centralized USB access control.

1) Only available in commercial version.

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2. Licensing

NetWrix USB Blocker is available in two versions: freeware and commercial. The commercial

version has much more advanced functionality and includes full technical support. The following

table shows a feature comparison of these two available product versions.

Feature Freeware Version Commercial Version

Supported devices Storage devices only • Storage devices

• Other devices (Printers, PDAs, Imaging

devices, etc)

Granular access control Computer list to exclude • Computer list to exclude

• Limit the scope of blocking by OU

• Whitelist and blacklist of devices

• List of users explicitly allowed to access


User activity logging No Yes, with reporting capabilities2

Temporary device access No Yes, using an unlock code

Technical support Support forum Full range of options

Licensing Free of charge for up to 50

managed computers

Per managed computer, please see our

pricing information or request a quote

2) Features coming soon

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3. Getting Started

Follow the instructions below to install and configure the NetWrix USB Blocker.

3.1. System Requirements

System requirements differ for the management server and the managed computers.

3.1.1. Management Server

• CPU x86 or x64 processor (1 GHz or faster).

• RAM 512 MB or more.

• OS required operating systems and additional software are described in the table below

Operating System Additional Software

Windows XP • Windows Components:

° Internet Information Services (IIS)

• .Net Framework 3.5

• .Net Framework 1.1

• Group Policy Management Console (GPMC)

Windows 2003 Server SP2

Windows Vista

• Windows Components:

° Internet Information Services (IIS)

° ASP.Net3

• .Net Framework 3.5

• .Net Framework 1.1

• Group Policy Management Console (GPMC)

Windows 2008 Server • Windows Components:

° Internet Information services (IIS)

° ASP.Net

° Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT)

• .Net Framework 3.5

Windows Vista SP1 or higher • Windows Components:

° Internet Information services (IIS)

° ASP.Net

• .Net Framework 3.5

• Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT)

Window 7

Windows 2008 Server R2

• Windows Components:

° Internet Information services (IIS)

° ASP.Net

° .Net Framework 3.5 • Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT)

Note: Links for the additional system components are provided in the “6. Additional Software

Links” subsection. To install Windows components, please follow the instructions below:

Note: A computer used to access the Monitoring Console (see “3.3.4. Monitoring Console and

Administrative Portal”) via the web is required to have Silverlight installed.

3) For 64-bit systems ASP.NET is a part of .Net Framework thus it does not have to be installed separately.

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On Windows XP:

• Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows Components.

• Select Internet Informational Services (IIS) and click on Details... Make sure that

Common Files and Internet Information Services Snap-In are checked. Click OK and let

Windows install the components.

On Windows 2003 Server:

• Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows Components.

• Please select Application Server and click on Details...

• For 32-bit version only: make sure that ASP.NET is checked.

• Select Internet Informational Services (IIS) and click on Details... Make sure that

Common Files and Internet Information Services Manager are checked. Click OK and let

Windows install the components.

On Windows Vista / Windows 7:

• Go to Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows Features on or off.

• First check Internet Information Services so that the check box becomes solid green, then

expand the Internet Information Services > Web Management Tools tree node, and verify

that IIS6 Management Compatibility (and all of its insides), IIS Management Console

and IIS Management Service are checked.

• Expand the Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Security tree

node, and verify that Windows Authentication is checked.

• Click OK and let windows install the components.

On Windows 2008 Server / 2008 Server R2:

• Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Server Manager.

• In the Server Manager window, select Roles.

• Click Add Roles. The Add Roles wizard opens. Click Next to select roles to install and

select Web Server (IIS). Click Add Required Role Services. The Web Server is now

selected for install. The Select Server Roles dialog box opens. Click Next two times. Verify

that ASP.NET, Windows Authentication and IIS6 Compatibility are checked. Click Next

and then click Install.

IIS Note: USB Blocker requires at least one active IIS website to run. The default IIS setting

includes a pre-created website so that normally you do not have to change anything. Although if

you have deleted or disabled the IIS websites, it is necessary to get at least one of them up and


ASP Note: If your system is 64-bit and ASP is not configured yet please follow these steps:

1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.

2. Type the following command to disable the 32-bit mode:

cscript %SYSTEMDRIVE%\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET

W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 0

3. Type the following command to install the version of ASP.NET 2.0 and to install the script

maps at the IIS root and under:

%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i

4. Make sure that the status of ASP.NET version 2.0.50727 is set to Allowed in the Web service

extension list in Internet Information Services Manager.

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3.1.2. Managed Computers

• CPU x86 or x64 processor (1 GHz or faster).

• RAM 64 MB or more.

• OS Windows 2000 SP4 or later, joined to an Active Directory domain.

• .Net Framework 2.0

3.1.3. SQL Server

An SQL 2005 or 2008 server is required for Monitoring Console (see “3.3.3. Monitoring

Console and Administrative Portal”). You can use an existing SQL server or download MS SQL

Express. Download link for MS SQL 2005 Express can be found in “8. Additional Software


Note: MS SQL 2005 is free but it only supports databases not greater than 4Gb is size. However

it is sufficient for NetWrix USB Blocker.

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3.2. Installing the Product

NetWrix USB Blocker can be installed on any computer in the managed domain. Choose one of

the computers to be the management server.

Note: Before installing the commercial version please uninstall the freeware version.

Before starting the installation process, carefully review all of the system requirements. The

computer on which you install NetWrix USB Blocker must meet the management server

requirements (see “3.1.1. Management server”Error! Reference source not found.). Further,

any computers on the network that you want to audit must meet the managed computers

requirements (see “3.1.2. Managed computers”).

To install NetWrix USB Blocker, run “ubfree_setup.msi” using the freeware version, or

“ubfull_setup.msi” using the commercial version. The installation wizard guides you step-by-

step through the installation process.

Note: The account and password specified on the Computer Management page during NetWrix

USB Blocker setup must have local administrator rights on the managed computers.

When the installation process is complete, click Finish to close the wizard. You may leave the

Start NetWrix USB Blocker check box selected if you want to run the application automatically

when you exit the setup program.

3.3. Configuring the Product

3.3.1. Starting NetWrix USB Blocker and Configuration Window Layout

° For the free version please go to: Start > All Programs > NetWrix Freeware > USB Blocker

> USB Blocker.

° For the commercial version please go to: Start > All Programs > NetWrix > USB Blocker >

USB Blocker

After doing so you will be presented with the programs main window (see Figure 1).

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Figure 1: NetWrix USB Blocker configuration window

See NetWrix USB Blocker Quick Start setup instructions on the next page.

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3.3.2. Configuring the Product

1. Enable blocking by selecting the Block USB devices check box.

2. In the field Active Directory domain, specify the name of the managed domain (e.g.

ACME, or

3. Select the All domain computers option.

4. For testing purposes, leave the default values for the rest of the options. For details, please

refer to the “NetWrix USB Blocker Administrator Guide”.

5. Click OK. NetWrix USB Blocker creates a Group Policy Object that will install NetWrix USB

Device Management Agent on managed computers. At this point, the configuration is saved,

and the USB ports of managed computers will be blocked immediately after your restart the

managed computers.

3.3.3. Monitoring Console and Administrative Portal

You can also use the NetWrix USB Blocker Monitoring Console (requires a running SQL

2005 or 2008 server, for a download link please see “6. Additional Software Links”) to monitor

the status of agents installed on managed computers and the USB ports’ blocking status.

Note: Any Internet browser with Silverlight (download link can be found in “6. Additional

Software Links”) support is required to access the Monitoring Console via the web.

When you run the Monitoring Console for the first time, the Monitoring Console

Administrative Portal window will open in your default Internet browser.

Figure 2: Monitoring Console

Administrative Portal window

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Type the names of the SQL server and database in the corresponding fields. You may use

Integrated authentication or you may unmark this checkbox and enter your MS SQL

administrator credentials.

The NetWrix USB Blocker Monitoring Console window opens (see Figure 3).

• The left panel shows a list of the managed computers, as follows:

° The name of the computer.

° Status of the USB Device Management Agent.

° Whether there are blocked USB devices on the computer or not.

• The right panel includes details about the selected computer:

° The top section shows details about the USB devices attached to the selected

computer, including the device name, type, the user who plugged the device in, state

of access to the device, and the reason for granting or blocking.

° The bottom section shows details about users logged on to the selected computer, the

name and the type of logging.

° If the computers are marked with red icons on the first run, it is most likely that the

USB Device Management Agent is not yet installed on the managed computers

(usually it means that the managed computers have not yet been restarted) or no users

are logged in. To fix this please restart the managed computers.

Figure 3: NetWrix USB Blocker Monitoring Console window

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Restart the managed computers if it has not been done. The new Group Policy Object will be

applied to the managed computers and the NetWrix USB Device Management Agent will be

installed. The USB devices on your managed computers will then be blocked according to the

configuration settings you specified.

3.3.4. Monitoring Console Access Rights

In correspondence with IIS designation, there are two groups of users who have privileged


1. NetWrix USB Blocker Admins – allowed accessing all the parts of the site. It means that

they can access USB Blocker Monitoring Console Administrative Portal and

create/configure USB Blocker SQL database.

2. NetWrix USB Blocker Operators – only allowed accessing USB Blocker Monitoring

Console to watch managed computers statuses.

These groups exist as local if the management server is not DC and as domain in the other case.

By default the person installed the product belongs to the NetWrix USB Blocker Admins group.

4. Uninstalling the Product

You can uninstall the NetWrix USB Blocker using the MS Windows “Add/Remove Programs”


Note: Product uninstall will cause the corresponding Group Policy Object to be deleted. Thus

rebooting the managed computers will restore uncontrolled access to their USB ports. Beware,

sometimes software installation policy application may be delayed until the next logon because

of the enabled logon optimization for group policy, in this case it will take two reboots.

5. Contacting NetWrix Support

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the NetWrix support team.

NetWrix provides unlimited phone and email support for customers who purchase the

commercial version (including evaluation). In addition, limited support is provided at no charge

to customers who use the freeware version through the NetWrix Support Forum.

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6. Additional Software Links

.Net Framework 3.5 is available at

.Net Framework 2.0 is available at or for 64-bit systems at

.Net Framework 1.1 is available at

Microsoft Silverlight is available at

Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) is available at

Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) is available for 32-bit systems at, or for 64-bit systems at

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is available at

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7. About NetWrix Products

Solutions developed by NetWrix Corporation help organizations to meet compliance standards,

simplify identity management, and reduce IT infrastructure costs. The product line includes

solutions for change management, identity management, virtualization, and Active Directory


NetWrix Active Directory Change Reporter reports the changes made to Active Directory and

Group Policy and delivers detailed information on a daily basis. The report includes the 4 “W”s -

Who, What, When, and Where - of all changes and includes “before” and “after” values for each

and every setting. This report lists changes made to AD and Exchange configurations, Group

Policy objects and setting modifications, and many more.

NetWrix Password Manager product gives end users the ability to securely manage their

passwords and resolve account lockout incidents in a self-service fashion without involvement of

help desk personnel.

NetWrix Account Lockout Examiner detects, diagnoses, and resolves account lockouts in real

time to reduce administrative costs associated with manual resolution of account lockouts.

Privileged Account Manager provides a secure facility for provisioning, accessing, automatic

updating, and de-provisioning of shared administrative accounts, to enable centralized control

and auditing of all shared accounts in organizations, from Active Directory and servers to routers

and database systems.

For more information, please visit or call our toll-free number: +1-888-638-


8. Disclaimer

The information in this publication is furnished for information use only, does not constitute a

commitment from NetWrix Corporation of any features or functions discussed and is subject to

change without notice. NetWrix Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors

or inaccuracies that may appear in this publication.

NetWrix is a registered trademark of NetWrix Corporation. The NetWrix logo and all other

NetWrix product or service names and slogans are registered trademarks or trademarks of

NetWrix Corporation. Active Directory is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other

trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.

© 2010 NetWrix Corporation. All rights reserved.